
Twin Farmgirl Cousins


Although Americans appear to the rest of the world as frank and open people, the truth is often the opposite when relating on a personal basis. This is particularly true regarding sexual matters.

The fact is, Americans are only now beginning to learn to discuss sex and sexuality with candor, and usually that is within limits of marital sex.

While no one is advocating sex as the main topic of conversation, and while sexual privacy is very important, many adults harbor fears about themselves and their sexual behavior that could be erased if they were more aware of other people’s behavior. Most of us have been brought up to be at least slightly ashamed to discover that we are not different, naughty or even perverted in our sexual practices. In discussing sex with others, people find out how truly normal they are.

TWIN FARMGIRL COUSINS — a shocking story, certainly, but which may not be as unbelievable as it first appears, one which could hold many valuable lessons for a large segment of our diverse population.


His teenaged twin cousins were the cutest, hottest little blondes Nick Owens had ever seen or even imagined. He hadn’t been around them since they were all more or less in diapers, but Betsy and Becky were damn sure out of diapers now! His eyes moved from one to the other, and it was all he could do to keep his cock from springing up hard inside his jeans.

They were almost identical blondes, petite, but with ripe, round tits pushing out the fronts of their T-shirts, and tight shorts that cuddled their asses and made their legs look long, tan, and terrific. Their faces were so alike Nick couldn’t decide which was the cuter. Becky’s tits were a little bigger, but there was something about the curvy shape of Betsy’s ass that made his cock start to leak pre-cum into his shorts.

She saw he was looking at her hips, and she turned slightly, her ass sticking out provocatively. Nick wanted to howl like a wolf, even if they were standing in front of the bus station of Main Street, Rocksburg.

The idea of getting so aroused sexually by someone he was blood kin to made Nick feel a little queasy, but the emotions his twin cousins raised in him were so heated he was sure he could live with the queasiness.

“Put your stuff in the back of the truck,” Betsy said, wiggling her provocative little ass.

Her bare thigh brushed against Nick’s leg. He gulped, certain that the touch of her body on his would make his cock jump up totally stiff inside his pants. She smelled good, too, like a country meadow as she leaned toward him. Her T-shirt gapped a little and he could see down into her moist, sweat-soaked cleavage. She was tan as far down as he could see. He grabbed his suitcase and tossed it up and in. Becky picked up the other and threw it onto the truck.

“Might as well get going,” she said in her soft drawl.

Even the sound of her voice made Nick’s prick ache with lust. He could only think of sliding his cock into the mouth that sweet honey voice came out of.

Not that he’d ever actually done anything like that — but he’d thought about it a hell of a lot. He was a klutz with women. He had yet to feel anything other than his own fist wrapped around his cock.

Becky climbed up into the driver’s seat. She fired up the engine of the truck.

“After you,” Betsy said, making a low bow and giving him another peek down the front of her shirt. Her tits weren’t quite as eye-catching as her sister’s, but there was nothing wrong with them, judging from the glimpses Nick was catching.

He saw the momentary flash of pink nipple! Then Betsy straightened up, and it was gone. His mind remembered, though, and it passed the message straight down to his cock. It was half-hard as he climbed up into the cab of the pick-up, and he just hoped his cousins hadn’t noticed.

Betsy climbed in after him, shutting the door behind her. She slid across the seat, her thigh riding snug against his. Becky slipped the truck into first and peeled out.

“I didn’t think you were old enough to drive,” Nick said.

Both girls giggled.

“When your daddy’s deputy sheriff, you don’t need a license,” Becky said. “Anyway, lots of people have licenses and can’t drive for shit. We’ve been driving since we were big enough to see over the steering wheel.”

Nick had to admit she was pretty good, but it did help to have friends in the county police, obviously. She didn’t pay any attention to the speed limits, and she ran at least two stop signs. Nick took a deep breath and settled back. He hoped it wasn’t too far out to the farm.

“So, you think you’re gonna enjoy spending the summer with us?” Betsy asked, sliding a little closer still. She put her hand on his knee. “I mean, being from Cleveland, you must be used to all kinds of wild life and fast times, and now here you are, sent down to the country to stay with us hicks? Think you’ll ever find anything to amuse yourself while you’re here? The county fair’s not till August. And most all we ever do is hoe corn and spray the beans and milk the cows.”

“Yeah,” Becky said, making a sharp turn that sent Nick sprawling onto Betsy, “not a whole lot of fun around here. On the other hand, Nick — do you fuck by any chance?”

Nick sat up and gasped, turning to stare at Becky. She was looking back at him, her blue eyes pale and innocent, her moist pink lips curled in a smile.

“Well, do you?” Betsy asked, punctuating the question with a quick grab at Nick’s crotch.

He jumped, made a soft yelping sound and tuned toward his other cousin, who was giving him the same innocent-eyed stare as her fingers explored the shape of his cock. And under her touch, there was no longer any possibility of Nick’s keeping his hard-on under control.

His cock got stiff the moment her fingers fell upon him, and the more she slid them up and down, tracing the bulging shape of his prick, the bigger that shape became.

“Well, damn,” she said. “Look at this thing, Becky! I think they stole our cousin and sent us a Georgia mule instead!”

The truck was moving swiftly down a one-lane country road. High corn lined the road on either side. Nick’s eyes kept darting downward to watch in disbelief as Betsy caressed the swollen lump of his jeans-covered hard-on.

“Let me see it!” Betsy purred, leaning in to put a little kiss on her cousin’s chin, then on his upper lip. It was an almost shy kind of kiss, as if she were bashful about brushing his mouth directly. Nick had kissed a few girls, of course, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to French with his own cousin. But then their mouths did meet, and a spark of electrical energy seemed to explode inside him.

He grabbed Betsy’s waist and tried to pull her on top of him while he sucked the breath from her body.

“Slow down!” she giggled. “We have plenty of time!”

She wriggled loose, and her fingers went to his fly. Staring into his eyes, she unzipped his pants and reached inside.

Nick groaned as she squeezed his prick. The thin layer of his shorts was the only thing separating her hand from his cock, and he could feel her heat vividly, despite the aroused throbbing that raced through his cock as Betsy toyed with it.

“You might play with something too,” she said, and he got the message, lifting her T-shirt and baring her small, pink-pointed tits. He was right. She was tanned all over. His hands moved onto the soft but firm-fleshed cones of her tits, and he fondled them wonderingly, feeling her body heave with a sigh of delight.

The truck came to a stop. Nick looked up and saw that they were parked in the midst of some oaks. Through a break in the trees, he could see cornfields stretching to the south and west, but the trees were thick and it was quiet.

Becky put her hand on Nick’s head, turned him around to face her, and pressed her mouth to his, her tongue eager and active against his lips. He opened and she fucked her limber wet tongue into his mouth. The conical points of her braless tits, hard-nippled under the cling of her T-shirt, were hot as nails against his bare forearm. As she kept kissing, Becky raised her T-shirt and bared her tits. Nick glanced down. His mouth began to water for the taste of them.

“Uh, this is kinda cramped,” he said, straining a little as the two cousins attacked him from either side. Becky was trying to get his cock out of Betsy’s fist, and he looked down at the sight of two hands battling to get control of his prick.

“Well, let’s stretch out, then,” Becky said, leaning back but not attempting to cover her tits.

Nick let go of Betsy’s tits and reached for her sister’s. Becky leaned against the door and sighed, her eyes shut, her blonde hair swishing delicately. She arched her chest upward, forcing her round tits into Nick’s hands.

“Ohhhhh!” Becky sighed, her hands atop his, pressing them down. “Feels so nice to have somebody else touching me! I get soooo horny sometimes!”

Nick knew exactly what she meant. His cock was out of his shorts now, sticking up eight inches into the open air, and Betsy’s hands were wrapped around it. She worked them up and down his cock, stroking him lightly but with occasional clenches that made her cousin groan softly from low in his guts. He was starting to grow afraid that he’d end up shooting off into her hand. The girls were making him too excited.

“Let’s go outside,” Becky said, moving Nick’s hands off her tits. She opened the door and stumbled down to the ground.

Nick lurched after her, but was unable to move because Betsy was hanging onto his prick.

Becky stood by the side of the truck, just out of Nick’s reach. She smiled like a Madonna as she peeled her T-shirt up and off. Her tits were marvelous. She cupped them, stroking the nipples with her fingertips as she smiled up at Nick. Then she unhooked her shorts and pushed them down her legs.

Under them she wore a pair of string panties, the kind he’d never guessed a farm girl would know anything about. A dab of lacy fabric covered her pussy in the front. She turned and showed him the string that ran through the crack of her ass, baring everything but her shithole itself.

Leaning forward, her ass jutting upward, Becky looked back over her shoulder and pulled the string out of the way, giving him a quick glimpse of her cunt.

His cock throbbed in Betsy’s clutching fist, and he could feel the jizz oozing out of it. His prick trembled and he thought he was going to come on Betsy’s hand.

“Not so soon!” his cousin giggled, and she squeezed hard on his cock.

He gasped at the forcefulness, but the come urge subsided. His prick remained rigid, but he breathed a little sigh of relief, positive now that he wasn’t going to empty his balls at the very beginning of this delicious crazy experience.

“That’s better,” Betsy said. “We’re both gonna need some of this big hard thing, and I just hope you can deliver, Cousin Nick!”

“I’ll sure fucking try!” Nick panted, stretching his arm toward Becky, who still posed just out of reach of his questing fingers.

Becky wiggled her ass and slid her panties downward an inch or two at a time, Nick panted in anticipation, watching her charms come into view. His cock throbbed in Betsy’s possessive fist.

Becky opened her legs when her panties were down to her knees, and she reached up from beneath, opening the snug lips of her cunt. Nick was licking his lips, watching the pink interior wink open and shut before his delighted eyes.

She didn’t have a lot of hair on her pussy, and the smooth crease of her cunt gash was a delight to his eyes. Nick was dreaming, wide-awake, about the pleasures of Becky’s pussy when he felt something wet touch his cock. Looking down in shock, he realized that Betsy was licking his prick.

She was down on the floor of the truck now, using her elbows to keep his legs open, and her tongue slid lazily up and down the stiffness of his prick.

“Tastes soooo good!” she moaned. “But then, don’t they all?”

“I wouldn’t know,” Nick said softly, lifting his ass a little and pushing his cock toward her tongue. He put one hand on her head and urged her down on him. “Would you do that again, please?”

Becky was still flouncing around, and Nick glanced over at her. She had her pussy pealed open, and her fingertip was sliding through the crack. Nick gulped as he saw it ease into the mouth of her pink cunt. His own finger twitched responsively as he tried to imagine the heat, the wetness, the tightness of his delicious blonde cousin’s little cunt. He heard Becky moan as she fingered herself more and more deeply, and Nick moaned too, feeling Betsy’s tongue on the rigid length of his cock.

“Oh, I need more than my finger!” Becky groaned, working it deeply into herself.

Nick shivered, watching the girl’s finger go deep and true into her tight cunt. God, was he gonna get the chance to put his cock where she had her finger? He hoped so, even though his prick felt just fine in the warm wet grip of his other cousin’s mouth.

Betsy was sucking hard on Nick’s cock. He’d never guessed what a blowjob might feel like. He hadn’t really counted on the feel of teeth around his hard prick, though. But as Betsy took him into her mouth and sucked and chewed, it felt just absolutely perfect!

He looked down at her pretty face, at the intensity showing as she concentrated on her sucking. Her eyes were glittering as if they were on fire. The motion of her tongue on his prick told Nick that she loved what she was doing.

She licked around and around, moving his cock in and out of her pursed lips. Her teeth scraped him, but not too roughly. She knew what she was doing, all right! Her mouth was wet velvet, and his cock just got bigger and harder and hornier. Nick groaned and thrust, shoving cock deeper and deeper into her mouth, and she gurgled as she took all he could give her.

He looked at Becky. She was facing him, her hands gliding up and down the alluring curves of her nude body. He still couldn’t decide which of his teen twin cousins was the cuter. Becky’s tits jiggled breathtakingly as she diddled herself. She had both hands in her crotch, opening the gash, her fingers sliding in and out with the same impatient rhythm that Nick’s cock showed moving into Betsy’s mouth.

“Oh, don’t I get some too?” Becky asked poutily, bobbing in place upon the fingers that reamed her pussy. “I’m getting soooo horny!”

Nick knew exactly what she meant. And as much as he loved what Betsy was doing to his cock, he felt the most irresistible yearning to get his hands on his other cousin.

“Let’s go outside,” he said to Betsy. “I think Becky’s getting lonesome.”

The girls stripped him quickly, kissing each part of his body as it came into view. He felt like howling again when Becky lowered the back of his shorts and stuck her tongue straight up his asshole while Betsy was on her knees in front of him, sucking on his rigid cock. Becky spread his asscheeks and licked back and forth over the tingling, puckered knot of his shitter, teasing it with her tongue and fingers. She moved her face down and licked his balls, too.

Then it was his turn to strip Betsy. She had almost nothing on underneath, just a pair of white cotton panties with flowers on them. They looked more teenage than the sexy string panties Becky had been wearing, but he couldn’t decide which looked better. Actually, bath girls looked best of all with nothing on, and he was in a hurry to get Betsy naked too.

“We get so lonely,” Betsy said as Nick sucked at her stiff-nippled tits, his hands caressing the provocative rounded sweetness of her young ass. “Daddy doesn’t like for us to go out with boys or anything like that, and since he’s a deputy sheriff, all the guys are afraid of him. Mmmmm, looks like you’re scared stiff, Cousin Nick! I think it’s gonna be fun having you around for the summer.”

“Let me suck it too!” Becky cried. “I’m a lot better than Betsy when it comes to sucking a big hard prick! I’ll show you!”

She pushed her twin’s foot out of the way and lay in the grass next to Nick. Her lips started at one of his knees and scurried up his thigh. Her hand moved slightly ahead of her mouth, and she squeezed on the swollen lump of his cock as her lips took possession of his balls. She sucked them into her juicy wet mouth, and he groaned in sheer pleasure.

Her tongue crawled up the underside of his cock, tracing the fat bulging veins. She licked up almost to the swollen cock-knob, then backed down the prick shaft for another round of teasing licks. Her fingers toyed with the prick knob, squeezing it provocatively, each press causing another bubble of pre-cum to squirt from the slitted opening at his tip. Nick held onto Betsy’s tits, moaning and squirming, saliva running from his lips as he looked down at Becky.

“Would you suck it, please?” he asked her, dying to feel her mouth engulf his prick. “Please?”

“He’s so anxious!” Becky giggled, but she was a little anxious, too.

She slipped her plush wet lips over the end of Nick’s prick and her mouth moved down the length of his cock, her cheeks and tongue combining to give him a magic massage. Nick’s eyes almost popped out of his skull, feeling the sophisticated action of his young cousin’s mouth.

“So big, too!” she murmured, coming back up, her lips warm and eager to plant lush kisses all over the cock-knob. “And delicious!”

Again she went down, swallowing his prick to the roots, and she sucked like a leech at the throbbing hard-on. Jesus fucking Christ!

Becky sucked cock as if she loved it. His prick got so stiff it hurt, and he’d thought he could never be stiffer than he had been ten minutes ago.

Nick’s cock got bigger and bigger inside her mouth, and he was panting and thrusting deep into Becky’s throat, totally aware that there was no way he could keep from pouring a huge load of spunk down her gullet. Soon!

He leaned forward, straddling Becky’s chest. The tips of her hard-nippled tits were hot against his ass, tickling him that much more. He stroked her head, twining his fingers through her silky blonde hair. She really was pretty, but she looked gorgeous with her eyes glowing and her mouth crammed full of cock. She was smiling as she sucked him, and it made Nick’s balls ache like hell and swell monstrously as they clogged with the cum he was dying to squirt.

Then Betsy got behind him, her hands and mouth all over his bouncing bare ass as he fucked her twin’s lips. She spread his asscrack, fingering him and licking his shitter, and Nick began to moan from deep in his guts. His moan rose into a howl. He knew he sounded like a coyote in heat, but he didn’t give a shit. Betsy’s tongue fucked in and out of his shitter, her hand cupped his jiggling balls and the length of his cock was buried in Becky’s sucking throat.

He groaned loudly, and then his cock unloaded.

