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Joyce’s Day – Piercing The Veil



Joyce was eighteen years old, unmarried, progressive in her views, and definitely in control of her life. She was street smart, being raised in Miami, and at the same time naive in the ways of a woman. Which when meeting Joyce, displayed her freshness and spontaneity, in a natural, unclouded and honest manner. When Joyce flirted with someone it was not a sexual advance, but rather a straightforward attempt for friendship. Joyce was five feet six inches tall, with long golden blond hair, the consistency of unripe corn husk hair. She was slender, weighing in at an even one hundred and ten pounds, and her legs were long and well proportioned. Although her breasts were small, they were firm and uplifted, with large enough nipple length to show through shirts and dresses when not wearing a bra. Most of the time Joyce wore tight fitting jeans, and when walking down a street, invariably men would turn to appreciate the symmetry of motion from the opposite side. In all Joyce had the kind of shape that many women worked hard to achieve and maintain, but which was natural for her. Her face was delicate and pretty, with thin lips, and a thin nose.

Living in the city, Joyce stayed close to a select group of friends, not often straying from the protective shell that formed around them. They were a mixed group and they often partied together to share lifestyles, involving drugs, liquor, and sex. Without fully realizing it, they placed a safety net around themselves, by their close association, that protected them from the intercessions of outsiders. Their parties never got too out of control, their use of drugs and liquor remained modest, and their friendship remained the strongest bond. Occasional sex within the group seemed natural and safe, and involvement’s rarely progressed to love between members, as if the code of friendship was the strongest bond shared. Dating outside the group was rare because outsiders found it difficult to penetrate the protective walls that surrounded all of them. It was simply easier to function within the confines of the group, than to stray outside in a world that seemed alien to them. Within this circle of friends another woman became her closest companion, and the two of them shared their free hours together almost like sisters. They became inseparable and in essence formed a separate bonded group within the main group itself. To reach them an outsider would first have to penetrate the boundaries of the main cadre and then scale the walls of friendship between Joyce and her companion. For this reason Joyce did not make new acquaintances easily, and there seemed no real reason to do so.

On one rare occasion in November, Joyce and Val decided to accept an invitation to a party. The event was going to take place at a friend of Val’s home and Joyce would know few if any of the people attending. This was somewhat of a concern to Joyce, because they would leave the confines of their world and enter another. Val reassured her close friend that everything would be fine, and after all, they would both be together. Joyce accepted the logic and they made plans to attend the party, on the approaching weekend.

Chapter 2. The party.

Val was very excited about the weekend planned festivities and passed her jubilance to Joyce like a contagious cold. Both girls talked of what outfits they would wear to the party, but the main conversation always came back to the fabulous pot that would be available. Val’s distant friend John was to be at the party and he had promised to bring an ounce of the best Colombian grown marijuana available. Val and Joyce would split the purchase of the marijuana. It would be enough to keep them happy for several weeks, if it was as good as John claimed it was. So the party was much more than asocial event for both of them, and the plan was to show up, talk to some of guests, and finally link up with John. As soon as the exchange was made, they planned to slip away from the party, so as not to be tempted in sharing their booty with the rest of the crowd. An ounce of good pot would go a long way for two people, but at a party it would be difficult to control it’s usage.

Friday finally arrived and both Val and Joyce spent the afternoon primping their hair, trying on different outfits, finally showering and making up their faces. With one hour to go before heading to the party, Val became violently sick. It started by sessions of throwing up and followed with a violent attack of diarrhea. Joyce did the best to help her friend, but really there was not much she could do, but watch. When Joyce announced that it might be wiser if both of them stayed at home for the evening, Val insisted that she still go to the party. Val would stay home and go to bed, but Joyce must go as planned and link up with John. Joyce really didn’t want to leave Val, but understood the urgency of meeting John, and really what would be accomplished by staying at home while Val was in bed. Joyce would go only for the exchange and then come straight home. It probably wouldn’t take more than an hour and they did need more pot right now. Joyce finished dressing, deciding at the last moment to wear tight hip-hugger jeans, and a short button down shirt, with no bra. It was a simple looking outfit that was in style at the time, so she would fit right in without drawing too much attention to herself. Joyce very seldom wore lipstick, but decided to put some on tonight. Good enough, she thought.

