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Mountain Air – (MMF/cons/slut wife)



All that night I tossed and turned pondering what I had seen my wife Danielle do. At first I had been upset about it, amazed at how she could so freely cheat on me with those two total strangers. But the more I considered it, the more aroused by the idea I became. I liked watching my wife become a slut and I wanted more, namely to involve myself in the action. But of course for this to happen, I would have to confront her about it, and there was no telling how that would go. After breakfast that morning, I decided that before we got going too far in our weeklong hike up the mountain I would broach the subject. That way, if things went bad, we could still get down from the hike and try to work things out alone instead of surrounded by strangers.

As we began the climb, it wasn’t surprising to see Danielle keeping within direct earshot (and line of site) with Chris and Tim, the two college boys from the night before. I in the meantime, kept a reasonable distance from the three and watched their body language and their movements, as well as listened to the tone of their voice. Surprisingly, all three acted like nothing had happened; as if the double teaming they had given my wife was just an everyday occurrence. By mid morning however, I knew my plan of action, and I hustled to catch up with my wife to talk to her. Making sure that we were bringing up the rear of the 20 person group, and not within listening range, I began.

“Honey, by the way,” I said, nonchalantly “I saw you in the woods last night.”

I kept on climbing, but my wife had stopped dead in her tracks. I turned around to look at her and pay attention now to HER body language and her facial expressions. She had gone almost stark white, like she had just seen her entire family murdered.

“Wwwhhhatt do you mean? I wasn’t in the woods last night,” she stuttered. I could see her hand shaking a little. While this wasn’t my idea of fun to lead my wife on like this, I must say I was enjoying it.

“Now, don’t give me that,” I said, in a half strict, half joking manner. “I saw you back there with those two college studs, getting the fucking of a lifetime. But don’t worry, I don’t mind.”

At first her face gave a small wash of relief, but this last comment by me changed her expression to a look of puzzlement.

“Yyyyoouu don’t mind? You don’t mind that I was cheating on you?” she said, still very apprehensive about it. I meanwhile, maintained a cool head and a steady voice.

“Nope. In fact, I liked it. I liked watching those total strangers manhandle you. I liked watching you suck them off and then let them cum in your pussy. I really liked that expression on your face as you came,” I said, still being totally cool about it, but now smiling a little so she knew I wasn’t being sarcastic.

It was now impossible to read her face, as I could tell that internally she was wrestling with many emotions and feelings.

“In fact, I liked it so much, that I want to see you do it again, if you want to. Only this time, I want to be involved,” I said to her.

Finally her face returned to a normal color, and I could see that all the talk we were doing had her head spinning full of sexual ideas and fantasies. She smiled at me, the morning sun light hitting her beautiful hair and framing her porcelain face behind the forest that we had hiked through and now lay behind us.

“Well, in that case, let me go talk to those two boys up there and maybe we can get at it right now,” she said.

I held up my hand, motioning for her to stop. “No, not yet. All in good time. I have a plan that I think will work out for everyone involved,”

The rest of the hike went very well, the entire group gaining 5,000 feet for the day. The weather was getting a little colder, and this was the part of the hike where age started to become a factor. The 40-somethings couldn’t keep up as well with us, so the speed and pace slowly shifted, with the lackadaisical college age group migrating from the middle and from straggling, to leading the entire group. Night began to fall, and we finally reached our shelter for the night, the mouth of a huge cave that would have been big enough for 200 people, let alone our 20. The cave was part of a series of caves, carved out of the side of the mountain. Despite it being colder however, things felt wonderful. The timberline had began to fade, and aside from a little bunch of trees here or there, the mountain was in pristine condition.

Around 9:00, exhausted and tired, the group began to settle in to sleep. We all had to wake up at 6 AM the next morning to start climbing again, with hopes of reaching the summit by mid afternoon. Setting up our sleeping bags in a fairly isolated and private spot of the cave, my wife and I began to get ready for bed. However, per the plan we had discussed, Danielle made her way over to Chris & Tim’s area of the cave to talk to them while I did most of the unpacking. By 10, there was hardly an awake soul in the place, spare 4 horny people. My wife quietly made her way out of the cave, as I lay there watching her go, feigning sleep. 5 minutes later, on the dot, I saw two more figures walk out of the cave, going the exact same direction that my wife had went. Now came the tough part. My role was to wait 20 minutes before I left the cave, to give Danielle and the two guys time to get…ahem…acquainted. Laying there, watching the seconds tick by slowly on my watch, I slowly jerked myself off, just to get in the mood. By the time 18 minutes had past, I decided to say screw it and head out (patience isn’t one of my strong suits), hornier than I had been in a long time.

Stepping outside of the cave, the entire mountainside was bathed in the pale white light of a full moon overhead that seemed so much closer now that we were so far elevated. I had no trouble seeing my way around. The rendezvous point we had chosen was actually a fairly decent walk from where the other campers were, and was at times, quite precarious. This was done not only to discourage OTHER people from following, but to give us all some privacy. Rounding the bend on the cave we had chosen, I switched off the only thing I had brought, a flashlight, and began to walk as stealthily as possible towards the mouth of this other, much smaller cave.

