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She caught me at a bad time. With one hand I was cutting and pasting a code fix and with the other, I held a tuna salad sandwich I’d just taken a big bite out of. It wasn’t the best of times to meet a good-looking woman.

I heard a rapping, as someone “knocked” on my cube. I held up one finger behind me, as I finished pasting and chewing. Swallowing hugely, I turned, “Yes?”

Then I saw her. She was average height, and average build. Short, spiky black hair, and cool grey eyes. A little bit of stomach, but wonderful breasts which strained against her sweater. A stray part of me went “and they are just at the right height, too.” And they were. Her standing, me in my chair.

Then I remembered the chant that got me through these awkward moments, Mr. Miyagi going “Eye, always look eye.” So I looked back up into those grey eyes. Luckily she didn’t or didn’t choose to notice my staring. I repeated my query, “How can I help you?”

She looked down at my clipboard, and up at my nameplate. “Randolph A Mitchell?” she asked.

No one had used my full name in years. “They call me RAM,” I said. “It’s my initials.”

Her eyebrow arched. “Because you’re hardheaded, or because you have a good memory?” she asked.

“Yes.” I replied, in true geek fashion. It’s instinctual now, I can’t help it.

She smiled then, “I’m Jeanette. I’m here to do your Y2K upgrades.”

“Oh, yeah,” I said. “I got the email about that this morning.” I quickly saved my work, and offered her my chair.

I grabbed my mug, “Jeanette, you want any coffee?”

“That’d be great. Hi-Test.”

“Sugar, Creamer?”

She snorted, so I left. She was a *real* woman.

When I got back with our coffee, she was sitting back watching NT reboot. “First or Third time?” I asked, as I slid into my “guest chair”.

“First,” she said.

“Fun, fun.” I paused, and took a sip of my coffee. It was so hot, you couldn’t taste it, which was a good thing. In a fit of machismo, I’d gotten mine black and unsweetened, too. “I thought you could automate these upgrades.”

“You can,” she said, sliding in a disk at the prompt. “Some PHB decided that we had to check everything *manually*. Just to be sure.”

I rolled my eyes, and nodded. NT was rebooting again.

She swiveled towards me, “I saw some C code up when I rebooted. What are you working on?”

“We’re rewriting the transport layer,” I said. “Whoever wrote the thing 10 years ago must have had his head up his ass.”

She laughed.

“So we’re rewriting it from the ground up.”

“How did you manage *that*?” she asked, somewhat in awe. The Bosses, pointy haired or not, hated completely redoing it.

“We told them it wasn’t Y2K compliant.”

“Was it?”

I suppressed a chuckle, but my chest still heaved. I shook my head and put one finger over my mouth. “It’s a secret,” I said. “The thing doesn’t use dates *at all*.”

By this time, she was *not* laughing so hard, tears were coming out of her eyes. “It must have been *really* bad code.”

“It was.”

Just then, my computer emitted a series of 8 beeps, and a big blue screen appeared. “Dammit,” she swore under her breath. “Something’s wrong.”

“What?” I asked, getting up, and peering over her shoulder. I couldn’t help but notice that she smelled really nice.

“The service pack failed, hold your breath, I’m rebooting.”

I did. She did. The computer didn’t. Black screen. No OS.

She swore like a sailor, or — more appropriately — like a hacker who had to write VB code. “NT is hosed,” she said. She started to get up, “I left my rescue disk downstairs. This was supposed to be routine. Shoulda known better.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’ve got one.”

I pulled out my big file drawer — there were no files in it. A bag of chips, pizza coupons, software boxes, that sort of thing. I found the disk and handed it to her. “Now,” she said, pointing at one box in particular, “that is *not* company policy. ”

I looked. She was pointing at my Quake II box. I talked fast, “Don’t worry, it’s not on my computer. I just left the box here.”

She went, “Uh huh.” I could tell she didn’t believe me. “Dammit Ram, *I* don’t care, but I’ve got to say something — it’s my *job*.”

I looked at the computer with it’s ‘No OS message’, and pointed. “No, really,” I said, “It’s not on my computer. Well, not any more, at least.”

She laughed. When NT is hosed, it’s *completely* hosed.

We spent the rest of the afternoon re-installing NT. Then installing those Y2K upgrades. This time it worked.

