
Teen whores action in the mall


The three teenage girls sat in the food court of the mall, trying to appear bored and uninterested and incredibly seductive all at the same time. Each girl thought they were far sexier than they actually were, and it showed.

“Oh, damn, it’s Alexis” Britney said.

“Where?” Jessica turned to look around.

“She just walked in, I mean, look at her, she’s dressed like 1950.”

“How can anyone be so conservative? She’d probably die of embarrassment if anyone ever saw her bra strap.”

“And she is soooo full of herself.” Tammy chimed in. “I heard that Dave Metzler called her for a date, and she turned him down.”

That comment almost brought Tammy out of her chair; she had begun dating Dave a week before, and thought she had made a real conquest.

“What a slut!” Tammy said. “Who the hell does she think she is? I am sooo sick of her.

“Someone ought to teach her a lesson, really put her in her place.”

Britney lowered her head, and whispered, “And I know just how to do it.” The other girls leaned closer to hear.

Alexis, of course, was totally unaware of all that. She was a bit apprehensive and self conscious. This was a “new” mall for her, and THIS time, she was determined to be just another normal, unimportant customer. Here to do some shopping and browsing. She was NOT going to get into ANY kind of trouble. She had learned her lesson. She was just going to spend the afternoon minding her own business.

She was walking through the food court, and jumped about a foot when she heard her name called out. She looked around, and didn’t see any of her friends. And after all, “Alexis” wasn’t really a very common name.

She looked around a 2nd time, and saw 3 girls at a table, who were waving to her. Curious, and cautious, she walked over to them.

They quickly introduced themselves, and mentioned a couple classes and teachers from school they had in common.

“We’ve never seen you here at the mall before,” Tammy said.

Alexis stalled for a moment. “Well, you know, your “regular” mall gets to be boring after awhile; I just wanted to see what was different here.”

“Oh this place has just tons of great outfits!” Jessica said, “Really sexy, hot stuff.”

All three girls closely watched the fourteen year olds reaction at the suggestion of “sexy, hot stuff” They were just slightly thrown off when she didn’t react at all.

“Come on,” Britney told her, “you can join us while we shop.”

Alexis was really surprised at the offer, but grateful too. She couldn’t get into any trouble just shopping with her new friends!

The four girls left the food court and began their shopping hunt. They looked over clothes, tried clothes on, critiqued each other, and gossiped about school and boys and other girls. They made every effort to make Alexis “one of the group”. Raving about how great the outfits looked on her.

And Alexis was happy about it, never once suspecting the girls might have something other than friendship planned for her.

They finally found a one piece swimsuit, all three of her new “friends” were crazy over it, raving about how hot it would look on her, how there was not a guy in the state who would not be drooling over her, if she wore that to the beach. She simply HAD to have it.

Alexis was a bit confused. It just wasn’t that hot or sexy to her. There were certainly suits in the shop that were far more revealing. She began to blush. When it came to “revealing” and having guys “drooling over her” at the beach, NO ONE could out do her, much to her embarrassment. She decided not to mention THAT episode to the other girls.

She had just about decided to get it, when Tammy made up her mind. “Well, if you don’t want it, I will get it. I was holding back, so we both wouldn’t get the same suit that would clash. Two girls should not be wearing the same outfit at the same time.”

Alexis didn’t really see what it mattered, but she was not about to disagree with her new friends and upset them. Besides, it was just a swim suit. Tammy paid for the suit, without even trying it on, and the girls left the store.

They did a bit more window shopping, but showed no interest in really buying anything. Then there was the announcement, the Mall would be closing in one half hour. The got to the food court, when suddenly, Jessica began going on again about how fantastic that swim suit would look on Alexis. “You never even tried it on, Alexis. You really should at least try it on.”

Tammy said, “Sure, Alexis, and if you really like it, you can just pay me for it, I won’t even charge you the damn sales tax. But you HAVE to try it on!”

“You mean go home with you?” The fourteen year old hated to sound like a little kid in front of her new friends, but she said, “I’d have to call my parents, and let them know I will be home later than I expected.”

The girls laughed lightly. “No, silly. You can try it on here, we’ll just go into the ladies room. We paid for the suit, it’s ok, just to try it on quick.” You really HAVE to try it on, trust me.” The other two girls chimed in, encouraging her to try on the swim suit.

Alexis looked at her watch. “I don’t know if we have time. I don’t want to miss my bus home, I don’t know when the next bus is.”