Danielle had spotted this cave herself because of the dimensions of it. It was only about 15 feet wide at the entrance, but as you walked maybe 20 yards into it, it expanded into a very comfortable area, probably the size of a small living room. The floor was smooth but cold, and there wasn’t any debris (stalactites, stalagmites) sticking about any where. All in all, a perfect place for a little late night fuck session. Walking in, I stuck close to the far wall, guided by just the sparse light seeping in from the moon above. I could hear echoing on the walls the familiar sucking sound my wife makes when she is giving very good head. I could also hear a squishing sound, which meant that her pussy was very wet, and that it was getting slammed at that very moment.

Finally having reached the back wall of the cave, I moved my way slowly to the center area so that I could barely make out the shadow of the three people going at it no more than 10 feet in front of me. Relishing that I had gotten in undetected, I almost hesitated before blowing my cover, a part of me wanting to play the voyeur like I did the night before. But that wasn’t part of the plan we had made; plus, it wasn’t nearly as fun.

Grabbing hold of my flashlight, I pointed it straight ahead and flicked it on. All three bodies stopped what they were doing and stared directly at the light, with a look of fear that I hadn’t seen since I almost hit that deer coming home one night. My eyes adjusted to the light change and I could see very easily what was happening. Danielle was on her hands and knees, her shirt laying on the ground near her, her perfect tits hanging down sexily. Her ass was in the air, and attached to it was Tim, his dick half in and half out of my wife’s pussy, his pants around his ankles. Chris was in front of my wife’s head, his dick just inches from her mouth. I could see a string of precum dangling from her lips to his cock head.

Knowing the way things were going to work, Danielle broke the silence.

“Hi honey,” she said in an innocent voice.

The realization of what was happening hit them both at the same time, and it wouldn’t have been possible to time it better, as both men reached down and pulled up their pants at the exact same time. Trying to explain themselves, they both began talking at once, blubbering like idiots.

“We are sorry! We didn’t know that you were seeing each other! We thought you were just friends,” “Yea. I…I mean WE didn’t want to…we weren’t trying to ruin…we are sorry!”

I smiled at them, enjoying this moment, hoping it wouldn’t be the last I would get to have.

“Don’t worry. I’ve heard all the excuses. I don’t want you to stop. Neither of us do,” I said, motioning at my wife. “In fact, after seeing you three go at it last night out there in the woods, I must say that I want to be involved in something like that more often. So please, continue fucking my wife. Allow me a moment to remove these pants, save me a hole, and I’ll be over there in a second,”

They both were still staring at me. Slowly however, Chris turned his head to face my wife, and almost as if in a dream, began unzipping his pants again. My wife wasted no time yanking his cock out and devouring it, sucking down almost all of his 11 inches in one gulp. Tim in the meantime, needed no encouragement, and before I could even get my belt unbuckled, he was back inside my wife’s lovely tight pussy. Danielle’s eyes glowed in the beam of the flashlight, now set aside to illuminate the cave as best as possible.

Getting my pants and boxers down, my dick became exposed to the cold night air. That didn’t stop it however, from being as hard as any piece of rock inside that cave. With my pants set aside and now wearing only my hiking shirt from earlier in the day and a pair of climbing boots, I walked over towards my wife’s head.

Reaching down with my hand, I pulled my wife’s head away from Chris’ cock, which flopped out of her mouth with an audible slurping sound.

“I’ll take over from here,” I said. “Go give it to her in the ass. She loves that,”

Looking down into Danielle’s eyes, she smiled up at me as I inserted my dick into her warm and loving mouth. Keeping the same tempo and pace she had been keeping on Chris, her head bobbed up and down my shaft rapidly.

Chris had wasted no time getting over to my wife’s beautiful ass (I’ve always been an ass man, personally. I love the look of them in jeans and especially do I love the feel of them in my hands. Danielle’s ass was one of the best I had ever seen). Tim had to accommodate him however, as he now crawled underneath my wife, making sure to keep his cock inside her pussy as he rotated himself below her. This gave Chris full access to her tight asshole, to which he thoroughly looked pleased to be given. His cock already lubricated from the saliva of my wife’s mouth, as well as his precum, Chris slowly began to work the head of his 11 inch monster into her asshole. Being experienced at ass fucking, my wife relaxed her rectum and let the shaft sink into her. With his balls now resting against her ass, Chris began to get a slow rhythm going inside of her.

This was the cue for Tim to resume his fucking, and he did so quite expertly. Stabbing upward into her with all of his cock, the friction from Tim slamming into her combined with the thrusting Chris was giving her ass, had a huge effect on Danielle. I could feel her moan onto my cock as she was getting fucked, all three of her holes now filled. It was a wonder she wasn’t struggling to keep herself up, the pleasure being so intense.

Our collective rhythm and tempo varied as we all thrust into my wife (by this time I had her gently by the hair and was fucking her mouth by my own hands more than she was doing with her head.) but it was Tim who broke the silence to, of all things, ask me a question.