“OK,” she said, relinquishing my chair, “give it a go.”

I sat down and started logging in. She was standing behind me watching as the ‘first run’ login script ran.

“Wait,” she said, “get rid of that.”

I reached for the mouse, and so did she. It was instinct, really. I’ve done it before. I was a bit quicker, and her hand settled on mine. I felt her presence then, warm just behind my right shoulder. Her hands, a little cold on mine. I turned and her scent washed over me again. No perfume, just clean and crisp and feminine.

I looked at her and smiled meekly. A spark passed between us, and she blushed.

She removed her hand from mine and stood up. “Sorry, you can do it.”

“No problem,” I said.

We watched as it all came up just fine.

As she left, she looked at me. “Are you going to the Christmas party this weekend?”

“I thought about it.”

“I’m going,” she said. “Free food.”

“I’ll probably go, too.”

She blushed. “Good.”

“See you there,” I said.

“Yeah,” she said, and left.

I admired her as I left. Why hadn’t I asked her if she wanted to go with me? She was cute, and a definite geek. Ahhh, I thought, she’d have said no. We work together after all.

I turned back to my code fixes. The downside of telling the bosses that it wasn’t Y2K compliant was that now it had an unshifting deadline. I still had a lot of work to do, and I had been pushed back because of the upgrade.


Y2K-13d 04h 07m 29s Outside of the party.

I straightened my tie, tightening it as much as I could stand. Normally I didn’t have to wear the damn things, but the party was semi-formal. Coat and Tie. I should be glad it wasn’t black tie.

The truth was, I’d only decided to come the other day, when Jeanette mentioned it. Thank goodness I kept a clean, pressed suit in the closet, “Just in case”.

The party was just beginning. I’m always so early to these things. I wind up sitting around, waiting for people to show up. Or helping set up. Which is what I got drafted into doing.

Marge, the communal IT secretary, was also one of the organizers of the whole thing. She saw me as I went in, and started putting me to work bringing stuff out of the kitchen.

“Just set it on the table, here, Ram,” she said. “I’ll worry about placing it.”

“Couldn’t they have had this thing catered?” I asked.

“It’s never been catered, Ram, and you’d know that if you’d ever been to one.”

“I’m not a people person,” I said.

I helped her out anyway. It never does to offend the secretary.

Despite the fact it wasn’t catered, it was quite a spread. Lots of good meat, snacky things, good punch. The champagne and wine looked good, too, although I left it alone.

I waited for a couple of hours, but she never showed. In fact, almost no one I knew did. The tech guys just didn’t care about these things, as a rule.

Just as I was about to leave, I saw her. She was a vision indeed, standing in the doorway, looking in, searching. Searching for me perhaps? She had bowed to convention and was all primped up. She wore a nice sleeveless blouse, with a sweater wrapped over her shoulders. She finished it off with — surprisingly — a skirt. As I stood there admiring her, she spotted me and raced over to see me.

“Ram!” She said, “You did make it!”

“I was just about to leave,” I said. I saw the look on her face, sad. I hastened to add, “But now that someone I know is here, I’ll stay.”

She smiled and posed, twisting around so her skirt swished. “What do you think? I clean up pretty good, eh? I even look like a girl tonight.”

“Yes you do,” I said admiring her. She blushed again, and I smiled at her.

“Want to dance?” she asked.

“Sure,” I said, taking her arm, and walking onto the dance floor.

They were playing a waltz, so we did. I know, you may have heard it: geeks can’t dance. But when I was in college, I had a girlfriend who loved to dance, so we took a class together: Rhumba, Waltz, Tango – the works. She broke up with me mid- semester, but the class was a welcome relief from COBOL.

Evidently, Jeanette had some lessons, too. She was an incredible dancer. We swirled and dipped across the dance floor, oblivious to everything and everyone else. We didn’t even talk while we danced, we just *danced*. We reached that point where it was just us and the music.

We fit together like two well-written parts of a system: separate, moving together, inextricably intertwined in a way that’s not obvious from the outside. From the outside we looked like one thing — a couple dancing. Software and hardware in perfect concert.

I don’t know how long we danced. Several songs, at least. Finally we were thirsty and tired, and wanted to rest. She found a table, and I got her some punch.

