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Game Show Sex



The door to the elegant home opened and a well-dressed, middle-aged couple entered.

“Oh, Bob,” the woman said, “that was a wonderful dinner, and the bracelet you gave me for our anniversary is beautiful. Thank you so much.” She turned and gave him deep kiss.

Bob wrapped her in his arms and smiled. “You’re certainly welcome Edna.” He put his hand on his wife’s shapely ass. “Why don’t we go upstairs and celebrate?”

“But I haven’t given you your present yet.” She pushed away from her husband. “Now you go into the den and turn on the TV. I’ll get us some champagne.”

Bob did as he was bid. He went into the den, loosened the tie of his tux’ and hit the power switch on the TV remote. The set hummed and the picture on the screen began to swim into focus. Bob looked at the picture in confusion. That looked like – it couldn’t be – but it was. It was a cock sliding back and forth in a pussy. The camera pulled back until Bob could see a young couple going at it on a bed. The handsome, athletic young man looked up into the camera, smiling brightly he said, “You’re watching the Porn-Channel. All porn, all the time.”

Edna came into the den. She was carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses. “How do you like your present?” she asked sweetly.

Bob laughed loudly, “This is great, honey. You’ve subscribed to the Porn-Channel.”

Edna smiled as she poured the champagne. “I thought you’d like it. What’s on?”

Bob picked up his glass. “I don’t know, but I think there’s a program starting now.”


Several chords of an upbeat tune played, and then an announcer’s resonant voice called out, “It’s time for America’s favorite game show – ‘Fucking for Dollars’!” The music swelled. “And now here’s your host – Dick Sinep!”

A good-looking young man in a suit walked on the stage. He bowed and waved to a cheering studio audience. “Hi there,” he said. “I’m Dick Sinep, and this is ‘Fucking for Dollars’! The show where couples contest for thousands of dollars by showing us how well they can do the nasty.” Dick turned to look into a different camera. “Yes, we take applications from daring viewers from all over America. They tell us their likes and dislikes, their wants and their wishes, and then we bring them together on our show. We have two sexy couples per show and they are each rated by our panel of horny experts.”

The picture switched to show a row of naked people sitting in the front row of the studio audience. They all looked as if they were wired up for a medical experiment. Dick continued, “Each of our panelists is wired to give us their bodies’ response to what they see on our show. It’s pretty simple. The couple who creates the most arousal in our panel wins our prize – one hundred thousand dollars each.” Dick leered into the camera. “And the losers? Well, they get laid, don’t they? How bad can it be?” The audience laughed in appreciation of his joke. “OK,” Dick said. “Let’s see who’s on our show today.”

The announcer’s voice came back. “Our first contestant is a painting contractor from Fresno. He confesses that he’s a breast man, the bigger the better. Let’s welcome John to our show.” A tall, slightly overweight man in his thirties strode onto the stage. He had bushy black hair and a mustache.

Dick shook hands with the man and said, “Hello John, welcome to the show.”


“Now as a painting contractor, I bet that you spend a lot of time going over samples with the ladies. Does that ever lead to anything?” Dick asked.

John laughed. “I’ll tell you Dick. Sometimes we spend hours in the bedroom to find just the right hue.”

Dick slapped him on the arm. “I just bet you do, big guy. Now let’s see who your partner is going to be.”

The announcer’s voice arose once more. “John’s partner is a woman from Springfield. She’s a specialist in applying acrylic nails for the ladies and writes us that she is recently divorced and that her former husband was a short fellow who had the tiniest dick she’d ever seen. She’d like to try something and someone bigger. How about a big greeting for Diane.”

A woman in her late twenties bounced onto the stage. She had short sun-streaked brown hair and was wearing shorts and a halter-top. Diane had a pleasant, smiling face and she was a bit on the stout side with shapely but muscular legs. That was hardly the first thing anyone would notice about Diane, however. Her bright red halter barely contained her enormous breasts. What seemed to be about an acre of cleavage jiggled and rolled above the dDolletage of her halter as she trotted across the stage.

Dick welcomed Diane and introduced her to John and the audience. Showing her hand to the camera, Dick said, “Just look at these lovely nails. They must be an inch long and each one has it’s own design. You better watch out for these babies John, I bet they can really tear up a guy’s back.” John laughed, but his eyes were locked on Diane’s tits, not her nails.

“And Diane, I see that you’ve noticed the effect you’ve had on John,” said Dick. It was clear that she had her eyes locked on the sizable bulge in John’s pants.

