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A bitchy wife gets taught a lesson



Jerry could see his wife’s cheeks turning red with anger. ‘Oh no,’ he thought. ‘Here we go again. And in a crowded restaurant, too.’

“This, this, this is why no one should of voted for Bush.” Kim’s voice grew louder with each word until half the restaurant was turning to stare at her. “That dumb bastard gets to name a supreme court justice.”

“Shush, honey,” I whispered.

“Don’t shush me, Jerry.”

“Kim’s right,” interrupted Melissa. “Say bye-bye to a woman’s right to choose.”

“We should organize a march,” yelled Kim, practically rising up out of her seat.

Jerry slid back in his chair. He found his wife very trying at times.

They were high school sweethearts and had only dated each other. Kim was a spoiled rich girl who had looked for causes to make her life meaningful. She hadn’t become overly radical until she went to college. There she fell in with an activist crowd. He mostly agreed with her views, but didn’t think one should get too excited about it or make a scene, especially in a children’s restaurant. There were three couples at the table.

Kim and Jerry Anderson were both twenty-five. He worked in a large accounting firm. He had his own office and made good money at least enough that Kim didn’t work yet. She’d come out of college with a liberal arts degree that got her nowhere. They were trying to have a baby and if she got pregnant soon, she’d probably become a stay at home mother. Jerry was a typical accountant, skinny, mousy, and nerdy. He was a 98 pound weakling in high school and now seven years later he was a 112 pound weakling Kim was a pleasant surprise in the looks department. Kim and Jerry were evenly matched in high school, two nerds who found each other.

However, after school, contacts had replaced Kim’s thick rimmed glasses and her braces came off, revealing a dazzling white smile. Kim had nearly shaved her head in college, but let her raven black hair grow long afterwards. She’d also gained the freshman fifteen which had filled out her skinny body, swelling her breasts and putting a sexy curve to her hips. She was so hot now, she rivaled her friend Melissa. Melissa and Mike were the opposites of Kim and Jerry in high school. Melissa was the buxom blonde, green eyed cheerleader that all male students loved. Mike was the quarterback that always ended up with girls like Melissa. They were also in their mid twenties.

The last couple was Evie and Eddie. Eddie was older, chubby, and balding. He was a successful businessman and local Republican chairman. Evie was Kim and Melissa’s age, but had married her older husband because she admired his values. They were both active in church and the reason the group was at a children’s restaurant. Their two kids ages, 5 and 4, were playing in the plastic ball pool. Evie could have been the hottest woman of the group, but kept her hair up and dressed to cover her body. Everyone knew the incredible figure she covered up because the three couples worked out together (Jerry and Eddie not often). That was how they met and became friends.

Both Kim and Melissa were trying to get pregnant and looked to Evie as a role model. “How about you, Evie?” asked Kim loudly. “Ready to march on Washington?”

“Oh no,” said Evie calmly. She was used to Kim’s diatribes especially when Kim had been drinking. “I’m not marching against my president.”

“You’re not pro life are you?” asked Melissa.

“Of course I am. I’m a Christian.”

Kim appeared like she was about to pull out her own hair. “A woman has the right to do with her body whatever she chooses.” “But we don’t, Kimberly. If that were true, prostitution, drugs, and suicide would be legal.”

Jerry watched his beautiful wife’s cheeks get even redder. Kim wasn’t the best debater. Her debate tactic was to point, yell, and call people names.

“Fascist!” yelled Kim, pointing her finger at Evie. “If I didn’t believe in gun control, I’d shoot that idiot Bush myself.”

“Here we go again,” groaned Mike as the manager headed their way. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” said the manager.

“I got this one,” said Eddie pulling out a credit card. Evie stood. She was as calm as ever, but looked smug a having beaten Kim once again.

“I’ll gather up the children. We’ve got to cash in their tickets.”

“I’m serious,” said Melissa to Kim. “We should march.”

As the group left, they passed Evie with Eddie junior exchanging their tickets. Eddie Jr. pointed at what he wanted. “We’ll take the police badge and the handcuffs,” said Evie.

“Great! Start the little fascist off early,” said Kim passing her.

Jerry hustled his wife out the door when Evie spun around. Evie could take being insulted, but she was overprotective when it came to her children. Evie looked like she was ready to slap Kim. “Sorry,” he apologized for his wife.

