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Nanny’s helping hand



Athena found the ride from the airport in the smaller of the family’s limousines to be truly wonderful. Not only did it give her strangely agitated body a chance to calm down for a few hours in absolute comfort, she had her first glimpse of the fabled city of Chicago. Okay, so it wasn’t quite like she imagined it would be. Between Becky’s high-speed driving and the pouring rain she hardly had a chance to see the city from the freeway on their way north from the airport, but at least she had finally arrived for her first undercover assignment. She realized that she was not here as a tourist, and that she had a very important task to perform. However, when her assignment was complete, Athena promised herself two weeks of downtown excitement. She thought of the journal in her purse, and ached with the need to record her first impressions of the city, but decided to wait instead. “Can’t be suspicious,” she thought. So Athena contentedly watched the scenery blur by her window, as Becky explained to her all about the city’s legendary rapid transit system over the car’s interphone. Eyes full of wonder, Athena watched with awe as the limousine drove through the imposing, opened wrought-iron gates and up a long curving, tree-lined drive. At the Devereux home, Athena’s mouth went dry. “Whoa!” she whispered as the limo slid smoothly to a stop in front of the vast tudor-style mansion. “What am I getting myself into here?” Becky jumped out of the front and briskly walked back to where Athena was still sitting, stunned. “People actually live here?” she breathlessly wondered when Becky opened her door. “Not just people, Athena,” Becky said softly as she helped the dazed reporter out of the limo. “You live here, now.” They retrieved her suitcases from the trunk and, with each person carrying one, walked towards the entrance, Becky placing a sisterly arm around Athena’s waist. Athena was still so busy taking it all in that she didn’t notice that Becky’s sisterly hand on her waist had quickly slid down to her right buttock. “Today you get to use the front door. Tomorrow and forever after, you’ll be expected to use the back door like the rest of the help, so don’t forget,” Becky instructed, gently squeezing the firm buttock in emphasis. “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll be sure to remember,” Athena said eagerly, still unaware of Becky’s wandering hand. As they went up the wide steps leading to the tall double-doors, they opened and a well-tailored woman came out. “We’re getting the full treatment today, girl. That’s Mrs. Devereux, come to greet the fresh meat, er, the newest member of the staff,” said Becky, as she furtively removed her hand from Athena’s bottom just as Athena whipped her head around to look suspiciously behind her. “No, it couldn’t be,” she muttered. For a moment she had the most foolish thought that Becky was touching her behind. “Wow! I must be more nervous than I thought!” Athena thought the front doors to the house must be enormous, because they made her new employer look so tiny. When they went up to her, Athena realized that she wasn’t just small, she was very small. Mrs. Devereux was in fact the smallest woman Athena had ever seen. She couldn’t have been over four and a half feet in height, yet she was perfectly proportioned and quite beautiful. There was a vague oriental cast to her features that Athena couldn’t quite place, but she understood that would probably account for the woman’s height. “Our new nanny. How darling!” gushed Mrs. Devereux, her black glowing eyes burning with lust at the sight of her family’s latest plaything. In her excitement, Athena had forgotten about her lack of underwear. By the time she reached the top of the stairs the unaccustomed rubbing of her body under her clothes had made her breathless. She wanted desperately to stop and get her breath back but Becky kept urging her forward toward the tiny Mrs. Devereux. By the time they reached the waiting woman, two other women wearing maid uniforms had come out of the house and were standing respectfully on either side of and slightly behind Mrs. Devereux, towering over her. Athena tried not to laugh at the ridiculous sight, but still couldn’t help smiling as she placed her suitcase and large handbag on the ground and moved to formally greet her new employer. “I like a girl with a sense of humor,” Mrs. Devereux said quietly, eyes glittering. “I am Devereux. Welcome to my home.” Terribly embarrassed at making such a bad first impression, Athena sputtered, “It’s just that that I’m so happy to be here.” Athena was surprised when Mrs. Devereux suddenly reached