When I returned, she’d taken the sweater off, and folded it over a chair. Sweat glistened around her brow. I was sweating a bit, too. She took the punch from me and drank it down.

“Thanks,” she said.

“No; thank you, you’re a great dancer.”

She blushed. “So are you. It’s been ages since I’ve done this.”

“Me too.”

She smiled. “Oh, Ram, there’s one other thing.”


“The reason I was so late… I had to get a ride here, my car died.”

“So you need a ride home?”

She nodded. I arched my brow. Was she flirting, or not? I wasn’t sure.

We finished our punch, and another waltz began. I offered her my arm, and said, “Shall we, Jeanette?”

She took it and said, “Certainly.”

Once on the floor, she molded herself to my body for the slow dance.

“I have a nickname, too,” she whispered in my ear.


“My friends call me Jeanie.”

“And will you make my wishes come true?”

She separated from me then, stepping back into a normal waltz position. “Only if you rub me the right way.” Oh, she was definitely flirting with me.

“And – and – how is that?” Damn stutter.

She signaled that she wanted to spin. I spun her out, and back into my arms, “That’s for me to know, and you to find out, Ram.”

Y2K-13d 00h 37m 42s Outside Jeanie’s house

“Thanks for driving me home, Ram.”

“No problem, Jeanie. I had a wonderful time.”

“So did I.”

She leaned forward and kissed me. Tentatively at first, then with more passion. We separated and looked at each other, and then closed together then, our mouths opening, and tongues twisting, touching. I brought my hand up to her head, and began running it through her hair.

She pulled back then, and faced me, her eyes focused down, not looking at me. She was flushed, and breathing quickly. One hand moved to the door handle.

“Good night, Ram,” she said.

“Are you OK, Jeanie?” Why was she leaving so quickly? “Did I rub you the wrong way, or something?”

She looked at me then, smiled a small smile, shook her head and fled my car.

I sighed, and drove back home. What had gone wrong? What had I done? I didn’t know. I spent the whole trip home thinking about it, and the whole day Sunday. Both nights I masturbated, thinking about her. I wanted to call her, to find out what was going on, but I realized I didn’t even know her last name.

It wasn’t until Monday morning that I realized she’d left her sweater on the seat of my car.

Y2K-11d 15h 02m 17s Tech Support

I walked down to tech support Monday morning, sweater in hand. Admittedly I’d never gone down there. Called there a few times, sure. But visited? No.

I was pretty nervous, admittedly. I didn’t know why she left my car so quickly, without saying anything. I didn’t want to interrupt her work. I needed to talk to her.

When I got down to the basement rooms where all the computers — and tech support people are — I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. It pulled me down like a heavy weight.

I found her cube easily enough. It was the first one on the right. She was on the phone. I rapped on the plastic support of her cube, and she looked up and smiled. She *smiled*. I felt the sinking feeling dissolve in a wash of warmth.

I shook my head, why did this matter so much? But it did.

Her cube was a techie’s fantasy. Little toys and sci-fi posters. She had a little mechanical clock that looked like a car’s odometer, only it was running backwards. Right then it read 11 14:58:27.723. I realized it was the time until Y2K. She had all the comforts of home, too : stereo, coffeepot, even a small television.

She waved me in, still talking in rapid acronyms on the phone, only half of which I actually recognized. I had to admire her: quick, efficient and capable. And, I realized, beautiful.

She had been lovely at the party, but here — in her element– in her own environment and choice of clothes she really shone. And it showed. She *was* beautiful.

She finished up her call and turned to me. “I didn’t expect to see *you* this morning.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been down here.”

She nodded. “So why did you come by? Just to say hi?”

“N-no,” I said, and felt my face get warm. “You left your sweater in my car.” I handed it to her.

“Oh! That’s where it got to! Thanks. I thought I left it at the club.”

“No problem. Nice place you have here,” I said, looking around her cube, and mentally kicking myself for the bad line.

“Yeah, I spend so much time here — it might as well be home.”

I nodded. “I especially like the Y2K clock. Where’d you get that?”

“Oh, I made it. It wasn’t too hard.” She smiled wryly.

“Cool, cool.”

“Plus it will help when I’m here next Friday.”

“You have to work, eh?”

