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Fucking in the camp



The sun had been popping in and out from behind small cotton puff clouds all day, but it was still strong enough to burn as Ben and I discovered when we got back to the camp site. The women, trapped on their fronts with their intimate parts fully exposed, were turning just a slight shade of pink despite the large amount of sunscreen we had lovingly applied. Their coloring brought out the marks from the light whips they had used on each other the night before. They were also both moaning a little from the actions of the vibrators we had left running in them and both their asses were shifting from side to side as they tried to cope. They looked very wet and ready and I found myself growing quite hard at the sight of them. Ben and I padded silently to our women and as one we placed our hands on their pussies. They both jumped not having heard us and they squealed as we began pumping them with the vibrators. At a signal from Ben we pulled the vibrators out with an audible plop and got moans of frustration out of both of women. My wife raised her hips toward me, her very erect labia searching for more stimulation. I smiled and bent low, kissing those soft wet lips before standing again. Ben went and hid the cane under a blanket while I undid the bonds that held the women down and took off their blindfolds. They got stiffly to their knees and I told them to crawl over to the latrine area and use it. They looked at each other, both realizing that I had just ordered them to use the bathroom together. Amy looked over at Ben for conformation, something that I found a little annoying to be honest. If she knew Ben trusted me enough to give these kinds of orders than why was she questioning them by waiting for Ben to confirm them. “I told you not to look at him!” I said sharply to her. Amy jerked her head back and looked me in the eye for a second before looking down at her chest. “Go.” I ordered and both women began to crawl slowly toward the bushes we had staked out. I walked over to Ben. “Ben, what are we going to do about that?” I asked him. While I felt confident enough with the control aspects of our chosen lifestyle I still tended to turn to Ben for the punishment side. “About what? The way they hesitated?” Ben asked. “Well, there’s that too I guess. But I’m really talking about the way Amy watches you to see if she has to do something I ask!” “Don, don’t take it personally. What we have here is a very intimate situation and I would imagine that both Amy and Laura are as nervous as hell right now.” Ben said. “It’s only natural that Amy will look to me for a little security as I expect Laura would you if I was the one giving them the orders. Remember Pal not to put the system over the people. They may have agreed to be ours, but that didn’t take anything away from the people they are inside. Just relax and once they both settle some more I’m sure Amy will trust you enough to stop looking to me and vice versa with Laura.” I nodded, relaxing a bit. Ben made a lot of sense and I told him so. “Good.” he said with a smile. “But there is that other matter. They both should have acted a little faster on your command shouldn’t they? I don’t want to get into the habit of having to repeat orders and I doubt you do either.” “No, I don’t!” I said grinning. “Well then, here’s what we’ll do…” When the women finally crawled back into the clearing, both a little red faced, I ordered them back to their spots within the steaks. We bound them again, this time face up. “We’re going to have to put you to work later.” I told them as I pulled off my shorts. “All this lying around you get to do is going to make you lazy!” Both women stared at me over their gags. Laura with a concerned smile and Amy with a nervous one. Ben tossed me the sunscreen and settled naked into one of the chairs. Again I rubbed sunscreen into Amy’s skin, taking my time as I made sure to reach each part of her exposed body. As I did her breasts I couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed. With her arms out stretched her breasts were almost pulled back into her chest, just little tan mounds topped with some very erect nipples. A friend told me once that anything more than a handful was a waste, well excuse me for liking a bit of waste. Her nipples looked divine though and I had to resist the urge to nibble on them. I did most of the work on her body from a position between her legs, and I was well aware of how my naked body moved over hers, not touching yet very close indeed. Amy kept her eyes on me though she managed to avoid looking in my eyes. Her body was tense under my hands but I did feel her begin to relax when I massaged more cream onto her sex. A couple of times she did jump however, when the tip of my penis grazed her skin as I reached across her body. I quite enjoyed it. When I was done I looked over at Laura to find her watching me. She looked away quickly but I could see that she was terribly concerned. I wondered how much longer Ben and I could keep this game up before one of them safe worded. I got up and went over to Ben, handing him the sunscreen and he applied it to my wife in much the same manner as I had to Amy. Only then did I realize how my position had shown him my ass and to be honest Ben in the same position was not a pretty picture. I had to laugh. Ben took his time and was a little more successful at exciting Laura for she was moaning a little by the time he got done. He also took the time to give Amy a little massage before getting up. I saw a few times when Ben’s impressive member brushed Laura’s skin and there was one point as he did her shoulders that his dick rubbed against her smooth flat tummy quite a lot! I hoped he enjoyed it and wondered how Laura was taking it. It didn’t occur to me until much later that day that I hadn’t been concerned at all about the intimate contact between Ben and my wife. I just watched them with a smile until Ben was done. By now I was so hard I was aching. Ben put their blindfolds on and I got up and went over, bringing the vibrators. We