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My sister and her kinky family



“Walt, I think it’s time you and I got together to settle a couple of old matters between us. My address is below, along with my phone number and a picture of all of us. Me, Mitch, and the sons are looking forward to seeing you soon. Love, Carol.”

I held the letter in one hand, the picture in the other, my eyes going from on to the other in disbelief. It had been, what, damn near twenty years since the last time me and Carol spoke to each other?

Even as I committed my sister’s address to memory, I knew she was right in what she said – there were a few things we needed to discuss. I looked at the picture of my sister and her family; there was Mitch, her husband, along with two teenaged girls and one boy. I felt a pang of bitterness stab into me, realizing I didn’t even know their names. Carol’s “dismissal” of my place in her life was, up to this point, very thorough – hence my surprise at receiving her letter.

It wasn’t like she didn’t have good reason to forget she had a brother. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think about those things Carol mentioned and wondered how things would have turned out had shit not gotten out of hand.

Twenty years ago, Carol and I had gone to a party being thrown by one of our mutual friends. As you might expect, it was a little embarrassing showing up with your sister as a date, but Carol was pretty cool – for a sister.

A lot of the people we knew were there and, in no time, the party was at full swing. After a couple of hours of loud, foot-stomping’ music and quite a few alcoholic beverages, I was ready to leave and went looking for my sister. I found her out in the backyard, just staring up at the night sky.

“Hey, Sis, why aren’t you inside cutting some rug?” I asked, taking a place beside her.

“I needed some air,” Carol replied, turning to look at me. “In fact, I hope you’re here to tell me you’re leaving.”

In that precise moment, I felt something pass between us, something very strange and very wonderful. Without thinking, I leaned over and gently kissed Carol’s lips. “Yeah,” I said, breaking the not-so-brotherly smooch. “I’m ready to get the hell out of here.”

Carol looked at me, her eyes burning bright with some inner fire and I could see that something was running around in her mind as she absently ran her tongue across her lips.



“Let’s go… take me home right now.”

There was an urgency in her voice I’d never seen before as we exited out the back gate and headed for my car. “What’s the rush?” I asked, hurrying to keep up with her.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” she replied, opening the door and sliding onto the seat. “Just drive, Walt.”

Okay, so maybe I shouldn’t have kissed her like that. As I started the car, I was having a hard time remembering why I even did it; all I knew in that moment is that I needed to kiss her.

We got home fifteen minutes later. Carol was out of the car before it came to a complete stop, heading for the house and digging in her purse for her keys. I hurried to lock the car and followed Carol inside, noting that our parents hadn’t returned from their weekly card game.

Carol stopped on the stairs and fixed me with a look I’ll never forget as long as I live. It is hard to describe that look, both then and now; all I knew was that it was very intense.

* * *

To make a long story short, Carol gave me that look, I looked back and, the next thing either of us knew, we were on the floor making love like there was no tomorrow.

I remember positioning myself above her and eating her pussy, thinking that shit just couldn’t get any better that it was right then. That was before she took my cock into her mouth, doubling my pleasure. Even as I drove my cock into Carol’s depth and listened to her cries of pleasure, I somehow knew this moment would come back to bite us in the ass.

I shot my load like never before, the sensations so overpowering I almost passed out between my sister’s wide-spread legs as she humped her way through what had to be a pretty spectacular orgasm.

As we recovered from our alcohol-induced passion, our eyes met and I could see that whatever magic has possessed us had fled like the proverbial thief in the night. Oh, what an awkward moment that was as I pulled my shriveled meat from Carol’s sticky quim! We collected our clothes and went to our respective rooms without speaking to or looking at each other.

The silence between us ensued for the next two weeks, when I left home after enlisting in the Navy. All through training, I either wrote to Carol or tried to call her, hoping to explain my side of what happened. But, she never wrote back and wouldn’t take my calls, leaving me to resign myself to the fact that because of one drunken night, I had lost my sister forever.

Until now. Looking at the picture Carol sent, I couldn’t believe how she’d grown into a very beautiful woman, more beautiful than I remembered. I picked up the phone and dialed the number she gave me, having a slight problem reading it – I must have gotten something in my eye. As the phone rang on the other end, I found myself wondering just what in the hell I was going to say to her after 20 years.

“Hello, Porter residence,” came a man’s voice.

