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A Fox In The Chicken Coop – part 2



Becky had felt anxious and strange since she first got to school in the morning. It was like she was about to leap out of her skin or something. She had no idea why she should feel this sort of suppressed excitement, at least not until she came to math class and saw Darren, seated at his usual desk a few places down. With absolute certainty she knew that today was the day. All through class she kept stealing glances back at him. Yep, this would be the day alright. She couldn’t imagine why she hadn’t decided this before. What was there to be nervous about? It wasn’t like he was going to chew her head off or anything; though, if she got her way, he’d be chewing on an entirely different part of her anatomy… The minute the bell rang, Becky quickly gathered her things. She timed her exit from the classroom just at the right moment to intercept Darren, blocking his way. “Hi there,” she said brightly, slinging her school bag across to the other shoulder. “Oh. Hello,” he replied, looking past her to the hallway. “I bet you don’t know who I am, do you?” “Oh, er,” he blinked down at her, finally coming around to the fact she was addressing him. “You’re Becky, aren’t you?” Becky giggled, one hand reaching up to undo the button of her collar. “You do know,” she said, grinning. “I know yours too. Very well.” She undid yet another button on her plain white blouse. “Is there something you wanted?” he asked, trying to disguise his irritation. He had friends to meet. “Yeah, there kinda is, actually,” she said, having half unbuttoned her blouse, exposing the tops of her modest breasts. “I know we’ve never really talked before, but I think we should skip out of lunch period and get to know each other a bit better.” To Darren’s rising horror and fascination, Becky had undone the entire front of her shirt, the open flaps revealing her bra. In fact, her behavior had created a buzz of attention from the students around her, who now formed a loose circle around the couple. Becky seemed to be complete oblivious to this however. “Look, what… Is this some sort of joke,” Darren flustered, avoiding her eye contact. “No, I’m absolutely serious,” she said, peeling back the cup from her left breast, exposing the pink circle of her nipple. “What’s going on here!?” This authoritative voice came from behind her. Becky turned to see her teacher forcing his way through the small crowd she’d attracted. “I was just talking to Darren here,” she explained, waving back to where he stood before her -except that Darren had wisely vacated the spot on first sign of an adult. Becky frowned, puzzled to find so many people gathered ’round. Just what had she been doing anyway? Then came the realization that her blouse was wide open, her breast exposed for everyone to see. “Alright, everyone clear out,” Mr H. yelled at the crowd, quickly pulling off his blazer and covering Becky’s front. Her mind raced, heartbeat rising as all these events hit her at once. “Oh my god,” she cried, covering her face in her hands. She wished she could have fainted dead away, but she wasn’t granted that luxury. Instead, she was led away by Mr H. to the office, forced to endure the stares and chatter of her classmates.

* * *

A half hour later found Becky sitting alone in the main office foyer, waiting to be picked up. Having been told one of her parents had been called and was on their way, she naturally assumed it would be her father; instead, it was Leonora who walked in past the front door. She couldn’t decide if that was better or worse. Leonora flashed her a brief smile before being directed to the vice-principals office by the secretary on duty. While they had their private discussion, Becky continued to wait in the lobby. She already knew the verdict anyway; a weeks suspension. “Shall we go?” Becky raised her head, looking up to Leonora’s outstretched hand. Together they left the school, hardly a further word spoked between them as she was driven home.