Jerry led his drunk wife over to her car. It was easily spotted by the “Arms are for Hugging” and the Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker with the Lieberman of Gore/Lieberman sticking out from under it. “I guess I’m driving.”


Kim spun around in the mirror. She pinched her belly, thighs, and ass. “I’ll be damned,” she said. For the first time in her life, she was completely satisfied with everything she saw. “No one should look this good,” she said staring at the mirror. “Glad my sisters can’t see me.” Kim was a bit ashamed of her body and the skimpy bikini barely covering it. Her college sisters would have called her a traitor for wearing something this sexy and small.

It was her body though, and she should have the right to wear whatever she wanted. Hey, if men can go topless on the beach, women should be allowed to also, but Kim wouldn’t go that far. She only wore this particular bikini in her backyard. Kim planned on making herself a drink, working on her tan all day, and reading a book. There was something to be said for not working. She was on her way downstairs when the phone rang.

“Hello,” she answered picking it up.

“Kim, it’s Evie.”

“Evie! I’m so glad you called. I’m so sorry about the other night. I just drank too much and…”

“Shut up Kim. I know how you get when you drink. No hard feelings. You got bigger problems. Listen. A secret service agent just left my house. He was asking questions about you.”


“Yeah. It seems someone at the restaurant reported you as having threatened the President.”

“Oh shit!”

“Oh shit is right. This is serious Kim. You might be in big trouble. He’s on his way to talk to you right now. I just wanted to warn you first.” The doorbell rang.

“Shit! I think he’s here. Ah thanks for the warning, Evie.”

Kim hung up the phone and went to answer the door. She opened it a crack. “Yes?” she asked.

“Mrs. Anderson, I’m agent Johnson with the Treasury Department, secret service branch.” Agent Johnson flashed his badge and identification at her. The agent was a giant black man, bigger and more muscular then Melissa’s husband Mike. He was probably twice Kim’s age, had a short afro with gray temples, and very dark skin. He wore a dark suit and reflective sunglasses. “May I come in?”

“Of course, Mr. Johnson.”

“Agent Johnson, please.” Leroy stepped into the house as she opened the door. He was instantly thankful for the glasses when he saw Kim Anderson in the skimpy bikini. His eyes went huge at the site of her killer body. How he kept his face expressionless, he never knew. Kim was wearing a pure black bikini which stood out against her pale white skin. The top seemed stretched too thin by her D-cup bosom. Round, quarter sized nipples pushed through the material with the actual nipple a hard pointy eraser. The cups probably covered only 25% of her breasts. Bare tit flesh spilled out the sides, underneath, and above the bikini top. Her bottoms were strings too, riding high and tied on the sides of her hips. The patch covering her crotch was thin and flat indicating a shaved pussy. She turned slightly displaying a firm well-rounded bare ass with the bikini string slipping between her cheeks.

“What can I do for you, Agent Johnson?”

“We’ve had a complaint about you threatening the President of the United States. I’m here to see if the threat is real or not.” Leroy removed his shades and ran his eyes up and down Kim’s body.

Kim was immediately uncomfortable. Like many liberal minded people, she was completely condescending towards minorities. She supported equal treatment and affirmative action, but looked down on minorities as incapable of achievement without the aid of caring white people such as herself.

Her bigotry rarely cropped up except when she saw interracial couples. She hated the fact that it bothered her, but it always did. “Let me go change,” she said. Kim didn’t even wear this particular bikini in front of Jerry.

“I’m afraid I can’t allow that, Mrs. Anderson.”


“I’d prefer you remain as you are. It’s difficult to conceal a weapon dressed like that and I don’t know what kind of weapons you might be hiding upstairs. If I allowed you to change, I would need to watch you dress.”

“I’ll stay like this then.” There was no way Kim was going to allow a black man to see her nude.

“Look Agent Johnson, I don’t like Bush. I didn’t vote for him and he’s not my President. That being said, I’m not a terrorist.”

“That remains to be determined, Mrs. Anderson. If I deem that you are a serious threat to the safety of the president, I will arrest you and you could spend the next twenty years in prison. If I determine that it was not a serious threat, you could still go to prison for five years. Were you, Kim Anderson, at a local establishment called the Clowning Around Pizzeria and Arcade three nights ago?”