“Yep. I pulled the short straw. And besides, I have no family — no boyfriend — what else am I going to do?”

I nodded, understanding.

“What are you going to be doing, Ram?”

“Don’t know. At home watching the ball drop, probably.”

“That’s why I have a TV.” She winked at me, “It’s battery powered, too — just in case.”

I had to laugh at that. “Listen … ”

“Yes … ?”

“Would you like to go out sometime? Say, Wednesday?”

“I’m going to my parents’ on Wednesday. I’m taking my vacation early, you know.”

I nodded. I did know, I was leaving Friday morning. “Well, how about *next* Wednesday?” She seemed hesitant. “Come on,” I cajoled her, “It *has* to be before the end of the world.”

She eyed the clock, “And that leaves us less than 12 days. OK,” she said. “I’m game.”

“Pick you up at your place?”

“7pm,” she said.


Y2K-1d 4h 27m 15s In my car

As I drove over to pick up Jeanie, I mused at how fast time had flown. A couple of major problems at work had kept me in heads- down coding mode for the last week. Interrupted, of course, by the required annual trip home, during which I’d been alternatively bored or sleeping. Christmas morning had been good, but there was no net access, and nothing to do at my parents’ house.

When I was bored, I thought about Jeanie and this night. Hopefully, I hadn’t built it up into too much of a big deal. But then, given my nightly erotic fantasies, I probably had.

Work continued this week, still keeping me incredibly busy. I finally got things fixed this afternoon, and set up for a final build. I’d only just had time to call her at work, and confirm our date. She seemed just as slammed as I was.

I pulled the car up in front of her house. I pulled the little vanity mirror down, and straightened my hair, then I got out, and straightened my clothes. Then, and only then, I went to her front door and rang the bell.

She opened it immediately. I’m sure she heard me pull up and was waiting. She was radiant. Dressed in a form fitting top, and long flowing skirt, she looked wonderful. “Hi, Ram,” she said. “Ready to go?”

I shook my head to clear it, and said, “Yes, I am, Jeanie. You look wonderful tonight.”

“Why, thank you.”

I led her out to my car, and even opened the door for her as she got in. I don’t know why, I have these moods. After I settled in the driver’s seat, she asked, “So what do you want to do?”

“I thought we’d start with dinner. I know a good Italian place on Eastway. Do you like Italian food?”

“Is there another kind?” she laughed.

“It’s settled then.”

When we arrived at Portofino’s I could see the apprehension in her face. It’s in a strip mall, for starters, and not in the best part of town — I don’t shop in that Wal-Mart, if I can avoid it. Then, of course when you go in, you see the counter with all the pizza by the slice on it. I turned to her then. “Trust me on this, this is a good place.”

She looked skeptical, but then relaxed. We were quickly seated, and we ordered quickly. “How did you find this place?” she asked, after the waitress brought out our drinks.

“We used to come out to the Greek place up on the corner, but it was too busy one day, so we drove down the strip mall and found it here.”


“Some friends I used to work with downtown. This was a couple of years ago. I try to come here every now and then.”

She nodded.

The conversation devolved into a long discussion of various places we’d worked, different people we’d encountered, and ways of doing technology that were better than others. Eventually, we got around to our jobs. “Who is working with you Friday night?” I asked.

She shrugged, “As far as I know, just me.”

“What if something happens?”

She barked out a laugh. “It won’t. I’m just going to watch the ball drop on my little TV, and go home.”

“That’s pretty confident.”

“I have a reason to be.” She caught my gaze evenly and looked at me. She was confident about her work, and good at it too. I could tell. You cold feel it coming from her in strong waves. And that’s when I was struck again by how beautiful she was. She saw me staring and asked, “What?”

I blushed. “Nothing.”

“No, what is it?”

“I was just thinking how beautiful you are,” I said.

“Where did *that* come from?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. It just did.”

She smiled and blushed, and looked down at her food. By this time, it was mostly finished, and she was just picking at it. I ate a bit more of my calzone, trying unsuccessfully to finish it.

“You won’t be the only one working,” I said, finally.


“Yes, due to the problems we’ve had with the software, my boss asked me to herd it through the rollover.”

“Joy,” she said.

“Well, it’ll be just you and me then,” I said, smiling.

“Let’s get out of here,” she said suddenly.