* * *

Becky woke up sometime in the late morning, having no reason to get up any earlier. Reaching over to the bed stand, she slipped on her glasses. She remained sitting up in bed, clad in her powder blue pajama top and underwear, back against the wall staring up at the ceiling in a dull torpor. None of it made any sense. She must have been sleep walking the other day, if that was any sort of explanation. To have pulled out her tit like that in front of everyone. In front of Darren! Good lord, he must have thought she was some kind of freak! And what of everyone else! The news must have gotten around by now, and a single week wasn’t going to erase that from their memory. They’d probably already had some degrading nickname they were going to call her when she returned to school. She wondered if the hollow sensation in her stomach was hunger for breakfast or sheer dread. This was the first time she’d ever been in this sort of trouble at school. Remarkably, her father had made little comment on it. Perhaps he was too disappointed in her to say anything, or worse, simply didn’t care that much. No, she couldn’t believe that, but… Without any forewarning, the bedroom door swung open, Leonora strolling inside. Becky automatically drew her knees to her chest, shocked at the sudden intrusion. “Good morning,” Leonora said breezily, wandering over to her desk. “Gah.. Please, I wish you’d at least knock,” Becky replied with naked annoyance. “No need for that tone,” Leonora said, picking up something from the desktop. Dressed in a grey cotton sweat shirt and black stirrup pants, her long hair was tied back in a pony tail, giving her the appearance of having only gotten up recently herself. “With your father off to work, I was feeling a bit bored,” she explained, “and since you’re going to be stuck here at home with me…” Leonora turned to face Becky, holding up the necklace she’d retrieved from her desk, meditation stone dangling from her fingers. “I’m not in the mood for…” “Sleep now, Becky,” Leonora said, stepping closer. “W…” Whatever protest Becky had intended to raise was silenced almost immediately, her mouth frozen half open. “And what a messy sleeper you are,” Leonora murmured, closing her jaw shut. “Don’t want you drooling over yourself.” Palming the meditation stone, Leonora pulled up the chair from Becky’s desk, sitting directly across from her. “So,” Leonora sighed, crossing her legs, “what are we going to do with you. I can only hope you’re more entertaining than daytime television.” Leonora’s frown lifted when she recalled exactly what had led Becky to be here in the first place. If only she could have seen that moment, when Becky first realized what she’d done. “I wonder why you thought he’d be so interested in your breasts,” she said. “Perhaps I should see for myself. Becky, open up your pajama top.” Not even looking down, Becky’s hands moved automatically, her fingers undoing the tiny buttons. Reaching forward, Leonora flicked aside the loose folds of her top, better revealing Becky’s naked breasts. “Cute,” she remarked, “but you’ve still got a couple of years of growing up to do, I think. Probably a late bloomer. When did you first get your period, Becky?” “Nearly two years ago.” “I see,” she nodded. “Did you talk to your father about it? Did he tell you about puberty?” “Yes. He gave me a book about it.” “Of course. Very considerate of him,” Leonora said, still contemplating the girl’s bare chest. “Still, you’re clearly not a child anymore. Makes me question why you still prefer the name ‘Becky’. Not at all fitting for an adult woman.” Leonora leaned forward, fixing the girl with her gaze. “Listen very carefully,” she instructed, “from now on, you shall only think of yourself as ‘Rebecca’. This will be what you will call yourself. Only your father and I may call you by your old name. If anyone else dares call you ‘Becky’, you will get very annoyed, even angry, and will forcefully insist you be called Rebecca. Do you understand?” “Yes.” “What is your name?” “It’s Rebecca.” “Very good.” Leonora sat back, fingering the meditation stone in her hand. If yesterday’s episode was any indication, this post-hypnotic suggestion would stick as well. The girl was every bit as malleable as her dad. “Go make me a cup of coffee,” she told her. Becky rose from the bed to obey. “Wait,” Leonora interrupted her at the doorway. “Take off all your clothes first.” Without pause, Becky shrugged off her open pajama top, then bent over to peel down her plain cotton panties. Leonora smiled on seeing the discreet patch of dark pubic hair between her legs. Very cute. “Go on then,” she told her, “to the kitchen to make my coffee.” While Becky was away, Leonora occupied herself by riffling through the drawers in her desk and dresser. She was hoping to find a journal or diary, but Becky didn’t appear to have kept one. Well, it wasn’t that important; it wasn’t as if the girl was capable of keeping any secrets from her. But even more interesting was what she found buried underneath a pile of sweaters in her dresser; a well worn copy of the mini-magazine Penthouse ‘Variations’, dating from a couple of years ago. So, it seemed little Becky had been doing some extra reading