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A Methodical Woman



I am not stupid woman, although my friends were kind enough to tell me I was. A young man like James could only want to marry an older woman like me for my money. “Wendy,” they would say, “you’re an attractive woman but he is a very young man and, we all know, not very bright.” Friends are so kind sometimes. As I said, I’m not stupid and James was handsome young twenty three when we married while I was 34, wealthy and an obvious catch for a young, handsome virile man on the make. I knew what we were getting into and drew up a pre nuptial agreement which, incidentally, James happily signed. After all, he was more interested in the day to day luxuries I could offer and he probably thought he would fool me for ever. I’m afraid I have a taste for falling into love on first sight and I thought that James would grow to love me, especially if I showered him with gifts, money and luxury. I didn’t have much chance for love and affection when I was young, building a career as a pharmaceutical research scientist and then developing my own pharmaceutical company specialising in analgesics, pain relievers and tranquillisers. Therefore, I craved it more and more until James came along with his good looks, charming smile, strong body and male arrogance. Yes, I fell for it. Willingly. It only took seven months after our spectacular wedding and honeymoon for me to have my doubts. There were many little signs that only a woman can see that pointed to James enjoying a passionate affair. I am a very methodical woman and, even though I always get what I want, I like to plan each and every step along the way and the first step was hiring a private investigator. “I’m afraid, Doctor Warden, you are not going to like this,” the detective said. “There are a lot of things I don’t like in the business world, Mr Booth but I do them to achieve my goals. I’m tough enough to withstand the shock so show me the photos, please. After all,” I added sharply, “I believe I paid for them.” The photographs were large. “What is her name?” I asked, staring at the photo of James walking with a very beautiful young woman; very, very beautiful indeed. “Alice. Alice Wilson. She is a designer and older than him.” “James has excellent taste,” I said grandly, sifting through the more explicit photos. Booth appeared puzzled and I smiled coldly. “I may be a women scorned, Mr Booth but I can still appreciate beauty when I see it.” I didn’t know what the second step was but I was confident that a plan would formulate in my mind as it always does when I have settled on a goal. That second step became apparent when I visited my southern research plant when Doctor Ryan asked to see me privately. Ryan was employed to test our rejects for creative applications. “Doctor Warden,” he said quickly, “I know you are absolutely against working for the military but I have discovered a drug that may be of immense military interest. Secret military interests,” he emphasised. I put the report down. “Show me.” He held one of two capsules. “This drug is a mind controlling drug that make a human subject completely malleable to instructions.” “Explain,” I said with a studied lack of interest. “Once this drug is ingested, Doctor Warden, the subject will do,” he paused. ” No, is compelled to do, everything anybody says until the antidote is administered.” “That’s the antidote?” I pointed at the second capsules. “I suppose it has potential., Leave them and I’ll get independent testing done. Maybe I’ll then talk to my government contacts. Excellent work, Doctor Ryan.” Ryan beamed. “Thank you Doctor Warden.” “One more thing. Is this the only sample?” He nodded. “No more, Doctor Ryan until I advise you. And this classified. This could make you very rich. I suggest it’s a matter for you and I until then.” “Undoubtedly, Doctor Warden,” he gushed.