around her with both of her small arms and took her in a full hug. She decided she had better start playing along and returned the hug. Athena found it hard not to squirm as Mrs. Devereux had her held firmly by her behind, with her face pressing almost directly onto her stomach. “Oh!” she unconsciously gasped as Mrs. Devereux’s hands moved freely over her skirt-covered buttocks. “People do have some strange customs,” she thought. “Better not say anything about it now. Need to fit in with the family routine first.” She saw the two servants disappear inside the house with her bags and purse. She suddenly remembered about her secret journal still located in her handbag. “Damn! I must remember to be more careful with that” she thought, berating herself. She knew she couldn’t make a move for her purse now, not with out calling attention to what was inside. In her anxiety over her journal, Athena didn’t notice how Mrs. Devereux surreptitiously slide down and for a brief, glorious moment had pressed her face directly onto the unsuspecting reporter’s vulva and breathed deeply of the heady aroma of fresh pussy! Athena looked down to find her new employer looking inquisitively directly up at her between the valley of her jutting breasts. “I notice you don’t use panties or a bra,” Devereux said to the deeply blushing woman, her hands still moving comfortably over Athena’s firm buttocks. “That’s good. We don’t use them here either. Just cuts off the circulation.” “I, ah. I lost ,” Athena mumbled, at a total loss of how to continue, the hands on her trembling buttocks proving to be a terrible distraction. “Oh, no!” she thought. “What have I done!” She couldn’t tell Mrs. Devereux what had happened to her on the plane, it was simply too embarrassing. Yet, she just couldn’t go around without anything on underneath all the time! She just couldn’t! Especially if she always touched people like this. It would make her crazy! “No need to explain, my dear. We run a very relaxed household here, and in your off time you can dress as lightly as you please,” Mrs. Devereux said matter-of- factly. Much more quietly, she added, “Or even not at all.” Athena was glad to hear that dress was informal here at the estate. She had never considered herself a clothes-horse anyway, and for some reason she didn’t understand was becoming quite anxious to put on a nice, heavy set of jeans and a very loose top. Mrs. Devereux turned and, with one arm still tightly the young agitated woman’s waist, began to lead Athena into the house. “Come, my dear. Let me show you to your rooms.” Mrs. Devereux took Athena up to her third floor suite of rooms. Athena was impressed. She had stayed at four- star hotels with less luxury. As the live-in nanny, she had her own sitting room, kitchenette, bedroom with a king-sized bed and walk-in closet, and full bath. The huge marble bathtub was fitted with various underwater nozzles and their gold-plated controls lined the tub. In fact, the entire third floor had in fact been designed strictly for the needs of the children. The children’s bedrooms, indoor play areas, and even a classroom were conveniently located down the hall from her. Mrs. Devereux warned her that, in spite of the size of the house, they were sometimes short on beds and her eldest daughter was forced to stay in the nanny’s room from time to time. Athena saw that her suitcases had already been unpacked and her clothes neatly put away. She saw her purse but didn’t want to make a scene over it while Mrs. Devereux was there with her. “Mrs. Devereux, I feel absolutely wilted after that long flight. Mind if I take a fast shower first? I would really appreciate it. I could meet you downstairs in ten minutes.” “That will not be necessary. Just take your time, and come down when you are ready.” “Thank you!” Athena gratefully replied and walked quickly over to her dresser. She grabbed the first panties and bra she could find and dashed into the bathroom. She quickly got out of her traveling outfit and hung everything neatly on clothes hooks located along the walls. Athena thankfully relieved herself and took a quick shower to wash away the heavy strain of travel. Wearing just her bra and panties, the refreshed Athena came bursting into her room, only to find Mrs. Devereux and several of the servants going through her clothes. “Oh my!” the surprised Athena gasped. She cringed and tried to cover herself with her hands and arms. “Come here, Athena,” Mrs. Devereux firmly ordered. “I would like you to meet some of your new co-workers.” “Could I get dressed first, please? It will just take a second,” Athena said as she moved quickly toward her closet. “Come here now,” Mrs. Devereux quietly