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Kristianna Meets the First Italian Boy



I was a little at a loss. I dated around some but quickly lost interest in the high school antics and poor sexual performance of the typical adolescent male. I began toying with different looks and started to dress in what is sometimes described as ‘gothic’ style. When that got boring, I moved on to the ‘punk’ look which allowed just about any type of dress and hair color as long as it wasn’t ‘preppie’. I hung with the artsy kids from school which included a rather diverse mix of backgrounds and preferences. Janna, a beautiful blonde girl who shared my love of prose, was my near constant companion. We did just about everything together; sharing the same college track class schedule, similar study hours, taste in clothing, party favors. . . the list was limitless. Jan came from an odd background. Her parents had divorced when she was three, and she’d bounced around different homes with her mother until one day they visited her grandmother. Her mom went to the store for smokes and never came back. ‘Grams’ wasn’t even on par with my great-grandmother, but she wasn’t too nice either. Jan spent a lot of time at my house. I had stopped dating for a while because the whole thing was just too weird. I was always comparing some guy with Ryan and of course, what teenager could measure up to that standard? It went along like that until one night when Janna and I went to a party my friend Craig was having. I do need to explain just a little about Craig. Six foot, four inches, of the most adorable man I could think of. The only problem was, for me at least, that he was unsure of his sexual orientation. So, no relationship other than friends for me where he was concerned. Anyway, the party. A mixture of literary folk with art folk and music folk for the fun of it all. A large contingent of the campus gay community had shown up as well. When we walked into the house, there were all sorts of couplings going on. Opposite sex matches, same sex matches, trios and foursomes, it didn’t seem to matter to anyone really. Most were just making out, testing the waters. I grabbed a wine cooler and headed for an empty spot on the sectional. Janna followed with Craig in tow. “Tianna! Bitch, where have you been? I tried calling you and your mom says you’re never home! How the hell was I supposed to invite you to the party if I can’t talk to you?” Craig said in a rush. He sat down on my lap with a giggle and I tried vainly to support his bulk to no avail. He toppled to the side where he lounged comfortably on the couch with his legs thrown across mine. “Craig, you know me, I’m out shopping. If you’d ‘really’ wanted to find me, you’d have gone to the mall!” I said jokingly, since it was common knowledge I hated to shop for anything. “Besides, I’m here aren’t I?” I leaned over, pressing my body against his hard length and kissed his lips lightly. “Stop it Ti! Shane is here and he’ll see us,” Craig said, grabbing me in a quick squeeze before reluctantly pushing me away. I sighed. “Shane is a jealous bitch who’s only interested in you as a trophy Craig. I don’t mind that you’re gay this week, but please find someone who’ll treat you with more respect than that asshole.” I sat up and lit a cigarette. I exhaled the smoke from my nostrils in a parody of Puff the magic dragon. Then, drawing hard on the filter, filled my lungs again in order to blow smoke rings. (My latest trick that seemed to amuse.) “I know Ti, but he’s so good,” Craig replied as he got off the couch. “I’m good too Craig, how come you’ve never let me abuse you?” He laughed and called over his shoulder that he’d be back to take me up on my offer later, “as soon as I answer the door”. I nodded dejectedly. “Right,” I mumbled. Janna had been quiet throughout the whole exchange and when he left, leaned her head against me. We sat in companionable silence for a while, watching people go by in search of another drink, another joint, another person. “Why is it I always seem to want the person I can’t have,” I complained to my friend. “I don’t know,” Janna said after a long pause, “I have the same problem.” “Shut up! You do not, you can have anyone you want!” I protested as I reached into my purse for my smokes. “You’re blonde, you’re pretty, you’re smart, every guy’s dream.” “Maybe I don’t want a guy,” she said. The words hung there and I became suddenly very conscious of her arm draped across my shoulders. “I love you Tianna,” Janna spoke as her face moved close to mine. Her lips, shined with the latest gloss pressed against my mouth which hung slightly open with shock. I was frozen, paralyzed really, until her tongue probed my mouth. “What the fuck are you doing!” I nearly shouted as I wrenched from her embrace. “Are you drunk already Janna?” I regretted the severity of my words immediately as her pretty face blotched with embarrassment and tears began to stream down her cheeks. She struggled words, then said in a forlorn voice, “I love you so much Ti, I thought maybe we could be more than just friends.” “Damn it! Oh, fucking hell and damnation! You’re my best friend Jan, I love you too, but I’d never go to bed with you.” The tears streaked faster down her cheeks, making rivulets in her makeup. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. I wanted to make her feel better so I gathered her into my arms. “It’s okay,” I murmured as I stroked her hair, “How could you know I was a committed heterosexual?” She sniffled a little a my self joke. “I love dick, always have, always will. Of course, there is hope for us if you’ve got something else to tell me, like, ‘Hey Ti, I’ve been meaning to confess that in addition to loving you, I’m also a transvestite’. That could solve our problems.” I trailed off as she giggled. “NO! I’m not a tranny,” Jan laughed a little as she pulled away. The tears had stopped, but the sad look underlying the smile remained. “I’m not going to stop being your friend just because I don’t dig pussy you know,” I said as I offered her a cigarette. “I hope this doesn’t change our friendship.” “Not at all,” Jan replied as she leaned forward to dip the end of her cigarette into the flame I held. We danced through the night with each other, just as we’d always done and when she finally dropped me off around two in the morning, we hugged good-bye in the same time honored fashion. The change didn’t become apparent until Monday at school. Home room was never a place I enjoyed and I tried to avoid it if at all possible. But Monday’s it was mandatory. When I arrived, Jan was already there, sitting in her regular desk with her books occupying the one next to her to save me a spot. I slid into the seat and handed her the books. One of the football guys nudged his buddy and asked slyly if I’d enjoyed Craig’s weekend bash. Never one to be rude, I replied with a smile that I had. “So you are a cunt-licker!” he said as his friends broke out laughing loudly. I shook my head slightly. “Juvenile prick, you don’t even know what you’re talking about,” I countered, angry that this was happening. “Lezzie!” “Fuck off, asshole,” I said low as I looked over at Janna. She was on the verge of tears. “What? You live to torture people? You fucking made her cry, I hope you’re happy.” “Oh look, lezzie cuntlicker Kristianna’s defending her little bitch,” he said loudly. “Why don’t you shut the fuck up and sit the hell down Brandon?” The voice from the back of the classroom said with force. I swiveled my head to see who was defending us but Brandon blocked my view. “Come and make me asshole!” he shouted as he shoved his desk aside, crashing it into mine and making Janna jump. What followed was so quick, I wasn’t sure it had even happened when it was done, except that Brandon the jerk lay on the floor with a bloody nose and gasping like a fish out of water. The defender, a slender young man with gorgeous long dark brown hair smiled at me. He wasn’t even out of breath. Karate, I decided in my mind. Mr. Dugan entered his classroom to the scene and after figuring out who the combatants were, sent a bloody Brandon and my not-a-hair-out-of-place defender off to the principal’s office to sort things out. Janna disappeared between homeroom and first period. I looked for her but didn’t find her until later that day. She wouldn’t talk to me. We split up for the last class, gym, and when I went to meet her in the parking lot, she was gone. “Looking for someone?” a male voice queried. I turned around and saw it was my defender from homeroom. “Hi,” I said, wondering what would happen next. “Did you get suspended for kicking Brandon’s ass?” I blurted out. He smiled. “No. I told them I was defending two gorgeous girls from disgusting verbal abuse when he attacked me. So, the physical beating he took from me was really self-defense. All true and marvelously provable by all witnesses except his little entourage.” “Oh.” I stared at him for a moment, watching the sun catch an errant auburn highlight in his hair. “That’s good. Umm, thanks for what you did,” I said a little awkwardly. “That’s okay. Do you want a ride home?” the still un-named conversant asked. “No, thanks though. I guess I’ll walk,” I said, thinking that I would head over to Janna’s house and see if she was all right. “How about a cup of coffee over at Tower?” he persisted, “By the way, my name’s Rick P. and last time I checked, I’m not a vampire so I don’t bite or anything, unless you want me to,” he waggled his eyebrows for comedic emphasis. I smiled. We were standing next to a beautifully redone aqua ‘Carmen’ with