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Kinky Black Mother 1.



Charline Sutter threw back the covers and crawled out of bed, careful not wake her still-sleeping husband, Dan. She stood still for a moment, smoothing her hands down over the lush curves of her voluptuous coffee-colored body, along her full, firm hips and downwards along the womanly curves of her outer thighs. Yes, she told herself, her dark figure had plenty of its youthful appeal left, its fully rounded ripeness belying the fact that she would be thirty-two years old on her next birthday.

The young mother walked on tiptoe into the bathroom, where she shed her sheer nightgown and studied her mature figure in the full-length mirror on the back of the door. No, her breasts showed no signs of aging, their mammoth fullness jutting out proudly, berry round and very high and very soft, their chocolate brown areolas capping them like candy kisses. Her buttocks were full and sensuously curved without being flabby, her legs long and well-tapered, her thighs appealingly fleshy without an ounce of extra fat. The smooth curve of her ebony, tautly flat belly rushed down unmarred to the dark crest of her enticing pubic mound whose softly curling black ringlets hid the petal-like lips of her pussy mouth. Yes, she was a beautiful, enticing and highly desirable woman, she told herself without vanity, and she just couldn’t understand why her husband seemed no longer to find her as inviting and sexually attractive as he had when they were first married.

Then Charline studied the fine-cut feature of her beautiful face. In spite of her sienna-colored skin, her features were classically cut and not in the least typically negroid: her nose like a finely sculpted spout under dark brown eyes while her lips were sensuously full and rounded over a finely honed chin. Her large, liquid eyes were shaped and colored like almonds and, at that moment, burned with a simmering sexual desire. Her Afro-styled black hair framed her face like an ebony halo, emphasizing the chiseled, beautiful features of her lovely face.

The young wife shook her head, as if to dissipate the rampant desire still swirling like a whirlpool through her tortured mind, then slipped into her soft, thin bathrobe and her furry slippers before softly stepping out of the bathroom and through the bedroom. She closed the door quietly so as not to disturb her snoring husband and stood for a long moment, gazing down the hallway towards the kitchen where she could hear her son opening and closing the pantry doors and drawers. When she entered, she saw him taking a tall pitcher of orange juice out of the refrigerator.

The young mother couldn’t help letting her eyes rest on his naked chest, on that hairless, muscled, youthful form of her beloved son. Then, her eyes traveled lower, over his pajama-clad virile twelve year old legs and the masculine young boy-cock that nestled, limp and flaccid, against his young thigh. She found her eyes locked there onto his loins and the memories of the incident last night invaded her mind like a wild tornado as she reached- up into the cupboard for glasses with trembling hands.

“Morning, Mom!” he chirped, fresh and feeling very potent from his adventure with fifteen year old Alice Laver the night before.

“Good morning, Toby,” his mother responded laconically, pouring him a large glass of orange juice from the pitcher.

“Say, that was some party last night, huh, Mom?” he asked enthusiastically. “Really neat. And that was sensational punch you made, too. God, I had such a good time! Everybody did!”

Charline found that she couldn’t look directly at her handsome, light-skinned young son that morning. Too many emotions were swirling through her mind as she nodded to him, a great lump in her throat, tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes. Her son! Her Toby! God, she remembered when he was a baby, when she and her first husband, a white G.I. she had met while serving as a nurse in the army, had looked proudly at their son for the first time through the nursery window! Then, images of a handsome four year old standing staunchly in a dark blue suit at his father’s funeral invaded her hazy mind and she recalled how close they had become in that first year immediately after they had been left alone and by themselves, after her husband had been killed in an automobile accident. She remembered, too, carefully dressing the six year old boy in a summer white suit, his naked body supple and yielding under her ministrations with his little-boy cock dancing, the day she had married Dan Sutter, one of the then few successful black free lance graphic designers in Boston. And over the years her poignant love for her son had not diminished, not by one iota, until last night, until that mind-wrenching discovery last night . .- .

She and Dan had rented a house at Cape Cod for the summer, so that they could all get away from the stifling summer heat of the city if only for two months. Toby, of course, had made many young freinds in the three weeks they had been established in the little wooden bungelow, his skin the color of light copper and looking more like he had simply a well-established sun-tan than revealing his negro origins. And when it was discovered by his friends and their parents that the Sutter family was, in fact, a black one, not one sign of ugly racism had emerged. All in all, until last night it had seemed like this would be an entrancing and amusing summer for the entire Sutter family.

But then, about a week before, Toby had asked if he could have a party for some of his new-found friends. Charline and Dan had readily agreed, swept up by the twelve year old’s bubbling enthusiasm. There had been about twenty youngsters in all, ranging in age from twelve to fifteen, dancing to the loudly blaring music, eating potato chips, drinking punch and even playing volleyball over the net in the back yard. Yes, last night’s party seemed to be an overwhelming success and both Dan and Charline were happy to see their son and his friends enjoying themselves so much.

It was about ten o’clock when, stepping from the living room through the French doors into the back yard, Charline suddenly realized that her son was not dancing or playing among his guests. Where could he have gone? Was something wrong? What had happened to her precious Toby? He was the shining light of her life, the object of her most fervent and devoted love and had been ever since the day of his birth! If something had happened to him . . .

The young mother wandered cautiously among the romping children, searching every face to find the cherub-like face of her darling son. Then, with a sudden wave of relief, she heard his voice as she reached the far back edge of the yard. It was coming from behind some dense shubbery … it was a muted voice almost as if he were speaking through a dense cloth . . . the young mother stopped dead, frozen in her shoes, as the voice suddenly became intelligible. Charline’s hand flew to her mouth, a gasp caught in her throat and her eyes bulged wide in disbelief.

“Do you want my cock inside you?” her son’s voice echoed through her reeling mind. “Do you want me to fuck you, Alice?”

Alice! That would be fifteen year old Alice Laver, the daughter of their next-door neighbors! She was a well-developed young red-haired girl who Charline often saw on the beach clad only in the briefest of bikini bathing suits, her long wavy hair cascading down over her soft white shoulders like a river of fire. Alice Laver and her son, Toby, there behind the bushes, together, alone together . . .

The young mother recoiled, shocked by the panting moans that came now from behind the shrubbery. No! It can’t be! It can’t be Toby. Why, he’s just a boy . . . he can’t. . . just can’t be . . . making real man and woman love to … to Alice Laver! He’s not old enough!