“Hello, uh, this is Walt Matthews. Could I speak to my sister Carol?”

“Oh, hello there Walt! This is Carol’s husband, Mitch. I take it you got her letter?”

“Um, yeah – it came today,” I said, partially relieved that Carol hadn’t answered the phone. “Her letter says…”

“Yeah, I know,” Mitch cut in. “So, can you come out and spend some time with us? It would really mean a lot to Carol and you’ve got nieces and a nephew you’ve never met.”

“I suppose so,” I answered lamely. “I’ve got a lot of vacation time stored up and my boss has been after me to use it.”

“Good! It’s settled, then. Give us a call when you get your travel plans together. It’ll be good to finally meet you, Walt – Carol’s told us so much about you! ‘Bye!”

“Goodbye,” I answered, still a little shocked. I hung the phone up for a moment, deep in thought about… nothing. It was true I had stored up about six weeks worth of vacation time and I just couldn’t find a reason not to take Carol and Mitch up on their offer.

I picked up the phone and made two more calls, one to my boss (who was happy to be rid of me for a while) and one to the airport. The next day, I found myself on a puddle-jumper heading for the town of Moreland… and a date with destiny.

The Moreland International Airport, if that’s what you wanted to call it, looked more like a private airstrip than a big-city airport. I stepped off the twin-prop commuter and into the blazing hot afternoon sun. After fishing my shades out of a pocket, I went into the terminal to collect my bags… and to see if anyone was there to meet me.

After about twenty minutes, I realized that the only way I was going to get to my sister’s place was to catch a cab, so that’s what I did, giving the cabbie the address and settling back to watch the scenery roll by. It turned out to be somewhat of a long trip and it gave me plenty of time to ponder how my reunion with Carol was going to jump off.

Twenty years! What the fuck do you say to someone you haven’t seen in all that time? I worked through a few speeches, found them lacking, and decided to just go with the flow. Ten minutes later, the cab turned left onto a dirt road; after getting bumped around a bit, I was deposited in front of what could only be classified as a farm house.

“My sister married a farmer?” I asked aloud, taking a moment to survey the surroundings. Other than the house, the only other structure I could see was the dilapidated remains of what used to be a barn. So, maybe her husband wasn’t a farmer after all, not that it mattered. Still, I somehow couldn’t see my sister living this far away from civilization, considering where and how we grew up.

“You must be Uncle Walt.”

I turned at the sound of the voice to find a boy about fifteen or so standing on the porch. He had a mop of brown hair crowning a very tanned face. He was a little on the muscular side in build, like he spent his free time lifting weights or something, and about five-nine or so, giving an inch.

“You have me at a disadvantage,” I replied, extending my hand.

“I’m Peter,” the boy said, taking my hand in his and giving it a surprisingly strong shake. “Come on in – we’ve been expecting you.” Peter grabbed my bags and led me inside.

The best way I could describe my sister’s home was to say it was rustic. The furnishings were tasteful and, on the whole, seemed to be a comfortable place to live. I followed my newly-met nephew into the kitchen, spotting a man standing at the sink peeling potatoes.

“Dad, he’s here,” Peter said. “Uncle Walt, I’ll just take these to your room, okay?” Peter left without waiting for me to acknowledge his courtesy.

“Walt, a pleasure to finally meet you,” Mitch said, wiping his hands on a towel before grabbing mine and almost pumping my arms off.

“I’d have to say the pleasure’s all mine,” I replied. “The only way I found out Carol got married was our mother told me.”

“Have a seat – I’m just doing a little grunt work before dinner,” Mitch said, waving me to a chair. “Can I get you something to drink? Water, lemonade, something stronger?”

“Lemonade would be fine, thank you,” I said, settling into my chair and getting a good look at Mitch. He was about 6′ 2″ and looked to weigh about 210 or so. He appeared to be about my age but you couldn’t tell from his body. Mitch placed two glasses on the table and took a seat.

“Here you go,” he said, saluting me with his glass. “So, where do we begin? I mean, even though I just met you, it seems like I’ve known you for a while.”

“I feel kinda silly,” I said after taking a sip of the cold, tangy drink. “You obviously know more about me than I do about any of you.”

“Yeah, well, that’s one of the reasons why we invited you. I realized that there was no reason for the two of you not to get together and mend a few fences.”

“Um, did she tell you why we haven’t spoken in all these years?” I asked nervously.