“Oh, don’t worry, you got us taking care of you.” Alexis never caught the double edged meaning of what the girl had just said.

Worried about the time, the young teenager got up and hurried to the women’s restroom, her new “friends” close behind. She walked in and looked around. “There’s really no place to actually change in here.”

Tammy shrugged. “We can go into the “handicapped” stall, it’s extra big, to make room for wheelchairs.

Together, they entered the large stall. Before Alexis could object to anything else, Tammy told her, “I’ll hold your clothes while you try on the suit.”

Alexis was embarrassed, but would never admit it. Sure she had changed in front of other girls, but that was in the school locker room, not a small stall in a public Mall. She took off her tee shirt, and handed it to her friend. Next came her sneakers, but she kept her socks on, somehow, one always thinks of the floors of public restrooms as dirty, and she didn’t want to be in her bare feet. She slid down her jeans and took them off, handing them to the older girl.

Then she was in her bra and panties. “Give me the swim suit.”

Tammy laughed. “You can’t see if it fits right with your underwear on. You only have to keep your underwear on before you buy it, when it’s still in the store. It’s ok, no different that changing after gym class, we’re both girls. Hurry, before the place closes.”

Blushing, Alexis turned from Tammy and took off her bra, then handed it to her. Finally, her panties, leaving herself in nothing but socks. She had not even noticed that her “friend” had been passing her clothes out to the other girls.

Tammy pretended to look in her shopping bag, after she dropped Alexis’s bra and panties into it. “Damn, Jessica, do you have the bag with the swim suit?”

“Yes, I think I have it.”

She looked at Alexis innocently. “I’ll get it.” As if she expected Alexis to step out for it, undressed like she was. Before the nearly nude teenager could say anything, Tammy was out of the stall. Alexis heard howls of laughter as the three older teens rushed from the rest room, with all her clothes! Alexis rushed out of the stall to follow them, to get her clothes back, then stopped dead, remembering she was nude. HOW COULD THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO HER?!

Quickly, before anyone else walked in, she ducked back into the large stall. She sat down on the toilet, ready to cry. She was beginning to feel like she was nothing but a character in a story, and the author kept putting her in these ridicules situations just for peoples reading enjoyment! But, she was NOT a character in some story. What she was, was nude and in a public bathroom. Of all the stupid, dumb places to be trapped.

The question was, how to get out of here? She couldn’t just walk out nude, not even with the excuse that her “new” friends had stolen her clothes. BUT… she could wait there, until she was certain everyone had left, the Mall was empty, and no one would see. She’d be safe. Then?

There must be janitor’s closets or rooms, and they wore uniforms! Maybe she could find one, and borrow a uniform or at least a jacket or something, anything to cover herself to get out of the mall and home.

She tried to make herself as comfortable as possible while she waited. And waited and waited. She quickly learned that sitting around nude in a bathroom is NOT comfortable. For one thing, it was chilly. The teenager was getting cold, she had goosebumps all over her body, and her nipples were starting to stiffen up.

She rubbed her arms, to warm herself, then her hands strayed over her breasts, massaging them. She felt tingles running through her body. Her nipples stiffened even harder, and this time, not from the cold. It just felt gooood. Her other hand strayed down to her lower stomach, then started moving even lower yet. She remembered where she was, and mentally slapped her own hand away. This was NO time to start playing with herself! Besides, she admitted to herself, she did more than enough of that back in her room.

Without a watch, she had no idea how long she had been sitting there. It sure was quiet, very very quiet. She opened the stall door and stepped out. She stood there by the sinks, trying to gather her courage to walk out of the bathroom, her hand resting on the paper towel dispenser.

The paper towels! It was a stroke of genius. She could wrap herself in the towels, then walk out! She began pulling the towels out, she had about enough to cover half her body, when the dispenser ran empty. She threw them on the floor and was about to start crying when she heard a noise. A squeaky noise, and a rolling sound noise. Then a male voice!

“I hope this one isn’t too trashed, I want to get out of here on time tonight.

The janitors! It never occurred to her that Mall janitors had to stay after the place closed, and clean up. She sprung back into the large stall, sat down and put her feet up against the door, shoving it closed with all her strength.

“GOD DAMN, SON OF A BITCH!” She heard the janitor yell. “The damn kids did it again! What is wrong with them, anyway? Just once, I’d love to get my hands on one of the little bastards.