beyond what her father had given her. At that moment the still naked Becky had returned, gingerly holding the steaming cup in both hands while she waited mutely in the doorway. “Set it down here,” Leonora ordered, pointing at the desk. Tossing Becky’s dirty little book on the bed, Leonora came behind her as she dutifully placed the hot beverage on the cluttered desk top. “What an obedient step-daughter you are,” Leonora breathed, wrapping an arm across her slender waist. “I’ve never really been ‘into’ girls, but something about you brings out the worst in me. I like that.” Drawing her in close, back pressing against Leonora’s chest, she lowered her hand down to the small curled hairs of Becky’s pubis. Planting a light kiss on the top of her head, she felt the soft supple flesh of her labia, brushing her thumb over the area of her clit. She could feel Becky tremble slightly under this caress, but otherwise remained motionless in Leonora’s embrace. Stepping back, Leonora pushed Becky down so that she was lying with her chest flat on the desk, face turned to one side. “Stay,” Leonora commanded, keeping one hand firmly planted at the base of her neck. Reaching over, she dipped her fingers in the coffee, finding the heat to be just this side of bearable. Taking a big sip, she knelt down and, while holding Becky’s buttocks apart, passed the hot liquid from her lips to the area just above her anus. Becky let out a sharp gasp as the coffee slid down the tender skin of her genitals, but stayed put as ordered. Leonora repeated the process one more time, then began licking the bitter tasting fluid from her cunt in long sensuous strokes. From experience, she knew that people in a hypnotic trance state have little resistance to erotic stimulation, and it took very little time at all for the coffee to be mingled with Becky’s own internal wetness. “Has anyone made you come before,” Leonora asked, rubbing her clit in quick circular motions. “No, never,” she replied, voice tight. “It’s almost a shame then you’ll never remember any of this.” Dipping her finger in the still steaming mug, she inserted it into Becky’s anus, pushing the digit deep inside. Becky jerked under this violation, another cry escaping her lips. “Louder, Rebecca,” Leonora rasped, vigorously frigging her cunt while probing her ass. “Scream. Cry. Beg. Tell me what you’re feeling.” Becky immediately let loose with a series of strangulated shouts, a primal expression of her quickly rising arousal. By degrees her legs had spread further apart, her hands now bunched into fists by her sides. A thin sheen of sweat began to form across her naked back. “I can feel it,” Becky cried out, “I can feel it now!.. It’s coming… Ungh!” At that, her entire body went rigid, save her cunt which Leonora could feel twitching in her hand. “Shit,” Leonora muttered to herself, unbuttoning the snap at the front of her trousers. She always felt the key to controlling others lie in ones own self control, but this had pushed her limits too far. Sliding a hand inside her pants, she could feel the wet smear she’d created against her panties from her own excitement. With gritted teeth, Leonora rubbed herself, already so close to the edge of orgasm it only took a matter of moments before her own cunt was throbbing in climax. In the aftermath, Leonora sat back on her heels, catching her breath. Looking up at the still prostrate Becky, she could see the wetness that had dampened her sparse pubic hair, and the thin trail of coffee that had run down the inside of her legs. “Go fetch a washcloth,” she ordered Becky, who did so, wobbling on her feet at first as she crossed the length of the room. Perched on the chair, Leonora drank the rest of the coffee and watched Becky clean herself up in front of her. “This is only the beginning,” she said. “We are going to have some real fun soon, I promise.” Once she had Becky dressed and back sitting on the bed as she’d found her, Leonora held out the meditation stone. “You will remember nothing of what has passed while you were asleep,” she instructed. “To you, no time at all has passed since I first entered your room. Do you understand?” “Yes.” “Very good. Now, when I next say the words, ‘awaken now’, you will return from your state of sleep, conscious and aware.” Leonora reached out, draping the necklace around Becky’s neck, slipping the meditation stone underneath her top. Straightening up, she said, “awaken now.” Becky blinked her eyes, looking around her in momentary confusion. “Sorry to have barged in, you’re right,” Leonora apologized. “I guess I was bored since your dad’s off to work. I’ll leave you to get dressed then.” “Oh.” Becky was taken aback by Leonora’s sudden change in mood. After she was gone, she noticed that her copy of Variations was lying next to her pillow. Blushing, Becky immediately hid it back inside her dresser Geez, she couldn’t even remember taking it out in the first place. Is that why Leonora had left so suddenly after coming in unannounced like that? Not even her father had ever caught her playing with herself. To think Leonora might have, or at least believed that’s what she might have been doing… it was all terribly embarrassing. Could things get any worse?