“As a matter of fact, she did,” Mitch replied. “It took me quite a bit of time to convince her that it was a silly reason to break contact with her brother.”

Oh, shit. So, my brother-in-law knew about that night after the party. In a way, I was kinda glad he knew and, then again… I covered my anxiety by taking a long pull from my glass.

“Can I be frank with you, Walt?” Mitch asked, leaning forward and looking me directly in the eye.

“I don’t see why not,” I said, squirming a little at his gaze.

“I know about what happened after the party, from beginning to end. I also know the whole thing pretty much unnerved the two of you, so much that Carol felt it necessary to break her bond with you.”

“Well, most people would consider that a good reason,” I said, getting a little more comfortable with Mitch without understanding why.

“Most people would, yes. But, I gotta tell you that you don’t know the rest of the story.”

For a second, I got a little angry. “What more is there to it? We got drunk and fucked each other. Obviously, it had such a negative effect on her she didn’t want to see or speak to me again. If it means anything to you, I often wish it hadn’t happened.”

“Hey, easy there, big fella,” Mitch said, holding his hands up. “If you’re thinking we brought you up here to bust your chops about ancient history, you’re dead wrong. All I’m saying is you don’t know why shit happened the way it did.”

“I guess not,” I grumbled, wondering if it were too late to catch the next flight out. “Which reminds me – where is Carol?”

“She had something to take care of in town,” Mitch said, refilling our glasses. “She should be along shortly. You didn’t happen to see Helen or Connie on your way in, did you?”


“Your nieces – were they out front?”

“No, I only saw Peter. Should we look for them?”

“Not right yet,” Mitch said, sitting back in his seat. “I wanted to spend a little time talking to you alone, so I sent them outside. Now, where were we?”

“You were saying I didn’t know what happened after the fact,” I reminded him.

“Oh, yeah. Well, I guess you probably felt that Carol hated you for what happened that night.”

“It would be a good guess,” I said, now wishing for something stronger than lemonade.

“It took a little doing to get the story out of her, believe me. After she told me, I had to admit that you made quite an impression on her, so much of one that she decided the best thing for her to do was to pretty much turn her back on you.”

“Why?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better or me.

“Because she wanted more of it,” Mitch replied with a calm I wouldn’t have had. “She was so afraid to approach you about it, she just didn’t say anything.”

“You’re telling me that my sister actually liked what happened that night and wanted to do it again? I’m supposed to believe that?”

“I’m just telling you what she told me, Walt. Don’t get me wrong here; I ain’t got a problem with what happened way back then. Seems to me you get a man and a woman together with some booze and, shit, anything can happen. I just wanted you to know right up front that I know about it and don’t hold it against you.”

I didn’t know what to say. I found it strangely comforting to find out after all these years that Carol didn’t really hate me after all.

“I appreciate it, Mitch,” I finally said, reaching across the table to shake his hand.

“Not a problem, brother-in-law,” Mitch replied, smiling widely. “Now, let’s see if we can catch up with my daughters!”


After telling Peter we were leaving the house (and to let his mother know) Mitch and I headed out the back door and towards a large stand of trees. As we walked, Mitch explained that he and Carol owned all of the land within sight, up to and including the small lake we were headed to. As we continued to make small talk, I had to admit that I was impressed right down to my drawers, not only with what they had managed to accomplish, but with the man my sister chose to marry.

We turned off onto another trail and walked for another two minutes or so before I could see light shimmering off some water. Just before we broke into the clearing, we heard the sounds of girlish laughter.

“Shhh,” Mitch whispered, peeking around a tree into the clearing.

“What? Is there something wrong?”

“No, just keep quiet for a moment and you might see something interesting.”

I did as he instructed, figuring that we’d stumbled upon some cute nature scene – a deer or something like that.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought! Come on, take a look,” Mitch whispered, waving me to a spot next to him. Curious, I crept into place and looked into the clearing.

I don’t know what I had expected to see, but it certainly wasn’t what I saw! Instead of some pastoral “deer lying in the grass” scene, what I saw two naked girls lying on a blanket and eating the shit out of each other!

“Oh, shit,” I said. “Oh, shit!”

“Yeah, ain’t they something?” Mitch asked, his smile growing wider.

“Yes, they are,” I said, unable to take my eyes away from the delicious scene literally spread out before me. The two dark-haired vixens were oblivious to our presence, their attention squarely focused on the business at hand. And, damn, were they taking care of business!