Becky gasped as her mouth filled with his spunk. He could hear her gurgling and gulping, drinking his load, and the sucky, slutty sounds seemed to send his balls into overtime. They churned and shuddered, and more of the hot jizz gushed from his cock, following the previous batch down Becky’s gulping throat. She sucked, draining his cock, using her teeth on the squirting prick to make sure it stayed big and thick and hard against her lapping tongue.

“You slut!” he panted as Betsy stuck a finger up his ass.

Her finger went deep into his shitter, and it didn’t feel nearly as weird or as bad as he had thought it would feel. In fact, the deeper she went, the more stiffness seemed to pulse and throb into his cock.

“Oh, God, that tasted so good!” Becky sighed, taking his prick out of her mouth and running her lips up and down the quivering prick shaft. “And now that we’ve said hello, Cousin Nick, would you be interest in fucking us?”


He’d never been so interested in anything in his entire life! Nick slid off Becky’s body, still hardly believing what had just happened to him.

The girls lay down side by side in the grass. He eyed them with wondering admiration. His prick was more than ready to do the job requested from it. His only problem was deciding which of the two girls to fuck first.

Becky slipped her arm around her sister, and the two girls eased their faces closer together.

As Nick watched, the twins kissed, Betsy’s tongue sliding into her sister’s mouth. She put her hand on Becky’s tit, which was bigger but not necessarily prettier than her own. Her fingers stroked the hard nipple as her tongue worked in and out of Becky’s mouth. It was a lascivious, arousing sight, and Nick’s cock drooled pre-cum.

Nick knelt between Betsy’s slim legs and touched her knees. Her thighs parted, and the gleam of her pink cunt showed amid the little curls of deep-blonde pussy hair. Her pussy lips were dripping moisture, glistening pink. Nick touched her, opening her cunt and letting the tip of his finger enter his cousin’s hot tight fuck hole.

She writhed and looked up.

“Oh, that does feel good,” she said. “But I was thinking you might wanna put something bigger inside me, you know? Like that fat cock of yours, maybe?”

Becky giggled.

“Go ahead and fuck her,” she said. “I think she’s a better fuck than I am, but she can’t suck a cock half as good as I do. Why don’t you try us both out and tell us which is best?”

Nick Owens didn’t have to be asked twice. The tip of his prick was swollen to the size of a doorknob. He moved into the accommodating spread of Betsy’s thighs, and his more than eager cousin grabbed his cock, angling the prick head downward into the split of her juice leaking cunt.

“Put it right here!” she whispered, her voice as silky as a French teddy.

Her fingers guided the fattened cock up and down her pussy slit, soaking it in the moisture that oozed from her cunt, and then she eased it in her pussy mouth, and her hips moved as she sucked his prick straight up her hot, tight cunt.

“Ohhhhh!” she moaned as Nick’s cock sank deep into her pussy. He could feel her cunt come to life around him. Nick had always thought a pussy would feel hot and wet and tight around his prick, but he’d never even dreamed that it would feel as alive as Betsy’s pussy did.

His body came down upon hers, Betsy’s knees lifting to clutch at his sides. He went deeper, until his prick hit the bottom of her pussy tunnel, and she moaned beneath him, feeling the blunt aroused stirrings of his cock-knob against her womb.

“Oh, it’s so big and hard!” she whined. “Just the way I like ’em!”

The snugness of her pussy massaged the horny length of his cock. Even without moving, his cock was getting an active workout inside Betsy.

Becky slid one long smooth leg across the back of Nick’s thighs and the wet dribbling lips of her pussy touched his hip. She scooted closer, merging her sweet young body into the fuck her sister was getting, her hands sliding up and down Nick’s body. She turned his face to hers so she could kiss him. He was sure he could taste his cum in her mouth, but it wasn’t too bad. And anyway, she’d given him such a sweet hot sucking, it was the least he could do to thank her.

“We don’t do this with just anybody,” Becky whispered. “But we knew you’d be special as soon as we heard you were coming to see us. Betsy and I both had crushes on you when, we were little. Wasn’t it too bad we were too young to know about staff like this?”

“We’ll make up for it now, though,” Betsy said, swiveling her hips slightly and making her pussy do a breathtaking gulp-and-swallow on Nick’s hard cock. His eyes rolled in their sockets, just the way her hot ass was rolling beneath him, and he began to fuck his prick into his cousin’s cunt.

“Yes, yes, oh, shit, yes!” Betsy moaned under him, her cunt getting wetter, tighter and hotter each time his prick fucked into her. The yielding softness of her pussy enfolded him like a glove, and steam seemed to bathe his cock.

Becky was atop him now, grinding her pussy bush against his pumping ass. He was lost in a sea of flesh. Betsy wanted to be kissed, and her mouth seemed to guzzle him in. Becky’s hot cunt rubbed insistently against his ass. He could feel the hardness of her clit scraping his flesh, and he could feel the moisture oozing from her cunt, leaking onto his skin.

“Oooohhh, I’m coming!” Betsy moaned, her legs clutching hard at him while her pussy rippled along his cock. She squealed and panted and her eyes rolled over in their sockets, a river of drool running from the corner of her mouth. Her body shook and quivered under his, and the only thing he could think of to do was to keep on fucking her with his rigid cock. Each stroke seemed to heighten her response.

Becky’s arms were around his neck. She bit his ear and chewed his neck. She kept on squirming against him, masturbating her hot pussy on his ass.

Nick pulled his cock out of Betsy, and somehow he fought Becky off his back. The fresh-fucked little blonde cousin lay writhing on the grass, her hands busy on her cunt. Becky lay on her side next to him, also frigging herself, as Nick turned over to face her.

She put her hand on his shoulder and slid her cunt closer, opening the slash eagerly. His cock was rigid, and she grabbed it, bringing the fuck meat to her wet pussy hole.

“Fuck me hard,” she said. “I want it like an animal!”

His fuck-raw, swollen cock-knob bruised her cuntlips. She lifted her leg and her pussy opened wide, then Nick thrust with his hips, fucking into her.

“Ahhhhh!” Becky moaned, moving her leg over and around him, pulling her body close to his.

She leaned back with her upper body, her tits jiggling excitedly, while she took his cock inside her juicy fuck hole. Nick hardly had to move. Becky was doing all the work.

“Suck my tits while you fuck me,” Becky said, and Nick was only too eager to do it. She had great tits! Her ass was a little skinnier than Betsy’s, but her pussy was just as tight, and it was doing evil, lustful things to his throbbing cock. He liked that a hell of a lot.

His lips worked her swollen pink nipples. They were as fat as the tip of his cock, and he got some idea of how his big-knobbed cock must have felt lying on her tongue while she sucked for his jizz. He wouldn’t have minded some juice squirting from her tits into his mouth, but the natural taste of her fresh, sweet tits was stimulation enough for him. And she seemed to enjoy it too.

Nick got a few strokes of his own into the fuck, but Becky was still in charge, and that was okay with him. After all, it was his first fuck, and it helped to have experienced teachers.

Becky pulled back, letting his cock slip out.

“Let me play with it,” she said.

She stroked her cunt with his hard hot cock knob, soaking it again in the juicy goo that leaked from her cuntlips. She peeled back the foreskin and rubbed her clit with the glistening tip of Nick’s cock, closing her eyes and moaning with pleasure as hot cunty sensations spread through her body from the abrasive, contact.

“Now dog-fuck me!” she moaned, moving onto her knees.

Her ass stuck up, her thighs parted to display the wet pink slice of pussy amid the tufts of golden hair, and Nick found himself moving into place behind her. He thrust hard and the end of his cock slipped back into Becky’s pussy.

The angle was different. He seemed to be fucking new parts of her juicy cunt, and the moans and whimpers that came from her mouth were new notes of delight and pleasure.

Betsy was on her knees beside them. She wanted to be kissed, and she wanted her tits sucked, too. Nick had to lean far down to get his mouth around her nipples, but the effort was worth it. Her hand toyed, with his ass as he fucked her sister, and he was half-afraid she might stick her finger up his shitter again. The very thought made his asshole clench, half in alarm, half in anticipation, but instead she just cuddled his balls in her palm and used the pressure to tell him when she wanted him to fuck her sister especially deep, especially hard.

“You should stick it up her ass!” she whispered. “She’s never done it that way, but I have, and I bet she’d like it a whole lot!”

“I would not!” Becky gasped. “Just because you’re a kinky slut, doesn’t mean I am too!”

“Yes it does!” Betsy giggled. “Oooohhh, Cousin Nick, you sure know how to fuck a girl with that big sweet prick! Oh, and it’s gonna be so much fun while you’re here! I bet those big-city girls in Cleveland have taught you things about fucking and sucking that Becky and I couldn’t even begin to guess about. You’ve gotta teach all of it to us before you go back home!”

She emphasized her words by clenching her hand on Nick’s balls. He gasped and groaned, struggling not to come, but he was on a short string and Betsy’s fingers on his balls were not doing a thing to help him stay in control.

But before he could come, he felt Becky’s cunt clench around his prick, just like her sister’s had, and the teenager was thrilled beyond imagining to realize that he had made both of his hot cousins scream in orgasm.

He gripped Becky’s asscheeks and slammed his prick into her, accentuating the rippling explosion of her orgasm. He slapped her ass and she squealed again, her pussy clenching around his pounding prick. Beside him, Betsy giggled girlishly, squeezing herself tightly against Nick’s hard young body.

She reached down to touch his cock as it continued to fuck her sister’s pussy.

“Take it out and let me see you come,” she said, tugging at his prick.

Quickly, he yanked his cock out of Becky’s creaming cunt. Betsy filled her hand with the swollen lump of prick and stroked it quickly, her excitement obvious.

“Now!” she cried. “Squirt it now!”

Her fist closed hard on his cock. She yanked it, and Nick almost screamed. The squirt of cum raced like fire up his cock, and his initial gush splattered the cleft of Becky’s split, pink cunt. “Wheeeee!” Betsy shrieked, milking him, eager to empty her cousin’s cock. Squirt after squirt of jizz gushed from Nick’s cock, drenching Becky’s ass and pussy.

Still holding Nick’s prick, Betsy reached down with her other hand to massage the milky white cum into Becky’s flesh. Her fingers were coated with the stuff. Winking at Nick, she brought them to her lips and tasted his spunk. “Mmmmm!” she moaned. “I think having you around for the summer is gonna be fun for all of us!”

And then she leaned down and began to lick Nick’s spilled cum off her sister’s ass and pussy, her tongue slipping from time to time into Becky’s wet pussy. Nick found himself getting excited all over again, and wondering if they had time to fuck at least once more before finishing the drive to the farm.

It was almost six before they got back to the farm. Becky made up a breezy story about having given Nick the grand tour of Hardin County before bringing him to the home place, and Aunt Jen seemed to buy it hook, line, and sinker. Nick’s cock was aching from the workout his cousins had given him, and for almost the first time in his young life, he was looking forward to crawling into bed and going to sleep.

Aunt Jen had supper ready — a big country meal centered around fresh chicken stew, with dumplings. In spite of the wild sex he’d been turned on to by her daughters, Nick still found himself sneaking peeks at Aunt Jen as she served up the meal.

She was his dad’s older sister, two years older than Nick’s father, but in spite of having spent most of her life as a farm woman, she didn’t look a great deal older than her daughters, nor much older than the last time Nick had seen her, years and years ago. Five-eight and thin, with full firm tits that jiggled ever so slightly inside her shirt, and jeans that fit snug but not trashy to her round ass and long legs, Aunt Jen was a blonde knockout.

Nick felt a little guilty when he thought about why he’d come down to the farm, especially when Aunt Jen smiled at him, but he was only doing what he had to do — what his dad had asked. Still, he wished his dad had asked someone else.

Uncle Bob wasn’t home for supper. He was on afternoon shift, cruising the highways. Nick was a little happy about that. Uncle Bob was a mean-looking guy, the epitome of the southern peace officer, and Nick wasn’t at all sure he was up to confronting his uncle after what he and his uncle’s daughters had spent two juicy hours doing in the woods. Something told him Uncle Bob wouldn’t find it at all acceptable, and even though he was almost a grown-up, Nick still remembered how imposing and scary Uncle Bob had been when Nick was a kid.

“So how’s your dad’s divorce coming along?” Aunt Jen asked, interrupting Nick’s thoughts.

He blushed. His dad was in the midst of divorcing Nick’s second stepmom. Claris was a real cunt. There was no other word for her. The only thing Nick was sorry about was that he had never been able to fuck her. On the other hand, he was apparently one of the few guys in Cleveland who hadn’t, though so far his dad was having a hard time finding the proof.

Nick just shrugged.

“Barney had the worst taste in women,” Aunt Jen said. “Except for your mom, he’s had a real talent for finding losers. I feel so sorry for him.”

They’d fixed up a room for Nick in the attic. It was hot, but there was a fan to cool it down a little, and he stripped down to his shorts, lying atop the brass bed. As he lay there in the darkness, he was reliving everything that had happened since the bus pulled to a stop at the Rocksburg Station, and without even a nudge from his hands, his cock began to stiffen.

He closed his eyes in the darkness and imagined Becky’s mouth wrapped around his prick. He knew he’d feel that lush steaminess on his cock again before his summer stay was over.


He was dreaming about Betsy licking Becky’s cunt, eating the spilled dribbles of his sticky cum off the fragrant pink pussy. It was as clear and as juicy as if it were happening all over again, right in front of him.

Nick stirred in his sleep and found his dream changing into a mental image of his cock being swallowed up in Becky’s warm mouth. If there was anything better than watching Betsy lick Becky’s cunt, it had to be the feel of his cock slithering into Becky’s gulping, hungry throat. He could even feel her teeth on him, grinding passionately at the hardness of his cock while her tongue killed and slurped round his stiff prick and her throat gulped him again and again.

“Oh, yeah!” he sighed in his sleep, and again he felt the teeth, more real than any dream had a right to be.

His eyes opened, and he was suddenly aware that the room was filled with the gray light of dawn and his cock was stuffed inside Becky’s mouth as she lay across his bed, eating his prick in horny, hungry swallows.

“Good morning, Cousin Nick!” the pretty blonde said, raising her mouth from his achingly erect cock. “Did you have a nice night?”

Almost immediately, and without waiting for him to answer, she worked her lips back down over his prick, swallowing it whole again. He groaned, feeling his cock disappear into her mouth. She was holding his balls in one small hand, squeezing them just enough to make his cock stab a little deeper into her mouth, her throat opening to take it deep.

Her other hand was between her legs, teasing her pussy while she sucked him. Again Becky looked up, her blue eyes almost colorless in the gray morning light.

“Why don’t we do it to each other at the same time?” she suggested. “I bet those girls in the city have showed you things about eating pussy that I’ve never even dreamed of! I’ve had some pretty wild dreams about that kind of stuff!”

Without missing a suck, she wiggled her body around and moved her crotch onto his chest. Her legs were spread, and he could see her cunt crack shining amid her pussy hairs. He grabbed Becky’s ass and moved his face toward his cousin’s glistening cunt slit.

She moaned around his cock as he began to lick her. He didn’t know what he was doing, but he hoped it didn’t show too much.

He opened her cuntlips and eased his tongue into the moistness within. She tasted as if she’d stopped off for a piss on her way up to his room, but it wasn’t bad at all. He spread her a little wider and let his tongue go deeper into Becky’s cunt. She moaned and wriggled as he explored her, and she got really excited when he brought his tongue back to lick the bud of her clit.

Becky’s mouth was busy on his prick, thrilling him so much he could hardly pay attention to what he was doing. But the plush smoothness of her asscheeks as his fingers stroked and glided across them was a real pleasure, and so was the aroused smell of her juicing cunt. He found himself licking more and more hungrily, sliding his tongue up her pussy and pulling out to drool the mixture of his saliva and her pussy juices onto her flesh, then licking it off again.

The pink button of her asshole was a magical mystery. He spread her asscheeks, watching the tiny pink opening dilate, then clamp shut again and again.

Nick soaked his tongue in Becky’s wet cunt, then brought it up to slide across the splayed bud of her shitter. She squirmed and groaned around his throbbing cock, his prick head shoving halfway down her gulping throat.

He put his thumbs inside the crack of her ass and spread her asscheeks as far as he could, the hole stretching wonderfully before his delighted eyes. His wet tongue moved into her asshole, penetrating Becky with a quick, hungry stroke.

“Oh, God, you are so filthy!” his cousin gasped, releasing his cock long enough to speak.

