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At the Cape (mf, exhibitionism, masturbation)



I can still remember the first time I got Kim to flash. We were on our honeymoon on Martha’s Vineyard at the Cape. We were at a place called Gay Head and were walking up to the overlook of the cliffs etc. A guy was walking towards us, (up an incline, looking down at us, so to speak). Kim and I had just been talking about the top she had on, and how much it turned me on. It was a white tank top laced up the front from the scoop neck down to the middle of her tits. She was also wearing a short, cotton skirt. She looked so cute (and young). I asked her to loosen up the top as much as she dared so I could see her tits. She really loosened the laces and opened up the opening more than I could have ever dreamed of! I could see her entire right tit when I looked over and most of her left one too. When she found out how much it turned me on, (I used to be the jealous type), she really went nuts. It’s almost as if she really wanted to show her tits to everybody, the way she acted after that. I LOVED IT!!

Anyway, as she approached the guy, she acted like she was hot (it was August). She took both hands and opened up the flaps on the top of the tank top and pulled them away from her chest, as if to fan herself, therefore TOTALLY exposing BOTH of her tits, nipples included, to the guy and even some people just behind him. I thought the guy was going to trip on the walkway down! He stared at her tits as if he was hypnotized (which he probably was). Then he looked at me and I looked away as if I hadn’t noticed, but I squeezed her hand hard to let her know I LOVED it. After he had passed by, she told me that she felt slutty, and she was worried that I wouldn’t approve of her. I let her know that showing her off in public was a total turn-on for me, and that it makes me love her even more for doing it for me.

As we left Gay Head on my motorcycle, she reached around and felt just how much I enjoyed what she showed everyone up there, and hugged me tight knowing that I REALLY DID want her to do it FOR ME as often as she wanted. She finally admitted to me that it actually did turn her on knowing that the guy was staring at her bare tits, and she loved what it did to me. I asked her if she’d PLEASE do it again, and she said she would as long as I was OK with it.

We rode to Chappaquidick Bridge (Ted Kennedy’s spot) and got off the bike. There was nobody there, so I asked her for a “shot” (lifting up her top for me) and she immediately did. (Her nipples were rock-hard from the horny mood she was now in). I asked her if she could have done that with someone there, and she said probably, as long as the person (or people) didn’t know that SHE knew they could see her. That got my mind to work, planning our next scenario. We stayed there for about a half hour taking videos with our video camera. FINALLY, 2 guys on 10-speeds came riding from way down the road. Kim didn’t see them because her back was to them and they were still a ways away. I asked her to give me another shot, this time on film. She lifted her tank top all the way up to her neck and I was video-taping her like that. I told her to face sideways, still not telling her about them. When she did, I knew that they were now getting a totally unobstructed view of her naked tits! She was sideways in such a way that she still didn’t see them. I asked her to slide her skirt up slowly and show me her panties. I got SO horny as she SLOWLY slid up her skirt in the front, and I really went nuts as her panties started to come into view. Finally, the skirt was totally up around her waist, and I was staring at her skimpy panties. I could actually see some hair peeking out too! The 2 guys finally realized that we were taking pictures as they got closer, and that Kim was flashing her body for the camera. They were still at least 100 feet away down the road, and since they weren’t driving a car, Kim still hadn’t heard them approach. They stopped their bikes and got off to check out the bridge etc., but I’m sure that Kim was their main interest. I pretended that I didn’t see them either, as I was in a position that was 45 degrees from where they were, and I didn’t look in their direction at all.

They were probably convinced that neither one of us were aware they were there. And the fact that Kim really wasn’t excited ME even more!!! The 2 guys were coming quietly closer for a better look. They found an obscure area so, at times, I really couldn’t see them. Anyway, I pretended that I didn’t even when I could. I asked Kim to unzip the skirt and let it fall. She looked around quickly, saw nobody, slowly unzipped it, and let it fall to the ground. Then I said to her, “Kim, take off your panties for me OK?” She, without the slightest hesitation, slowly slid them down her thighs and let them fall to the ground. I now saw her naked from the waist down in a public area, posing and moving for me while I taped her!!! I asked her how she felt and she said that it was making her really horny. I asked her to show me JUST how horny. To my surprise, she started to rub herself right there in broad daylight for me. I was getting such a hardon! I could see the 2 guys out of the corner of my eye staring at the unbelievable sight! I was wearing sunglasses, so I KNEW they didn’t know that I was aware of them. I asked Kim, “What would you do if someone came right now?” She said that she’d cover up quickly. I told her how much it would COMPLETELY turn me on if someone was watching RIGHT NOW. I also told her how sexy and beautiful she was (and she is!). I said that I wanted her to be TOTALLY honest with me, and tell me HONESTLY what she’d do RIGHT NOW in her horny state if someone was watching. After some delay, she finally admitted to me that it would turn her on as long as they didn’t know that she was knowingly giving them a show.

At this point, I told her to try and make herself even hornier by rubbing faster, but not to cum. She looked around again, saw nobody and began to get herself even hornier for me. When she was really close, I asked her, again, if she wished a guy was watching her and she said “yes”. I asked her if that’s how she felt honestly and she said YES!!!!!! I then said, “Kim, there are 2 guys in the bushes that have been watching you for 10 minutes or so.” She laughed and said, “Yeah, right!” I asked her if she’d be pissed if there was and I hadn’t told her. She looked at me as if to say “Are there?”. I told her that I loved her and that I was SO proud of her. Then she knew there really was 2 guys watching her. She looked startled a teeny bit, but looked at me as if to say “Should I?” I told her that I was SO HARD because of her. I asked how she felt and she said “A little nervous.” I asked if she was still as horny as she was and she said yes! I told her to go crazy and really give them a show. They were still back far enough so they couldn’t hear a word we were saying which made it nice. I just kept video-taping it all as they watched her show off for them. Then I asked her to REALLY go nuts. She then slowly took off her top completely and dropped it to the ground. There she was, TOTALLY naked in front of the 2 guys. I asked her how she felt NOW and she said “WICKED HORNY”. I said, “GO crazy”, so she began rubbing her nipple while she masturbated for me (and them). She really got into it as she got closer, and when she came she moaned quietly so they couldn’t hear her (I guess she was embarrassed). I went NUTS!!!! The 2 guys watched as she came unglued right before their eyes. She stopped cumming and then acted nervous so I said, “Kim, you’re beautiful and I love you SO MUCH.” She just giggled, embarrassed, and hugged me so tight!!

We never saw the guys after that, I guess they walked further into the woods to hide. Anyway, it was the start of a GREAT lifetime of showing off for Kim and I.