“All right,” said Dick, rubbing his hands together. “If you two are ready – and apparently you are – it’s time to play – ‘Fucking for Dollars’!” He led the couple to a door, and as opened it Dick said, “Now don’t forget our rules. We need some foreplay, the sex act and orgasms. Diane, for you that can be real or faked, after all it’s a woman’s prerogative. But for you big guy,” Dick put his arm around John’s broad shoulders, ” we need the visible cum shot. We don’t call this the Porn-Channel for nothing.”

“I understand,” said John, smiling gamely.

As John and Diane entered the room, the announcer’s voice said, “John and Diane will be using our simulated bedroom. A dozen unobtrusive cameras will give our panelists and audience a perfect view of the action.”

Diane took the lead and John’s hand as she drew him to the edge of the king-sized bed. They sat, and Diane immediately ran her hand along the long lump in his pants. “Damn, you’ve got a big dick,” she said with a grin. “My former husband was like this when he was rock hard.” She demonstrated by holding her thumb and forefinger a couple of inches apart.

“He was a lucky man to have these to play with,” said John as he caressed one of Diane’s giant tits. He reverently kissed the top of one of her pillow-sized breasts, and then gave her a solid smack on the lips. Diane returned the kiss, and for several minutes they frenched deeply and felt up one another. The cameras showed thrashing tongues and hands that kneaded and massaged their aroused bodies.

John broke off their kisses and said, “Let’s get naked, baby.”

The couple parted long enough to rip off their clothes and then they met in the center of the bed. Diane’s hands went right to John’s oversized cock. “I have just got to get this in my pussy.”

“OK,” panted John. Obviously Diane’s hands, as they flashed up and down his erection, were getting to him. “Let me fuck you and then I want to cum between your tits.” Diane nodded in agreement. “Do you want me to lick your pussy or play with your clit?”

“No,” moaned Diane. “No more foreplay, I don’t think I can get any hotter or wetter.” With that, she fell back on the bed, spreading her legs. Her immense breasts rolled to either side of her chest, covering her upper arms. John walked on his knees between Diane’s spread legs and bent his cock down to her pussy lips. He worked his cock-head around and up and down until it was lubricated and nestled between the lips of Diane’s leaking cunt, then he shoved several inches of ridged cock inside.

“Oh yeah,” groaned Diane. John shoved in even more cock and then he began to pump his hips in a slow and easy motion. He licked his thumb and pressed it to her clit. He began to make little circles with his thumb as Diane’s hips rocked back and forth. She gathered up her breasts in her arms and alternated between tweaking her nipples between thumb and forefinger and then sucking on first one and then the other.

John steadily accelerated his strokes until Diane’s whole body was shaking. Her breasts quivered and rolled like they had a life of their own. “That’s it,” she cried out. “Oh fuck yeah, pound me with that big cock.” She covered her stunned face with her hands and then ran them through her hair. “Oh shit, I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” she shrieked as her back arched and her ass thrashed around on the bed.

John heaved his cock out of Diane’s still shuddering pussy. He grabbed the tip as if afraid that it would erupt prematurely. He staggered forward and then gathered up Diane’s tits around his rigid manhood. John smiled in bliss. His dick wasn’t touching her chest. There was nothing but hot, soft tit-flesh surrounding his plunging cock. After a dozen strokes, John hissed and thrust his hips forward as he pulled Diane’s breasts back. His cock- head emerged from between her enormous pillows and then he was spurting cum all over her neck and chin. The camera stayed on them long enough to see John roll to the side in exhaustion and to watch as Diane polished her breasts with his ejaculation.

Dick Sinep clapped his hands in appreciation. “OK, very nice John and Diane. Now, let’s see what kind of rating you got from our panel of judges.” A graphic appeared next to Dick. It looked like a limp dick that slowly expanded as a number in the center of the penis began to count upwards. The penis stopped growing when the number hit seventy-two. “Not bad, our panelists gave John and Diane a rating of seventy-two. We’ll see how that stands up to our next two contestants. And we’ll meet them after this commercial.”