commanded, steel now apparent in her voice. “Yes, ma’am,” Athena meekly replied and, still covering herself, went over to where the group stood. “Ladies, this is Athena Valentine. She is to be our new nanny. You are to treat her as one of the family. Now, introduce yourselves and make her feel welcome. Athena, when you are finished here, meet me in the first floor library, okay?” “Yes, ma’am.” The women crowed around the unsuspecting Athena. Everyone wanted to introduce themselves and talk with her. As she talked, she felt hands start to play with the retaining strap of her bra and the thin elastic waistband of her panties. Hands circled her waist and ran up and down her exposed rib cage. Someone started to brush her thick hair. As the introductions continued, hands dipped into Athena’s panties, while others were holding her bra- covered breasts. Terrified, she was suddenly sure that she was being groped by a group of degenerates. Her body trembled as she waited for what she was certain was to come next. Athena prepared to scream and run for her life when, all at once, it was over. The women all said their cheerful good-byes and left. She continued to stand there, panting, but not so confidant now about what had just occurred as she was before. It certainly wasn’t some kind of sicko attack that she had ever heard about. Even the stories she heard about what happened at fraternities didn’t come close. What was she getting so worried about? Nothing really happened, did it? She told herself that they were just friendly people welcoming her. “My God!” she thought. She had been close to having hysterics like some Victorian maiden. How could she have been so wrong about them? She really needed to calm down. Ever since she lost her clothes on the plane she had been looking for villains everywhere. She had to be more trusting with these good people. She was, after all, the outsider here, coming into a strange home with their own established way of doing things. Old Forthingill from nanny school was right after all. She needed to fit into the family, and not the other way around. She couldn’t start putting her own values on things, not yet anyway. She had to gain their trust first, regardless of what small sacrifices this might entail. Otherwise, she might go back to her editor empty-handed, a failure at her first real assignment as a reporter. Athena knew she could never do that! Having made her decision, Athena felt better. She went to her closet and pulled out a nice pair of designer bell-bottom jeans and a sleeveless top. With socks and running shoes she felt ready for anything and went to find Mrs. Devereux. In all the excitement, Athena forgot to check on her journal. Athena and Mrs. Devereux had finished a two-hour tour of the interior of the house, and were now walking the grounds immediately surrounding the large house. They were walking through the vast garden that was located behind the house, with Mrs. Devereux’s usual arm around Athena’s waist. “You surprise me, Athena.” “Oh. And how is that?” “Well, it’s nothing important I suppose. It is just that after being here for several hours, you have yet to ask about your new charges. For a nanny, you do not seem very interested in children.” “Oh, my! The children! Yes, of course. Where are they?” “The ones you will be concerned with, my three youngest are away at camp. So for a few days we, my eldest, Danielle, and I, have you all to ourselves. You are lucky in a way. I have been told that the little ones can be quite a handful.” “Yes, I am so sorry about not asking about them before now,” Athena gushed, while thinking to herself, “Stupid, stupid, stupid! How could I have missed doing something so basic?” “I did read about your family at Miss Forthingill’s, you know,” Athena said, defensively. “It’s just that this house is so overwhelming, and you have been so hospitable, I was, er, overwhelmed.” “Ah, I see. Please keep in mind that, while it might not seem so at the moment, you are an employee here with an important job to perform. My children are important to me, and while I don’t mind spoiling them now and then with a treat, their well-being is always my greatest concern, and I am very particular about who takes care of them. If they are not happy, then I am not happy. Do you understand?” “Yes, ma’am. I understand completely,” Athena replied, chilled by the new tone in her employer’s voice. As they walked in silence for a moment, Athena thought, “I understand all right. If your spoiled brats aren’t happy, then I’m out of a job. Shit!” Well, she didn’t attend Miss Forthingill’s for nothing. Perhaps this was a good time for them to get a dose of her ‘firm but fair’ policy. When it proves