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Slippery Floors, A Putrid Slut and A Beating in the Hall



That visit to the family Doctor with her supportive and hardworking mother, resulted in her first intimate examination by the near to retiring gentleman. The examination revealed that Dee’s breast size had expanded to the massive equivalent of 62 FF. Each was the size of slightly elongated basketballs. The right orb weighed 5.4 kilos (12 pounds) the left 5.7 kilos (12.5 pounds). A proper fitting bra, which she could not afford, would have been an approximate 58HH. The only saving grace was that Dee’s frame was medium-large. It enabled her to better accommodate the continually growing monsters; but for a short time only. Soon their sheer magnitude would overburden even that sturdy strong frame unless she began a serious strengthening program. Because of her youth, each of the huge buds was very firm yet soft to the gentle but professional hands of the good Doctor. However, their sheer weight did result in an appeasement to gravity. Seen from the side they displayed a slight ski sloop shape beginning just below her armpit and terminating near her waist where the increasingly darkening red areolas were displayed. Dee could not be passive during this first ever manipulations of her extremely sensitive tits by another person. Her breathing increased significantly, as the Doctor pushed, probed, hefted and sometimes squeezed each warming orb for unseen growths. The areolas which were a normally medium pink, four inch wide, three inch high, raised cap on each breast, began turning a darker hue of red. They had now swelled to four and a half inches in diameter. The usually half inch wide, one-inch long nipples had grown to almost 3/4×2 inches. Being, as we shall see, a very lusty young lady, she also began letting down a moderately profuse amount of feminine gel from her dramatically changed genitals, which was another “blessing” that accompanied the sudden and continuing growth of her breasts. Noting the change in her respiration and breasts – not an unusual occurrence in his long history of examining women – the Doctor’s ceased his palpations and wrote up the negative presence of internal problems. He also was careful to note the presence of several large, and still more smaller bruises on each breast, accompanied by a lot of faint, half inch scratches and a rather prominent inch or so wide, black and blue, bruise around the base of each orb. Lifting each from its heavy resting-place on her chest, he observed that this band was continuous around the entire base of each breast. When asked about these marks, Dee blushed and darting her eyes a few times, said that she had gotten into a fight with one of the female bullies at school and had lost badly. The Doctor suspected parental abuse but reserved future inquiry. Little did he know that the “abuse” was guiltlessly and vigorously self-inflicted. Dee rose from the examination chair with the patient gown held at her 22-inch waist. Her breast swayed heavily from side to side even as she only gently strides to the examination table; slapping together several times as she turned and stepped on a stool to slide up. The back of the gown was soaked. In the process of stepping up, she turned her back to the Doctor and her mother and purposely dropped the gown. She willingly exposes an exceedingly wide, rotund 42 inch ass, which at sixteen years of age and still growing at five feet seven inches, was a rather formidable set of circumstances. Even the professionalism of the good Doctor was temporally challenged for a brief moment. What he saw for a brief instant, was a set of buttocks that looked to be almost a foot and a half wide with a prominently rounded, 14-16 inch long, wet tight crease. The huge rump was still well in sight as Dee twisted to her left to sit down. This ten second maneuver – from the Doctor’s point of vision – was a purposely seductive display of two independently rolling ass cheeks and the heavy shifting of her left tit, as it slaps loudly against her lower left side and upper hip. Both swaying orbs vibrate to a quivering halt below her navel as she sat in a totally nude slightly slumped position. What really opened his eyes in that brief moment was not the size or gyrations of her ass or tits – he had seen larger – though not on one so young. Rather, it was the fleeting exposure of what was to prove to be a piteously huge set of fur packed genitals, the likes of which he had never observed, even in professional journals. As will be discovered, Dee is a very intelligent, rather self-assured individual. However, because of her anatomical proliferations and the concomitant ignorant public reaction that has been her history, she will continue to be fearfully non-aggressive, shy and reluctant to start any kind of sexually intimate relationship. However, if found in a situation with the potential or appearance of sexual exposure or encounter, such as being nude in front of one or more strangers, however innocent (the Doctor) she is quick