The young black mother’s first impulse was to confront the child-couple, to force them apart, to shame them with the wickedness of their deed! She felt a tremendous dryness in her mouth, a helpless contraction in her throat, and her hands began to clench and unclench as she listened to the impassioned sobs and sighs of the amorous young couple, picturing their naked bodies writhing and undulating obscenely against one another. She resisted her first impulse to intrude upon their lewd love-making and her next impulse was to turn, to run away as fast and far as possible. But this was equally impossible for the stunned young mother as she stood transfixed, picturing her young son’s coppery-skinned, firmly muscled body nakedly next to the girl’s sun-tanned, nubile one, their tender arms locked around one another, their soft young mouths locked in a passion-driven kiss, his virile boy-cock impaled in her soft flower-petaled vagina! No, it’s too much . . . much too much . . . I can’t bear it!

The young black mother threw her hands over her eyes as if to blot out or cover up the salacious spectacle behind the bushes when once again her son’s passion-drenched voice invaded her battered mind.

“Spread your legs wider, Alice. Wider! That’s it … do you feel that?” young Toby said almost breathlessly.

“Oh, yes, oh yes! Oh, do that to me! Yes, shove your finger into my ass just like your wonderful cock is shoved into my cunt,” the fifteen year old girl cried.

“Do you like me to fuck you like this?” Toby queried teasingly.

“Oh, do I ever, Toby-lover!”

“Like this? With my fingers in your asshole and my prick in your cunt?”

“Oh, yes! Just like this! Oh, harder! Fuck into me harder! Ummmmmmmm! Oh yes! Yeeeessssssmmmmmm!” Alice Laver moaned.

“Is . . . this . . . more . . . like . . .it?” the young boy asked, stammering, gasping for breath.

” Aaaaaaaauuuuuuugggghhhhhmmmm!” was the teenage girl’s passion-moaned reply.

Charline could feel the sweat now pouring freely over her body, dripping down in the darkly mysterious cleavage between her ample breasts like a leaky faucet. And down there, between her tightly clenched thighs, her own pussy tingled mischieviously, deliciously, alive with a sudden aroused desire and seeping with lust-induced moisture. She didn’t understand this sudden wickedly salacious hunger creeping into her loins, more ardent and fervent than any desire she had felt since the early years of her marriage to Dan. She felt as if her pure mind was being betrayed by the carnal beast in her body and she could do nothing to control its wild rampage through her rapaciously eager genitals!

Without quite being conscious of her own movements, the young mother crept forward, slowly, step by step, silently inching closer and closer to the lewd tableau until she was leering over the bushes at their nakedly entwined bodies. Her eyes bulged even wider now, riveted like a magnet on the sexual encounter displayed shamelessly before her eyes, her breath coming in ragged spurts.

Alice Laver, her sculpted young tanned body without one stitch of protective clothing, lay sprawled licentiously out on the cool summer grass, her legs raised up and encircling the lithe young back of Toby Sutter as he ground his dark young hips hungrily against her. He, too, was totally naked, his sinuous sepia-toned body glistening with sweat, his firm young buttocks thrusting powerfully downward, rhythmically pounding up into the teenage girl’s rapidly undulating loins. His anxious young lips were locked on her breasts and the young mother could see his tongue snaking out to tease enticingly erotic circles around the berry-like buds of Alice’s firm young breasts. Through a foggy haze, Charline heard the soft slapping of their eager young bodies meeting and the loud, hot, wet sluicing sounds of Toby’.s boy-cock fucking into her steaming vagina over and over again! She could see, too, his outstretched middle finger working its hungry way in and out of her tightly clenching little rectal passage as her smoothly rounded buttocks rocked high up into the air then sank back down again into the soft coolness of the grass with each rhythmic undulation of their bodies. On both their faces were expressions of rapt ecstasy, their eyes glazed with sublime passion, their mouths hanging open with occasional moans spilling out.

Oh God! Is this my son, my precious, innocent, twelve year old son making love like a real man? God, but he looks strong and virile . . . just like his father was . . .

Suddenly she saw Toby withdraw his erectly glistening young cock with a lewd wet sucking sound from the impaled young girl’s tightly clutching vagina and a small gasp escaped the young mother’s lips as she took in the full-blown size of the boy’s desire-swollen young cock. She could not tear her fascinated eyes away from it; it was almost as if the rigidly palpitating shaft was a magnet from which her eyes could not break away as her mind reeled and her knees grew weaker and weaker. My God! Look at it. . . so viriley thin and strong for his age. . . God, what’s it going to be like when he’s fully grown?

It was just in the midst of these lewd thoughts that the young black mother heard, as if through a clouded haze, the passion-choked voice of the fifteen year old girl.

“Oh Toby! Please, please . . . don’t stop now! God, shove it back up into me! Please! Fuck me, hard, Toby!” she cried in agonized pleasure.

“That’s what I like to hear,” the twelve year old replied teasingly. “I want to be sure you want me to do it to you, you know!”

“Oh yes, I want you! Yes, I want your cock fucking into me! Yes, please, give me your cock — all of it! Now! Oh, Toby, please!” the girl cried, her eyes rolling back in her head, her ruby lips glistening as her tongue ran excitedly along them. “Yes, Toby, fuck me now! Fuck me good . . . and hard . . . please, fuck into me right now!”

It was with a savage cry of triumphant satisfaction that Toby ground his hips mercilessly downward, driving his pulsing, fire-filled cock between the hotly quivering pussy lips of the straining, panting young girl. Once more his eagerly hungry lips sucked the satiny-smoothness of her breasts, his tongue lashing out to enticingly tease at her pinkly throbbing nipples. In and out his hard little male cock plunged time and time again, their two nakedly rocking bodies slapping hard against one another, their faces contorted with lust, their eyes glazed with enraptured passion.