Joyce arrived at the home and was surprised to see how many cars were already there. She had to park more than a block away. When she arrived at the front door, it was open and she could see many people inside standing, some dancing, and a few sitting in the many chairs and sofas spread around the room. She hesitated before going in because she didn’t like crowded places. Taking a deep breadth she entered the room and walked over to a group of people in the corner, just standing and talking. She approached a young woman with friendly eyes and introduced herself as Val’s friend. The woman’s name was Cindy and she said she knew Val vaguely, having met her once at another friends home. Joyce told Cindy of Val’s sickness and explained that she was supposed to meet with John, a good friend of Val’s. Cindy wasn’t sure which John that might be, because she knew of two that might show up for this party. At that moment a handsome, smooth faced Latino walked over and introduced himself as Richard. He looked right at Joyce and told her she was a good looking chick. Joyce flushed, but said thank you and replied by saying that Richard was the good looking one. Richard took Joyce’s hand and pulled her to the center of the room where several people were dancing to a moderately fast rock song. They faced each other and joined in the dance, making small talk as they moved around the room. Richard said he knew a John and would take her to him as soon as he arrived and that he would take care of her until then. Joyce wasn’t sure she needed being taken care of by anyone. She just wanted to meet up with John and finish her business. Richard was nice though, but somewhat pushy and she didn’t know anyone else in the room. She didn’t say anything and decided she would play along with the situation. Another song started with little pause, and Richard continued dancing and talking. He asked Joyce if she was involved with anyone right now, and to Joyce’s surprise she heard herself say no. She didn’t know why she set herself up, but it was done and she was really starting to like Richard. He was extremely good looking with an almost hairless face. He stood about five foot eleven and appeared to be well muscled in the chest and legs. Richard talked with confidence and directness. His forceful dialogue was tempered by a warm sincere smile. The small talk continued and soon the discussion turned to marijuana. Joyce readily admitted that she occasionally smoked pot and thought that it should be legalized. Richard asked if she would like some right then and Joyce said yes. The Latino took Joyce’s hand and led her to a semi-private area off the main room, where other people were openly smoking joints. Richard reached into his front pocket and pulled out a slimly rolled joint. He lit one end and drew in a large amount of smoke before passing it on to Joyce. They finished about half of the joint before admitting they both had enough. It left them feeling light headed and full of laughter. The music was still loud in this room and Richard starting dancing again, inviting Joyce to join him by outstretching his arms in a gesture of beckoning. They danced for what seemed a long time to fast rock music. Finally the tempo of music changed and a slow dancing love song came wailing from the living room stereo. Richard took Joyce in his arms and moved his body in closely and was rewarded by her lack of resistance and return of arms to his shoulder and waist. They moved slowly in time to the gentle music, feeling a part of it from the induced high of the marijuana. Joyce felt comfortable in Richard’s arms and felt the extent of his muscular chest through her shirt to her uplifted bare breasts. She could also feel a large bulge in his pants rubbing up against her lower stomach which stirred feeling from deep inside. When the dance ended Richard kissed Joyce tenderly on the neck before stepping away from her. Things were moving too quickly and Joyce was relieved when Cindy came over and told them John was here and was expecting Val. They followed Cindy back into the living room and to a sofa where a bearded black haired man with a long ponytail sat. Sitting next to him on the right was a beautiful woman, with enormous breasts which were in full view as if trying to come out of the front of her dress. Cindy said this was John. John motioned for Joyce to sit on his free side on the sofa. Richard understood the need for privacy and excused himself for a while, and left with Cindy. Joyce told John she was a friend of Val’s and explained what had happened to her. It was apparent that John was somewhat suspicious and the conversation drifted into many areas before there was a twinkle in his eye of acceptance. John told Joyce that they should go outside to his car for the exchange, because crowded places made him nervous. They left with the buxom laden woman sitting on the sofa and walked to Johns car. Until he stood up Joyce didn’t realize how tall John was, but when standing next to him she realized he must have been at least six and a half feet tall. He had a strong build and extremely large arms. Joyce thought that this was a man who would be good in a fight and felt no fear once outside and in the dark. When they arrived at John’s car he motioned for her to get in and almost in the same movement followed her. John reached under the front seat and pulled out a small leather zippered pouch. When he unzipped the pouch it was full of one ounce baggies of marijuana. He offered her to select one and quickly zipped the bag shut and put the pouch back under the seat. Joyce removed the pre-counted money from her from pocket and handed it to John. Without counting the bills he stuffed the money into his shirt pocket. John removed a large rolled joint from the same pocket and told Joyce that she must try some to understand the true quality of what he had just given her. Joyce was already high from Richard’s joint, but didn’t want to offend this big man sitting next to her. Joyce took the joint and lit the end, inhaling deeply and handed it back to John. She immediately felt the effects and was shocked at how fast it sent her head reeling. John handed back the joint and again she took a large draw from it. After several more hits, Joyce realized she was higher than she had ever been before, and was not fully cognoscente of all her actions. Her speech felt slurred and she could not focus on anything for more than an instant. At times she had no idea of where she was or what John might be saying. She thought she heard John say something about going for a ride, but she wasn’t sure, but did feel the car start up and begin to move. It did not frighten her because she was enjoying the strangeness of this incredible high she was on. She had been high many times before and this was not much different in feeling, except for it’s intensity. John moved the car away from the curb and started past the house.

