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A man finds his wife having sex with another man



I had been married for five years when an event took place that would change my life forever. At the time my wife Jill, was twenty seven years old. She was then and still is a beautiful woman. On the small side, she is about five four, 105 pounds, blonde hair blue eyes. She has the most perfect double D tits you have ever seen and ass that is so firm you could bounce a nickel off of it.

Our relationship was great and I had no reason to belief that Jill had ever or would ever cheat on me. One night we decided to go out to the club and enjoy a few drinks. Jill has never been able to hold her liquor well and on more than one occasion I have had to carry her from the car to bed, where on more than one occasion I have taken that opportunity to do things with her that she would not have entirely been willing to do otherwise.

On this night Jill and I got ready to go to a club. Jill liked to dress sexy when we went out and tonight was no exception to that. She had a short black mini skirt and a tight as hell top. The whole outfit showed off every curve and crevasse on her body, and I must admit that I loved it when she dressed like this.

We got to the club around ten o’clock and the place was pretty busy. As usual it was one girl for every five guys. This worked out fine for me because I had mine and I did not like to dance, so Jill had her pick of dance partners and I could just sit back, drink and enjoy the views. We found a table and Jill sat down while I ran to the bar to get our first round. I placed our order and told the bartender to send a waitress over with our drinks when they were ready.

I returned to the table and sat next to my wife. “Quite busy tonight,” I commented. “It sure is,” Jill answered back, “I won’t have any problem finding a dance partner tonight. “Or three,” I smiled and said back confident that she would not be bugging me to dance.

Our drinks came and I told the waitress to go ahead and bring us two more rounds and keep checking back. I was a beer drinker and Jill liked her wine. We easily had our first drinks down before the waitress came back with our next order. As busy as it was I had her just bring a picture for me and a bottle for Jill. A couple drinks later Jill told me that she was ready to dance and was off to the dance floor. Jill never took the incentive; she just went out on the floor and dance by herself, but never for long. Someone always came to her to fill the dance partner role.

After about four songs and four more drinks Jill came back to the table and sat down, grabbed her next glass and began to sip. “Having fun?” I asked.

“Oh yes, I am really tipsy though, but that makes it that much more fun,” she said, “and more fun for both of us when we get home.”

“I am ready when you are,” I said with a grin. With that she finished her drink and got up from her chair. “I am heading out for more,” she said and she walked back to the dance floor. I noticed that the same two guys had been dancing with Jill most of the evening and Jill was having a great time. Jill brought them both back to the table and introduced them to me. Doug and Dave were their names and they said that they both worked for the same sales firm and were in town for the weekend.

Doug was about six foot four and build very well. He did not give the appearance of a sales man but more of a carpenter or someone who works with their hands. Dave was of average size and build and fit the salesman look. Dave and I were actually built similar and he was wearing a blue shirt and dark slacks, similar to mine.

All four of us sat at the table talking and drinking when Dave asked to be excused to the restroom. Dave left the three of us and we continued to chat away. A few minutes went by and I felt the need to use the restroom also. As I got up to go Jill also said she was going. Doug said he would hold the table and Jill and I walked to the hall that leads to the restrooms. There was a line to the ladies room as always so I left Jill there and went on into the men’s room only to find a shorter line inside.

It took almost ten minutes to get through the lines and headed back out toward the table. As I left the hall I looked out and saw only Doug sitting there. I could not see Jill on the dance floor so I returned back down the hall. I looked at the restroom line for the ladies room and noticed the woman that was in front of Jill was still about three back from the door.

I thought that maybe something was wrong so I started heading to her to ask about my wife. That’s when I noticed the third door in the hall. The sign said “Private, Do not enter.” But was slightly open. I bent to peek inside and could hear noises coming from within.

As I got closer I could tell with out a doubt that someone was having some really good sex in there. I stuck my head inside the doorway. The room was dark and I could only see the shapes of the couple inside. The woman was lying on a large desk with her legs spread wide getting fucked by. That is when I recognized the woman’s voice and she was telling the man to fuck her.