successful, she could write a series of articles on professional child rearing (‘Ask Miss Valentine!’), turn them into a book, and then do the talk-show circuit. After completing her Nanny Expos�, of course. In the middle of her dreams of wining two Pulitzer Prizes, while at the same time earning a great deal of fame and fortune, Athena was brought quickly back to earth when she heard Mrs. Devereux say, “I am taking this time to spend with you because I know all about you, too.” Startled, Athena croaked without thinking, “You do?” “Don’t look so worried. Everyone has to leave home for the first time sooner or later. It is nothing to be ashamed about. Miss Forthingill told me all about you. I thought a little personal orientation on my part might make you feel more at ease with us. Unless of course,” she murmured, running a small hand over Athena’s rounded denim-molded buttocks, “there is something else I should be aware of about you?” She waited a moment, then suddenly slapped Athena’s left buttock. “OW! Oh, no! Nothing at all!” the blushing Athena exclaimed loudly, surprise at how the small hand could make her buttock sting so much, even through her tight jeans and panties. She wished that the inquisitive Mrs. Devereux wouldn’t touch her below the waist so much. She just couldn’t think whenever the tiny woman did that to her. “That’s good,” the smiling woman softly said, as she gently rubbed the spot she had just spanked. “Trust is so important in a family, don’t you think?” “Oh, yes,” the flustered reporter babbled. “Trust is very important.” Her left buttock was tingling with the effects of Mrs. Devereux’s soothing hand and it was making her very nervous in spite of herself. “I’ve told Danielle to look after you for a few days, until you become oriented to our life here. She is 17, so you will have someone only a year younger to help you adjust, and to be your friend if you like. It is nice to have a real friend around. Things can become a bit overwhelming at times in this family, especially if you are alone and are not used to such a life. I understand that the staff gave you quite a scare in your rooms this morning.” “What?” gasped Athena, as Mrs. Devereux’s hand now started slowing moving over both her buttocks. “Oh yes, this morning! I’m sorry about that. I’m just not used to being touched so MUCH!” Athena’s voice rose as the hand slipped easily between her upper thighs, just below her crotch! “It’s something we don’t even think about. My family came from Europe, where the concept of personal space doesn’t exist, and where touching is the norm for family,” Mrs. Devereux said as she moved her hand over the soft denim-covered flesh of Athena’s inner thigh. “And we are all family here.” Athena’s mind raced, but she couldn’t think of a way out of this troubling situation without irritating Mrs. Devereux and jeopardizing her assignment. She never dreamed it would be so difficult, and this was just her first day! “It’s really nothing personal, you understand,” said Mrs. Devereux as she continued to absently rub her hand on Athena’s sensitive inner thigh, “but it is something you must allow for if you wish to remain here in my employ.” “Oh!” the surprised Athena cried out as Mrs. Devereux pressed her hand up against Athena’s vulva, clearly defined under the tight denim. “Yes!” she croaked, trying desperately not to jump away from the unseemly pressure on her most secret of places. “It’s no problem, really,” the novice reporter said breathlessly, bouncing on her feet. “It’s going to take some getting used to, that’s all.” “We hardly think of such things at all,” Mrs. Devereux murmured softly, rubbing the edge of her hand back and forth along the indented fabric between the flustered woman’s thighs. Finally, she reluctantly withdrew her hand and returned it to the relieved Athena’s left hip. “Come, my child. Let me introduce you to Danielle, your new friend.” They came to Danielle’s closed bedroom door, which to Athena’s surprise Mrs. Devereux quickly opened without knocking first. They found Danielle in her bedroom listening to CDs. She remained sprawled on her bed, seemingly unaware of their presence, as the pair walked towards her. She finally lifted her head slightly and openly took stock of the new nanny. “You’re cute.” “Er, thank you,” the perplexed Athena replied. No girl had ever called her ‘cute’ before. “Our last nanny was a pig.” “Now, now, Danielle. Get up and be nice. You must be polite and say hello to Athena.” Danielle languidly got up from the bed and tiredly slouched over to where they were standing. “Hello,” the teenager said, managing with ease the difficult task of sounding interested and bored at the same time. “Athena, this