A nice looking woman, in business wear, appeared on the screen. She smiled warmly and said, “Hi, I’m Honey Goodbody. You know, ladies, it’s hard enough to find the man who is just right for you. Sometimes you think you’ve found the whole package.” She walked a few steps to the side of a tall, good-looking man dressed in casual clothes. She gestured at the man and said, “He’s got brains.” Suddenly the man was wearing a cap and gown. “He’s successful.” The man was shown in a coat and tie, sitting behind a desk. “He has a great personality.” The man was now looked as if he was at a party, drink in hand, laughing and gesturing. “He even loves you desperately.” Now the man was shown on his knees, hands upraised, beseeching her to marry him. “So you take him to your bed.” Honey and the man appeared together in bed, covered by a sheet. “He’s a considerate lover, but there’s just one little problem.” She whipped back the sheet to reveal the man’s erection, all three inches of it. “Now you don’t want to kick loose a guy like this, but is there anything you can do about his lack of size? Of course there is.” She turned to the side and picked up a foil package. “You can use the new and amazing Extend- O-Condom. You just put it on his cock like any other condom.” She tore open the foil and rolled the thick looking prophylactic over the man’s tiny erection. “And then you assume the position.” She threw a leg over his groin and using the tips of her fingers she positioned his cock in her shaved pussy. “And then ladies, something wonderful happens. The heat from your bodies activates the patented foam inside the Extend-O-Condom…” she ground her pussy against his groin as a big smile filled her face, “…and almost instantly you’ve got all the hard dick that you want.” She lifted her body showing widely extended pussy lips, and what seemed to be an endless amount of cock flowed out as she swayed off his body. She grabbed the huge member with both hands and began to stroke it. “Mmmm…it’s warm and has that flesh covering an iron bar feeling just like you like it.” She lifted her ass and eased her pussy back into place. As she began to plunge her pussy up and down and around on the stiff condom she said, “And the best part ladies is that he’ll stay hard until you’re finished, so if you want him to have a bigger and better cock, then go out and by a twelve pack of Extend-O-Condoms today.”

As Honey’s blissful face filled the picture, an announcer’s pre-recorded voice said rapidly, “Extend-O- Condom, ask your doctor before using, may cause hysteria and endless orgasms in some women. Available at most pharmacies, just ask for the condom with a hard-on, Extend-O-Condom.”

Dick Sinep appeared once more. “We’re back and ready for our next two contestants on ‘Fucking for Dollars’! Who do we have next?”

“OK Dick,” said the announcer’s disembodied voice. “Our next contestant is from northern California. He’s a stockbroker and tells us that his fantasies still involve the young ladies he went to high school with. How about giving a warm ‘Fucking for Dollars’ welcome to Jack Smith!” Jack was a tall, handsome man, who looked to be in his forties. He walked confidently across the stage and took Dick’s hand.

As they shook hands Dick said, “You have a thing for the young babes, right Jack?”

“Just fantasies of course, Dick. But I have to admit that’s what turns me on.”

Dick smiled. “Of course we can’t have underage women on our show, but let’s see what kind of partner we’ve got for you.”

The announcer’s voice came up again. “Jack’s partner is a young woman from Nevada. Please welcome Brigit.” Brigit may not have been a schoolgirl but she certainly looked the part. She was a bit over five feet tall, with shoulder length blonde hair that was tied into pigtails. She was wearing a long-sleeved, starched, white shirt over a full plaid skirt that ended just above her knees. Over-the-calf white socks, and black patent leather shoes completed her outfit. As she walked across the stage, Brigit showed brilliant white teeth and a winning smile.

“Well, aren’t you lovely,” said Dick as he took her hand and twirled Brigit around once to show her off. “You’re not really in high school are you?”

Brigit laughed. “No Dick, I’m twenty years old and I’m studying to be an actress here in Los Angeles.”

“Lord knows that Hollywood can use all the twenty year old teenagers they can get. But until you’re discovered, Brigit, I know that an aspiring actresses can use a little cash, so let’s get on with it and play our next round of ‘Fucking for Dollars’!” He took the couple to the door of the room where they would put on their show. “Both of you are familiar with our rules?” Jack and Brigit nodded. “Good, now behind this door we’ve put a couple of props for you to use. I’m sure that your fertile imaginations will take it from there.”

Inside the camera-covered room, Jack and Brigit found a plastic and metal school-desk along with a large, traditional, wooden teacher’s desk. Brigit immediately took the student’s desk. She sat up straight, swished her pigtails over her shoulders, thrust out her breasts and crossed her legs, revealing her legs to mid-thigh. Jack sat in the chair behind the teacher’s desk. He propped his elbow on the desk and looked at Brigit. Several seconds passed before he took the initiative, and said, “So Brigit, here we are after school. What can I do for you?”

Brigit took her cue. “I know you’re the basketball coach and not my regular advisor Mr. Smith, but I need some help.”

Jack nodded, “That’s what I’m here for. Are you having trouble with schoolwork?”