“I was.”

“And did you state- keeping in mind I’ve interviewed several witnesses- that, and I quote, “I’m going to buy a gun and shoot President Bush?”

“I did not. I said that if I didn’t believe that guns should be banned, I’d buy one and shoot Bush. It was a joke.”

“So you admit it. Threatening the President is no joke.” Johnson turned to the door and opened it wide.

“Are you leaving?”

“Negative Ma’am. I need to retrieve something from my car. You’re to stand in the doorway, put your hands on the back of your head, and don’t move.”

Kim complied while Johnson stepped outside. “Arch your back Mrs. Anderson.” Leroy thought her big breasts might make her bikini top burst and fly off when she arched her back.

He entered the beat up Buick and retrieved what he wanted. Kim was eyeing the Buick. “Lousy airport rental,” he complained. “You may enter your house, ma’am.”

“What’s that?” she asked pointing at the item he had retrieved.

“Keep your hands on your head. Now!”

Kim leapt to obey the huge black man. “This is a digital video camera. Since I’m operating without a partner, I’ll need to video tape our interview so that you can’t say I tried to force a confession or anything along those lines. It’s to protect you, too.”

“I understand,” Kim said through gritted teeth. She felt color rising to her cheeks. It wasn’t from embarrassment at standing half naked before a black man. It was her temper starting to flare up.

Leroy grabbed her elbow and led her into the living room. “It doesn’t look like there’s a bomb factory here.”

“Of course there isn’t, idiot. I’m a housewife not a terrorist.”

“Please remain calm, Mrs. Anderson.” Leroy set the camera up, aimed it at the couch, and hit record. “Now Kim Anderson, state exactly the terrorist threat you made against the President three days ago.”

“It was not a threat. It was a fucking joke. I said, that if I didn’t believe in gun control, I’d buy one and shoot Bush.”

“Sounds like a threat to me.” Leroy had never seen someone so white, turn so red before.

“I was upset he was naming a supreme court justice. I know my rights. I have freedom of speech in this country, you fascist jerk. I want my god damn lawyer.”

“That’s it. I’ve had all I can take. I’m placing you under arrest. You will be held at the maximum security prison in the state capitol until trial. Spin around and grab your ankles. You have the right to remain silent.”

“Fuck this,” growled Kim humiliated, grabbing her ankles forced her to spread her legs. Her skimpy bikini bottom was so tight, it hugged her labia. Agent Johnson was getting a good shot of her beaver. “We’re turning into a police state. No wonder the secret service has the initials SS. God damn, Gestapo!”

“Mrs. Anderson, please exercise your right to remain silent.”


“Shut the fuck up. Now!”

Kim felt herself quiver as she closed her mouth. Johnson could go from polite to dominating instantly. Curse her temper. “Ah, I’m sorry, sir.”

“That’s better, Mrs. Anderson. Behave and you might still keep out of prison. I’ll need to search your person.”

“I believe it’s quite obvious I’m not hiding anything.”

“You’d be surprised, Mrs. Anderson. There could be remote triggering devices sewn into your clothing.” He untied her bikini top.”

“I can’t believe this,” she groaned. Her bikini top fell to the floor. Johnson’s hands came around in an attempt to catch it. They missed and ended up cupping her breasts.

“Oh god.” Kim’s breasts were huge Dcups, but Johnson’s hands still nearly covered them completely. He was a very big man. “Is this necessary?”

“I’m afraid it is. Remember I’m taping this. You have a right to subpoena the tape if you think I act inappropriately.”

Johnson picked up her bikini top and kneeled beside her dangling breasts. He stared at her tits as he worked his finger around the material of her top. “Initial inspection of terrorist’s bikini top reveal no hidden devices,” he stated for the camera.

“Oh please, that’s enough,” groaned Kim, rejecting to being called a terrorist. She was about to ask for her top back when he tossed it across the room.

“My apologies, Mrs. Anderson. You are correct. We will now remove the SUSPECTED terrorist’s bikini bottoms.” Leroy untied the sides of her panties. He caught them before they could fall. His hand cupped Kim’s vagina until he pulled the bikini bottoms away. Johnson placed her panties over his mouth and face, inhaling deeply. “I detect no scent of any bomb making materials on subject’s bikini bottom. Also note, the panties are wet. The suspected terrorist appears aroused.”