to respond with rapacious lust. At times, it is accompanied with youthful and ignorant confusion and initial displays of subtle seductiveness and sometimes with conscious heated participation e.g. dropping the towel. Suggestive, inviting poses are a continual part of her wanton behavior in such cases. Such frequent sexual energy is also manifested when she is the recipient of ridicule, embarrassment and humiliating situations. The effects of being naked in front of the Doctor and her mother at the same time result in swelling tits, increased respiration, flexing fingers and toes, and an overall blushing and moist sheen of her very fair, responsive skin. However, the most evident and perhaps most out of balance physiological mechanism to have assaulted Dee, is the increasing voluminous discharges of fluids from her entire cuntal region. The most copious is from her widely gaping vagina. Most unusual however is the fact that when really heated up, she will actually sweat out generous amounts of cunt sweat from the exterior swollen surfaces of her meaty vulva as well. At this stage of heated excitement she will, if only slightly encouraged, throw herself into the scene with frenzied enthusiasm. She is almost totally devoid of control of the now daily eroticism that accompany her real and fantasy worlds. It is as if her role as an evolving psychological, biological, many faceted sex persona, were preordained. Her purpose and her Tao (way) is to provide those special others who will appear in her life, and HERSELF, pleasures of the most intense and as yet unimaginable to ever be experienced by any of them. She was created to suffer; not as a martyr, but as a willing and creative participant- though she will often enough scream and plead in the most heinous, animalistic, croaks and choking gurgles, for a halt or just a slight pitiful lessening of her near deadly future torments. However, never consign Deanna Winston to the conventional-wisdom dung-heap of victimization; to do so only trivializes the conditions and real sufferings of the world’s true victims. Dee, though generally ignorant about all of this in her youth, will mature into the personification of “TRUE” free will and choice. Her extraordinary mental and physical strength will join forces to enable her to do so. Accordingly, she purposely let the gown fall. Settling back to rest on her elbows, she moves her arms outwardly to allow her 25 pounds of swelling tit flesh to hang off her torso, and become partially reposed on the examination table. She purposely flexes and wiggles her long, curly toes when placing her feet in the stirrups. This was done in concert with one of the thousands of beatific smile she will engage on her radiant but animated face during her momentous life. Her pupils are dilating and nostrils constricting; both in conjunction with a noticeable increase in her breathing and a few small unrepressed “oohhh’s!” Again, this was not at all unusual to the Doctor. What was very unusual however, was the very noticeable contraction of her obscene oversized cunt. This was followed by an immense gush of yellowish buttermilk-like cunt juices that projected outward two or three inches, slopping on the examination table and the tile floor in a three ounce puddle. Other ounces of the viscous musky mess matted her already thick-soaked pubic hair. The principal reason for this copious emission was that Dee had her excited, lovely hazel eyes on her feet when flexing her silky toes. Their long perfectly proportional length enabled the slightly flared tip of the next to largest and the ever so tapering tips of the other three, to caress the rounded sole underneath. Other times they would actually cross over each other when flexed in other directions. Her big toe was perfectly shaped and straight, though, as previously noted, slightly shorter than its adjoining ally. Her toes were puppets on a string, capable of a variety of contorted dances when influenced by the conscious and unconscious experiences of her daily and sometimes hourly sexual experiences. Dee is a compulsive masturbator, easily achieving 15 or more leaky orgasms a day, even when in school. She is forced to retain a large supply of rags and paper towels, which she keeps handy in her oversized handbag. Slightly embarrassed by what she had just done, she forced her eyes off her turn-on feet and awaited the Doctor’s next move. He, being a consummate professional, picked up the gown and draped it over Dee’s torso, leaving the unprecedented sight of her one-in-literally-two-billion cunt, exposed for further examination. He was quite familiar with occasional quivering leaking vulvas during such procedures but “shit” he thought “that was usually after several minutes of skilled internal and external, gentle but probing, inspection.” He had not even touched this girl’s crotch. Allowing that he could and would continue an examination while a patient was aroused somewhat, he excused himself to Dee’s mother to retrieve some necessary equipment and to obtain the assistance of his nurse. He