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Orgy at my Aunt Maggie’s house



After exhausting my welcome at my Aunt Maggie’s house, I was for- tunate enough to be extended an invitation to stay at my maternal Aunt and Uncle’s house in a nice, cozy part of Southern California (far enough from L.A.!).

While attending one of Southern California’s better colleges near L.A, I am the just another struggling college student forced to room with someone. But that’s okay, I love school and I am willing to sacrifice. I thoroughly enjoy going to school without any goal in mind. I just want to take in all I can and learn everything!

So after doing that all year it was really nice to look forward to spending the hot summer relaxing at my Aunt and Uncle’s who have a nice-sized home with a huge, new pool.

I’ll back-peddle here long enough to explain why I don’t live with my mother (or father). While with Mom, I had a boyfriend named Brian and our “relationship” had become so intolerable (and verbally abusive) that I had to seek refuge. Dad’s place was out. After Brian found me once there and threatened me, it was decided that I would go “away” to school and not live with mom or dad ’til things cooled considerably. My dad is very protective but couldn’t be there for me and work too.

“Hi Jenny”! (I hate it when my family calls me by that name!)

“Hi Aunt Gloria….where’s Uncle John?”

“Oh he just went into town to get a few things. Come in! Bring your stuff in here and get settled. Don’t let all that hot air in!…I just got the house cooled down.”

I was impressed with my new surroundings for the summer. It had been a few years since I had visited and they had remodeled the house.

“Oh just throw those things down and come on out back.” Aunt Gloria had me dump my bags and led me quickly to the back part of the house. I was impressed with the huge pool they had installed since I was last there.

“Well, what do you think?” She threw open the sliding door. “I don’t think you’ve been here since we added this have you?”

“No! looks great! I can’t wait!”

I was immediately caught up on how “private” it felt. The fence was nice and high and there was a huge, vacant field behind it on the back side. To each side was a neighbor’s house but the elevations were such that the one to the right was lower while the one on the left was completely surrounded by high trees pressed tightly against the fence totally blocking any “view” of the pool. It was like ‘double’ privacy.

“We thought you would be hot and exhausted from your trip down so you just go in there and get changed and John will be back with the steaks for barbequeing.”

I didn’t hesitate. The pool looked way too inviting. Auntie took me back in the house and saw to it that I was “to make her home my home” and showed me what was to be my own room for the next two months. It was a little “masculine” for my tastes…it was lined with wood paneling that Uncle John had installed years ago and it was their son (my cousin) Jeff’s room before he moved out and married.

After Auntie left me in the room, I gazed out the window as I un- dressed and was pleased that just outside it was very private with a fully shaded atrium garden on the other side of my window. As I put on my one piece [conservative] bathing suit I pondered whether I would be able to lay out nude and get an “all over” tan this summer.

Once back outside, Auntie and I got caught up on all the latest and she let me know that the new neighbors were something else. What, she didn’t elaborate at that time.


I settled in rather easily…almost too easily!

My new daily “routine” was rather unimpressive. Other than helping my Aunt around the house on a daily basis, I pretty much could lay out by the pool, read all my favorite magazines, drink gallons of coke and iced tea, and eat chips, salsa and guacamole!

My Aunt and Uncle assured me that they were thankful that I was there as they would be gone a good portion of the summer. My Uncle’s job caused him to travel and Aunt Gloria wanted to join him since he would be going to a few places that she wanted to visit. So here I was alone with the house all to myself!

As I lay there reading the latest ‘Vogue’ and listening to my favorite CD’s on headsets, I could “feel” that I was being spied on. I was just starting to feel safe and comfortable enough to let my top down and, on at least 2 other occasions, I had discreetly removed my bottoms as well.

I get real “hot” when I’m laying out and not just from the sun. I don’t know why but for as long as I can remember, my pussy would just start juicin’ after laying out. I should say here that although I am no model, I do have a decent figure. At least I’ve had no complaints! Most people (guys and girls) have categorized me as the typical southern California blond beach bunny type but I don’t like stereotyping even if it could be true!

