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A “Hot Rags” story



Harry wanders into “Hot Rags” and, when Nikki offers him tea, seems unable to resist telling her his problems.

He had noticed that his wife had become very aggressive about sex since she had begun a new “stop smoking” program, but that she also seemed to forget it after it was over.

He follows his wife (Mary) and her best friend (June), who introduced her to the program, to a seedy office building in a crummy part of town, where he peeks over the transom into the doctor’s office and sees June energetically performing oral sex on the doctor.


“Very good,” he said, as if nothing unusual were happening… “Now Mary, you said you wanted a cigarette yesterday but you didn’t smoke one. Very good. You deserve some sort of oral gratification to compensate you for not having the cigarette, something to suck on. June — show us.”

At the command, June reached down with one hand, and, without breaking her oral rhythm, pulled her short skirt up to her waist. Under it, she wore no panties, but she had on an old-fashioned black lace garter belt and black hose. Her blonde cunt was trimmed so that there was hardly any hair, and I could clearly see the swollen wet red lips. It was an arousing sight, and I didn’t think about what it might mean, till Mary stepped away from the doctor’s side and then, to my amazement, knelt between her friend’s lush thighs.

Lifting June’s legs, Mary leaned forward, lips parting and her little red tongue reaching out to the juicy box in front of her. Slowly she ran just the tip of her tongue along June’s swollen lips from top to bottom and from bottom to top, flicking gently at the erect clitoris at the top. As June moaned around the doctor’s huge cock, Mary dipped her tongue more deeply into the cunt in front of her, licking faster and deeper and beginning to slip a finger tip into the hot hole, then two fingers…

I could hardly believe it. Here I was watching my own wife, dressed like a streetwalker, licking her best friend’s cunt like a hardcore lesbian, while her friend gobbled down a stranger’s huge cock as if her life depended on it.


“Well, I can see how that might be a bit upsetting,” Nikkie said. “I mean, finding out in so sudden a way that your wife was unfaithful…”

“Well. I suppose so… it was exciting, too, though — seeing her licking June’s pussy that way, and June with that big shiny shaft sliding in and out of her red lips…

* * * * * * * *

I thought that I ought to burst in and demand an explanation, and I almost hopped down off the stepladder to do so, when the doctor gently pushed June’s head away from his crotch and began to walk around the couch, that huge hard cock sticking almost straight out in front of him.

It took me a second or so to realise what he must be about to do, so I was still standing there almost paralysed by the sight when he knelt behind my wife, and pushed her skirt up revealing her red panties and a red garter belt like the black one that June wore. I realised that he intended to fuck my wife (who didn’t seem to be doing anything to stop him), and was about to jump down and run in there when, with almost a single movement, he pulled Mary’s panties down far enough to reveal her pretty round white ass and then shoved his giant cock into my wife’s asshole!

I was astounded. I still, somehow, expected that Mary would protest this – – that she would scream or fight or try to get him out of her ass. But she didn’t; in fact, I could see that she actually spread her legs a bit and pushed back to make it easier for him to get all of that monster inside her ass.

With bulging eyes I watched as, with long deep slow strokes, he fucked my wife in the ass. This was incredible — Mary had always refused to even consider anal sex with me; it was even “dirtier” than oral sex, and she wouldn’t do it. But here she was, not only submitting to being sodomised by this stranger, but, as I could see, she was reaching back under herself and stroking her own pussy and clit in time to his strokes into her anus, as she continued to lick and suck June’s twat as if it was the most wonderful-tasting thing she had ever found.

That was it.

I jumped down from the ladder, shoved open the door, and burst into the office, intending to yank him away from my wife and, probably, give him the beating of his life. I was halfway across he office when he looked up, smiled, and said a word.

I immediately stopped walking in confusion.

This was ridiculous — what was the matter with me? — Here I was at the doctor’s office while he fucked my wife’s ass and i was wearing all of my clothes!

