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Wife accompanies husband on an Alaskan fishing trip



A wife joins her husband on a fishing trip to a secluded lodge in Alaska. The husband’s life is rescued by the lodge owner and fishing guide, who expects something in return from the wife due to his heroic actions. Will the pair hold their ground?

We had planned our Alaska fishing trip months in advance. From Fairbanks Tom and I would fly into a lake where we had reserved a seven day stay at a camp, complete with guide, who was the owner of the camp. As required, we had paid for everything in advance, and we were eagerly looking forward to a great vacation.

With only five days to go before we left, Tom was involved in an auto accident and required emergency surgery, so he was definitely not going to be able to go. This posed a dilemma as there was no way we were going to get our money back if we didn’t fulfill our contract.

I tried some other friends, but no one was able to go on such short notice. At this point my wife Carol said, “Why don’t I go in his place? I don’t have any commitments and I would love to go.” She had gone fishing with me a few times before, so she had some fishing experience. Finally I was persuaded, thinking it would be fun to be together on a fishing trip in a wilderness area; so the problem was solved.

We worked on getting our gear together, buying some additional clothes and tackle, things that my wife would need on our trip. We were finally ready, and were eagerly looking forward to this vacation, my wife especially thrilled to be included.

It was a long flight to Fairbanks, where we stayed overnight, leaving next morning on a float plane. This flight took over three hours before we finally landed on a beautiful lake, tying up at the dock in front of the fishing lodge. We were really isolated; this was the only camp on the lake.

Our host and guide, Mike, came to meet us, and after introductions, we hauled all our gear to the lodge. He was surprised to see a woman with me, saying this was a first for his camp. I explained the circumstances, and he said that a female face would be a welcome change. We were shown to our room, and after setting down our luggage, Mike showed us around the cabin. The other guest room was vacant, and then there was Mike’s room, and a room behind the kitchen. This was occupied by an Inuit lady who was housekeeper and cook.

By the time we were settled it was dinner time. Carol and I had showered in the communal bathroom; then dressed for dinner. The main room was large, with a fireplace, and it was cool enough for a fire. We had a couple of drinks: we had brought enough for our time there, and Mike seemed to have a good supply. Betty, the Inuit women, prepared a very good dinner which we had with a bottle of wine.

After dinner we sat around the fire, and Mike filled us in on what we might expect to catch in the lake. Throughout dinner and the evening I noticed him glancing at my wife frequently. That was understandable as she was a very attractive woman. Even in the city she received many admiring glances, so it wasn’t unexpected that a man who spent much time in the bush would appreciate having an attractive woman guest. He said the housekeeper was the only woman around during fishing season, and clearly she would not be an object of desire, as she was definitely unattractive. He was captivated by my wife, and more that once said how wonderful it was to have such a beautiful guest. Jokingly I said “don’t get any ideas. She’s already spoken for.” However, I noticed my wife glancing his way a few times; he was an attractive man, and solidly built.

Finally we were off to bed, and when we were snuggled in I said “he seems to enjoy looking at you, as he spent quite a bit of time doing that; and I noticed you seem to enjoy looking at him.”

“Well, he is attractive in a rugged sort of way, and I guess I enjoy the attention.”

“Don’t get to enjoy the attention too much. I don’t want him to get any ideas about you.”

We were up at dawn the next day. After a great breakfast we boated out where Mike thought we would have a good chance to land a few, and we started trolling. We each were catching good sized lake trout, and a few grayling. We were doing so well that we threw some back. It was a wonderful day on this beautiful lake, surrounded by rocky shores with large growth of evergreens. We ate fish for lunch, prepared over a fire, and done to perfection. Late in the day we returned, utterly exhausted.

After showering and changing we joined Mike for dinner. Carol looked lovely, wearing an attractive blouse and clinging jeans which outlined her beautiful figure, her hair framing her lovely face. Mike whistled when he saw her, Carol blushing as he gazed at her, obviously pleased at the attention.

We had some drinks and another great meal, Mike paying a lot of attention to my wife, which she seemed to enjoy. We sat around the fire, talking and laughing, Mile regaling us with camping and fishing stories. Finally to bed.