“Would you do that again, Nick, honey? Lick me where I shit, just one more time, okay?”

How could he refuse when she asked so nice? And when she tasted so — interesting! He flexed his thumbs in her asscrack, opening her little asshole widely, and once more he stuffed his tongue into Becky’s slitter.

“Oooohhh, it’s soooo exciting!” she moaned. “Makes me feel so hot, too!”

Her mouth moved down over his cock again, gulping it straight in to the balls. She used her teeth on him, gnawing his hard prick, drowning it in the saliva that flowed from her mouth. She made slurping, pig-like noises as she sucked, and the sounds only made Nick’s cock get that much harder inside Becky’s mouth. He was thrusting up into her face, though she didn’t need any cooperation on his part. She could handle the job all by herself.

He remembered something Betsy had said in the woods, and he decided to get a little nastier with Becky. His tongue glided back down to the hard, peanut-like bud of her clit, and he stuck his finger into the pussy he had already fucked and licked. The muscles clamped down, milking his digit, sucking it in, pushing it out, then sucking it back home again. He thrust and fucked into her pussy, crooking his finger from time to time and scratching inside of her hot cunt.

Her juices oozed from the cunt and dripped into the palm of his hand, all hot and musky smelling. She was pulsating atop him, and the things she was doing to his cock with her mouth were straight out of his wettest wet dream.

He pulled his finger out of Becky’s clenching cunt and pushed it against her tight asshole. She made a squealing sound as she felt it enter, but she didn’t clamp up and try to stop it from getting in. She just moaned around her mouthful of rigid prick and wiggled her ass around on his probing finger.

He fingered her super-tight shitter, moaning a little as he felt the heat and tightness surround his finger. A fan-like aroma wafted into the air, but he didn’t even mind that. His fingers was fucking in and out of his cousin’s shitter, moving with exertion because she was so tight, and the motion made the young blonde’s body quiver.

She was swallowing his cock whole now, and trying to get his balls in her mouth at the same time. He strained beneath her, fucking up into her hot wet mouth and feeling the sex-heat so strongly that he was fucking his finger almost viciously into her shitter while he flogged her clit with his tongue. The juices oozed from her fuck hole. He shoved his face up into her cunt slit while he kept on finger fucking her shitter, and he drowned in Becky’s funky pussy juice.

But he was also going to die if he didn’t get to squirt his cum, and the only place he wanted to blow his load was down Becky’s gulping throat. There was something hot and sexy about coming in a girl’s mouth. The idea had always lurked just beneath the surface of Nick’s fantasies, and yesterday afternoon he’d learned that it really was all he’d imagined it might be — and more. Now he needed to do it again.

Suddenly he heard the sound of a voice calling his name.

“Oh, shit!” he whispered, shoving Becky off him. “It’s your dad!”

His blonde cousin flopped completely off the bed, her golden hair hanging in front of her face.

“Jesus!” she gasped. “Tell him to wait a minute!”

Becky moved across the floor to the window, clambering out head-first. She must have entered his room the same way, he figured.

Nick pulled the sheet up, very much aware that he was totally naked under it and that his cock was sticking straight up. Just as he got himself relatively decent, the door opened and his Uncle Bob came through, into the attic bedroom.

When he was a kid, Nick had always seen Uncle Bob as a huge man. Now, at eighteen, standing almost six feet, Nick still found his uncle enormous and imposing. Bob Kendall was wearing his deputy sheriff’s uniform, and his thumbs were hooked in the belt that contained a holstered handgun nearly as big as he was.

“Well,” Bob Kendall said, “I guess you’re awake. We get up early here on the farm, boy. If you’re gonna spend the summer, you’ll have some chores to take care of, so you might as well be up and at ’em. Sorry I missed you last night, but I have my shift to work and I’m just coming in from it now. Thought I’d come up and say hello. Well, aren’t you going to get up and shake hands?”

Almost white with dread, Nick eased toward the edge of the bed, fully conscious that his cock was still erect. He held the sheet in front of him as long as he could, but it was clearly up to him to come to Uncle Bob, and not the other way around. Oh, fuck! Nick thought, sliding from beneath the sheet and standing up, his prick aimed at the ceiling.

“Damn,” he said. “I wake up like this almost every morning nowadays.”

He laughed, hoping Uncle Bob would join in.

Uncle Bob just nodded.

“Yeah,” he said, “I guess you’re a big boy now, right, son? Grown some since the last time we had a family reunion.”

Nick nodded in agreement. He felt tiny facing his uncle.

“And,” Bob said, “I expect you’ve noticed that my girls have grown up too, haven’t you? You being a boy and all, you’d be bound to notice something like that. Well, son, I just want you to know that if I ever find you bringing that thing around my little girls, I’ll have no choice but to take this gun and blow your Goddamn cock right off. Do I make myself clear?”

He extended his hand, and Nick took it. His hand was dwarfed by the size of his uncle’s massive fist. Uncle Bob squeezed, and Nick felt his hard-on diminishing. It was the first time he’d ever been happy to see a hard-on go away.

“Yeah,” he said, “you’re pretty clear. But I wouldn’t ever…”

“Well, I’m going to sack in,” Bob Kendall said, releasing Nick’s hand. “If you want to start earning your board, you might try painting the chicken house. Your aunt will show you where the stuff is. It’ll make a good morning’s work for you. And remember what I told you.”

“Yes, sir,” Nick said gloomily. His uncle went out, closing the door behind him. Nick listened to the heavy footsteps descending the stairs.

“We have to be real quiet now!” Becky whispered, and Nick almost jumped out of his skin at the sound of her voice. “Daddy’s and Mom’s room is right beneath this one. You may have to stuff a rag in my mouth when I come. You know what a screamer I can be. Don’t worry, Daddy just talks about shooting boys’ cocks off! He’s never done it yet!”

“Has he ever caught a boy with his cock inside one of you girls?” Nick asked, but by then Becky was upon him.

She covered his mouth with kisses and pulled him onto his bed. He winced at the creak of the bed springs. But her hand was on his cock while her tongue was in her mouth, her tits bare and pointy-nippled against his chest, and he felt his prick getting stiff all over again. He thrust inside the warm grip of her fist, and suddenly he was as randy and hard as he’d been before.

“We gotta hurry!” he whispered to Becky. “And the bed makes too much noise!”

“Up against the wall, then, mother fucker,” Becky said. She twirled away from him, her beautiful ass a round glistening invitation to follow.

Becky pressed her luscious little tits against the wall and stuck out her ass with a come-on wiggle. Her legs were spread, and Nick stood behind her, his hands rubbing up and down across the split, blonde-haired bun of her cunt. The moistness inside her was as juicy as it had been on his tongue. His finger entered her quickly and easily.

She moaned as he finger fucked her hot wet cunt, and her body pulsated with promise. His cock thumped heavily against her ass. She reached back to take hold of it.

“Why don’t you put this where you have your finger?” she asked.

He nuzzled her cunt with the throbbing tip of his prick. She was more than wet enough to take it.

“Oh, yes, fuck me!” his cousin moaned, and Nick thrust up and in. He filled her pussy with the swollen lump of cock, and she gave a mewing cry of delight. It sounded like a shrill scream to his sensitized ears, so he clamped his hand over her mouth.

She didn’t seen to mind him holding her mouth. Her lips were moist under his fingers, and he felt her tongue come out and lick at him. Her saliva drooled onto his flesh, and her pussy juice coated his thrusting cock.

“Yes, yes!” she murmured under the pressure of his palm. “Oh, I love it when you fuck me hard, Nicky!”

He fucked her hard, ramming his cock up into the squishy hot tightness of her juicy cunt. The end of her pussy blocked his thrusts, but he kept on shoving, and she squirmed and moaned and writhed with each stab, using her pussy muscles to milk his cock. Even if her daddy made threats, it was obvious she’d had a lot of practice getting fucked. Nick didn’t feel quite so doomed as he appreciatively fucked his sweet cousin’s pussy.

She came two or three times. He could feel her pussy exploding around his cock, but he’d gotten a second wind thanks to the interruption from Uncle Bob, and he felt as if his cock might stay hard forever. He kept on fucking his prick into Becky throughout her orgasm, fucking her to another and yet another. She squirmed more and more, and she was moaning harder now, as if her cunt was growing raw from the relentless driving pressure of his hard prick.

“Ohhhhh!” she wailed, the cry seeping through his fingers. “Hurts soooo good!”

He fucked her cunt again, and again he felt the climax bubble inside her. The milking ripples of her excited pussy were sucking his cock to a frenzy, and his strokes grew shorter but harder still, just two or three inches of his rigid cock actually in motion within Becky, but each stroke smacking the end of her pussy hole. He wondered whether her womb or his balls could hold out much longer.

She began to whimper again, and the cry turned almost into a rising howl. Nick fucked her faster, loving the sound of the orgasmic noise, but knowing that it was too easy for his uncle to overhear.

He squeezed down on Becky’s mouth, cutting off her cry, and an idea struck him. He jerked his cock out of her cunt and turned her around. The blonde sank to her ass on the floor, and Nick straddled her, stuffing his pussy soaked prick into her open, moaning mouth. She gurgled and moaned around his cock, but then she started to suck, and now Nick was the one who felt like howling.

He braced his elbows against the wall and face-fucked Becky, filling her hungry mouth with stroke after hard stroke of his swollen, cum-bloated cock. She gulped and ate him down, her teeth gnawing at the very root of his prick in an effort to get more of it inside her lips.

At the last minute, he yanked free and sprayed her face with his cum. She gagged, closing her eyes against the stinging liquid, and she took his load like an angel, playing with the huge splatters of sticky spunk that coated her pretty face.

“You’re so dirty,” she said, sucking her fingers dry. “I like that in a man! Mmmmm, and you made me come so good, too, Nick! God, why didn’t we learn these fun games earlier? Remember when we just used to play softball together? Nothing soft about these balls!”

Then she squeezed his balls, the pressure causing one last bubbly squirt of juice to ooze from the tip of his prick. It dangled from the bulbous purple cock-knob, and Becky extended her tongue. The spidery trail of jism drooped lower, until it touched her tongue. She sucked it in and smiled.

“Now,” she said, sliding her fist up and down his softening, cum-sticky cock, “you better get some breakfast and take care of your chores. Betsy and I flipped a coin to see who got first crack at you this morning, and I won, but if she doesn’t get some of that cock in her pussy by noontime, she’s gonna be one mean little bitch. Eat a big breakfast, Cousin Nick — you’re gonna need all your strength!”

She picked up her discarded nightie from the floor, slipped into it, and crawled back out the window.


Nick was up the ladder, working the paintbrush, when a hand groped up between his thighs and copped a quick feel of his cock.

“Hi ya,” Betsy said, halfway up the ladder.

Nick was wearing cutoff jeans and she was playing with the hair on his legs, but her eyes were staring at the bulge of his crotch. “You got something for me, Nick?”

Nick flushed. He motioned with his head toward the upstairs window. He already knew — he’d made it his business to find out that it was his uncle’s bedroom, and Uncle Bob was still up there. The air was quiet, and Nick was in no mood to play games, not even with Betsy, if the price might be a bullet in his balls.

“Oh!” Betsy gasped. She held onto the ladder with one hand and flipped her T-shirt up with the other, flashing her tits at Nick. His mouth watered at the sight of them. His lips pursed automatically, but he shook his head.

“Daddy’s never shot anybody,” Betsy said.

She let her shirt drop into place, but she put her hand back on Nick’s cock-bulge, and it got bigger from the pressure of her fingers.

“Do you think it’s possible to suck somebody off on a ladder?” she asked, reaching for his zipper. “I’m so fuckin’ hot and bothered from listening to Becky tell me about all the naughty things you did to her this morning. Isn’t it my turn, Cousin Nicky? Don’t I get some more of that big sweet cock?”

Her hand was on his prick, rubbing, stroking. He was getting hard. She looked up, lust glowing in her pale blue eyes.

“Mmmmm. It’s getting bigger, too!” she whispered. “I bet it wants me even more than I want it!”

Again she reached for his fly. Nick knew that he couldn’t tell her no, not even if it meant landing his ass in the hospital. His cock was dribbling pre-cum into his shorts and his balls twitched lustfully.

He closed his eyes and relished the caress of her hand. Suddenly she hit him hard, and his cock wilted immediately.

“Damn bee!” Betsy said. “He almost got you, too! Oh, Daddy! How come you’re making Nicky paint this damned old chicken house anyway? These bees will sting him to death!”

“It’s okay,” Nick said throatily. “Anyway, I’m almost done. I’m a fast worker, Uncle Bob!”

Betsy giggled as she stepped down the ladder. “Real fast,” she said. And she winked up at Nick before she moved along.

It was two o’clock, and the girls were bushed, literally and figuratively. They’d done their chores, and now they were ready to play. They knew how to play together, but it was always more fun with a new face in the game.

“Oooohhh, look!” Becky cried, pointing.

Betsy was standing at the edge of the swimming hole, just starting to take off her clothes. Her twin was already in the water.

“Is it Nick?” Betsy asked.

“No, over there,” Becky said. “See? Daddy must be on his way out.”

The patrol car’s red bank of lights was visible, half a mile away, on the road that led around the far end of the valley. “Think he’s using the binoculars?” Betsy asked. “Well, I guess he’s stopped, so he must be.”

“Yeah,” Becky said, coming up out of the water, golden naked. She stretched and turned, fully conscious of how good she looked.

The car was hidden among the trees at the other end of the valley, but the girls couldn’t mistake the gleam of the sun on the red lights. Betsy peeled out of her shirt, then dropped her pants. “Do you think he knows we know he watches us?”

“I don’t even care if he knows,” Becky said. “Let’s give him a real thrill, okay, Sis? C’mere. Oooohhh, you feel so good!”

She put her arms around her sister and rubbed her wet naked body against Betsy’s dry but equally hot frame.

“I like to do this,” Betsy said. “But to know that Daddy’s watching us makes me soooo fucking hot!”

Their mouths melted together, and their tits rubbed hotly. Becky’s hands slid down her sister’s back, cupped the fine rounded swells of Betsy’s ass.

Betsy’s tongue entered Becky’s mouth. Becky’s tongue paid back the compliment. Becky got her thigh into her twin’s crotch and rubbed the smooth wet limb along the fuzz dotted crease of her sister’s cunt.

Betsy cupped her twin’s cunt, working her hand into the softness of the blonde-furred crotch and taking a handful of delicious pussy. She slipped a finger into Becky and wiggled it around, stirring up the hot teen’s pussy, feeling the throb of response in her own cunt with each fresh stroke she gave her sister. They were twins, like two halves of the same organism. Even if she hadn’t gotten to fuck Nick this morning, Betsy had lived every moment of it through her twin, and she could almost taste the gush of Nick’s cum-flavored cock, squirting cum into her own mouth as it had gushed into Becky.

Slowly, the two girls settled onto their knees, still kissing, still touching one another in all the most sensitive places. Becky was humping up and down on her twin’s finger, and her pussy was a live nest around the inserted digit, milking and quivering and sucking.

“You’re even more of a cunt than usual,” Betsy said, working her finger in and out. “Is it because Daddy’s watching?”

“It does turn me on,” Becky said, using her cunt like a hot wet mouth on her twin’s finger.

She squirmed down, swallowing it whole, and she milked it with her aroused muscles, oozing fuck juice into the hollow of Betsy’s caressing hand. She opened her mouth for more kissing, and she let the stiffened, lust-hard nipples of her ripe young tits scrape lusciously against Betsy’s equally hard tit-buds. She fondled her sister’s smooth firm ass, her fingers entering the crack, attacking her shitter and pussy from behind.

“There,” she said, sliding a finger into Betsy’s asshole. Her sister groaned and jabbed furiously with her own finger up Becky’s cunt. “You get off on that stuff, don’t you, Betsy?”

Her finger pushed in and out, dilating the tight tingly hole, and Betsy’s body throbbed a reply in vivid fashion against Becky’s.

“Suck my tits,” Becky said. “You’d do that even if Daddy wasn’t watching, you slut!”

Betsy giggled and went down on her sister’s tits, licking the nipples till they sparkled, then taking them into her mouth for hungry sucking. Becky lay back in the grass, Betsy moving with her. Becky’s knees were up, and her pussy was stuffed full of fingers. She fed her tits into Betsy’s mouth, purring and sighing like a dove as the sucking became sweeter, harder. Her cunt pissed out streams of pussy juice and the fingers squished, going in and out. Becky squirmed hotly in the grass, much warmer than the summer sun that blazed down from above.

