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Valentine Delight



Val was on his way to visit his grandmother when the tire on his truck went flat. He cursed himself for not getting his spare refilled. Now what was he going to do. He reached into the glove compartment and took out his wallet. He had been living in his truck for about a month now and his glove compartment was the only place to put things where they wouldn’t get lost. He had been living with his sister but she had just been married and they decided that he was going to move in with her instead of her moving out so Val had gotten stuck with the short end again. He still had his job at the mill but had been so far unable to find a place to live close enough to make it worth it. Val locked his truck up and started walking. Hopefully one of the farmers near by would have a spare he could buy or be willing to take him to a town close by where he could have his tire fixed. Not to far down the road he came to a road going off from the one he was on. It was fenced so he thought he would take his chances that it would lead to a farm and started down it. After passing another fenced area he was sure this road lead to a farm because that part had held several horses. Soon he came around a corner and there through the trees was a nice large looking farm house. It looked like it had been freshly painted. “Hello stranger, is there something I can do for you?” a good looking middle aged man said. He was standing leaning against a post and from the looks of it was just finishing tying off some fresh barbed wire. “Hello Sir. My truck got a flat tire and I was hopping someone here could lend me a spare till I get to a town to get it fixed or take me to a near by town to get my tire fixed. Would either one of those be possible? “Sure but I’m afraid we don’t have any spares and Pa’s out in the field with the tractor and I have to finish getting this field fenced so we can let the milk cows have some fresh grass this spring. It helps the taste of the milk and cream. So if you want our help you are going to have to wait until tomorrow. ” “Well is there another farm near by?” “Well Mrs. Nixies is about 5 miles down the road and but she wouldn’t help anyone even if they where bleeding to death. The Parkers are about 10 miles down past her. They might be willing to help. But that is a 15 mile walk. Actually it’s a 20 mile walk adding the 5 miles you’ll have to walk back up our drive. Hope you are fit for the trip.” He said getting back to work on the wire. “Well I guess I’ll come back tomorrow then. Thanks. ” Val said and started to head back down the drive. “Where are you going to stay the night? I hope not on the side of the road the coyotes have been out in force it seems. And not meaning to be nosy but do you have anything to eat. If not you can stay for dinner and talk to my pa about staying in the spare room in the barn. It might not be glamorous but its comfortable. You might have to share the room with Symp our hand due to the fact that one of the mares will be birthing a colt here pretty soon. But I’m sure you too will get along. If your interested go on up to the house and talk to ma about supper. She might have something you can help her with. Pa and I will be in just before dark.” The man went right back to work. Val thought about it for a few minutes. A home cooked meal verses going to sleep hungry, and a warm dry place to sleep versus the back of his truck which was always cold and left him rather venerable to the coyotes. It didn’t take Val long to make the choice and he headed up toward the house. “Hello stranger, what can I do for you?” asked a voice coming from a nice looking older woman bending over a small flower garden. “A man down the road suggested I come talk to his mother about a bite to eat tonight. I’m sorry but he didn’t mention her name or his for that matter.” Val said feeling very embarrassed for not having the sense to ask before. “Kurt would forget his head if it wasn’t attached to his shoulders by his neck. My name is Mrs. Paxton. If you help me weed out my flower garden and then fetch some eggs from the chicken coupe and some milk from the pantry so I can make biscuits to go with dinner then I’ll let you join us. Deal?” The woman asked. “Deal” Val said rolling up his sleeves he got down on his knees beside the woman and started to pull the small grass weeds out of the pretty flower garden. After a while Mrs. Paxton said that they had done a sufficient job and pointed out the chicken coupe and pantry to Val and told him she would be in the kitchen starting dinner. She headed into the house and he headed toward the coupe. He found about five fresh eggs in the little nests and carefully put them into the basket Mrs. Paxton had handed him. He went around the house and found the back door into the kitchen. After fetching the milk he helped Mrs. Paxton with mixing and other odd jobs.

During dinner Kurt asked his dad if it was OK with him if Val stayed in the spare room above the barn for the night. Kurt’s dad said that as long as their hand didn’t mind it would be fine. Kurt said it shouldn’t be a problem sense Symp was probably going to out all night again trying to track down that stray heifer that ran off to give birth to her calf before they could herd her into the barn with the rest of the birthing animals.

