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The kinky family – Winds of Change



Mariah Wallace got out of her car slowly, hoping that she could get from the carport into the house without tossing the remnants of her breakfast.

“I shouldn’t have had that second bagel with cream cheese,” Mariah groaned as her stomach continued to churn. After fumbling with her keys for a moment, she finally succeeded in unlocking the door, barely remembering to close it as she dashed into the first floor powder room. She dropped to her knees…

A few minutes later, Mariah stood in front of the mirror, patting her face dry. “Oh, God, I hope I don’t have to go through that again!” Feeling much better, Mariah left the powder room, collecting her purse and jacket from where she dropped them before heading upstairs to her bedroom to strip and lie down for a while.

Once upstairs, Mariah hung a left for her room – and stopped dead in her tracks at the rather loud bumping sound coming from her daughter Terry’s room. An icy sliver of fear began to creep up her spine as she realized someone other than her was in the house. Quietly, Mariah changed directions and crept toward her 16-year-old’s room, uncertain of what she was going to do if there was an intruder inside.

Before the kids came along, Mariah was very active, playing tennis and swimming every chance she got. Marriage and two children had put the brakes on her athletic endeavors but she was still in pretty good shape, her 130 pounds resting nicely upon her 5’6″ frame. The sudden death of her husband, Michael, put the final kibosh on any thoughts of working out again, her time completely consumed with raising Terry and Ron and working.

Nervously, Mariah looked around the hallway, searching for anything she could use to defend herself. She spotted Ron’s baseball bat sitting against the small table in the hall; normally, she would have read him the riot act for leaving his bat there – but it was the perfect weapon for now.

With her confidence bolstered, Mariah continued on to Terry’s room, gripping the cool aluminum bat tightly in one hand and reaching for the doorknob with the other. She hadn’t heard any more noises but she wasn’t about to take any chances. With the bat poised to strike, Mariah turned the knob slowly, feeling the door unlatch. She pushed it open just a crack and listened.

The first sound to reach her ears was one of someone alternating between softly moaning and giggling; she immediately recognized Terry’s musical laughter. Part of her relaxed, thinking that if Terry was laughing, then she was in no immediate danger.

Still, Terry shouldn’t have been there in the first place; Terry had left for school with her brother an hour before Mariah had left for her ill-fated trip to work.

The moaning increased in intensity, now accompanied by the slight – but unmistakable – sound of bedsprings creaking. Mariah felt her fear be replaced by parental anger, realizing that not only had Terry bagged school, she was in her room and, from the sound of it, was in the middle of getting fucked!

Mariah gripped the bat tighter, making up her mind that whoever it was laying the pipe to her little girl was going to pay a high price for the privilege!

She pushed the door open a little more, enough for her to peek into the room and confirmed her suspicions. Her view was limited, but she could easily see Terry lying face down on the bed, a beautiful smile on her face and her breasts swaying in response to someone taking her doggy-style. Mariah felt a spike of warmth stab into her, going straight to her own crotch.

“Mmm,” Terry was saying, licking her lips. “This is so nice! Harder, baby – give it to me harder!”

Upon hearing her daughter asking to have her pussy pounded, the heat between Mariah’s legs went up a degree or two, which was good for the moment because if whomever was plowing her little girl answered, perhaps she could identify the voice. Then she could deal with the matter fully – someone was going to get their ass kicked!

Movement on the bed made Mariah refocus her eyes as Terry got up from her [assumed] kneeling position, turning onto her back; a second later, one of her knees came into view. Terry’s eyes went wide in shock for a moment before closing, her face relaxing in what Mariah could only assume was pure bliss.

Since she still couldn’t see who was with her supposedly virgin daughter, Mariah could only assume that Terry – when did she start fucking? – was being eaten! Curiosity (and a great deal of lust) replaced her anger momentarily; Mariah got a little bold and pushed the door open another inch, hoping to get a better view of the situation.

What she saw was Terry flat on her back, knees pulled back and cantaloupe-sized tits jiggling like gelatin; she could see a hand under Terry’s ass, lifting her bottom to a yet-unseen mouth. As her own cunt itched and oozed juice, Mariah had to admit that although a clear violation of every house rule in the book, Terry looked as if her unidentified lover was giving her the thrill of her life.

Mariah almost sighed aloud as she remembered the last time she had her coochie eaten; that Michael had died of a heart attack while filling her pussy with sperm was something that still gave her nightmares.

“Eat my pussy, baby,” Terry cooed, flicking her tongue across a nipple she’d raised to her lips, sending a major chill through Mariah; she could clearly remember doing the exact same thing just last night as her vibrator made the rounds.

“Eat it, lick it… suck it! Oh, shit – I’m gonna cum again! No! Hold it! Right there! RIGHT THERE! SHIT!”

Terry’s eyes rolled up into her head, her whole body shaking uncontrollably as her orgasm raced through her; from her vantage point, Mariah could see Terry’s hips lifting up off the bed, grinding her puss into her lover’s face.

“Come on, put it back in! Fuck me, you stud! Fuck me with your big prick and wreck my pussy!”

Mariah’s knees buckled as a small orgasm rippled through her body, the tiny spurt of girl-juice soaking the crotch of her panties. The bat slipped from her fingers, falling silently to the carpeted floor. With her hands free, Mariah’s fingers quickly raised the hem of her skirt, diving into the waistband of her panties and finding her throbbing clit. Again, she almost moaned out loud as her fingers finished the job the torrid scene before her started.

Part One, Chapter 2

On the bed, Terry was on her knees again, her whole body being rocked by the mysterious guy behind her. Through her lust-induced haze, Mariah could hear him grunting as he shoved more of his cock into her daughter (but not enough to identify him); whoever the fuck he was, he was really giving it to Terry!

Mariah’s fingers continued to work her pussy, delving into the wet folds of her labia, reaching for her G-spot – and finding it with their usual deadly accuracy. As another self-induced orgasm ripped through her, Mariah held on to the door frame to keep herself from falling. Terry’s body was really being shaken as Mystery Man picked up the pace; in between the grunts and groans, Mariah could hear the unmistakable sloppy-wet suctioning sound of a pussy being turned inside-out by a hard dick, as well as one body being driving hard against another.

“Oh, Jesus,” Mariah whispered, her fingers flying over her distended clitoris. “This is the big one!”

“Oh, Jesus!” Terry unknowingly echoed. “Gotta do it, lover… gotta let it go, give it to me, give it to me, more, more, NOW, NOW, NOW!”

Terry cried out as what had to be an orgasm to end all orgasms kicked her ass into the next county; her mouth flew open, but nothing came out.

Mariah fell over her own precipice, having the absurd thought that even though there was nothing coming out of Terry, there was certainly something going into her as Mystery Man grunted hard. Mariah damn near passed out realizing that he was emptying his seed into Terry’s hungry snatch while continuing to fuck his cock into her with hard, bruising strokes.

Mariah leaned against the door frame to support herself after her own orgasm had run its course and, now that it had, clarity had returned. As hot as the situation had been (and rather satisfying), it was time to take control and do her job as Terry’s mother. Even though it had been strangely stimulating to watch Terry get her stuff packed (God, she had nice knobs!), she had to face the music for her transgressions. Gathering her resolve, Mariah pushed the door open and stepped into the room.

“HOLY SHIT!” Mariah shouted, as did Terry – and her brother Ron.

For what seemed to be an eternity, mother, daughter, and son were frozen in their respective positions, staring at each other in utter disbelief. Even stunned into momentary silence, Mariah could see the (delicious?) sight of her son’s rapidly shrinking cock, covered with a mixture of his sticky jizz and Terry’s pungent juices.

Her eyes flicked to Terry, taking in the alluring sight of her daughter’s dark thatch of matted pubic hair – and Ron’s spent seed flowing from her puffy, reddened cunt.

“What the fuck…” Mariah said, breaking the silence.

“Mom!” the siblings exclaimed at the same time. Terry was uselessly reaching for the crumpled sheet, giving up after a few seconds as she realized there was no point in covering up something her mother had obviously seen.