For one thing, I am much more “cerebral” and although I have en- joyed the beaches a lot, I am no “surfer chick” and resent that “beach bunny” tag being applied. As I continued to read through my Vogue article while listening to my music, I let my eyes wander beyond the page and scanned the fence perimeter. I have a sixth sense for this feeling of someone keying in on me. Maybe it was due to my experience with Brian but my warning beacon was “on”.

One of the fence boards had a smallish knot hole that my eyes had missed earlier. Now I could distinctly catch slight movement be- hind the hole. The bushes were rustling too but I thought it might be from the gentle breeze. Still, I maintained my current position and didn’t let on that I was aware of being spied on.

Auntie had described the neighbors on this side as being a “house- full of hellions”..whatever that means. I was now wishing she had gone into more details so I would have an idea who was invading my privacy. I discreetly turned down my Walkman’s volume completely but continued to bob my head to the “music”.

“CRYSTAL!” I could heard a woman’s voice call out.

I saw the “knot” being replaced on the fence board and the bushes behind it jiggle a little more than just from a breeze. I decided to jump up and see if I could catch a glimpse of my little spy! Ever so carefully I stepped up on the patio furniture and peeped over the fence (and bushes) just in time to see a young (maybe 15 or 16), lithe-bodied person with long, dark, stringy hair scamper into the house. “Hmmmm” I thought. The slight suggestion of a figure said “it” was a girl. Or was that a metal-head guy?

About an hour later the doorbell rang. I decided to put on a robe and hurried from the back yard to answer it.

“Hi…I’m Carolyn your neighbor next must be Gloria’s niece…”

She extended her hand and continued chattering away:

“My own niece, Crystal, is staying with us and, well…would it be okay if she came over for the afternoon…I just got called out to an emergency meeting and….well, I just don’t feel comfortable leaving her alone…..”

From her tone and her rambling on I decided to let her off the hook, “Sure, I’m just out back getting some rays. Have her get her suit and come on over.”

“Oh, you’re a DEAR!!!….you don’t know how I appreciate this!… I mean..she’s not exactly a child but she does need adult company …I’m sorry I don’t mean to just dump her on you but …”

“Hey, think nothing of it! Send her on over, I’ll leave the door open..”

Carolyn scurried off like her undies were on fire and moments later I saw the pixie-like face under the stringy hair (and developing woman’s body) of Crystal appear.

“Um …hi, I’m Crystal….”

She was looking down like she was about to be punished for getting caught with her hand in a cookie jar. “Hi! Come on in!” I bubbled. “I was just out back enjoying the pool…” I locked the door behind us and escorted her through the house to the back yard. As we walked through the house, I couldn’t help but notice what a cute figure she actually had! I had barely caught a glimpse of her when I saw her scurry into her house an hour ago but this little thing was cute!… kind of boyish but feminine too.


Nice act. This kid was good. She made it seem like she hadn’t even seen it (or me) just an hour or so ago.

“Hey! I’ll bet you can skinny dip here right!?”

Her enthusiasm was just a little too animated but hey, what the heck, I went along. “Of COURSE, silly!” I said as I wanted to appear “worldly” and undaunted. We spent the next couple of hours getting to know one another. Both of us were a little uncomfortable to “let our guards down” too much. Me, because I was literally hot from sunning myself, and also I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from her! So we spent a great deal of time question and answering… me with a load of questions, her with the shortest of answers.

I found out that she had gotten into trouble and in with the wrong crowd and was sent to her Aunt’s to get “straightened out”. I guess she had gotten nvolved with pot and a druggie crowd and her parents were afraid she was heading down the wrong road.

This wasn’t too much of a surprise since she revealed her name “Crystal” came from her mother’s favorite drug of choice when she was younger. When she opened up a little more with me on this, a very touchy subject with her, I could tell that she was quite re- lieved that I didn’t act all wierd about her past and her current “situation”. She definitely seemed to relax and during our chatting I could sense that she was “eyeing” me with keen interest. I, too, was getting turned on by her but me at 26, I knew I would be playing with fire. There was something so pixie-like about her and it wasn’t just her young age. Her dark, brown eyes were huge and doe-like.


And with that, Crystal got up and jumped in the pool with a big splash.