The next day was a repeat of the day before. We caught fish again, which we had for lunch. Later in the afternoon we boated to the end of the lake, Mike showing us around. There was a river emptying into the lake where he said there were artic char, and if we were interested we could fish for them the next day, but he said we would have to use our waders if we were going to be successful, so that was our plan for the next day.

After showering and changing we sat around the fire, again enjoying our drinks. A good dinner with wine followed; that woman certainly knew how to cock. We were lounging around the fire again, enjoying after dinner drinks, pleasantly inebriated, and listening to his stories about the wilderness, and the animals that were all around us.

He paid a lot of attention to Carol, and she was enjoying his stories. Looking at us he asked if we knew the custom of the north woods, where a man would share his wife with a visitor. I said, “I heard about that, but it was about Inuits who shared their wife with a visiting hunter.” He laughed and said, “That’s right, but sometimes when there was only one woman it would be reasonable for the men to share her.”

I knew where this was leading, but I refused to bite. I said, “That might be the custom in areas up here, but it’s not our custom.” He laughed, and soon we were off to bed. The conversation must have stimulated Carol, and we enjoyed great sex. I’m sure they heard us in the other rooms. Afterwards I said, “I think you were fantasizing about Mike while we were doing it.” She admitted it but said, “I couldn’t help it; I did enjoy his attention, and he is very attractive.” I did enjoy the spin-off, but told her not to get any ideas.

The next day we boated to the end of the lake again, and went up river to a falls. We pulled the boat up on the bank below the falls, and walked along the river above the falls.

Finally we came to a bend where Mike said we would fish. The river was a little fast from recent rains, and he cautioned us to be careful of our footing in the river. Carol was timid and wanted to fish from the bank; that was probably safer. I put on my waders and walked into the stream, and you definitely had to be careful, the bottom was slippery, and the river was fast. I was doing great, catching some large artic char, and Carol was having some success from the bank.

Later I had a very large fish on, and I got a little careless with the excitement, and lost my footing. The next thing I was floating downriver towards the falls, and was unable to regain my footing in the fast water. Mike raced along the river, and caught me on a bend just before the falls, holding on to a limb of a tree, and hauling me in. He had saved my life.

I was shaken by the experience, and that was the end of our fishing that day. We both thanked him profusely for rescuing me, and returned to the cabin.

We had returned early, and sat on the shore, enjoying some much needed drinks. The day would clearly be disastrous without the intervention of Mike, and I thanked him again. By the time dinner was ready, we were both feeling our drinks; he opened a special wine which we enjoyed with our dinner. After dinner we sat around the fire, still sipping on our after dinner drinks, enjoying the evening.

He was looking at Carol again, who looked gorgeous as usual. Then he looked at me and said “I would like you to let her be with me tonight.” I was startled out of my reverie, and my first response was one of shock that he would ask to have sex with my wife. He went on to say, “I saved your life today, and the least you could do is let me be with your wife.”

I said, “That’s not fair! I do owe you for saving my life, but that doesn’t mean that your reward if to have sex with my wife.” I looked at Carol who was wide-eyed, her mouth hanging open, startled by this conversation. He said, “I’ve been without a woman for a long time, and it isn’t as if I want her forever, just for now, and you do owe me.” I looked at Carol, and she looked as if she was considering the proposal. That did it, and I took her arm and headed for bed.

We started to undress, and when she was standing in her bra and sheer panties, she said, “Why not! We do owe him, and it’s only sex that he wants.”

“I suppose that you find him attractive has nothing to do with it.” At that moment there was a brief knock on the door, and he entered. Mike moved to my wife, still standing there in her bra and panties, and took her arm, leading her towards the door. She looked at me beseechingly, but I said nothing as he led her into his room, closing the door.

I stood outside his room, listening to the murmur of their voices, and I heard her moaning. A smiling Inuit women appeared at my elbow, and she led me along the wall to his room, removing a couple of large pine knots in the wall, and gestured me to look. I could see them standing there, embracing, his hands caressing her as he kissed her, my wife still moaning. He slowly removed her bra, then sliding her panties down till she was standing naked in his arms. He undressed, revealing a very large and very hard cock, which he pressed against her. She was wide-eyed, looking at the size of him.