The shorter of the two was on top, licking the pussy of girl on the bottom, alternating her voracious tongue-lashing with jabs of a pair of fingers deep into the other girl’s cunt. And, from where I was standing, the one on the bottom was giving as good as she got.

I didn’t need to look down to know my cock was harder than the tree we were hiding behind. Glancing to my right, I saw I wasn’t the only one, either; Mitch wasn’t wearing any underwear – his cock was practically crawling down his leg.

As the two girls continued to have each other for lunch, I realized that my eyes continued to linger on the impressive imprint in Mitch’s pants. Now, I’m not into guys or nothing like that; outside of some fooling around with the gang when I was a hell of a lot younger, I had no interest in another man’s cock. That didn’t mean I wasn’t able to appreciate his endowment, though.

“Mitch,” I whispered, “do you know who they are?”

“Hell, yeah,” Mitch whispered back. “They come here often enough.”

“No shit!”

“None at all,” Mitch said, fiddling with his zipper. A few seconds later, he pulled out at least nine or ten inches of the fattest prick I’d ever seen outside of a porno movie and began to stroke it urgently.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked, unable to take my eyes off of what my brother-in-law was doing.

“What’s it look like I’m doing?” he countered. “Shit, these babes are hotter than hell!”

I looked back into the clearing in time to see the girls roll over and switch places before continuing their Sapphic journey. Beside me, I could actually hear Mitch pounding away at his cock, each stroke of his hand eliciting a little grunt of delight.

My own cock throbbed hotly against my body and, to be honest, I don’t know which scene thrilled me more – the two girls or Mitch whacking his meat to beat the band. I was about two seconds from joining him when the passionate sounds emanating from the blanket grew louder.

The girls were coming… and so was Mitch. Although I couldn’t see it, I could easily envision their young cunts oozing rivulets of girl-juice; in Mitch’s case, I had a front row seat as an incredibly long jet of jizz exploded from his swollen, purplish cock-head, splattering noisily on the ground.

“God damn, they are so fucking hot,” Mitch intoned, as another blast of spunk joined the first one, followed by yet another. Mitch’s hand was a blur as he continued to milk his prick into flaccidity. He reached into a back pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, wiping the remnants from his fingers.

“Damn,” I muttered, my cock still raging hotly in my pants.

“C’mon – let’s get out of here before they see us,” Mitch said, turning in the direction we came in.

I followed him numbly – but not before taking another peek into the clearing where the two girls were cuddled next to each other, obviously sharing the glowing warmth of their venture.

I waited until we were well away from the area before speaking aloud. “Mitch, do you always watch those two girls whenever they’re down there?”

“Every chance I get,” Mitch confirmed.

“Do you think they know you’re watching?”

“I don’t know – probably,” Mitch said with a shrug. “Doesn’t matter, though. C’mon, I see your sister’s car coming up the drive.”

Sure enough, I could see a cloud of dust coming up the road.

My throat went suddenly dry as my long-lost sister came through the door. Carol was as beautiful as I remembered, even though she had put on a little weight. My hands began to sweat profusely as our eyes met for the first time in twenty years.

“Walt,” Carol said softly, putting down the bags she was carrying before approaching me with open arms. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

As we embraced, I could feel the tears I was holding back spill down my face. “I’m glad you invited me, Carol,” I said, my voice husky and cracking.

“You don’t know how much your being here means to me,” Carol said as she cried, crushing me to her body with a strength I found surprising, kissing me softly on the cheek. “Now that you’re here, everything is going to be just fine!”

“Now that’s what I like to see,” Mitch chimed in from his seat at the table. “We are going to be one happy family, right Pete?”

“You said it, Dad,” Peter replied.

“Mitch? Where are the girls?” Carol asked, releasing her grip on me.

“We’re here, Mom,” a voice replied.

I turned to see two stunning teenaged girls enter the living room from the kitchen. Both looked to be around 16 or 17 years old, had dark hair and bodies that you’d have to see to believe.

“Walt, these are my daughters,” Carol said, opening her arms and collecting one in each. “This is Helen and the cheerful one here is Connie. Girls, this is my brother, Walt.”

As the girls greeted me, I had the feeling that I had seen them somewhere before. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” I said, accepting a peck on each cheek from the girls.