“Fuck you.”

“Are you soliciting me for sex, Mrs. Anderson?”

“No sir. I was insulting you. I’d never let a bla… that is, I’m a married woman. I’m not a whore.”

The black man was right though, she was aroused. Her nipples were rock hard from where he had touched them. Her pussy was juicing up so fast, a drop was forming on her clit. Jerry had never gotten her close to being this aroused. Of course, Jerry was rather meek. He never was forceful with her or ordered her around like Agent Johnson. Nobody had ever treated her like Agent Johnson was.

Johnson retrieved his camera. Kim was still grabbing her ankles. He zoomed in on her dangling breasts. The angle she was in had her breast dangling in Kim’s face. He carried the camera behind her and filmed the inverted V her legs were forming and her breasts between her legs as well as her angry red face. He zoomed in on her pussy. “Agent Johnson?”

“Yes, Mrs. Anderson.”

“May I move please? My back is hurting.”

“You can grab the back of the couch. Keep your arms and legs spread wide and your head down.”

“That’s better,” she sighed when she moved. “I’m now resuming my search of the suspected terrorist, Kim Anderson.”

Leroy zoomed back in on her pussy. She was wet all right. “Subject’s obvious arousal makes it difficult to see into her vagina. I’ve determined that a physical search will be necessary.”

“Oh no,” moaned Kim.

“I’ll get this over as quickly as possible, Mrs. Anderson.” Leroy Sucked his index finger between his lips to wet it. He then placed his finger against Kim’s labia. She quivered when he touched her. Leroy could actually see her clit growing engorged. He held the camera up as he pushed his finger into her pussy.

“Ohmygawd! Animal? Get your dick away from me, pig.” Kim tried to lean forward to get away from his finger.

“Relax Mrs. Anderson. I have to do this.”

“I don’t understand.” Kim looked over her shoulder. Agent Johnson was kneeling behind her with one finger sticking out from a clenched fist. “I thought it was your penis.”

“Why would you think that?”

“It felt like it was my husband’s penis.”

“I can assure you, that my penis is much larger than this finger, Mrs. Anderson.”

Kim sucked her lower lip into her mouth as Johnson pushed his finger back inside. She tried to fight it, but an involuntary moan escaped her lips. It really did feel like a penis pushing inside her. Worse, he was pushing his finger in and out like he was fucking her. He was just lubricating it and his finger pushed deeper with each thrust. Kim pushed against the couch just as the finger was probing deeper into her.

Jesus! Did she just push back into his thrusts? She fought the urge to do it again, but her hips kept flexing in time to his finger thrusts. His finger was just like her husband’s penis. It couldn’t quite reach deep enough to satisfy an itch she got every time she had sex “Have located alleged terrorist’s gadget spot. I’ve detected no gadgets or hidden items. I’m now making circular motions around Mrs. Anderson’s G-spot to confirm.”

“Ohmygod!” Kim couldn’t believe the pleasure coming out of her pussy. This wasn’t right. Agent Johnson was merely making circular motions inside her with his finger and it felt better than sex with Jerry ever had.

Leroy lowered the camera between his legs, trying to point it at her pussy. “Note subjects clitoris has become engorged and is impeding progress.” Leroy used the index finger of his free hand to push Kim’s clit down. He gently massaged it. Kim with a scream pushed back into his finger. The waves of pleasure had her falling into the couch. Her pussy quivered as it soaked Agent Johnson’s hand.

“Subject has had a large orgasm. No materials other than fluids were disgorged from her vagina during orgasm. Mrs. Anderson’s crotch is clean.”

“Filthy fucking animal!!” screamed Kim. “How dare you. You fucking nig…”

SMACK! Leroy brought his hand down hard on Kim’s ass. “I’ve had enough of your attitude, Mrs. Anderson.” Leroy smacked her again. Her butt cheek turned red.

“You… you have no right!” Kim gasped. It was more humiliating then painful.

“But I do, Mrs. Anderson. The United States Patriot Act allows me to do what I deem necessary to subdue a belligerent.” Leroy spanked her other ass cheek twice. Kim had a nice round firm ass, but it quivered as he smacked it.