a vanity plate that read ‘1BDGHIA’. He reached over and opened the passenger door with a flourish. How could I resist this handsome guy, with a great car, who had basically gone to the mat for me earlier in the day? The ride to Tower Plaza took less than five minutes and we were soon sitting outside with two double cafe mochas. I learned that he was a transfer student from another HS not too far away and had changed his schedule, which put him in Mr. Dugan’s room for the remainder of the year. “What on earth made you decide to defend me to Brandon?” I asked as we sipped our coffee. “You don’t know me from Adam’s cat! What he said could have been true, well, not the way he said it, but you know what I mean.” “You’re right, I don’t know you. But I was at Craig’s party last weekend and was on my way to ask you to dance when the whole thing with Janna happened. I eavesdropped,” he finished, a little guiltily. I raised my cup to my lips and gulped at my drink. This fascinating, cute, hair-better-than-mine (and that’s hard to do) guy was on his way to ask me to dance? “Oh,” I said for the second time that day, wondering whether my entire grasp of the English language had somehow been wiped from my memory by an alien probe or something. “So, maybe I can still get that dance?” Rick asked hopefully. I nodded. Where was my mouth? Hell, where was my brain? Rick smiled and I was just about totally lost, contemplating just where I’d like those lips. The dance in question was at a party to be held at some guy’s house. Nick R. I didn’t know him personally, but he played on the football team and girls pretty much went wild for his stocky Italian-American good looks. Rick was talking again. “Are you game Ti?” he used the very personal familiar nickname that most people didn’t know. I started a little. “Did I say something wrong?” he asked, quickly sensing something. “No Rick, it’s just that nobody’s called me that in a long time. It was kind of a personal name. . .” I trailed off. “I won’t use it if you don’t want me to, I just, I don’t know why I called you that,” he paused for a moment, “Yes I do. I wanted to call you something that no one else calls you, something just I could use.” We sat in silence for long moments as he examined my face. I wondered if he could see how hard my heart was pounding in response to his words and his offer of intimacy. When his hand reached across the table and rested on mine, I melted. “Of course you can call me ‘Ti, just don’t make obscene rhymes with it okay?” “Deal,” he said in that warm voice that made me ask myself just what he sounded like when he came. Rick drove us off campus to lunch every day and insisted on paying. He even took me along when he bought his new car stereo. We had a blast picking out speakers and then sat and talked for the nearly three hours it took the guy to install the system. I was introduced to his mother, father, older brother from college who went to UOP, and his Nanna. She spoke very little English and demanded that Rick translate everything I said into Italian. He managed to make everything I said sound so rich. (I suppose it’s all in the translation, but it sure did sound wonderful.) He kissed me politely on the cheek each evening when he dropped me off at home. Friday night arrived quickly. After school I ducked out and went over to Janna’s. She’d been nearly invisible for the week and hadn’t returned my calls. I was worried about her and even though most of my time had been spent with Rick, I still thought about her and missed her company. (It’s difficult to find a trustworthy female friend! Heck, it’s difficult to find a trustworthy friend of either sex.) She answered the door in a robe I didn’t recognize. “Tianna, what are you doing here?” Janna asked, clutching the top of the garment closed. “I’ve missed you this week, you’ve been pretty well absent from my life. What gives?” I asked wondering why she hadn’t invited me in. “Umm, I figured you wouldn’t want to hang with me after that scene Monday, so I found other things to do.” She was stalling. “Can I come in? I want to talk about this,” I asked as I moved towards the door. “No! I mean, this isn’t a good time,” Jan said as she looked behind her. Just then a female voice I recognized called from the back room. “Janna! Are you coming back? Who is it?” Then, imperiously, “Tell them to go away!” I pushed past my friend and walked quickly to the den at the rear of the house. There, to my shock and surprise, was Lauren the head varsity cheerleader, completely naked slowly pushing a large dildo in and out of her wet snatch. “Oh my god,” I said slowly, not quite willing to believe what I was seeing. Lauren pulled the plastic cock out of her cunt and raised it to her lip and began swirling her tongue about the head, tasting her own