
Kinky Black Mother 2.


Charline Sutter liked to drive her powder-blue sports car, liked the way it snugly hugged the road no matter how torturously bent or curved it became, no matter what shape or line it took. She enjoyed, too, the feeling of power as she carefully steered and shifted gears of the sleek little car as she guided it with practiced hands along the narrow Cape Cod road that led from her house to the ruggedly sand-duned beach along the cool coastline.

She pulled the car over near the end of the beach and screeched to a halt. She felt like screeching to a halt, her frustrated emotions compelling her to behave recklessly and almost frantically. Then the beautiful young black woman clambored out with a beach blanket and walked across the hot sands with bare feet, strolling casually along the beach until she reached the furthest end where there were no j other people. With a great feeling of relief, she I sank down on the blanket into the warm j summer sands behind a towering, grass-crested j dune where she could see no one and no one could see her.

Her umber-colored hands trembled as she lit a cigarette and she inhaled deeply, taking the acrid smoke deep into her lungs. Her mind wandered back to the salacious scene in her backyard the night before, to her son’s copper-colored naked body writhing and straining and plunging against the softly naked body of young Alice Laver. What a wanton little whore she was, seducing young Toby that way! Her own son, her own innocent little boy, behaving like a lust-crazed man, his turgidly throbbing cock pummeling into that girl’s vagina like a fire-driven piston!

Her own thighs began to quiver now and she could feel the distinct seeping of her own desire-impelled juices flowing down from her already aroused young cunt. Tears of frustration began to drip down her flushed cheeks as her mind re-played the lewd scene of her son and that wanton teenage girl . . . and then the obscene tableau of her own nakedly writhing, straining body, eagerly building towards a mind-splattering climax with her own husband … his long hot hardness pumping into her wildly clenching vagina . . . and then his premature ejaculation, his dastardly early orgasm that left her frustrated and feeling more alone and lonely than she had felt in years . . .

“Charline? Charline, is that you?” a familiar voice invaded her solitary reverie.

Lifting her tear-streaked face slowly, focusing her passion-clouded eyes with equal reluctance, the young mother finally recognized the handsomely tanned face of Ted Thompson.

Ted had been married to Marcie Thompson, white friend of Charline’s back in Boston, but they had been divorced for nearly two years now. He was a handsome young man around thirty-five, with the boyish good looks and charming impudence of a Hollywood movie star. But, in fact, he was simply a very successful real estate salesman who vacationed for several weeks every summer in his own cottage near the one which Dan and Charline had rented. He had called her, she now remembered, a few weeks before they had left Boston to suggest that they all get together one night for dinner and drinks at the Cape . . . and now, here he was, standing before her, his tanned and muscular young body clad in nothing but a tight-fitting, dark blue bathing suit.

“Charline? Is something wrong? You look like you’ve been crying,” he asked solicitously, approaching her with rapid steps.

“Wrong? No, nothing’s wrong,” the young black mother replied, turning her tear-soaked face to avoid his penetrating, acutely inquisitive glance.

“Charline, you can’t fool me! You look terrible,” the young man said beseechingly. “Are you sick or something?”

“Yes, I have a bit of a headache,” Charline replied, eager to end his ruthless and unwelcome inquisition.

“No, I’ve got a feeling it’s more than a headache,” he persisted, sitting down next to her and wrapping one strong supportive arm around her shoulders. “Come, you can tell me. What is it — something the matter at home?”

The young wife nodded convulsively, feeling suddenly very small and very alone and very frightened. She liked Ted Thompson . . . but he was certainly not one of her more intimate friends, one in whom she could confide with confidence. She had always been amused and attracted to his easy-going charm, but that was all there had ever been to their relationship. No, she simply couldn’t confide in a man who was . . . well, practically a stranger!

“Charline, perhaps you should tell me, whatever it is. Perhaps you’d feel better if you get it off your chest, whatever is bothering you,” he suggested calmly.

“No, I … I … oh, please just go away and leave me alone,” she begged, the tears once again beginning to flow down her hotly flushed cheeks.

“Charline, I can’t leave you like this! You’re too upset. Please, you can trust me,” he said soothingly. “You can talk to me about it. Honestly you can.” A slight smile began to form on his lips then as he said, “I’m a very trustworthy young fellow, you know, even though I am white!”

Charline had to smile at the impish quality in his voice with that last added remark.

“There, that’s better,” he smiled broadly now.

Her wretchedness and misery began to melt under the young man’s persistent good humor and good-natured encouragement and she didn’t pull away when she felt him draw her trembling body closer to his. The faint musky masculine fragrance of his cologne invaded her nostrils at once and she willingly allowed herself to be pressed closer to his naked chest, and she lowered her head there, her beautiful dark face contrasting with his whiteness, and wiped away the tears from her face with the back of her hand.

“Come on now,” he smiled down at her, “You’ll feel better when you’ve talked about it, I promise — and I never break a promise, my dear young lady!” he laughed.

Ted Thompson felt the warmly resilient body pressed tightly to his own and his nostrils tasted the sweet womanly aroma of her as his eyes studied the rounded contours of her breasts which stood revealed by her half-unbuttoned blouse, and the darkly mysterious cleavage between them. He felt his blood beginning to boil with latent desire and he realized suddenly that this was a woman he had wanted for years, wanted practically ever since he had first met her nearly six years ago, wanted her now more than any other woman he could think of … but she had always been so cool, so distant before.

Now, now might be a good opportunity for him if only he played his cards right . . .