Part 2. After planning and a completing a shopping expedition, I arranged for James to meet me for an early dinner . He had tried to postpone it, claiming other commitments, probably Alice, but I insisted. Late, he sat down with a petulant look on his face and looked down at the Caesar salad in front of him. “What’s this?” “I ordered for you. Eat up, darling. I have a surprise for you at home” “Surprise?” he asked as he started to eat. “Yes, I went shopping for you. I’ve bought some new video equipment.” That perked his interest as he had always claimed he wanted to be a film director and he ate even more quickly as I watched, trying to keep my smile from my face. “This is an interesting salad dressing,” he said as he gulped the food down. “Yes darling,” I smiled. “I made it for you.” Throwing the keys on the hall table, I led the way into our lounge room and sat on the sofa, crossing my legs. “There it is,” I said pointing at the video camera set up on a tripod. “Hey,” he exclaimed, “it’s top of the line. Remote and all.” He looked around. “Where’s the remote?” I smiled and waved at him. James turned to get it and I spoke calmly. “No,” I commanded. “Stand still.” He froze. “What the fuck!” he exclaimed loudly. “Don’t take the tone with me,” I said. “Put your hand on your head.” I laughed when he did so. “Wendy,” he said plaintively. “You will speak when I ask you a question or tell you what to say. There may be times when I give you permission to speak freely but those times will be rare. When I do ask you a question, you answers are to be truthful but brief. Do you understand?” “Yes,” he found himself saying and I noted, with satisfaction there was confusion in his eyes. I regally pointed at the bar. “Make a whisky and soda, no ice and bring it to me.” He did so, held it out and looked imploringly at me. I took it and sipped it. “You will now go to the bathroom, strip naked and shave your pubic hair off. I want your cock, balls, stomach and butt to be completely hairless. Then shower to remove all the stray hair, dry yourself and return to me naked.” Another long sip from the drink as he scurried away. Sighing, I snuggled a little down into the sofa, relishing the feel of power and revenge that was washing over me. Uncrossing my legs, I slipped my fingers past my stockings, worn especially for the moment, and caressed my black lace panties. They were wet. God, this was wonderful! He returned and stood uncertainly in the middle of the room, his hair still wet from the shower. I giggled as I examined his smooth genitals and he blushed furiously. “Turn around and show me your ass,” I instructed and he did so, giving me a clear view of his firm and now smooth, butt. “Bend over.” Hm, nice, I thought. “Stand up and turn around.” I waited until he did. “I’m going to ask you questions. You will answer them and you will always refer to me as Mistress. Do you understand?” “Yes, Mistress.” “Good. From this day on you are my complete and utter slave. I have given you an experimental potion that renders you completely under my control. There is no escape. I will do with you what I wish.” The fear leapt into his eyes. He wasn’t as dumb as my friends thought. “What are you?” “I am your slave, Mistress.” I laughed loudly and put my drink down. “Slave, have you been fucking Alice Wilson?” The fear grew in his eyes but his willing mouth betrayed him. “Yes, Mistress.” “Do you love her, slave?” “Yes, Mistress.” “Does she love you, slave?” He paused, then answered. “I’m not sure, Mistress.” That was surprising. “Slave,” I said firmly, “has she ever told you she loves you in any way?” His eyes flickered as he quickly thought. “No, Mistress. Obviously, an intelligent girl. “Do you love me, slave?” “No, Mistress.” “Have you ever loved me, slave?” “No, Mistress.” He answered both questions very quickly and I wiped a small tear from my eye as the promise of what might have been died. I picked up my drink and drained it. “Listen carefully, you worthless piece of shit. I’m going to ask you some questions and you will answer them all truthfully except two. I will ask you if you love her and you will answer no. I may ask you that question several times and you will answer it the same way every time. Do you understand, slave?” “Yes, Mistress.” I will also ask you if you love me and you will answer yes. Understand?” “Yes, Mistress.” “Making progress,” I murmured in satisfaction. “I will order you to lick my pussy and you will kneel in front of me and lick me until I pat you on the head.” His eyes widened and his cock stirred. “When you are licking my pussy, I will press my heel into your leg and you will look into the video camera, smile and say in a loving voice, I love to lick Mistress Wendy’s pretty pussy. Do you understand, slave?” I laughed when I saw his eyes dilate. He’s figured it out, I thought. “Yes Mistress.” “Good. Stand there,” I said pointing at a spot on the carpet. As I said I’m a very methodical woman and I had prepared and tested all the positions for our little performance. “Start jerking yourself off and put a smile on your face.” I picked up the remote, watched