* * *

It was late afternoon of the next day, and Becky was in the kitchen preparing dinner (Leonora wasn’t much for cooking, it seemed), when she received a visitor. “Oh my gosh, Sheila,” Becky laughed, hugging her best friend. She couldn’t remember being so happy to see her. “Hello to you too,” Sheila said, returning her embrace. “I came to see how you were doing.” “Ah, well, alright, I guess,” Becky shrugged, unsure how to answer her. It wasn’t like she was sick, but what sort of explanation could she offer for why she was suspended? “You’ve, uh, been the subject of a lot of talk,” Sheila said carefully, hands folded behind her back. “I can imagine,” Becky sighed, returning to what she was doing at the kitchen counter. Sheila looked at her hopefully. “I honestly don’t know what to say,” Becky admitted, frowning to herself. “I’ve gone over it a hundred times, but I don’t even remember doing it. Really, I don’t.” “It’s alright, we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” Sheila said, “I only wanted to come by and see you, hang around for a bit, keep you company.” “That’s good,” Becky said in earnest. “I could use it. It’s been, I don’t know, just creepy staying here alone with Leonora. It’s like she’s always got her eyes on me.” Sheila flashed her a sympathetic smile as she leaned against the counter. “So, things haven’t got much better then,” Sheila remarked. “Still the trouble and strife at home. Poor old Becky…” “What!?” Becky rounded on her. “What did you call me!?” “Er, nothing,” Sheila stammered, blinking in surprise. “I didn’t mean anything by it, I was just…” “Rebecca!” Becky yelled. “My name is Rebecca!” “Huh?” Sheila held up her hands, trying to placate her. “What are you talking about? You’ve always been Becky, ever since…” Becky slapped her hard across the face. “Rebecca!” Sheila held her cheek, tears coming to her eyes, reacting more from shock than pain. “What’s gotten into you!? Fuck.” Grabbing her school bag, Sheila ran out of the kitchen. Becky stood in place, her apparent fit of rage swiftly disappearing. “Why did she run off like that,” she wondered aloud, surprised and confused by her sudden departure. There was so much she wanted to talk about too, but now…