always required her presence when a patient became aroused during an examination. He noted that Mrs. Winston, who had entered the office in a very cordial and friendly manner, now projected a fearsome demeanor. She being a naturally friendly and outgoing woman was seething. As soon as the door closed, she was on her feet. “Dee I had hoped to God that your past unacceptable unlady-like behavior had improved during the last month. I am so, so tired of telling you to control this vile need to spill all over yourself and to keep your perverted hands off yourself. I am thankful that your last punishment was that long ago or I am sure the Doctor would suspect that I am a child abuser. The welts on your butt and legs are thankfully now faded, but know this young lady, you have apparently been up to your old tricks in secret and you have thoroughly embarrassed both of us just now.” “You dear child, are going to get the beating of your life when we get home. It will cure you, because you are obviously sick, and there is no way in hell I can afford to have you treated. So! I will do it my own way as before, only much more severely. You know that I love you more than creation itself. Despite the good Lord’s will that you look and act the way you do, a change is going to occur. I am determined that my little girl is going to be able to take care of herself and be a decent person; for herself and for others. If you are going to take from this world, you simply must be able to give back to it. So suck it in my little precious you will know what hell-fire is after tonight.” Dee’s mother is fundamental in her social and spiritual beliefs, and a hard working widow who truly loves and is protective of her daughter. It is a truly symbiotic loving relationship. Like all of us however, Mrs. Winston is an imperfect person. Her greatest flaw is not her ignorance. It is her frequent tendency to lose control when meting out the severe corporal punishment she believes is the proper way to solve social or personal problems. There is no need to examine why this is so. It just is. Dee quivering vagina begins to drool as she listens to her mother’s truly terrifying but stimulating promise. Small slurping sounds can be heard. She is truly unhappy to ever be a disappointment to her mother, who she respects and loves dearly. However, she cannot make herself change. She must satisfy the increasing, raging need to find release – however temporary – from the horrible itching and throbbing fires that invade her total being when confronted with a wide variety of almost day-to-day passion fueling circumstances. Her erotic rapacity has increased in frequency and intensity during the last year and a half. Thus, the beatings are her emotional rationale for, at least in part, appeasing her wonderful mother and for being a weak slave to her consuming sexuality. She has long known that the punishments will only fuel her fires. Under past circumstances she was able to exert some degree of control when punished, by doling out her orgasms as consciously as possible. She always hoped her screams would be interpreted not as intense orgasmic pleasure from the numbing pain but as effective proof that the punishment was working and might prompt a change in her behavior. She could not however, prevent the large volume of drooling, leaking emissions, and sometimes – during the last six months – actual ejaculations of slimy, thick cunt cream. By the end of a beating, her entire lower abdomen as well as her legs and feet would be lathered with it. There would be at least a pint or more on the floor and the basement wall. As we shall see, Dee was often left unrestrained when receiving her punishment, resulting in frequent heavy slips and falls and the ejaculation of fluids on the walls when in close proximity to them. Her mother never was able to understand these emissions during punishment, but would discontinue the punishment as at least partially successful, at a certain level of false tearful pleading by Dee. The conclusion of these sessions left Dee very dehydrated and having been told to clean up the mess spotlessly, she would always slurp the larger puddles up directly with her mouth and scrape the still viscous portions off her body with cupped hands, glopping it down with electric murmuring through her still twitching cunt. Later she would drink several pints of liquid to replace the excessive loss of fluids. Now, Dee is crying even as she leaks on the examination table. She is truly sorry she has disappointed her mother, and is terrified of what her mom might actually do. She is sure that at this point in time, her verbal and physical responses during the night’s ordeal will betray her real need and condition. Such a revelation as “Oohhh! God help me mother, please unh! Unnhh!! Don’t stop, harder, eeeyyaaa… harder, pleeesssee!” would break her mother’s heart. Knowing she might not be able to steel herself from letting this happen, she can now only try to prevent it. With genuine tears in her eyes and cunt leaking from the fact that she is now