He ran his other hand through her hair as he murmured soothingly into her ear, “Hey, it’s okay, you know. Everything will be fine, you’ll see. You can trust me.”

And suddenly, the young wife and mother felt as though she really could trust him, as though at last she had found a warm, strong, pleasant person in whom she could confide her most troubling problems. Perhaps it was his soft, reassuring voice . . . perhaps it was simply her own desperate need to unburden her guilty conscience and her fevered, fearful imagination. And so she told him. All of it, everything from the scene in the back yard with Toby and Alice to her later fruitless encounter with Dan, omitting, of course, the episode where her own hands brought her to a climaxing orgasm. No, she could never tell anyone about that!

When she had finished, when the tears had at last dried up and flowed no longer, Ted pressed her trembling body close to his strongly muscled one, stroking her hair gently, whispering encouraging words into her ear. She hardly noticed when his hand over her shoulder inconspicuously slipped down to cup one of her lusciously ripe young breasts beneath her blouse but over her low-cut lacy brassiere. The young wife melted into a kind of lethargic torpor as Ted crooned soft and comforting words into her ear, as he told her not to think any more about what she had seen in the bushes, not to think any more of the frustrations she felt with her darkly handsome young husband, told her not to think at all, in fact! And Ted was pleased that his words had the desired effect on her, that her mind limply obeyed his commands while his eager young hand continued to fondle the satin smoothness of her breast, feeling the nipple beneath the thin lacy material surging into erectly throbbing life.

The first faint glimmering of awakening sexual desire began to spiral through Charline’s body and she was helpless to deny them. Besides, Ted was indeed a nice looking and pleasant-mannered young man . . . and there was no use denying her own sexuality any longer, just as he was saying … no use at all … she realized in that one clouded instant that her own sexual appetites were stronger than she had ever before imagined . . .

She was breathing faster now, there was no doubt about it — he could hear it and feel the heat of her breath on his naked, hair-covered young chest. Yes, indeed, her body was awakening, blossoming with sexual desire like a fragrant young flower . . .

Charline made no effort to resist as Ted continued to knead the swollen mounds of her spongy, pliant flesh, running his thumb now beneath her brassiere to tease her erectly throbbing nipple bud, his heart nearly pounding out of his chest while his confined cock leapt up like a wild beast yearning to be free. She didn’t even resist when his hand reached around to unfasten the confining brassiere, although her body tensed briefly . . . no, she hadn’t stopped him yet and in a minute or two she would be totally powerless to stop him even if she still wanted to …

The young black beauty made a feeble and reluctant effort to bring herself to her senses, to pull away from and out of this adulterous situation. She told herself that it was wrong and evil and that she was behaving like a two-dollar whore. She had never before been unfaithful to her husband . . . she had never even thought about being unfaithful before . . . and yet … yet … somehow it didn’t feel wrong! Somehow it felt like the simple fulfillment of her own now admittedly strong and fervent sexual desires! Why should she deny the fever boiling in her blood, blazing through her already seeping vagina, burning like hot coals in her tremulously alive young breasts? Why should she deny a part of herself that was as real and as important as the air she breathed and the food she ate? Why? Why? Why?

But the young black woman found no answer. Instead, the hotly boiling blood racing through her loins answered her question for her as she felt Ted’s hand dip deep into the mysteriously dark cleavage between her throbbing, trembling breasts, as she felt his fingers deftly unbutton her blouse and slip it off of her shoulders along with her brassiere, as she felt his warmly eager hands once again dancing and playing and kneading at the satin-soft skin? of her pliantly supple breasts. Her body! convulsed and a chilling spasm rippled through it as his thumb and forefinger teased enticingly around her darkly colored nipple buds, and her hips squirmed with aroused passion as she snuggled more tightly against his nakedly virile chest, her hot mouth leaving a wet trail ofl heated kisses as it roamed at will along the! tightly muscled torso.

It wasn’t long before Ted’s hand slipped! away from her nakedly pulsing breasts and! began to climb along the smooth inner surfacel of her fleshy thighs as his lips locked onto her[-erectly quivering nipples as his hand slid slowly,! provocatively, maddeningly along towards the darkly curled area of her now hotly waiting cunt-lips. Higher and higher it crawled, sending a delicious shiver of impending pleasure crashing through the young mother’s loins until at last his probing, searching fingers touched the silk-encased mound of her pubic triangle nestled between her slowly spreading thighs. One finger then pushed the legband of her panties aside and, parting the tightly curled pubic tendrils, insinuated itself into the wetly trembling passage of Charline’s fire-filled cunt, teasing the hardened bud of her anxious clitoris, reveling in the feel of her softly elastic pussy and the vibrating arousal of her voluptuous young body.

Charline jackknifed against him as the electric current of rapacious arousal ran with a spasmodic ripple through her shamelessly excited young body, her whole being seeming to oscillate violently as his finger played teasingly in the soft warm folds of her wetly lubricated vaginal flesh. There was no thought of stopping him now, not even a remote one and what little conscience remained finally succumbed completely to the rampaging desire flooding through her now undulating body. Through the boggy mire of lust-crazed passion, she heard Ted whisper gently, his hot breath invading her ear like molten iron.

“Let me take your clothes off,” he urged passionately. “Let’s do this thing as nature intended us to, totally naked and totally passionate!”

She had been, up to now, so grievously sex-starved, that her easily aroused sexual appetite completely overwhelmed her to the point where she would have done anything Ted asked of her, anything at all. Yes, she would undress for him, she would display her nakedness proudly before this virile and handsome young man who would fuck his heatedly pulsing cock far up into her eagerly steaming vagina until she reached the ultimate and sublime release of mind-blowing orgasm!