Even as scared as she was, she had to clamp one hand over her mouth to keep from giggling as she thought “I bet you’d like to get your hands on ME, right now!” Alexis heard him gathering up the paper toweling she had tried to wrap around her, then a wet, slopping, pouring water sound. She couldn’t figure out what it was at first, then realized, he was mopping the floor. That meant, he would try to mop in her stall! She sat on the seat and put her feet up against the door, pushing with all her strength.

It never occurred to the panicked teenager that she could talk to the man through the door, change the story a bit, say she was forced by someone with a knife, and get help. Instead, she was frantic not to be seen. Her fear and her sitting position, the strength in her long, sexy legs, gave her far greater leverage than the angry janitor had.

She felt him push against the door, then push harder. But there was no way he was going to force it open. She only hoped he would not try to slide in UNDER the door! Of course, she had not accounted for the general laziness of janitor’s world wide.

“Son of a bitching damn kids! Just once, I’d like to get my hands on the little bastards!” He said again. Obviously, he said it so often he never realized it.

The janitor pushed a bit harder, then gave up. “Fuck it, let building maintenance take care of it in the morning.” he muttered to himself.

Alexis heard his mop bucket being rolled out the door. Then it became quiet. Very, very quiet, for a long time. She finally relaxed her trembling legs, there was no need to keep forcing the door closed. She had no idea how long she had been in that rest room!

She jumped when the lights went out. GREAT! Now she was nude, AND in the dark! As she sat there trying to figure out what to do next, her eyes began to adjust. She realized it was not totally dark. There were a couple dim emergency lights, so she could at least see and not trip over anything and break her leg.

She eased open the stall door, the creaking of the hinges sounding extra loud in the dead silence. The only other advantage she had, being in her socks, she was totally silent herself. She was also totally scared.

She moved towards the doorway and carefully. Luckily, there was no door, so she was not worried about being locked in. It was designed in an S shape, no door was needed because no one outside could see around the curved walls. She carefully peeked out, no one in sight.

Naked, cold, scared, Alexis stepped out into the food court. There were more lights out here, but it was still dim. She kept close to the wall, the lights were brighter in the center of the court. She cursed herself, for not paying more attention while she was wandering around with her so called “friends”. She had no idea where the phones were in this mall! Still, it shouldn’t take her long to find them.

BUZZT, BUZZT, BUZZT, BUZZT. Mike Nalis stirred from his basketball game, annoyed at the internal alarm going off. Probably another bird got inside and now, flying around, trying to find its way out, was setting off the alarm and interrupting him. And he had 10 bucks riding on this good for nothing team, too. Bored, lazy, he simply reached over and turned the alarm off.

BUZZT, BUZZT, BUZZT. The alarm sounded again. Cursing, he switched from the game, to the Malls security cameras. He checked the “zone” the alarm was coming from, and switched to that particular camera. And about fell out of his chair he sat up so fast.

“Greg, get over here, quick!” He yelled to the other guard.

Greg yawned, he had been napping. The guards took turns sleeping. There always had to be at least two guards on duty at night, but it was so boring, it was impossible to say awake the entire night. So they took turns, screw the managers. “What is it, another druggy trying to break in?”

“Get over here, asshole, you’re missing it”.

Greg moved faster than normal. Something in Mike’s voice told him, this was NOT your average break in. He sat down beside Mike and looked at the monitor. “WHAT THE FUCK! WHERE DID SHE COME FROM?”

“I have no idea. That broad has GOT to be flying on drugs. Probably hid in the ceiling till we closed, figuring to find a store unlocked.” It was a problem all Malls had, every once in awhile, someone, usually kids, would go into the restroom, climb up, lift the fake ceiling tile and climb up into the real ceiling, among the piping and vents and a/c shafts.

“Stark naked?”

“A run away, off the street, her clothes in rags. She hides in the ceiling section, waits till we’re closed, leaves her rags behind, figures she’ll get some new things, and walk out in the morning, just another customer.

“I don’t think so, look at her.”

“I’m looking, I’m looking. Fuck, what a body she has!”

“I don’t mean that, I mean, look at her. Street kids are dirty, I’ve seen some who don’t wash their hair for a month. She’s clean, her hair is clean, AND, you’ll notice, she’s not even trying to rattle doors, trying to find an open one.

“Sooo, what the hell is she up to?”

“Damned if I know,” he grinned, “lets watch and find out.”

Alexis, totally unaware that she was not only on camera, but being taped as well, was going down the main Mall corridor. The phones would probably not be in any of the main sections, they would be down one of the side wings, where the people on the phone would not create a traffic jam in the busy shopping time, and it would be quieter, so you could hear who you were calling.