in a supplicant begging situation – is there nothing that does not fire off Dee’s sexual synapses? – she shifts left to face her mother and in a sincere choking voice pleads “Please don’t punish me again mother… I dropped the gown accidentally, and I lost some of my “vile fluids” (her mother’s tag) because I have never been naked or exposed like this in front of a man. I was scared, even of the Doctor, and I think it has something to do with my condition, which I have no control over. Honest mom it does not make me feel like being a whore or slut who you say will leak like this also. I am a good girl and I am as embarrassed as you are. Please believe me mother. I am telling the truth. I do not want to be flogged by your straps and boards or that terrible whip grandfather Morris used on you. I will do anything you wish. Pleaseeeese! Let me do all the chores and promise to do extra home work. I’ll even stop watching TV”. Conjuring up past images of herself trying to stand still as instructed, but bucking, jumping and even running from the horrible pain/pleasure, slipping in her own “vile fluids” and spewing on the walls during the 40th or 50th smash of that horrible board across her wide, rounded but receptive ass, Dee knew that if the promised ordeal was going to be worse, she would likely break her mother’s heart for sure. These thoughts caused her to double her begging as well as her leakage. “Please be merciful Mama; let me suffer another way. I will even be glad to wear those special gloves you made me put on each night last month. And, I promise not to try and get them off. Oh God Mama, you can even tie me up if you think I will play with myself. I just do not want to be beaten. I will not be able to stand it. Let me cook your breakfast each day. Teach me how to iron and sew. I’ll do all the things that need to be done and you can rest more, like you deserve.” “Shut your lying deceitful mouth you little bitch.” Dee tensed and felt her pussy contract violently out of abject fear. Her mother had never called her a bitch. She was becoming more terrified. She was also becoming thirstier. “As nasty and vile as you can sometimes be, you have never been a outright liar with me. Now look at you lying there with you poor giant tits swollen much more than even ten minutes ago and making a horrible mess on the floor, the table and yourself. Sit up and look Dee. This shit is going to cease.” Dee stiffens again. Shit is not a word her mother uses. She is becoming almost paralyzed with fear now. Dropping her feet out of the stirrups and sitting up she notices that her always heavy breasts feel even more so as they droop to her lap in her slightly forward bending position. The areolas have expanded to almost five inches in diameter and though not much longer, her nipples have thickened noticeably. Her udders are so large in fact, that she has to drape each one over her thighs as she bends far enough forward to see her pussy as well as the floor beneath. “Oohhh, MY GOD!” she half screams, “I didn’t know. Please forgive me Mama. Aahh it’s horrible. I’m so ashamed. Look at it. My vile fluids are all over the floor and hanging like snot from the edge of the table. I will die if the Doctor sees it.” Dee slides her huge ass through the thick slimy mess at the end of the table and stands up with her feet immersed in it. Her toes clinch and spread in an attempt to secure a firm grip while she steadies herself with now slippery fingers at the edge of the slime coated table. She is only succeeding in making a bigger mess of herself and her surroundings. The still oozing lubricant is now flowing down her legs. Her nine-inch wide bush looks like it has been lathered with a cup of shampoo. She now has to hang on precariously with both slippery hands. Her feet begin to slide as the oily mess oozes between her continually grasping toes and shifting feet. Her lips begin to dry with increased thirst but she is more occupied with what the Doctor and nurse will think when they come in to discover her: slipping around in her own cunt juices, udders swinging back and forth in an increasing side to side arc while in her bent over position. Soon the bags, which are hanging down a few inches short of a foot and a half, began to take independent motions, occasionally slamming in to each other with the sound of a wet towel being slapped against a shower wall. This of course promotes a more precarious situation for Dee, but her main concern is still that of being discovered. “Oh God mother; the NURSE! Oohhh, ohh no, she can’t know what is happening. She cannot see me like this. Please, pleassseee!!, let me clean it up. It’s everywhere. They will think I dropped at least two dozen eggs on the floor. Let me Mama. Pity sake; let me clean it up before they come in?” “Absolutely not Deanna. You can damn well be embarrassed and maybe learn to control yourself in the future. If you cannot or will not, then prepare to look like the ridiculous slut that you are. Sliding around in your own muck with those outrageous breasts flopping like a