Chapter 3. The Ride.

While John was driving past the house, someone came running up to the car and motioned for it to stop. It was Richard and he immediately asked Joyce why she was leaving the party. Joyce said that they were just going for a ride to wear off the effects of the pot they had just finished. John asked Richard if he was Joyce’s friend and why not come along. Without answering Richard ran around to the passenger side of the car and jumped in, while Joyce scooted over against John. The car quickly sped off and Joyce, in moments of clarity, wondered what she was doing in a car driving somewhere with two strange men. The high answered her quickly that it didn’t matter the way she was feeling if they cut her head off, so quit worrying and have fun. She agreed. A joint was passed around again and Joyce went deeper and deeper into oblivion. She felt Richard’s arm go around her shoulders and felt comfort in his closeness and strength. Without realizing it she placed her hand on Richard’s leg and was rewarded with a squeeze from his hand on her shoulder. Her other hand involuntarily found John’s leg and both hands gently stroked the men’s legs. There was a almost spiritual closeness inside her and she couldn’t distinguish her feeling between the two men. John had stopped the car at a corner and without warning turned and kissed Joyce tenderly on the lips. Before it even registered with her the kiss was gone and the car proceeded into the street. Richard must have been terribly surprised at this event, but never showed any emotion or concern. They continued in silence, Joyce drifting in and out of reality, caressing each man’s leg tenderly. There was no sexual connotation in anything that was happening, but all of them seemed to be enjoying each others company and the remarkable high the marijuana caused. Joyce had no idea how long they rode around like this, listening to music on the radio, occasionally being gently kissed again by John and then Richard. Another joint was passed around and the euphoric high they were on reestablished itself but in a more aggressive nature. They started singing, and became more animate with arm waving and gesturing. They were laughing now at almost everything they saw and the gentle kisses and touch’s were becoming more insistent. Richard turned and kissed Joyce, probing with his tongue, and she returned to him with the touch of her tongue, tracing their tips together. Richard’s free hand expertly squeezed one of Joyce’s breasts, and then retreated. John responded in like manner and the game started. Both men were testing Joyce and her resolve for things to come. They proceeded slowly, not wanting to scare her, but urgently enough to relay their intent. Joyce showed no disinterest, but did not initiate any advances, relying on Richard and John to make the proper moves. This petting game went on for some time, with both men sharing their affections equally on the receptive yet subdued Joyce, never crossing the boundaries of complete seduction. It remained to be seen, how was the crossing point of affection would lead to the penetration and acceptance of total submission.