“Oh yes,” she whimpered, tears of joy now streaming down her passion-flushed face. “Yes, take my clothes off! All of them! Every stitch!

And yours too! I want to be naked and to feel you naked up between my legs! Oh, Ted!”

Ted Thompson was excruciatingly pleased at the passion-crazed tremor in her voice and he needed no further encouragement. He guided her silken panties down over her lushly full thighs and she lifted her coppery curved buttocks to help him with his erotic task. Then, with equal ease, her hips still upraised, he slid her skirt likewise down the long, darkly tapering columns of her legs until all of her clothes lay in a crumpled heap in the sand, joined shortly thereafter by his own brief bathing suit.

At the sight of his bulging, bloated cock the young black mother gave an audible gasp. “My God, Ted!” she exclaimed, the words almost caught in her suddenly dry throat.

“No bad, eh?” he laughed. “Do you have any idea how this cock of mine is going to feel worming around up inside your tight little cunt, woman?”

Her only response was a passionate moan as she parted her wetly glistening brown lips and licked them enticingly with her moist tongue. At her flagrant invitation, the young man locked his anxious lips onto hers, sending his madly impassioned tongue lashing like an angry snake into the warmly moist confines of her willing mouth, hovering over her prone and nakedly trembling body, letting his fingers slide over the soft supple skin of her quivering breasts. She heard him gasp with wanton delight as he kneaded at their satiny pliancy, at their hard, so distended nipples, finally tweaking and rolling the erect little buds into agonizingly pleasure-filled arousal.

Soon he unlocked his mouth from her moistly warm one and lowered his blond head to her lust-rippling breasts and then she felt his mouth, hot and moist and eagerly ovalling around one of them, the tongue flicking from inside to tease with excruciating expertise at the already pulsing sprout of her sensitive nipple! She groaned again as her hips undulated against him while he continued erotically sucking at her tremulously soft tit, his hands then traveling down the smooth contours of her naked belly, pausing briefly to encircle her exposed navel, then finally reaching their appointed destination in the dark forest of her tightly curled pubic mound!

“Oh God, Ted,” she moaned. “Oh, you don’t know what you’re doing to me, oh Ted!”

“Oh yes I do, baby. I know exactly what I’m doing,” he responded, his breath coming now in rapid, passionate spurts. “And I know exactly what I’m going to do, too!”

Dreamily the young mother watched as the virile young man once again dropped his head to her quivering earth-brown breasts and took first one mound and then the other into his wetly salivating mouth, his tongue teasing maddening designs around her dark chocolate nipple buds with salacious expertise. Licking and sucking like a demon until she wanted to scream out from the waves of erotic pleasure surging thrugh her body, she watched as he lowered his head still further, leaving a moist hot trail of kisses from her swollen breasts down to her navel, j pausing there just as he had done with his I fingers to probe into the tiny indentation and j then, just as his eagerly searching fingers found their way into the soft furrows of her hair-fringed cuntal crevice, his mouth reached the enticing triangle of her undulating pubic mound and his tongue raced through the pubic tendrils like a firebrand.

God, he’s going to lick and kiss me there! Something I have never even let Dan do! Oh but I want it now, more than I have ever wanted anything in my whole wretched life!

“Yes, Ted, oh yes! Oh please, kiss my cunt!” Her voice echoed through her mind as if it were the voice of someone else coming from a very great distance through a thick, blinding fog. She looked down to see his head poised above her hotly grinding pubic mound, his tongue licking lazy circles across his lust-moistened lips, his eyes glazed with abandoned passion. He used his hand now to spread even further her already invitingly parted thighs, his fingers pressing into the softly yielding flesh, his eyes feasting on the darkly fluted lips of her soft, eagerly throbbing cuntal mouth.

“Yes, I’ll kiss your cunt,” he whispered in a hoarse, throaty voice. “I’ll kiss it and lick it and drive my tongue way up into that soft and yearning pussy of yours, don’t you worry. Just relax, relax and enjoy it, baby.”

His words sent a strange new ripple of shivering lust chillingly shimmering through her nakedly exposed young “black body and no shame attached itself to what he was about to do, what she was about to allow him to do to her previously unlicked cuntal canal. No shame, no fear, no guilt and no remorse spoiled the sublime pleasure of his hotly moist tongue teasing lustful designs around her hair-fringed pussy lips. The only thing that mattered now was the fiery pressure building in her shamelessly aroused young body, the dizzy sublime rapture that tumbled madly through every fiber of her being, the fire-filled shocks that shook her loins and her breasts and her belly!

“Oh please . . . please . . . hurry . . . I — I can’t stand it!” she cried in her wildly, insanely, dizzily aroused rapture.

The words had hardly left her lips when Ted plunged his white face downward, his lips crushing into the softly eager lips of her pulsing cunt, his tongue parting the warmly yielding flesh and ramming deep into her vaginal cavity in a hungrily greedy kiss. He listened with every increasing pleasure to her passion-choked sobs and moans as her hips ground frantically up to meet his thrusting tongue which lashed and slashed into her, harder and further, as her body reacted helplessly with rhythmic lurching, with convulsive rocking and writhing. Her hands reached down to clasp into his long blond hair as she struggled to bring his face closer into the enticing “vee” between her lushly parted black thighs and he continued his wanton, lust-crazed tongue-fucking up ino her moistly trembling cuntal slit.