Betsy moved her face down Becky’s body, toward the beckoning thatch of pond dampened, cuntjuice-soaked pussy hair. She inhaled the funky aroma of her sister’s hot cunt, then replaced her fingers with her tongue. Betsy angled her head down into Becky’s crotch, growing more and more excited by the smell and taste of ripe hot cunt. The fact that their father was sitting in his cruiser gripping his binoculars with one hand and stroking his hard big cock with the other hand was exciting too, of course. To think that their own father was so interested in the developing sexuality of their hot ripe young bodies was a thrill to both girls.

“How come guys don’t eat pussy as good as girls?” Becky asked.

Betsy was fucking her tongue in and out and was too busy to answer.

“Even Nick isn’t that hot at it,” Becky said, getting her hand back into her twin’s crotch. She played with the slippery wet cuntlips, the tufts of gold hair, the hard clit, and then she put her finger into Betsy’s cunt, stabbing deep and hard. “I bet Daddy would be a real hound for my pussy!”

“I bet he’d like to,” Betsy said with a giggle. “Now how about you give me a little, too, bitch?”

Becky pulled her twin atop her. She glanced past Betsy’s ass, sighting the red lights of the cruiser parked in the distant patch of woods. I hope you’re enjoying this, Daddy! she thought, settling her sister’s cunt down onto her face.

She slid her tongue into the lightly furred groove, delving into the pussy for a taste of fuck juice. Betsy’s flesh was warm and vibrant. Becky licked the sweat off her sister’s cunt and ate the drippings from within. Betsy’s head bobbed down in Becky’s crotch, feeding with an equal hunger.

Becky was aware almost constantly of her father’s eyes upon her, of the curiosity, the arousal that must be burning inside him. But he’d never laid a finger on them. She found that odd. His interest had created a burning curiosity inside Becky as well, and she often found herself wondering what kind of cock her father had, and how it would feel shoved into her tight wet pussy hole. He was such a big man. Did he also have a big prick? Maybe she should do some spying and find out.

Her tongue slithered up and down Betsy’s pussy crack. Her twin’s cunt was getting tastier and tastier with the continued licking. She kissed Betsy’s cunt, then pulled it with her lips, sucking until the quivery button trembled and a fresh gush of fuck juice poured from Betsy’s cunt onto Becky’s face.

She squeezed her twin’s asscheeks, her fingers digging into tit round globes. Becky spread her sister’s asscheeks, exposing the tight tenderness of her twin sisters asshole. She had always found asshole stuff a little kinky and disgusting, but Betsy loved to have hers played with, and she gave a much better blowjob when her own needs were attended to. Becky lifted her head and applied her tongue to the tingly ring of Betsy’s slitter, licking it.

She pulled harder, until the hole opened up and then she pushed the tip of her tongue into it. Her tongue fucked deeper, and Betsy let out a quivering sigh.

Then she put her finger into it while her tongue went back to the pussy crack. Betsy squirmed a bit wildly, but she didn’t let up on her oral attention to her twin’s cunt. She had the cuntlips spread and was sloshing her tongue through the cunt crack, returning again and again to the hard button of Becky’s clit.

“Oooohhh, fuck my hot little asshole!” Becky gasped excitedly, thrusting her hips back to swallow her sister’s probing finger. She wiggled her butt, making her muscles clench and quiver around Becky’s digit. “I bet Daddy’s cock is as hard as my cunt!”

Panting like an overheated dog, Becky thrust her finger into her sister’s gulping asshole. Her teeth gnawed at Betsy’s cunt until it spilled juice like a river into her mouth, and her own pussy was creaming just as feverishly. She felt Betsy come, tasted the spurting frenzy as her tongue pierced her twin’s cunt, and she shoved her finger all the way home and kept it there, wiggling the tip deep inside Betsy’s shitter. An orgasm raced through her own pussy, and she humped her joy into Betsy’s face, moaning responsively as her twin’s tongue licked her raw.

“Now!” she moaned. “Now let’s do it the way I like!”

The twins broke apart, but only for a moment.

Moving like athletes, they eased into the position Becky was anticipating. Each holding the other’s hands, the girls brought their cunts together, their legs entwined. Wet cunt kissed wet cunt, and their cunts throbbed in horny unison.

“Oh, fuck me, Betsy!” Becky groaned as she began to hump her sister’s pussy with her own.

It can’t really fucking — there was no hard cock slamming into either hot tight young cunt — but the rhythm was there, and the excite ment of body bumping body. Jolts of energy shot through each pussy, and Becky could feel the touch of her sister’s hard clit. Pussy juice drooled from one tight blonde-furred cunt into the other as the cunts bumped again and again.

Becky felt the onset of another climax, and she sighed. Her heart gave a jolt — and somehow she knew that at this very moment, their daddy, half a mile away in his cruiser, was climaxing too.

Betsy came explosively.

“Oh, fuck, yessss!” Becky moaned, pumping her pussy one last time against her twin.

Nick missed the girls sex session by about ten minutes. In fact, he hadn’t planned to be there at all, but after he finished painting, Aunt Jenny had asked him to take a jug of water and sandwiches up to the twins. “They’re supposed to be hoeing corn in the field at the top of the ridge,” she’d said. “But I expect you’ll find them at the pond just below. If they’re skinny dipping, you just cover your eyes till they get dressed, right, Nick?”

She gave him a wink that almost floored him. Nick blushed and got the hell on his way.

He really wanted to stay and talk to his aunt, but it seemed too early. What he needed to do was make himself more at home first, get them all a little better adjusted to his presence. Then he could do what his dad had sent him here to do.

Nick followed a well-trodden path up the ridge, through the edge of the cornfield and down into the hollow beyond. He saw the glint of sun on water, and beyond it, stretched naked in the grass, were his cousins. He still felt a little strange about fucking them, and the memory of Uncle Bob’s threat burned in his brain, but the sight of the twins glowing in the sunlight made his cock stand up inside his cut-offs, and by the time he’d circled the pond and reached them, his prick was totally erect, his balls so full of cum they hurt.

“Oh!” Betsy gasped. “So you finally showed up, huh, Nicky? Well, gee — you were so long getting here that we’ve both just gotten completely out of the mood! I guess maybe if you wanted to try and turn us on a little, we might get something going, but, wow, I’m so tired it probably won’t even work!”

“Are you serious?” Nick asked, his jaw dropping.

Betsy giggled and sat up. She cupped her tits and offered them to him. “Of course I’m not serious! Get that prick inside me and fuck my brains out!”

Becky giggled.

“Fucking her brains out will take you about ten seconds,” she told her cousin reaching up to fondle the bold protruding shape of his cock. “Then it’s gonna be my turn!”

Nick lay back in the grass as Becky’s hot wet cunt slammed down on his face. He speared his tongue into her ripe juicy cunt, using his hands to open her wide. He blinked, and the flick of his eyelash sent a spasm of delight throbbing through his cousin’s clit. He added some tongue, and she squealed into yet another climax.

Betsy was giving him a blowjob he’d remember the rest of his life. His cock was swollen like a log inside Betsy’s hot mouth, pulsating majestically against her lapping tongue, struggling to push its way into the hot tightness of her throat.

Becky face-fucked him, smearing her wet cunt all over his mouth and nostrils. He wondered if he’d ever get the pussy smell out of his nose. God, he hoped not! His hands dug into her ass and he fucked her with his tongue, bringing a little creamy come-spasm front her rippling pussy.

“Oooooohhhhh, eat me out, Nicky!” she moaned, slamming cunt downward. “Make me come all over your nasty tongue!”

His cock began to squirt in Betsy’s mouth. It was a sudden, uncontrollable response, and he felt the girl’s mouth expand to make room for the blistering blasts of jizz he fired into her. He could hear her gulping as well, and he thrust hard, his cock stabbing straight into Betsy’s throat.

She wasn’t expecting it, and she gagged, spewing her mouthful of cum back down his cock shaft.

“Oh, God!” she panted. “You almost fuckin’ killed me!”

Becky got off his face, rubbing her cunt. Nick sat up slowly, looking down as Betsy licked up the spilled cum from his still-rigid cock. She mouthed his prick, then she rose quickly, reversed herself, and started down toward him. As she descended, she held her asscheeks open, exposing both her cunt and her skitter to his eyes and cock.

“Her asshole,” Becky said, hugging Nick. “She wants you to put it in her asshole but she’s afraid you’ll think she’s a slut if she asks for it. She is a slut, but go ahead, Nicky — fuck my sister’s asshole anyway!”

“Please!” Betsy moaned, looking over her shoulder. She was blushing shyly, but there was no mistaking the plea in her voice.

Nick had never fucked an asshole before, except for the fingers he’d had in his twin cousins shit holes, but despite the tremendous load he’d squirted into Betsy’s mouth, his cock was still rigid with lust.

His cock was wet and slimy. Betsy’s shitter was small and pink and tight, but Becky had no trouble opening it with a finger, and Nick’s cock got bigger and bigger as he watched Becky stir her finger around in her sister’s slitter.

“See?” she said. “Easy as pie. Let me spread it just a little bit more, then she’s all yours.”

“Ohhhhh!” Betsy moaned as the finger reamed her, but Nick could see her asshole dilating a little more with each stroke of Becky’s digit and he felt his heart pounding with anticipation.

“Now, fuck her,” Becky said, removing her finger. The hole remained dilated, but each vibration of Betsy’s aroused body seemed to make the hole narrow. “Do it to her! Stick your big hard cock in my sister’s asshole!”

Nick put his arm around Betsy’s waist and guided his prick-knob to the hole he’d watched Becky open up for him. His cockhead was purple and swollen. As it touched his cousin’s shitter, he told himself there was no way he could get inside her.

But the touch of his cock to Becky’s tiny asshole seemed to transform his young blonde cousin and he felt his cock sinking into the steadily enlarging mouth of hot tight flesh. She screamed as he fucked into her, but he didn’t stop pushing downward, and his cock rammed up her tight shit-chute, filling the young girl with Nick’s swollen prick.

“Oh, God, Nicky, don’t take it out till you’ve made me come! Fuck my asshole hard! Make me see God!”

Becky had a finger in her own asshole as she squatted down near Nick and Betsy. She rose, kissing her sister’s mouth, then her tits, then licking her way down into the blonde-furred patch of pussy that was almost identical to her own. She peeled back the cuntlips and sucked her sister’s cunt while Betsy rose and fell in short slides of Nick’s throbbing cock.

Becky nibbled at Nick’s balls, too, her tongue and teeth descending to play with them while his cock fucked in and out of Betsy’s ass. She licked the root of his cock, tasting her sister’s asshole flavors on it, but she’d already sucked them from the source, not twenty minutes ago. Still, the taste of cock merged in made it a lot more fulfilling and exciting.

She moved back up to Betsy’s pussy. This time she sucked as if she meant it, and within moments she felt the telltale quiverings deep inside her twin’s fuckhole. She licked toward those yearning sensations with her hungry tongue, sucking the juice straight out of Betsy’s pulsating cunt. As her tongue played within the tight tunnel, she could feel the hammering beat of Nick’s cock on the other side of the narrow strip of flesh separating the two holes. She squeezed Nick’s balls, still lapping into her sister’s cunt, and she felt their cousin’s prick thrust harder and harder into Betsy’s ass. Her own assfucking finger she transferred to her pussy, because that was where she needed some stimulation.

Betsy almost exploded straight up into the air when her orgasm hit. Her asshole snapped shut around Nick’s cock, and the trembling boy could only strain and shiver beneath his orgasmic cousin. Her ass muscles squeezed him like a vise, but she was so fucking tight he couldn’t even move his cock.

“Jesus fucking shit!” Nick gasped suddenly. He scrunched up his face in a look of pure agony, and he howled with each squirt of jizz pouring into his cousin’s shitter.

His cock wilted inside her and slipped out, and there followed immediately an oozing drippage of jizz from Betsy’s asshole. The girl was squirming and moaning atop him, hardly aware that he’d finished.

Becky saw the jizz oozing out of her sister’s shitter and her taste buds went crazy. She slid her tongue down to capture the spillage, licking up inside Betsy to get more.

“That was fantastic,” Nick said a little later, sharing one of the sandwiches he’d brought up to the girls.

“It may have been the most incredible fuck of my life,” Betsy said. “But I think we’re turning Becky into a dirty girl. Did you see how she sucked your cum out of my asshole? Oooohhh, that’s soooo nasty!”

“Yeah!” Becky giggled. “And this is only the second day of Nick’s visit! I wonder how dirty we’ll all be after he’s been here a week? God, Nick, the things you can learn living in the city! And you’ve gotta teach us soooo much more — teach us everything you know!”

Who the hell is teaching who? Nick wondered.

But then Becky took hold of his cock and started to play with it, trying to make it hard again.


Nick didn’t get a lot of rest that night. Though he went to bed at an early hour — just after nine — he found himself awakened at intervals by the girls, each in turn. First Becky crawled up over the porch roof and invaded his bed for a wild, hot sixty-nine and fuck, and then it was Betsy, a couple of hours later, with her asshole already Vaselined and a big grin on her face. The sound of Uncle Bob’s cruiser pulling up in front of the house at a little past one was the sweetest sound Nick could imagine. He sent Betsy packing and snuggled into his bed for a few hours sleep.

No one sucked him awake in the morning, which was a surprise, and when he opened his eyes and checked his watch, he was surprised to find that it was ten. Nick hustled out of bed and into his clothes and went downstairs. He was supposed to pitch hay in the barn, and he’d be at it till well after dark, considering the time he’d already lost.

He found some coffee on the stove and quick fried a few eggs, then headed for the barn. Uncle Bob’s car was gone, and there was no sign of the girls or the pickup they usually drove. Until he entered the barn, he didn’t even know where his Aunt Jenny might be.

She was in a corner of the barn, milking one of the cows.

“Hi, Nick,” she said, looking up.

His aunt was a good-looking woman, he was well aware, but she looked especially nice this morning. She was wearing a bit of makeup, and her hair was fluffed. She was wearing tight jeans that stretched around the curves of her ass, and a thin top that emphasized the fullness of her tits. One of her daughters had inherited her mom’s ass, Nick decided, and the other had gotten her tits, but Aunt Jenny had it all.

Her hand worked on the cow’s udder, stroking the teat, making it squirt milk into the pail.

Nick came closer. He’d never seen anyone milk a cow before, at least not since he had grown big enough to notice.

“Are you enjoying your visit?” Aunt Jenny asked. “It must be a lot more fun than staying at home and listening to all the bitching about your dad’s new divorce, right?”

Nick nodded. He wished she had not mentioned the divorce.

He watched her hand, the way it squeezed the long tit, the way her fingers slid up and down. And then the rhythmic squid of milk splashing into the bucket. More than anything else, it reminded Nick of jerking off. He’d had a lot of practice at that, before losing his cherry to his hot twin cousins, and the action of Aunt Jenny’s fist was almost hauntingly like some of his wistful hand jobs. He’d gotten pretty good at whacking off, but he could have picked up a couple of new ideas just from watching his aunt milk the cow. And the end result was much the same — a gushing squirt of white creamy liquid from the hand-fondled organ.

“You wanna try?” she asked.

Blushing a little, he knelt beside her. She guided his hand onto the cow’s teat, and he squeezed.

“Pull while you’re squeezing,” Aunt Jenny said. “It’s a lot like playing with your prick. I’m sure you’ve done that a time or two, haven’t you, Nick?”

His face went scarlet, but his hand yanked on the udder, and the teat squirted milk.

“Once or twice,” he said, looking away from her.

“So,” she said, “I guess you and the girls are getting along okay. They’re not here right now. I sent them out to get some tomato plants. And Bob had to go out early. Just you and me left to run the farm for now, Nick. I wonder if we can handle it?”

She touched his hand where it cuddled the cow’s teat. Her fingers fitted over his, and she began to guide him. Her hand was warm. Together they made the udder give up its milk. The teats went dry, but Aunt Jenny continued to hold his hand. Her shoulder brushed his, and then he felt the pressure of her tits against his side. He could feel her pointy nipples, and he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her tits moved inside the shirt, and he felt the motion. It vibrated straight down to his cock. Nick moved his legs together, trying to hide the sudden hardness between them.