“Well, now that all the introductions are over, how about something to eat?” Mitch asked. “Hey, Walt, do you know your way around a grill?”

“I’ve been known to mess around from time to time,” I said, still trying to shake the odd sense of deja vu I had experienced upon meeting my nieces.

“Good! What say we grab a couple of brews and crank out some steaks?” Mitch said cheerfully. “Follow me!”

I followed my brother-in-law into the kitchen; after collecting an armful of thick steaks and a two six-packs of beer, we made our way to the grill and, within minutes, the whole area was filled with the tantalizing aroma of grilling meat. Mitch and I sat on a nearby bench, chatting and drinking our beers when I suddenly remembered where I had seen the two girls before.

“Mitch,” I said quietly, looking around to make sure I wasn’t overheard, “I got the funny feeling I’ve seen Helen and Connie before – they were the two girls down at the lake, weren’t they?”

Mitch grinned widely, cracking open another grain grenade and taking a big swig before answering. “I was wondering what was taking you so long to recognize them! Yep, my daughters and the two girls at the lake are one and the same!”

I felt a tingle of excitement flash through my body as a few things started to come together. “Mitch, they were doing each other like it was nobody’s business,” I said, taking a quick belt of brew. “You mean you knew they, um, they…”

“Been doing it with each other since they were nine and ten,” Mitch said, his grin so wide I though his face would split open any second.

“And you were watching them and jacking off while they…” The implication hit me hard enough to sober me up for a moment.

“Shit, wouldn’t you?” Mitch replied, turning the steaks over and checking the packets of foil-wrapped corn.

“Man, that’s incest!” I said lamely, getting the impression that my brother-in-law could care less.

“So I’ve been told,” Mitch replied easily. “Look, Walt, there are some things you need to understand here. As you saw on your way in, we’re a long ways from anything that would resemble civilization and, well, your sister and I have always encouraged the children to do what comes naturally.”

“Get the fuck out of here!” I exclaimed. “You mean to tell me…”

Mitch laughed, looking at me as if my head was suddenly on upside down. “Walt, close your mouth. If you’re getting ready to ask me if me and Carol think it’s alright for them to fuck each other, the answer’s yes. Do you have a problem with that?”

It took me a few seconds to soak all of this in, my head spinning in disbelief. “Ah, I guess I don’t have any problems with it,” I finally said. “I mean, who am I to tell you what’s okay for your family? But, I gotta ask you something.”

“Ask away,” Mitch said, getting up to plate the steaks. “Like I said earlier, we asked you here to get things squared away.”

“I’ve heard that being isolated like you are can, um, lead to things like this happening,” I began, finding a bit of clarity. “Do you…”

“Do I join in the fun? Well, now, I think it’s safe to say that the family that loves together stays together,” Mitch replied, setting the plate of savory meat on the table.

I didn’t quite know what to think or believe at this point. I just couldn’t imagine my sister having sex with her own children. Oh, I could handle Helen and Connie doing the dirt with each other; shit, I could even handle Peter and Mitch getting into the act. But Carol?”

“You’re finding this hard to believe,” Mitch said as if reading my mind. “I’d hazard a guess and say that you find it even harder to believe that your sister would approve of such behavior.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” I remarked, ripping the tab off another beer. Between the beer and this astonishing revelation, my head was going in circles.

“In that case, you’d probably have a stroke when I tell you this family loving thing was all her idea.”

“You’re kidding!” I said, knowing full well that he wasn’t.

“I think you know better than that,” Mitch said quietly. “Trust me, Walt – when she hit me with it, I had a hard time buying it myself.”

“I suppose she chalks this up to that night we…”

“Bingo!” Mitch confirmed, pointing a finger at me, his smile returning. “Carol said you were a pretty sharp cookie!”

“Fuck me,” I whispered. Without even realizing it, my actions of so long ago had shaped my sister and her family into… into what? Even in my beer-buzzed state of mind, it wasn’t hard for me to see that none of them seemed to be any worse for the experience.”

“That’s pretty much what we had in mind, Walt,” Mitch said, causing my head to snap upward so hard I gave myself a slight case of whiplash.

“Excuse me?”

Mitch’s face turned serious as he sat down on the bench next to me. “Why do you think we invited you up here, Walt?”

“So me and Carol could settle our differences?” I said stupidly.