“Oooooooooooowwwwwwwwweeeeeeeee-ooooooo!” she moaned as his hands slipped once more over her quivering belly until they reached the tremulous mounds of her breasts, his fingers like hot licking flames as they danced over the satiny smooth surfaces. She whined and whimpered and moaned as Ted’s deeply probing tongue finally emerged to search out the erectly sensitive sprout of her pulsing clitoris which first he licked and then grasped sharply between his teeth. He held it roughly like that while his tongue swirled and teased around it, sending agonizing waves of erotically ecstatic pleasure crashing through her nakedly rocking body while her afro-haloed head flailed from side to side in total and abandoned passion. Ted opened his mouth wider now, moving his slithering tongue downward along the smooth, heatedly moistened slit to the hair-fringed opening of her pulsingly inviting vagina. Then, he began to orally fuck her, faster and deeper with each new penetrating thrust. Hotter and harder into her wetly clasping hole he flicked, listening to her incoherent wailing as he swirled and lunged his teasing lingual member around the velvet soft interior of the madly pulsing cuntal lips. He slipped his hands now beneath her, pushing her thighs out wider and up until they draped over his shoulders, the whole of her cunt exposed to his lust-glazed gaze as it ground hungrily up into his face, his hands then reaching to cup the satin pliancy of her smoothly soft buttocks in both hands as his tongue thrust ever farther, ever deeper into the moistly clinging cavern.

“Ooooooooowwwww wwwweeeeeeeeeeeee-ooooooaaaaauuugh!” Charline moaned hoarsely, the fire-filled spear lashing into her steaming cunt driving her to a frenzy of madly crazed desire.

Suddenly, the tongue was gone. Her hotly seeping vagina was empty as the cool air rushed in between her shamefully parted legs. Her eyes flew open and her cries of despair and abandoned passion were caught in her throat.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Ted crooned, lifting his head, the wet juices of her passion still clinging to his lips and face. “Don’t worry, it’s not over yet. Now I’m gonna fuck you, baby, like you’ve never been fucked before. Are you ready for the fuck of your life?”

“Oh Ted, yes, yes, please hurry! Yes, fuck me! Oh, fuck me good, fuck me hard!” Again the strange distant voice reverberated around Charline’s fevered brain and with a sudden clarity she realized that her words were almost exactly the same as those used last night by that shameless little hussy, Alice Laver. But somehow, they didn’t seem so obscene, so disgustingly depraved now . . . not at all! Th[ words came as naturally and as spontaneously as the desires that inspired them and Charline saw no shame in them at all.

The young black woman was so busy with her revelation that she hardly felt Ted Thompson adjust himself so that now he was hovering nakedly over her own naked body, his rigidly erect cock poised like a hungry panther over the soft wet curls of her pubic mound. And then, almost without warning, its bulbous� bloated head parted the soft flesh of her moistlyl waiting cunt lips and fucked madly into her warmly yielding vaginal tunnel. The young woman had never felt so completely and agonizingly filled in all her life! It was like an enormously throbbing presence down there between her shamelessly parted milk-chocolate thighs, ripping her vagina into shreds as speared without mercy deep up into her! gratefully quivering belly. There wasn’t one! ridge of the white, rock-hard cock that she| couldn’t feel sheathed tightly up inside her eagerly clinging cunt walls and she reveled in the painful pleasure of its cruel invasion.

Oh God! I wish I could hate myself but it feels much too good, like it was made fot nothing else except to be buried inside my belly!

Chapter Four

“Tell me, how does it feel, Charline baby?” Ted asked, pausing with his rock-hard organ buried deep into the quivering vagina of the young black mother. “Tell me how my cock feels inside your cunt!”

“Oh Ted, it feels … so good . . . wonderful … I … I … oh, please, fuck me good with your cock!” she panted, her breasts shaking like mounds of quivering gelatin beneath the smiling man. She knew, of course, that her admission meant total surrender, that there would now be no escaping ever, that her own hearty sexual appetite would never leave her in peace again. But she couldn’t help herself, couldn’t deny any longer the greedy hunger in her cunt that was driving her to complete and irrevocable sexual abandon. She knew it, and she knew that Ted knew it, too. But nothing else mattered now except that mammoth, pulsing cock flexing deep up inside her soft-walled cunt.

“That’s what I like to hear,” he laughed. “Tell me again. Tell me again how my cock feels in your happy little cunt!”

“Oooooh! It feels . . . sooooooo gooood It … feels . . . wonderful . . . wonderful . ., I want it, need it … Oh, please, Ted, fuck me Fuck me now! Fuck me hard!” she gasped struggling for breath, the tears pouring like a raging river from her eyes. No, she would never be the same now. Her mind had lost control am from now on it would be her body with its gargantuan sexual appetites that would rule her behavior. The words “fuck me” echoed through her lust-contorted mind to remind her of hei fateful surrender to the fiery, fleshy instrumem buried deep in her seething, steaming cunt.

Ted Thompson, a very experienced man, could sense the complete and unrestrained capitulation now and, clamping his wet mouth tightly over hers, he began a slow, lewd little fucking motion with his powerful young thighs, He could feel the tight, narrow corridor of her cunt slowly yield, slowly widen with each short, smooth stroke as she groaned in passionate and helpless surrender beneath his muscular naked body.

Before I’m through with her, she’ll be nothing more than a squealing, helpless, ray and seething mass of burning desire! I don’t know why her husband ignores her, but this is one man who is going to take full advantage oj her sexual appetites! And why not? I’ll be here for a whole month … and then, after the summer, back in Boston . . . well, who knows what might happen? This could very well be the start of something . . . quite extraordinary!