“I heard you last night!” she whispered into his ear. “Before Bob came home! Did you have both my girls up in your room? Oh, don’t look so shocked! My bedroom is right beneath yours, remember? You can hear a lot in that old house, if you know what to listen for. And I know what it sounds like when some one’s getting fucked.”

Nick turned, letting go of the cow’s udder, and Jenny took his face in her hands. She stared into his eyes, then leaned in to kiss him. Her mouth was wet, hot and as sweet as milk. He gasped as she fucked her tongue into his mouth, as she licked his lips and shared her drool with him, as her jiggling tits pressed his chest.

She came off the milking stool, onto him, forcing Nick down on his back on the hay strewn barn floor. He opened his legs automatically as she mounted him, and she moved into the spread, pushing her crotch against his. Her crotch rubbed insistently, feeling the bony response of his hardened cock.

“Oh, that feels so Goddamn good!” she whispered.

She’d taken the words right out of her nephew’s mouth. His prick was stiff and throbbing inside his pants, and he could feel the heat from her crotch too. She was on him like a woman who was ready to fuck, and after his experiences with her two daughters, Nick Owens was damn sure he knew the signs.

“Aunt Jenny!” he said, more than a little shocked.

But his hands were down low on her ass, and he was feeling her ass through the tight-stretched denim of her jeans, and it seemed to set his fingers afire. She kissed him again, with lots of tongue, and he didn’t resist.

She was puffing up her shirt as she lay on top of him, and now her full, hard-nippled tits were lying flush upon his chest. She lifted up slightly and ripped his shirt open, then eased down, brushing him with her tits.

“Touch them,” she said.

He gabbed two handfuls. It was like holding two fat loaves of bread fresh from the oven.

Jenny moved forward slightly, her tits raising into his face. She didn’t have to ask him to suck on her tits. Nick could figure out a few things for himself.

He took one tit into his mouth and gulped at it, feeling the nipple fat and ripe against his tongue. He couldn’t remember ever having been breast-fed as a baby, and he was sorry now. He sucked as if he meant to make up for the deprivation.

Aunt Jenny was opening his pants, her hand going straight inside. She had no trouble at all finding his cock. It was almost as big as the barn.

“You’re getting to be a big boy, Nick,” she said with a smile, struggling to get his prick out into the open.

Her spit-frothed tits wiggled out of his grasp and she moved herself back down his body, straight for the upright exposed meat of her nephew’s prick. Jenny looked up at Nick, her eyes beaming, and then she lowered her face aver his cock, nicking it down her throat.

Nick grabbed at his aunt’s head, doing his sudden best to fuck her face.

Her saliva ran down the shaft of his prick as he thrust up and in, and she made gurgling sounds around his cock that sent shivers of ecstasy straight to his balls. She sucked all the way down to the zipper.

Nick unhooked his pants and eased them out of the way, while Jenny’s mouth continued to suck hungrily at his cock.

She came up for air, wiping her wet mouth with the back of her hand. Her shirt was pulled up to bare her tits, and she rose above Nick, majestic in her half-exposure.

“I figured if the girls were going to get some of this, there ought to be a little left for me, too,” she said, unhooking her jeans and pushing them down over her full, lush hips. “And I think I need it more than they do, Nick!”

The pants were tight, and getting them down was a chore. Nick watched enraptured as she struggled, his heart almost stopping as the full, fluffy golden vee of her pussy bush came into sight at last. Light shone through the cracks in the barn wall, and a beam played upon the droplets of moisture that clung to Jenny’s pussy hair, leaking from her full-lipped cunt. She stepped out of her pants, then straddled her nephew, allowing him a look up into her cunt.

Her cunt mound was fat, framed by her firm full thighs. From this angle, Nick could see almost every detail. Her cunt slit was long and deep, the edges protruding like puckered lips. He could even see the shimmer of pink flesh within her cunt.

Nick sat up, holding his aunt’s thighs.

“You’re getting the idea,” she said as he moved his face straight into her cunt.

His lips and nose brushed aside the golden curls and his tongue licked along the puffy cuntal crease. She tasted great already, the fuck juice oozing from her cunt’s interior, and Nick opened her with his tongue, licking his way up into Aunt Jenny’s hot, horny pussy.

She fucked his face with her cunt, reaching down to spread her cuntlips a little more. His tongue wormed into the slick wet tunnel, and it got wetter with each slurp.

He found her clit, too. She had a clit the size of Nick’s pinky tip, and it seemed to get bigger the more he licked it. He licked it a lot.

“You dirty boy!” she panted, wrapping her thighs around his face and fucking his mouth with her wet pussy. “You dirty-dirty boy!” She didn’t sound pissed-off. And she didn’t exactly taste that way, either.

Nick’s cock was standing up, harder and longer, maybe, than it had ever been. There was a funky ripeness about his aunt’s pussy that showed him what was missing in the hot cunts of Betsy and Becky. The smell was a little stronger, but it got into his nostrils and drove him crazy with lust. She had a tangy cunt, and he couldn’t get enough of it. As he continued to eat her while she stood astride his face, he was lifting his ass from the floor, pumping his rock-hard cock up into the air, and feeling almost as gratified as if it was buried in a tight hot tunnel of cunt.

“Is this what you’re doing to my little girls?” Aunt Jenny whispered, running her fingers through Nick’s hair. “Licking them with that hot tongue, sucking their pink little nipples and sliding that big hard cock into their tight tender pussies? I bet they keep coming back for more, don’t they, Nick? I bet they’re on you like stink on shit, begging you for another taste of that prick. Mmmmm, I’ve had it in my mouth, and I know it tastes good! But do you know where I need that cock of yours, Nick? Mmmmm, yeah, baby, right in the same place you’ve been sticking my pretty little blonde twins!”

She slipped her legs from around his face and rubbed her cunt. Her fingers dwelled on her big hard clit and he saw her face twist in a mixture of pain and raging lust. She took a step back, and Nick hauled down his pants, coming to his feet with his prick standing up tall and hard.

“I was born in the house over there,” Aunt Jenny said, pointing out the barn door. “I’ve lived on this farm all my life. Do you know that I lost my cherry up in the hayloft? Right up there? Do you have any idea who popped it for me, Nicky? Not even a clue?”

She took hold of his hard horny cock and slid her fist along the throbbing shaft.

“Do you wonder why I’m not shocked that you’re fucking my girls, then? You missed something, not growing up on a farm. Things are different here, more natural. Not like in the city. You learn about fucking by watching the animals, and it just seems natural to try it out once you’re big enough. My brother busted me in the hayloft, Nick. Mmmmm-hmmm, the only brother I ever had. And now I think his son is going to lay me down in the hay and fuck me till my pussy bleeds! Come on, Nick! Let’s do it!”

Even as he slid his cock into his aunt’s hot wet cunt, he could hardly believe what she’d told him. His dad? Her brother? Oh, shit! But his cock sank into the wetness of her hot hole, her legs folded around him, and Nick began to fuck his aunt with a drive and a passion not to be denied.

“Yes, oh, fuck me hard!” Aunt Jenny gasped, wiggling beneath him so that her cunt clenched in an unpredictable rhythm around his cock. She wasn’t nearly as tight as the twins, but she was afire inside, and the gyrations of her body made her pussy suck in almost violently around his prick. When he hit bottom in her pussy, he was straining to cover the distance, and her cunt was mouthing him the way Becky liked to suck prick.

Jenny rolled him over, not missing a stroke, and she rode him from above. Her cunt lifted and fell in tumultuous motions on his cock, and her tits shook in his face like angry fists. He filled his hands with her tits and buried his face between them, sucking each red-tipped nipple in turn, and he let her direct and control the pace of their fucking.

His cock squirted inside her, suddenly, without warning, and she moaned. “Oh, yes, Nick, I can feel your cum blasting! Shoot me full, baby! But don’t get soft!”

He knew he’d spurted a quart of jizz into her. It ran back down out of her cunt as she rode him, and the sticky stuff began to clot in the hair at the base of his cock. But she kept on fucking, squeezing her pussy in that magical, wicked, knowing way, and his cock throbbed and ached and stayed as hard as a rock. The cum he’d fired into Aunt Jenny greased her wet cunt even more, and he felt himself slipping deeper into her pussy. Her cunt ground down hard against his balls as she soaked the hardness into herself, and his fingers flexed responsively on her bouncing tits.

She fed the nipples back into his mouth, strangling him with her sweaty-titted fullness. He sucked and chewed till the nipples were an inch long and she had to moan and whimper each time his teeth closed on them again, but she didn’t take them away from him, and she didn’t let up a single fucking stroke as she rode his hard cock.

“I want to suck you now!” she panted, lifting herself off his cock and squirming around. Her naked body was glazed with sweat. She thrust her cunt down upon his face without a qualm and fed his cock straight into her throat, gulping it down to the balls.

The hair of her cunt was matted with sweat and pussy juice and leaked-out jizz. Nick felt a little weird, eating his own cum out of Aunt Jenny’s cunt. He thought of it as salad dressing, and he fucked his tongue up into Jenny’s hot juicy cunt, massaging the fleshy globes of her ass as he rammed his face into her crotch again and again.

He chewed on her pussy lips till she whined around his cock. He got a finger inside her, and it felt so good he added a couple more. He sucked her clit while he fucked his fingers in and out of her fantastic pussy. She got sloppy inside, but she never got slack. His fingers skidded on her cum-glazed cuntflesh.

He licked through her pussy crack, moving his tongue to her asshole, and Jenny screamed, feeling the touch of his tongue poking into her shitter, so he kept on licking.

Nick’s fingers were greasy from his aunt’s cunt juices, and his cock was in heaven. He bit the insides of her asscheeks, watching the teeth marks come up on the flesh, and she responded by chewing a little on his cock. It only made him stiffer, and she stuffed his prick straight back down her throat, wiping it with her tongue as it moved into paradise.

Nick pawed the small button of her asshole. He stroked her shitter with his cunt-slimed fingers, making her full, fleshy body quiver and writhe atop his. He was smothered in her hot flesh and it was delicious. But he wanted to smother something else.

“You ever try this with Dad, Aunt Jen?” he asked slyly, and he began to fuck the tip of his middle finger into his aunt’s asshole.

“Once or twice,” she said in a muffled voice around his cock. “That don’t mean I’ve had my fill of it, though!”

He fingered her hard, thrusting into the tightness and breaking down her resistance with a wrist-flip and a breathtaking plunge of his finger. She arched her back and lifted her ass, then pushed it back against the base of his hand, her asshole quivery and alive around his inserted finger. Her mouth seemed to go crazy on his cock. Nick’s head jerked back, and he moaned in gut-stirred pleasure, then put another finger into Aunt Jen’s ass.

He fucked into her, opening her asshole, and as he twisted his fingers, her shitter stretched wide enough for him to add a third finger. He bunched them, and he fucked his way in and out, dilating her asshole with each stroke. On his third or fourth down stroke, he added another finger.

Aunt Jen had stopped sucking now. He wiggled his cock at her. She grabbed it with both hands and rubbed it all over her face.

“Oh, you’re filthy,” she said. “You’re just like your father was when he was your age!”

Madness seemed to take hold of him. He slipped his thumb into the hollow of his hand and pushed harder. The ring of her asshole spread against his knuckles. Jenny was moaning like a bitch, and Nick wasn’t even sure what he was doing, or why. He only knew that he had to do it!

His fist tightened, then thrust straight up Aunt Jen’s asshole. He couldn’t go very deep inside her, for fear of ripping her open, but now that his fist was inside her, he straightened out the fingers and tickled the interior of her shithole.

She convulsed atop him.

“You fucker!” she wailed. “You nasty fucker!”

Her teeth gnawed at his cock. The way she was chewing, he was almost glad she didn’t have his prick in her mouth. She might bite it in two.

“Oh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeee!”

Nick’s hand kept on probing the interior of her ass. The excitement as he continued to fist fuck her sent shudders through his cock, nestled as it was against Jen’s slobbering mouth. Her hand was tight around his balls and she slurped thirstily, sobbing and growling like a bitch in heat.

His knuckles wiggled against the ring of her shithole. He strained, shoved, and another inch of his hand went inside his aunt.

Jenny screamed. She bit at his cock, licked it, and jerked it with her fist, the tip frictioning constantly against her sweat-soaked face. He could feel an orgasm passing up and dawn her body as she pinned him to the bed of hay on which they fucked. A couple of fans seeped out around his inserted fist. The smell made him that much hornier. He worked his fingers in and out, not reaching the depth of penetration that had suddenly been his a moment ago, but the slithering pressure as his hand moved was more than enough to keep Jenny locked in the grip of a come so wild it scared Nick.

Her cunt got wetter, and he tasted her fuck juices. A moment later she was pissing all over him, her body totally out of control. Nick angled his mouth away from the flow and let it drain onto his neck and chest.

He thrust his fingers, deep, hard, insistently. Aunt Jen screamed, her bladder still draining. Her hand shivered around Nick’s cock.

The eruptive force of Nick’s orgasm splattered her face with hot cock cream. She sprayed herself, moaning and giggling, and she pushed the tip of his cock between her lips to let the last few squirts shoot across her tongue and down her throat. As Nick’s cock wilted in her fist, Jen’s body went slack, and they collapsed into the hay.

“If that’s what you’re doing to my girls…” Nick shook his head, still stunned by what he had just shared with Aunt Jenny.

“No, honest,” he said.

Jenny laughed. “I was just gonna say, it’s too good for the little sluts! God, they grow up fast in the big city! You did a couple of things that no one has ever done to me, Nicky. I’m gonna have to lure you up into the hayloft again, and really soon!”

She sat up, stretching, her tits golden in the sunlight filtering through the slats in the barn wall.

“I haven’t been fucked like that in a long time,” Jenny said, putting her hand on Nick’s shoulder. “My life isn’t exactly what I’d always hoped it would be. I don’t think Bob cares that much about me any more.”

Nick flushed. Even though he’d just fist fucked his aunt’s asshole, he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear about her domestic problems.

“Oh, I’m sure he does,” he said, anxious to change the subject.

Jen shook her head. “I’ve seen it coming for a good while. All he thinks about are the twins. He’s looking at them all the time, the way he used to look at me. He won’t let them go out with boys or do much of anything that takes them away from the house unless he’s there to keep an eye on them. Bob just can’t stand the thought of anyone else doing to his daughters what he’d like to do to them himself.”

Nick’s eyes popped. Holy fucking shit! he thought.

“And when he does fuck me,” Jen said, “about the only thing he doesn’t do is call me by the twins’ names. He looks into my eyes, but it’s their tight little pink pussies he’s feeling around his cock. God, maybe we oughta move away from here, go off to the city, maybe, and start all over again.”

Nick took a deep breath.

“Well,” he said, “that is sorta the reason I’m here, Aunt Jen.”

He knew if he didn’t blurt it out now, he’d never be able to do it.

“It’s Cloris,” he said. “She’s going to take a big chunk out of dad’s ass in the divorce settlement, and he’s in a cash-flow crisis. She’s gonna get at least fifty percent of everything he owns. Maybe more. You think I’m down here because Dad didn’t want me getting disturbed at home by all the divorce stuff. The real reason is the farm. Half of it belongs to Dad, and he wants to know how you’d feel about him selling his half.”

“This land has been in the family a long time,” Jen said in a tight voice. “Four hundred acres. He can’t sell out!”

“He figures his half is worth at least a hundred and fifty thousand,” Nick said. “That would get Cloris off his back without dipping into Owens Enterprises.” He cleared his throat. “He thought maybe you’d like to buy out his share.”

“We don’t have that kind of money,” Jen said. “He knows that! He’ll sell it to a stranger to pay off that bitch he married!”

She stood up. “I wish you’d told me about this before you fucked me, Nick. And I think maybe you ought to be packing for the trip back to Cleveland!”

She gathered up her clothes.

Oh, God, Nick thought, I’ve really fucked it all up now!


“But I don’t understand,” Betsy said, looking up from Nick’s prick. “How come you’re leaving so soon? You just got here! And we were having so much fun!”

“It’s a long story,” Nick said. He didn’t want to go into the details. What good would that do?

Becky slipped her other tit into his mouth and he licked at the nipple before closing his lips around it for some hard sucking. She took his arm and guided it between her bare legs, then started to rub her cunt back and forth along the bony limb. He could feel the heat of her cunt as his flesh frictioned it, and he could feel the pussy juice leaking out of her cunt as it slid back and forth. In Betsy’s mouth, his prick was as hard as a rock, and she was gobbling it down into her throat.