juices. “I’m sorry Tianna, I tried to stop you from seeing this,” Janna said miserably. “Maybe she wants to see what it is two girls do together Jan,” Lauren said with a slight edge to her voice. “Come here and we’ll show her,” then to me, “Sit down Tianna, learn a little.” It was as if my legs had a will of their own. I walked the few steps to a recliner and sat down. Janna, my gorgeous friend of the blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes looked at me once with almost pity before she shed her robe and revealed a form that would put most actresses to shame. Lauren moaned and drew Janna back down on the sofa in a kiss that left even me breathless. I watched as they began to kiss and suck each others breasts and nipples. My pussy thrilled in sympathy when Jan began to finger Lauren’s exposed slit. I leaned forward a little and realized that my nipples were hard as the two girls buried their faces simultaneously in the other’s pussy. Another dildo appeared from somewhere and Lauren pressed it firmly against Janna’s tight asshole. A spasm of desire shot through me and I ‘regained’ control of myself and fled the house just as Jan’s cries of pleasure began to mount. I was basically running without aim and when I rounded the corner of the small neighborhood, I just about collided with an aqua vehicle. If it hadn’t been for the slow speed of the car and the driver’s awareness, I would have gone over the hood. Rick slammed on the brakes and jumped from the car, grabbing me tightly as I sobbed. “Ti, shhh, it’s all right. I’ve got you. What’s wrong?” he said all in seemingly one sentence. “It’s, it’s, it’s. . .you wouldn’t believe it if I told you!” “I’d believe anything you told me,” Rick soothed as he brushed my hair back from my face, “But, let’s get in the car and go get something to eat at my house so I don’t get a ticket for blocking the road.” I noticed, for the first time, that he’d stopped the car without pulling over and “Ghi” was still running with the driver’s door open. I nodded. Back at his house, empty for the weekend since his parents had gone to ‘Frisco for a meeting, I told him everything that had happened. I included how I actually sat down as I’d been invited instead of running out the door and how that had made me feel so strange. “Did it turn you on?” Rick asked, “I know it would have got me hot watching two gorgeous girls go at it.” “I don’t do girls,” I stated with finality. “I didn’t say you did girls Ti, I just asked if it turned you on.” The reality was that yes, on some levels, the raw sexuality of the whole thing, despite my distaste for ‘girl-fucking’, had really gotten me hot. Since my relationship with Ryan had gone South the year before, I had not dated seriously at all. The few encounters I managed to have were unsatisfying. To say the least. Here, with Rick, slightly slender Italian good looks, gorgeous smile and an inner strength that belied his nearly eighteen years, I felt that maybe something was going right. “Come here,” he said, holding his arms out to me. I stepped obediently into them and rested my head on his shoulder. “It’s okay. Whatever you feel is okay. I just want you to know that you’re safe with me, that I care about you and would do whatever you wanted, no matter what.” “Would you kiss me?” I asked, lifting my head up to look into his dark eyes. “That I can definitely do,” he smiled faintly as his lips touched mine softly. The kiss quickly deepened into much more than a friendly peck. Our mouths opened and our tongues caressed furiously. I felt his growing erection through his jeans and wondered at it’s size. “Let me love you Ti,” Rick whispered in my ear as he kissed all around the outer shell. When I nodded in assent, he sighed. The sound, distinctly male, but filled with lust and longing sent a spasm of pleasure spiraling to my belly. He lifted me with ease onto the butcher block counter in his parents kitchen and began kissing my legs, slowly working his way up to my thighs, pushing the pleated skirt that fell just above my knees up to expose my white cotton panties. My legs spread of their own accord and this time I didn’t mind. Rick continued to work his way up my thighs, kissing and licking until I was moaning with anticipation. When his fingers touched my panties, already wet with my desire, I nearly exploded. I lifted my ass and he hooked his fingers through the panties and whisked them off, exposing my sex. I reached behind and unhooked the skirt and he removed that as well. I leaned back a little and his head dipped low, tasting me for the first time. His tongue easily found my engorged clitoris and he lapped at me with abandon. I was quickly writhing, on the edge of climax when he stood up and pulled me to him, kissing my mouth. I tasted the peculiar salty/sweet tang