“No one has ever treated me like this before,” she gasped.

“Maybe they should have. Now, why did you call me those names?”


“Because what?”

“Don’t make me say it.” Kim gasped as he spanked her once more. “You made me orgasm.”


“It was my first.”


“Yes,” Kim sobbed guiltily.

“Your husband isn’t doing his job properly then. Did you like it?”

“Um, yes.”

“I can give you more, Mrs. Anderson. If you let me fuck you, I’ll promise you lots more. Bigger ones even.”

“But my husband?”

“Doesn’t need to know.” Leroy already had his jacket off and was unbuttoning his suit. “Do this and I’ll tell my supervisor that you’re just a loud mouthed housewife and not a terrorist.”

“Um, Ok.”

“Ok what?” asked Leroy for the benefit of the video camera.

“Y-you can fuck me.”

“You won’t be disappointed, Mrs. Anderson. This is what we in the government call a win-win situation. You stay out of jail and get the true fucking a slut like you needs and my black cock gets some relief.”

“Black cock?” Kim hung her head down as she leaned against the couch. Just under her large dangling breasts, she could see the black man stooping to step out of his underwear.

Johnson’s penis fell out of his underwear like a thick black log. Kim suddenly felt a tremble of fear. What had she gotten herself into? It must be the angle she was viewing it. No penis could be that big. The monster shaft appeared over a foot long. “Your cock is huge!”

“What of it? You ever had a big black cock before?”

“Oh no,” she said raising her head back up so that she couldn’t see him lining it up with her pussy. “Agent Johnson, you can’t cum in me. I’m trying to have a baby.”

Leroy’s filmed his thirteen inch cock lined up with her pussy. He zoomed in on her gash as he pressed the golf ball sized cockhead against it. He swore his cock swelled even bigger when she told him she was trying to get pregnant. The lie rolled easily off his lips.

“You have nothing to worry about, Mrs. Anderson. I’ve had a vasectomy. It’s a common procedure among agents. The family of the President is our family.” Leroy video taped his cockhead pushing into her pussy.

“Ugh! It’s so thick!” moaned Kim. She felt herself opening up for him. If the head had been any thicker, she didn’t think it would have fit. Her pussy opened up to the point it was nearly painful. Though it shamed Kim, she was thankful she was so wet. Kim was also thankful she couldn’t see him penetrating her. It probably would have frightened her too much.

“Aaahh.” Her sigh was long and drawn out as the entire head entered her. Her pussy clung to the head. She opened wider as his thick shaft found it’s way inside her. Kim hung her head down and looked between her breasts again. Her tits blocked her view of Johnson’s cock, but his nutsack was plainly in view. His scrotum was sized to go with his large cock. Each tactical was three times as big as Jerry’s entire ball sack. ‘Thank god he’s had a vasectomy’, she thought. Those things would be blasting a lot of sperm into her.

Leroy worked the head of his cock around a little, letting it slacken up before he pushed it in deeper. “This sure is a tight fit, Mrs. Anderson. If you weren’t married, I’d say you were a virgin.”

“Oh my!” she blurted out. At that moment she did feel like a virgin. “You can’t be real.”

“Feels good doesn’t it.”

“Yes, YES!” she shouted as her second orgasm hit. It was a small fast one that caught her off guard. The black man’s cock had just pushed deeper then Jerry had ever gone. The needy area that always felt unsatisfied during sex with her husband was now hugging a huge black cockhead. “Ohmygod!” His cockhead now pushed deeper still. The brief stab of pain when the tip hit her cervix was nothing compared to the immense pleasure emanating out from her pussy. “Can’t take… hmm yes… no more.”

“I think you can, Mrs. Anderson.” Leroy needed his hands free. He pulled back until only the head of his cock was wedged between her labia. Kim whimpered in displeasure. Leroy was able to stoop enough to set the video camera on the floor. He left it running and aimed up at their crotches.

“That’s it, put it back in,” begged Kim as Leroy stood back up. This time his hands were on her hips as he buried his cock again until just three or four inches remained. Leroy pushed hard until he felt the steel hard shaft might actually bend.

Finally, the cervix yielded to the pressure and opened for him. The thick head pushed into her womb. Kim suddenly lunged back into Leroy until his balls slapped her thighs. Her entire body shook as her cum squirted out around his shaft coating his pubic hair and soaking his balls. Kim recovered to a slow steady pounding in her pussy. “That’s it. Yes! Fuck me. Fuck me!”