Watching this sex-crazed scene began to have a strange, arousing effect on the young black mother standing, weak-kneed, close by. Suddenly all control was gone from her own body which began to sweat and glow slightly with newly awakened passion, with an unholy desire to satisfy her own rampant sexual needs. A dim voice in the back of her conscience told her to close her eyes, to shut out the nakedly displayed bodies of the two youngsters, to run as far and as fast as possible away from this obscene tableau. Their carnal passion was triggering her own long subjugated desires which ripped through her body now like an uncontrollable forest fire and all rational thought was consumed by the roaring flames burning up through her painfully throbbing cunt lips. Her left hand now began to slide, almost unconsciously downward, slipping unhindered along the flat plane of her sides and across her stomach to’ her own excited pubic triangle. Without having any conscious awareness of what she was doing, Charline began now to rub her hand sensuously along the curl-crested mound, back and forth, back and forth through the soft material of her light summer dress. Suddenly she could feel the moisture of lust slowly seeping down between her quivering thighs, flowing like molten lava down between her tremulous pussy lips and soaking her flimsy lacy panties. Her other hand now reached the tips of her now feverishly pulsing breasts and she felt the turgid nipple leap into vibrant life at her first tentative touch.

The two youngsters were putting on a shameful display of incited lust and the young mother watching was doing the same. Their moaning was almost incoherent now as her handsome young son and the totally naked girl fucked together in wild, salacious abandon on the cool soft summer grass. Now Charline’s hand reached down to lift up her short dress, bunching it in folds and drawing it further and further up the curves of her darkly shimmering thighs, finally exposing her darkly forested pubic mound to the cool air. Holding the dress bunched thus near her waist, the young mother lowered her other hand from her trembling breast and began to rub once again at the curl-padded pubic mound, knowing all the while that her act was even more shameful and sinful than the impassioned spectacle of her son and the young teenage girl fucking so lewdly and licentiously together a few feet away. Harder and harder she fingered herself, sending ripples of excited lust coursing through her eagerly straining body, her middle finger sliding along the soft, wet vaginal lips, seeking out her nervously throbbing clitoris and teasing the erect little titties with her fingernail, sending new waves of crashing, burning desire ripping through her fevered cunt. Then she dropped her finger still lower, insinuating it deeper and deeper up into her tightly clasping little vaginal mouth, sliding it in and out, in and out while her thumb worked hungrily on her lust-fired clitoris.

Through the fog of her own abandoned desire the young black mother once again heard the impassioned cries of the teenage white girl crash into her mind.

“Oh … Toby! Oh, do it to me! Oh, Toby . . . fuck me … harder . . . deeper . . . I’m gonna . . . gonna cum . . . any minute . . . yes, fuck me harder, lover-boy . . . ooooowwwwwwww!”

“Ooooowwwwaaaauuuugh!” the young boy chanted in unison with his excitedly young cock.

“Owwwww . . . cum . . . cum inside me, lover . . . yes, cum . . . cum deep inside me

. . . shoot it into my belly . . . please, please

. . . ooooowwwwwwaaaauuuuuuuh!” Alice begged, her whitely contracting legs thrashing madly, locking and unlocking around the boy’s copper-toned back.

As Charline watched the wildly rising rhythm of their youthful fucking, a similiar rhythm invaded her own loins. With an eagerly abandoned desire, her hand massaged her own wetly seething pussy, her finger now joined by another as the two fingers, like an imitation cock, plunged in and out the hot wet softness of her flame-licked vaginal flesh, each stroke driving her closer and closer to her own blessed a id long-sought orgasm. Her thighs moved further and further apart as her eyes remained locked on her son as he began emptying his heavily slapping, cum-laden testicles into the wetly steaming cuntal flesh of his teenage lover beneath. Faster and faster the virile young cock fucked into the white girl’s hotly smouldering vaginal cavern, while faster and faster the young black mother’s plunging fingers fucked up into the torrid chamber of her own hungrily devouring cunt.

” Aaaaauuuugh!” the young boy cried as the full fury of his passion-seared cum unleashed like a raging torrent into the wildly spewing vagina of the fifteen year old white girl spread nakedly beneath him.

Likewise, the girl cried out with a savage, animalistic abandon as her own climaxing explosion crashed through her with cunt-rippling force and convulsed throughout her entire nakedly writhing body. The young mother wanted to cry out, too, wanted to scream out the rapture of her own climaxing orgasm as its’fire burned through her loins and spiraled through her trembling breasts, igniting her inflamed nipples like fireworks at midnight. She knew that the finger fucking of herself was wicked and sinful, but all of that didn’t matter now. All that mattered, all that existed in the world was her own raging orgasm, her own carnal satisfaction triggered by the lust-incited display of her own precious son and his teenage lover.

Toby . . . Toby my son . . . cum. . . cum inside me . . . cum inside me, cum inside me, cum inside me, cum inside me . . . I want you to come deep inside me . . .

The young mother watched and thought, still transfixed, and standing spread-legged on the grass, as her son emptied out the last few spurts of his smouldering lust into the passion flowered vaginal canyon of Alice Laver and then Charline closed her eyes, her own orgasm leaving her feeling drained and exhausted. Slowly, the young black mother sank to her knees and gripped her passion-flushed face between her hands as the tears of pain from her own husband’s neglect slide down her inflamed cheeks.

What am I doing? What have I done to myself? Why was I driven to this . . . watching my own twelve year old son making love to a girl and wishing it were me!

The young black woman, now crying on her knees, could no longer see the nakedly sprawled youngsters behind the bushes, but she could still hear their satisfied sighs as she stifled a cry of agonized torment in her own dry throat and she dared not move for fear of being discovered by her son and the young teenage girl. So she merely knelt there for what seemed like a long time, her whole body smouldering still with the burning desire that had crashed through her loins, her mind consumed by reproaches and self-recriminations while her pink, wetly glistening pussy still tingled with vibrant, vivid excitement, still inflamed with the lust-driven desire that had only been partially quenched moments before.

God, what is happening to me? Am I going crazy? What in the hell made me watch . ‘. . what made me watch my own son and that . . . that little tramp . . . out there on the grass? All the love I have for him, all the trust and faith . . . my own little boy . . . oh, damnit! He’s not a little boy anymore! No, now he’s a man, a real man . . . and he has just proved that to me, and himself, right before my very eyes!

Charline heard the young couple stealthily move away from their secret passion place behind the bushes but she didn’t move. Instead she remained, crying desperately into her hands, as her mind wandered to her husband, Dan, and how he had neglected her in bed for what seemed like years now. It hadn’t been that way when they were first married six years before. Then the physical act of love-making had been a seductive and provocative experience which they had shared nearly every single night. Of course, now that she was older she didn’t really need to enjoy sex every single night . . . but lately they had hardly been enjoying it at all. She did need some loving, after all! She was still a passionate and responsive woman — tonight proved that, didn’t it?