Becky pulled her slobber-coated tit loose and clamped her cunt down on his arm. She rocked, masturbating herself vigorously. They had the house to themselves right now. The girls had arrived home with the tomato plants they’d been sent for, and Jenny was in the field setting them out. She’d told the girls to say goodbye to Nick because he’d be on the bus out of Rocksburg in the evening.

Jesus, Becky thought, shivering a little despite the heat build-up that centered in her pussy and enlivened her entire body, it’s almost as if she knows what we’ve been doing! The curiosity raged inside her, but no one was talking much.

So now they were in the twins own bedroom, right on Betsy’s pink-covered bed. It was a little tight for three bodies, but that only made it more fun.

Becky squeezed her cousin’s arm and juiced his flesh with the leakage from her cunt, and she leaned down to kiss him wetly on the mouth.

Betsy raised her face from Nick’s cock, and Becky eased on down to take it into her mouth. She licked her sister’s drool off the hard hot cockshaft, then sucked it in, sliding it shallowly in and out of her mouth with a provocative rhythm.

“Don’t be a pig,” Betsy said, but she’d monopolized Nick’s prick since things had gotten started. The least she could do was share.

Betsy bent down to suck on Nick’s balls, then moved her tongue up his cockshaft until it met Becky’s mouth coming down the length of their cousin’s long prick. The girls shared a kiss, and Becky lifted her head so that Betsy could get a few of her own licks in, devoted to Nick’s swollen prick-knob. Their tongues worked on him simultaneously, stroking the hard edges of his cockhead, one tongue slithering through his piss-slit while the other tickled the tingly area just below. They kissed with his cock framed between their mouths, and he thrust happily into their meshed lips.

Betsy giggled. “I think I’d like to receive a little, you know?”

She squatted on Nick’s face, offering him no choice about eating her pussy. As her cunt descended onto his mouth and opened to receive the worship of his tongue, Becky’s mouth was thrusting down over Nick’s cock, sucking it with great passion.

Betsy fucked his face with her pussy, washed him with her cunt juices. He licked her, making her cunt leak more and more funky ooze. His hands were on her ass, and she wiggled a little, pushing her pussy forward so he could get his tongue up to her shitter.

“Maybe you can fuck me in the asshole again, Cousin Nick,” she said in a breathless voice. “Maybe we can even talk Becky into giving it a try.”

“Fat chance,” Becky said between slurps at his cock. “My pussy hasn’t begun to get its fill!”

Betsy reversed herself on Nick’s face, presenting her asshole for his complete attention. That was fine. She liked being eaten out there almost as much as he enjoyed the kinky thrill of sticking his tongue into her shitter.

As he rimmed her hot little shitter, he worked his fingers into her pussy. Her tight cuntlips spread slowly as he thrust into their pink wetness, and he began to spear her more vigorously, adding extra fingers. By the time he had four fingers inside her, a sudden flash of what he’d done to Aunt Jen in the barn came into Nick’s mind, and he found himself wondering if he could stage a replay with his cousins.

But Betsy’s asshole was so tight and tiny he was sure he could never get more than a couple of fingers up her. On the other hand, there was an interesting flexibility to Betsy’s cunt, which seemed to expand easily with each thrust of his fingers.

“Holy fucking Jesus!” Betsy yelped as he thrust his fingers up her cunt, all the way to the knuckles. She lurched upward, her cunt and ass hovering above him, too far to reach with his tongue but very much within the range of his hand. He jabbed her again, folding his thumb into the hollow of his palm, and twisted his hand around and around, fighting with her pussy’s heated tightness.

“What are you doing to her?” Becky asked, sitting up and staring.

Her heart beat wildly. She put her hand on her own pussy, spreading her cuntlips.

Nick shoved harder.

“You’re always wanting more,” he said in a squeaky voice. “Baby, this is more!”

Betsy crawled forward until she bumped the headboard of the bed. She grabbed hold of it, and Nick continued to poke his hand up her pussy. Her cunt muscles seemed to pop before his attack, and suddenly he was inside her, and the hot steam of her cunt enfolded his fucking fist. He was almost afraid to continue, but as he hesitated, he heard his cousin begin to whine and moan for more, and lust drove him mad.

In and out his hand moved, swallowed to the wrist inside her remarkably elastic cunt. He found that he could pull his hand almost completely out of her and stuff it back inside before her pussy had time to snap closed in self defense. She was so tight it felt as if her cunt was rubbing the skin off his hand, but pussy juice drooled like piss from her fuck hole, and each gurgling whimper from her lips seemed to send a matching squish of girl-cum from her pussy.

“You’re ripping her apart!” Becky shrieked, grabbing at Nick’s arm. “You mother fucker! Oh, Christ, I think she fucking likes it!”

Betsy’s head jerked back and forth.

“You bastard,” she said. “Oh, fuck me, you nasty-nasty bastard!”

Becky crawled close, staring at the hand moving in and out of her twin’s creaming cunt.

“Is this even possible?” she asked in disbelief. Betsy’s hands dug into the wood of the headboard, and the entire bed vibrated from her fuck-maddened responses to Nick’s fist. Nick was panting like a dog, with streams of saliva running down his chin.

Becky was on her back beside him, her knees up, her pretty pink pussy shining wetly. Nick put his other hand on Becky’s cunt and spread her pussy lips until her fuck hole winked at him.

“I think I’ll do it to you, too,” he said, thrusting a finger into her cunt.

She moaned at his intrusion, but her pussy slobbered its welcome, and he moved his finger rhythmically in and out until her cunt was loose and ready. He added an extra finger, using it to ream her a little more, then pushing both inserted fingers deep.

Becky’s clit was erect, a pink button of lust, and he thumbed it as he continued to finger fuck her pussy.

“Yes, Goddamn you, yes!” she moaned, spreading her legs wide for his caresses.

With her other hand, she grabbed his hard cock, squeezing it viciously.

“Make me cum or I’ll break this fucker in two!” she gasped in a husky voice. And then her hand fell into a gentle stroking action that sent spasms of excitement through Nick.

Betsy moaned. The hand inside her had found its rhythm, and her cunt had expanded to make room for it. Nick pushed deeper, as if he meant to tickle her ovaries, and she closed her eyes. Sweat oozed from her pores, but it turned to scalding steam as it bubbled onto the overheated surface of her body. She rocked up and down, back and forth, her cunt doing as much to swallow Nick’s fist as he did to thrust it in and out.

He used the same slow but steady process on Becky that he’d used on her sister. He got her cunt adjusted to the presence of two reaming fingers, then added a third, then a fourth. She seemed to open a little faster than her twin, but maybe it was because she was totally ready to feel it. He curled his thumb and pushed his knuckles into his cousin’s steamy cunt.

“Oh God!” Becky gasped, her hand moving rapidly on Nick’s stiff prick.

Pre-cum oozed from his cock-knob, and he thought he felt a squirt or two of the harder stuff shoot from him as well.


Becky howled as his hand made deeper penetration, her cunt stretching so far it almost squeaked. But his knuckles went into her, and her face went white, and as he fucked in, Nick knew he was home free. Now he had a fist inside each of his sexy young cousins, and he was fucking them both to orgasm as Becky’s agile hand promised the same thing to his responsive cock.

Betsy came in torrents around his ramming fist. The orgasm shattered her, and it almost flattened Nick’s fist inside her convulsing cunt.

“Ohhhhh! Ohhhhh!” she moaned over and over, the bed shaking so much it threatened to tip over.

He tried to get his fist out of her cunt, but she had tightened on him like a vise and he couldn’t budge it loose.

“Fuck me harder, Nick!” Becky panted, rocking wildly. “Oh, fuck me with your big hard fist!”

He obliged the quivering blonde, fucking his fist deeper and harder into her pussy. The tight tunnel spread with each thrust, then snugged in again to provide a little resistance for his next plunge.

Becky was caressing her cunt with one hand and jerking on his cock with the other, but her masturbatory strokes grew wilder, less controlled. The need to squirt his load was burning within Nick.

He humped into her fist and felt her fingers suddenly tense and tighten around his cock. His hand repaid the favor inside Becky’s cunt, and he felt the onset of her orgasm. He straightened out his fingers and tickled the interior of her cunt as her fuck hole rippled wildly round him.

“Shitttttt!” Becky screamed. “Oh, I’m cummmmmminggggg!”

She went into spasms, letting go of Nick’s cock. The sudden frustration almost killed him. He looked down and saw a dribble of jizz spray from his swollen cock-knob, but he needed some help to get the rest of the way off, and neither of the girls was in any shape to help him. He strained and yanked, but Betsy’s pussy had snapped shut and he was stuck wrist-deep in his squirming cousin.

Betsy sank down on the bed, Nick’s hand still inside her.

“Oh Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” she moaned as the last jolts of orgasm raced through her body.

Nick kept fucking his fist into Becky’s cunt, and she met him with gulping thrusts that fucked his hand deeper than he had thought it was possible to go in a girl’s pussy.

“Oh, Christ!” he moaned. “Would somebody fuckin’ squeeze my cock just one Goddamn time?”

From the bedroom doorway came a voice, a deep rumbling voice that Nick knew all too well.

“Maybe you’d like me to do something for your prick!”

Nick turned his head and saw that his worst dream had come true. Uncle Bob was standing there, his hand resting on the grip of his enormous pistol. The sun caught his badge and there was a flash of light. There would, Nick was sure, be a similar flash of light when Uncle Bob took out his gun and shot Nick with it.

He pulled furiously, and his hands came popping out of his cousins cunts. The action was so quick, and the girls howled so chillingly, that Nick was a little surprised to see that they weren’t bleeding. But, he reminded himself, in a moment or two, he would probably be doing enough bleeding for everyone.


“Daddy!” the twins cried in unison, sifting up. Their faces went red.

Bob strode into the room. He took hold of his gun and started to pull it out, but suddenly the twins jumped up and ran to him. Each grabbed an arm and a leg, momentarily immobilizing the big man.

“Out the window, Nick!” Becky shouted, and the boy went out head-first. His cock, still erect, caught on the sill and almost broke off, which reminded him that he was still stark naked. He was also on the second floor of the big old house. Fortunately for him, it was only a short drop to the porch roof, which happened to be just beneath the twins’ bedroom window. He landed hard, lay winded for a moment, then swung off the roof and down to the ground.

“Goddamn it, let go of me!” Bob Kendall was shouting, trying to shake his daughters loose. “I told that skinny little son-of-a-bitch what I’d do to him! Told him not to go swinging that cock of his around my little girls!”

The girls broke free. Bob yanked out his gun, but Nick was gone.

“Damn it,” he said. “I’ll teach him! Family or not…”

“Oh, what’s the big deal, anyway, Daddy?” Betsy asked in a chirpy little voice. Neither she nor her sister was making any effort to cover up. Becky hurried to her father’s side as he peered through the window.

“He didn’t hurt us or anything, Daddy,” she said, rubbing her bare body against her father’s side. Her arms went as far as they could around Bob’s massive torso. “He didn’t do anything we didn’t want him to do!”

“That’s right, Daddy,” Betsy said, coming in from the other side. “I mean, we may not be quite as innocent as you think we are.”

Becky giggled. “Did you think we were real innocent when you were watching us yesterday? Or some of those other times?”

Bob turned. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Becky stepped back. She held one hand up to her face, as if she were staring through binoculars. The other hand she moved down to her crotch, using it to grip fiercely an imaginary cock. Licking her lips, she made her fist go up and down in a pretty good imitation of a masturbating male.

Betsy got the idea. She moved away from her father, into the center of the room. Sinking back onto the bed, she posed like a centerfold model, cupping and offering her tits, tickling the nipples with her slim fingers, stretching out her tongue to lick at the upstanding pink buds. Her eyes sparkled with lust, and her pussy was wet and pink when she reached down to spread her pussy lips. Her legs stretched out, wide-open, and she rubbed herself.

Becky made panting sounds as she gripped her imaginary binoculars and flogged her equally imaginary cock.

“Any of this look familiar, Daddy?” she asked in a teasing voice.

“You little sluts,” Bob said.

“What’s the matter, Daddy?” Becky asked, turning. “Have you always been so mean about our getting around boys ’cause you didn’t want anybody else to have what you were craving? Oh, look, Betsy! I think Daddy’s got a hard-on!”

“Bet it’s not the first one we’ve given him,” Betsy said, sitting up. She jumped from the bed and joined her twin near their father. “Put away the gun, Daddy. That isn’t what you want to shoot us with, is it?”

She took the gun from, her father’s hand, slipped it into the holster, and snapped the catch. Becky unhooked the gun belt and moved it out of his reach. Betsy rubbed herself up against her father’s waist. Her hand caressed the hardness of his chest, then moved downward to where the lump of his hardened cock thrust at the front of his snug-fitting uniform pants.

“Mmmmm, Daddy!” she purred, touching his cock-bulge. “I always figured you’d have a big one, but I never thought it would be this big!”

Stripped of everything but his T-shirt, Bob Kendall lay on the bed. There was no room on the bed for his daughters. He was a big man.

The girls’ hands played up and down the stiff standing shaft of his cock. He couldn’t remember ever having been so hard, so ready. A steady ooze of pre-cum leaked from the head of his prick, and the twins fondled him, teasing his cock to the breaking point. Gasping, Bob grabbed the nearest head — it was Becky’s — and pulled her face into position over his cockhead.

“Oh, Daddy!” she gasped as he thrust upward, his wet cock smearing its juicy bubbles of pre-cum onto her lips and chin. She puckered and kissed her father’s cock-knob, and then her lips parted willingly and her face moved downward over his big hard cock. Bob groaned at the fulfillment of his deepest, darkest fantasies.

Becky’s eyes rolled as she swallowed her daddy’s cock. She knew how to suck a prick down to the balls, but she gagged before she could get his cock into her throat, and she kept on gagging and choking as she struggled to wolf him down.

“Too much for you?” Betsy asked, leaning across their father from the other side of the bed. “Let me try it.”

Becky surrendered Bob’s cock, and Betsy fed it into her mouth. Oh, shit, the young girl thought, gulping hard and unable to make much headway. Maybe she’d bitten off a bit more than she could suck, too!

But she was determined, and the fist-fucking session with Nick had made Betsy unbelievably horny. She closed her eyes and concentrated, and, as gradually as her cunt had expanded to make room for Nick’s thrusting hand, so did her throat expand to make room for her father’s cock. Her lips moved down the incredibly swollen cock-shaft, and they moved into the nest of hair that sprouted from his groin.

She held him in her mouth for what seemed an eternity, just absorbing the meaty hot taste of her father’s prick. His hands were on her back and ass, squeezing, pinching, fondling — he touched her as if she were a religious object and he meant to obtain salvation through his fingers alone. Betsy began to understand the fury of the desire her father had obviously felt for her, and it excited her even more.

Becky frowned. Normally she was the one who could work magic on a cock, using her lips and tongue alone. Betsy had definitely stolen her thunder.

“I’ve got something good for you too, Daddy,” she said, climbing up onto the narrow edge of bed not covered by his big body. She squatted down over his face and offered him her pussy.

“Real men don’t eat pussy,” Bob said huskily, looking up into his teen daughter’s wet blonde cunt.

“No wonder you can’t get a date, Daddy!” Becky cried. She pressed her cunt down onto his face.

He didn’t seem to know exactly what to do with her cunt, now that it was sitting on his face, but she stirred it around, opening her cunt slit and leaking some of her delicious pussy juice onto his lips. She bared her clit and rubbed it across his mouth. Almost automatically, he kissed it, and Becky sighed responsively.

“Now just stick your tongue in me,” she said. “It’ll taste so good I’m sure you’ll figure out what to do next!”

The interior of her cunt hummed with lust, but she was as tender as hell from the fist workout Nick had given her. Her daddy’s tongue slid into her cunt and felt like a steel file scraping over the raw flesh.

Betsy continued to suck her father’s cock. She could taste his hot cum leaking sporadically from the end of his cock. He was full of the stuff! So full he couldn’t hold it all in!

Becky turned on Bob’s face. Now she was looking down at Betsy, still eating their dad’s prick.

“Let me try again!” she moaned, taking hold of his cock. “Please, Betsy!”

With a smile, Betsy surrendered the prick to her twin.

“Lick my asshole too, Daddy!” Becky shouted.