walked around them for a few minutes and got down between their legs. Silently we played with our women, using the vibrators and our intimate knowledge of just how much they could take to drive them toward a sexual peak. I was really glad when Ben gave the signal and we pulled away the vibrators and replaced them with ourselves. Under me Laura bucked and shuddered as my entry triggered her first orgasm. I came not long after and then she came again. The muscles of her body were in sharp relief as she strained against her bonds and she looked and felt fantastic. It was a tremendous fuck! Next to us Amy was expressing her own passions that the gag she wore could barely contain. Ben, who must have outweighed his woman by almost a hundred pounds was being lifted into the air like a bronco on a bull. I didn’t know Amy had that much strength in her. Ben had this huge grin on his face that I’m sure matched mine as we both rode our women to exhaustion, and soon the four of us were lying still on the warm sand completely done in. I pulled out of my wife and moved away, not acknowledging who I was although I would have been surprised if she hadn’t known. After a moment Ben joined me and we went for a swim to clean up. On the other side we talked. “Wow!” I said. Ben laughed. “Don, I have to tell you that I never expected to be able to perform like that with Amy with anyone as close to us as you and Laura were just now.” “Me too. I guess we’re breaking down a few taboos today aren’t we!” “I guess we are.” Ben agreed. “So…time for the next stage?” I asked. “Lets give them some water first.” Ben said. We went back and I unlocked the women’s gags while Ben got some water bottles out of the cooler. He also brought some salt tablets, for the women had been sweating a lot as they lay there in the sun. “No talking, either of you.” I said as I pulled Laura’s gag out. Her mouth stayed open, her tongue snaking past her drying lips. I gave her a little water and then when she was ready I let her take the salt tablet. Ben did the same with Amy and we stayed with them until they had each finished their bottle of water before replacing the gags. Ben and I went over to the chairs and I lay back on a blanket, drinking my own bottle of water. “Ready?” Ben asked me. I nodded, feeling a little nervous. Ben took a blanket and folded it up into a pillow sized bundle and walked over to a fallen log at the edge of the clearing. I dug the cane out from where Ben had hid it and followed him. Ben laid the blanket over the log. “This is about the right height for using the cane when there isn’t anything for her to bend over.” Ben said to me. I nodded without saying a word. “You saw how we did it the other night, with Amy on her knees. The angle is different but not too bad. Give it a go!” He stepped aside and I got into position to strike the blanket with the cane. I don’t know if the ladies had heard Ben talking, but they certainly heard the swish of the cane traveling through the air and the thump of it’s landing. Two heads appeared above four tanned breasts even though they couldn’t see anything with their blindfolds on. >From our angle they looked a little comical as their heads bobbed back and forth over the splendor that was their nude forms. I watched them until they put their heads down again and used the cane again. This time I didn’t watch the women, I concentrated on my task. I was hitting high but I soon corrected that. I struck again and again at a steady pace that wouldn’t tire me out, until I felt I could close my eyes and hit the same spot. Ben told me that it was important I practice. “Muscle memory.” he called it. “It’s the same with any repetitive task. Do it enough times and your body remembers the moves so well you don’t have to really think about it any more. You are able to focus more on the result than the action itself. It’s like driving in a way. You don’t really think about how you steer or use the pedals, instead your focus is on where you’re going and how to get there safely.” I hadn’t really understood when he had told me that at first, but after a while I knew what he was talking about. I no longer had to think about how high to raise the cane or how hard to bring it down, instead I just concentrated on placing it exactly where I wanted it and with the correct angle. “You’re ready to try one for real.” he said to me. I swallowed and nodded, my throat dry. We went back to the ladies, the both of them lying silent and still. They had evidently heard Ben’s last statement. Ben unlocked and took off Amy’s blindfold and gag while I did the same with Laura. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes and her expression was a little anxious. I leaned forward and kissed her softly. “Be brave.” I whispered. She nodded. “Amy.” Ben said. “It’s time for that punishment I promised you. Don is going to be the one to give it to you. Will you be okay with that?” Amy looked at me, then at Ben. “I hope you trained him right.” she said with a slight smile. Ben smiled and gave her a brief hug. “Since when do I do anything half assed!” he growled gently. I was a little relieved that Amy could smile, I wished I could. Ben undid her bonds and let Amy kneel on the sand for a moment as she worked out the stiffness in her arms. I could tell she wanted to talk, but she kept her peace as ordered. There would be plenty of time for talking later. I went and stood next to her and she looked over at me, naked except for my watch and the cane in my hand. “Position.” I said, as Ben had instructed me. Amy quickly bent low, as she had on a beach on another island miles from here. Her head and shoulders to the ground while she grabbed her ankles with her hands. She turned her head to look away from me which I was glad for. “Wait.” Ben said. He prodded Amy until she moved slightly, her ass pointed at my wife who was still staked out spread eagle on the sand. Laura of course was watching all this with wide eyes. “Okay.” Ben said. I took my position. “You sure?” I asked Ben. “Aren’t you?” he asked me, raising an eyebrow. After a moment I nodded, and he inclined his head