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Orgy at The Shoe Store



This story takes place in shoe store where I worked part time during the early 1970’s, I was in college and worked night and weekends to help pay the tab, it was rather late on a Friday night only about an hour before closing, business had been slow and the assistant manager who was in charge had let the other employees leave, I had asked to stay on because I really needed to make every dime I could for school.

The assistant manager asked me if I would mind closing up as he really wanted to get home to his wife, I said I would, so he handed me a spare set of keys to the store and left, at this point I was alone, There was an hour left before closing and not a customer in the store so I busied myself arranging the shoes on display in our rather large display window.

This was before the days when everything had to be in enclosed malls. This shoe store stood alone just off a busy main drag in a bedroom community in Northern Virginia just outside Washington, DC, the display window faced the parking lot so I was sure to see if any customers drove up.

After only a few minutes, I noticed head lights out of the corner of my eye and sure enough, a car pulled up right in front of the store and parked, two very attractive young women got out of the car walked up to the display window, I was sure they had noticed me but they didn’t pay any attention, instead they walked up and down the display looking over the shoes that were on display.

I couldn’t help but admire their looks, both were brunettes with clear complexions and only modest makeup, as was the fashion, they were braless, the taller of the two wore a halter top and very tight blue jeans, the shorter, wore what was called a tube top (a tube of a stretch material) and very tight cut off blue jeans.

They might have been sisters as they had similar features, they were slim. Though nicely built, the taller woman had what I would were 34 inch breasts of a full C or D cup, the shorter woman was more petite but still quite attractive, both had very long luxurious hair that would occasionally drop down and hide their pretty faces, I would guess they were in their late teens or early twenties.

I was probably standing in the window holding a couple of shoes with my mouth hanging open when the taller woman looked me straight in the eye and mouthed some words, I could not hear clearly through the glass so I worked my way to the very front of the window and cupped my hand around my ear and pressed close to the glass, she repeated that she wanted to know if a particular style on display was available in a color other than what was shown, I looked at her, smiled, nodded and made a sweeping hand gesture toward the door, the young women smiled back and entered the store.

I got out of the window and met them coming through the door, I welcomed them in and escorted them to chairs, the taller young woman sat down while the shorter one busied herself looking over the displays, I gently removed the taller woman’s shoes and measured them both, having acquired the proper size, I walked into the back area of the store where we kept our stock to get the pair that was requested.

When I returned from the back room I noticed it was a moment or two after closing, I stopped at the front door long enough to lockup and hit the light switch that killed the lights in the display window, then I returned to the taller woman with the pair of shoes she had requested,

She looked up at me with a very serious expression and said, “Well, you’ve got us locked in! We can’t escape! I guess now you’ll want to have your way with us!”

I was a little stunned, she had said that so seriously. I really didn’t know what to say. Up until this point the only thing on my mind was selling a pair of shoes and earning a few dollars in commissions, but the look in her eyes became playful, she reached behind her neck and untied the strap that held her halter top close to her chest, she laid the straps on her shoulders and stood in front of me, then she unbuttoned her jeans and wiggled them down just below her knees, her white cotton undies and the now dangling halter top were all that remained of her modesty.

I heard movement to my right and turned to see that the shorter woman was watching with an amused look on her face, she must have seen my discomfort in my facial expression, she reassured, “Relax! She saw you in the window when we drove up and said she just had to have you!”

The taller woman added, “That may be true, but it’s obvious he had this planned all along! He’s captured us and lord only knows what he will do with us!”

The shorter woman then decided to get with the program and said, “Oh what will we do! We are his captives and will have to do whatever he tells us to do if we ever want to escape!”

Ok, so I’m a little slow, I had never encountered two very sexually aggressive women and really did not understand at first, however, I was getting the idea now and was very willing to play the game, I looked at the shorter woman and said, “If you ever expect me to let you out of here, you will do exactly as I say! Remove you shorts, now!”

The shorter woman giggled a bit but quickly complied, she wore no undies, so there she stood, about ten feet to my right with only the flimsy tube top covering her breasts and her hands covering her pubic area, she looked me right in the eyes and said, “Yes sir! Will there be anything else sir!”

I told the shorter woman, “Yes, your friend needs your help getting out of her clothes!”

With this, the shorter woman move quickly to taller woman’s side, she brushed against me playfully on the way, she undid the clasp at the back of the halter top and with a single motion removed it from the taller woman’s chest, I was very pleased to see two firm round breasts appear, small dark nipples that were very nearly erect and the cutest tan lines.

Not stopping there, the shorter woman bent over to remove the taller woman’s jeans which were now pulled down to her ankles, she made a special effort to bend over in such a way that I was presented with her full round rear only a few feet from my face. It was quite a nice sight, she had very fine hair folding in waves obstructing my clear view of her wet spot, she was so close to me that I could smell her perfume.

Once the jeans were removed, the shorter woman stepped behind the taller one and slowly, very slowly, as if unwrapping a package, dropped the taller woman’s panties to the floor, the taller woman had a very full mound of hair that had been trimmed in a bikini cut, with her standing in front of me naked, I was able to see that she was truly a very attractive woman, firm round breasts, a slim waist, a slightly rounded stomach and nicely rounded hips.

The taller woman move her arms to hide her nakedness, she looked down at the floor and asked, “Do we meet with your approval, sir.”

I did not say word, I moved to the taller woman and put my arms around her, with modest force, I pressed her against me and ran my hands up and down her spin, she became loose in my arms and laid her head on my shoulders, I ran my hands between the cheeks of her ass, then up her spine across her shoulders and then fondled her hair, she shivered a bit and moaned.

I noticed that the shorted woman had removed her tube top and that now I was the only one not naked, its strange how being the only person with clothes on is nearly as uncomfortable as being the only one naked, I said to them both, “You will now remove my clothing!”, I helped a bit by kicking off my shoes and socks, but the rest of clothes were removed by the two of them working as a team.

Well, the story had a very happy ending, it was one of those once in a lifetime experiences, I never saw them again after that night, though I always volunteered to close down the store.