him jerking at his cock until it was hard and then started recording. “Slave,” I said in a loud voice, “are you jerking yourself off?” “Yes Mistress,” he answered. “Speak up, slave,” I commanded. “Are you jerking off?” I repeated. “Yes, Mistress” I smiled for the camera’s benefit. “Do you love jerking off, slave?” “Yes, Mistress,” he answered as I knew he would. “Stop playing with that pathetic cock, slave,” I barked and he did so. “Turn around in a circle so we can see your smooth butt and balls.” He flushed as he did so. “Who shaved you?” “I did, Mistress.” “Why?” “You told me to, Mistress.” “Do you like to have a smooth cock, balls and butt?” “No, Mistress.” “Why did you do it?” “You told me to, Mistress.” “Are you my slave?” “Yes, Mistress.” I noticed his cock remained hard. “Are you hard, slave?” “Yes, Mistress.” “Would you like to cum?” “Yes, Mistress.” “When will you cum?” “When you tell me, Mistress.” “Exactly right,” I said harshly. “Have you been fucking Alice Wilson, slave?” “Yes, Mistress.” “Do you love her?” I asked, watching him closely. “No, Mistress.” “Do you love me, slave?” I demanded, eyes glinting. “Yes, Mistress,” he lied and I felt triumphant. Slowly, I stood up, his eyes watching my every move and a big smile on his handsome face. “Stop smiling, slave,” I commanded and he did. I reached under my skirt and pulled my panties down, kicking them across to him. “Pick them up. Smell them.” Laughing I watched him smother his face with the black lace of my soaked panties. Revenge is sweet. I sat down, slid my skirt up to reveal my stockings and garter belt as well as my wet pussy. “Slave,” I purred, “come here and kiss your Mistress’s pussy.” As he knelt in front of my, I used the remote to zoom in so the camera would, as I had experimented, frame him between my legs. James started licking immediately. I allowed him to lick for a good twenty minutes, his tongue caressing me and I laid back and enjoyed his attempts. James had willingly licked me in the early days and then had lost interest. Now, he was going to get that interest back. After about twenty five minutes, a period of time that would not be lost on any female in our potential audience, I dug my heel into his leg. Quickly, he raised his head and turned to the camera. With my juices running down his smiling face, he said, “I love licking Mistress Wendy’s pretty pussy.” He then returned to his task. My first goal achieved, I relaxed and allow his furtive tongue to take me to a delicious and satisfying sweet orgasm. Of course, I kept him licking for a good thirty minutes after that to demonstrate to the camera that he was capable of licking pussy for over an hour. Any woman watching that would squirm in jealousy and wonder. Languidly, I reached down and patted his head as if he was a dog. “Good boy,” I said. James knelt back, his cock jutting out and looked up at me, waiting. “Stand up,” I ordered. “Legs apart.” I pulled my skirt down as I watched him comply. “Jerk off,” I said mildly. “Yes Mistress.” He quickly seized his hard cock with his right hand and started pulling. “Stop,” I said sharply. “use your left hand and put your right hand behind your back.” “Yes Mistress.” “Does your left hand feel different, slave?” “Yes Mistress,” he groaned. “I suppose it almost feels like someone else is jerking you off. Of course,” I laughed, “I don’t do that. It’s not my place to give you pleasure. Do you want to cum, slave?” “Yes Mistress.” “Are you close, slave?” “Yes Mistress,” he moaned. “Stop!” I barked and his hand froze, his cock throbbing and, I noticed with satisfaction, leaking juices. He was obviously on the edge. “I’m afraid you didn’t lick me well enough tonight so you are not to cum.” I pointed to a mat on the floor in the corner. “Sleep there tonight, slave. I may allow you to cum tomorrow.” I smiled at the forlorn figure that slumped on the mat and turned the record button off. Removing the video cassette, I waved it at him. “The first of our tapes. I wonder who I’ll send them to?” “I don’t know, Mistress,” he said softly, his eyes staring at me. “Why, everyone!” I laughed loudly as I looked down at his naked body curled in the foetal position on the hard floor. “You are not to harm yourself in anyway unless I instruct you. You are not to attempt to harm or harm me in any way. You are not to harm anybody or attempt to harm anybody unless I instruct you. Do you understand, slave?” “Yes Mistress,” he said and I noticed he was shivering. “Sleep under the rug, fool. Tomorrow, I want to be woken at seven by you kissing my pussy until I wake. You will have a tray with cereal, juice and hot coffee by the bed. You will also have a hard cock. You will not masturbate in anyway tonight or cum in anyway tonight. Clear?” “Yes Mistress.” “Sleep well,” I said, switching the light off and, giggling, I walked up the stairs to my room. As I lay in my bed, I reviewed the steps of my plan as well as the events of the night. Relaxed by the exquisite orgasm and the terrible sense of loss counterbalanced by the sweet taste of revenge, I slipped immediately into a deep and restful sleep.