“To where?” I asked.

“We’re near downtown, right?”


“Let’s go to Jillian’s”

“What’s that?” I asked. She just grinned.

She navigated me downtown, then to South Boulevard, then to a small bar just off the road. “A bar?” I said as we approached. When I stepped inside, it’s exactly what I saw. Pool tables to the left, and TVs tuned to sports.

She stopped, and looked at me. “Trust me,” she said with an impish grin.

“Ok…” I said. She had trusted me on the restaurant, after all.

She took my hand in hers, and pulled me along, drawing me further and deeper into the bar. There was a Japanese steakhouse, and a buffet bar. I was beginning to think it was another restaurant, when we went through two double doors into a large game room. Video game room. And not a teenager in sight. Cool.

I was standing there, taking it in, and she grabbed my arm again. “Come on! They’ve got House of the Dead!”. House of the Dead turned out to be a two person game where we work together to clean out a house full of undead and demons. It also takes a great deal of quarters.

We moved on to play several other games — a skiing game with actual skis, and some classic games that I still remember from when I was a kid. A couple of hours and 50 bucks in quarters later, she turned to me. “It’s about 10,” she said. “Probably time to head home.”

I didn’t want the evening to end, but I agreed. It *was* a weeknight after all.

We got in the car, and she reached over and took my right hand in hers. “I really enjoyed tonight,” she said to me.

“I did, too.” I said. She squeezed my hand and we sat there in silence. It was a comfortable silence, though. Just the feeling of another person there was enough. We’d said a lot at dinner, we’d played a lot that night. We were comfortable together, holding hands as I drove her home.

I drove into her driveway, and stopped the car. I turned to her, took her hand in mine, and kissed it. She leaned forward to me, and kissed me. First it was just a gentle touch, lips to lips, then again, then she turned, and kissed me deeply.

I put my hand behind her head, pulling her into the kiss, pulling us closer. She moaned, and leaned into me and thrust her tongue into my mouth. I leaned over, closer to her, and put my free arm around her, and pulled her close. She pulled back, and broke the kiss. I kept holding her.

She smiled at me, “Wouldn’t you rather continue this inside?”

“So,” I thought, relaxing, “she isn’t going to run away this time.” I nodded, and opened the door, and got out. By the time I got around the car, she was out, and headed for her door, her purse open.

“Dammit,” she muttered under her breath as I caught up to her. “I left my keys in the house.”

“Damn.” I said. “Is there a back way in?”

“Not exactly,” she said. She leaned forward and moved a brick which was next to the door, and loose. She didn’t take it out, she just rocked it in place a few times. I heard a window upstairs open, and then something almost hit me in the head. She grabbed it — it was a rope or something — and yanked on it. It went back up into the window, and the door opened. “I’m always forgetting my keys.”

I laughed, and shook my head. We went into her room, and put our coats away.

“I told you I liked to build gadgets,” she said.

“Yes you did. That was pretty ingenious.”

“Electric switch on the brick. You have to know the right way to move it.”

“Ahh. Impressive.”

She turned to me and enfolded me in her arms. “If you think that was impressive wait until you see the automatic breakfast machine.”

“Oh?” I said.

“Yes,” she replied, looking up to me and parting her lips. I leaned down and met them, resuming our kiss. I ran my hand through her hair, and her lips parted, I slid my tongue inside her mouth, and we stood there just inside the doorway kissing.

Jeanie broke the kiss, and stepped back. She looked me in the eyes and then down at the ground. “What?” I asked.

“You must think me awful forward,” she said. “Inviting you back to my house, then for breakfast.”

Then it hit me then, the personal install, the Christmas party, the left-behind sweater. She’d been trying to get my attention all along, only I’d missed most of the cues. I laughed. She looked a bit frightened. “I’m sorry,” she said.

“Don’t be. I am dense, you *had* to be forward. I *like* you, dammit. And I’m glad you let me know you wanted me, too. Otherwise I’d have been at home tonight, alone. So I’m dense, and you hit me with a 2×4. Now I know.”

She smiled a small smile at me, “Oh, Ram…” she stepped back into my embrace, and slid her hands around me.

I kissed her on the forehead, and she lifted her face back up. She kissed me tenderly on the lips, then stepped back. She took one of my hands in hers, and led me down a dimly lit hallway.