cow’s, running to her evening milking. You can damn well fall on your slime-dripping butt for all I care. Fall in it and whither in it while you try to get up. From this moment on you will experience a dreadfully different world from the past. Though I doubt that it will help, you will get the promised beating of your life tonight but other measures will certainly keep those nasty hand where they belong. If a broken pussy faucet is your fate then I damn well know a few ways to keep the mess off of the world’s floors. Now get your sniveling slutty ass back on the table.” Hearing her mother’s never used words and her new gut wrenching demeanor, Dee became uniquely terrified, confused and in a certain sense, defeated. It is a new and very stimulating sensation when combined with her embarrassing predicament. She has an intense orgasm; shooting the largest single wad of cunt snot in her short sixteen years; ejecting out of her spastic, contracting hole in a three second long pissing like manner; landing on the as yet unfouled floor three feet away. Lord help her, she is indeed cursed until the day comes when she is able to handle her truly challenging and ever growing situation. With legs quaking, toes grasping and eyes rolled back in their sockets, she falls heavily to the floor. Quivering and rolling a few times in the final through of her climax, she is now a complete obscene mess. The viscous glop now coats her hair and drips in thick stringy strands off her body. She has let down more slime in the last hour than is usual for a whole week. Attempting to rise, the door opens and the Doctor, nurse, and even the insurance lady enter – the Doctor of course assuming Dee would be draped. Seeing them all induces an ultimate state of humiliation. She is totally out of control as she spasms toward another orgasm. “Eeeaagghh… ghhaah.unh,unhhh, oooffph… YAAAIIIEE!!” She falls again and begins spewing. The accountant faints, the nurse is paralyzed and the Doctor is professionally alarmed that she is having a deadly seizure. Her mother stiffens with the sharp large intake of breath, letting out a cry that is a combination of rapture and sudden revelation. It is not for the hellish and pitiful plight of her still twisting, flopping daughter, but rather because of the sudden knowledge and realization of what is really happening and what she must do about it. It is the rarest kind of epiphany. It would prove to be of incalculable value to both her and her daughter’s future emotional and physical security. The Doctor pulls the still faint Dee to her feet at the edge of the table. He thinks her loss of fluids has something to do with her hormonal condition accompanied by severe seizures. He informs Dee’s mother the main problem was hormonal in nature and that there were no drugs to treat it, though some were being tested. He prescribed dilantin for the seizures and advised a follow up examination to insure there were no tumors or other apparent afflictions to her reproductive tract. Mrs. Wilson knew by virtue of her new awareness, that Dee would no longer need the services of the good Doctor. She knew what to do. It would be a super human challenge for herself and Dee, likely taking several years to achieve. The results would either find Dee in the back-most ward of the state mental institution, reduced to a slimy stomach crawling slug that could only leave a constant trail of slippery slush on the bare floors she was restricted to. Alternatively, Dee would adopt herself to an extremely rigid training regimen that would eventually enable her to control her hands, and her almost constantly flowing trash bin. It started immediately. Mrs. Winston convinced the Doctor to let Dee clean up the vile mess while naked in front of the nurse and accountant – under the guise that she did not want Dee’s clothes to get dirty. The Doctor shrugged his shoulders and left the room to the bugged-eyed stares of both women. Dee, Sobbing and whimpering throughout the entire 20-minute ordeal, was not allowed to clean herself up or put on her clothes to leave. Instead, she was told to put on the completely saturated examination gown that she used to partially clean up the floor. It was tied only at the back of her neck allowing a full view of her entire filthy backside and much of the rear portion of her also dripping tits, both of which flopped and swung in wide slapping arcs underneath the almost wet T-shirt like gown. Her two-and-a-half-inch nipples outlined in cloth clinging detail. “Mama I need water. I am dying. I have lost too much fluid. Pleaseeeee”, she croaked in a barely audible voice from a cotton-dry mouth and now dry cracking lips. Now by herself in the hall, her mother’s reply is in a tone never before heard by Deanna. “You’ll get water only after you do exactly as told, do you understand me you little snot bitch?” “But, Mama I’m so thirsty, just a little please?” Making sure that no one is looking Dee’s mother rears back and smashes Dee on the left side of her face, openhanded, with all her strength… SLLAAPPP! Dee staggers