is my daughter, Danielle.” “Hi!” chirped Athena, in what she hoped was her best 18-year old manor. Athena looked up in wonder at her “new friend.” Mrs. Devereux’s eldest daughter was as tall as her mother was short. Even slouched over she must have been at least 6- feet in height, and weighed all of 110 pounds. She had a full head of raven black hair worn ruler-straight down to her waist, and the palest complexion Athena had ever seen on something that wasn’t a porcelain doll. She had on black stretch pants and a tight black turtle neck. To Athena she looked like a hairy black pencil with dabs of white paint scattered here and there. “Be sure to show her what to do, Danielle. Remember, you are both expected for dinner at eight. See you then.” Mrs. Devereux smiled pleasantly at them both, then departed. “My mother must really like you a lot,” Danielle grumbled. “She doesn’t spare me even half as much time.” “She just wanted to make me feel at home, that’s all.” “Do you swim, ride horses, that sort of thing?” “Oh, yes, I love to swim. I haven’t had much experience with horses, though. I’m…a little bit afraid of them.” “Well, let’s go swimming, then. We’ll save those nasty old horses for another day. But first, we need to get you fixed up, because the kids are coming back home today.” “What! But your mother just told me that they would be away for a couple of days.” “They were away, at my Aunt’s place. But this afternoon they’ll be back and we have to get you properly dressed first.” Athena found a wall mirror and automatically looked at herself in wonder. “What is wrong with the way I look?” she asked defensively. Danielle stood behind her, tightly pressing her long body against Athena’s. “I think you look just fine,” Danielle said, wrapping her long arms around Athena’s middle. “But, you must get into your nanny’s uniform now or Mother will skin us both!” Danielle lifted her arms so that Athena’s breasts were now resting on them. “Danielle, please! Nanny’s uniform? Oh, of course,” the disappointed Athena said. At school they had told the students that some homes preferred their nannies to be in a type of maid’s outfit, so that they would fit in more easily with the rest of the staff. This was also sometimes done to try and prevent the children from thinking the nanny was their real mother. Athena had hoped to avoid this, but it looked as if she was going to be wearing some silly outfit after all. She just hoped it wasn’t too frilly. She knew it didn’t really matter, as she would make sure her articles would not have any pictures of her in them. “Oh, by the way. We’re going to be bunking together for a while.” “What!” Athena gasped in surprise as she watched her breasts being pressed together by Danielle’s arms in the mirror. “I was supposed to have my own room!” “Yes, it’s a damned nuisance, but whenever the family gathers, I get bumped out of my room and into yours. Sorry.” Athena wasn’t sure that this was the best of ideas. Danielle was far too demonstrative in her affections for Athena’s peace of mind. Maybe she was lonely, Athena reasoned. The unhappy girl sure wasn’t getting any kind of support from her mother, of that she was certain. She had to go along with this in order to fit in. And maybe Mrs. Devereux was right, and she wanted her to be a companion for Danielle as well as the other children. Well, then. It looked like she was getting a roommate. If Danielle became too bad, she would just have to gently lay down the law for the teenager. She was the 21-year old after all (even if she had to act 18), and Danielle only 17. “That’s all right, Danielle,” Athena shakily said she felt Danielle’s hot breath on the back of her neck. “I don’t mind your staying with me. Really I don’t.” “Cool!” Danielle exclaimed, squeezing Athena’s breasts between her arms again in her excitement. “We can have a pajama party when all of the cousins are here. It’ll be great fun, okay?” “Sounds great. Can’t wait!” Athena said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as she could. As if having Danielle all over her wasn’t bad enough, now she had to endure an all-night party full of giggling teenage girls. She had been to only one in her life and it had been a crashing bore for her. Even as a freshman in high school, such girls had been far too immature for her. God only knows what gum-snapping horrors awaited her during this one! Then it struck her. If this was all she had to worry about, life was very good indeed! “Come on!” said Danielle. “We need to start moving. By now your uniform should have been brought upstairs and be waiting for you in your suite.” “Oh, well,” the laughing Athena told Danielle. “The things I must do for a living!”