“This feels really great!……come on in!”

I decided to join her and dove in the deep end feeling the cool water on my sun-drenched skin. I had to admit, it felt as wonderful as it always had and cooled my fires down a little. Moments later, we got out both of us anxious to get back to more “girl talk”.

“ you got any beers?”

I was a little reluctant to contribute to the delinquency of this minor but I also knew we had the whole afternoon to ourselves and we wouldn’t be going anywhere. Without answering, I got up and could feel her eyes on my bottom as I went into the house and put a six-pac of Mickey’s Big Mouths in a cooler with ice. When I came back, she was stretched out and her nipples, which were hardened from the cool water and air, stuck straight up as if to greet me against her spandex one piece suit. “Here ya go..” I gave her one of the Mickey’s and unscrewed one for myself. I’m not much of a beer drinker but it just seemed to go with this particular day. Just then the phone rang.

“Hi Jennifer?”

I could tell it was Carolyn and she was already making points just by not calling me “Jenny”.

“Look…I REALLY hate to do this to you but I’m stuck up here in L.A. and I don’t think I can be back before late. Are you and Crystal getting along okay?”

“Sure.” I felt like a schoolgirl babysitting again but the “pic- ture” before me was no baby!

“I hope you don’t mind. Would it be alright for her to stay with you? If you can fix dinner for you both I will gladly repay you….”

“Hey, no problem…we’re getting along fine and there’s plenty here to eat. You do what you gotta do and we’ll be fine. In fact, she can spend the night here if she wants and we’ll catch you in the morning.”

“REALLY!?…Oh, Jenn, that would be just ‘WONDERFUL’ and a real load off my mind.”

As I was talking with Carolyn I could tell that Crystal was getting excited over the prospect of hangin’ out together. Her knees and legs were opening and closing like a butterfly.

“She’s not comin’ back?”

“She’s stuck in L.A… meetings.”


With that, Crystal got up, dropped the straps on her one piece suit, then dropped the rest of the suit on the decking and jumped in the pool again.

“I hope you don’t mind, Jenn…it’s just too damn hot! Don’t you want to take off your suit too?”

I had to admit I did. Besides, she’d already seen what there was to see and we were both females! Crystal emerged on the shallow end nearest me and put her arms on the pool tile. I hadn’t expected my “unveiling” to be a spectacle but it was like she didn’t want to miss anything. Without too much fanfare, I dropped my bikini top and sat back down on the chaise and acted like I was getting back to my magazine. I could see the disappointment in her look that I didn’t get completely naked and “join” her.

“Doncha wanna come in?”

“I will in a minute.” There was something “experienced” and manipu- lative about her but I couldn’t quite pinpoint it. As I pondered the thought the cool breeze did it’s trick on my nipples and I noticed they were as hard as I had ever seen or felt them. Crystal was noticing too. I dropped the magazine to my side and laid the chaise back down flat absorbing the suns hot rays. I must have slightly dozed off as I felt the small hand applying lotion to my legs and feet.

“You looked like you were starting to fry a little…” her voice trailed off but her hands kept moving when she saw that I wasn’t going to protest. In fact, I closed my eyes once more and enjoyed the feel of her light touch on my firey skin.

“You have to be one of the prettiest women I have ever seen in the flesh, Jenn…”

Her voice was barely a whisper as her hands globbed on more sun- screen and moved from my feet, to my ankles, to my shins and knees. It was at my knees that I could feel her eyes on me but I remained still and let out a slight moan as her finger tips circled my knee caps. With the moan she almost stopped but decided it was okay to continue.

“My girlfriend, Trish, used to love it when I did this for her…”

Her hands returned with palms full of cool lotion and she began to rub the fronts of my thighs in full, sensuous motions. Her girl- friend? There were a couple of ways to take that but I didn’t want to pursue it just yet.