“You’d better have a damn good explanation for this,” Mariah said, voicing an anger that she, for some damned reason, didn’t really feel. She knew she’d have to examine this peculiar lack of feeling later – right now, she had to play her part in this.

“Aw, damn,” Ron said, his face coloring an interesting shade of red. “Mom, I can explain…”

“That’s good, Ronald,” Mariah said, stepping further into the room. “I’d really like to hear why you’re not in school… and why you’re fucking your sister. Oh, and you’d better make it quick, too, before I decided to beat you with this bat.”

For a comical moment, both Terry and Ron looked at their mother’s empty hands, wondering what bat she was talking about.

“Well? I’m waiting! Let’s hear it!” Mariah was surprised at how calm she was at this moment, having stumbled upon every parent’s worst nightmare.

Ron’s mind whirled as he tried to think of something to say to his mother; well, something other than what was obvious anyway. Beside him, Terry remained quiet; he could see her shivering slightly as the fear of the moment ran through her. Ron made a decision, one he hoped would allow him to get out of this alive.

“Okay, Mom. Obviously, you caught us bagging school and, yes, fucking. The truth is we’ve been fucking since I was 13.”

“Ron!” Terry exclaimed, shocked that he just came out and spilled the beans.

“Terry, there’s no point in lying to her about this,” Ron said, wishing he could look at his sister and keep an eye on his mother at the same time. “I mean, she caught in the act – what the hell are we going to tell her that she’s gonna believe? That this was an accident?”

“You’ve got that right, Ronald,” Mariah agreed. “There’s no way in hell I’d believe that bit of bullshit. What I’d really like to know is… why.”

As both children contemplated her question, Mariah breathed a silent sigh of relief – she had almost said that she wanted to know if she could join them the next time! That revelation alone was enough to add just a bit more shock (excitement?) to an already shocking situation.

Normally – and this was anything but normal – Mariah would have never entertained such a thought. True, there were many nights Mariah lay in bed, wishing for some other form of sexual release other than her fingers and assorted vibrators and dildos. It was also true that even though her masturbating was a nice break in her celibacy, she also knew there was nothing like having a warm body bringing the pleasure.

Mariah continued to watch her children get their shit together, giving her another few seconds to think out her own perplexing thoughts. Her husband had been dead for four years and, admittedly, Mariah often thought of going out and bringing someone to her bed – but never did; between raising the children (oh, they looked so good together!) and having to work full time, there just wasn’t a chance to get out and test the waters again. Ron cleared his throat, snapping Mariah back to the situation at hand.

“It started not to long after Dad died,” Ron began, taking Terry’s hand and squeezing it gently, feeling his sister return it, lending her support. “His dying was hard on us.”

“It was hard on all of us,” Mariah said softly, remembering those first horrible days. “That doesn’t explain this.”

“Doesn’t it? Mom, we knew you were doing all you could to help us cope with it, but, damn, me and Terry – especially Terry – needed… a deeper level of comfort.”

“I don’t understand,” Mariah said. It was a little white lie because she was beginning to understand quickly – she just had to say something to prod Ron to finish his sordid – but exciting – story.

“You remember the night of Dad’s funeral? You had sent us to our rooms to get some rest while you talked to the rest of the family and cleaned things up. Well, I was going to the bathroom when I heard Terry crying in her room; naturally, I went in to see what was wrong.”

“I couldn’t believe he was gone,” Terry said, taking up the tale. “I was hurting and crying and just couldn’t seem to stop. Ron came in and sat with me, holding me and letting me get it out of my system.”

“Go on,” Mariah said, her heart aching.

“At one point, I looked up at Ron and our faces were really close. I don’t know why I did it, but I kissed him; I guess I wanted to show him how much I appreciated him staying up to comfort me. I kissed him, he kissed me back and…”

“The next thing either of us knew, we were making love,” Ron finished.

“I think I can understand it happening that time,” Mariah conceded, going over to the bed to sit with her “horrible” children. She reached out and brushed a stray lock of hair from Terry’s face. “Stress like that can make some unusual things happen. What I don’t understand is why either of you allowed it to continue! Didn’t you realize what you were doing?”

“We knew,” Terry said, taking Ron’s supporting nod as her clue to answer. “We knew we had committing incest – we even talked about it the next day while you were at the store.”

Part One, Chapter 3

“Wait a minute,” Mariah said, slightly astonished. “You knew what you had done was wrong… but you had to discuss it even further?”

“Mom, Ron came to me and apologized for letting things get out of hand that night,” Terry said, her resolve strengthening. “To tell you the truth, I didn’t want to accept his apology because there was nothing for him to apologize for as far as I was concerned.”

“You wanted your brother to fuck you?”

“No, that wasn’t my initial thought,” Terry said, a smile creasing her lovely features for the first time since, well, since getting eaten by her brother. “We kissed and I realized I was feeling Ron up pretty good; he started feeling me up and, well, I made up my mind that I was going to give myself to him.”

“But you knew it was wrong!”

“Of course I did, Mom. It’s just that at that moment, I didn’t care; Ron was making me feel good, making me forget the pain of Dad dying. I knew I should have stopped him, but I didn’t.”

“And what about you?” Mariah asked her strapping buck of a son. “Even if Terry couldn’t control herself, why didn’t you take charge?”

“Mom, it happened so quickly! One moment I’m sitting there looking at her, the next moment we’re kissing and, shit, we were going for it before I even realized that what we were doing wasn’t right. Besides, Terry wasn’t the only one in need of comforting.”

“What happened next?” Mariah asked, feeling her cunny marinating in its own juices as she pictured their first time together.

“Well, to be a little direct,” Terry began, her smile widening as she gave her brother a loving look. “Ron made me a woman.”

“I see. Okay, I think I can ‘forgive’ you in this situation; but why continue?” Mariah asked, wishing she could scratch the delicious itch in her pussy.

“Why not?” Ron countered, stepping a little further out on the limb. “We realized that night that our feelings ran deeper than just being brother and sister and, well, it just made sense to keep on doing it, right Terry?”

“He’s right, Mom,” Terry confirmed. “Once we realized how we felt about each other, I made up my mind that I didn’t want anyone else touching me like that. I know you don’t approve, but Mom, it helped us through a lot of the hard times.” Terry reached out and touched her mother’s hand, sending a jolt of electric excitement through Mariah that ran from her hand right straight to her sopping wet snatch.

“Mom, I hope you’re not going to sit there and suggest that we stop loving each other like this,” Ron said.

“Why is that?” Mariah asked unnecessarily, already knowing what her virile man-child was about to say.

“Because we love each other, we’re not going to stop making love with each other. This wasn’t a decision we made lightly, either; we kinda figured you find out eventually, so we made the decision to keep on being lovers even if you caught us.”

“I could put an end to the whole thing,” Mariah said, playing the role again, all the while knowing Ron was right.

“You could,” Terry agreed. “It wouldn’t stop us, though. I don’t mean to disrespect you, Mom, but you can’t watch us all the time.”

“Yeah, and even if you threw us out, we’d still have each other,” Ron supplied, knowing that their mother would never separate them.

Mariah took a deep breath, realizing that she now had to either agree to their sinful behavior or put her foot down once and for all despite the logic of their argument. The itching in her cunt was maddening, made worse by having her children lying naked in front of her. Ron’s cock had long since return to its flaccid state, the juices left behind already dried and flaking. Having recently heard their performance, there was no doubt in Mariah’s mind that Ron could, as the kids say, knock some boots (whatever that meant).

Taking another deep breath, Mariah looked at Terry, still reclined on one side holding Ron’s hand. Like Mariah, Terry had been blessed with rather large breasts – they had to be at least a 34 or 36-D! Whatever size cup she wore, there was no missing the fact that each pendulous tit was topped with an equally large nipple.

Hoping neither child would notice, Mariah allowed her eyes to travel the length of her daughter’s near-flawless body from her tempting breasts, down the expanse of her flat stomach, right down to the thick dark thatch of hair surrounding her mons. Mariah bit back a moan, wondering just how much Terry took after her, wondered if her not-so-little girl’s clitty was as plump and sensitive as her own – she even wondered, if only for a split-second, what Terry’s honey tasted like.