And so for the past couple of years, but more especialy within the past six months, she had become more and more frustrated, more and more excited by the mere thought of the sexual adventures she was being denied by her husband. At first she thought he might have found someone else. But then, intuitively, she realized that Dan simply wasn’t interested in her anymore. Not as a woman, anyway. It was almost as if he had become impotent; but the doctors he had been to — three of them — could find nothing physically wrong with him.

No, the only reasonable explanation was that he had simply lost interest in her, even though her body was still lusciously beautiful, voluptuous and sensually curved. He was content, at thirty-seven years of age, to survive for the rest of his life almost totally without sex!

Oh, once in a while, maybe eight or ten times a year, he made the effort . . . but it was becoming less and less frequent that he actually achieved a blessed orgasm.

The young black woman sighed, a deeply regretful sigh, rose to her feet, straightened out her dress with trembling hands, tried to regain her lost composure, and slowly walked back towards the house, hoping that she didn’t look as lost and disheveled as she felt.

It was past midnight when all the youngsters had left and Charline had finished clearing away the empty paper cups and paper plates. Toby had gone off to bed and so had Dan shortly before. Her hands still trembled and her mind still reeled from her own self-induced orgasm while the churning, burning sexual desire still shuddered through her loins, still quavered through her lust-moistened vagina almost against her will.

She hoped that Dan wouldn’t be asleep when she reached the bedroom. But she hoped to no avail. Immediately upon slipping noiselessly through the bedroom doorway, the sound of his regular snoring invaded her ears and her vivid hopes for the night collapsed like a deflated balloon. Damn him! Her breathing began to come in ragged spurts now, her cunt flowering open with more lubricating secretions as her mind drifted like a boat lost at sea through an ocean of conflicting emotions and rampaging desires. Quietly, she stripped naked and crawled between the sheets, her whole darkly glistening body trembling violently, her thoughts a whirlpool of swirling passion. She cuddled against the naked body of her husband and her hands reached out to softly caress his strong, hair-bristled chest, moving with tender strokes across the vast expanse and down over his belly. Her hand, demandingly feverish now, slid down provocatively to cup and stroke the softness of his sleeping cock and she prayed fervently that she could awaken it to throbbing, blood-pounding life, that it would miraculously harden to fuck heatedly into the depths of her anxiously burning belly. Her quivering fingers squeezed and squeezed his pendulous balls then caressed and manipulated his still sleeping cock while her nakedly tingling breasts trembled with excited lust.

“Dan . . . darling . . . Oh, please, Dan,” the excited young mother murmured, pressing her naked body tightly against his, her lips moving wetly along the side of his neck, her tongue swirling out to trace exotically exciting circles around his ear while her hot breath blew teasingly into it. “Oh, please, Dan! God, how I want you tonight! Oh how I need you now, Dan darling!” she whispered passionately as she remembered the hard, passionately throbbing little cock of her son from earlier in the evening.

Her virile young black husband came awake slowly, almost tentatively, his strong muscles tensing at the provocative touch of his beautiful young wife. He was a well-built, muscular young man and in his youth had been the envy of all his friends. In those days there was not a skirt that he didn’t chase — and conquer. He had been proudly boastful of his many triumphs . . . but lately, he wasn’t the man he used to be. Not by a long shot.

Instinctively he felt for her nakedly aroused young body as he felt his own long-dormant desires beginning slowly to creep to life. He felt, too, the soft pressure of her searching fingers, those hungry tentacles sweeping over his hairy scrotum and his still wilted cock. At first he thought it was a dream, a vivid, electric dream . . . but then reality had slowly dawned in his mind and he realized that the sensations were caused by his own lovely, voluptuous wife, that the pressure was real and that her desire was real as well. Just as his mind awakened, he felt the hot wetness of her boiling tongue licking provocatively around his ear while her hot hands caressed still at his balls and cock.

Damn, she’s hot tonight! She really wants to be fucked! I wonder what caused it?

He lay there between the soft sheets, enjoying the tingling sensations produced in his naked body by the sensuous fondling of his voluptuous young wife, hoping against hope that he could achieve the elongated hardness they both needed and then, ultimately, the mind-crashing orgasm they both desperately wanted. Yes, he wanted her, wanted to feel the fully thick length of his throbbing cock inside the clutching wetness of her soft cuntal flesh, wanted to fuck her like she’d never been fucked before! And his cock was beginning to respond to her fingering caresses, slowly beginning to fill with blood-pounding life in response to her fervently striving hands and he hoped . . . hoped almost beyond hope . . . that this would be the time he could finally get it up …

He knew very well why he hadn’t been able to get it up so many times before, why his sensuous wife’s ministrations had been fruitless so many times before, especially in the last six months. He knew that he was practically impotent now because of Toby, because of all the love she lavished on the boy. He had been deeply hurt when he first realized that the boy claimed more of her attention and affection than he did and he had reacted in the only way he knew how: he had withheld his physical love from the woman who was withholding the emotional love from him. It was that simple.

He had tried to talk to Charline about it several times. But each time she became extremely defensive, claiming that her love for her son was simply a normal mother’s love and that she loved her husband very much as well, that one love did not preclude the other, that both could and did easily co-exist within her mind. And, oddly enough, he knew that she did indeed love him very much — it often glowed in her eyes and on her lovely black lips. But still, the young husband couldn’t get over the gnawing feeling that her love for Toby far outweighed her love for him and the subtle subconscious rejection triggered his seeming impotency beyond his conscious control.

Still, tonight, something seemed to be happening. Slowly, like a flowing tide, the vibrant life of incited passion was creeping over his long-dormant cock which twitched convulsively beneath her soft manipulations. A slow churning began swirling through his balls as she squeezed them, as she patiently stroked his penis, wiggling it between her thumb and forefinger, as she crooned soft words into his ear while her tongue-tip teased wetly around it. He could feel the warm wet juices of her passion seeping from her inflamed cunt down onto his thigh and her erectly alive nipples were like small throbbing buttons against his chest.