back. Only the wall keeps her from falling. “Aiihhh, no Mama,” This was a blow that went right to the terror region of her heart not her cunt. She is in a manic, terrifying state of being. “Shut your damn mouth, you piece of worm turd. Not another word until I say so. Right now! Lips shut, don’t even lick your lips.” “Oh Christ Mama what is happening, I am so scared” she manages to squeak out in a very painful tone of voice. CRACKK! SLAMMM… SMASH! Three brutal closed fist blows land across Dee’s mouth puffing up her completely parched lip and opening up a deep heavy bleeding cut on Dee’s lower lip. The blows knock her off her feet. Being very strong, she struggles up. SMASHH. CRUNCH! Two more vicious blows to the mouth. Dee hits the floor again now moaning. Her mother is now beyond caring if they are seen. It is not likely because they are at the rear entrance more than 75 feet and several hallways from the main area. In addition, after witnessing the Dee examination all have left for a break of amazed gossip. Dee rises again, incomprehensible horror in her eyes as she looks in the depths of her mother’s eyes for some micro serving of pity and understanding. She is so fearful that she is ready to vomit. Her lips are beginning to swell shut. She utters a barely heard small little squeak as if to maybe start vomiting. It is not an attempt to defy her mother. CRACKK.SMASH… KRUNCH! She bounces off the wall and starts to slide, her massively swinging tits swinging in such a stretched out sideward arc that they too slam into the wall even though Dee has hit it with her back. The putrid gown falls off. She is grabbed by the hair just before hitting the floor with her wide ass which now covered with half-dry scabby cunt cream. Dee is not leaking or spurting now. This is deadly. She is convinced her mother is going to beat her to death. She will not resist. She is pulled to her feet by her hair. “One way or the other you putrid little bitch, you are going to keep your damn mouth shut.” PUNCH… POW… CRUNCH! Three more are delivered to Dee’s mouth. By now, it is becoming a ruined swollen mass of single entity flesh. Both lips so inflated, bloody and cracked that they are now impossible to open. But she must somehow, because she now begins a choked, strangle sounding vomit. It is so powerful that it forces her massively swollen lips apart. The hydraulic effect of the barely open lips combined with the force of the ejection causes the putrid emissions to spew in a narrow forceful arc four feet down the hall. Dee is bugged eyed in her struggle not to strangle herself. WHAM! She is knocked off her feet with a blow to the side of her head ten seconds into the constantly flowing ordeal. The mess is still spewing: now in 2-3 foot arcs in every direction, as she withers in new terror. A lot of blood is still flowing from the five large cuts that interlace the swollen nozzle of the human vomit hose. She is beginning to choke a little. Utter panic sets in. She becomes incontinent and begins to project shit and piss violently. Three large turds hit the wall just behind her. She is pissing in all directions and still vomiting. In an almost seizure state she bucks and withers in her shit, piss and rancid vomit; all adhering to the mushy lumps of drying pussy slime. Her slimy milk bags are crashing against the floor and wall so violently that they sound like full size saturated bath towels being slung against a wet bathroom floor. They will be severely bruised and swollen tomorrow. Finally it all stops. She is a ruined soggy shit house cockroach, pitiful to look at, but extremely enduring. She stinks and reeks with putrid waste that emanated from every orifice she possesses. Her strength enables her to get to her hands and knees but that is all. “You have one minute to get your pus filled cunt off the floor and on your feet, you shit covered cow.” Dee’s abused and swollen tits hang so far now that they touch the floor while her arms are fully extended in an attempt to rise. She quivers and shakes while managing to raise her torso. Her shit covered tits flopping around her waist so stretched they have become. They are visibilly swelling and will likely be monstrous in size by tonight beating. She lets out a terrorized, runny spurt of shit thinking about it. Her breast feel like bags of fire right now, as she manages to get just to her wobbly, spastic feet. She is instructed to put on the shit, piss, vomit and cunt juice soaked gown. Her lips the size of halved apricots are still bleeding profusely and sealed tightly shut even though they will still swell some more. She can not even tie the neck string. She is totally nude from the rear and most of her side, especially when her hideously burning meat bags swing in even wider arcs now that they are swelling to an ungodly size. “Get your worthless ass to the car. I will be out in a minute.” Dee looks beseechingly at her mother, eyes pleading for pity. Dear God she tries to communicate. The car is two blocks away in an open area public parking lot. KAPLOWW! She is goggle eyed