Mariah suddenly stood up, startling Ron and Terry; she knew she had to get out of the room before her thoughts (and the spreading wet spot under her) betrayed her.

“I have to think,” Mariah said to them, heading for the door. “You two need to shower and get dressed while I decide what I’m going to do about this.” What indeed, she thought as she started out the door.

“Mom, you’ve gotta know that me and Terry aren’t likely to change our minds about this,” Ron said, wondering what his mother had been thinking about. “We’ve come to far with what we’ve done to give it up now.”

“You may be right,” Mariah admitted, wishing Ron would shut the hell up so she could leave and take care of her itch. “But I still have a decision to make concerning this.” With that said, Mariah beat a hasty retreat to the haven of her bedroom.

Once inside, she quickly shed her clothing, grateful to peel her soaking wet panties from her overheated flesh. Mariah fell onto the bed, using all of her fingers to attack her needy flesh, feeling her inner folds opening to accept her urgent advances.

In her mind’s eye, instead of reliving those wonderful, lusty times spent with her late husband, all Mariah could see was the incredibly delicious (delicious?) sight of Terry lying on her back, legs raised in the air as her brother (now that she knew it was Ron) used his tongue on his sister in ways Mariah didn’t know he knew.

Her lust consumed her, stoking her internal fires so high it felt as if Mariah’s flesh burned as she flicked her finger over her distended clitoris, her body shivering with delight as the sensations washed over her.

Mariah’s climax came out of nowhere, bitch-slapping her deliciously hard. As she writhed on the bed, her mind suddenly envisioned her son’s cock plowing into her while, oh, sweet Jesus, Mariah probed Terry’s sweet snatch.

“Oh! Oh! Oooh!” Mariah sighed as wave after wave of pleasure rolled over her until she was left lying on the bed twitching and shuddering. Her cunt splattered streamlets of juice onto her trembling fingers, which had lost their previous energy.

“My God,” Mariah said, feeling suddenly spent and drowsy. “What am I going to do?”

Part One, Chapter 4

In Terry’s room, the siblings were wondering the exact same thing. They hadn’t moved from their position next to each other on the bed; instead, they spent the few moments immediately after their mother left to just look at each other.

“I don’t believe she came home,” Terry finally said, shaking her head.

“How were we supposed to know?” Ron queried, taking his first real deep breath in a while.

“I guess you’ve got a point there,” Terry conceded, flopping onto her back and causing her boobs to sway in protest. “But, damn, you didn’t make it any better just coming out with what we’ve been doing!”

“Like I had much of a choice?” Ron said in disbelief. “Terry, Mom caught us fucking – what in the hell was I going to tell her? Christ, we don’t even know how long she’d been watching before she came in!”

Despite being miffed at the way the day had been ruined, Terry was forced to agree with her older brother. “I thought I heard the door open but, when I looked, I didn’t see anything,” she confessed. “Besides, I was a little busy…” Terry reached over and gave her brother’s cock a playful shake.

“Hey, watch it,” Ron warned. “You know it doesn’t take Mom long to make up her mind about shit – don’t start anything you can’t finish, girl!”

“Shit, now that she knows we’ve been screwing and that we’re not going to stop, what’s the problem?” Terry asked, shifting her position on the bed. As she made her way to her brother’s midsection, her intentions set on starting something, she happened to place her hand on the spot where their mother had been sitting, pulling back her hand in surprise at how damp the spot was.

“What’s wrong?” Ron asked, seeing the look of surprise on his sister’s face.

“Wasn’t this where Mom was sitting?” Terry asked, bringing her slightly wet palm to her nose, inhaling the heady scent of what could have only been her mother’s hot pussy.

“Yeah? What about it?”

“Check this out,” Terry replied, holding out her hand out. “Take a sniff.”

Ron frowned a little but decided to humor Terry. He leaned forward and inhaled deeply… and felt his jaw unhinge. “Is that what I think it is?”

“God damn,” Terry said in amazement. “Mom was sitting here busting our asses – and she was soaking wet! Ain’t that about a bitch!”

Ron didn’t answer immediately; the scent of his mother’s cunt roamed around in his sinuses, titillating his senses, his cock beginning to harden as his mind began to wonder about what it would be like to sample that scent first hand.

“I know that look,” Terry said, taking her brother’s cock in hand and stroking it gently. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“We need to get our hands on that pussy,” Ron said, lying back to enjoy Terry’s ministrations.

“Yeah, you were thinking what I was thinking,” Terry agreed, smiling at their wickedness – and the awesome sight of Ron’s cock growing to its full length and thickness. Terry brought her other hand, the one with their mother’s dew on it, to her mouth, tasting the salty tang of her mother’s cunt. “Mmmm – she tastes good! Have some?”

Ron sat up long enough to swipe his tongue across Terry’s palm; the musky smell and tantalizing taste set his blood on fire. “Oh, yeah,” he moaned as Terry’s mouth closed on his cock. “We gotta do Mom, Terry.”

With her mouth full of Ron’s thickening meat, Terry nodded in agreement before focusing on the matter at hand. She let her tongue fly around Ron’s spongy glans, licking the ultra-sensitive underside.

Ron instinctively arched his back, sliding more of his turgid member into the liquid warmth of his sister’s mouth. “Yeah, yeah – we gotta fuck her… gotta do her, gotta do it, do, um, damn!”

Ron sat up, tossing Terry gently onto her back and diving between her legs, his tongue initiating a blistering attack upon his sister’s slightly raw (but delicious) quim, drawing her large clit into his mouth and causing Terry to cry out in delight.

As Ron ate her, Terry was having some very un-daughterly thoughts about her mother. Having gotten a whiff – and taste – of the pussy that brought her into the world, Terry just knew she had to taste it first-hand, as it were. Terry stiffened as her brain short-circuited from the mini-orgasm Ron had induced within her. She reached down and held his head lovingly in place while she worked her rapidly heating box into his face.

“Come on, do it,” Terry said, releasing her grip on his head. “Get that fucker in me!”

“With pleasure,” Ron said, crawling between Terry’s legs. With one deft thrust, he once again penetrated his sister’s velvety depths, feeling the inner walls of her pussy part to admit him.

“Oh, baby, yes,” Terry sighed as Ron fucked his big prick into her. “Fuck me, Ron – fuck me good!”

Ron didn’t answer – couldn’t answer, in fact; it’s really hard to talk with your mouth full of sumptuous girl flesh. He sucked hard on Terry’s nipples, eliciting a cry of pain/pleasure from his sister as he continued to drive his heated pole into her equally hot center.

The two young people fucked each other into a frenzy; Terry tripped and fell over the orgasmic edge, locking her shapely legs around her brother’s waist and thrusting her pelvis upward at him as hard and fast as she could.

Above her, Ron was plowing Terry’s cunt with reckless abandon as he felt his cock grow larger inside her. “Oh, damn, I’m gonna blow,” he groaned as that weirdly delightful feeling raced through his body.

“Give it to me, lover,” Terry hissed, digging her nails into his back. “Fill me up with your love, Ronnie!”

Ron had no choice but to comply as he emptied his balls into Terry in great long, hot spurts. His heart pounded in his chest and he wasn’t sure that he was still breathing as he pounded his spitting meat into his sister, filling her with yet more of his incestuous love.

“Fuck! That was good damned good,” Terry exclaimed as Ron finally rolled off her.

“You ain’t said shit,” Ron agreed, doing his best to get his breathing and heart rate back under control. “You are so good, Terry.”

“Thanks, baby,” Terry cooed, snuggling up next to her brother/lover. “But I’ll bet Mom’s better!”

Ron smiled as he got out of the bed. “We’ll just have to find out, won’t we? I’m gonna take a shower – you wanna join me?”