It was Jill, my wife, and the man that she was fucking sounded a lot like the stranger we had just met, Dave. Dave was fucking my wife in the storage closet of a bar. And fucking her hard. As he plowed his cock into her over and over again she moaned and screamed with pleasure. She loved every second of her fucking and I was getting more and more pissed.

I thought about breaking in on them but decided to just head back to the table and wait. A few minutes go by and Dave comes out of the hall and comes over the table, grabbed the beer picture, and pours himself a drink. I thought the nerve of this guy, fucking my wife, drinking my beer, but I just sat there and sipped mine. A few more minutes went by and my drunken slut of a wife came staggering from the hall and planted her ass in the chair right next to mine. She leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear, “I love you.”

“What the fuck,” I thought, and I was even more pissed. I excused myself and heading back to the restroom to think this out before I killed someone. After about five minutes to myself I thought about what had happened. That’s when Dave came into the room. I walked right up to him and said, “Was she good for you?” Dave turned white as a ghost.

“It was an accident,” he said in a panic,” I didn’t mean too fuck her. I didn’t even know it was her until after.” Dave continued his story. “I walked out of the restroom and started heading back to the table when I passed the door in the hall. As soon as I got close to it a hand came out and grabbed my arm. I let her pull me in the room but I could not see well at all.

“The next thing I know my pants are being un-done and I am getting my dick sucked. As my eyes adjusted I could start to see her better and could tell she was totally hot. Before long we were fucking. It was not until just now that I put two and two together. I am so sorry man, I am so sorry.”

I just stood there taking in Dave’s story. Dave asked what he could do to make it up to me. So I quickly came up with a great plan to teach her to control her alcohol. “Here’s what I want Dave,” I said to him, “and this is how I want it….”

I returned to the table and sat down with Doug and my wife, Dave was a few seconds behind me and he sat down too. We all had another round when Dave announced that he was ready to call it a night and told Doug that they needed go. Both Doug and Jill were disappointed and the two men headed for the door. Jill was sad that she had lost her dance partner, and her fuck partner probably, and had herself another drink. “I am tired to baby,” I said, “lets get going.” Jill agreed and we headed out the door.

The cab dropped us off and Jill could barely walk from to the front door. We made our way inside and Jill said that she wanted to take a shower. We went up stairs to into the shower we went. The shower was large enough for both of us, four of five actually, and it felt really good. Jill washed herself and a few times I had to help her from not slipping.

We got out and dried off. Jill sat on the bed with her hair up in a towel and her bathrobe on. I went the liquored cabinet and poured us both a drink, this time a hard drink. I gave her hers and said “bottoms ups.” She was just drunk enough to down that glass so I fed her another, and another, until she could barely keep her eyes open. Then finally she fell back into the bed sound asleep.

It was at this point where the payback begins. I knew she was out, and I know that she would not be waking up anytime soon. I walked over to the window and looked out to the street. There, in the darkness, a mid sized rental sedan was parked. I waved and two figures stepped out of the car. I went downstairs and opened the front door just as Doug and Dave were about to knock.

“Well,” I said.

Dave answered back, “We are good to go. How about the little wife?”

“Oh she is as ready as she is going to be and I am sure she will stay that way for quite a while so we can enjoy the whole night.” I replied with an evil smirk.

The three of us headed up stairs to find Jill exactly where I had left her. I asked for Doug’s help and we pulled her up flat on the bed, removed her robe and towel to expose her nakedness. Jill lay there all sprawled out with pussy and tits for all to see. The three of us enjoyed a drink while we stood over her and stared.

“Ok,” I said, “here’s the deal. Dave, you fucked my wife tonight. I’m sure that you enjoyed it; I know I do when I fuck her, but here’s the thing. She needs to be taught a lesson and I’ve enlisted you and your buddy here to help me do it. The lesson I am going to teach her is that she is a fucking slut whore and she is going to be treated like one. She’s to be fucked everyway to Sunday. No holes bard, if you know what I mean. Before you ask, yes she’s on the pill.”