“Oooohhh….” I couldn’t help letting out the audible sound of appreciation. Besides, I was really starting to feel more fire in my loins from the heat and her touching me. Ohhh this is wrong I know it! Me getting all fired up with a teenager. After thoroughly massaging the lotion onto my thirsty thighs, she moved to my side. I felt one tentative hand full of lotion on my tummy and I moaned again but I was afraid to open my eyes and give her any sign of what I might be feeling. I considered stopping her but decided I was doing no wrong being passive. Again she took this as a sign of acceptance and her other hand joined the first as the sloshy sounds of lotion on skin gave way to the sensuous feel of her delicate little hands applying it. Rather than move down toward my pubic area, she opted to spread the lotion just under each breast and, as if by accident, brushed each nipple when she applied more to my shoulders.

“MMMMMmmmm….that feels so good….” was all I could muster. My nipples were sticking out like dried out tongues reaching for a drop of rain water… I just knew it! She deftly moved behind my head and began to tentatively work her hands down to just the swell of my breasts and over my entire decolletage area. After one more squish of the lotion in her hand she made her move. Soft but sure, she pushed the lotion over the swell of my entire breasts but stopping just short of the nipples and a blatant sexy move.

I knew now that I wasn’t going to stop whatever she wanted to do. I also knew it was wrong not to but convinced myself that as long as I was passive, I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I was certain my flowered bikini bottom was soaking in the crotch and would be a dead give away if she noticed it. Her hands continued their magic.. ..rubbing……massaging…….thrilling me so that my breathing was much increased.

I should just get up and dive in the pool! (That’s what the logical part of my brain was saying!) My body (through my mouth) let out a deep moan as her hands now fully circled each breast and ended with a slight gentle, tweak of each nipple. “OOOoohhh…” and her hands just continued their full on massaging of first one, then the other of my breasts. There was no pretense on her [or my] part now and her other hand began to stray over my tummy once again moving toward the edge of the top of my bikini bottom. Her fingers grazed just under …once again tentatively and looking for a reaction on my part. I didn’t give her one. In her next pass, I know she grazed the top of my trimmed bikini hairline.

“You should let me trim that for you….”

Again she said it so quietly as to have it almost be a whisper…. maybe just the “suggestion” of what she wanted to do. Her hands were working too much magic for me to think or react other than to moan and groan my appreciation and satisfaction. This she took as full satisfaction and acceptance. My tummy had always been a sensual spot and my breasts are directly connected to my clitoris. I know she had to know this as she continued with one hand on my breasts while working her right hand down my tummy and ending at the end of her reach and just under the elastic band of my bikini bottom! This was one experienced teen! Now she moved around again from above my head to the other side of me but never lost contact with my skin. The lotion was now acting more as a lubricant than a sunscreen application keeping her hands in contact to me.

“……at least keep your skin nice and moist……”

MOIST! Hell, I was sopping wet by now! Her left hand had a new amount of lotion and was under my suit bottom where her hand could make full contact with my thighs and pussy hair. Again, I made no moves but my body was giving me away as I felt my hips roll with her touch.


And before I could move or protest in any way she hooked both hands on my bottoms and pulled them down and off my ankles in one motion. Now I had to open my eyes! I could see that grin and pixie smile as she said,”…there… doesn’t that feel much better? After all, nobody can see us!”

I swear she glanced up at the fence knot hole where she had been just a few hours earlier. Her hands quickly went back to where they had left off and she was stroking my pubic hair…gently tugging it upward. Pull and stroke..pull and stroke…

Her fingers continued to pull and stroke my hair there when her thumb found my nub at the top of my crevice (by accident?!) and touched me just enough to cause me to have a mini-orgasm. “OHH!” It was almost like a shock! But she let her thumb linger a little longer when she saw the reaction it got.

“ definitely should let me trim this…don’t you like mine?”

And with that, she stood up with her legs slightly spread and showed me the cutest little pussy with it’s whispy fine dark hair just covering her cleft as I lay there refraining from begging for MORE of her touch! Whether the moisture was from the pool or her own I couldn’t tell but I could see her hair was slightly matted. “You have to trim your hair there?” I said stupidly and still flushed from the not-enough-fingering I just got.

“No..not really very much but Trish said that keeping it nice and short gives you more feeling there.” “WAIT THERE, I’ll be right back!”

She jumped up and was back in a second with her purse and a “kit” that contained, among other paraphernalia, some trimming scissors.