“And get fucked again? Shit, as nice as that sounds, I’m gonna pass for right now. While you’re showering, I’ll start thinking about how we’re going to pull this off – it won’t be easy.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Ron said, picking up his clothes. “If that wet spot is any indication, it won’t be a hard as you think.”

“We’ll see,” Terry murmured, lying back to finish enjoying the warmth of their love. “We’ll see.”

* * *

Mariah heard the door of the bathroom close, followed by the distant sound of the shower running. Still a little groggy from her own fantastic release, she sat up, looking at the clock on her table before looking in the general direction of the bathroom.

“They fucked again,” she said to the empty room. “I know they did! God, what am I going to do?”

There’s only one thing to do, her lust speaking up as she looked into the mirror on the dresser. If you can’t stop them from continuing their incestual relationship, then…

“No, it’s unthinkable,” she said aloud. “There’s no way I could justify doing such an unspeakable thing!” She watched her reflection shake its head.

Sure there is, Lust said. I forget – when was the last time you had some dick? Shit, girl, that boy in there has enough cock for both you and Terry to enjoy. And, speaking of our top-heavy daughter, when was the last time you allowed yourself to enjoy some young, fresh, hot pussy? Not since college, if I remember correctly…

“Shut up!” Mariah yelled at her reflection in the mirror.

And, think about how convenient it is! Girl, you could have the best of everything without ever leaving the house, not that you’d go out bar-hopping in the first place. Lust was making a very convincing argument.

“God, help me,” Mariah sobbed, knowing that she was about to lose this argument.

He ain’t gonna do squat, Lust whispered in her mind. As a matter of fact, it was His blessing that provided you the with perfect opportunity to, ah, get back in the saddle again. Let’s face it, bitch; old Mikey’s been dead for a while now, killed busting a nut in you!

Mariah sat in her bed, looking at her reflection; as she did so, something inside of her seemed to stretch and break.

“If I’m gonna do this, he’s gonna have wear some protection,” Mariah said to her reflection. “The last thing we’d need is him knocking both of us up!” At 37, Mariah realized she still had some childbearing years ahead of her, with Terry having a hell of a lot more.

Yeah, like you want some slimy piece of rubber roaming around inside of you, Lust chirped. You’ve always gone bareback, even way back in the day! Why change shit now? You know you LOVE the feel of hard, naked cock in your snatch! Say it, bitch! Say it out loud!

“Shit, I hate rubbers,” Mariah said, feeling as if she was momentarily losing her mind for sitting her literally talking to – and answering – herself.

Mariah got up and put her robe on and made her way to her bathroom where she took a long, last look at herself in the mirror before sitting down to take a well-deserved piss.

“You know you’re going to Hell for what you’re about to do,” she said to herself, taking a moment of delight as her bladder voided itself.

Like you give a fuck anymore, Lust said, its voice fading into the distance.

“Fuck it,” Mariah said, wiping herself and starting her own shower. “It’s on – I just have to figure out a way to get in on the action…”

Part Two, Chapter 1

In a way, Mariah found it easy to be around Ron and Terry after stumbling upon their sordid secret just, what, 24 hours ago? There were moments when she had second thoughts about falling into sin along with them – but Lust was right there to convince her that she was doing the right thing.

They sat quietly at the table eating dinner, each sneaking looks at each other, not realizing that they were on the same page with each other.

“So, what are you two going to do after dinner?” Mariah asked.

“What do you mean?” Ron asked cautiously.

“Nothing, honey. I mean, it’s Friday night – did you have any plans for the evening? What do you usually do on a Friday night?”

“Um, well, we usually…” Terry began, blushing a little.

“Oh! I see,” Mariah said, wondering if her smile was as huge as she imagined it to be.

“Mom, look, about this afternoon…” Ron began. “We didn’t mean to hurt you or anything but, damn, we had needs that had to be dealt with, you know?”

“Yeah, Mom, we love you too much to hurt you on purpose,” Terry added, just as they had planned before dinner. Between them, they hoped that with some carefully worded sentences, their mother would get the hint.

Mariah didn’t miss it, either, secretly grateful that they were providing her with a way to join them, not to mention her joy of discovering that they were having the same filthy thoughts about her that she had about them. But now, Mariah had to decide to take the bait now or continue to play dumb. The sudden twinge in her coochie made the decision for her.

“Listen, if you two don’t mind, I think I can come up with something for all of us to do,” Mariah said, getting up from the table and carrying the dishes over to the sink.

“What do you have in mind?” Ron asked, turning to watch his mother walk back to Terry’s side of the table.

With her mother now behind her, Terry turned as well. “Yeah, Mom – what’s going on?”

“Not much,” Mariah said smoothly, timing her approach to the table. “Just this.” She leaned over and kissed her daughter fully on the lips, her tongue snaking into Terry’s mouth before the busty teen could squawk any kind of protest.

“Oh, shit,” Ron muttered as Mariah gently pulled Terry to her feet. He watched in horny amazement as his mother wrapped her fingers into Terry’s hair, pulling his sister into a deep, soul searing kiss.

Although her mother’s action had taken her by surprise a little, Terry was quick to respond, letting her hands roam down her mother’s back until they reached the fullness of her back side, where Terry’s fingers began to knead the tender, firm flesh found there.

“Oh, fuck,” Ron exclaimed as the two women, temporarily oblivious to his presence, continued to noisily suck face, their hands exploring every curve of each other’s bodies.

Ron’s astonishment grew as Mariah broke the kiss and turned to face him. “Two things,” she said huskily as Terry’s fingers pinched her nipples through the fabric of her T-shirt and bra.

“W-what?” Ron stammered.

“Clear the table… and then get naked,” Mariah commanded as she pulled Terry’s shirt over her head. “Well? What the fuck are you waiting for, an engraved invitation?”

Ron almost fell out of his chair as he rose to his feet, using his arm to sweep the salt and pepper shakers, along with the napkin holder, to the floor before ripping his own clothes off.

“That’s better,” Mariah cooed, tossing Terry’s bra aside and clamping her hungry mouth onto an erect nipple.

“Oh, God, Mom…” Terry hissed, relaxing and submitting to her mother’s pent-up lust. “Bite them…”

Mariah did as she was told, gently nipping Terry’s nipple with her teeth while she stepped out of her pants.

“Harder,” Terry commanded, reaching down to fill her hand with her mother’s hairless cunt. “Damn, Ron!”

“What?” her brother croaked, unable to take his eyes off the scene unfolding before him.

“It’s shaved,” Terry said. “Mom’s puss is so hot and smooth!”

“Damn,” Ron husked, moving his chair to a better position.

“That’s right,” Mariah said around Terry’s other nipple. “I hope you like it like that! Terry?”

“Hmm?” Terry replied dreamily as exquisite pain shot through her breast.

“On the table, honey – it’s time for dessert. Ron, get me the whipped cream out of the refrigerator! Oh, and bring the jar of cherries, too!”

“Fuck me,” Ron said, scrambling to do his mother’s bidding. He hadn’t gotten to the ‘fridge before hearing his sister cry out. He turned to look back at the table to find his mother – damn! – with her face buried in Terry’s snatch.

“Get your ass over here with that stuff!” Mariah shouted to Ron, licking her lips and savoring the fresh, clean taste of her daughter’s muff. As she had hoped, Terry’s clit was just as big as her own! Before returning to her ‘dessert’ Mariah took a look at her son as he hurried back to the table, his massive erection bobbing in front of him.

“Here you go, Mom,” Ron said, putting the opened can of whipped cream into his mother’s groping hand.

Mariah sucked Terry’s clitty hard one more time before lifting her head. Shaking the can, she inserted the nozzle into Terry’s slick lips and pressed it, filling the young girl’s snatch with whipped cream.

“Oh, damn! That shit is cold!” Terry said, shivering at the contrasting temperature.

“Gonna have me a cunt sundae,” Mariah hummed, reaching into the jar and pulling out a few cherries by their stems, stuffing them gently into Terry’s cooze. “Now, Ron, when I sit down, I think you know what to do, right?” Mariah nodded to the spot on the floor under her.