I began to unbutton my shirt. The doctor watched me as continued his slow deep strokes into Mary’s ass. I carefully hung the shirt on a chair back, then unbuckled my belt, unsnapped and unzipped my jeans, and stepped out of them, folding them and putting them over the arm of the chair.

I started to pull of my boxers, but the doctor raised a hand and said “Not just yet, Mr. Foreman. Just wait a moment, if you will, please.”

Well, of course, I could wait. I stood there patiently, as June became more and more excited by Mary’s lips and fingers in her cunt and finaly came with aloud moan and excite pumping of her hips that smeared shiny pussy juices all over Mary’s face, then slipped down and lay on her side, bringing her own face to Mary’s crotch.

June began to fondle her own breasts with one hand as she raised her lips to Mary’s pussy, which was dripping wet and wide open from her masturbation as the doctor fucked her ass; June began to lap at Mary’s clit and pussy lips and then moved where she could also occasionally lick the doctor’s balls where they hung as he fucked my wife.

Watching this obscene performance had my dick getting harder and harder but, somehow, i didn’t seem to think of doing anything about it as the front of my boxers was more and more stretched by it.

As Mary was obviously getting closer and closer to cumming, she lowered her face ot June’s crotch once more, and the two of them sixty-nined frantically, even as the doctor began to pick up his speed, pumping Mary’s butt harder and deeper and faster till finally he was slamming the full length of his huge cock in and out of her and then, suddenly grabbing her hips tightly, made two last hard strokes and then shoved all he could up her ass and held her tightly against him as he groaned and came deep inside her.

As Mary and June continued their mutual oral loving, he slowly pulled out of Mary’s anus, white cum dribbling out around his dick as he withdrew, and trickling down Mary’s butt and running down onto her cunt where June carefully licked up every drop.

Unbelieveably, after that incredible round of buttfucking, his cock was still apparently as hard as ever — ten, maybe eleven inches long, and though it was a bit slender for its length, still it had left Mary’s anus stretched and loose, which I could see as I stood where I had been told and watched a little bit more of his cum dribble out of it.

We both watched my wife and her best friend’s mutual oral lovemaking without speaking.

Finally, Mary and June came simultaneously with loud moans and gasps and collapsed on the couch.

“That was very tiring, wasn’t it ladies? You should sleep for a while,” the doctor said gently. Immediately the two snuggled into each others’ arms, kissed each other tenderly and seemed to instantly fall asleep.

Then he turned to me.

“Well, Mr Foreman. I hadn’t expected to see you until after your wife came in for one or two more sessions. You must be very susceptible.” He walked over to me, and, as he continued speaking, walked slowly around me where I stood, carefully looking over my body.

“MM-hmm! Very nice, actually!” he remarked. “Not a ‘jock’, as I believe the term is, but in excellent physical shape and handsome enough.”

He stood in front of me, then, and looked carefully into my eyes. As he did so, he casually reached down and took hold of my hard cock through my boxers and began running his fingers over it, apparently assessing its size and degree of erection.

“Very good. At least seven inches here, right, Mr Foreman? Oh — you may speak to answer my questions, by the way.”

“Oh, yes,” I answered happily. “At least seven, maybe eight when I’m really hard.”

“Ah. Very good,” he said again. Stepping back a bit, he pulled a swivel chair over from the desk, sat in it and crossed his arms in front of himself and said “Very well — let me see, please.”

I reached down and stripped off my boxers, letting my hard-on spring free.

“Excellent. Circumcised, well-formed, good tight ballsac. Yes, Mr Foreman, I believe that I can find a use for you — in fact, for you and your lovely wife.”

At that, although I didn’t move, my eyes turned toward the couch where Mary slept in June’s arms, one of June’s ands cradling her tit as I liked to do in our bed, this man’s cum still oozing out of her asshole.