Somehow her head had pushed into the couch cushion. Johnson’s powerful thrusts had pushed her forwards and over the end of the couch. She was now bent over the edge of the couch. Her feet were several inches off the ground, but her crotch was perfectly lined up with the black man’s massive cock. As the head pushed in and out of her womb, Kim was once again thankful for the vasectomy.

Agent Johnson’s thirteen inch black cock was the perfect breeding tool deigned to deliver sperm straight to the source. Kim was so far gone, even if he wasn’t fixed, she wouldn’t have stopped him from fucking her. Agent Johnson’s cock actually outlasted Kim. She had strong orgasm after strong orgasm until she felt tapped out. Still, the black man kept rapidly bucking his hips.

“Damn!” growled Leroy. “I must be slipping. I didn’t thoroughly investigate you for weapons.”

“Unh what do unh you mean? Unh! Unh!” Kim was astonished the secret service agent was still concerned she a threat.

“Didn’t check this hole.” Johnson pushed his thumb straight into her ass.

“Ow! Oh shit! I’m cumming!” Kim hadn’t been tapped out after all. Her sphincter squeezed tight around the back man’s thumb and her pussy went crazy. His thumb was so big, it felt like she had two cocks inside her. Kim felt like a huge slut when the thought didn’t disgust her. Johnson wiggled his finger while fucking her. His cock seemed bigger. The ridge around his cockhead had swelled and scraped her cervix each time he pushed it into her womb. His cock jerked and her womb flooded with sperm. “It’s so hot!” Kim cried, cumming again as wad after wad of hot sperm filled her womb, then flooded her pussy until it shot out around his cock.

More shot out when Johnson pumped his cock in and out a few more times to clear out any excess semen. Kim’s pussy felt empty when Agent Johnson finally pulled his cock out. She felt a hand on her chin and looked up. Johnson had walked around the couch. His cock was fat and swollen, but limp. He guided it towards her mouth. Kim parted her lips as she got her first good glimpse of the massive black cock that had just fucked her good.

Getting fucked from behind, she had been able to concentrate on the pleasure and forget it was a black man giving it to her. Kim took his wet cockhead into her mouth. A final jet of sperm landed on her tongue. His dark black cock was sticky and it glistened. It was still thick and at it’s full thirteen inch length, but it was no longer rock hard. He pushed more cock down her throat. There was no pretending he wasn’t a massively endowed, muscular black man with him standing in front of her. Kim pulled back despite Johnson’s attempt to push his cock even deeper.

“We ain’t done,” he growled.

“Just not comfortable,” she gasped for air.

Kim was still bent over the back of her couch. The indentations of the fabric were visible on her stomach when she stood. She walked around the couch and sat down on it before Johnson. He stepped forward and tapped his cockhead against her lips. She opened for him. Johnson grabbed her head in hands so strong they could have crushed her. He guided her to swallow him deeper.

Kim couldn’t close her eyes. She needed to stare at the powerful male forcing her to service his massive cock. Johnson’s shaft lost some of it’s limpness. Before Kim knew it, he was feeding her a steel hard rod again. Johnson pulled her head forward which helped angle his cock to penetrate her throat. The big black man rapidly bucked his hips fucking her mouth.

Their eyes were locked. Kim’s eyes were wide and pleading. Her expression implied that she hoped she was pleasing him. Johnson’s eyes were narrowed and his expression domineering. You are mine, read his eyes. Johnson gritted his teeth. His expression softened a bit. Kim noticed the rethymic fucking of her mouth was off. The whites of his eyes grew as his irises rose into his eye lids. “Argh,” he grunted thrusting his cock deep down her throat.

Johnson’s cock bucked wildly, threatening to choke her. Semen filled her belly. He withdrew his cock filling Kim’s recently vacated throat with semen. He kept the cockhead in her mouth. His semen filled her mouth faster then she could swallow. Cum dribbled down her lips. This was her first good taste of semen. Kim couldn’t get over how hot it was nor how much she loved it.