It felt so WIERD! Walking around nude, where only an hour or so before, there had been hundreds of people here. She began to relax as she walked. There was NO ONE here, it was exciting to think how they would have reacted if she’s walked around like this when they WERE here!

The nude girl experienced a tingling, itching sensation, in her twat, imagining being nude in a Mall full of shoppers. It was a sensation she was well used to, and she knew how to satisfy it. But this was not the time and definitely not the place to take care of it.

“So what the hell is she after? Just some crazy teenage dare, ‘go to the Mall, wait till they close and walk around nude?’

Who would be dumb enough to accept a dare like that?

Greg pointed towards the screen. “She would.”

Alexis found the phones, FINALLY! She thought. As she was reaching to pick the first one up, she stopped and groaned. She didn’t have any money! How could she make a call from a pay phone with coins? She sat down on a bench, she was about ready to cry.

Maybe she should go cry in the center Mall fountain, at least no one would notice. THE FOUNTAIN! People threw coins in the fountain, she had seen them do it, she even did it herself once, making a silly wish. Pity she hadn’t wished that she could keep her damn clothes on! Somehow, someday, she was going to get sooooo even with those three bitches! But for right now, there was the money in the fountain to deal with.

She jumped up and sprinted for the center of the Mall, in her socks, she was totally silent, only the sound of her breathing.

In a way, she thought, this is really neat! Running naked in silence, like some wild, erotic dream.

“Where the hell is she going now?” Greg asked.

“Who gives a fuck, she can’t get out, all the doors are locked. God, look at that body! Such great tits, and they don’t even wobble, they are firm and tight.”

“I just bet she is tight. What a fucking hot body.”

Alexis was at the fountain in no time, not even panting from her run. She walked to the stairs “bridge” that crossed over the large pool of water. YES! There were all sorts of coins, plenty of pennies, which she couldn’t use in a pay phone, but nickels, dimes, even quarters! She stood there for a moment, considering. She would only take what she needed for a call, well, maybe two calls. No one could ever accuse her of stealing that way.

She went down the stairs to the edge of the fountain, sat down on a bench and pealed off her socks.

“Don’t tell me, is she going to take a fucking bath in the fountain now?”

“With this crazy bitch, who knows what she’s going to do next!”

Greg stared at the screen, and licked his lips. He glanced quickly at his partner. “Sorry, but I just can’t hold off any longer.” He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, and began stroking himself. Mike looked at him, grinned and undid his own pants, freeing his erection. It was not the first time they had masturbated in front of each other. In fact, it was fairly common.

Babysitting an empty mall very quickly got boring as hell, and working the night shift cut into their dating, and hence sex life, badly. So they brought in porno DVD’s to watch, and help the nights pass quicker. They weren’t gay, hadn’t even touched each others cocks, they had restricted everything to each pulling his own dick.

Still totally unaware of the wildly erotic show she was putting on, Alexis put one foot in the water. She was expecting it to be icy cold, but it was warm. In fact, it was very warm. She walked out into the fountain, the water felt good on her bare legs. She picked up a couple dollars worth of quarters, and dropped them next to her socks. She hesitated before getting out of the fountain. This was the nicest thing she’d experienced yet today!

She remembered what her father always told her. “Take advantage of your opportunities when you have them, you never know when you might get a second chance to do something. Well, she certainly was not, never, ever, going to get the “opportunity” to do this again! But swimming nude in a Mall center fountain! It was a wild secret, she could never share with anyone! (She still had absolutely no idea she had been sharing her entire nude adventure with two security guards and a video tape!”

She waded to the fountain, then stepped beneath the cascading water. It felt totally AMAZING! Taking a shower, in the middle of a Mall, stark naked! For just those few minutes, she actually thanked the three bitches for what they did to her. She stood there, letting the water flow over her bare body, not caring about anything in the world.

Mike was slowly, gently stroking his hard cock. He could NOT believe the show this girl was putting on for them. Did she suspect she was on camera, and showing off? He doubted that, there were no sly glances around, up towards the ceiling, looking for the camera she pretended not to know was there. This dumb bitch really didn’t know about the security cameras.

After a few minutes of letting the warm water flow down her body, Alexis decided to permit herself a bit of pleasure. Since the water had been flowing DOWN her naked body, it was time it flowed UP her body! She waded over to one of the gentler upwards shooting streams, and stepped over it, straddling her long, firm legs, letting the water gush up into her cunt.