“Oh — well, yes — in that way, but in other ways as well. I believe that you and your wife are about to embark on a second career, Mr Foreman; one that will pay me, at least, quite well.”

“Now, just to make things clear — I like for my subjects to understand the situation, so that they will not begin plotting futily to escape my control before I release them, so you may speak, now, to ask me questions, though otherwise you will still be placid and calm.”

“What have you done to me — to us?”

“Ah — to the point. I gained control of your wife’s friend, and of your wife after her friend brought her to me, and through your wife of you, by means of a technique that combines hypnotism with a form of sex magic that I studied many years ago in the Orient.

“Your wife’s friend was an excellent subject whom I completely controlled and dominated after only one session. Your wife was a bit more difficult, though I was well on my way to total control of her by the end of our first session.

“As a part of the first session, I emplanted a post-hypnotic suggestion in your wife’s mind — one that she should be uncharacteristically sexual with you, both to begin to prepare you for this encounter and to plant the beginning of a question as to what caused her to be so sexual after these sessions, a question that would eventually bring you to me.”

At this, he reached out ans took my cock gently but firmly with one hand and began to stroke it slowly. A shiver ran up and down my spine; it felt so good — but to let a man do that?

But I couldn’t move without his permission, so I had to let him go on. And it *did* feel good…

“By my second session with your wife, she was completely under my domination, and would do anything to please me — and that was when I sent her to bring me *you*.”

He paused, and, feeling that something was necessary, I asked “How?”

He smiled. “You remember your surprise night of hot sex in front of the television?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Before she came to you that night, your wife slipped a special suppository into her vagina, one which, dissolved in her own fluids and mixed with your own semen, created a magical potion which caused you to enter a deep trance, one in which your mind was fully programmable by anyone who spoke to you and gave you orders.”

As he spoke, I seemed to have vague memories of Mary standing in front of me in her hot pink shorty nightgown, her juices and my semen and saliva running down her thigh… standing there and telling me something… something important… but I couldn’t *quite* seem to recall what it was…

“Yes — after you had had intercourse with your wife, Mr Foreman, she enticed you to perform cunnilingus upon her, and so ingested my formula and became completely suggestible.”

He reached out, taking my hand in his, and led me across the room to his desk.

“You wife was instructed to instill in you two posthypnotic suggestions — one, that you would become suspicious of her sessions with me and follow her, and, second, that every time I speak the word..” (Something happened; I knew he said that word again, but I still could not tell what it was… but I felt myself beginning to relax a bit more and lose worried I had been developing as he spoke…) “…in your hearing you will slip even deeper and more happily under my hypnotic control.”

He stopped me near the desk, leaving me standing a couple of feet from it, and continued speaking.

“Tell me, Mr Foreman, have you ever engaged in sex or sex play with another man?”

“Of course not!” I answered.

“Have you ever wished to?”

“No.”I said. Then, because I could not imagine being less than open and honest with a man I trusted so fully, I said “…well, I did have a friend in the Navy, a handsome guy with a big cock, and sometimes I wondered…”

“Did you let him know?”

“Well, no — of course not. I’d have gotten in trouble.”

“Well, you won’t get in trouble for anything you do in this office, Mr Foreman, so why don’t I invite your friend to step in here for a few minutes and you can tell him?”

“No — he — he’s dead. Killed in a deckfire on a carrier…”

“No, he’s not, Mr Foreman — he’s right here, and he’s very glad to see you…”

Suddenly i realised that the doctor had somehow disappeared, but I wasn’t worried, because here was my old buddy Jacko from Sicily standing there in front of me, looking exactly as he had ten years before.

“Hi, there, sport!” he grinned. “I hear you’ve got something to tell me?”

“Well, uh, yeah, uh, Jacko — I wanted to tell you that, a couple times, in the showers, I couldn’t help noticing that, uh…”

“Oh!” he said with an even bigger grin on his face. “You mean *this*?” he asked as he unbuttoned the front of his thirteen-button trousers and pulled out the big cock that I sometimes dreamed about, alone in the barracks in my bunk with my own cock in my hand.