The cum was viscous and rich, not what she would expect from a man shooting blanks. Johnson rapidly ran his fist up and down his shaft which continued to cum as long as he jerked it. Eventually it ran dry and his limp cock plopped out of her mouth. Johnson stepped back with a sigh. “You suck cock like a pro, Mrs. Anderson.”

“Uh…thanks, I guess.”

Kim cupped some of the semen on her chin and raised it within reach of her tongue. “I’ll need to investigate upstairs before I leave, ma’am. I’ll follow you.”

Kim nodded and weakly climbed off the couch. A huge pool of semen had soaked the cushion where she had been sitting. The cushion was ruined. She’d need to flip it over before Jerry got home.

Johnson followed her. He reached out and retrieved the video camera from where it sat on a table facing her couch. Semen leaked out of her pussy every time she raised a leg to climb a step. She was surprised at the amount. Not that she was leaking so much, but so little. Johnson’s testicles pumped out large amounts of semen.

It occurred to Kim that most of it would be trapped in her womb after her cervix had closed again. She’d probably leak his semen for a week afterwards.

“Upstairs appears clean,” said Johnson sweeping the camera around. “Why don’t you get cleaned up,” he told her once they were in the master bedroom.”

“That would be nice.”

Kim entered her bath and took a quick shower. She wrapped a towel around her body after drying off. She smiled at herself in the mirror. It felt good to be clean. She left her bathroom and froze before her bed. Agent Johnson was lying on her bed spread eagled. “Drop the towel, woman.”

“What?” “You heard me. Drop it! Now!” Johnson grinned when she complied. “You shouldn’t cover that fine body up. Not never. Now come straddle me. I think I can do one more load.”

Kim climbed onto her bed and through her leg around Johnson’s crotch. He grabbed her hips and adjusted her so that his cock was wedged right between her legs. Her body reacted immediately. Kim’s nipples swelled and her pussy leaked fluid on his shaft. She ground her crotch into his, sliding her pussy along his shat. Johnson placed his huge hands on her breasts, gently teasing her nipples. Kim became aware of the immense contrast between her pale skin and his dark black skin. His cock quickly stiffened between her legs.

“Oh yes,” she moaned. “Put it in, baby.”

Kim slid her pussy up his rod until her labia parted around the tip. She pushed down and the head entered her. Kim lifted her crotch up and pushed down into Johnson’s monster cock. It felt incredible to be filled by him again, but she was concerned at how easily she had taken him. Her pussy was quickly adapting to this cock and might never go back to normal. The big cockhead pushed back into her womb as she took him completely inside her. Kim orgasmed again when Johnson made his cock jerk.

“Oh yes,” she sighed.

“Gotta make up for all those years your husband hasn’t been taking care of you, don’t we? Now Mrs. Anderson, I’m gonna give you a choice. You’ve convinced me you ain’t no terrorist. You’re off the hook and if you want, you can get off that back cock and I’ll be leavin.”

Kim laughed. “You will be lucky if I ever get off this big boy. A girl could get addicted to a cock like this. Orgasm after orgasm with no chance of getting pregnant. It’s a dream come true.”

“Then start living the dream. Work that ass, Mrs. Anderson.”

“Call me Kim.” The raven-haired beauty started bouncing in the black man’s lap. “What’s your name?”

“Agent Johnson,” said Leroy smacking her ass lightly. “Now work that white pussy. Squeeze my cock. Tell me what you’re thinking, Kim.”

“Ah… ah I’m thinking I love this big black cock. Ah… ah I love fucking you. Oh gawd, I’m cumming again.” Kim trembled as another powerful orgasm rocked her body. She continued to cum until she didn’t have the strength to fuck him any longer.

Johnson ended up holding her ass up while he slammed his cock up into her pussy repeatedly. Eventually, his cock swelled until the head wedged in her cervix.

“That’s it, fill my womb,” moaned Kim as a steady stream of fresh semen sprayed her womb. “So hot,” was the last thing she moaned as she fell on top his chest. Leroy’s cock softened, but didn’t shorten.

He had to roll over to pull it out. He stood and climbed off the bed, leaving Kim spread eagled on her back. He retrieved the video camera and noticed that there was less then a minute left to record. He zoomed in on Kim’s exhausted body. Her pussy was splayed open and gushing out sperm. He let the digital video run out. Leroy walked downstairs and put his suit back on. Before leaving, he bounded back upstairs and to the bedroom. Kim was just starting to move. “I gotta get this placed cleaned up before Jerry gets home,” she groaned.