With that, I set my drink down and began to take off my cloths. I told the two of them to do the same. After removing my cloths I took a look around at the competition. Dave, the wife fucker, was almost the exact build as I was. Of average height and weight, and his cock, hard of course, was about that same as mine too. It was around seven inches and a little thicker than average. Doug on the other hand was a completely different story.

This man was huge, in all ways. Besides being build like a football star he has a cock that made me want to get on my knees and declare that I was not worthy. It was at least ten inches long and a good inch and a half bigger around than both mine and Dave’s. I smiled thinking how that was going to stretch her out tonight.

I declared that I was going first. I got the flavored lube from the drawer and proceeded to put it on my cock. I lifted my wife’s legs apart and began to stab my cock toward her cunt. Finding the sweet spot I dove forward and with one motion and buried my cock deep inside her and I began to fuck away. As I was pumping her, Dave and Doug headed to ether side of the bed.

Doug stood next to the bed by my wife’s face, his cock just dangling in front of her lips and Dave, on his knees, began to crawl opposite of him. Doug reached down and set his dick on my wife’s mouth, at which point she let out a soft moan and opened her mouth slightly. Doug began to slowly stick his cock into her mouth while he played with one of her tits.

Dave lay down next to Jill and began to suck her other tit. He licked and nibbled, and even bit her nipple a few times pulling it away and letting it snap back. All the while he stroked his cock. Then, to my complete surprise and amazement, Dave shifted away from Jill’s tit and moved up to her mouth where Doug was moving his cock around. Dave opened wide and Doug proceeded to remove his cock from my wife’s mouth, and he placed in to Dave’s. Dave shifted forward and engulfed Doug’s massive cock. I stopped and looked up. Doug said to me, “Oh, didn’t Dave mention this?”

“No, Dave didn’t,” I thought to myself, “but this is quite the twist.” I began fucking away on Jill like she was a sex doll just laying there for my pleasure. With the new added twist my excitement level rose greatly and in just a few minutes I was dumping the first load of cum deep inside her pussy. I pulled out of her and watched as a little bit of my cum escaped her.

Dave announced that he would like to go next and moved down to my wife’s crotch. He stuck his face into her and began to lick her. I could clearly see that he was eating my cum out of her not missing a drop he even lapped up what landed on the bed. He then repositioned him self and stuck his dick inside of her and began pumping away. I was instantly hard again and began to play with myself.

Doug walked around the bed and stood at my feet. Not sure about what was going to happen or if I even wanted it to Doug began to crawl toward me. Before I could decide what to do Doug took my cock in his hand and buried it into his mouth. He took me all the way in and I could feel the back of his throat as he proceeded to give me the best blow job I have every had. Dave fucked away and Doug sucked away.

All I could do was lay there and take it all in. Jill was moaning slightly in her drunken passed out state and but that barely distracted me from Mr. Hoover sucking my cock. Dave then grunted and stiffened. He buried himself deep into my wife and shuddered a little and he pumping his cum into her. Finally he collapsed onto her, caught his breath and pulled his dick out. This time more cum came out of her. It was a mixture of my cum, now frothy, and his cum oozing out and onto the bed.

Now freshly fucked and wet as can be Doug was going to take his turn. I could not wait to see the massive cock go into my wife. Doug reached to her crotch, rubbed her a little, gathered up some cum and rubbed it on his cock. After lubing up good he gathered up a little more and tasted it. Doug positioned the helmet of his dick at Jill’s cunt and slowly pushed forward. I put my face about a foot away in order get the best view I could.

To my surprise her pussy lips spread as he pushed in and before long his cock was in her. He continued to push deeper in and as he did I could see, and hear cum being pushed out of her. I had never tasted cum before so I stuck my tongue out and bent my head forwarded. I put my tongue on my wife’s clit and licked a little. I enjoyed what I tasted and went back for a little more.