As Ted’s powerful male cock flexed inside her simmering, lust-moistened cunt, Charline’s body began an automatic and rhythmic undulation and a new thrilling chill raced ud and down her spine. Yes, this was forbidden love, a forbidden and immoral act she was performing, but she didn’t care. The fact that such amorous liaisons were forbidden only made it all the more exciting, all the more salaciously appealing to the young black mother. She had succumbed completely to her lewd and wanton desires and nothing mattered now except their satisfaction! Nothing! Nothing else mattered!

Charline groaned invitingly and lashed herr tongue out to greet Ted’s lunging lingual member as her eyes opened wide and rolled from side to side while deep grumbling groans rolled up from her parched throat. Her hands reached around first to dig into the sweating flesh of his back and then moved up to trace teasing designs around his ears and the nape of his neck. She wanted him now, wanted his enormously pulsing cock plunging deep into the warmly soft interior of her cunt, wanted him to fuck her with all his might like she had never been fucked before.

Ted responded to her unspoken invitation by reaching his own hands around her sides then sliding them down to the softly yielding flesh of her rounded buttocks, moving the supple globes, one in each powerful hand, and her earth-brown flesh oozed hotly around his ever-tightening finger. His hands pulled her groin haFder into his and her legs voluntarily spread wider on either side of his impaling rod of rock-hard flesh and trembled in uncontrolled abandon. Her eyes were closed now as her tongue slithered and pushed up into his throat as hoarse grumbling sounds rumbled around in her throat. She clenched her fleshy thighs and the moistly warm hole of her cunt flowered open in exotic invitation to receive still more of his spearing cock to greater and greater depths. She writhed her voluptuous black body sensuously beneath him and there vas no longer any thought in her mind except the excruciating pleasure of having this lust-bloated, granite-hard pole of hot male flesh fucking obscenely up into the soft, petal-like opening between her willingly spread thighs.

Her young ex-neighbor slaved above her rocking naked body, moving then into longer, smoother strokes which brought his enormously elongated cock almost all the way out of her wetly clasping vagina on the outstroke and then thrusting forward up into her lasciviously uplifted buttocks again on the downstroke until he could feel the harsh slap of his sperm-bloated balls against the unprotected crevice of her rectum. He smiled with licentious delight as he slid his fingers down from her smooth curved buttocks to roam freely over the tight skin of her slowly grinding ass until they found the small puckered ring of her exposed anus cradled defenselessly below. It was soft and warm and tightly clenched and he could feel it work against the tip of his outstretched middle finger.

He didn’t wait long, didn’t tease her tiny rectal opening for more than a few brief moments. With one quick motion he pushed it into the soft, rubbery flesh which yielded with some reluctance to his lewd assault.

“Owwwww!” Charline gasped, the soudn tumbling from her lips in painful, surprised protest.

“Shhhhh, baby, it’s gonna be okay. Believe me, you’re gonna love this after you get used to it,” Ted urged, still working his finger up into the tiny virginal orifice. Now he thrust again, working his outstretched finger further inside the tightly cringing hole, stretching the resilient softness wider and wider as his finger persistently ground into her rectal passage.

“Aaaaooowww!” the young black mother cried, groaning louder in useless protest. But there was no relief, no easing of the terribly painful pressure in her obscenely invaded asshole. Instead Ted ground his finger up clear to the second knuckle and painful little yelps from deep in the base of her throat accompanied his wicked work. But then, after a few moments, after his finger had resided momentarily in her voraciously clenching hole, her whimpers of pain slowly dissolved into whines of agonized pleasure as her anus slowly flared wider up and became accustomed to the strange, unnatural invasion.

There was a newly triumphant smile on his lips, still locked passionately to hers, as the young man felt her grind her asscheeks invitingly back onto his lewdly screwing finger as. he probed methodically into the warm dark depths of her tight little rectal passage. She was hopelessly, defenselessly impaled now between | his rock-hard, rapaciously lunging cock in her hotly burning vagina and his outstretched middle finger thrust tightly into her now | pleasure-filled anus. Crying and groaning and moaning now beneath his twin-assault, the young black mother began twisting and squealing in rapturous, mindless ecstasy at this double ravishment of her eagerly straining loins, i

His other hand now slid up slowly from the softly tremulous orbs of her buttocks and around to where his lust-driven penis was fucking smoothly in and out of her flame-licked cunt, feeling the soft, hair-lined folds of her dark cuntal lips clasping tightly around his pistoning penis and he could sense their softness pulling and giving with each long, hard, jack-hammer thrust into her quivering cunt.

His hungry fingers lingered there, playing [ erotically with the hotly contracting lips of her greedily working cunt where he fucked her, bringing still more sighs of distracted and abandoned lust from deep within her throat. At the same time he could feel the ever-widening passage of her vagina anxiously swallow the whole of his enormously hardened rod of masculine cock flesh. He knew he couldn’t ask for more! And he also knew that he had never fucked such a fire-filled cunt before in all his years of erotic experience.

The young sun-tanned man quickened his thrusts now, hotly plunging as deep and as hard as he could while Charline thrashed wildly beneath his voracious onslaught. She was rapidly approaching her own blessed climax; he could feel it as her coffee-colored legs and thighs jerked wide and up and out. Ripping his anxiously thrusting finger from her voraciously clenching rectal canal with a quick, wet sucking sound, he pressed his eager hands behind her knees, pushing them back up over and hard down on either side of her naked shoulders. Her blackly glimmering body was bent double now and the full plane of her moistly spread loins was splayed wide now to the pile-driving thrusts of his heavily plunging cock as he fucked brutally into the greedily clasping cunt of the young black mother.