She slowly slid her hands over her breasts, down her body to her groin, then pulled her pussy open. Her eyes bulged behind closed lids as the water penetrated deep up her virginal canal. She was glad she was in the water, she was so hot, she thought she would explode in flames is she were anywhere dry.

She was not the only one about to explode! Greg couldn’t control himself either. He pulled his hanky out of his pocket, and with a sheepish grin to his partner, “Sorry, pal, I can’t hold back any longer, she is just too fucking hot!”

“Not me,” Mike said, “my load is going right in her, one hole or the other.”

“My SECOND load will be in the bitch, and she will have to work harder to get it! Greg gasped in response.

Mikes eyes widened in sudden understanding of Greg’s intent. “But you know” he gasped as he sped up his own stroking motion, “it’s rape”

“Fuck, the jury sees this tape, not one would ever convict us, after the show she is putting on.”

Still in the pool, Alexis moved slightly, squatted a bit more and groaned as the water squirted upwards against her asshole. Her entire body began to tremble as her orgasm hit her, no, it was more like it slammed into her. The force of the water over her cunt and her asshole was too much, she felt like every nerve was exploding.


“Me tooooooo!” Mike groaned and he held his hanky over the head of his cock.

“DAMNNNNN, me too!” Greg joined him. The two guards sat there silently, waiting for their dicks to drain into their hankies. They each wiped themselves off, and sat back, waiting to get their breathing down to regular.

Alexis, of course, was now sitting down in the warm water, coming down from her own fountain orgasm high. She leaned back in the water, till she was almost floating, almost, the fountain wasn’t quite deep enough. She suddenly realized how ridiculous she would look, if anyone every did see her.

She hurried out of the pool, gathered up her socks and the quarters, and ran silently back to the phones, the running made her wet body seem cold, her nipples stiffened up again.

“So what is she doing now? Greg asked. He had put his cock back in his pants and zipped up. The sexual relief over, it was back to business, for now.

“Damned if I know, maybe she filled the dare, and now she thinks she’s going to call someone to come get her.

Greg laughed. She is about to be really disappointed.

“Yea, I guess it’s time I brought her in.” He grinned as he looked at his partner. “Keep an eye on her.” they both laughed.

Alexis reached the phones and quickly dropped a couple coins in. She listened for the dial tone, and heard nothing but silence. Was the phone dead? She moved the coin return lever, and collected her quarters when they dropped into the change return. She tried each of the other phones. All were the same. She slumped against the phone side. NOW what was she going to do? Stay here all night long? Her parents were going to be furious with her. She was going to be grounded till she was 21! She looked down at her naked, wet body. Maybe till she was 35!


The sound of another voice, the first real sound she had heard in what seemed like hours, and made extra loud by the silence, made the fourteen year old jump a foot into the air. She spun, automatically trying to cover her breasts and pussy with her hands and arms.

“Who, who are you?” She immediately realized what a stupid question it was. He was obviously a cop, or at least Mall security.

“What are you doing in here, we closed a couple hours ago. You’re trespassing.”

Alexis considered what to tell him. No matter what she said, it would sound insane.

“Turn around.” He took a pair of handcuffs out of his belt. Mall security guards weren’t supposed to carry hand cuffs, but most of the shop lifters and fighters they dealt with didn’t know that. He was certain this naked girl didn’t know it either. He wasn’t worried about her trying to escape, where could she go, after all? He just wanted her hands behind her, not hiding those fantastic tits of hers.

Alexis didn’t even try to resist, just turned around and put her hands behind her back. In seconds, she was cuffed and being escorted down the mall corridors. Mike could have taken the short route, there were security hallways running between stores, most people didn’t know about.

But he was in no hurry at all. They got to the security office, Mike held the door open for her, his hand on low on her back to “help” her through the door way. Very low on her back, in fact. It was practically on her ass.

Here, in the brightly lit security office, Alexis felt far more exposed than she had before. There’s just something about authority that creates that reaction.

“Set down in that chair, and don’t say a word” Mike told her. He sat himself in front of a computer, apparently totally ignoring the teenage girl’s nudity. There was another guard here in the office, and he was doing anything BUT ignoring her naked body. He was openly leering at her, studying every inch of her exposed skin.

Mike asked her her name, Alexis answered automatically. He began typing into the computer. After a few minutes, he leaned back and looked at her, but he seemed to be having trouble talking to her face, his eyes were everywhere but her face. “You aren’t on any shoplifting or bar from mall lists.”