He turned his face to her and locked his lips hers. Her hotly spearing tongue wormed into his open mouth and soon their anxiously ‘ flicking tongues were battling against each other with mock ferocity. It was then that his hands reached to the smooth roundness of her hugely throbbing breasts and his fingers began to tease and tweak at her dark brown nipple buds, which j sprang into new pulsing life beneath his touch, j Then one hand swept provocatively down the smooth tautness of her coffee-hued belly to the tightly curled hair of her pussy mound and his outstretched middle finger slid easily up into the lust-lubricated furrows of her hair-fringed cuntal slit.

Her hips ground up eagerly at him, her breath came in panting, ragged spurts and she . groaned softly in salacious abandon. Her hands were still working on his prick, which had slowly but inevitably grown to turgid, throbbing life beneath her supple fingers and now roared with broiling fire, jerking and pulsing with lustcrazed life. The young mother smiled to herself at the thought of that virilely hardened cock fucking into the heated depths of her impatiently waiting cunt as her hands worked with renewed fury along the hot hard length. Tears of joy spilled hotly down her passion-flushed cheeks as she continued to madly stroke his elongated, thickly throbbing prick while his finger worked its feverish way in and out of her lust-blazing cunt which clutched tightly at the invading tentacle.

With all his long pent-up desire, the young husband loosened his cock from the hot grasp of his wife and rolling over between her widespread, coppery thighs, fucked it immediately up into her hotly quivering cunt with a demonic force. His hips ground eagerly against hers, impaling his lust-driven hardness ever further up into the wetly clinging depths of her hungrily devouring cuntal cavern. With long strokes, furiously pounding from the start, he fucked up into her again and again, fucking into the very farthest depths of her hotly flaring cunt without mercy, his prick throbbing with blazing desire, his hands still feverishly fondling her nakedly ripe breasts as the erectly hardened nipples dug into the palms of his madly working hands.

It was only moments later when his body convulsed and the flame-licked passion in his cum-laden balls burst through the full length of his statically plunging cock and began to spurt out like molten lava into her hungrily clenching cunt. Wave after wave of the scalding white liquid crashed against the softly yielding walls of her cunt and splashed back against the deepest regions of her open belly as his legs trembled and his body jerked with the sublime spasm of his ultimate and final release. It had been a long time but he had finally managed to achieve an ecstatic orgasm. However, the lovely, darkly curved body splayed out so voluptuously naked beneath him had not.

When it was all over, the young husband slipped his now sperm-drained cock out of her still seethingly sucking cunt with a lewd little liquid sound and he rolled to the side, exhausted while her naked body still vibrated violently with her own frustrated desire.

“God, I’m sorry . . . babe . . . I’m so sorry,” he mumbled.

“You ought to be,” she replied bitterly.

“Hey, look,” the anguished young hus- band replied, “I love you, you know. I really do. And I didn’t cum so fast on purpose! I mean, I know it’s been a long time . . . and I know how frustrated you must feel right now . . . but, damnit woman, / love you! I … I … well, I am sorry about this! What more can I say?”

“Nothing,” she replied dryly. “It’s OK, Dan. Tomorrow is another night, isn’t it? Don’t worry about me — just get some sleep. We’ll both feel better in the morning.”

But the young black wife knew she wouldn’t feel any better in the morning. Her own deliciously excited pussy still tingled with wrought-up, unrestrained desire and now there was no way it could be satisfied, no way it could be stimulated and excited to the very end of an erotically satisfying orgasm. The hunger of her unsatiated belly kept her awake for a long time, long into the dark and lonely night. Her cunt still seethed and simmering with liquid desire, her breasts still throbbed simply at the memory of Dan’s erotic touch . . . and at the memories of what she had seen earlier in the evening, behind the bushes in the back yard.

Damn him! Oh God, I need something . . .” something long and hard and hot plunging into my cunt. . . right now! Oh God, what is happening to me?

The young mother wasn’t quite sure the next morning whether the feel of her own hands and fingers slipping once more to the softly waiting flesh of her cunt was a dream or reality …

It was almost as though she were emerging from a thick fog when she realized that she was indeed standing in her own kitchen and her son’s voice was appealing to her. “You all right, mom? Is something wrong?”

Chapter Two

“What’s wrong?” the young mother stammered. “No, nothing’s wrong, son.”

“But Mom, something is wrong, I can tell! You and Dad didn’t . . . fight … or anything, did you?”

“No, really, son, nothing is wrong.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, quite sure. Now, sit down and drink your orange juice while I scramble some eggs.”

Charline head Dan’s footsteps as he entered the kitchen and then she heard his weary voice say, “Good morning,” but she didn’t turn around. It had been difficult enough for her to face her son after the salacious tableau she had witnessed the night before when his nakedly glistening body had been locked and entwined, rocking and writhing, with the equally naked body of their white teenage neighbor as she stood there, furiously beatingUhe eggs with all her pent up frustration and violently conflicting emotions boiling inside of her, a great choking lump came into her throat and tears began to drip from the corners of her eyes, slowly, one by one down her flushed cheeks.

Young Toby frowned, disheartened and worried about his mother’s obvious depression, but he knew better than to press the issue. Besides, his triumphant performance of the night before with an older white girl, with fifteen year-old Alice Laver, still surged through his mind and raised his spirits. Moreover, he was looking forward to an adventurous day with his friends.

“Ok, Mom, whatever you say. Anyway, I’m hungry,” he said looking sideways at the handsome young man whom he had always considered his father since he had hardly known his real one. “Me and Tommy and Larry and Jake are going to the beach to watch the dune buggies race over the dunes. Tommy says he knows one of the guys and that maybe he’ll give us all a ride in his dune buggy after the race! Won’t that be super?” he asked enthusiastically. “Yeah, super,” Dan replied with mock joy while his darkly handsome young wife scrambled the eggs in the pan, her hands impelled by an outside, frustrated force.

The young mother’s eyes were transfixed as if in a trance on the swirling mass within the frying pan … in her confused and dazed state the semi-liquid eggs seemed to be the swirling juices of passion, the scalding liquid that gushed forth last night from first her son’s and then her husband’s firebrand cocks, spewing out their steaming liquid deep, deep, deeper into the softly clenching walls of female vaginas . . .

Oh God, I’ve got to get out of here . . . someplace where I can be alone . . . all by myself to sort out my thoughts . . .

“Yes, darling, that sounds like fun,” the young mother said to her son. “Meanwhile, here are your eggs. Why don’t you get some plates down from the cupboard?”