” Aaaauuugggh! Oooooaaaawwwwooo!” the young woman cried in sheer agonized delight, her beautiful face a contorted mask of sublime rapture. Her breasts heaved and danced and quivered against the pressure of his muscular, hair-covered chest, her lust-hardened nipples digging into his chest.

Ted grunted and groaned and mewled with erotically sublime pleasure as he fucked into her now faster, harder, deeper, so that his cock each time battered against the deepest recesses of her warmly willing womb.

“Oooooh! Ted! God, I’m . . . cumming . . . cummmmmmming!” the young mother screamed like a wildly crazed animal. “Oh . . . god . . . harder . . . harder! I’m cumming!”

Her cunt opened around his ramming cock like a flower in bloom and warm flows of hot wet liquid flooded around his impaling instrument. He thrust deeper, faster, harder now, wanting her to have the fuck of her life that he had promised, wanting to leave her panting hungrily for more. Her blackly glistening body jerked upwards toward him several times, a sublime ripple of spasmodic pleasure crashing through her loins as her cunt worked and sucked at his thrusting cock as though trying to milk it totally dry. Her breath came now in short, desperate gasps and then Ted’s own wildly abandoned spiral began, and he too reached the brink of blinding ecstasy, his own orgasm burning from his cum-laden balls through his firebrand prick like a roaring inferno.

Hot, white, scalding cum raced the length of his elongated, wildly jerking prick and splashed into the warmly moist regions of her craving cunt, his own lust-powered juices mingling with hers inside her cunt, a hotly pooling joy and passion which Charlene hadn’t felt for such a very long time! Bright explosions of light seemed to flash in the back of her mind while her cunt strained to suck out every last ounce of the scalding passion-spurting liquid spewing madly into her belly.

After it was all over, after the summit had been conquered and her sexual desires satiated, Charlene’s legs went limp and fell out to the sides, obscenely splayed on either side of Ted’s still heaving, convulsing body. Her heart pounded in her chest with great thumping force, causing her coppery breasts to quiver sensuously on her chest while her naked body, glistening with the sweat of her rigorous effort, smouldered with the warm afterglow of satisfaction. Tears of excruciating joy still lingered on her passion-flushed cheeks as she turned to face her seducer.

Suddenly now the guilt of her illicit liaison began to seep into her still lust-clouded mind. What had she done? How had she come to this? What had happened to incite her lust until she no longer had any control over her own body? How could she have so shamefully betrayed her husband with this other man who was practically a stranger to her? Would she ever be able to compensate for the way her own abandoned desires had overruled her reason and her resistance? And would she, from now on, always be at the mercy of her own sexual passions? What was to become of her now?

“Well, how do you feel now?” Ted asked, smiling down at his conquest. “Was that the best fuck you’ve had in years?”

“Yes, Ted, it was. It really was,” the young woman answered, still gnawed by her creeping guilt. His now deflated cock still rested inside her warmly soft cunt and she twisted now to extricate the impaling instrument from her womb. She felt the stickiness beneath her and her soaked pubic hair was matted to her jutting pubic mound as she slowly rolled away from her handsome, sun-tanned white seducer. She would have liked to blame him for what had happened, but her own abandoned conduct would not allow that. No, it was as much her fault as his, perhaps more so. She had, really, only her own fervent carnal desires to blame and she wondered, vaguely, if she could ever forgive herself … if Dan would ever forgive her . . . could she tell him?

She dressed silently while the happy young man smiled up at her voluptuously displayed body, his eyes locked on the ripe fullness of her globular breasts until at last she fastened her brassiere and buttoned her short blouse to hide them from his frankly salacious stare. She smoothed her skirt with trembling fingers and turned to Ted. Her eyes wavered, not daring to look him square in the eye, and her head hung down in confused shame. Downcast, licking her parched lips with the tip of her tongue, the plagued young mother asked with some hesitation, “Ted … I … I wish you wouldn’t say anything . . . about this … to anyone.”

Ted seemed like the soul of discretion, of compassion as he looked softly into her eyes while he held her chin in his strong young hand. “Don’t worry, Charlene. Don’t worry at all.”

The young mother drove home in absolute silence, not even turning on the car radio. She was by now wracked with burning guilt, her mind a confused muddle of conflicting emotions, her now recognized sexual appetites battling against her conscience, her better judgement, her love for her husband.

God, how could I have succumbed so shamelessly to a man who is practically a stranger to me? Oh, Dan, oh Dan! I do love you so, I really do!

When she pulled into the driveway of their summer bungalow, Charline’s only thought was to scramble into the house and into a nice, refreshing shower before Dan saw her, before he saw the crumpled state of her hair and clothing. Like a thief in the night, she tiptoed across the front yard and slowly opened the front door, peering around it to see if anyone was in the house. No, it looked empty . . . not a sound . . . nothing moving except a couple of flies. Good . . . I’ll just dash into the bathroom . . .

The young black mother was half-way across the broad living room when she heard some distinctly strange sounds coming into the house . . . from the backyard . . . through the open kitchen window . . . distinctive, sexual sounds . . . moaning and groaning of agonized pleasure . . . she recognized the lust-impelled sounds immediately and crept silently towards the kitchen window.