in unpredicted tit pain. Her mother had just delivered a closed fist powerful smash to her left tit burying her fist to the wrist in the firm but malleable tissue. Dee wanted to retch again but there was nothing left. She dry heaved, her injured sac actually smashing into the middle portion of her back just next to her side. “Goddamn you Deanna, do as I say. Do not fucking think about anything just DO IT! And while you sashshay your fat ass to the car do think about this. If you think this little episode is a horror just wait until tonight. Your tits and ass have not even begun to swell. By tomorrow at this time even you will screech at the horror of their torn swollen massiveness. This goes for that shitty ass of yours and that girl cock that’s sticking out like a hot dog now. Now drag your ass out of here and wait for me at the car. I will unlock it when I get there.” Dee now dangerously dehydrated did as she was told carring a note written by her mother telling anyone who might approach her that her apparent injuries were not serious and that they were on their way to the hospital. Down the street she goes, being instructed to walk in the gravel and through a one acre lot strewn with all manner of broken bottles, stones, refuse and hornets’ nests. She is not to look down but keep her eyes on the car and walk through whatever she encounters. It is a worse humiliation than cumming in the Doctor’s office. She arrives with profusely bleeding feet and 13 hornet stings on her bare back and ass. She is gawked at by a number of people but no one attempts to stop her. She waits by the car for half an hour in the hot sun. Her mother returns and after throwing several handfuls of sharp rocks and small shards of glass collected from the empty lot on the passenger side floor board, instructs her to get in, take off the slimy gown and squeeze under the dashboard as far as possible. It is agonizing doing so but even more so when instructed not to move a muscle until her mother returns. “Okay you little shit maggot. If you want pain and agony get prepared. Something happened to both of us in that office and I am going to act on it, even if I do not know the full measure of it yet. I will get no pleasure from what I must do but I am now a different person and will be that person as long as I have control of you. I now know that you live for pain and that you squirt those vile juices in pleasure. Well I will not try to change that. You may blow gallons of it for all I care and you may tie papa’s old belts around your milk sacs as tight as you wish and claw them with your always sharp finger nails and whatever else you use. I will learn what is necessary to melt your piss pot of a brain with monster pain and humiliation. I imagine you will likely cum your brains out but I will restrain you until you scream and pass out with frustration. You will in effect, learn to live with your affliction through mind wrenching control. To cum and squirt at the proper time.” “You are going to contribute more to this world besides cunt slime and you will learn to do it with what you papa called The Hair of the Dog. The more you suffer the more you will learn control. Cum a hundred times a day if necessary, but do it on your own time out of the sight or circumstances of those who do not wish to be witness to or subjected to it. You absolutely will learn to give as well as take and you will adjust your life accordingly. So! For at least the next three years, you will be a virtual slave to me. You will succeed or mysteriously disappear. I love you dearly and will often comfort and reassure you. I will happily caress your lovely face while it rests on my lap. I will brush your silky auburn hair and kiss your sweet cheeks. I will pray for both of us and keep you as healthy as possible.” “I will also hurt you unmercifully, and heap the most humiliating and degrading circumstances on you that you or anyone can imagine. If you are to be a pain slut then you must be able to endure the most horrible things possible. I want you to be strong in body and mind. I want you to survive.” “That is it. Remember every word I have just uttered. You will constantly be asked what the purpose of your future horrors are all about and you will never fail to get it right. Now scrunch your ass under that dash even tighter. I am noting where every body part is. None of the little rocks I am placing against you had better be out of place. If even one is just slightly moved then you can not imagine the consequences.” She makes sure all the windows are rolled up tight, locks, and shuts the door on this 92-degree day. It is an hour before she returns. Dee is near total dehydration and is hardly sweating any longer. Heat stroke is about to overtake her. She barely breathes through her nose. She is still in her cramped position now unable to move even if she tried. Her mother blows a cup of Gator Aid into her via a straw in her nose. Any normal girl would have died an hour ago. Dee will live to make it home in preparation for her night of unimaginable hell fire.