The darkly beautiful young mother watched as her son walked casually across the kitchen and then stretched his long young arms up to get down three plates from the shelf. He wore tattered, cut-off blue jeans and no shirt so that his smoothly muscled young chest rippled with every movement of his strongly lithe body. God, he was a handsome boy! Such fine, clear dark eyes! Such a masculine, ruggedly built torso . . . she had to remind herself that this boy was only twelve years old, although he was already almost as tall as Dan and would probably grow to well over six feet tall by the time he was old enough to drive a car! As he walked back she studied the virile muscles rippling against the bronze skin of his sturdy thighs and she remembered with remorse how those thighs had been locked tightly around by the young white girl’s nakedly splayed ones . . .

Abruptly she turned to face her husband and the words came spilling out of her mouth almost of their own accord.

“I’m going to go out,” she exclaimed. “I have some shopping to do. And . . . and I promised Jean that I’d stop by to help her with a skirt she’s making. You don’t need the car for anything in particular, do you?”

“No, no, not at all,” Dan reassured her, slightly taken aback by her abstracted, curtly sharp manner. “I’ve been meaning to get some work done, anyway. And besides, the garden really needs some looking after that I’ve put off for quite some time now. No, you go on. And have a good time, okay?”

“Okay . . . thanks,” the young wife mumbled.

The breakfast turned out to be a silent and brief one. Toby jumped up the minute he had wolfed down the last of his eggs and juice and flew out the door to join his friends. Dan and Charline sat silently staring at their plates, their fingers tensely gripping the cups of coffee that had each been quietly refilled more than once. Both of them turned their heads as Toby flew out the door, crying “Bye Mom! Bye Dad! See you later! I won’t be back for lunch! Bye!” After the strained atmosphere of the kitchen became too oppressive, the young mother hastily walked into the bedroom to dress. Again, as she had the night before, she stood in front of her full-length mirror and studied the voluptuous curves of her still enticingly beautiful figure. Her earth-brown breasts jutted out proudly, almost defiantly, capped by the darkly protruding nipples. Her waist was still slender, her thighs fleshy and full and sumptuously curved, her long legs tapering beautifully away from the darkly curled grove of her pubic mound. Yes, it wasn’t her fault if Dan found it so difficult to become aroused! And it wasn’t her fault, either, that once aroused he exploded with such premature and frustrating force!

Quickly she gathered her clothes and slipped them over her naked body. She chose a short, button-down summer blouse that left her slender midriff exposed to the hot summer air and an almost provocatively short skirt that covered very little of her sensuously appealing thighs. Slipping sandals onto her feet, she quickly collected her things and dashed out of the house without pausing to say good-bye to her husband.

Dan heard the roar of the engine as his wife started the powder-blue sports car he had so proudly bought for her over a year earlier, and then he heard her backing it over the gravel of the driveway. Soon he could hear the sound of the deafening engine fading slowly into the distance and he knew he was alone.

Dan felt like he wanted a drink just then, like he needed a good stiff shot of scotch or brandy or something to warm his insides and calm his frayed nerves. But he decided against it just as his trembling hand touched the latch on the liquor cabinet. No, it was still much too early in the day for that sort of thing. Plenty of time later. Plenty of time . . . later.

He had finished weeding about half of the flower bed when he heard a familiar, softly enticing voice behind him.

“Hi, Mr. Sutter. I see you’re . . . working hard!”

Dan whirled around to see young Alice Laver standing provocatively before his eyes, her hip thrust enticingly forward with her crooked arm resting on it so that the full tilt of her nubile young breasts surged out against the soft, sheer material of her skimpy halter top. Her shorts were so short and tight that he could see a few wisps of her flaming red pubic hair escaping from- her pubic mound, whose thin, puffy little slit was brazenly outlined because of the tightness of her clothes. Her flat mid-section, tanned to a deep golden color, was clearly visible and her long equally tanned legs tapering to the ground. Her jutting young breasts, though not as full and voluptuously ripe yet as Charline’s, were nonetheless firmly rounded and deliciously appealing to the older man and somehow, mysteriously, every bit as sexy as Charline’s. Her bright red hair cascaded smoothly over her naked shoulders like a melting sun and her eyes sparkled with vitality and youth.

“Hope I’m not bothering you,” she said, smiling, revealing glistening white teeth.

“No . . . not at all … I … well, I was just getting to the weeds,” the young husband stammered. “Uh … uh … Toby isn’t home just now, Alice.”

“Oh?” the young girl replied. “That’s a shame. I was hoping we might . . . get together . . . this morning.”

Suddenly the young husband felt his cock give a decided jerk inside his pants as the girl approached and brushed her firm young breasts against his arm.

“Well, he went to the beach with some of the boys, I think,” the perplexed men replied. “To watch some dune buggies or something.”

“Oh . . . well, perhaps I’ll wait.”

“Sure, if you want. But I don’t think he’ll be back until after lunch.”

The girl moved close again, her tender young fingers purposely touching Dan’s dark naked arms. Her face tilted up provocatively, which triggered a distinct tingling shiver that ran up his spine, and his eyes once again feasted on the pert young roundness of her appetizingly thrusting breasts. Damn, she was a fine looking young girl! He didn’t blame his son for being intoxicated by her luscious young beauty, her lushly curved young body branding itself on the father’s brain.

“Uh . . . can I get you some ginger ale or something?” he said, a sudden dryness coming to his throat. Damn, if only she weren’t so young … or if only I were younger . . .

“Sure. And . . . maybe . . . perhaps you could put a little something into it … from the bar?” the young girl said, looking appealingly up at her friend’s father.

“But . . . but . . . why, you’re much too young,” Dan replied, his cock once again beginning to dance with feverish life inside his bermuda shorts.

The young girl now stood close next to him, her hands flat against his chest, creeping and crawling up towards his powerfully thick neck, drawing enticingly provocative little circles around his charcoal nipples. “No, I’m not too young. Not top young at all,” she crooned with a captivating smile, her eyes glistening with patently sexual desire. “You’d be surprised . . . at the things I am definfitely not too young to handle.”