“Oh, hell, yeah,” Ron said, getting on his knees and crawling under the table. Soon he was rewarded with the sight of his mother’s hairless cunt as she sat on the edge of the chair, the pink lips glistening with dew under the kitchen lights.

“Handle your business, Ronald,” Mariah said, turning to the waiting girl on the table and deciding on how best to attack her snack. She gasped as her son’s tongue penetrated her folds, his lips finding and clamping down on her clit.

Mariah plunged her own tongue deeply into Terry, probing around through the sweet cream flavored with pussy juice for the cherries she’d placed there. Using her tongue, she maneuvered the first cherry into her mouth, the motion allowing her to savor the tangy-sweet taste of her daughter’s cunt.

“Oh, fuck! Oh, shit!” Terry cursed as her mother’s tongue continued to groove into her, disappearing for a moment here and there to suck on her cream covered clitoris. “FUCK!”

“Mmmm,” Mariah moaned as Terry’s juices began to flow; beneath her, Ron was doing a pretty good job eating her out,, sucking her clit hard and wiping his tongue over the exposed surface.

“Mom? Mom? MOM!” Terry cried as an orgasm threatened to shake her right off the table, which was shaking as if it might collapse any second.

“Cum, baby,” Mariah whispered, flicking her tongue across Terry’s sensitive bud. “Cum in mouth, Terry! C’mon, spray me!”

“Mom?” Terry said, her voice sounding frightened and a little panicky.

“Just do it, baby, let it go,” Mariah urged, reaching down with one hand and smashing Ron’s face against her pussy, her own release just mere seconds away.

“OH, MY GOD!” Terry screamed as a hot jet of girl-juice shot from her cunt, quickly washing away the remnants of the whipped cream – and forcing the last cherry from her depths. Terry bucked and squirmed on the table as if someone had stuffed a red-hot poker up her ass.

“That’s right, Terry – give it up to me!” Mariah continued to coax spurt after spurt of girl-cum from Terry with her tongue, even as she reached the edge of her own orgasmic cliff.

Ron’s face was slick with his mother’s clam juice as Mariah spurted her love all over him; his neck was hurting like hell, but as more of his mother’s juice flowed into his mouth, he knew didn’t give a flying fuck.

Mariah was still shuddering from her release, using her hands to disengage her son’s hungry mouth from her pussy. “Get up here and lay some pipe, boy!”

Ron scrambled from under the table, using his hand to wipe some stray juice from his face. For a moment, he just stood there, looking from Terry to his mother, uncertain of which one of them to fuck.

“Do Mom,” breathed a partially recovered Terry.

Ron was pretty sure the table wouldn’t survive another pounding. But, he also knew that he wasn’t going to waste any time getting his throbbing erection into his mother, either. “I’ve got an idea,” he said, stretching out on the cool floor and beckoning to Mariah.

“Now this should be interesting,” Mariah said, getting up and straddling her son’s prone form.

“No, the other way – face the table,” Ron said, watching his mother’s still dripping snatch hovering just mere inches from his cock-knob.

“Okay,” Mariah agreed, turning to face the table. Slowly, she lowered herself down until the knob of her son’s phallus lodged itself at her entrance. It had been a very long time since Mariah last had a man inside of her; with Ron’s length and girth, Mariah planned on easing his meat into her, giving herself time to get use to it all over again.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Terry said, now down from the table. She reached down, placing her hands on her mother’s shoulders… and pushed down hard, filling Mariah’s pussy with seven thick inches of cock in an instant.

“JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!” Mariah screamed as Ron’s cock tore into her.

“Ughn! Damn, this shit is tight!” Ron said, feeling all seven inches of his cock vanish into his mother.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Terry said, getting on the floor with them and position her face at that point where cunt met cock. Her eyes gleamed wickedly as they locked on to Mariah’s exposed clit.

“Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit,” Mariah chanted, bouncing up and down on Ron’s cock.

“I don’t know where you learned that little trick with the cherries,” Terry said, her face scant inches from her mother’s pussy. “But that deserves a little payback, don’t you think?”

Before Mariah could reply – if she could at all – Terry latched onto her mother’s clitty with a vengeance, sucking and licking the swollen bud of flesh for all she was worth.

“Oh, no, oh fuck, oh…DAMN!” Mariah cried, overwhelmed by the dual sensations being inflicted upon her. She leaned back, bracing her hands on either side of Ron, giving her daughter even more access to her cunt and clit.

What a scene we must be making, Terry thought as she alternated between sucking her mother’s squirting quim and her brother’s pistoning cock. Scooting down a little, she sucked one of Ron’s nuts into her mouth, laving it with her tongue for a moment before getting bolder and stuffing both of them inside.

“Jesus,” Ron panted, doing his best to keep up with the action – and failing. Terry had released his balls, running her tongue along his swollen shaft to the point where it disappeared inside their mother, sucking hard at the bit of flesh still exposed. “I gotta cum…”

“Cream her horny ass, baby,” Terry said, her voice muffled slightly as she continued to lap at the pussy that gave her life. “Give it to her good and make her cum in my mouth!”

Ron’s brow furrowed as he concentrated on getting his rocks off, thrusting hard into Mariah’s cunt. He felt his balls tighten, followed by that mind-numbing feeling. “SHIT!”

“Jesus,” Mariah sighed, feeling her son’s cock exploding within her, filling her with spurt after spurt of hot semen, splashing against her cervix. “Oh, sweet Jesus!” Feeling his dick heaving inside of her was enough to set her off; Mariah came so hard she almost lifted herself right off Ron’s steely prick, gushing her own juice like a fountain, which was rapidly being sucked up by a giggling Terry.

“Fuck her, Ron – wreck that shit! Make her squirt some more! Eat cherries out me, will you? Ram it in her, Ron! Make her feel you!”

Ron was grunting and groaning as his balls continued to empty themselves, the usual paralysis freezing him in place as his mother rode him.

“Oooh,” Mariah cooed as Ron began to grow soft inside of her. “Suck my clit, Terry – I need to get off one more time!” She stretched out on Ron’s heaving chest, locking her feet on the outside of his legs.

“Damn, you are one hot slut, Mom,” Terry said, moving in for the kill. She gently licked Mariah’s still-stuffed slit, nibbling on the stretched labia for a few seconds before sucking her mother’s clitoris hard into her mouth. She took a deep breath and started swirling her tongue over ever bit of Mariah’s nub.

“OH, NO!” Mariah screamed as Terry’s attack sent her into high orbit, her cunt spasming despite being filled with Ron’s subsiding erection. Girl-juice poured from her as Terry continued to torture her clit, making Mariah writhe and buck like crazy. Exhausted and spent, Mariah managed to roll off of Ron, his cock making an obscene, plopping sound as it popped free.

For long minutes, the three of them stayed right were the were, each lost in the delicious warmth they had created for each other.

“Mom?” Terry asked, getting to her knees and looking at the pool of wetness on the floor.

“Yes, Terry?” Mariah answered, surprised she was still awake.

“Where did you learn to eat pussy like that?” Terry asked, standing up on slightly shaky legs and offering a wasted Ron a hand in standing. “That was amazing!”

“Tell you what,” Mariah said, her head swimming dizzily as she got to her feet. “I’ll tell you what you want to know if you tell me where you learned to eat pussy. Do we have a deal?”

“Sure!” Terry said, feeling closer to her mother than she ever had before. “But first, we’d better get this mess cleaned up and get some rest, huh?”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” Ron croaked, trying to shake the orgasmic cobwebs from his brain. “Did either of you happen to get the number of the truck that just hit me?”

Both Mariah and Terry laughed as Ron tried to steady himself.

“Ron, I have the feeling you’d better get used to getting run over,” Terry said, blotting up the puddle of juices with a handful of paper towels.

“You’d be right,” Mariah agreed, happy that she had made the right decision in giving herself to her lusty children.

Part Two, Chapter 2

As it turned out, the sun was high in the sky before any of them arose from their beds. Mariah blinked, shielding her eyes from the awfully bright light streaming in through her bedroom window.

