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Airplane Wank story



“Please hurry up, I must make the early flight.” The taxi just did not seem to be able to go fast enough.

“Look mate,” the burly, sour driver exclaimed, “I am doing my best but I can only go so fast in this traffic.” End of discussion. I looked around to see if there was a gap in the traffic in the next lane, when I noticed two women in a car coming alongside the taxi. I had a good long stare at them as their car pulled next to and then past the taxi. Luckily they were not travelling much faster, which afforded me the opportunity to have a good long gawk.

The blond driver’s face was hidden and the passenger was a brunette with a cute small face that was very pretty. Unfortunately they took no notice of me and soon their car had passed us and disappeared into the traffic.

Eventually we arrived at the airport. I jumped from the taxi after paying the driver, giving him too big a tip for the miserable trip I had just endured, grabbed my suitcase and ran into the airport building. Pushing and shoving everyone in my way I dashed for the check-in counter, just in time to hear the announcement that the counter had closed for my flight. Ignoring the other passengers in the queue I headed for the front. “I have to be on flight 520,” I shouted at the check-in hostess.

“Excuse me sir,” she answered sweetly, “but that flight is closed, and I am serving the people in this queue.”

Well no amount of pleading helped and eventually I got a reservation on the next flight, two hours later. Nothing left but to find a pub and have a drink.

* * *

The place was pretty crowded but eventually I got a beer and as I brought the refreshing drink to my lips I nearly chocked on it. There was the brunette from the car that had passed my cab sitting on a bar stool about twenty feet away. Although I could only see her in profile I knew immediately that it was the same woman. She had a on a dark jacket, short skirt and dark sheer pantyhose.

As I stared at her she turned toward the door and the movement caused the skirt to ride even higher on her thighs. My eyes were immediately attracted to the hem of the skirt hoping to catch a flash. She was obviously expecting someone and was studying the entrance to the pub.

I for my part was studying the view of her full thighs. My mind started wandering and I was imagining the juicy wet twat hiding away between her legs. In my mind all the other people in the pub had disappeared and all that I could think about was a wet cunt.

After a while I became aware of the fact that I was staring. At the same moment I looked up and saw that the blond driver of the car standing next to the brunette and they were both looking at me in a curious manner. The brunette stared into my eyes and I flushed with embarrassment.

Caught in the act. I was so flustered that I was quite paralysed. As my mind was trying to kick into gear, the brunette’s legs parted and I had a lovely view right to the juncture of her thighs.

While I was too far away to see her pussy, I could see a dark patch covered by pantyhose. I looked up at her face and she had this faint smile, then she slowly crossed her legs again. The blonde woman then leaned closer and the two of them shared a private giggle.

Gulping down my beer I ordered another one and avoided the two women. I regained my composure and turned back toward them and realised that the blonde had now positioned herself on a bar stool. She wore a pair of tight white pants and dark blue t-shirt. Her tits were nice, round and not too big and it did not look like they were depending on a bra for support.

The brunette had turned on her stool so they were sitting next to each other at about a 120 degree angle and both were faced toward where I was standing. As if on cue I looked at the blonde’s face and holding my gaze she looked directly at me. Try as I might I could not do anything but stare back as if I was under a spell. Out of the bottom of my eyes I could see her uncross her legs and leave them slightly apart. Not really noticeable to anyone except me.

I then nearly fainted as I watched her right hand slide along her right thigh and touch her pants right at the end of her zipper. Her one finger slowly ran down the seam of her pants between her legs and her hand reached across to the counter and picked up her drink. All the time she held me in her gaze. She sipped her drink and then the two of them burst out laughing.

Realising that I was the butt of their joke I turned away and picked up my beer and drank it. Looking around the bar I saw no-one else even remotely interesting. Fucking bitches I thought. Try as I might I just could not look away for long and found myself turning in their direction again.

As if they knew that I would turn around again the show continued. Brunette again. Looking at me she unbuttoned her jacket. Underneath she wore a cream coloured silky blouse. Pulling the sides of the jacket away I could clearly see her tits. They were much bigger than the other woman’s and I would see that she had a bra on as the blouse was quite sheer.

To the casual observer she was reaching into the inside pocket of the jacket, but as I watched she cupped her left breast with her right hand and gave her nipple a hard squeeze between her thumb and forefinger. The little bud reacted straight away and pushed up against the material. She reaching into the pocket and on the way out her hand caressed her nipple again. By this time I thought my cock would explode and I could hardly contain myself any longer. I had to turn away.