Alexis let out a mental sigh of relief. The guys at the other malls had kept their word, and not reported her. Well, considering what she had done for them, she deserved to be let off.

“The question is, what do we do about you? You’ve broken the law, you’ve trespassed.”

“And if we tried, we could probably find a few other things to write you up for.”

Alexis decided to try for sympathy. “But please, it wasn’t my fault!” I was about to leave the mall, get my bus home, but I had to use the rest room. Three girls came in, and mugged me, they said they had knives, I didn’t see them, I mean, they weren’t holding them, but I couldn’t take that chance, could I?” They told me to give them my clothes. They took my clothes and then ran off!”

“I couldn’t just walk out into the mall stark naked! I hid in the restroom till I thought everyone had gone home, and the mall was empty. Then I came out and tried to use the phone, to call my parents to come and get me.”

“Well, there’s a bit more too it than that, isn’t there? Like your little bath in the center fountain?”

“I had to go in the water to get quarters for the phone!”

Mike turned the monitor screen enough so Alexis could see it, rewound the security tape to the frame where she squatted over the fountain jet, then pressed play. The embarrassed girl had to set there and watch herself have her orgasm, while the guards watched too. When the tape stopped, Alexis hung her head in shame.

Greg stepped close to her, reached out, and took a handful of her hair. “You’re still wet, you could catch cold.” He walked away from her, went into the stolen property room and came back a few minutes later, with a hair dryer. He plugged it in and handed it to her. She took it gratefully, and began drying her hair.

Mike got up and motioned Greg to a corner of the room.

“Ok, the good cop, bad cop routine is working perfect on her. We can convince her to do anything to get out of this. You know, in a weird way, I can believe her story. Well, most of it anyway.”

The two guards walked back to Alexis. “So what do we do about you?”

“Please, let me go, none of this was my fault! I didn’t steal anything, the money I took from the fountain was only to make the phone call to get out of here!”

“BUTTT, you are still trespassing.”

“Please, just let me go?”

“Just let you go?” And spend the rest of the night worrying about our jobs? We’re paid so things like this don’t happen! But I don’t feel like sitting here for the next hour or so doing the paperwork, not with the hard on you’ve given me. So, you do something for us, we’d do something for you, and no one ever knows this happened.”

What choice did she have? But at least she knew her parents would never find out. But she could not bring herself to actually say “yes.” She just nodded.

Mike uncuffed her and told her to stand up. The took positions on each side of her, and began running their hands over her body, stopping only long enough to take their cocks out of their pants, letting their erections spring free, then back to feeling her up.

Fingers began to work their way into her pussy, into the crack of her ass. She felt two hard dicks pressing against her legs. She felt them, but didn’t see them, her eye were closed, lost in the sensation of hands and fingers on the most private parts of her body.

She was becoming such a slut! Letting herself be used this way, to keep from being punished. She told herself she was doing it for her parents, to spare them the shame of her name being in the papers. Her hands slid down, found the hard cocks and closed around them.

She began stroking them, short, quick jerks, it was difficult to get any real sense of rhythm going, under the circumstances. She was almost to the brink of her orgasm when both men stiffened up, she felt their cocks harden even more, the spasm. She felt the hot cum spurt onto her legs and sides. Instinctively, she tugged even harder, milking them for ever spurt of cum.

When they had both dribbled to a stop, she leg go of their dicks. She realized they had stopped feeling and probing her! She was on the edge of cumming, they couldn’t do that to her!

But they could. Both men were wiping their cocks off with tissue, they handed her the box, to wipe their cum off her. Greg took the hair dryer back to the stolen property room, and came back with jeans, sneakers and a tee shirt for her.

“I’ll give you a ride home. We’re not supposed to leave the building with just one guard on duty, but if you don’t tell, we won’t tell.” He grinned at his own joke, Alexis was hardly likely to report them!

It seemed very odd, but getting dressed in front of the men seemed far more embarrassing than letting them play with her, or even than jerking them off.

Mike led her out the back security office door, to his car and then to her neighborhood.

“Just tell your parents you missed the last bus, you had to walk a few streets to the next line.” That was the entire conversation since leaving the mall.

Just before she got out of the car, a few streets from her house, he handed her a DVD.

“What’s this?”

Mike laughed. “The recording of your experience in the mall, for a keepsake. Thought you might enjoy watching it when you get home, and while you finish what we started back there.” He gave her braless tit one final squeeze, let her out and drove away.

Alexis started to blush. They had all ready guessed she was going to masturbate when she got home.