What she saw through that window caused her eyes to open wide in horrified shock and her muscles to tense all over her recently well-fucked body. Her husband Dan, nakedly writhing in frantically aroused sexual abandon over some nakedly thrashing white female whom Charline could not recognize . . . couldn’t see her face . . . but there they were, his hips thrusting madly forward into her loins, her whitely contrasting legs spread wide and locked tightly up around his back, her hands digging hungrily into his back and shoulders as he pounded forward with a fevered frenzy again and again and again.

She felt her knees turn to molasses when their words invaded her ears and slowly penetrated her dazed consciousness. “Oh Daddy, that was sweet . . . Oh yes, Daddy, the best I’ve had in a long, long time. Oh, Daddy, do it to me again!” Through her shock-clouded, tear-soaked eyes the young mother could see that they were now collapsed against one another, their naked bodies lewdly entwined and obscenely sweating, his dark chocolate skin next to her creamy bronzed young flesh.

“You weren’t so bad yourself,” her husband’s voice rang through her tortured mind.

Alice! That is Alice Laver out there! With my husband! With my Dan! Oh god, what is happening! First me . . . now Dan! Damn him! He can’t get hard for me . . . and now he has just fucked the life out of that horrid little creature who last night seduced my precious little boy! The same man who couldn ‘t be a man for me last night has now succumbed to the brazen advances of my own son’s teenage girlfriend! No! No! It just can’t be! This just can’t be happening to me … to us!

All the way home in the speedy little sports car, Charline Sutter had been wracked by guilt, perplexed and dazed by her own newly-discovered sexual appetitites which she didn’t know how to control. Her first thoughts had been of her husband, of the man she loved and yet had betrayed. And now, now this! Now to discover this man wrapped obscenely in the arms of a teenage witch. The man whose feelings she had been so deeply worried about . . . this same man could openly, brazenly betray her with a teenage simp like Alice Laver? Oh, how could he! How could he!

Suddenly, the young wife’s despair turned to slowly simmering anger. Now she was glad, overjoyed about what she had done with Ted Thompson! Now she felt that her adventure with Ted on the lovely deserted beach was a thoroughly justified retribution for the shameful performance of her faithless husband there in the backyard with that teenage whore, Alice Laver. Yes, it was only simple justice, after all! What’s more, she would see Ted now just as often as she pleased! Two could play the same game, she told herself ruefully. Yes, indeed, two could certainly play the very same game!

With trembling limbs the young mother dashed into the bedroom, threw off her clothes and jumped into the shower to wash away the sand and the guilt.

Charline Sutter took a long time beneath the prickling jets of water in the shower. By then her anger had cooled and she realized it would be with great difficulty that she would have to face both her husband and her soon sooner than later. She dressed equally slowly, growing ever more reluctant to emerge to face the two men who had betrayed her faith and trust with the same teenage girl!

With quivering steps the young black mother walked from the bedroom into the living room. In the dining area she saw Toby and Alice sitting at the round oak table, some playing cards held tightly in their hands and scattered on the table. There was her own sweet, boyish son, his muscular young legs hooked around the legs of the chair, concentrating with all his power on the cards in his hand, contemplating his next move. Across from him, her long flaming red hair cascading like sparkling fire down her back, sat pert Alice Laver, her head also bent over in thoughtful concentration. Damn her! Damn the little vixen and her incredibly skimpy halter and her much too tight, much too short shorts! The damned little prick teaser who wasn’t satisfied with Toby! No, she had to seduce his step-father as well, the little . . .

“Mom? Mom, are you okay?” Toby’s youthful voice invaded Charline’s madly swirling, dizzying thoughts. “Is something wrong?”

“Wrong? Wrong? No, nothing’s wrong,” the startled young mother replied.

“Are you sure, Mom? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost or something,” he asked solicituously.

“Yes, I’m quite sure,” she replied almost sharply. “Do you know where your father is?”

“Yeah. Outside working on the garden. Alice came over before I got home and she was sunbathing out there while Dad was working.”

“Oh? Is that so?” Charline replied, trying desperately to hide the bitter frustration and anger in her voice. “Well, I hope he didn’t strain himself too much. After all, he’s got to finish that architectural design for Mr. Morgan by day after tomorrow.” With those words the young mother walked over to the bar and poured herself a generous shot of warm, soothing brandy and gulped it down in one hungry swallow. Toby and Alice had immediately gone back to their game of cards while Charline wandered over to the kitchen window, the re-filled glass in her hand, and stared out at the figure of her husband kneeling over the flower beds. She knew that it wouldn’t take very much provocation for her to lose her composure altogether once confronted face-to-face by her errant young husband and she fervently hoped that the warmly soothing brandy would help her stay calm.

But she didn’t. The minute her darkly handsome young husband came back into the house a moment later, she felt her knees grow weak and her mind grow dizzy and dazed and confused by her conflicting emotions of jealousy and guilt. Dan walked past her, opened the door of the refrigerator, took out a can of beer, popped open the top, then turned to his trembling, fearful wife and gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

“Hi, darling. Have a nice day?” he asked cheerfully.

Charline didn’t trust herself to speak for a moment and only nodded her head, running he tremulous hand through her halo of afro-styled hair. She didn’t know whether it was the brandy or the powerful emotions battling within her tortured mind, but suddenly she felt dizzy and weak and ill. “I … I … no, I didn’t. I don’t feel too well. I … I think I’ll go take a nap. Excuse me,” she blurted, dashing off to the bedroom and closing the door with a loud slam.