A moment later, she felt her father’s tongue swipe tentatively across the tiny pink opening. A shiver raced through Becky’s lean body. She kissed his cock and fed it back into her mouth. This time she would take him all the way. She’d show him what a real blow job was all about.

Her lips stretched as the big hard cock entered, but he was sloppy from Betsy’s drool, and Becky found herself salivating like crazy. She closed her eyes, sucking hard at his cockknob, eating the flavor from her daddy’s cock. A half-inch at a time, she deepened the thrusts of his cock into her mouth, and this time she was ready.

Her mouth worked downward, and the cockknob eased past her gagging point, into the hot steamy hollow of her throat.

“Yes, oh, yes, baby!” she heard her father gasp between licks at her pussy, and her mouth eased farther down.

Betsy watched as the big cock disappeared into her sister’s mouth. It was almost as big a thrill as taking it down her own throat. Obviously, their daddy had spent a lot more time fantasizing and thinking about fucking his twins than the twins had ever spent fantasizing about his cock, but now that his pants were off and his prick was hard, the idea of fucking with him was totally irresistible.

She went to the dresser, got a jar of Vaseline, then hurried back to the bed. Even if Becky was gonna monopolize his cock, Betsy still needed some attention, and she knew damn well her pussy was just too sore, thanks to Nick. She scooped out a load of jelly, rubbed it lovingly onto her asshole, then took one of her daddy’s hands off Becky’s ass.

“Gotta grease you up, Daddy,” she said. His middle finger shot out straight and she dipped it into the Vaseline jar till it was coated. Then she brought his hand down to her crotch, wincing as he fondled her cunt.

“A little farther back, Daddy!” she moaned, guiding Bob’s finger to her shitter.

Bob had his tongue up Becky’s ass. Obviously, he wasn’t entirely a stranger to that part of a girl. He entered Betsy easily with his finger, and she purred, lifting up into the air and coming back down on her daddy’s grease-slick digit. Her eyes rolled as she humped up and down on his finger, and her asshole rippled joyously.

“Oooohhh, Daddy, ream my asshole!” she cried. “Maybe I’ll even let you put that big cock in me, right — Oooohhh, right there!”

As she enjoyed his anal masturbation, she leaned forward and let her tongue slide across Becky’s firm ass. Her twin recognized the touch of Betsy’s tongue, and she hummed around the cock she was eating so deeply, so furiously. Betsy licked down until her tongue met her daddy’s, at the tight pink dent of Becky’s shitter, and she winked at him.

“Isn’t she a nasty bitch for liking anything as dirty as this?” she asked innocently, pushing the tip of her tongue up her twin’s ass. Then she withdrew and left the hole open for her daddy to do the same. His finger kept fucking in and out of Betsy’s asshole, and it grew looser around his bulk. His finger seemed almost as big as Nick’s cock, in fact, but Betsy knew that was only an illusion.

“Watch this,” she said, slipping a Vaselined finger into Becky’s ass.

Becky wasn’t as big on asshole stuff as Betsy, but she certainly seemed to enjoy the sudden stabbing plunge of Betsy’s finger. She moaned around her mouthful of cock, and she squealed a little too, and then she began to slide her ass back to meet Betsy’s thrusts. “Now you try it!”

Betsy greased his finger, then steered it to her twin’s ripe, ready shitter.

“Stick it in her,” she said, and he gave his wrist a flip.

Bob’s finger began to fuck into Becky’s shitter. Becky groaned around the meat of his cock.

“Oh, stick it in!” Betsy cried.

There was an audible popping sound as Bob Kendall’s finger fucked into his blonde daughter’s dainty little asshole. She lifted her head, wailing deliriously as the finger slammed in, then pulled back to shove hard again.

Betsy, watching, exhaled excitedly, pounding her own shithole up and down on the inserted length of Bob’s other middle finger. Her heart was about to burst from excitement and arousal. She was coated in sweat, and she could feel her asshole stretching with anticipation as her daddy’s finger continued to fuck up and in.

“Oh, Daddy!” she cried. “I think I’ve gotta have that big cock of yours! And I want it up my asshole!”


Nick knew that he needed to get out of gunshot range as fast as possible. He edged past the barn, then ran for the clump of willows.

He came to the top of the bank and stopped short, looking down at Aunt Jenny’s garden patch. She was down there, on her knees, putting out tomato plants.

“Oh, fuck!” he gasped, not very loud, but loud enough.

Jenny Kendall looked up. She got up and moved toward him.

“Go back,” Nick said. “I think he’s gonna be shooting in another minute or so!”

She put most of it together, marching toward her nephew, and he told her the rest. Well, it was inevitable that Bob would have caught the girls with someone, sooner or later. Jenny was no fool. She knew her daughters were far from virgins. In a way, she was almost delighted that Nick had been the fall guy, considering why he had come down to the farm in the first place. Still, she couldn’t let Bob shoot him for doing something that quite a few neighborhood boys had already done.

They heard the sounds from quite a distance away.

“He must be beating the shit out of them,” Nick said, walking with his hands over his cock. God! Jenny thought. It must have been one hell of a fuck that Bob walked in on. Nick’s cock was still almost totally hard, despite the scare his uncle had thrown into him.

“That’s not a whipping sound,” Jenny said. “You should know that, if anyone would.”

She stopped by the porch, looking at the open window from which the sounds drifted.

“Give me a boost,” she said taking hold of the trellis and starting upward.

Nick cupped her ass with his hands. She was in a simple skirt and blouse, and as she moved, his hands went up under the skirt. Her panties were thin, and the muscles of her ass felt firm and responsive as he pushed her upward. He looked up her dress and saw curls of hair peeking out the leg of her panties.

Aunt Jenny went onto the roof.

“Nick,” she said in a soft voice, “I think you better come up here.”

The boy climbed upward, banging his stiff cock on the trellis. He joined Aunt Jenny on the porch roof and looked with her through the twins’ bedroom window.

“Holy shit!” he gasped. Uncle Bob and the girls were going at it like dogs in heat! Becky was atop her dad, squirming her juicy, sweet tasting pussy onto his face while she sucked on his cock.

Uncle Bob had one middle finger shoved up Becky’s asshole, and his finger looked almost as big as his prick. He slid the thing in and out of his daughter, inspiring her to some really ball stirring swallows of his big prick. Betsy was on the other side of the bed. She was kissing Becky’s ass and licking their dad’s finger as it moved in and out of her twin’s shitter, and from the expression on her face, Nick was positive that his uncle was finger fucking Betsy’s pussy as vigorously as he reamed Becky’s ass.

Then Nick recognized the look on Betsy’s face. Uncle Bob’s finger had to be in the blonde’s shitter!

“Oh, Daddy!” Betsy moaned. “I think I’ve gotta have that big cock of yours! And I want it up my asshole!”

By the time Bob and the girls were in position, their observers had retreated back down to the porch. So there was no one else to see as the twins stretched across the width of the narrow bed, their faces down and their asses upward.

“I’m not gonna do it,” Becky said. She cupped her ass defensively.

Betsy smirked at her twin. She knew Becky too well. Her sister’s eyes were not at all as determined as her words.

“Well, I sure am,” she said. “Oh, Daddy, I’m all greased up, and you’ve got me opened with that big hard finger. Now take that big hard cock and put it where I want it!”

“I shouldn’t,” Bob said. “It don’t seem right.”

He was stroking his massive cock.

He stooped slightly, and Betsy lifted her ass toward him. Her knees caught on the edge of the bed, and she spread her legs with a willing fervor. He licked up to her shitter, tasting the Vaseline on her, but not minding it as much as he would have under other circumstances. He spread her asscheeks wide, dilating her little asshole.

He licked into her, and she jerked as if he’d just used a cattle prod on her.

“Oh, God, Daddy, don’t rip me!” Betsy wailed as his big cock started to penetrate her shithole. She gulped, feeling the massive bulk of his cock-knob fuck into her dilated asshole, and she wondered if she was trying to do too much too fast. But she needed to be fucked, and her pussy was still raw from the hand job Nick had given her. If she wanted cock, she’d have to take it in the ass — and she sure wanted cock!

“Ohhhhh!” she howled as the cock fucked into her ass. She thought she had gotten herself loose and primed, but she had underestimated the size of her father’s cock.

“Fuck her, Daddy!” Becky shouted, her body warm and moist against Betsy’s. She held her twin by the tits and kissed her whimpering mouth to silence, providing all the moral and physical support Betsy needed. “Ram her now! Oh, make her come with that big prick in her asshole!”

Half of Bob’s prick was in his daughter’s ass. Betsy was growing more and more aware of just how thick his cock actually was, and she strained to take it, unwilling to cry out like a baby and admit she wasn’t up to fucking it.

Becky cupped her sister’s cunt. Betsy moaned and shuddered, and through it all, her daddy’s cock continued its journey up her asshole. He hit bottom, grunting, and his daughter squealed, but she knew now that she could take it — all of it! His balls banged against her cunt crack and against Becky’s cuddling hand as the tip of his cock fucked deep inside Betsy’s shitchute.

“Oh, Daddy!” Betsy sighed. “I feel like I’ve died and gone straight to heaven!”

“Then how will you feel when I do this, baby?” her father asked, beginning to fuck his cock in and out of her greased-up asshole.

She screamed with each thrust, not caring if the whole fucking county could hear her. A fuck as fantastic as this was too good to keep inside herself!

Bob started fucking harder. Her shitter had expanded to its limits now. She was excruciatingly tight around him, but not so tight that he couldn’t keep on fucking, and not so tight that she could draw no pleasure from the feel of his meaty cock buried in her asshole.

Becky’s hand continued to fondle her twin’s creaming cunt, the fingers slipping into the pussy hole, heedless of the magic reaming it had gotten not so long ago from Nick’s fist. Becky kissed her sister, slurping tongue across Betsy’s face, and then she moved down to eat her sister’s nipples, sucking until she could swear her mouth was full of squirting tit-milk, though that was impossible.

Becky took one of her twin’s hands and put it in her own crotch. She winced at the entry of Betsy’s finger up her own fist-raw pussy, but she took it like a trooper, then pulled the finger out and steered it to her own tingling asshole.

The slim finger ventured inside, screwing and reaming with a passion and fury that echoed the hard thrusts of Bob’s cock up Betsy’s shitter.

“Oh, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” Betsy cried. Becky punctuated the cries by thrusting her fingers deep into her twin’s cunt, rubbing harder at the girl’s totally aroused clit while she fingered Betsy. She could feel Bob’s cock moving inside her twin’s shitter, too, and the excited pulsation of his mighty cock caused Becky to tremble and moan with her own heightened arousal and desire.

Betsy exploded, and at almost the same moment, Daddy’s giant cock surged and squirted deep into her asshole. The girl fell flat on the bed and her daddy’s big body thumped down onto hers, his hips jerking as he fired off his huge load of cum. Her asshole filled almost immediately with his jizz, and each fresh stabbing gusher caused the already-spilled cum to squirt in dribbles around the root of his probing prick.

Then he pulled out of her, his cock wilting from the fury of its eruption, his spunk oozing from his daughter’s stretched shithole.

Becky grabbed her father’s cock, slapped her mouth onto it and began to suck with all the power she had in her.

“Don’t go limp on me,” she said, looking up at Bob with determined eyes. “You’re gonna fuck me or you’re gonna die!”

Her mouth nursed on his shit-stained cock. She moved it in and out, sucking, licking and nibbling his flesh until his prick quivered along her tongue and she could feel it beginning to surge with renewed spirit and life. Her lips tightened, and she sucked harder. He fucked into her throat, and she almost choked, but she could feel it — the power, the lust, the need — blossoming inside her mouth, her throat, thrilling Becky with the proof of her father’s arousal.

She sucked up and down, gobbling his prick deeply and kissing his balls while she held it deep in her throat. His cock was rock-hard again, and as rigid as a board, and she had sucked every drop of cum from its coated length. Her lips moved up his prick, and she looked up at him, holding his fat, throbbing cock-knob just inside her mouth.

“That’s so much better,” she said, releasing him. “Oh, Daddy, I think you have the biggest, sweetest cock in the whole world!”

Betsy was still on her belly, panting and moaning, just beginning to come down from her orgasmic high. Becky envied her twin that sensation of total, fuck-released abandon, but she would know it herself in a few minutes, she was positive. Holding her daddy’s cock in one possessive hand, she spread her sister’s asscheeks and watched the oozing flow of Bob Kendall’s cum leak from his daughter’s shitter and flow down onto the crack of her cunt.

Becky leaned down and wiggled her tongue into her sister’s ass. She lapped the spilled jism. She sucked the hot funky cock juice from Betsy’s asshole, then cleaned the leakage off her twin’s cunt slit too. Her hand cuddled Bob’s cock, and she could feel the big prick twitching passionately as her father watched her at work.

Her face was splattered with cum. She extended her tongue and licked the residue from her lips and chin.

“It tastes soooo good!” she whispered. “Now will you give me some of it, Daddy?”

Bob picked the girl up. She was like a pillow in his grip. He bent her back and crushed her mouth with a kiss. Becky stuck her cum-coated tongue into her daddy’s mouth and wiggled it round, her fist still caressing his rock-hard cock.

“Fuck me up the ass, too, Daddy!” she moaned. “I’ve never let anybody fuck me up the ass, but I want you to do it tome right now! Just like you did to my sister!”

Betsy sat up, her heart pounding madly. She couldn’t believe Becky was finally going to give it a try. She cupped her tits excitedly.

“Sit on the bed, Daddy,” she said. “Let Becky ride you! I want to help!”

First she greased her twin’s asshole, her finger pushing Vaseline into the opening while Becky squirmed and groaned in arousal. Then she gave her daddy some head, before smearing both palms with the lube and rubbing it thickly onto his cockshaft.

“I’m so excited!” she cried. “I’ve wanted to see her get it up the ass, like, forever!”

Becky straddled her father’s legs. She had to stretch to fit over him, and she stood nervously above the tip of his hard prick.

“Spread ’em, baby!” Betsy said to her twin, holding Bob’s cock in readiness.

Becky pulled hard on her asscheeks.

Betsy guided the tip of the cock to her twin’s shithole. “C’mon, girl, you’ve gotta get it inside before you can get your asshole fucked! Move down — yeah — oh, baby, it’s going to go in! Yes, yes, yesss!”

Becky screamed as the big, well-greased cockknob fucked into the equally greasy opening of her ass. It was a lot different than having a finger inside her, but it seemed to enter her body almost as easily.

The cock-knob entered her, and she felt as if she were on fire. The sudden stretch of her primed but tight shithole was a burning shock. Then the cock-knob surged into Becky’s asshole, and she stiffened atop her daddy.

“Oh, no, it hurts tooooo much!”

“It wouldn’t be fun if it didn’t,” Betsy said, moving her lips to her twin’s clit. She sucked and tongued the hard bud, then glided her mouth down to Becky’s quivering pussy crack. Her tongue fucked inside, and Becky began to feel a soothing arousal from bath her fuck holes. She relaxed a little atop Bob, and her asshole slid another half inch down over the impaling cock.

Betsy smiled. She lapped her sister’s pussy, and Becky began to giggle in a remarkably silly sounding way. Betsy knew that giggle very well. Becky leaned back and up, raising her cunt to her naughty twin’s mouth, and at the same time she took at least two more inches of her daddy’s cock up her ass. Her eyes rounded at the feel of the big hard prick stuffed up her ass, but it didn’t hurt nearly as much as she’d imagined it would.

Bob was holding her thighs up. She leaned back against him, pressing hard. His cock went deeper each time her body moved. She gasped suddenly, realizing that his prick was buried totally inside her. She felt as if a huge lump had risen up her throat and she couldn’t swallow it, couldn’t breathe around it, couldn’t do anything except relish the feel of the swollen cock clogging her asshole while her cunt lay exposed, open, the victim of her twin’s sex-hungry tongue and fingers.

“Oh, wow!” she sighed. “You guys are fucking meeee!”

She began to move up and down on the cock. It still hurt, especially when it slipped out and then fucked in again, but it got better with every stroke.

Betsy rose upward, cupping her sister’s tits, squeezing till the nipples stood out. She fucked them with her fingers while looking deep into Becky’s eyes, and she bowed to take each nipple into her mouth, sucking as if she meant to draw milk from her twin’s tits. Then she straightened up and pressed her pussy hard against Becky’s, rubbing until her cunthair had scraped the interior of Becky’s spread snatch. Her mouth covered Becky’s, and she tongue-fucked her sister’s throat.