“Wow, what a night that was!” Mariah exclaimed, making her way to the bathroom to relieve herself and to get cleaned up, noticing there was a dried, crusty film of sperm plastered to the inside of her thighs.

“Yes, indeed, what a night,” she repeated, finishing her toilet and turning on the shower, letting the water get hot. “Shit, I should have done this a long time ago.”

The hot water did its job, relaxing and soothing Mariah’s overworked muscles. She let it flow over her hair and along the length of her body, shuddering a little as the hot liquid flowed between her puffy labia.

Mariah emerged from the shower five minutes later, feeling like a new woman in more ways than one. She dressed quickly, heading for the scene of the crime, um, the kitchen to make coffee. She was surprised to find Terry there, a steaming cup already on the table along with some toast.

“Good morning, Mom,” Terry said in greeting, putting her own cup down to give her mother a long, sweet kiss.

“My, aren’t we full of energy this morning,” Mariah said, surprised to find her pussy starting to heat up.

“Oh, Mom, last night was so wonderful!” Terry said, her eyes gleaming brightly. “Me and Ron sat up for a while talking about it after you went upstairs.”

“Really?” Mariah asked after taking a bite of toast. “And what exactly were you two talking about?”

“Well, we talked about how much closer we feel to you,” Terry answered, blushing a little; Mariah absently noted how sexy her daughter looked when she did that.

“Was that the only thing?” Mariah asked, certain that it wasn’t.

“No, it wasn’t. I have to admit that you impressed the hell out of me – I had no idea you were such a good carpet-muncher!”

Mariah laughed at Terry’s use of the phrase. “Well, I never said I was an angel way back in the day,” Mariah confessed.

“You’ve gotta tell me – who turned you on to that?” Terry pleaded, leaning across the table.

“You really want to know, don’t you? Well, I didn’t get my first taste of pussy until I started college. My roommate, Chrissie Blake, introduced me to the fine art of cunnilingus.”

“No shit,” Terry whispered, trying hard to imagine the younger version of the woman in front of her muff diving.

“None at all. Now, don’t get me wrong here – it wasn’t like I had this in mind. As a matter of fact, I can still remember the night it happened. Chrissie and I had been out roaming around the campus, looking for some action. When we didn’t find any, we decided to stop off at the local liquor store, pick up a bottle or two of wine, and go back to our room and chill.”

“Did you know your roommate was into girls?” Terry asked, fascinated with the tale as it unraveled.

“Yeah, I knew it,” Mariah confirmed. “In fact, she went both ways but I sorta knew she was more partial to girls.”

“And she never hit on you?”

“No, she didn’t, believe it or not, even though I got the sense she was dying to. Anyway, we get back to our room, crack open the first bottle of wine, and just sat there enjoying some good music and each other’s company. About half-way through the first bottle, Chrissie just blurted out how beautiful she thought I was and how much she’d like to make love to me.”

Terry didn’t have a problem envisioning Chrissie’s praise of her mother’s beauty; she had seen her mom’s college year book and, then, just like now, Terry knew her mother was a fox.

“So what did you say?”

“Well, I told her that I knew she was into girls and that I was flattered that she felt that way about me. Since I didn’t actually reject her offer, Chrissie wasn’t offended by what I said. Needless to say, we got into the second bottle. I was sitting there thinking that between the wine and being horny – I hadn’t gotten laid in weeks – Chrissie’s offer was starting to look pretty good.”

“So that’s when you asked her to make love to you?” Terry said, trying to jump right to the juicy parts.

“No, silly – it didn’t happen quite like that. Like I said, I was sitting there looking at Chrissie – she had nice tits, by the way – wondering what it would be like. We were sitting close together on the sofa, not terribly close, but close enough to touch each other.”

Mariah took a sip of her coffee before continuing. “Chrissie saw me looking at her and asked why I was looking at her. Well, the wine had loosened my tongue up pretty good, so I told her that I thought she was pretty and all that. One moment me and Chrissie are sitting there, bombed out of our gourd s, giggling and blushing and the next thing I knew, I had my head in her lap.”

“Oh, wow,” Terry breathed, hanging on Mariah’s every word; she could feel her pussy starting to get a little juicy.

“We must have been like that for a couple of minutes; me with my head in her lap and Chrissie looking down at me with those pretty blue eyes of hers. God, you could just lose yourself looking into her eyes!”

Mariah paused again, this time nibbling at the now-cold toast. She looked up at Terry, seeing that she had her daughter’s undivided attention.

“I remember being able to smell her,” Mariah continued. “She smelled so clean and fresh. I could smell her pussy, too – I could feel the heat pouring off of her down there. It was a warm, cozy feeling and I felt so damn good being there with her, so good that I reached up, pulled her head down, and kissed her.”

“I’ll bet that was a rush,” Terry said, doing a little remembering of her own.

“It was, believe me,” Mariah said, remembering the sweetness of that first girl-to-girl kiss. “She returned my kiss and the next thing either of us knew, we were naked and going for it on the sofa!”

“Chrissie tore you up, didn’t she?” Terry asked.

“That girl took my body places it had never been before,” Mariah confirmed. “I had no idea I had so many places that could be touched and licked! And that was before she went down on me! Chrissie had me cumming in buckets after only a couple of minutes of doing me. Oh, God, did she ever blow my mind!”

“Did you, ah, return the favor… and were you scared?”

“Yeah, I returned the favor and, no, I wasn’t in the least bit afraid. Well, maybe a little, but the wine pretty much wiped out any fears I had and besides, we had already gone too far at that point.”

“What did she taste like?”

“Sweet,” Mariah answered. “And a little tangy, like a lemon. Seeing that I had no idea what to do, Chrissie talked me through my first time eating pussy, telling me when and where to lick or suck her. Once I got the hang of it, it turned into a no-holds barred sort of deal. We made it to Chrissie’s room, where she introduced me to my first vibrating dildo before putting on a strap-on deal and reaming me out pretty good.”

“Did you get to use it on her?” Terry was practically bouncing on the chair.

“Not that time, no. Shit, Chrissie laid waste to my ass with the strap-on and finished me off my eating me until I came three more times. We were in a 69 by that time and I got to hone my cunt licking skills. We finally passed out, either from the wine, sexual overload, or both.”

“Was that the only time you two made out?”

“Hell, no!” Mariah exclaimed. “We were roommates until we graduated, and Chrissie spent many a night completing my education, which, by the way, included that little trick with the cherries.”

“Damn! I wish I could have met her,” Terry said wistfully.

“Well, if you’re a good girl, I just might introduce you to her,” Mariah said slyly. Chrissie lives over in Brentwood and I have her number.”

“Just one more question then I’ll tell you my story,” Terry said.

“What’s that, honey?”

“If Chrissie just lives in Brentwood, why haven’t you called her during, um, your, ah…”

“My drought? I thought about calling her many times, but just couldn’t bring myself to do it.”

“Did you think she’d not be interested?”

“Oh, she would have been interested; in fact, I can tell you now that I spent a lot of time with her while your father was alive. As a matter of fact, your father and I invited her over one night for a little three-way fun!”

“No shit!” Terry blurted. “How come I don’t remember seeing her?”

“You and Ron had already gone to bed,” Mariah explained. “Now, what about you? How did you get started?” Mariah got up and poured another cup of coffee while Terry gathered her thoughts.

“Well, you know Sally Pritchard, don’t you?” Terry asked once her mother was seated again.

“Yes – she was the one?” Mariah was surprised; Sally didn’t seem like she was that kinky.

“No, it wasn’t her – it was her sister, Gina,” Terry said, blushing slightly.

“Oh, okay. So what happened?”

“Well, I was over at their house one day and the three of us were sitting around, you know, talking girl-talk and all that. Sally had to leave – their parents were taking her to some recital or something, leaving me and Gina alone in the house. They hadn’t gotten out of the door a good two minutes before Gina asked me if I wanted to something exciting.”

Mariah could feel her pussy getting juicier as Terry told her story, trying to envision the scene between Terry and the much smaller Gina.

“I wasn’t sure what she was talking about, so I asked her what she had in mind, never giving any thought to what I was getting myself into.”