“That was only part of it,” Mitch said. “Now, I gotta tell you that if you can’t stomach the rest of it, there won’t be any hard feelings between us.”

“The rest of what?” I asked, finally realizing the whole truth here.

“You’ll find out after dinner,” Mitch said cryptically.

Dinner was magnificent although I spent most of the meal with my mind in a daze. Now that I knew their secret, it was hard for me to look at the other faces around the table; every time my eyes met theirs, I could sense a sort of joy circulating between them, a joy that I was expected to participate in.

“Walt? Are you okay?” Carol asked.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” I replied, looking at my sister and seeing more of that enticing joy twinkling in her eyes.

“Look, honey, we all understand how hard this might be for you to accept, but this is who and what we are and, well, we’d very much like for you to be a part of it,” Carol said, echoing her husband’s earlier sentiments.

“I don’t know about you,” Helen said to Connie, flashing me a somewhat lecherous smile, “but I can’t wait to get my hands on Uncle Walt!”

“Helen, behave yourself,” Mitch said. “Your uncle hasn’t said anything about joining us so, until he does, he’s off-limits – understand?”

“I’ll convince him to change his mind,” Helen said, standing up and stripping off her top to reveal a pair of 36C tits unencumbered by a bra. She lifted one pendulous boob, bringing the nipple to her lips and sucked it wetly between her lips – my cock twitched in response to such a brazen act. “What do you think, Walt? Wanna wrap your lips around these?”

As the others began to clear the table, I couldn’t take my eyes off of Helen’s creamy globes as she sucked on her nipples in turn. My cock was wide awake and raising all kinds of hell as I watched the sultry teen bite and lick her tit-flesh.

“Helen?” It was Carol’s voice coming from somewhere behind me.

“Yes, Mother?”

“Do you want him?” she asked, taking me by the arm and helping me stand.

“I want him bad,” Helen said, cupping her breasts and offering them to me.

“Take him,” Carol said, handing me off to my niece. “Just remember to save some for the rest of us.”

“I’ll think about it,” the lusty teen said, leering at me in such a way that made me weak-kneed. “C’mon uncle – it’s time to properly introduce you to the family!”

I offered no resistance as Helen led me from the kitchen to the bedroom she shared with Connie. Even as I watched my niece do away with the rest of her clothing – revealing a stunning body – I knew that I would offer no resistance at all.

See, I had already made up my mind to accept their lifestyle and to take full advantage of whatever it had to offer. And, as the oldest of my sister’s children approached me, I knew I was making the right decision.

“Mmmm,” Helen moaned as I sucked on her nipples. “That feels so good, Walt! Do it a little harder, will you? Oh, yeah, that’s it, that’s the way I like it!”

I didn’t bother to answer; instead, I focused my attention on licking, sucking, and biting Helen’s magnificent globes of flesh. My hands clawed at her firm, plump, backside.

“Take your clothes off and join me,” Helen cooed, stepping away from me and lying down on the custom-made bed, opening her arms and legs invitingly.

I didn’t say anything as I discarded my clothing, noting that the bed appeared to be able to hold quite a few people and relieved to have my cock finally freed. I approached the bed, my cock bobbing in front of me, my eyes fixed on the thick thatch of dark pubic hair surrounding Helen’s mons. She smiled as she followed my gaze.

“You like that, huh?” she asked slyly, opening her legs further. “You like hairy pussies, don’t you Uncle Walt? C’mon, show me how much you like it… eat my hairy box!”

Her words sent another thrill through me as I settled in between her legs, lifting them until they rested on my shoulders. In this position, I could easily see her clit protruding from that forest of hair, the pinkness of her slit standing out against the stark darkness that forest of hair provided.

Helen’s cunt had a sweet smell to it as I thrust my tongue between her pouting cunt-lips, flicking it slowing along her already erect bud before sucking it hungrily into my mouth. I heard her gasp as my tongue flew across the sensitive surface and it didn’t take long before her hips began to gyrate, scouring my face with her curls. I felt her hands on my head as I plunged my tongue into her center, lapping up all the sweet nectar it could find.

“Ooh, shit, Walt,” Helen hissed. “Slow down – we have all the time in the world!” She tightened her grip on my head, vainly trying to put the brakes on me.