When she and Danielle had returned to her suite, Athena looked around each of her rooms but could find nothing that looked like a maid’s dress. The only new clothes she found was something that was spread across the king-sized bed. “What’s that? Someone’s funky exercise outfit?” the amused Athena asked. “That’s your nanny suit. Cool, huh?” Athena’s new-found enthusiasm for her assignment died a quick death when she saw the pink nightmare that was to be her new uniform. It was a body stocking with a long zipper running down the back. It was made of some thin, elastic material that Athena couldn’t even identify. It had a shiny pink plastic belt and matching ankle boots with 2- inch heels. And that was all! “Oh, no! I’m not getting into that! I don’t care! Oh, my God! No-No-No!” “Calm down, Athena. It’s not that bad!” “Yes it is! It’s horrible!” She held up the offending garment. “And where’s the rest of it? This should just be the first part of it. There should be some outer covering that goes with it. It’s usually small, but at least it’s something! I’ve seen them that way at my club. So where’s the rest of it?” “Athena! Take it easy, will you. You know, for someone who is 18, you sure take things seriously. Don’t you have any sense of adventure at all?” “ADVENTURE!?!?” Athena cried, tears streaming down her face. “You call wearing this an adventure?” Stricken, the sobbing woman buried her head into Danielle’s thin chest. “Come on, girl. Let’s get your things off.” “But I don’t want to!” Athena choked out. Danielle unfastened Athena’s top behind her neck. “Raise your arms,” Danielle commanded the still sobbing woman. Athena complied without thinking and Danielle pulled her top up over her head and arms. She laid the woman’s top on the bed. She then knelt down behind the still distressed nanny and, reaching around her waist, unfastened her jeans. She worked the tight denim down over Athena’s flaring hips and sculptured legs. She took a moment to admire the beautiful buttocks moving under the thin panties, then moved the crying woman close to the bed. One sharp push later a surprised Athena was laying face down on the bed and Danielle had worked off her jeans, shoes, and socks. “What�what are you doing?” Athena sobbed, trying to get control of herself again. Danielle walked across the room and got a box of tissues that was on the dresser. Tossing the box to the new nanny, she said, “Here! Use this on your face.” Athena was blowing her nose when she felt her panties being pulled down past her buttocks. “Wait! What are you doing?” she cried as her panties were pulled past her tightly clenched thighs and down her legs. Dying of embarrassment, she used her hands to try and cover her naked backside as best she could. Frantically, she exclaimed, “You can’t do that! Give me something to cover myself with, please!” When she felt her bra being opened, she knew she had to stop whatever was going on. “I’m telling your mother about this!” she declared firmly. “Good. It was her idea.” “WHAT?” Athena cried in shock as Danielle coolly flipped her over. She frantically scrambled to cover her naked pubes as Danielle pulled easily off the now useless bra. “Come off it, Athena!” Danielle said to the now nude woman, who in an absolute frenzy was trying to hind her luscious body behind her arms and hands. “We’re both girls here, so get real and calm down, will you?” Danielle thundered to the stunned reporter. “I’m�I’m sorry,” Athena said meekly. “I just don’t like being�being undressed in front of anyone.” “It’s okay. I’m a little shy myself. Now, take a deep breath and get hold of yourself.” Athena did as she was told. “I’m feeling much better now. Really I am.” “Good. Now, look.” Danielle held up the nanny suit. “You ever wear a bathing suit?” The woman nodded a tearful yes. “Okay, then. You’ll be more covered in this than in any bathing suit. Mom prefers this to regular clothes because it will be more convenient for you. Also,” and here Danielle lowered her voice, “we almost lost our youngest once when she choked on a nanny’s loose blouse button. So, now you know why you must wear your nanny suit, and that’s all you’ll be able to wear.” “Yes, I understand now. Thank you for explaining it to me. I really appreciate it.” Wow! What a