Part 3. As the Sun crept in through the blinds, I awoke to the smell of hot coffee and a soft mouth gently kissing my pussy. Stretching, I kicked him from the bed and stood naked over him as he cowered on the floor. “You know, you could have had this,” I said running my fingers through my pubic hair, “when ever you wanted but you still had to fuck around. You were completely ruled by your cock. Now, I own your cock. I might not allow you to cum, let alone fuck, again.” I left him cleaning the house, doing the laundry and polishing my shoes while I left for the office. The sight of a naked James hand washing my panties with a throbbing erection was priceless! It made me feel good all the way into the office. At the office, I made a few calls, made some purchases on the way home and was ready for the next step. He was huddled in the small cot I had ordered him to set up in the small room under the stairs. This was where he was to wait after chore completion and where he was to sleep from now on. As I looked down at him, I wondered how I ever loved him. “Get up,” I directed as I looked through the parcels. “Here,” I said throwing him a pair of cheap white nylon bike shorts, “put these on.” He looked horrified but, of course, did as I instructed. The girls shorts were at least one size too small and he struggled to get into them. Uncertainly, he stood still and I inspected him. The shape of his cock and balls were clearly defined through the stretchy material and his butt looked like it belonged to some sexy little male slut. Well, maybe it did, I thought, smiling. A tight white sleeveless crop top and tennis shoes completed the picture. “Follow me,” I said walking into the garage. As I drove through the city, I smiled as he crept down in his seat. “Sit up slave,” I snapped. “Legs apart. I might want to show your cock and balls off.” He flushed but he did as he was told and I noticed his cock stir through the thin nylon. I parked in front of a beauty salon and, startled, he stared at me with imploring eyes. “Open the car door for me, slave,” I said, smiling at his discomfort. Regally, I led the way into the busy beauty salon and waited at the reception. The buzz of conversation disappeared as the ladies noticed James in his tight little shorts. “Wait here, slave,” I said loudly and walked into the office of the owner. I emerged with Stephanie to find James the centre of attention. Some women casually strolled past him, looking him up and down while other stared at him from their chairs. The buzz of conversation had returned but there was a tremendous amount of giggling to be heard around the room. “In the private room please, Doctor Warden,” Stephanie said and, although I had warned her, stared at James, a slight smile on her face. “Follow me, slave,” I snapped and we left the giggles behind. “Wendy,” Stephanie said as she closed the door, ” you are full of surprises.” I accepted the compliment with a smile and pointed at the salon chair. “Sit there, slave.” James warily looked around the room as he did so. Stephanie became business like, standing behind him, flicking his hair. “So, what do you want done?” James opened his mouth but I quickly stepped in. “I will answer, slave.” James was proud of his wavy dark hair and spent every second Friday having it cut and styled. Now, that would change. “I want it cut very short and coloured white blonde but leave the roots dark.” James gaped at me in shock. Stephanie smiled in the mirror. “Very slutty,” she said. “Okay, I’ll get to work.” She put a small cloth around his shoulders and was about to place the larger covering over him when I shook my head. Shrugging, she left the smaller one on and started to cut. After a while, she smiled at me while cutting. ” I like his little shorts,” she commented. “Very revealing, aren’t they. Even more so because he has no hair.” That surprised her. “Really?” “Yes. Look. Pull your shorts down, slave.” Without hesitation he did and his growing cock lolled across his bare stomach and bald balls. Stephanie walked around to the front of the chair to get a closer look. “Look at that. I can give you some depilatory cream to keep it smooth if you like, Wendy.” “Thank you.” “Look, he’s getting hard.” I smiled at his erection. “It’s his submissive nature,” I sneered. “He can’t help himself. Would you like to see him jerk off?” Stephanie shook her head and