He lowered her to the bed, and lay down next to her, continuing to caress her, his mouth on her erect nipples, his hand stroking her naked thighs, gradually pressing them open. She moaned again when she felt his fingers stroking the lips of her vagina, giving a little cry as he pressed a finger into her, crying out again as he found her clitoris. She was really responding to him, her body flushed and trembling. He continued working on her, my wife groaning now, her legs spreading wider, surrendering to him.

He had her ready, and he moved between her legs, mounting her, directing his extremely hard cock against the moist lips of her vagina. He began pressing into her, beginning to open her, beginning to stretch her, my wife bending her knees up, and spreading her thighs more, trying to relieve the pressure of his advancing cock. She was groaning loudly as she felt herself stretching to accommodate his size, then a cry as the head of his cock entered her, penetrating her, stretching her fully.

Unbelievably, I felt myself hardening. It was as if I was watching another woman, not my own wife being serviced. He continued to advance his cock into my groaning wife, gradually filling her, moving back and forth till his cock fully entered her, impaling her, to a hoarse cry from my wife as she was filled by his invading cock.

He stayed fully into her for awhile, beginning to gradually move back and forth in long slow strokes, his cock completely disappearing into her with each stroke. Finally he began stroking faster, to the moaning of my wife, faster still till she was crying out with his thrusts, her body jerking each time he pushed into her. Her groans became louder, nearing orgasm, her beautiful long legs clutching him, crying out, shuddering as her climax was full upon her.

His own climax followed soon afterwards, groaning as he ejaculated into her, filling her with his semen. He stayed inside her, holding her, kissing her, till she felt him hardening again, swelling inside her. He took her again, fucking her thoroughly, taking a long time with her, plunging in and out of her till she erupted with another orgasm, feeling him spurting into her, filling her even more.

Then, after a long while he moved off her, my wife lying there with her legs spread wide, their juices leaking from her open cunt. The woman beside me enjoyed the show and we both moved to our rooms. Finally my wife returned, looking exhausted, clutching her underwear in her hand.

She looked thoroughly fucked; that stud had really serviced her. She got into bed with me, and she was surprised to find me erect. She gripped my erection, stroking me, and before I could mount her I erupted, much to her amusement.

She said, “I know you were watching us through that hole in the wall, I could see you. It seemed you enjoyed watching your wife getting thoroughly fucked by that stud. He really did it to me; I have never been fucked like that, never come like that.” I said, “I couldn’t help myself; I never thought I would be aroused watching my own wife with another man.

And then I thought about birth control. We did not want children; we each had careers. She couldn’t take the pill, so we used condoms during the time when she was fertile. She said, “God, I didn’t think about that!” She was calculating, and she said “I think today I am just entering my fertile period. I hope he didn’t get me pregnant.”

We finally went to sleep. In the morning I relived the events, remembering the scene. We were called for breakfast, Mike looking like nothing had happened, but smiling when he looked at Carol. After breakfast we went fishing again, this time by boat. That night we drank more than we should have, and at bedtime we were in our room when he came for her. She looked at me, and I did not object as he led her away, taking her to his room again.

This time I observed them through the door which I had partially opened. Betty took her place against the wall again. He delighted in stripping her, gazing admiringly at her naked body. I watched the whole thing, watched him making love to her, entering her and fucking her so well.

I listened to the moans, the groans, the cries as she was serviced once again by this stud, seeing his cock thrusting into her till she cried out, her body jerking as her orgasm overwhelmed her. He continued plunging into her till he climaxed, once more filling her unprotected cunt with his sperm. He moved over, pulling his softening cock from her. He caressed her and soon he was hardening again. This time he placed her on her hands and knees, spread her thighs, and thrust fully into her. I had a clear view of his wet cock moving in and out of her, and once again I was aroused.

I never had sex with her on her hands and knees; that wasn’t a position she liked, but she was responding to him doing it to her that way, and very thoroughly and competently, till she was crying out again and again with one orgasm after another. After he had flooded her, he released her, and she fell to the bed, lying there exhausted.