“No, sir.” Brigit shyly twirled the end of one pigtail around her finger. “It’s…uh…more of a social thing…a boy thing.”

“Well, I think I qualify as a boy, or at least as an older one. What do you need to know?”

“The boys say that I kiss funny. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.”

“Kissing?” said Jack, looking surprised. “I’m not sure that’s something we should talk about.”

Brigit stood and walked around the large desk. “Oh please, Mr. Smith. My girlfriends would laugh at me if I asked them for help, and I can’t go to my parents.”

Jack eyed the innocently sexy young woman, who was standing so close he thought that he could feel the heat off of her flawless skin. He scooted his chair away from the desk and said, “Well, maybe just one little peck, just to see what you’re doing wrong.”

Brigit hopped onto Jack’s lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pursed her lips and gave him a quick little kiss. Jack said, “There’s nothing wrong with that. Why don’t the boys like it?”

“Because they like to kiss like this,” replied Brigit. This time she smashed her mouth against his, forced his lips apart, and then she practically stuck her tongue down his throat.

“Oh baby,” said Jack, when he could breathe again, “that’s the way to kiss.” He slid his arms around her tiny waist and pulled her closer. They kissed passionately as their hands roamed all over each other’s bodies. Jack cupped and played with her breasts through her shirt, while Brigit squirmed her ass around on his crotch. Jack felt his cock balloon into a painful hardness. “How about some sixty-nine action?” Jack whispered in her ear. When she moaned her agreement, Jack stood up with one arm under her bare legs and the other arm around her torso, his hand firmly covering one breast. He sat on the desk and lay down on his back, while Brigit straddled his waist. She unzipped his pants and pulled his erection into the open.

“Come here, baby,” said Jack as he grabbed Brigit’s thighs and pulled her pussy down to his eager mouth. He flipped her skirt over her back and pulled aside the sheer, almost nonexistent crotch-band of her panties. As her mouth slipped over his cock-head, Jack spread her pussy lips and buried his tongue into her wet cunt.

Brigit looked like a little schoolgirl doll bouncing around on top of his much larger frame. Her head bobbed up and down on Jack’s throbbing cock as her pussy twisted and rubbed on his lips and tongue. After a few minutes of furious oral sex, Brigit pushed herself up. Her hands flew to her tits and her face screwed up. “Oh yes…oh yeah…oh fuck…I’m going to cum…” she chanted in a high, breathless voice as she absolutely pounded her burning pussy on Jack’s face. Her orgasm went on and on as Jack struggled to keep his mouth in contact with her gushing, clenching pussy. Finally, her orgasm eased, and Brigit gave Jack relief from her creaming pussy as she stretched back across his body, her face inches from his twitching cock. She wrapped her hand around his hard flesh that was still slick from her saliva and his pre- cum.

Brigit jacked her hand furiously on his cock as Jack quietly caressed her satin smooth thighs and ass. In less than a minute though, he was grunting, “Here it comes, baby…here it is.” Suddenly, his hips bucked and spurts of cum erupted from the tip of his engorged cock and landed on Brigit’s hand. She smiled brightly as she milked the globs of cum from his erection until it began to soften and fade.

Dick Sinep led the audience in applause. “That was very nice Jack and Brigit.” He grabbed his crotch and leered at the camera, “They even gave me a boner.” Dick waited a second for the audience to chuckle at his little joke and then said, “But it doesn’t matter what I think, it’s the panel of judges that matter, so let’s see how they reacted.”

The camera switched to the first row of the audience and the set of wired up nude bodies. Apparently, a couple of the men on the panel had given their full approval; there were flecks of cum on their hands and legs. The graphic of the limp cock appeared above the judges’ heads and began to become erect as the counter in the center of the penis climbed upwards. The counter surged past the seventy-two that John and Diane had scored and finally stopped at a nearly fully erect ninety-five.

“All right then,” said Dick. “A ninety-five is one of the highest scores that we’ve ever had here on ‘Fucking for Dollars’! Jack and Brigit are our winners and we’ll talk to them right after this commercial break.”

The commercial for Extend-O-Condom played once more and then “Fucking for Dollars” came back on. Dick was standing between Brigit and Jack. The couple was looking a bit disheveled, but happy. “And we’re back here on Fucking for Dollars with our winners Brigit and Jack. Congratulations, you two, on your win.” He gave a little bow to them both and they murmured their thanks. “You’ll be receiving our checks for one hundred thousand dollars apiece, however I have a little surprise for you. How would you like to double your money?” Jack and Brigit looked at one another thoughtfully. “You see,” continued Dick, “they are about to tape another Porn-Channel show on the sound stage next door. It’s called ‘Ambush Sex’ where they catch all sorts of couples in sexy situations. The producers of that show would like to have you two over for an interview. What do you say? It’s worth another hundred grand.”