story for her article, thought Athena excitedly. “Fine,” said Danielle happily, greatly relieved that the worst was finally over and that she had been able to talk her into doing it without too much trouble. “Now, let’s stand up and get into our nice new nanny suit, shall we?” Athena slowly got up off of the bed, being careful to keep herself covered as much as possible. She reluctantly took the suit from Danielle and started backing toward the bathroom. She immediately stopped when she saw Danielle moving to follow her. “No, I don’t need any help. Thanks!” “Okay, suit yourself, to coin a phrase. Don’t forget the boots and belt.” “Yes, thank you. Danielle, could you, er, hand me my bra and panties from the dresser? I’d rather not have to walk any farther than absolutely necessary right now.” “No. Listen, you can’t wear any underwear with that. It’s too thin. The suit really isn’t designed for it, and looks a great deal better without. You’ll see.” “Wonderful,” muttered Athena. She backed into the bathroom and shut the door carefully behind her. She tried to lock it but found that there wasn’t one. “That’s very strange,” she thought. Without giving the matter further thought, she went over to the sink to wash and fix her face and hair. Repairs completed, she gave the suit one final distasteful look and took it over one of the bathroom’s chairs. She sat and started wiggling into the tight garment. The fabric gave easily where it needed to and, after zipping up the back, Athena felt ready for a mirror. She stood up and turned towards the full-length mirror located on the back of the bathroom door. “Oh my God!” She was naked. The suit, not uncomfortably, she had to admit, acted like a second skin. She was completely covered, yet every curve, every bulge, every crevice, was there for the entire world to see. She could even feel the material working its way between her buttocks and vulva! Shocked, she slowly put on the boots and belt, then looked back at the mirror once again. “Oh my God!” They didn’t help. She now looked like she was starring in one of those sleazy R-rated science fiction movies that her younger brother and his friends would sometimes sneak up to his room. “Oh my God!” “Okay, you’ve said it three times now,” Danielle said good-naturedly from outside the room. “Come on out now and let’s see you,” “See me is right,” muttered Athena, still looking with horror at the mirror. Very reluctantly, she went to the bathroom door and, after first closing her eyes, opened it. “Hmmm. Yummy,” said Danielle appreciatively. Athena opened her eyes to see Danielle eyeing her up and down while licking her lips in a hungry fashion. “Ha. Very funny,” she grumbled. “Look, Danielle. I can’t do this. I’m sorry. I really tried, but I just can’t go around like this.” “Sure. Fits well though, doesn’t it?” “Yes, for what little it matters, the suit does fit very well. How did you get my sizes so fast, anyhow? I just received this assignment less than a week ago.” “Your school supplied them when they heard you accepted. It was a rush job to get the suit made in time. It only got here this morning.” “Well, sorry you went to all that trouble, but I’m not wearing this, and that’s that.” “No one is going to see you, not that there is anything showing. This floor is strictly for women and children only, and even the mothers rarely stick around for very long. You’ll be up here the whole time with mostly just you and the kids.” “Still, I can’t look like this in front of little children. What would their parents think?” Danielle pointedly looked at her watch and said, “Unfortunately, we’ve run out of time to discuss this. I checked on the house phone while you were in the bathroom and heard that the kids arrived about ten minutes ago. You’re on, Nanny!” “Oh, no! Not until I’ve�OW!” The slap on her virtually unprotected buttocks caught the protesting Athena completely by surprise. She covered her stinging behind with her hands while tears formed in her eyes. “You�you hit me!” she exclaimed, shocked. “Yes, that’s right,” agreed Danielle calmly. “Now MOVE YOUR ASS, you stupid bitch,” she shouted, “and start doing your job or I’ll give you a real spanking!” With that, Danielle chased the squealing Athena out of her suite and into the hallway.