As we walked, dim floor-level lights came on, illuminating the hallway. She walked to the end of it, and turned left into her room. Light from white streetlight shone through her window, which was covered with a thin gauzy material, giving the whole room a sort of soft feel. She stopped, and turned to me. The light fell on her, giving her a moderately blue cast. Her hair was loose and flowing, her eyes, looking right at me. She sighed for a moment, as I took her in, and I saw her nipples, erect, through her tight blouse.

I stepped closer, and Jeanie turned to me, and pulled me into her arms. She kissed my mouth and neck, and ran her hands through my hair. With one hand, she guided my right hand underneath the bottom of her blouse. “It’s time to let the Jeanie out of the bottle,” she whispered into my left ear.

Now, I might be clueless, but I’m not stupid. I gently slid my hand under her blouse, then pulled it up, and over her breasts. I cupped her breast in my hand, running my thumb over her hard nipple. She moaned into our kiss.

I broke the kiss, and with both hands caressed her breasts for a second, then I lifted the blouse up, and over her head as she raised her arms to help me. Her hands came up and began quickly unbuttoning my shirt. I helped, pulling the shirt out of my pants, and unbuttoning it on the way up. We met in the middle, and she spread the shirt, and stepped forward, pushing the shirt back with her hands, and bringing her breasts close to touch my chest.

I sighed, and my shirt fell to the floor behind me. I wrapped my arms around her body, and pulled her close for another kiss. She kissed me quickly, then giggled and turned, kicking off her shoes, and heading for the bed.

She collapsed on the bed, and began pulling her skirt up, revealing her knees and things, and finally, it was bunched up around her waist. She was wearing lacy black underwear. She wiggled her hips at me teasingly as she giggled.

I undid my belt, and slipped out of my pants and underwear, and pulled off my socks with my feet. I was ready. “Oh, my!” she said. “You’re in a hurry.”

“I’ve been thinking about this for over a week now.”

“Me too,” she said. “Come and get me.”

I walked up to the side of her bed, and got down on my knees. I reached up, and pulled her panties down and off her legs. I could smell the odor of her arousal. I moved closer to her special place, and her legs widened, giving me access.

I reached out with my tongue and gently licked her labia, separating them with my tongue. She sighed, and brought her hand down to hold her lips open for me. I licked from the bottom to the top, finding her clitoral hood, flicking it with my tongue. She sighed, and said, “I knew this was a good idea. Don’t stop.”

I chuckled and kept up the work with my tongue, occasionally licking from top to bottom, but concentrating around her clit, tweaking and flicking it with my tongue. I could feel the heat coming off of her, and taste her juices. I slid one of my fingers inside her then, and I heard her gasp. “Like that?” I asked, stopping momentarily.


I laughed, and slid in another finger, and began sliding them in and out slowly. Then I lowered my mouth down to her clit and began licking and sucking again. She moved her hand up, and began tweaking her nipples, while I worked on her vagina.

I heard her panting, then backed off for a minute. Then I started back up until she was panting again. “Ram?” she said.


“I want it. I want it inside of me!”

“What? What do you want?” I asked playfully.

“I want your ram, ramming me, Ram!”

I laughed, and climbed up on the bed with her. I smiled down at her, as she moved, giving me room. She had a wild look in her eyes, and sweat on her brow. But she was smiling wryly at her pun. “People should not pun in bed, Jeanie.”

“It got you up here, didn’t it?” I felt a hand wrap around my shaft, touching me for the first time. I felt a shock ride up my body from that touch. I gasped. “You liked that, didn’t you?”

I smiled down at her and lowered my mouth to one of her breasts, sucking it in, then letting go. She gasped. I said, “Yes, I did.” The hand that held my cock took it and slid it between the lips of her wet vagina. I looked into her eyes, and quickly kissed her on the lips. Then I slid deep inside of her, and sighed as her lips wrapped around me.

As I slid out, I felt her lips, pulling on me, trying to keep me inside. She was so tight — it was amazing. I must have gasped, because she started giggling just a little. I slid into her, feeling myself go all the way in, so we were pressed together. “What is so funny?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she said. “I’m just happy.”