Dan backed up and stared in wide-eyed disbelief at the beautiful and aggressive young teenage girl. He had neither the energy nor the desire to stop her and he felt a deep flush creeping over his darkly handsome features as his eyes once again roamed the voluptuous valleys and summits of her provocatively slender young body, taking in the hillocks of her nubile young breasts and the crest of her salaciously outlined pubic mound which nestled like a secret little meadow between her slowly moving, silky-smooth thighs. Again his cock spasmed and then, feeling ashamed of his lewd thoughts and desires, he turned towards the house. “I’ll he right back. With our drinks. Make yourself comfortable,” he heard his own voice saying, as if the words had been spoken by someone other than himself.

Jesus, what the hell is happening to me? Christ, I’m old enough to be her father! And if that’s not enough, here I am hardly able to get it up for my own wife and now I’ve got hot-pants for that little girl! What a dirty old man I’m turning out to be! I ought to be ashamed of myself, acting like a panting schoolboy!

But Dan was more embarrassed than ashamed as he carefully measured out a small shot of alcohol, then filled the two glasses to the brim with ginger ale and ice. The pure animal lust of the young girl still fogged his brain, the sight of her erect little nipples beneath the thin material of her short summer blouse still clouded his mind and he unconciously ran his tongue hungrily over his lips as he walked back outside, a glass full of cold liquid held tightly in his hot hands.

At his first sight of the reclining young girl, his cock jerked convulsively inside his pants, instantly driven into erectly throbbing life. He could feel the hot blood pumping rigorously through its swollen length and his hands gripped so tightly around the glasses that his knuckles turned as white as his face! He stopped short, frozen, for a long moment, knowing that the girl couldn’t see him although he could see her clearly, and then, gathering his courage, he stepped forward until he was standing directly next to her.

The fifteen year-old seductress was lying on a beach towel she had spread out on the grass. She was stark naked.

She opened her eyes when she sensed his presence, looked up teasingly at him with her cobalt blue eyes, then lazily stretched a hand up to receive her drink.

“What’s the matter?” she asked, knowing full well that she had shocked Toby’s father into near speechlessness. ,

“Listen, you ought to put on your bathing suit, you know,” he managed to say, his eyes betraying his words by their obviously licentious look.

“You don’t want me to put on my bathing suit and you know it,” she replied brazenly. “Or else, why is your cock bulging like that?” Her hand slithered up to brush against his powerful thighs as she reached for her drink and her fingers seemed to scorch his skin through his bermuda shorts.

He almost dropped both glasses. “Look,” he started to admonish her, but before he could finish his thought she had interrupted him with her softly crooning voice.

“Look nothing. You want to fuck me — I know it and you know it,” she whispered hoarsely. “And you know what? I want you to fuck me, too.” Then she giggled, a throaty, sensual giggle. “I like older men better, you know. Boys become so tiresome after a while.”

The words rippled through Dan’s body like a high voltage electric current, but the fear and guilt were so strong within his mind that he stepped backwards, as though the girl were carrying some dangerously contagious disease. The words he wanted to say froze in his throat as his eyes fastened on her nakedly sun-tanned young body, on the sensuously rounded mounds of her breasts, on the flaming red tendrils of hair on her provocative young pubic mound and the pinkly glistening pussy lips that were becoming more and more visible through its thin young sparseness as she spread her velvety smooth thighs further and further apart. He could see already the hotly seeping juices of desire on the soft inner surface of her thighs as a small cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Damn her! The wanton little bitch! What is she trying to do to me?

The answer to his question came clearly and suddenly. With one swift movement of the young naked teenage girl sat up and stretched out her hands to Dan’s smouldering groin, unzipping his pants and reaching searching fingers in to find his already vibrantly quivering cock. The father gasped and sank instantly to his knees and his mind was lashed with a swirling frenzy that he could no longer control. His hands reached automatically for the softly pliant flesh of her white young breasts while his mouth locked onto hers, his tongue lunging out into the warmly moist confines of her sweet young mouth. Her eager young hands tenderly massaged the fully erect length of his blackly trembling phallus as she returned his passionate kiss, her mouth sucking and nibbling on his lust-lashing tongue. He could feel the wet droplets of his own seminal fluid seeping from the bulbous head of his turgidly throbbing cock as she continued to massage him with well-practiced expertise until he felt like his balls were going to explode right then and there.

Later, Dan tried to remember how and when he had taken off his pants — he had been wearing neither shirt nor shoes to begin with. But all he could recall was the singsong of her I voice urging him on. “Please, Mr. Sutter, God, it’s so … wonderful … so long and thick … Oh, I want you to fuck me with that big, beautiful cock!”

“Oh God! Oh God, Alice,” was all that; Dan could murmur in response as he fell I nakedly across her provocative young body, asf his hands roamed at will over the flats andl curves of its naked regions, as his lips first! locked on hers, then traveled down her neck and! chest, leaving a trail of wet kisses, until they! finally wrapped around the fully luscious skin oft her firmly upthrust breasts. His tongue flicked! out now to trace maddening circles around heri pink marble nipples and he could feel her entire [ whitely shimmering body surge upwards in} erotic response as his hands wandered down to search the moistly pulsing canyon of her hungrily yearning cunt. As he slipped first one dark finger, then two, into her feverishly clasping vaginal tunnel while his thumb played provocatively around her erectly pulsing clitoris, I he could hear a gasp catch in her throat and he [ could feel her hips begin a madly passionate undulation beneath him.

” Ooooooowwwwwaaaaaaauuuuugh!” she ( groaned, her legs flying up and out to allow his plunging fingers still greater depth in the simmering confines of her youthful vaginal vault. Dan’s own sexual organ now throbbed mercilessly, swollen to its full girth, elongated to its utmost pulsing, blood-pounding length as it jerked spasmodically, greedily, eager to be fucking up into the warmly moist flesh of her hot little cunt. The young teenage girl thrashed and squirmed and writhed madly beneath the expert fingering and wetly erotic massaging as Toby’s father rolled over on top of her and wedged his own hips tightly between her whitely flailing legs.

“Oh, damn you! Ooooooh!” Dan groaned, rubbing his enormously bloated cock-head into her eagerly straining cuntal lips, feeling her vaginal area growing wetter and wetter with the moist secretions of her savage lust as her curl-fringed young cunt lips parted yielding to welcome his heavily invading cock to press up against them. Her firmly rounded young buttocks began a desperate rotation, snaking out wider still on either side of his muscular black thighs with her legs wide and her calves locked tight against the back of his legs.