Panting and nearly out of breath from having to keep such a varying tempo, he said.

“I’m about to cum. Should I pull out?”

Looking down at my wife, her eyes met mine at the same time. This decision was up to her. After a momentary pause, she shook her head no.

“No. She wants you to cum in her,” I told him. The thought of having sloppy seconds on my wife was something that I could hardly stand, and I almost blew my load right then and there while thinking about it.

We all sped up to match Tim’s pace, none of us wanting to pull our dicks from our respective holes. Tim had reached up and grabbed her hips and was jamming her down on to his cock at a blistering rate. Making a few final thrusts, he cried out as his cum shot deep into my wife’s belly. Danielle came at the same time, as I felt her moan grow stronger on my cock, creating a hummer like effect.

Now it was my turn to cum. Pulling her head up gently so that I could look at her, I mouthed out “I love you” as I pulled her nose against my stomach and shot at least three massive jets of cum down her throat. I saw her cheeks bulge a little as she swallowed most of the cum, although a little seeped out and landed to the right of Tim’s head, making an audible drip noise as it hit. Pulling my dick from my wife’s mouth, I leaned against the far wall I came in on and caught my breath.

Chris meanwhile, apparently being a master of self control, was still going at it in my wife’s ass. Having only one person to focus on now, my wife was giving him encouragement as she rocked herself hard back and forth on his cock. While her ass was getting slammed, I saw her bite her lip to quell a scream of pleasure as she orgasmed yet again. Unable to take any more of the tightness of my wife’s ass, Chris pulled out of her and began jacking himself off, until finally I could see a stream of cum land on the small of her back and run down into the crack of her ass.

We all took a breather for a few minutes, but it was apparent that no one was satisfied when my wife built a makeshift mattress out of all of our clothes and laid on it, legs spread and waiting for her next fuck. Having not had sex in a week, I was the first to get in front of her pussy. I could see the cum from Tim seeping out of her cunt, and like the night before, could smell the mixture of their cum and the musk of her pussy juice filling the air. Positioning myself at her hole, I slowly slid my cock in, feeling the wetness all around me. I had never done sloppy seconds with any girl, let alone my own wife, but the feeling was extremely intense. Just knowing that another man had cum inside my wife just minutes before was an incredible turn on. I wasted no time hammering into my wife, the squishing noises of all the various bodily fluids filling the air. Chris and Tim meanwhile had gotten on their knees with their cocks right above my wife’s face, and were having them licked and sucked by her in alternating turns as I grinded into her pussy. Massaging her clit with my fingers while I fucked her, I wanted to make sure that she came at the same time I did. However, given how sex starved I had been, it wasn’t long before I felt the tension in my balls yet again. Setting to work to get my wife off, I used the special trick that I knew even these guys didn’t know. Putting her clit between my thumb and middle finger, I rubbed and flicked it all around with my index finger. This gave her an intense feeling and judging by the gasping breathing, she was just seconds away from cumming. Realizing that I was just as close, I pounded her harder and faster until I felt myself erupt inside of her, the cum from my cock hitting the walls of her cervix and pussy and mingling with the juices from the cock before mine.

Her breathing now returning to normal, my wife began feverishly licking and sucking the two men off. They were very close, and finally Chris stood up, followed by Tim. They both began to beat off quickly and then around the same time sprayed down my wife’s face and chest with their cum. The college boy cum landed in globs all over her cheeks and mouth, dripping down onto the nape of her neck. An especially noticeable dollop in the weak light landed right in her hair, just inches from her ear. Gathering up our respective clothes, each man took his turn wiping my wife clean of cum and sweat with the towel she had brought (always be prepared in nature). We were just about to get dressed, when we heard voices and the giggling of a woman at the mouth of the cave. Quickly grabbing the flashlight, I shut it off right before we saw two figures enter the cave. All of us remained silent, listening to them.

The laughter and whispering got louder as they continued to move further back into the cave.

“Come on baby, back here. Just a little further…” I heard a man’s voice say in a low whisper.

The voices stopped, but we could all hear the sound of someone being pressed against the cave wall.

“Ow! That’s a rock!” giggled the girl’s voice again, this time much closer than we had thought. Not one of the four of us dared to breath as we listened intently in the silence for some noise. That finally came when we heard the unbuttoning of a shirt and that now all- too-familiar sound of kissing or sucking.

I was afraid now that we would all be stuck here until this pair of lovers were through, but my wife had other ideas. Taking the flashlight from me, she quietly stood up (still topless mind you) and walked toward where we had heard the sound. Holding the flashlight out in front of her just like I had done a few hours earlier, she flicked it on.

Again we had to adjust to the light, but it was much quicker this time before we saw the mouth of an older, taller black man around the tit of a much younger attractive white girl. Both of the lovers just stared at us with that same deer-in-the-headlights gaze.

“Welcome to the party,” Danielle said, her bare breasts and erect nipples jutting out from her chest. “You got here at just the right time…”