smiled. “Maybe another time. I’ve got the Mayors wife coming in after this,” she added, starting to cut again. Deliberately, I did not tell him to pull his shorts up so he remained exposed for the entire procedure. I saw the desperate appeal in his eyes but ignored it. However, I did notice that he remained hard. “There,” Said Stephanie, stepping back to admire the finished work, “what do you think?” I studied James in his new short blonde hairstyle. Somehow it made him smaller, slutty and slightly effeminate. It was perfect. “Another perfect job, Stephanie. Please charge it. Pull your shorts up, slave,” I commanded at last and he moved very quickly. Before we walked into the outer area, I pulled the shorts up tight so his still hard cock and balls were easily visible. “Let’s give the ladies something to look at,” I smiled and Stephanie laughed, opening the door. “Thank you Stephanie,” I said in a loud voice, killing all conversation. “He looks like the little slut he is. Still,” I said smiling, dropping my eyes to his crotch, “he seemed to have enjoyed it. Thank me, slave,” I said loudly. “Thank you, Mistress,” he said. I kissed Stephanie on the cheek and she gave me the depilatory cream. I thanked her again and led James to the car, waited while he opened the door and shut it after me. As I scrambled into the passenger seat, I studied his dull eyes. “Do you like your new hair style, slave?” “No Mistress,” he said brokenly and I laughed loudly as we sped away. His eyes widened as I parked at a tattoo parlour. I ignored the shock and fear in those eyes and ordered him to open the car door. Caroline opened the parlour door and studied James as he followed me in. Wordlessly, she pointed at the door to the back room and I entered, followed by a very nervous slave. Caroline shut the door and pointed at the work table. “I need him on there, Wendy,” she said. “Naked?” “Yep.” “Slave,” I said, smiling coldly. “Strip everything off.” His eyes were begging but his body, now out of his control, stripped him naked. James stood before us, his cock starting to uncurl once again while his eyes darted around the room at the pictures of available tattoos. “Okay,” Caroline said, “still want what we talked about?” “Certainly.” “Well, face down for the first one.” The shock of the word `first’ was evident on James face. “Slave, lie face down on the couch. You will obey Mistress Caroline’s every instruction until I tell you otherwise,” I added while he was lying on the table. Caroline gestured at his butt. “Where?” I lightly ran my fingers over his right cheek. “Here. I want the word `slave’ there. Can you make it large and so it will look like a brand?” Caroline nodded. “Well, do it.” Casually, I sat in the corner, flicking through some magazines will the needle hummed and soft music played in the back ground. Finally, Caroline stood up and ordered James to roll over and he did so, gingerly. Caroline went through the instructions to keep the tattoo clean and other little tips. I had noticed she had lightly covered it with gauze so she could work on the other one. Putting the magazine down, I looked down at my slave as he lay on his back, staring up at me dully. Caroline gestured down. “Looks like he likes my work.” I smiled when I saw he was hard again. “Annoying, isn’t it. Will that get in the way?” She was still staring at his cock. Somehow, because he was hairless, it looked bigger than usual. “Well,” she said hesitantly, “I don’t really want it bobbing around in my face. Distracting. And difficult to do the other as well.” “Yes,” I laughed, “I suppose it could be. Tell me Caroline, have you ever seen a man jerk off?” She licked her lips. “No.” “It’s an education, believe me. Slave, kneel there,” I ordered pointing front of the chairs where I had been reading. “Shall we?” I said to Caroline and we sat down. “Slave, ask Mistress Caroline if you can come. Don’t forget to say please.” “Please Mistress Caroline, can I cum?” Before Caroline could answer, I jumped in. “No, no,” I scolded. “Ask her to jerk off and, if she gives permission, you ask her to cum when you are close. Now, do it again, you fool.” “Please Mistress Caroline, can I jerk off?” he begged and I saw the flicker of humiliation in his eyes. Caroline giggled. “Yes,” she said and James started pulling furiously at his hard cock. He must have been aroused for some time, poor boy, for he soon looked up at Caroline, panting. “Please Mistress Caroline, can I cum?” She looked at me and I nodded. “Yes,” she said, a smile on her pretty face. “Yes, slave. Cum!” No sooner than she had said it, creamy cum ejaculated from his red cock, shooting through the air to land at our feet while James panted and gasped. “Quite a little mess. Lick it up, slave,” I said coldly and I thought I saw a tear in his eye as his hesitant tongue did so. “Right, party time is over. Back to work.” I ordered James to lay face up on the couch. I pointed to his crotch next to his cock. “There,” I said. “A small rose and the words `Property of Mistress Wendy.’ In red and black, I think. To match the rose.” I ignored the horrified spluttering from James and went back to my magazine. Sometime later, she finished and, again went through all hygiene precautions for James. Caroline left the room for a moment and came back with a tray with various items on it. “Still want him pierced?” I looked at James and the horrified look in his wide eyes. “You may speak slave,” I said. The words came in a rush. “Please, Mistress,” he begged. “No more. You’ve marked me for ever,” he said brokenly, gesturing at the square of white gauze in his crotch. “Please no more.” “That’s enough,” I said coldly and he instantly shut his mouth. “I say when we stop, not you. I’m going to control every part of you, slut!” I turned to Caroline. “You have the rings?” She nodded. “Good. One here,” I pointed at his foreskin under his cock, “and one here at the base of his balls. Both rings soldered shut so I can lock his cock to his balls.” I laughed at the expression on James face. “I’m afraid you’ll have to pee sitting down from now on but, what do I care? Will this hurt, Caroline?” “Yes.” “Good,” I said and went back to my magazines. James was sobbing quietly as he dressed. He was in pain and his foreskin was now fastened to a ring piercing the flesh under his sac by a small gold padlock. I had made a great show of stringing the key on a gold chain and hanging it around my neck. “Do you understand how to take care of yourself for the next few days while you heal, slave?” “Yes Mistress,” he sniffled. I kissed Caroline goodbye after paying her and, of course, thanking her for her understanding. We women must, after all, stick together. He was still sniffling as we drove home . I pulled the car into the kerb next to a post box and pulled a small parcel from my bag. “Look, slave,” I jeered. “The video of your performance. Look at the address,” I demanded as I shoved the parcel at him. He could clearly see it was addressed to Alice Wilson, his girlfriend and he started sniffling again. “Stop that!” I snapped. I slipped outside and dropped the parcel in the post box. James didn’t know I had put a small note with the cassette that said – `Interesting? Call me. Wendy’. I had scribbled my office number on the back. Let’s see if she calls or, rather, how long it takes. I laughed at loud as I drove and James looked at me strangely through his tears. I just love it when all the pieces of my plans fit together.

Part 4. Nothing happened for almost two weeks. Alice Wilson was a strong lady and I admired that. James had behaved himself but, then again, he had no choice. The tattoos and the piercing healed well and Stephanie’s depilatory cream worked well. I loved to watch his smooth butt with `SLAVE’ on it move as he went about his chores. What gave me a bigger thrill was to look at the small rose tattoo and the words `PROPERTY OF MISTRESS WENDY’ next to his imprisoned cock. That made me order him to his knees and enjoy the ever growing talents of his tongue and mouth. He couldn’t get hard and he couldn’t cum without me opening the gold padlock which I didn’t. Sometimes, I allowed him to beg for me to open it but I always refused. Finally, we moved up another step. The phone rang and my secretary told me Alice Wilson was on the line. A delicious thrill ran over me as I picked it up. Later, that evening, as I threw my car keys onto the and called out. “Slave, present yourself. We have a guest.” Alice giggled as James knelt in the centre of the floor. His eyes were lowered as his former lover and his wife stood over him. I took Alice’s coat and admired her short black skirt and peasant blouse, her long blonde hair hanging down the middle of her back. “I like his hairstyle,” Alice said as she sat on the