“And what was her answer?”

“Gina jumped up and started peeling off her clothes, telling me to do the same, so I got undressed, too.”

“Weren’t you afraid?”

“Nah – me, Gina and Sarah used to get naked and play with our pussies all the time. I just thought that we were going to do the same thing, you know?”

“When did you know it wasn’t going to be the same?” Mariah asked, smiling gently.

“When she stuck her face between my legs,” Terry answered. “At first, I was shocked ’cause nothing like that had ever happened. But I didn’t stay shocked for too long, let me tell you. Mom, she made my pussy feel so good!”

“I’ll bet she did!”

“And I couldn’t wait to do it to her, either; we actually got into an argument about it and I had to wrestle her and hold her down while I tried my hand at eating pussy. It was worth the tussle!”

Mariah’s smile grew wider as the long-ago scene unfolded in her mind; Terry, older, bigger and stronger, wrestling the younger, slighter Gina and pinning her before getting her first taste of quim.

“After that first time, me and Gina would do it to each other every chance we got – we even got Sally into the act! Come to find out that Gina and Sally had been doing each other for years before I joined the party.”

“Oh, really? Wait a minute – all those pajama parties you had…”

“Were spent eating pussy after you and Dad went to bed,” Terry said. “Hell, half the girls in the neighborhood munch rug, Mom.”

“I had no idea,” Mariah confessed. “So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?”

“I dunno,” Terry said. “I thought I’d just hang around the house for a while.”

“Is your brother still here?”

“No, he left just before you came downstairs,” Terry offered.

“Too bad,” Mariah said, her eyes twinkling. “What would you say to a little fun between the two of us?”

“I’m already there,” Terry said, getting up from the table and peeling off her top as she left the kitchen.

Part Two, Chapter 3

Mariah and Terry fell naked onto Mariah’s spacious bed, giggling and kissing each other gently, each savoring the delightfully sinful contact between them. Terry paused between kissing her mother’s ears to look her in the eye.


“Yeah, baby,” Mariah answered, running a finger across one erect nipple.

“I love you very much,” Terry said.

“I love you too, baby,” Mariah said, kissing Terry on the cheek, letting her fingers slip into her daughter’s wetness. She found Terry clit and began to massage it between thumb and finger.

“Oh, damn,” Terry hissed as her mother’s fingers stoked the fires within.

“Oh damn is right, little girl,” Mariah said, biting down on Terry’s nipple. “That little trip down memory lane has made me hornier than hell – and guess who’s going to benefit from it?”

“Me?” Terry squeaked as Mariah’s mouth closed on her hot center, her mother’s tongue wreaking havoc on her sensitive clit…

Part Two, Chapter 4

Ron returned home two hours later to find mother and daughter sitting in the living room laughing at some private joke.

“What’s going on, ladies?” Ron asked, putting his baseball bat in the closet.

“Nothing much right now,” Terry said. “It’s a shame you had practice – you missed one hell of an afternoon!”

“Ron, sit down for a moment, will you?” Mariah asked, patting the spot on the soft next to her. “We need to talk to you about something important to the both of us.”

“Sure, Mom – is there anything wrong?” Ron asked.

“There might be, depending on how this conversation goes,” Mariah said seriously.

“Okay… what’s the deal?”

“Terry, it was your idea, honey – why don’t you tell him?”

“Sure thing, Mom. Listen, Ron, me and Mom were talking earlier…”

“I’ll bet,” Ron cut in, waggling his eyebrows.

“After we did that,” Terry said with mock distress. “Anyway, me and Mom were wondering how you’d feel about being a father.”

Ron couldn’t have been more stunned if a parade of naked women walked through the house at that moment. “Huh? Who’s pregnant? When? How?”

“Calm down, Ron,” Mariah said, patting the distressed teen’s hand. “Neither of us is pregnant – yet. We wanted to get some idea how you’d feel about it.”

“Hell, I don’t know; there’s got to be more to this, right? I mean, I can’t imagine you two just up and bringing this subject up without a reason.”

“You’re right, son,” Mariah said. “After we finished making love – you’re sister is so hot, by the way – we got to talking about the fact that you’ll be fucking us without any kind of birth control coming into play. Anyway, we both came to the conclusion that perhaps it wouldn’t be all that bad if you were to knock us up. Of course, we’d never dream of doing such a thing without checking on your thoughts and feelings about it.”

“Jesus, Mom, I don’t know! I mean, it’s not like I don’t love either of you enough to get you pregnant…”

“Ron, it’s gonna happen eventually,” Terry said softly. “Personally, I’ve been wanting it to happen for over a year now. I love you so much that I want to have your babies!”

“And I’m not about to let her have all the fun,” Mariah added. “I hate condoms and those pills make me blow up like a balloon. Like your sister said, it’s going to happen eventually.”

“Damn, I mean, I thought about it while I was at practice, but I really didn’t give it much thought, you know?”

“I think we understand,” Mariah said, looking at Terry for confirmation. “We just wanted to put you on alert. Hell, I’m like your sister – I’m actually looking forward to feeling your baby moving in my belly!”

“Damn!” Ron muttered again. “So now what?”

“So now you go upstairs, take a shower, get in the bed, and wait for your women to arrive,” Mariah said, winking at Terry. “Oh, and you might want to spend a little more time getting rest.”

“Why?” Ron asked stupidly, heading for the stairs.

“We want you at your best over the next few weeks, Ron; we’re going to fuck you until either we get knocked up or your supply runs out,” Terry said, grinning evilly.

“Oh, shit!”

“I think he’s starting to get it, don’t you Terry?”

“I’d say he is, Mom. Which reminds me… when is Chrissie stopping by?”

“In about an hour,” Mariah said, looking at her watch.

“Who’s Chrissie?” Ron asked, giving both women a perplexed look.

“You’ll find out soon enough. So, let’s do this: Ron, hit the shower then come back down here. While you’re getting cleaned up, me and Terry will fix a little something for us to munch on until Chrissie gets here – how does that sound?”

“Like my loving brother likes to say, it sounds like a plan to me!” Terry said gleefully.

“Women!” Ron exclaimed, heading up the stairs. As he did so, both mother and daughter had their eyes glued to his firm ass.

* * *

An hour later, Ron was picking his mouth off the floor as Mariah introduced her former college roommate, Chrissie Wingate.

“Psst! Ron!” Terry hissed, poking her brother with an elbow.


“Stop staring at the woman and say hello or something!”

“Oh! I’m so sorry – hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you!”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Ron,” Chrissie said with a smile. “My God, Mariah! You didn’t tell me you had two beautiful children – you just told me you had two of them! This guy’s a hunk!”

“Well, now that you mention it, do you think I could have a word with you for a moment?” Mariah asked, steering Chrissie toward the kitchen.

“Uh, sure,” Chrissie said, allowing her friend to lead her away. As she turned to look where she was going, Chrissie could have sworn that Terry had blown her a kiss!

“Okay, roomie,” Chrissie said once in the kitchen. “You wanna tell me what’s going on? I’m getting the feeling you didn’t bring me over here just to talk about old times.”

“True, I didn’t,” Mariah said, holding Chrissie’s hands and staring into those deep blue eyes. “To be right up front, my daughter wanted to meet you.”

“She did? Why?”

“Why do you think?” Mariah replied cryptically.

Chrissie’s eyes went wide with surprise. “Oh, Mariah! You didn’t tell her about our time in college did you?”

“I sure did,” Mariah said, smiling. “The whole thing intrigued her so much she wanted to meet you face-to-face.”

“I don’t understand why you’d tell your daughter something like that – you know how impressionable kids are today!”

“Well, I promised to tell her how I learned to eat pussy if she told me where she learned it,” Mariah said, watching her friend carefully.

“No shit!” Chrissie exclaimed, shaking her head. “And just how did you two wind up discussing that? Or do I really want to know? What happened – you catch her going down on one of her girlfriends or something?”

“Not exactly,” Mariah said, trembling a little. “I showed her the cherry trick.”