“Now hold very still and don’t be afraid of anything!”

Before I could protest she was spreading my knees apart and pul- ling and cutting my pubes like a barber possessed! I decided to lay back and “enjoy” it even though I was a little shaky about having scissors so close to “there” without me being in control of them! Besides, I wanted more of the contact of her fingers but she was not in any hurry to “please” me that way. Maybe she didn’t even know I had a nice little “come”!

“THERE! What do you think!?”

I looked down to see nearly all of my blondish brown hairs whisked away by the little hands of my new personal barber.

“This is how you REALLY notice the difference!” She continued to play with and spread my hairs and I could feel her working my lips apart. Butterfly-like I could feel her tips touching each highly sensitive part of my labia majora and minora.

“See I can tell you are much more sensitive now ’cause you are really getting wet…”

My hips were involuntarily lifting off the chaise with each contact of her fingers. She was making me wetter and wetter but was avoiding my clit and making me cum. At least that’s how it felt! At the same time she moved her head in closer and closer as if inspecting me! As I felt her fingers spreading me open, I also felt the first swipe of her tongue on me there!

It was so unexpected!

“MMMMMMMmmm you taste even better than Trish!”


Lick….Lick…Lick and just like that I had one of the biggest cums I had Had in ages!

“Mmmmm mmmmmm…mmmmmm……mmmmmmmm….unnnngghhh…..mmmmmmmmm”

She played me like an instrument! Wave after wave washed over me as her tongue continued to bring me off in multiple O’s like I hadn’t known!

“I knew you would be like this!”

She said it almost in triumph and I realized now that she had been watching and fantasizing about doing me! She continued licking on me until I begged her to stop! She came up to me and gave me a big mushy kiss on the mouth with her face soaked from MY juices! I was so turned on and exhausted from her ministrations that I sucked her tongue into my mouth with gratitude and she fell on top of me on the chaise lounge in one big, wet, sloppy, hugging kiss. Just then I thought I “felt” rustling in the bushes where she had been earlier but I knew no one was home. Or at least I thought no one was home! To be safe…

“Commeer YOU!”

I grabbed her up and led the both of us into my room. I was both HOT and a little mad at being taken by this little upstart but I was mostly wanting to get back at her, take control, and taste that little pussy of HERs! When we reached my room, I threw the covers back on my bed and pushed her down on her back. She fell back on the bed with a big smile and a little twinkle in her eye as she spread herself out for my inspection.

“Do me, Jenn….I want you soooo bad!”

She didn’t have to ask twice. That little dark-haired pussy with the pink wet lips was begging for my mouth and I wasn’t going to deny either of us!

I proceeded to her slit with the intent of drinking in it’s beauty and was assailed with the sweetest scent I ever had the pleasure of noticing on another female. So overpowering was her scent that I laid my entire tongue on her and lapped at her full on with my mouth.


She grabbed my head (and hair) and pulled me into her like I was going to leave her hanging. She needn’t have worried as I was now caught up in girl/girl heaven. Her tastes were sweet and like fruit nectar. Never had I known (nor suspected) that a girl/woman could taste so good! And her little hips were thrusting up to me… almost causing me to lose my oral contact on her.


She came with such a force that I had a little one with her but hung on to those tight little butt cheeks with both hands.


We spent the rest of the night together in that bed and “played” and loved with one another ’til the sun came up the next day. I don’t think I have ever cum so much. She said that she hadn’t either!


I don’t know if what we did was right but it sure felt good (and right)! After Carolyn came back I made it a point to go over there and found out a good deal more about Crystal. For one thing, she had had a “butch” girlfriend (Trish no doubt) who was considered a very bad influence on her. That was another reason to place her with Carolyn. And as for Crystal: for some reason, I didn’t feel that I was taking advantage of ‘her’ but rather she was taking advantage of ME! I also found out that Carolyn’s 19 year old son had come home and had been spying on us through the fence. He later divulged to Crystal that he had seen it all and that he jacked off against the fence while watching us! Crystal later confirmed that by going to the “hole” and she saw dried up cum on the fence behind the bushes.