Jack and Brigit looked at each other. At first they shrugged and then nodded and then smiled. Jack said, “We’ll be glad to do it.”

“That’s wonderful,” said Dick. He gazed into the camera. “Now folks, I believe the ‘Ambush Sex’ episode featuring Jack and Brigit will be shown right after our show, so you stay tuned right here to the Porn-Channel for that, and we’ll see you again here next week. So don’t forget, don’t fuck around with strangers unless it’s here on ‘Fucking for Dollars’!”


Bob lifted his arm from around Edna’s shoulders. That Brigit was one sexy babe. He had a hard-on that wouldn’t quit. Edna had watched the whole show in rapt attention, she hadn’t moved or said a word during the whole thing. Obviously, she had enjoyed it too. Bob kissed his wife on the cheek and said, “This Porn-Channel is wonderful, dear. Why don’t we go to bed and release all this sexual tension?” He emphasized the question by rubbing his stiff cock through his pants.

Edna smiled sweetly at her husband, “Oh honey, but let’s see what happens to that nice couple first.”

Bob continued to stroke his cock. “I don’t know if I can last that long.”

Edna lightly slapped at his hand. “Well, stop that.” She leered at her husband, “It’s my job, anyway. Don’t worry, I’ll make it worth your while to wait.”

Bob wrapped his arm back around his wife and cupped her breast in his hand. He kissed his wife’s earlobe and whispered, “I’m going to hold you to that.”


The last of the between show commercials ended, and a jaunty tune began to play. A parked car appeared on the screen. The camera began to close in on the car until it poked into the interior. A man and woman were in the car. She was astride his crotch; her exposed breasts flopped around as she bounced up and down for all she was worth on his cock. The shocked expression on their faces, when they noticed the camera, was priceless. A number of other scenes like that played in rapid succession. Most of the captured couples looked surprised, some looked angry, and some just laughed. Finally there was a home video of a school dance. Amongst a group of couples on the dance floor, there was a boy and girl holding each other close. They were really cute because she was a full head taller than he was. Their eyes were closed and his head was lying on her shoulder as her chin rested on top of his head. The camera zoomed back as the couple slowly turned to reveal that her very short skirt was bunched around her hips, and that the boy had dipped his hand into her panties, and was obviously finger fucking her there on the crowded dance floor. The jaunty little tune played itself out with the warning that if you have sex, anywhere, anytime and of course when you least expect it, you may be the next one to be ambushed on camera.

The scene changed to a shot of a stage that contained a semicircle of chairs backed by curtains. The curtains parted and a smart looking young couple stepped out. The studio audience erupted into applause as the couple took little bows and waved. As the noise died the man said, “Welcome to ‘Ambush Sex’. The show where we love to catch people in the act of doing the dirty deed, especially with someone they shouldn’t be with. My name is Maxwell N. Dowd, and this is my lovely partner Puss E. Galore.”

Puss beamed at her partner, “Thank you Max. We have a full show today. We have a couple who recently appeared on one of our other Porn-Channel shows, ‘Fucking for Dollars!'”

“Oh really,” said Max. “I’d say that those two have already been ambushed far beyond anything we could do to them.”

Puss wagged her finger at Max. “Oh you’d be surprised at what we have in store for those two. But first, I think that you have a letter?”

“Yes, I do,” said Max as he pulled a paper from his suit jacket. “I have a letter here from Sam of Taint, South Carolina.”

“Taint? There’s actually a place called Taint?”

“Yes, it says in his letter that it tain’t near nothin’ anyone’s ever heard of, so that’s what they call it.”

Puss looked serious. “Do you think he’s pulling our leg?”

“Oh, I’m sure he’s being very forthright,” said Max as he broadly shook his head at the audience. “Anyway, in his letter he tells us that he married his high school sweetheart, Tess. Things were OK for a while, but he has a suspicion that Tess is cheating on him. He works the early shift at a manufacturing plant and she is the evening hostess at a restaurant. So she’s going to work just as he’s getting home, and he’s asleep when she returns. Sam says that his wife seems to be very distant, even accounting for the difference in their schedules”

“Well I declare, it sounds like good ol’ Sam ain’t gettin’ ’nuff nookie,” said Puss, in a mock Southern accent.