I smiled down at her, and could see that she was. Her eyes glowed and she smiled. She gave off that beauty that I’d seen earlier that night. “You are beautiful, Jeanie,” I said.

“And you are handsome, Ram.” I leaned down and kissed her. Her lips parted, and I slid my tongue between them. Her tongue met mine, and I began sliding in and out of her again, this time picking up speed.

She moaned into me, pulling my head to her. I sped up, moving faster. I felt her nether lips tighten around my cock, once, then twice. I plunged even deeper inside of her.

I moved from her mouth, to her breast, and kissed and nibbled on her nipples, first one, then the other. She sighed, as my teeth nipped at her nipple, and I felt her tighten around my cock again.

I sucked in her nipple, then more of her breast, and flicked her nipple with my tongue. She gasped, and said, “Yes, yes, do that!” I sped up, flicking her nipple even faster, and also began thrusting faster. I felt her contract around me again, then again and again quickly. She shuddered and cried out. I sucked on her nipple even harder, trying to prolong her climax.

Her shudders subsided, and I moved my head off her breast, and looked down at her. She looked up at me and said, “Oh, Ram…”

I began sliding in and out of her then, faster and faster, concentrating on my own orgasm. She squeezed my cock by tightening her vagina, driving me wild. I leaned back, my fists on either side of her, and began thrusting with abandon. I could feel myself getting closer and closer, sliding in and out of her wet vagina. She squeezed me tight, and cajoled me. “Come for me Ram, come inside of me. I want your come inside my hot, wet cunt.”

That was all it took, and I was coming, streams of come spurting, and spurting again inside of her. I collapsed next to her, and held her in my arms. We lay like that for a while, feeling the afterglow of good first time sex.

“That was wonderful, Ram,” she said. “It’s been a while..”

“For me too. Thank you Jeanie.”

She snuggled against me, pressing her body into mine. I felt myself start to get hard against her ass. “What is that?” she asked.

“That’s me…” I say.

“Really?” she asked, rolling over, and directly inspecting it with her hands. She climbed on top of me. “At this rate,” she said, “we won’t be waking up for breakfast.”

“It’s ok,” I said, as she lowered herself down on me. “I’ve got to work third shift tonight, so I could use the sleep change.”

She began slowly riding me, “You know what? Me too.” The twinkle in her eye was worth it.

Y2k-00d00h01m00s Down in Tech Support

We spent the night together, on and off sleeping and making love. We crawled out of bed around 6am, and ate a wonderful breakfast — the mechanical breakfast maker was pretty awesome, even if all it could do was pancakes. I suggested some changes for waffles or omelets. We’re going to be working on them some in a few days, I suspect.

We watched the new year come in in some small island nation, and then crawled into bed. When we got up again, it was noon, and we watched the various nations around the world move into the new year 2000, as their clocks rolled over and the nines went away. Around 8 we had to go into work to be present for the big time.

We weren’t really worried: we hadn’t been anyway, and watching Australia, China, France, and Great Britain go through the rollover with only minor glitches, only increased our surety. We went in in casual clothes — mine from the night before, but then I hadn’t worn them that much.

Jeanie had all the monitors in her office up and running little time based scripts or watcher programs. All we had to do was look at them, and wait. We had the TV tuned into the Times Square celebration, and Jeanie’s little countdown clock on top of that. Right now it read 00:00:00:27.267. “Only 27 seconds,” I said.

“Yep,” she said.

I stepped behind her, and put my arms around her. “I’m hoping for a really good year.”

“Me too, she said.”

“10!” shouted out the people on TV. “9!” I turned Jeanie’s head around to face mine. “8!” She parted her lips, and tilted her head. I met her lips halfway. “7!” She kissed me, her tongue entering my mouth. “6!” I felt her hand running down my ass. “5!” She squeezed, and I moved my hands up to her head. “4!” I ran my fingers through her hair, and she pressed her body against mine. “3!” She broke the kiss and winked at me. “2!” We turned and looked at the ball, on it’s way down. “1!” I kissed her quickly, and the crowd shouted out, “0!”

“Happy New Year, Jeanie.”

“Happy New year, Ram. So are you going to stay with me throughout the new millenium?”

“Ask me in 365 days, Jeanie.”

“366,” she said.

She was right. It *was* a leap year. Even if it *wasn’t* the new millennium