I went to our room, and she soon joined me, getting naked into bed. As I moved to take her she refused me saying, “I’ve had enough for one night. I suppose you enjoyed seeing him taking me on my hands and knees. I certainly enjoyed being used that way – I never thought I would like being serviced like that, used like a whore, and you are not going to have me again on this trip.” I said, “What about him; what if he wants you again?” She didn’t respond and we slept, awakening to a rainy day.

We sat around that day reading, drinking more than we should, and I wondered what would happen in the evening. I had my answer when he came for her again, saying, “I’ll return her when I’m through with her.” She followed him without protest, and I watched and listened to them as he fucked her again, servicing her like I never had done. Once again he emptied himself into her unprotected womb, likely getting her pregnant by now.

It was raining a little the next day, and we went fishing as that was our last day. The same thing happened that night, Mike servicing her again. I watched them, hearing her moaning as she was used by him. He seemed insatiable, taking time after time. I suppose it was because he had been without a woman for a long while, and my wife was certainly the most attractive woman that came his way, in or out of civilization.

The next morning it was raining heavily, and clouds hung over the lake. Mike received a call from the pilot on his short wave radio. He said they were socked in, and there was no way he could fly. He said the front would probably last at least two days. He was wrong-it was three days before the weather cleared enough for him to pick us up.

That was not good news! I was scheduled to be back to work, but I also thought what might happen in the meantime-that he would be enjoying my wife for another three nights; and that’s what he did. Carol began to protest; she needed a rest from him, but he was insatiable, coming for her each night, and ignoring our protests. Even on our honeymoon, I never had sex with her this often.

Each night he slowly undressed her, relishing her helplessness as he stripped her naked, enjoying relieving her of her sheer panties, the last barrier to her sex. He would gaze at her, at her beauty, her lovely firm breasts, her slim waist descending to gorgeous rounded hips and ass, which he delighted in stroking, arousing her again. The last three nights he fucked her in every position, my wife responding to him. Mostly he did her on her back with her legs lifted and spread, but he also liked to take her on her on her hands and knees. I watched him, servicing her time after time, listening to her moaning as he thrust into her, bringing her to one climax after another till he spurted into her, filling her with his semen. Her loud cries when she had an orgasm filled the cabin.

I’m sure her cunt and uterus were always awash with his sperm. He had filled her with so much and so often that I was sure she was impregnated. The last night, after he did it to her again, she said she was glad we were leaving as she couldn’t take any more, her cunt was just too sore.

I said, “You really got into it-you really enjoyed being serviced by him, and he probably made you pregnant.” She said “I couldn’t help it, the size of him and the way he did it to me. He was so big I didn’t think I could take him, but I was wrong. I never felt so filled; I couldn’t believe the way he stretched me out. I think it will be a couple of weeks before my cunt shrinks back to normal. And I was really excited by the possibly that I would be pregnant. I could feel him swelling more each time he came, and I could feel him spurting into me, into my uterus. Yes, I think I’m very likely pregnant.”

Next day we were packed when the plane arrived. Mike said very little as we boarded, just waving good-bye as we taxied into position for take off. We slept most of the two legs of our journey home. When we weren’t sleeping, Carol had a dreamy, far off gaze in her eyes, and I know she was thinking about Mike, how he had seduced her, and taken her time after time.

After we were home, and back in our jobs, we discussed what happened. We both came to grips with the emotional experience. Carol talked about what she felt, how his huge cock filled her and stretched her, her whole being centered on his huge organ filling her, and bringing her to wrenching climaxes. Then she directed the conversation towards how I felt watching her being fucked by this stud.

“You know that I was excited seeing him doing it to you. I never believed I would respond that way. Seeing his thick cock in you, seeing him thrusting into you was totally erotic. I was mesmerized, watching him fucking you so thoroughly, your legs around him, seeing him coming in you. I won’t forget those scenes.”

It turned out that she was pregnant and she wanted to have the baby. As the weeks went by and her abdomen began to enlarge, I relived the experience and I know she did also.