“What’s the point of us flashing you if you’re not going to take notice?”

I spun around and there they were standing next to me. I waited for the earth to swallow me up – but nothing. I didn’t know what to say.

“I think he’s a mute,” the blond said to her friend.

“N-no,” I stammered. “J-just caught totally unawares,” was all I could manage.

“Maybe all the blood rushing to his cock has stopped his brain working,” the brunette answered and the two burst out laughing.

Never had I been more embarrassed. Luckily the pub was noisy and no-one seemed to be taking any notice of us. I turn away and order the drinks. After paying, I took a deep breath and turned back to the women. I introduced myself and got their names, funny, they actually looked like an Amy and Anne, which was what they said their names were.

“Thanks,” they replied in unison holding up their drinks in sulute. We raised our glasses and all said, “Cheers,” together and my eyes were immediately drawn to Anne’s still hard left nipple.

“Bet you would love to suck on that, wouldn’t you,” Amy said.

“Do you two read minds?” I enquired.

“Sorry,” Anne answered, “but you’re just so damn obvious. But you surprised us when you kept turning back for another look. Most guys don’t keep looking.”

“Come on,” I exclaimed. “The only guys who would not stare back at you tow would be either gay or blind.”

“Rubbish,” Amy answered. “Most guys shit themselves when women take the initiative and we’ll prove it to you.”

With that Anne walked back to where she had been sitting, picked up her barstool and brought it over to where we were. I went to get Amy’s chair for her. Anne positioned herself so that she was sitting facing the door with us on either side.

“Right,” Anne said. “Watch.”

After a few minutes a single guy came towards the door. He was dressed in a suit and he was about 45 years old. As he entered he noticed Anne who turned to me and in the process opened up her legs. While I was dying to look at her pussy I forced myself to look at the guy. His face turned scarlet, he turned to his left, nearly fell over a group of people, excused himself, turned around and walked straight out of the door.

“He was old,” is all I could offer as an excuse for his behaviour.

Well to prove me wrong Anne flashed two other guys, and while they both still walked into the pub they were obviously embarrassed and both turned away. I for my part was so horny that I would have fucked the crack of dawn.

“Ok you win,” I said. “So what do I have to do for losing?”

Amy immediately said, “What time is your flight?”

“Just over an hour,s time,” I answered.

“Where are you going to?”

“Paris,” I answered.

“What is your surname?” Anne asked.

I told her and without answering, Amy jumped up from her stool, grabbed Anne, said, “Keep our chairs,” and off they went.

I was too flabbergasted to respond but did look around the bar. One of the guys who had been flashed was looking at me but otherwise it was normal.

* * *

They came back about fifteen minutes later and Anne announced, “You have two new travelling companions.”

I could not believe it. “W-what do you mean?” I stammered.

“We’re going to Paris after a few days in Amsterdam but now we go there first.”

“Do you mean you have changed your flights just for me?” I asked, totally confused.

“Don’t be too flattered,” Amy said, “we’re flight attendants on holiday travelling around the continent for two weeks. Whether we go to Paris now or later is no big deal. Anyway we must go and board now.”


When we got to the boarding gate I found that I was seated between the two of them in the last row of the plane. The flight was not very full and when I enquired how come we were seated together Amy answered, “Being a flight attendant has its advantages.”

While we were still on the ground Amy went off with her overnight bag and Anne and I sat down leaving a seat for Amy on the isle. When Amy came back she had changed her pants for a wrap around skirt with the flap in the front. I thought that was interesting.

We made small talk and soon the flight was on its way. We were served our meals first and soon the attendants had passed our row. After we ate Amy again stood up and took our crockery away leaving just our drinks. “What a pleasure to have passengers like Amy who clean up after them,” I remarked to Anne. She just laughed.

Amy returned holding two small blankets that the airlines pass around. Leaning across me she gave one to Anne. Anne turned to me and said, “See who you can make cum first.”

I was startled and turned to look at her and noticed that she no longer had the pantyhose on. She must have taken them off when they left the pub. I realised that she was totally naked under the skirt. My cock responded immediately.

“Well, would you hurry up!” Anne smiled at me.

I tentatively reached under the blanket and touched her leg and I felt her muscle tense as she opened her legs as much as the seats allowed. Her legs were smooth and well rounded. I could not believe that this was happening. I moved my hand slowly up her leg and touched the hair between her legs.