“You mean you told her how it’s done, right?”

“No, I mean I showed her. Right here on the kitchen table, as a matter of fact – complete with whipped cream, too.”

“Oh, shit, Mariah! You went down on your own daughter?”

“Sure did… and now she wants to experience you.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Chrissie said, completely floored at this turn in events. “Let me get this straight: for some reason I’m sure I’ll hear about later, you went down on your daughter, she went down on you and you two promised to swap first-time stories. Then you told her about us and now she wants…”

“To do you,” Mariah finished. “You got a problem with any of this?”

“Christ, Mariah! That’s your daughter you’re talking about! You’re asking me to take your child to bed!”

“Okay, so you do understand the situation,” Mariah said coolly. “So, are you game or what?”

“What about your son?” Chrissie asked, unable to pass up a chance to enjoy both mother and daughter.

“What about him?”

“What are you going to do with him while I’m, ah, busy with Terry?”

“Fuck his brains out, of course. Don’t worry, we won’t miss a thing ’cause we’ll be right there with you!”

“How did I know that?” Chrissie said, smiling now. She pulled Mariah to her, planting a wet kiss on her lips. “You’re an evil child, you know that don’t you?”

“Yeah, but I’m having fun for the first time in years,” Mariah said, happy to have her long-time friend into the mix.

“No doubt. So when does all of this jump off?”

“Right now,” Mariah said. “Come with me.”

As Mariah led her back to the living room and the siblings, Chrissie muttered, “Why do I feel like I’m gonna regret this?”

Part Two, Chapter 5

Chrissie quickly learned that her feelings of regret were misplaced. She grimaced under Terry’s assault on her pussy as the younger woman plucked cherry after cherry from the liquid confines of her cunt. She opened her eyes long enough to see Ron – damn that boy was hung! – working his stiff prick in and out of his mother’s mouth.

“Oh, somebody save me,” Chrissie moaned as Terry latched onto her clit, nipping and sucking at the sensitive bit of flesh. Yet another orgasm tiptoed along Chrissie’s nerve endings, leaving her feeling drained.

“Shit,” Terry muttered, looking up at the heavily perspiring older woman.

“What now?” Chrissie asked, grateful for the brief respite.

“You don’t squirt like me and Mom does,” Terry said, a little disappointed.

“Sorry kid,” Chrissie apologized. “I never got the hang of it.” Her next words were cut off as Terry straddled her face, bringing that young, tender cunt into view.

“Shut up and eat me,” Terry murmured before resuming her up-close examination of Chrissie’s steaming slit.

On the other side of the bed, Ron plunged his cock deep into his mother’s gullet as he ate her, lapping up the juices just as fast as he could. As much as he was enjoying his mother’s cocksucking skills, he could find a much nicer repository for his seed. He disengaged himself, bringing a groan of protest from Mariah.

“Hey! Where are you going with that?” Mariah asked, feeling strangely empty.

“Where do you think I’m going?” Ron said, grabbing his mother’s legs and opening them wide.

“Oh, shit yeah!” Mariah cried, using her hands to pull Ron into her embrace, feeling his glans split her moistness. “Give it to me good, baby! Knock these boots!”

“God, what a slut,” Chrissie said as Terry took her to heaven once again.

“Who? Me or Mom?” Terry asked, looking into Chrissie’s eyes.

“Shit, both of you,” a spent Chrissie said. “I haven’t had this much fun in years! First your mother eats the living shit out me; then your brother stretches my pussy two sizes too big – and then here you come with those damned cherries! I’ve died and gone to heaven!”

“Not yet you haven’t,” Terry said, reaching under the only pillow left on the bed and producing a strap-on monstrosity that even had a fat, inch-long cunt plug for the wearer. As Terry fitted the cunt plug into her and prepared to ream Chrissie’s pussy like never before, she heard her mother, crying out in the throes of a Ron-induced orgasm.

“More, baby – do it again, make me cream again, make the juice flow, Ronnie baby!” Mariah said, her whole body shaking under Ron’s thrusts. “OH, HELL YEAH!”

“I think Mom’s having fun, don’t you? Now it’s your turn!”

“Terry, no,” Chrissie pleaded to no avail as the nine-inch long, six-inch diameter jelly monster ripped into her already raw flesh. “Oh, sweet Jesus!”

Terry fucked Chrissie’s sloppy puss with gusto; with each thrust, the cunt plug buried in her own snatch continued to send wave after wave of pleasure through her body. “Gonna fuck the shit out of you, gonna wreck your hole, Chrissie. Gotta make love to you, darling – I don’t ever want to stop fucking your sweet pussy, oh, damn!” Terry chanted, her eyes fixed on the limpid blue pools set into Chrissie’s face.

Chrissie could tell the younger woman meant it too as the phake phallus plowed repeatedly into her depths, the exaggerated veins taking her to even greater heights. Just as Chrissie was settling into Terry’s torrid pace, she felt the knob touch her somewhere she’d never been touched. Her whole body went deathly still as the cock-knob, with its ridges, brush against that odd spot again and again until the world exploded.

“Jesus Christ, Sis!” Ron exclaimed, watching the two women even as the last of his seed seeped into his mother’s cooze. “What did you do to her?”

“I don’t know,” Terry said as Chrissie’s whole body convulsed. “Maybe I’d better stop…”

“NO! EAT ME – EAT MY PUSSY RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!” Chrissie screamed.

“Oh, shit,” Mariah said, sitting up to watch as Terry slid between her friend’s legs, clamping her mouth on Chrissie’s wildly moving mound. “She’s gonna blow!”

“Huh?” Ron said, unable to take his eyes off the scene.

“No…” Chrissie said, her voice strangely quiet – just before her pussy shot a geyser of juice so strong Terry was immediately overwhelmed with the rush of fluid, sputtering and choking as Chrissie came like a dam had burst inside of her.

“Look, Mom – she’s doing it, she squirting,” Terry said gleefully, having recovered from a near drowning.

“Is she ever!” Mariah and Ron said at the same time.

On the bed, Chrissie’s body shook and trembled as if someone had hooked her up to a generator or something, her head whipping from side to side so hard all three worried that she might hurt herself.

“Hold her,” Terry said, going to Chrissie’s side and sucking a nipple into her mouth; Mariah followed her daughter’s lead, doing the same to the other nipple.

“I’ll hold her, alright,” Ron said, getting between Chrissie’s legs and stuffing his semi-erect prick into her gushing cooze. He fucked his meat into her quickly, sending the helpless Chrissie over the falls again.

“My turn,” Terry said, turning her ass into the air. She sighed happily as she felt her brother’s cock slip into her, filling her pussy to the brim with 100% prime beef.

“Come on, Ron,” Mariah encouraged. “I know you’ve got one more in you – give to your sister and give her what she wants!”

Ron didn’t need much in the way of encouragement; he picked up the pace within his sister’s quim, using his hands to spread her ass cheeks, watching the delicious sight of his man-meat sliding in and out of Terry’s pussy.

Beside them, Mariah held Chrissie close, giving her friend some much needed comfort as she came down from her orgasmic high. “That’s right, baby – fuck that pussy!”

“Oh, shit,” Ron said, feeling that very familiar sensation creep up his balls for the third time this evening. “It’s coming!” He ground his teeth together as his balls tightened and released a flood of sperm into his sister who was also coming, shoving her backside against him as hard and fast as she could.

“How do you deal with these two,” Chrissie asked, her voice sleepy.

“Who said I did?” Mariah said, letting her friend drop off to sleep before succumbing to it herself.

As the older women slept, Ron rolled off his sister, his cock raw and tender; Terry slumped down next to him and they all slept, wrapped in the afterglow only a good fucking could produce.

Part Two, Chapter Six – Epilog

As fate would have it, Mariah, Terry and Chrissie all conceived on that historic night – Ron had fainted dead away after hearing the news, hitting his head on a table; he had to go to this hospital for stitches. Chrissie gave up her apartment in Brentwood and moved in with them, not wanting to miss one single moment the winds of change had brought into their lives.