After dinner Kurt showed Val up into the spare room. It was nicely furnished and the bed was comfortable. Val was beat and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. At about midnight he was awakened by a sound. There was some low voices under him in the main part of the barn. “I found them out by the north edge. She had him hidden under a bush.” The voice sounded like it was coming from a young man. He couldn’t have been much older than 17 or 18 and his voice sounded like it was just starting to change. “He’s already asleep up there. I hope you don’t mind but I couldn’t help it. I knew he wasn’t fit to go walking all the way over there and I figured you’d just sleep down here with the birthing females anyhow.” “Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it. You get to sleep Kurt. Thanks for watching them for me while I was gone. See you tomorrow night.” Symp said and a sound drifted up that sounded almost like a kiss? No it must have come from one of the animals. Val turned over to face the wall and started to fall back to sleep. He was woken again when he felt a body slide under and onto the bed beside him. He relaxed and drifted back off to sleep thinking it was just a young man beside him.

Val woke when he felt something holding him. He saw that the guy had thrown his arm over Val’s waste and was caressing his thigh. Val turned on to his back and looked over. To his shock he found it wasn’t a guy at all but a young woman. Her hair was light brown and long. Her lips were in a beautiful pout. She was dressed in a mans set of long-johns. Her hand remained on his thigh and now knowing it was a woman’s hand Val started to get an erection. I need to wake her before she wakes up herself and becomes embarrassed at what she is obviously sub conscienceley doing. He shook her gently and called her name. “Symp wake up please” Val said half heartedly. Symp did stir a little but instead of moving off of him or wakening she shifted more of her body against him and her hand moved further in to where she was half caressing his thigh and half caressing his groin. This caused an immediate reaction and his cock soon stood fully erect as a gasp then low moan escaped Val’s lips. Sympathy liked the way he moaned. She had seen how sexy he looked in the moon light shining in the window the night before. She had decided to get some sleep before she took advantage of the young man sleeping in her bed. Now she was fully rested and full of the energy she would need to make it good. She shifted her head over till it lay next to Val’s chest, his nipple at mouthing level. She smiled when she felt him go hard. Val looked at her face now inches away from his naked chest. He had gone to sleep in nothing but his boxers thinking that if anyone would be joining him it would be a man. He never thought that a farmer would hire a female farm hand. He suddenly noticed something, she was smiling! He knew then that she wasn’t asleep after all. Then he noticed something else that sent shocks through his body. Her hand had shifted again. Now it was directly over his hard cock and was stroking it. Sympathy stuck her tongue out and licked around Val’s nipple before taking it into her mouth and sucking and nibbling on it. This sent more shock waves through Val’s body. He moaned again. Sympathy knew exactly what she was doing and what she wanted. With two swift moves she had brought Val’s hard cock out of his pants and had straddled his hips before he could react. And in another quick move she had impaled herself on his hard cock and slowly started to move up and down on it. Val didn’t know how to react. In less that two minutes this young beauty had exposed and mounted his hardon and now was riding it gently. What he had thought to be a full set of long-johns had turned out to be the normal top of a men’s long-john, but the bottom had the crotch removed. He knew one thing. He didn’t want to stop her from doing what she was doing. Her tight hole felt wonderfully soft and hot around his aching cock and it had been a long time sense he had been with a woman. He thrust slowly up into her meeting her downward motions. She felt so good. Sympathy moaned loudly when Val thrust into her and started to pick up the pace. She moved up and down feeling him inside her. She grabbed his hands and placed them on her breasts. He instinctively started to caress and teas her nipples. She sped up her movements. She was bouncing up and down on his hard shaft and was now riding him hard and fast. Soon she drove herself over the edge and went still and let the orgasm over take her. Val felt her go rigid and then her body shook as her cunny spasm around his cock. He loved the feeling but was far from being satisfied so he rolled but instead of taking her on her back he rolled her to her stomach and pulled her back end up off the bead till he had her on her hands and knees. He drove in swiftly from behind. She moaned loudly. He thrust in quickly giving in to his own needs. He drove in deep and hard. He held her by the hips pulling her back against him. He was now slamming into her very fast and as she went over the edge again he pulled out and jacked himself off over her ass. He sat back to catch his breadth as she slipped from the bed. By the time he had recovered enough to think clearly she had already dressed and was gone. He followed suite. Kurt met him at the door of the barn with a bag. Of hot biscuits and a cup of coffee. They left the farm just as the sun was coming up over the hills.