Looking at her I saw her close her eyes and let out a sigh. I needed no further prompting and moved my middle finger down her pussy. She was slick with moisture and as I pushed down my finger slid down between her lips and rolled over the button of her clit. Amy nudged me with her elbow and I realised that I had ignored her.

Turning slightly to my left, I took my left hand and pushed it between the fold of Amy’s skirt and reached around to her cunt. She too had no panties on. She looked at me and gave me a lewd smile, put the blanket over her lap and ran her tongue over her lips. I pushed my finger straight into her soaking cunt. My finger slid up to the knuckle into her juicy pussy without any resistance. Sliding my finger out I moved up to her clit. Getting my rhythm I started stroking both women together.

Leaning back into my seat I looked around. Most people were still busy eating or waiting for their plates to be cleared away and therefore no-one was walking around. Even if they had looked at us the blankets hid what my hands were doing. I turned to look at them. Amy was looking at me and when I turned in her direction she rolled her eyes and again ran her tongue over her lips. She just looked so fucking sexy when she did that. As we looked at each other she started moving her hips in time to my finger movement.

Turning to Anne I saw that her eyes were shut and she was obviously close to cumming. I let my right hand push further down her pussy toward her ass and I could feel that her cheeks were tense. Splaying my hand out wide I could feel the tension in her legs as well. She was very close now and she was soaking wet.

This was turning me on so much and I could not wait to feel them cumming all over my hands. It was easier with Anne as I am right handed and I took two of my fingers and rubbed them hard over her clit. Her pussy hair was soaked and I could smell the sweet smell of her cunt from where I sat.

Concentrating, I took her clit between my two well lubricated fingers and squeezed it gently. That took her over the top. Her whole pelvis area rose off the chair. As her cunt walls started squeezing together I put my fingers in as deep as they would go.

Anne forgot completely about the blanket and grabbed my hand as I extracted my fingers from her dripping cunt and moved my fingers in circles around her clit. She had her head thrown back and a look of utter ecstasy was on her face. As she was cumming I was moving my hand over her entire cunt area and my fingers were rolling the folds of her cunt lips and forcing them apart. This was so awesome that I forgot completely about Amy.

I remembered her when I heard a low moan come from her direction and as I turned to my left I felt her pussy start its spasm. Her orgasm was alot quicker and she thrust her hips at my fingers as I rubbed them between her clit and the back of her cunt. My fingers easily slid around her pussy as I pushed first one and then the other finger deep into her hot wet cum soaked cunt. After two further spasms her hips relaxed and she looked at me. Her face was flushed and there was a slight sheen on her neck.

As I was about to bring my hands out of their laps I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a male flight attendant standing next to Amy. Glancing down at her lap I saw what he was looking at. The blanket had fallen off Am’s lap, her legs were splayed part and my hand was visible between the fold of her skirt. As a reflex action I pulled my hand away exposing Amy’s glistening cunt to the attendants gaze.

Amy, quick as a flash replaced my hand with hers and dipped her middle finger into her juicy cunt. She extracted the wet glistening finger and brought it up to her mouth and sucked on her finger. The attendant just stood rooted to the spot and stared. To break the spell I asked him to please bring me a drink. He seemed to welcome the opportunity to leave and rushed away. I meanwhile realised that my cock was nearing a point of exploding and that I too was about to cum straight away.

Anne then dropped a bombshell. “Thanks, that was great,” she said.

I replied, “Now I want to take you back into the toilet and fuck your brains out!”

“Oh, did we not tell you, we’re both into girls only.”

“Bullshit!” I exclaimed. “How come you let me just bring both of you off?”

“Oh, it’s okay for you to touch us, but no fucking,” Amy chipped in. Now I was about to go mad. Just then the attendant returned with my drink and then scurried away.

Two seconds later the announcement to fasten our seatbelts and return to our seats was made. I had not realised that we had already started our descent.

“Anyway,” Anne said. “There’s no time even if we had wanted to.”

True enough the plane was a buzz with activity as the crew cleared away and did whatever they did, just before landing. I did not believe what I was being told and I told them so.

Anne spoke up and said, “When we land we’ll see what we can do about the pressure building up in your balls. Now stop thinking about it or else you’ll have to walk through the building with your prick sticking out.” She smiled and chatted to Amy about what a pleasant flight she had and whether Amy had enjoyed the meal.