of my own juice on his lips. “I’m sorry Ti, it’s been so long since I’ve been with anyone,” Rick said as he fumbled with his jeans. “I don’t have any protection so if you’re not on the pill, I’ll settle for a hand-job.” “I am on the pill,” I said as I stripped first my shirt, then his off. “Keeps me regular,” I offered by way of explanation. “Otherwise. . . .” my words left me as he pulled down his jeans and exposed the most beautiful cock I had ever seen. Also the largest. Eight and a half inches of cock to be as precise as I can. Thick. As I dropped to my knees to take him in my hand, I discovered quickly that I need the other hand as well, to span his pulsing meat. I leaned forward and lathed the huge mushroom head with my tongue, tasting the pre-cum that adorned the tip like a huge pearl. The compelling voice that had caught my attention nearly a week ago now deepened in a husky moan of pain and pleasure that only served to heighten my own desire. I opened my mouth as wide as possible and sucked the top of his massive organ. “Oh god!” Rick groaned as I continued to work my mouth down his shaft. My jaw ached with the strain of trying to accommodate his cock, but I was determined to get as far as I could. I managed another few inches till I had to stop. The head of his cock filled my throat, but I couldn’t get past the last inch and a half as it widened at the base. My lips were already stretched to capacity. I swallowed hard as pre-cum and saliva trickled back into my throat. The result milked more from his balls and allowed me to hear his gorgeous voice moaning in pleasure. I began to slowly bob his thick cock in and out of my throat as he twined his hands in my long hair. Each time I went down, I tried to engulf the entire length, but found again and again that it just wouldn’t fit. Rick tried to remain still while I sucked his huge rod, but I could tell it was getting more difficult as the moments passed. “Enough! I can’t take anymore Ti!” Rick said low as he pulled me off of his swollen member. He pulled me up and kissed me long and hard while maneuvering me towards the kitchen table. Once there, he grasped my buttocks and lifted me to sit at the edge. He kissed down my neck as his cock jumped against my leg and I fumbled with the clasp of my bra. Finally my breasts swung free and Rick nearly dove between them. He inhaled my fragrance as his fingers teased at the nipples. First rolling them, then pinching them until I was just about to beg. When his mouth closed on one, I wove my fingers through his gorgeous hair and arched my back, pressing my breasts tight against his face. I was beyond any words now and whimpering with the power of my need. “Are you sure you want this Ti?” Rick asked as he feathered kisses across the bridge of my nose, his cock pressing delicately against my slick vaginal lips. “Yes!” I said decisively, pushing my hips forward. I leaned back a little and he placed his arms underneath my knees, spreading me wide for his entry. The head of his cock grazed my clit before I reached down and positioned it at my dripping opening. We both sighed as he began to press slowly into my hot cunt. The feeling of expansion was exquisite. He pushed further until his cock was captured willingly in my tightness. He began to work his hips, thrusting the seven or so inches back and forth till I was thrashing my head, delirious with pleasure. My orgasm was sudden and stunning. My whole body tensed and fairly hummed with an energy that was emanating from his thrusting cock. When it broke I began screaming his name and sobbing as the sensations pounded at me relentlessly. It was as if I were being tossed on a volley of waves that themselves came in waves, each succession more strong than the last. Rick stopped his motion long enough to wrap his arms about my torso and pull me close for a kiss. When our tongues met he pushed the final thick inch and a half into me. My eyes flew open at the extreme pleasure that was so intense it bordered on pain and I saw him watching me. The lust etched on his face, the desire to please was naked and apparent. It was enough to send me to the edge of the universe on the waves of the tremendous final orgasm that ripped through my body. My pussy clenched painfully around his cock and I thrust once more against his hips before dissolving into tears and shrieks of ecstasy. “Ahh god! I’ve fallen,” Rick moaned as his head fell back and his torso arched into me that final time. I felt the head of his cock expand impossibly larger before he exploded, pumping cum deep into damn near the center of my being. I thought he would flood my very womb the sensation of being filled was so intense. “Oh Kristianna,” he groaned. “Oh god, Ti! So good!” he sobbed as his cock continued to twitch inside my now flooded snatch.