Her eyes flew open as she squealed. “Ooooooh, Mr. Sutter! What a cock! God, shove it into me! Hard! Yes, fuck me hard, fuck me harder than you’ve ever fucked before!”

Dan didn’t need her encouragement, but her animalistic groans sent new waves of savage pleasure crashing through his already lust-driven loins. With all the pent-up force of his long-denied sexuality, he thrust his hips downwards, battering against her nakedly sweating flesh, and speared his rock-hard cock up into the lust-moistened lips of her waiting vagina. He heaved forward as he felt his thickly, throbbing cock centered in the tiny pulsating mouth and then fucked deeply up into the soft flesh of her vaginal cavern, which closed tightly around his heavily invading member. Then, at last, with a final forceful thrust, the black father slammed vigorously into the warmly yielding flesh until his long hot hardness reached the farthest, deepest depths of her hotly quivering belly.

“Oooooooaaaaaaauugh! Ooooooooo, lover … do it to me … yes, fuck me … yes, hard into me … oooooaaaaaauuuugh!” the fifteen year-old girl cried. “Yes, fuck me, daddy! Oh, you fuck so gooooooooood!”

Her legs now had flailed out to snake around Toby’s father’s pounding hips until they had locked high up around his broad black back, pulling him even closer into her wretchedly straining loins. Dan’s hands now were working into the soft supple skin of her buttocks with such forceful urgency that the skin oozed through his fingers like soft butter. His hips drove his impassioned rod of blazing cock flesh deep up into the smooth wet flesh of her anxiously clenching pussy. Her pliant pussy walls were yielding and clenching alternately around it as again and again he impaled his rock-hard shaft into her elastically expanding and contracting cunt. He felt like he was fucking into the very depths of her heatedly excited belly, to the very root of her soft-walled womb, as his pelvis rotated madly over his lust-driven rod of impaling flesh.

“Oh, you’re beeeeeeautiful,” the teenage girl cried, feeling his heavily slapping balls dancing against the nakedness of her smooth-fleshed inner thighs until with each heavy plunge they slapped up against the whitely upturned cheeks of her buttocks. Again and again the passion-propelled cock fucked up into the warmly inviting confines of her eagerly seething cuntal flesh, withdrawing far enough to make his thick shaft tease against the insides of her vagina with excruciating madness, then in and out and in and out again he stroked, her sleekly smooth young buttocks fucking demonically back under his kneading hands in matching tempo to her motions, her pelvis rotating with abandoned madness to welcome the monstrously plundering prick far up between her widespread thighs.

My God, Dan moaned to himself, what a lay this girl is! Christ, this is one girl who was born to fuck and nothing else is needed to justify her existence! My God, she not only knows how to turn a guy on, she knows exactly what to do about it once he’s fired up!

But it’s wrong, I know! All wrong! I’m old enough to be her father! But, damn her, it feels so good!

The young father and husband had no fear of his wife coming home, no fear of his son returning prematurely. His only fear at the moment was losing this lovely young, summer-tanned teenage girl. Nothing else mattered now except the satisfaction of his own acutely building pleasure, the ultimate and sublime release of his burning, churning cum as it spilled through his cock and on into her straining belly. Yes, she was not much more than a mere child . . . but she was performing with the expertise of a ripely mature woman! No, Dan didn’t care about her age and he didn’t care about his age, either. All he cared about was giving this experienced young girl the fuck of her life, a fuck she would not forget for a long time to come! He’d show Charline who was impotent!

The girl’s moist vaginal sheath gripped tightly around his invading, rock-hard cock and clamored for more, her soft, wetly clinging vaginal lips sucking and milking his plunging cock with demonic desire, with a clasping, clenching ruthlessness as his hammering scrotum sacs slapped loudly against her alabaster buttocks. She spread her fleshy smooth thighs even wider now, inviting every last millimeter of his enormously throbbing cock up into her screaming belly as her mouth flew open in a soundless groan and her head flailed madly from side to side, her long red hair flailing about like a fiery flame.

“Oooooooh!” she groaned hotly. “I’m . . . gonna . . . cum . . . any . . . second . . . now! Aaaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhh!”

The sound of her lewd words was like the match to the fuse of the older man’s long pent-up sexual urges. For it was the lewdly encouraging sound of her voice that triggered his own mind-wrenching orgasm. He felt the pressure exploding in his sperm-filled testicles, burning then like a wild fire through the fully jerking length of his hard, deeply impaling cock, and finally bursting out into the warmly clenching back wall of her cuntal cavern. He was babbling now with mindless ecstasy and the young girl too babbled incoherently, urging him through tears of enraptured joy to spill every last ounce of his scalding white cum into her desperately straining cunt. She kissed his neck and his ears and his eyes as his lust poured hotly out of him like a river in flood as she continued to milk his precious semen from his thundering rod of flesh with her moistly sucking young pussy.

It was only moments later that her own blinding orgasm crashed through her loins and convulsed her entire nakedly writhing body. The ripple of sublime rapture ran in a spasm through her loins, through her frantically milking cunt, and up through her quiveringly straining belly and into her voluptuously throbbing breasts, seeming to scorch her ruby-red nipples with its inflamed ecstasy. She groaned and ground her hips against Dan’s, her desperately convulsing cunt eager to clasp tightly onto his elongated pole of flesh’ until the last wave of the sweeping fire had run its course through her body.

“Oh, Daddy, that was sweet,” the fire-haired teenage girl moaned at last, kissing him with hotly moist lips on the back of his powerful black neck. “Oh, yes Daddy, the best I’ve had in a long, long time. Oh, Daddy, do it to me again!”

“You weren’t so bad yourself,” Dan mumbled as his strong brown arms encircled her naked young nubile body and drew it closer to him. “Not bad at all,” he repeated, whispering into the flaming red hair close to her ear, sending his scalding breath into the sensual orifice.

His guilt didn’t bother him at that moment. It wasn’t until later, when his eyes actually once again rested on the beautifully formed features of his wife’s face and body that the shame of what he had done with a fifteen year-old girl began to overwhelm him, began to make him feel lecherous and a thoroughly immoral character.

But just then, as his own naked and exhausted body lay there on the cool summer grass, the warmly naked body of this young but voluptuous white creature cradled within his strong black limbs and frame, he felt exhilarated, more excruciatingly joyous than he had felt in a long, long time. He wondered vaguely if he would ever — could ever — feel so happy again!