“Uh, yeah…” I admitted.

“Hey, no sweat — I thought maybe you noticed; no problem… come on over and have a taste!”

“I, uh, I shouldn’t…”

“Oh, sure you should — there’s no-one here but us and those two whores on the couch and *they’re* not gonna wake up till one of us wakes ’em up…” I looked where he was pointing — two sluts were sleeping there in each other’s arms, probably drunk or stoned out of their minds. The red-head wasn’t bad looking, but I thought the blonde looked like more fun to fuck.

“Why don’t we just fuck the whore, Jacko?” I asked.

“Later, he said, “We’ll do that later. “But you always wondered, you know you did — So come on — have a little taste!”

One hand gripped his massive cock, inches longer and thickerer than mine, and one rested on my shoulder in a friendly fashion, but it was pushing me downward, downward, till finally I dropped to my knees in front of Jacko, staring at that big hard cock that was only inches from my face.

I still seemed unable to make the first move, so Jacko pulled me forward a bit by the shoulder, and then placed just the tip of his cock against my lips, gently stroking it from side to side. It felt warm and soft and hard at the same time.

“Come on, buddy — you wondered every time you saw me. You wondered every time some whore in the Gut gave you a blow-job, what it must be like for her, especially if she let you cum in her mouth. Well, here’s your chance to find out…”

He pressed the head a bit more firmly against my closed lips, forcing them to part just a bit. Now his hand was on my head, pulling me toward him as that huge cockhead pushed against my lips.

“Come on, old pal, just lick the tip a little — find out what it tastes like…”

That seemed safe enough, so I stuck out just the tip of my tongue, and licked just the tip of his cock with it… I realised after I did it that I had licked up the big drop of salty pre-cum that had been forming there.

As I swallowed it, I realised that it tasted quite nice — that I wouldn’t mind more of the same.

While I was distracted with that thought, I failed to concentrate on keepingmy mouth tightly closed, and, somehow, the head of his cock slipped between my lips.

I could feel it pressing on my tongue; I could taste more precum.

This was wrong — but it was exciting, at the same time.

His hips began to move, causing his cockhead to stir in my mouth; without my noticing, both of his hands were cradling my head, gently pressing, urging me forward, and, somehow, one of my hands was encircling his thick hot shaft.

“Thaatt’s the way… ” he said softly, as i began t give in, as more of his massive erection slipped beween my lips. “You know what you like when whores do it for you… now do it for me, okay, baby?”

What did I like…? The thought of remembering what I liked when I got a blowjob pushed all other thoughts out of my mind.

Wel, let’s see — I liked it when the girl swirled her tonguteip around the head of my cock in her mouth, like this… Jacko moaned, and his hands urged my head forward, pushing more of his cock between my lips, as i sucked and lickd at the head…

And I like it when the girl pumps my shaft with her hand as she sucks me, like this…

And if she alternates between going real fast like this and very slow like this…

Jacko’s cock tasted and felt wonderful in my mouth. I couldn’t think why I hadnt taken the chance to do this back when we were stationed together. I loved the thickness of it, stretching my lips, and I loved the feel of the massive head pressing against the back of my throat at each instroke. Pleasing Jacko and tasting his hot cock was the most important thing in the entire world right now, and I was going to make sure he remembered this blowjob the rest of his life…

More and more firmly the head pressed against my throat on the instrokes until i was able to relax the opening enough to allow it to pop in. I took more and more on each instroke until I had the entire ten inches of Jacko’s big hard cock down my throat.

He was going to cum soon – I could feel it — he was going to cum, and I was going to swallow every drop of that creamy white semen, to please my old buddy… I could feel his cock strating to swell where it was buried in my throat…

But then his hands on my head began to push me away, gently but firmly, and I allowed it, letting more and more of that lovely hard cock slide out of my mouth. I wanted more, but Jacko was letting me know that he wanted to quit fucking my mouth, so I let him withdraw.