Chapter 4. The veil is lifted

Without word from either John or Richard, the car pulled into a first class motel. Both men left Joyce sitting in the car while they went to the motel office. Joyce was given the opportunity to leave at this point, but she remained sitting in the middle of the front seat, listening to music, as if nothing significant was going to happen to any of them. She never asked why the car was pulling into a motel, nor what was the men’s intent. She blindly trusted Richard and John and instinctively knew they would not harm her. She was wet between her legs already. Their kisses and gentle breast squeezes had their intended affect. Joyce was ready to be doubly seduced. Both men came back to the car and proceeded to drive to a parking space around the back side of the motel. Richard got out and opened the room door and went inside. John beckoned for Joyce to get out of the car, and she did stumbling as she slid out. John pulled Joyce to him and easily picked her up in his arms, carrying her into the motel room. Joyce put her arms around John’s neck and nested her head on his shoulder. Once inside Richard closed the door and walked to where John was standing, still holding Joyce in his arms. With John cradling Joyce, Richard kissed her deeply, pushing his tongue deeper into her mouth. Joyce closed her mouth about his tongue, and when it was withdrawn, pushed hers into Richard’s mouth. Richard’s hands caressed Joyce’s breasts, bringing her nipples erect, and wanting to be freed from the shirt. The kiss ended and John moved to sit on a soft sofa chair with Joyce still in his arms, again resting her head in the crook of his neck. John turned his head and drew Joyce’s mouth to his and much as Richard’s kiss, explored the opened mouth with his tongue. Richard knelt in front of the chair and delicately unbuttoned Joyce’s shirt and parted each side revealing two slightly swollen breasts, with protruding nipples. He moved forward to place a nipple in his mouth and gently sucked more of the breast in. Joyce still in a passionate kissing embrace arched her back to Richard’s suckling, and involuntarily parted her legs. Richard’s hand found her wet crotch and rubbed through the jeans, while rolling his tongue on an extended nipple. Johns hand found Joyce’s free breast and cupped the mount with gentle pressure. Joyce’s hips began to slowly and rhythmically move up and down, inviting Richard’s hand to further stimulate. Joyce let one free arm and hand reach to Richard’s crotch to find a hard fully extended member, wanting to be freed from confining pants. Richard withdrew his mouth from her breast and stood up to take his cloths off. Joyce turned in John’s arms and straddled his waist with her open legs to a height that put her breasts close to his mouth. She moved her chest inward, cupping and squeezing the unsucked breast to a point, and placed it in John’s open mouth. She groaned when more than half her breast was pulled in and wetly sucked. John who was now naked kissed and massaged Joyce’s back and carefully pulled off the opened shirt. Richard reached around to squeeze on the untended breast soliciting pumping motions from her loins against John’s waist. Joyce disengaged herself from the men and moved off the chair. She gently pushed Richard back to the floor on his back and kissed him hard on the mouth. Her hand found his hard erect member and stroked it slowly. Joyce knew the men needed to ejaculate quickly so her subsequent seduction would not be so urgent. They could take their time with her and their anticipated vaginal penetrations would last longer. She almost had an orgasm thinking of the way these two men were going to violate her still juvenile body. Joyce wanted to feel the hard prick she now held slide past her wet vaginal lips and bury itself deeply inside her. She shuttered. Joyce stopped kissing Richard, who was now breathing very heavily and started moving down his chest with her mouth and tongue. She rubbed the excess lubricant that continued to ooze from the penis, around the gland head, making him stiffen with pleasure. She kissed and licked his nipples, on an almost hairless chest, continuing to stroke and rub his erection. John had undressed and was rubbing Joyce’s back and feeling between parted legs the wet pants in the crotch. Joyce moved her mouth to Richard’s stomach and found the tip of his extended penis with her tongue. She licked off the copious sticky lubricant and drew in the head to her opened mouth. Richard groaned and Joyce drew him in further, now moving her mouth up and down his shaft. John fondled her breasts, rubbed her buttocks, and watched as Richard began to arch his back and release his spent up sex into Joyce’s mouth. She continued to suck on him and swallow the ejaculate until he relaxed and no more spasms were felt in the still erect penis. Joyce quickly turned and now pushed John to his back. She now eagerly kissed him on the mouth while finding his erect member with her hand. She was eager now to be the center of their attentions, to let herself be taken in any way they wanted. She began stroking the engorged penis, and was astonished at it’s size. John’s penis would not permit Joyce’s hand to fully encompass the shaft, and it’s head was bulbous and fat. Joyce let John explore her opened mouth with his tongue. Some of Richard’s spent ejaculation was still not fully swallowed and John’s tongue was finding it. Richard now began to cautiously unbutton Joyce’s pants, to expose her wet groin. Slowly Joyce moved her mouth down John’s hairy body to the enormous engorged penis that waited for her. She easily found it’s bulbous tip and with some effort and licking managed to get it in her mouth. Richard was gently tugging on the hot-pants and pulling them away. It wasn’t long before the giant penis erupted in Joyce’s mouth, with a volume of sticky hot juice equaling it’s size. It was all Joyce could do to swallow fast enough before a fresh shooting load would fill her mouth again. Her pants were off now and she was completely naked and exposed to the men. Her legs were already wet with the fluids leaking from her parted vagina. She was open like the pedals of a flower inviting any stiff erect member to penetrate her. She stood up and was panting with excitement as she watched the men look at her with unbridled lust. Her legs parted for them to get a better look at her wet vagina, inviting them to partake of it fragrance. Her hand reached down to feel the wetness between her legs, and with Richard and John looking she slid her finger deep within the opening, relaying to them the need to take her now. Her dominance while making both men ejaculate into her mouth, now turned to total submission, and she squatted down on her inserted finger. Richard and John both exhaled heavily as both realized the passion and need Joyce was openly showing them. Richard lifted Joyce in his arms and carried her to the bed. John pulled back the covers and she was delicately laid on the fresh clean sheets. The two men would take the submissive Joyce, now.