* * *

Gregory, the father of Becky and Leonora’s husband, sat alone in the living room. In the late evening, the only light came from the lamp by the couch and the flickering television screen. A stranger coming upon the scene might have been puzzled about what he could have found so fascinating about the Weather Channel that he’d been watching so intently for the past half hour. Only on closer inspection would one see the moist, dilated eyes staring unfocused into space. Presently Leonora skulked into the room, clad in a loose fitting black silk kimono, tied at the waist with a red sash. “I’m ready for you now,” she whispered in his ear, “follow me.” She led him into their bedroom, having him stand at the foot of the double bed. With unseeing eyes, he looked at his daughter lying before him. Devoid of even her glasses, she was entirely naked, apart from the meditation stone necklace that lay on her chest. Her eyelids were closed tight in the deepest level of sleep. “I want you to think about your first wife,” Leonora said, unbuttoning his shirt. “I want you to picture her in your mind. Recall what she looked like on the first evening you two made love together.” Leonora glanced over at the photo of Lynn that sat on the bedside dresser. She was a woman of mild beauty, with long blonde hair and Nordic blue eyes. From what she’d gathered, they had been a couple as teenagers, and though they’d gotten married at what might have been considered a young age, they had been a close and loving family up until the time of her passing. But Lynn’s memory still had a very strong pull on him, and that had been a useful lever in controlling him. “Tell me about that night, Gregory,” she said, undoing his belt. “The night Lynn gave herself to you.” “Her parents had gone to Atlantic City for the weekend,” he automatically replied, voice unaffected by emotion. “She invited me over to watch movies. We didn’t plan for anything to happen. I wasn’t even supposed to sleep over. She had the downstairs couch unfolded into the bed, and we were lying side by side, eating popcorn. After a while we started kissing, and I slipped my hand under the covers, under her night shirt…” “Yes, very good, Gregory,” Leonora approved, kneeling down to peel his trousers from his legs. “Keep that image clear in your mind. Young Lynn, body next to yours, ready and eager for your embrace. See her there, lying right in front of you, waiting.” Gregory raised his head a fraction, seeing his daughter laid out on the bed; except it wasn’t Becky he saw. “Go to her,” Leonora breathed into his ear, “she waiting for you.” Now as naked as his daughter, he crept up on the bed, his movements as tentative as a young man alone with a woman for the first time. Taking Becky into his arms, he planted a deep kiss on her unresponsive lips. Leonora sat on the chair set by the bedside, one leg draped over the arm rest. She’d considered any number of alternatives for Becky’s state of mind; being seduced by Darren, being tied up and raped, or actually playing the part of Lynn. But, in the end, she decided that for her very first fuck she would feel absolutely nothing at all. Her consciousness was locked away so deep one could have pricked her skin with needles and she wouldn’t have flinched. Gregory’s hand moved to Becky’s breast, pinching the pink nipple between his fingers. Continuing to receive his ardent kisses, Becky’s lips had been forced apart, accepting her father’s tongue into her mouth. In his mind, Lynn returned his passionate advances, but Becky lay inert as if dead. Putting a hand under the hem of her kimono, Leonora began to slowly stroke herself as she watched. It caused her to smile when Gregory, so divorced from reality, lifted Lynn’s phantom nightshirt before taking Becky’s left breast and teasing it with his mouth. At the same time, his hand had slipped down to the juncture of her legs, gingerly caressing her cunt. Leonora could see his hard erection take form, the tip brushing against the pale skin of her daughter’s nearest leg. “You can do it, Gregory,” Leonora whispered, half to herself. “Keep going.” Becky didn’t make a sound when his inquisitive fingers plunged into her pussy, two digits worming their way up her tight vagina. “Oh, Lynn,” Gregory said hoarsely, “please, let me. I want you so badly. You know how much I love you. Please.” “Yes, Greg,” Leonora said, leaning forward in her chair, “she wants you too. She says yes.” He kissed her again, worming his way in between her slack legs. Having reclaimed both the eagerness and inexperience of youth, he fumbled about getting the end of his penis lined up with Becky’s cuntal opening. Leonora rubbed herself harder, watching the incestuous interplay, stifling a moan as she anticipated the fateful moment. Slipping one arm underneath her shoulder, Gregory took his penis in hand and pushed his glans between Becky’s labial folds. Leonora could see the tendons on the back of his legs go taught as he tried to force his way inside her. “It’s alright, I’ll try to be gentle,” he said to some unheard plea, reliving the moment with Lynn in his mind. Another thrust, and suddenly he was inside, his prick penetrating his daughter’s virgin cunt. He let out an ecstatic grunt, burying himself deep as he clasped her unconscious body tight to his chest. He gave her another soulful kiss, then raised himself up on his arms above her. He began with long deliberate strokes, working the entire length of his organ within her tender, unready vagina. Soon his motions became shorter, much more urgent. His breathing had become increasingly laboured, and Leonora could see his testicles drawn up close to his body. Leonora bit her lip, her fingers digging at her completely wet pussy as the act approached it’s conclusion. Gregory, face grimacing as if in pain, rammed himself hard and deep into Becky’s cunt. She could see the muscles in his buttocks clench, and he let out a broken gasp as, finally, he reached orgasm. Unseen, his semen spat forth into his daughter’s womb. “Oh, Lynn,” he rasped, hugging her close. “I love you so much.” A smear of drool escaped from Becky’s still open mouth, unmoving and asleep.