The head slipped back from my lips with a little pop, and I knelt there, worshipping Jacko’s big cock, holding it with one hand and stroking it.

“Come on, boy-o — let’s get you stood up again.” I heard Jacko say, as his hands urged me to my feet. “You really got into that, didn’t you?” I could only nod, stll looking downward to where his cock rested in my hand.

Firmly, he turned me around, then pushed forward, til I leaned forward from the waistover the edge of the desk in front of me.

“Let me see your brown, old son” i heard Jacko say.

Without hesitating, I reached back with my hands and spread my asscheeks, giving Jacko a good view of my asshole. I felt him probing at it gently with a finger, then with two, slipping them both inside my ass and stroking them in and out to relax it a bit.

“Well, we’d better make sure you’re slippery …” he said, and, with that i felt his fingers withdrawn, then reinserted, now coated with something cold and wet-feeling and slippery. Effortlessly, he was able to bury two fingers up to the last knuckle in my ass as it relaxed even more at the stimulus.

And then i felt something else pressing at my back passage, and i realised that it must be the head of his big cock.

I was scared, under the feeling of happiness and my desire to please — two fingers was one thing… that big thing might actually hurt me!

But i couldn’t seem to move!

I felt his hand on one hip, steadying me, and then I felt the head of tht monster pressing forward, slowly spreading my asshole wider than ever before and slipping ever so slowly into me…

“unnnnhhhh!!! Noooo!” I managed to gasp, trying to pull forward, to get away… but the desk blocked my escape. More and more of his cock entered me, and then, when he was about half-way into my ass, he stopped, and began an equally-slow withdrawal, stopping when only the head was inside my tight-gripping sphincter…

And then he psuhed forward, faster, deeper… and slipped back and then forward again, until, finally, the whole thing was buried in my ass and I could feel his hips against my butt.

I felt so streched and so swollen, but it was all inside me… Then he began to roll his hips, making it stir inside me, stimulating me in ways I had never imagined. This was incredible; I knew that some women actuallt enjoyed buttfucking, and I was beginning to see why…

Agan he was stroking in and out of my butt, deeper and faster now, now that I was relaxed and stretched open for him… All the way in and then almost all of the way out… faster and faster, then slowing till he barely moved, pausing with only the head in my ass, teasing my asshole till I couldn’t stand it any more and shoved back and buried him all the way into my ass again…

This was so incredible — and then I felt his hand reaching around in front of me… His fingers gripped the hot shaft of my own rigid, straining cock, and began to jack me off.

The combination of anal stimulation and his skilled hand on my shaft was enough and more than enough… with what must have been alomst a bellow of lust i reared upright off the desk, feeling his cock slip out of my ass, feeling hims step up bedside me and place my hand on hsi cock, as we stood there side by side jacking eeach other off until we both began to cum, great spurts of white sticky cum shooting from both our cocks, flying through the air and splashing down all over the blonde whore and the red- haired whore who lay there sleeping in each other’s arms, splattering all over them…

And i sat back against the desk as my legs threatened to give way under me and and my my hand jerked away from the doctor’s big cock as it began softening, though the doctor’s hand still stroked mine.

I stared at my wife and her friend still sleeping, their faces and bodies splattered with our cum; and I realised that just seconds before I had believed the doctor was my old Navy buddy Jacko as I sucked his cock and he fucked my ass, and that Mary and June were two junkie whores we’d picked up somewhere…

I bagan to turn to the doctor — to yell at him or even to hit him, perhaps, but he spoke that word that I couldn’t ever quite seem to catch and i stopped, completely frozen, utterly without will.

“Oh, yes, Mr Foreman, you are an *excellent* subject, and your anus is so tight… so far… Yes, Mr Foreman, you and your wife are going to be *very* successful in your new second profession…”