toward Amy. “Amy.” I said. “For disobeying a direct order to stop complaining when told to, One strike.” I didn’t hesitate. I simply raised the cane and brought it down, muscle memory taking over. The cane hit just where I had aimed it, between her two previous strokes in an almost perfect even line. Amy yelped but otherwise made no sound. I had brought the cane back right away, and got my first real look at the mark one of these things would leave behind. An angry red line with very white flesh surrounding it crossed her buttocks from cheek to cheek. As I watched the red began to change color, turning a little multicolored. The edges of the line looked like they were beginning to swell and raise up just slightly. I resisted the urge to reach out and touch them. “Okay, Amy?” Ben asked. He was standing where he could see both my strike zone and her face. The back of Amy’s head moved and I guessed that she nodded. “Don?” he asked me. “I’m fine.” I whispered. Ben watched me for a moment. “That looked pretty good to me, Don, just like you practiced it. But Amy here is going to be the final judge. Amy, compared to mine, how was that?” “Sir,” Amy said after a moment, “it…wasn’t as hard as yours, but close.” “Hear that Don?” Ben said. I nodded, hating the next bit. Laura hadn’t moved from her position, I knew that she would hold it until ordered otherwise despite the pain she felt. She had shifted her knees though, spreading her legs a little. Her sex was more exposed than it had been earlier and I didn’t know if she had shifted for sexual reasons or just for better purchase. Ben had told me long ago that Amy found the cane and the pain to be arousing unless applied with enough force to override the pleasure centers of her brain. I wondered if I had hit her hard enough. Well I was about to find out. “Amy. For not obeying my order to go use the latrine area until I ordered you a second time. One strike.” I said. This made Laura gasp and Amy turn her head. She looked at me and then turned to face Ben again. Ben stood unmoving, purposely not giving her any encouragement or security. We had worked out earlier that this moment was between Amy and myself. Would she trust me or break discipline to seek Ben’s council. She shifted on her knees, then became still. She had made her decision. I swung again, a little off but not enough to count. I caught her on her lower cheeks, below the previous marks left by Ben a few nights before. My stroke was harder, faster, and Amy cried out louder. The welt the strike had left behind developed like the one before it. I could hear a slight sobbing and saw that it was Laura. She stopped when I looked at her. Ben walked over and began to undo Laura’s bondage. I stood and waited while he did so. When Laura was free she knelt as Amy had done and worked her muscles to reduce any stiffness she felt. She didn’t look at me, instead focusing on Amy who still held her position. I pointed with the cane to a spot next to Amy. Laura looked up at me then. I wonder what kind of a picture we made. Laura on her knees, naked, her eyes wide and her posture submissive. While I was standing, also nude but with the cane in my hand, my expression dark and my posture anything but submissive. Our tableau lasted only a couple of seconds before Laura moved where I had directed her. “Position.” I said. Laura assumed the same bent over posture that Amy had, her face turned toward me. “Laura, for making me order you twice to use the latrine area with Amy, and because Ben and I feel you need to taste the cane at least once before we decide if it is for us, one strike.” “Sir.” she said quietly. “can this humble girl make a request?” Her language told me that she had slipped into her deeper submissive mode, a place she only really went during our ‘Total Slave’ days when she had really been worked hard. It was a sort of subspace for her but one she could still function in. Normally she didn’t use third person to refer to herself, feeling it a little demeaning. It only came out in this state. “Go ahead.” I said. “Sir, please bind and gag this slave so that she will not embarrass you.” “Very well.” I said after a moment. I tend to make my speech a little more formal during these times as well. It’s like we become two different people I guess. Ben turned to fetch some rope and I stood back a little. Laura and I didn’t break eye contact while Ben bound her forearms to her knees and put her gag back in. I had to motion for her to turn her head before she would stop looking at me. I remembered how hard I had hit Amy the second time and this was the strength I used on Laura. She yelled into her gag and pulled at her ropes for a moment before becoming still and silent. A welt just like the ones on Amy began slowly to appear. I did see something new this time. Unlike Amy, Laura’s butt has a little more padding and as I struck a noticed a slight ripple flow away across her flesh. It just seemed unusual enough to mention. As the two women knelt together I walked over to Ben and handed him the cane. “Thank you.” I said to him. We left the women alone for about fifteen minutes before going to them again. Ben led Amy over to the pool while I undid the ropes that bound Laura and took off her gag. I helped her to her feet and we joined our friends in the water. “What ever you do, don’t touch your ass.” I told Laura as she reached behind herself. She stopped and held on to me instead. Once we were chest deep in the water she hugged me and began to cry a little and I gave her what comfort I could. She soon calmed down and began to smile which made me feel a lot better. “It really hurts you know?” she said to me. “I know.” I replied. “I do NOT want you to ever use that thing on me again.” she said. “I hope I never have to, babe!” I said, hugging her close. She was silent for a moment. “You’re going to get a cane, aren’t you.” It was a statement of fact, not a question. “Yes.” I replied. We held on to each other, naked in a jungle pool on an uninhabited island in the middle of the Atlantic someplace. Alone together, yet more in touch with each other than ever before.