But I was having none of it, having lost myself in her wet folds. I ate her young gash like a starving man, slurping and sucking noisily as my fingers toyed with her nipples, urging them into greater hardness. With my mouth firmly attached to her juicy cunt, it was all Helen could do to keep up with the blistering pace I was setting.

“Fuck!” Helen screeched as she climaxed, her young, tight body shivering as the sensations raced along her excited nerve endings. “I’m cumming…!

That was just fine and dandy with me; I forced more of my tongue into the tight embrace of her hole, spreading my tongue as wide as I could and, in turn, spreading her resisting inner walls. As my niece squirmed and cursed her way through a second orgasm, I got hit with a devilish idea. Locking my arms around her lovely thighs, I rolled to my left, forcing Helen to turn with me until she was sitting on my face.

“Holy shit!” the busty teen cursed as my tongue sought and found her clit once again; I lashed her nub viciously, making double-damned sure that no spot went unattended. Somewhere along the line, she managed to get a grip on the bed’s headboard, using that extra bit of leverage to ride my face and tongue.

“Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, yeah, ummm, shit, yeah,” Helen chanted, whipping her now-soaking wet quim across my face. “Eat my pussy! Eat it ’till I can’t take any more!”

I was so busy complying with her request that the bed’s extra movement took me by surprise – but not as much as the mouth closing around my prick did.

“Umph!” I grunted into Helen’s box as lips and tongue began to work on my cock, taking my lust to another level. Momentarily curious. I freed a hand, reaching down to determine the identity of the mystery person sucking the hell out of my dick – and came up empty-handed; all I could feel was that wonderful talented mouth sucking my juices out of me as if my prick was some great big straw.

Helen didn’t have the problem I did. As I continued munching her carpet, I could hear her talking to the other person who had joined us.

“Yeah! Suck that motherfucker! That’s right, eat his cock, suck it!”

I didn’t know who she was talking to, but I also didn’t give a fuck as Helen once again flooded my face with her juices, the tangy liquid stinging my face where her coarse hairs had rubbed me raw. South of my navel, my hips bumped in a steady rhythm, my cock pistoning in and out of the mouth attached to it, fanning the flames inside of me.

“Here, change places with me,” Helen said, moving off my face, giving me a moment to wipe her cum from my eyes. I sighed as the liquid warmth of her mouth covered me, waiting for her replacement to step in and get some of what she had experienced.

So, you can imagine my surprise when, instead of pussy, I felt the spongy head of a cock knob poking me in the lips! I opened my eyes to find Peter leaning over me, trying to part my lips with his dick.

“What the…?” I gasped, giving Peter the opening he was looking for. Before I could protest, I felt his cock brush past my lips and into my mouth. I had never in my adult life entertained the thought of having another man’s prick in my mouth.

Peter sighed and began fucking my mouth gently, taking some obvious delight in feeling my teeth scraping gently against the silky hardness of his manhood.

It wasn’t as bad as one might have expected. My nephew’s turgid flesh had that same sort of sweetness I’d experienced while eating Helen, topped with a slightly salty tanginess as drop after drop of pre-cum flowed onto my tongue. I recovered from my initial surprise and started using my tongue against his hot shaft, tickling the ultra-sensitive underside of his still-swelling meat.

For long moments, the room was filled only with the sounds of our impromptu trio sucking and slurping – but it didn’t last long. Above me, thrusting his cock into my mouth insistently, Peter began to grunt and moan louder, the taste in my mouth growing saltier as more and more of his juices flowed into my mouth. He leaned over me, pumping his dick into my face with short, quick strokes and I could sense that he was about to dump a load of jizz into my mouth, even as my own balls began to tighten.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Helen hissed, releasing my cock from the embrace of her mouth. “I’ve got someplace better for you to put it!”

I almost bit into Peter’s cock as Helen mounted me, her slick pussy sliding down the entire length of my aching tool, surrounding me in its velvety tightness. Shit, I almost blew my load right then and there and would have, too, had it not been for the swelling meat in my mouth.

Peter’s seed exploded into my mouth, coating my tongue with its hot, gooey stickiness, caring a taste like salty oatmeal. I swallowed instinctively as my nephew pumped even more of his sperm into my willing orifice.

Helen continued to ride my cock, cursing lustily. I felt myself grow thicker and harder within her embrace and I knew that I was just split seconds from dumping a load of my own.

“He’s gonna do it,” a voice – Mitch’s? – said. “He’s gonna cream her good, I think.”