Becky wrapped her legs around Betsy’s body and drew her twin closer. Bob’s hands were all over both girls. His mouth gnawed at Becky’s neck with some of the same fury that his cock used on her asshole.

Bob moved backward, drawing the two girls with him, and now Becky lay flat atop her father while Betsy topped Becky and added her own body rhythm to the tempo of the fuck.

Each time Betsy pressed down with her cunt, the cock seemed to go deeper and deeper into her twin. She could feel the shuddering of Becky’s aroused body, and she was doing some shuddering of her own, so totally aroused by this brand-new kind of sex thrill that she knew she was about to come all over again.

Becky screamed as the thrusts grew more and more insistent. Wetness oozed from her pussy.

“I’m commiingggggg!” she screamed suddenly. Sandwiched between two steaming bodies, she climaxed again and again.

“Now let’s get Daddy off!” Betsy moaned, easing his cock out of her sister’s shitter. “Poor Daddy! He’s had such a workout, and I bet his poor old balls are just full of hot cum all over again!”

She dropped to her knees and angled Bob’s cock into her mouth, sucking ravenously at its asshole-stained length. Becky, still quivering, joined her on the floor and reached for her own share of the hot hard cock. Betsy fed it over to her twin, watching with glittery eyes as Becky sucked the big prick down to the balls and held on as if she didn’t intend to let go.

“Gimme some more!” Betsy snapped, fighting it free and taking over once more. Her tongue flip-flopped as the cock moved in and out of her mouth, while Becky knelt, tensely licking her lips and waiting for her own chance to snack on it again.

The two girls moved closer, close enough so they could share the cock between them, their mouths moving in unison up and down the trembling, saliva-soaked prickshaft. They kissed each other across the swollen purple cock-knob, trapping the prick head between their mouths and drooling even more saliva onto its shining surface.

Betsy’s fist was tight around the base of the cock, stroking in short, horny jerks as she and her twin continued to stimulate the cockhead. Suddenly, without the slightest warning, Bob let fly a thick gush of spunk. Becky caught it in her mouth and drank it down, her tongue flogging the prickhead in an effort to coax more juice from him.

Becky got the prick tip inside her lips and sucked it hard. Then she released it from her mouth, but she continued jerking on the cockshaft.

His jism sprayed their faces, and they giggled as they licked it from each other’s skin. They kept on sucking until well after their father’s cock had gone soft in their mouths.

“Well, Daddy,” Betsy said, “are you still mad at us?”


“Oh, Jesus, listen to them!” Jenny Kendall gasped, pacing the porch.

“I am listening,” Nick said, hardly aware that he was holding his still-hard cock in one fist, squeezing it in rhythm with the sounds that came from the window up above. He tried to imagine what was going on in that bedroom.

“He’s finally gotten what he wanted,” Jenny said. “Goddamn it, he’s fucking them! I hope he’s happy!”

She stopped short in her pacing.

“And you’re just as bad,” she said, taking a couple of steps toward Nick. “Look at you — playing with your cock and wishing it was you, doing that stuff to my girls!”

Nick blushed, but he didn’t let go of his cock. It seemed a little late for that.

Jenny came closer. “Men! All my life I’ve been around men who couldn’t think any higher than their balls! Just like you! You came down here, and the only damn thing you wanted to do was fuck my girls and get me to help your dad out of a mess his fucking cock got him into in the first place! And there you sit, stroking your cock and looking at me like some kind of fool!”

“I’m sorry, Aunt Jenny,” Nick said. “I don’t know what else to do! Under the circumstances, I mean…”

“Oh, shut the fuck up!” Jenny moaned, edging onto the porch swing. She pushed his hand off his cock and replaced it with her own. Staring into his eyes, she began to stroke, his prick up and down.

Nick took a deep breath and put his hands on Jenny’s tits. She was braless under her thin blouse. Her tits, despite her age, were still firm enough that she didn’t really need a bra. He massaged the full, firm mounds, feeling the nipples already hard and obvious against the fabric. Aunt Jenny closed her eyes as he toyed with her tits, and her fist tightened on her nephew’s cock.

“Go ahead,” she said. “I feel the same Goddamn way!”

He unbuttoned her shirt and bared her tits. Her chest was pale against the tan of her face and arms, and the pink of her nipples was as delicate as a baby’s skin. Nick leaned in and licked the nearest nipple, feeling the point come up hard against his tongue. He closed his lips and sucked it, while Aunt Jenny’s hand grew more active on his prick.

The sounds from upstairs continued. Nick could recognize the sound of Becky moaning, and he wondered what Uncle Bob was doing to her. He wished he could crawl back up and take another peek. But something told him that he was about to get all he could handle, down here on the back porch.

“Horny bastard,” Aunt Jenny said. “Just like your father.”

But she didn’t sound too displeased. She kissed Nick’s mouth, her tongue wet and limber, and then she dropped her head down into his lap. The boy leaned back, almost tipping the swing over, as she took his cock into her mouth. Her lips tightened, and she gave him the same kind of hungry desperate sucking he’d gotten from her in the barn.

He slipped the shirt off her shoulders and filled his hands with her tits. She had a much better set of tits than either of her daughters.

“You like them, don’t you?” Jenny asked, looking up from her nephew’s prick. “Why don’t you fuck them, then? Your daddy always enjoyed doing that.”

Nick’s eyebrows lifted.

Jenny just grinned and twisted on the swing, dropping a little lower so that he could lay his hard cock against her breastbone. She squeezed her tits together around his cock, and he began to fuck in and out of the pussy-like valley.

His prick moved up and down the soft, sweaty valley, and as he thrust forward, Jenny leaned down to lick and kiss the head of his hard cock. Sometimes she’d trap it inside her lips and suck it hungrily, then release it so be could fuck her tits again. It wasn’t quite as satisfying as fucking her pussy, but there was a sensual thrill to the act of fucking his aunt between the tits that Nick found completely irresistible.

“Oh, damn it, this is making me too horny!” she gasped, releasing his cock from its tit-flesh prison.

She stood up and, her eyes fixed on the boy’s face, unhooked her skirt and let it drop. Under it, she wore just a pair of simple white panties. Sweat had made them partly transparent, and Nick could see the shadow of her cunthair. Jenny tugged down her panties, and Nick felt a lurch of arousal in his cock as her pussybush came into sight.

She put her hands in her fluffy, gold-furred crotch, and she massaged her cunt. “I bet you’d like to fuck this, wouldn’t you, boy?” she asked. “Well, it won’t change things all that much. You still came down here trying to do me dirty, and you’re still going to have to leave. But you might as well have some fun before you go.”

She turned and went to the banister, planting her hands firmly atop it. Her ass protruded, and her legs were spread so far that Nick had no trouble seeing the crack of her cunt and the pink inside.

“Come over here and fuck me,” his aunt said. “If my husband can fuck our girls without batting an eye, the least I can do is get my rocks off with you, boy.”

He was on her in a flash.

Nick eased his prick into Jenny’s cunt from the rear, fucking deep and hard on his first stroke. She gasped and lurched forward, then caught herself with a bracing grip on the banister. His cock met resistance inside her.

“You’ll have to work for it,” she said. “Now fuck me!”

He filled his hands with her tits, pawing them gleefully as he worked his cock in and out. She loosened with each additional stroke, and abruptly he was in her to the balls, feeling the juicy heat of her deep pussy. His cock wallowed in her steamy cunt and he closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her body as it entrapped his prick.

“I really didn’t mean to make you mad at me!” he whispered, holding her tits while he fucked her pussy. “It’s just that Dad was in such a bind over Cloris, and this was the only way out of it that he could think of…”

“I’m not mad!” Jenny panted, fucking harder and harder at him. “How could I be mad at a nephew like you, Nick? I just wish Barney had had the balls to come and tell me about it himself, instead of sending you to do his dirty work! That’s not like him! Ohhhhh, that cock of yours, boy! That reminds me a lot of your daddy!”

He fucked her hard, and her cunt was more than responsive as he banged in and out. She gripped at the banister and wiggled her ass around his thrusts.

“Give it to me, Nick — Mmmmm, you know what a woman needs, don’t you? Maybe I should sell this place and move up to the big city where men are men and know how to fuck a woman!”

There was no resistance whatever in his aunt’s cunt now. His cock fucked deep, hard, and true, all the way to her throbbing womb, and she moaned again with each thrust.

Nick’s hands slid down and he frigged at her swollen, enormous clit as he fucked her. Aunt Jenny’s body became moist with sweat as he fucked her from the rear, and he could feel the heat coming through the pores of her skin.

“Yes, Nick, oh, fuck, yes, make me come!” He fucked her again, stabbing furiously, and his fingers nipped at her bloated clit. The button was sloppy-wet and so juicy — he could hardly hang onto it. His fingers slipped and slid over the glisteny protrusion, and even the fumbling hit Jenny where she lived. Her cunt began to squeeze back his cock, and he recognized the unmistakable signs of her climax.

“God, yesssss!” she wailed suddenly, a shrill cry they couldn’t have helped hearing upstairs in the bedroom.

As she came, Nick pounded her with his cock, stirring the juices at the bottom of her pussy. He grabbed Jen’s gorgeous big tits and mauled them as he fucked her climaxing cunt. Her fuck juice coated his cock, and his balls throbbed with the need for release. But he wanted to give her something she’d remember every time his name came up, so, with a sly grin, the boy yanked his cock out of his aunt’s pussy and lifted its bloated head a half an inch. His cum wet cockhead pressed for a moment at the mouth of his aunt’s asshole.

Her head snapped around.

“You horny little bastard,” she said. Reaching back, she pulled her asscheeks farther apart. “Stick it in, if that’s your game! I’LL tell you when I’ve had enough!”

Nick thrust, and his cock entered her.

Jenny groaned as the prick fucked into her shitter, but she took it like a woman, leaning forward against the banister as he filled her, then squirming to give his cock a ride it would not soon forget. She wiggled her ass from side to side as his cock fucked in and out of her, picking up speed with each successive thrust.

“Ooohhh, fuck my ass, boy!” she panted. “You remind me more of your father every time I fuck you!”

Nick grinned. He gave Aunt Jen’s ass a stinging swat, and then he began to fuck her. He took control of the fuck, leading her deeper and deeper into the realm of anal pleasure. Her asshole expanded with each thrust, then tightened up a little as he pulled back — tightened up just enough to make his next thrust a distinctly pleasurable sensation. And he could tell she liked it too. She was leaning back to kiss him over her shoulder, and her hands covered his, on her tits, molding his fingers to the round swelling globes and her hard pink nipples.

Her tongue washed his lips. She sucked at his mouth, drooling saliva into it as her mouth dominated his. And his cock dominated her asshole, fucking it hard, mercilessly, passionately.

She grunted each time he hit bottom in her shitter, but she clenched her ass muscles and begged the boy for more hard, hot prick.

She straightened up, and Nick held her tighter, still ramming her with his cock. He thought he could hear voices, but he couldn’t stop fucking now, not even if Uncle Bob and his gun made another appearance on the scene.

“Jen? Nick?”

Nick stopped fucking. He couldn’t get his cock out of Aunt Jen — he was trapped inside her hot tight asshole — but at least he did stop.

Standing in the yard, at the foot of the porch steps, was his father.

“Hello, Barney,” Jennifer said, as cool as could be. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, exerting an almost irresistible pressure upon the cock that was shoved up her ass.

Barney Owens was holding onto the step rail, staring in disbelief at his sister and his son, joined cock-to-ass in what could only be an incestuous sex act.

“Hi, Dad,” Nick said, squeezing a little on his aunt’s tits. “I was just trying to talk Aunt Jen into going along with your plan, you know?”

“Don’t be so shocked, Barney,” Jen said. “He isn’t doing anything you never did to me, and you know it, you horny bastard!”

Barney cleared his throat.

“Jesus,” he said. “The — oh — reason I drove down from Cleveland was, I wanted to tell Nick to forget about that stuff. I got the goods on Cloris. My lawyer found a guy she used to play around with, and the guy had videotapes. They cost me twenty thousand, but that’s nothing compared to what she would have soaked me for. Now she’s willing to settle for pocket change. Holy shit, I thought those tapes were wild, but this is…”

“This is just like old times, right, Barney?” His sister smiled, reaching down to cup and stroke the balls attached to the cock that filled her asshole. Nick sighed as she caressed him, and the tip of his cock moved upward into his aunt. She sighed a little.

A howling wail came from the window up above. Barney stepped back. He looked upward.

“What the hell was that?”

“It’s just Bob,” Jennifer said. “He’s fucking one of the twins. Christ knows which. I can’t tell their moans apart. Can you, Nick?”

“It sounds like Betsy,” Nick said. “Becky’s squeal is a little higher-pitched when she’s really into it.”

“What the hell have you been doing down here, boy?” Barney asked. “I didn’t send you down here to…”

“Oh, that doesn’t matter!” Jen said. “Why don’t you come up and join us, Barney? It’s been a long time since you had your cock in me. At one time, I was the best piece of ass you’d ever had, and I bet I’m still in the top ten.”

Barney came up the stairs slowly.

“We were just crazy kids, Jen,” he said defensively, coming nearer. “I couldn’t do anything like that to you now. For Christ’s sake, Nick, will you stop fucking my sister while I’m trying to talk to her?”

Nick didn’t answer. He didn’t stop, either.

“I think she’s raping me, Dad,” he said.

Jen reached out and caught her brother’s hand. She pulled, and he came nearer. She guided his hand to her wet, open cunt.

“Remember this?” she asked. She guided a finger inside her. “Does it still feel as good?”

Barney held his breath a moment, then leaned toward her. She put her other arm around his neck and pulled his face in closer.

“Least you can do is kiss me!” she whispered. “After all, you are finger fucking me already!”

Her lips covered his, and her tongue began to fuck in and out of his mouth. He pressed closer, his body shoved against hers. Nick could feel the pressure.

“This is good stuff, Dad,” he said. “You’d be a fool to pass it up.”

His dad wasn’t saying anything. Jen had to reach down and unzipped Barney’s pants. The cock she pulled out was already stiff. Her fingers slid up and down the prick shaft. It was as long, as hard and as thick as she remembered from their teenaged games in the old barn. The only difference was that now she was old enough to know how much she wanted it, needed it. She skinned back the foreskin, baring the big cockknob, and pulled it to the mouth of her pussy.

“Both of you at once,” she said. “If Bob can fuck our daughters, I can damn sure fuck anybody I want to!”

Barney stiffened and thrust, burying his cock in his sister’s pussy.

“Oh, yes!” she gasped as it filled her pussy, moving at almost the same moment as Nick’s cock, stuffed up her asshole. The two males sandwiched her, father and son, and she was full of their fuckmeat.

Barney was more aroused than Jenny had thought possible. His cock was able to thrust into her only eight or ten times before it suddenly swelled inside her hot cunt and squirted her with a blistery load of cum. She gasped at the feel of his prick shooting off deep inside her, and she fucked hotly at him, taking every inch and every drop he gave her.

Through it all, Nick continued to fuck her asshole, but the excitement of sharing a woman with his father was obviously more than the boy could resist. His dad had hardly stopped coming when Nick’s cock unloaded, too.

Jen moaned and shuddered, and then she too exploded, a throbbing orgasm that seemed to squeeze the marrow from her bones.

Up on the porch roof, peeking down over the eave, Betsy and Becky stared in total disbelief at what was happening below them.

“I don’t fuckin’ believe this!” Becky gasped. “I always thought you lost interest in fucking when you got to be Mom’s age,” Betsy said.

Becky giggled and touched her raw asshole. “You sure don’t lose interest when you get to be Daddy’s age,” she said. Her eyes lit up. “Did you get a load of the prick on Uncle Barney? Whooo-eee! I bet my cute tits will make that thing of his get hard again faster than your cute ass will.”

Betsy stuck out her tongue. “You got a bet, slut! What do I get when I win?”

“You can lick the shit off the next cock that fucks my asshole!” Becky cried. “Oh, Daddy!” She turned to the open bedroom window. “You oughta see what’s happening on the porch! While you were so busy plowing our furrows, somebody else was plowing Mom’s! I think you better get your gun loaded, real fast.”

She smiled and swung out over the side of the roof. “And I’m not talking about that stupid old Magnum, either!”

THE END Source: Bbw sex