* * *

Things had, for no easily explainable reason, gotten steadily worse on Becky’s return to school. For one, no one seemed to be able to get her name right. She’d even gotten into actual fights, which was a surprise to everyone, especially herself. She’d somehow managed to alienate all her friends, and her grades had started to slip. This sudden influx of stress had affected her physically, causing her to have odd bouts of nausea that would send her running to the bathroom to vomit; at least, she assumed that was because of stress. Then came the afternoon she returned home from school, finding her father already there ahead of her. This alone immediately struck her as unusual. He was seated at the kitchen table, pouring over a hand written letter, his expression melancholic. “Hey, dad,” she said, coming up beside him, “what’s up?” “Becky,” he replied, voice sombre. “I’m glad you’re here. We have to talk. Please, have a seat.” She sat next to him, a hollow feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. Something was very very wrong, she could feel it. “Wh… what is this about?” she asked. “It’s about Leonora,” he said, fingering the letter. “Leonora? Where is she?” “She’s gone,” he told her. “She’s left us. For good. I don’t know where she is.” Becky could hardly believe it. She knew how strongly he felt about her. Whatever dour thoughts she might have had about her, she’d never have wanted her to betray her father like this just to have her out of the house. “I’m so sorry,” she said, reaching out for his hand. “Did she even explain why?” “Because of this.” He held up a thin oblong of white plastic, a window on one end marked with a red ‘+’ sign. Becky frowned, not quite understanding. “Oh, that’s a home pregnancy test,” she realized. “But, then… that doesn’t make sense. Why would she leave because she got pregnant?” “She didn’t leave because she was pregnant,” he explained, “she left because you are.” Behind her glasses, Becky’s eyes went wide. “But that’s insane,” she protested, almost laughing. “Honestly, I’m still a virgin! I’ve never had sex with anyone. I don’t even remember taking any pregnancy test!” “I know, I know,” he said grimly, “but, the reason you don’t remember taking the test, and why you don’t remember losing your virginity, is because she made you forget.” “Leonora.” The hollow feeling in her stomach had turned to outright nausea. Becky hugged herself tight, fighting to keep her self control. “It’s my fault, really,” he said. “I was the one who brought her to our home. I deliberately put myself under her control.” He reached inside his shirt, pulling out a thin gold chain necklace, meditation stone hung at the end. “You see, she had a certain ability,” he told her. “What most people would call hypnosis, though it might have been something else. I can’t explain exactly. But, under her trance, she could make Lynn alive again in my mind. I guess you could say it was never Leonora I was in love with, but your mother. I think that’s what made me blind to Leonora’s true nature. She was a very sick woman, Becky. Profoundly ill. She… she made us do things together without our conscious will or consent. She… You see, I was the one who took your virginity. I’m the father of your child.” Despite her best efforts at self control, her face contorted in anguish, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks. As insane as the notion was, she knew that everything he said was true. “What are we going to do,” she asked weakly. “I’m not going to let what that woman did destroy us as a family,” he said with conviction. We’ve always had each other, and I still love you very much.” “I love you too, but…” “I know, I know. If we’re going to be able to stay together, there’ll have to be some changes. To start, we’re going to have to move to another state, maybe even Canada. And in order to raise this child, it’s going to take one additional deception.” He pushed a small gold band across the table to her. With trembling fingers, she picked up the wedding ring, the same ring that Leonora had worn not a day before. “I’m afraid you’re really going to have to become Rebecca,” he said, “Mrs. Rebecca K.” No longer capable of coherent speech, Becky collapsed into her father’s arms, burying her face in his chest. He was right; at the end of it all, they only did have each other. But, a single disturbing thought lingered; had he come to his decision on his own, or was the change from father-daughter to husband-wife to be Leonora’s final trick?