“Looks like it to me,” a voice that could only belong to my sister said.

“When do I get my turn,” Connie complained, leaving me to wonder when in the hell they had come in – but putting the thought aside as my cock spit chunk after chunk of jizz into my niece’s hole. Peter had graciously removed his spent tool from my mouth, allowing me to give voice to the incredible sensations coursing through me.

“Oh, SHIT! GOD DAMN IT!” I yelled as Helen screwed her cunt down hard on me, using her muscles to milk every drop of sperm from me I had to offer.

“Damn,” Peter said softly. “He’s pretty hot, Dad!”

“You think so? Let’s see,” Mitch replied. I felt the bed shift as Peter got off – and Mitch took his place, taking my hand and placing it on his, oh, my damn! – hardening tool. It was longer and thicker than my own cock, which was returning to its normal size trapped inside Helen. I opened my mouth invitingly, knowing what was going to happen next.

I wasn’t disappointed either as my brother-in-law’s tool slid into my mouth, gagging me instantly. He backed off and let me take him at my own pace, which wasn’t saying much considering how much his staff filled my mouth.

“Your turn, Connie,” I could hear Helen saying and moments later, my younger niece was giving me mouth-to-cock resuscitation. She wasn’t nearly as talented as her sister or brother – but I didn’t give a fuck.

Mitch was grunting loudly as he continued to fuck my now-helpless mouth, his thick, bulbous head colliding with the roof of my mouth repeatedly. “You were right, his mouth is sweet!” he said to his son (wherever he was). “I have an idea; Connie, help me turn him over on his side… no, the other side. Carol?”

I was still recovering from my initial ordeal and couldn’t do much other than lay there while my family moved me where they wanted me. A hand lifted my head momentarily and I was soon looking at my sister’s pussy, her dark curly pubes laced with a little gray here and there, as she fitted herself to my mouth.

I noticed there was more movement below me as I began to eat my sister’s coochie; Carol was settling in to munch her younger daughter’s box even as she returned to sucking my quivering prick. I was thinking how nice and inventive this new position was… until I felt something wet and slick probing my asshole!

“No, please,” I mumbled into Carol’s box as an obviously lubricated finger penetrated my back hole, worming around inside of me and creating a delicious itch inside of me. As Carol began to hump my face in earnest, I could hear Mitch finishing his instructions to Peter and Helen.

The mystery finger continued to probe my bottom and I could feel Helen’s back against mine and her voice saying, “Yeah, eat me, Daddy!” I could only imagine what we looked like… and could only wonder what was going to happen next.

Well, that question got answered quickly enough, let me tell you! The invading finger vacated my bung hole and I soon felt the exquisite pain of something large being forced past my sphincter; if I had to guess, Mitch was trying to wedge his monstrous cock-meat into my virgin ass!

I groaned and grimaced in pain as the head of my brother-in-law’s cock pushed past my resisting muscles and stormed into my bowel; the sensation was so excruciating that I almost threw up in Carol’s steaming box! The pain – and the nausea – began to subside as Mitch worked his cock into my ass.

“Hold it, Pete,” I heard Mitch say, his voice muffled by his daughter’s juice-drenched muff. “Okay, shove it in!” I heard him grunt as his son violated his own father’s back hole, completing what had to be the most obscene connection in history.

I lost all track of time as Carol shot stream after stream of girl-juice into my face; I had long since drained my balls into Connie’s hot little mouth. Behind me, Helen was humping her daddy’s face, cursing like one of my old Navy buddies and clearly having the time of her like.

I heard Connie when she came, a high-pitched squeal of juvenile delight, followed closely by the now-familiar grunts coming from Peter as his prick hosed down his father’s bowels. And, speaking of Mitch…

Despite all the sexual chaos taking place around him, he kept up a steady rhythm in my ass, which had finally decided to relax and accept its role, allowing Mitch to ream me with the full length of his rather impressive manhood, it’s width stretching my ass so wide that I knew I’d have a hard time taking a shit afterwards. I heard him grunt loudly, felt his prick swelling inside of me and I braced myself as best I could…

The first jet of gooey jizz coated the walls of my rectum, followed by two more in rapid succession. Mitch was really pounding his dick into me and all I could do was lay there and take it. Carol was cumming again, as was Connie and, oh shit, my head was spinning…

Then the world went away.