sofa, crossing her long legs. Yes,” I agreed as I hung the coat and sat next to her. “It suits the little slut. What would you like to drink?” “Gin and tonic?” “Perfect. Get Mistress Alice a gin and tonic and a whisky and soda for me.” “Mistress Alice,” murmured Alice. “I like that.” “It has a nice sound to it,” I said moving close. I let my fingers casually stroke her hair. “You have lovely hair,” I said softly. “Thank you.” She blushed a little. Slave presented us with our drinks. “Turn around slave,” I ordered after a welcome sip. “Do you like the brand?” “Oh yes. No mistaking what he is now. Hm, this is nice.” “Show us the front, slave. What about that?” “Interesting. Can he, you know?” “Cum? No. Not unless I unlock him.” I turned my attention back to him. “Kneel. This is Mistress Alice. You will obey her like you obey me unless I instruct you other wise. Do you understand?” “Yes Mistress.” “Kiss Mistress Alice’s feet as a sign of your slavery.” He leaned forward and gently kissed her stiletto heeled shoes I glanced at Alice and saw she was breathing deeply and her eyes were heavy lidded with the pleasure of control. “Tell him,” I whispered. “Slave,” she said coldly. “Kiss Mistress Wendy’s shoes.” I felt his lips touch my feet but I was more interested in watching Alice. “Slave,” I said softly, looking into Alice’s eyes. “Take Mistress Alice’s shoes off and lick her feet.” She parted her legs slightly with a slight smile on her face as James removed her shoes, knowing he was looking up her skirt. “Oh look,” she said, resting a gentle hand on my arm as he licked her feet through the hose. “His cock is trying to get hard but it can’t.” “Isn’t it wonderful?” I said softly. “I’m sure it causes him pain.” “Slave,” instructed Alice. “Remove Mistress Wendy’s shoes, lick her feet and move slowly up her legs,” she said boldly, leaning closer to me. James, did so, moving up my black stockings while his cock twitched fruitlessly in its locked position. I took control, sliding my skirt up to reveal my stocking tops, garter belt and black lace panties and I heard a sharp intake of breath from Alice. “Do you want to kiss my panties, slave?” I demanded. His eyes and Alice’s eyes were riveted to my lace covered crotch. “Yes, Mistress.” “Kiss, slave. And do a good job.” I leaned back on the sofa, turning my head to look at the lovely Alice as James mouth gently paid homage to my panties and, below the lace, my pussy. I was wet and, I was sure Alice was also. After a moment, with my intimate perfume floating in the air, I smile sensually at Alice. “Slave,” I said without turning my head. “Lick Mistress Alice’s legs up to her pussy.” Alice fell back into the cushions and I leaned over her to slowly slide her skirt up around her waist. “Oh look slave,” I whispered. “Pantyhose without panties.” I stared at the fine blonde hair beneath the sheer nylon, her sweet scent in my nostrils and raised my head just as James mouth closed over her pussy. Alice lolled back, a wanton look on her beautiful face. Without hesitation, I kissed her deeply, our tongues touching and dancing together in our own world. Smiling at each other, we slowly pulled apart. “Take off my pantyhose, slave,” she ordered, still looking at me. A minute later, there was a little pile of nylon on the floor. “Remove my panties,” I instructed and black lace lay next to the nylon. I offered Alice my hand and we stood, looking down at the pathetic creature kneeling before us. “Do we want him?” I asked and Alice smiled, shaking her head. “Not this time.” I put my arm around her waist and we walked to the stairs that led to the bedroom. Stopping on the landing, we looked down at him as he waited for his instructions. “Slave, you will spend the next fifteen minutes smelling and tasting Mistress Alice’s pantyhose and my panties.” Alice giggled softly in my ear and I felt her long fingers slip under my skirt to gently caress my pussy. “You will then hand wash both items, hang them in the laundry and retire to sleep in your little room.” I gasped as Alice’s long finger slipped inside of me as she nuzzled my ear with her mouth. “Wake us at ten in the usual manner.” I turned and kissed Alice. As usual, I had attained my goal. Alice was mine and, along the way to getting her, I enjoyed revenge. I am, after all, a very methodical woman. Giggling we walked up the stairs without a backward glance.