This time my tongue brushed against Doug’s cock. I lapped up around her pussy as Doug moved his cock around. I could not help myself at this point licking his cock in order to get more cum. I backed off and watched as Doug put his dick, balls deep, into my wife. I would not have believed that she could take that whole cock.

As Doug pumped away into my wife and moved up to suck on her tits a little. That’s when Dave started handling my dick. I looked down and he was stroking me. His face was near my cock and I spread my legs a little. He began to blow me. Better than Doug, Dave sucked my cock like a master.

I lay on my back, closed my eyes and just enjoyed myself. Then I felt something cold against my asshole. I didn’t want to open my eyes because I was afraid I would make Dave stop whatever it was he was doing. I could feel Dave working his finger around my ass and the coldness was the lubricant. Soon Dave was pressing against my back door with his finger. I relaxed and let him. It was amazing.

Soon Dave had two fingers and then a third inside of me. I began to squirm a little and he finger fucked my virgin ass as he sucked on my dick. Then I heard Doug grunt and say he was about to cum. He slowed, got tense, and ripped his dick from Jill’s sloppy gash. He then began jacking off on her stomach. A huge load of cum shot out of his dick and landed across her stomach and chest. His next pump was increasable.

At least a tablespoon of cum shot from his dick and landed with a thump on Jill’s face. Some just above her mouth, on her nose and in a puddle near her eye. Four or maybe even five more squirts of cum and Doug was emptied. I could not believe my eyes.

Dave at this point got off of me went between Jill’s legs and began to eat Doug’s cum out of her. I contemplated for a moment and I too began to lick Doug’s cum from my wife. I started at her face and licked. I sucked the cum from around her eye first and proceeded me way down her face lapping up another man’s cum and swallowing it.

I could not believe what I was doing, but it was so good. I made my way to her tits where a good amount had ended up and just as I was cleaning one of her nipple Doug stuck a finger in my ass and worked me a little. Dave and I finished eating Doug’s cum and I went to eat some more from my wife’s, now gaping wide, pussy.

After getting my fill I straddled Jill and began fucking her. I was surprised that she had tightened a bit already and her pussy felt so good and wet. As I was fucking away stabbing my cock into my very used wife I felt a hand near my asshole again. Wanting to get finger fucked again I bent forward, pushed my cock deep into Jill and stuck my ass up at the same time. Only this time it was not a finger, it was Dave’s cock. I grunted and tensed a bit and Dave stuck his very lubed, very hard, dick right into my ass. I let out a breath as he broke past the muscle and slid his dick in me. It felt wonderful.

Dave began thrusting himself into my backside and as he did the movement caused my cock to move into and out of Jill. Dave’s fucking of me was directly causing me to fuck her. It was the best feeling I have ever experienced. This continued on for what seemed like eternity when Dave said he was about to cum. As I felt Dave’s hot juices fill my cavity I came inside of Jill. We both collapse on top of my wife and rolled to the side. My cum oozed from Jill and Dave’s cum oozed from me.

I was existed but Doug turned me to the side and begin to eat the cum from my ass. I pushed it out and he received it gratefully. When done he ate the cum from Jill’s cunt and proceeded to fuck her again.

This went on for hours. We all fucked Jill at least four or five times that night. Jill and I both got fucked in the ass by both Dave and Doug. When we could not cum another drop Doug picked up Jill and we all went to the shower. We washed her clean and cleaned ourselves. We put her to bed and I saw them both to the door. I was sure to get their information so that I could call upon them again.

The next morning I woke to find an empty bed. My wife was not there and I was surprised at this. I went down stairs and found her in the kitchen just finishing breakfast. “Good morning baby,” she said to me with a smile. “I had a great time last night; I don’t even remember coming home.”

“You know,” she said, “you were amazing last night. I am so sore we must have fucked all night long.” She looked at me and continued, “I don’t remember it though. I sure wish I did.” Jill then sat down across from me. “I remember we did it in the store room at the bar. That was increasable. I caught you just as you came out of the restroom and fucked you like crazy.

“The rest of the night is a blur though.”