“Mrs. Anderson,” said Leroy, “The United States government thanks you for your cooperation.”


Jerry sat at his desk talking to Evie on his speaker phone. “It’s the weirdest thing, Evie. I almost think Kim’s one of those Stepford wives. It’s like he scared the bitch right out of her. You wouldn’t believe how nice she is. Kim’s cooked me dinner every night and she does the dishes. She doesn’t talk while the news is on. It’s borderline creepy.” Evie’s voice came out of the speaker. “And she still hasn’t mentioned her visitor?”


“Who’d you get to do it?”

“Leroy, the janitor. I saw him wearing a dark suit after he got back from a funeral. He looked like one those feds. Here he comes now.”

“Working late tonight, Mr. Anderson,” said Leroy entering Jerry’s office. “I just need to empty the trash.”

“I got our fellow conspirator on the phone. Say hi to Evie.”

“Hello, ma’am.”

“Hello Leroy. You have got to tell me what you did to Kim. Jerry says she’s like a new woman.”

“I just did like you told me and put a little fear of the government in her. Deep in her. Told her she’d end up in jail if she didn’t straighten up.”

“That’s great,” said Evie. “We should have him go screw with Melissa, too.”

“Not a bad idea,” said Jerry. “Anyway, I need to get home. Talk to you later, Evie. Hey, does Eddie Jr. want his toy badge back?”

“No, tell Leroy he can keep it as a memento. Good night, guys.”

Evie hung up and the dial tone came on. Jerry grabbed his briefcase. “Thanks for helping me play this trick on my wife, Leroy. Kim’s wonderful, but she needed to be taught a lesson.”

“My pleasure, Mr. Anderson.”

“Here’s the hundred bucks I promised you.” Jerry handed Leroy 5 twenties. “You sure earned it. You missed your calling as a cop or fed, Leroy.”

“Thanks, but I went the other route. Ten years in jail for dealing when I was twenty-five. Been clean seventeen years, but the police academy doesn’t take ex-cons.”

“Too bad.”

Jerry noticed two other black men outside his office. “Who are your friends?”

“Janitors on the other floors. We’re playing poker after work.”

“Well good luck then.” Jerry nodded at the men as he left the office. The other two men entered Jerry’s office when the elevator doors closed. One was chubby and near retirement age. The other was a rough looking eighteen-year-old.

“Gentlemen, may I present to you, Kim Anderson.” Leroy picked the picture of Kim and Jerry on the beach off Jerry’s desk.”

“Damn!” said the older black man. “She’s got a killer body. Look at that bikini.”

“It’s three times bigger than the little thing I stripped off her,” said Leroy proudly.

“There’s no way you fucked that piece of white ass,” said the younger.”

“Care to bet.”

“Twenty says you is a liar.”

“Pay up now, dick, cause I got a video to show you when we get to my place.”

“I’d sure love to stick my dick between those big white boobies,” said the old man.

“Maybe you can,” Leroy grinned. He leaned over the desk. Leroy pressed the button labeled home on the phone.


“Mrs. Anderson, the is Agent Johnson with the secret se…”

“I remember who you are, Agent Johnson.”

“We have a complication, Mrs. Anderson.”


“I’m afraid so. My supervisor wasn’t fully convinced by my report about you. He needs to interview you in person.”

“You said… you’d convince him.” Kim was almost crying.

“You shouldn’t have too much to worry about. I’ll be there to help you and there’ll be a junior agent with us. We can conduct the interview at the old airport motel where we’ll be staying.”

“I’m familiar with it.”

“Your husband doesn’t even have to know.”

“Thank god for that. How could your supervisor possibly believe I’m a terrorist?”

“We have some new information. Do you have a friend named Melissa…”

“Stevens. She’s my best friend.”

“We’ll need to investigate her. Can you give me a description?”

“Oh, the blue-eyed, blonde, popular cheerleader type.”

“Perfect. I know the type. We’ll contact you with a date and time. Don’t warn Mrs. Stevens. The government thanks you for your cooperation.”

Leroy hung up the phone. He looked at his astonished friends. “Let’s go find you boys some toy badges.”