A few minutes later she heard the sound of footsteps and Dan’s concerned voice coming through the door. “Babe? Babe, you okay? Can I get you anything?”

“No, nothing,” she snapped more abruptly than she had meant to. “Nothing at all. Please, go away and leave me alone. That’s all I want, to be left alone.”

“Well . . . okay,” her young husband replied reluctantly. “Okay, but if you change your mind … if you need anything . . . I’ll be here.”

And then she heard his footsteps slowly retreating away.

“Mom okay?” Toby asked his father when he came slowly walking back into the living room, his head downcast, his steps slow and shuffling.

“What? I don’t know,” Dan replied, shaking his head. “I guess she just needs some rest, that’s all.”

“Sure, I guess so,” Toby volunteered. Then, trying to bring his father out of his stupor and apparent dejection, he continued, “Say, Dad, why don’t you play a game of cards with us? Please? It’s a lot more fun with three people, isn’t it Alice?”

“Oh yes,” the voluptuously appealing young teenage girl replied. “Yes, please play with us, Mr. Sutter!”

Dan snapped his head towards her when she uttered the words, “Mr. Sutter”. How can Id down and play cards with her when I’ve jui spent the better part of the day fucking her outside? Goddamn! Suppose someone had seen Us? Suppose we had been discovered? I must have been out of my head!

Nevertheless, because he didn’t want his son to become suspicious, Dan Sutter sat down at the round dining table but tried to avoid looking directly at the young seductress, Alice Laver. He felt, though, an involuntary rush of blood crashing through his loins at the memorj of the girl’s nubile young sun-tanned body arching to meet his long hard penetrating phallic thrusts. Damn, what’s the use of kiddini myself? All she had to do is look at me and I’i drop my pants and fuck her again in a minute! He felt his prick give a convulsive leap inside his shorts as he slowly raised his eyes to meet hers, which shone in open invitation and pleasure at the father of her twelve year old boyfriend.

Yes, he was a man who had always believed that sex was a beautiful sharing between two people who loved each other and that promiscuous sex was a wicked perversion of that purpose. Yet . . . yet … he loved his wife! He loved her very much, he realized now, and still their relationship had been eroded to the point where they could no longer enjoy sexual rapture together! He had thought, for a long time, that there might be something wrong with him . . . especially last night . . . but then, this morning! He had fucked like a crazed animal into a young teenage girl, like the man he used to be ten years ago! Furthermore, she wasn’t even a girl that he really liked, much less loved! Why, he hardly knew her! Still, his lust rose in him like a tormented beast every time he so much as looked at her, awakening the latent lust in his trembling cock that he had believed was no longer there!

With agonizing honesty, the handsome young black father admitted to himself that he would indeed fuck Alice Laver again any time she wanted him to, any time she would let him. Sitting there at the table with her, watching the even rise and fall of her sensuous young breasts as she breathed, seeing the creamy smoothness of her sun-tanned skin, looking at the quickly darting tongue licking hungrily around her lips … yes, he would fuck her again! Again and again! There was no escape for him — no, no escape from his long-denied desires that were now overwhelming his conscience like a tidal wave! She was like a magnet that could draw him irrevocably and cling to him tenaciously, no matter what his mind told him to do, no matter what he tried to do to stop himself!

But then, he didn’t really try to stop himself as he sat with his eyes locked on the exposed soft flesh of her tenderly young nubile breasts . . .

Chapter Five

Charline Sutter didn’t sleep well that night. She awakened with a terrible, piercing scream which had even awakened her sleeping husband, Dan. He had asked with some concern about her nightmare, had persisted in trying to get her to talk about it, but she had been unable to look him in the eye and in the end they both went back to sleep, restlessly tossing and turning for the remainder of the night.

Charline awoke around six when Dan crawled cautiously out of bed. He and Toby had planned to get an early start that morning on their long-delayed fishing trip and Charline was secretly glad they had picked that particular day to go. She wanted to be alone, needed to be alone to sort out her violently conflicting emotions and experiences of the day before. She lay there as Dan quietly showered and dressed, studying the darkly handsome outlines of his muscular young body in the semi-darkness while he slipped on his shirt and pants. Yes, he was a handsomely attractive man and she did love him . . . but, at the same time, she was still angry and hurt over seeing him locked nakedly together with that white girl . . . with that horrid young Alice Laver creature … a girl young enough to be his daughter!

So the young mother lay there, a prisoner of her own torment and pain. She dreaded facing the new day, dreaded later on having to face her husband and son again, the two most important men in her life who had so recklessly betrayed her love for them! Oh, how could she ever forgive them? More important, how could she ever forgive herself for her shameful conduct with Ted Thompson?

At last, long after the sun had risen, the young black mother crawled lazily out from between the soft sheets. When she had stripped off the nightie, she stood studiously examining her lovely, curvaceously voluptuous figure in the full-length mirror behind the bathroom door. It was strange, she thought, that she didn’t look any different! Here she was, a woman who had first spied like a criminal on the sexual escapade of her twelve year old son . . . who had then shamefully finger-fucked herself to a climaxing orgasm . . . and who had then, in the culminating act of infamy, entered into an adulterous liaison with the former husband of one of her closest friends! And yet … she looked like the same woman she was two days before! Somehow, vaguely, she half-expected to see some sort of telling mark burned into her soft, dusky-brown flesh . . . but there was no mark, no visible evidence of her treachery and deceit!

She stared at her voluptuously curved breasts, their firm, uplifted perfect gracefulness reminding her of how Ted had made them quiver and vibrate with abandoned passion just the afternoon before! Yes, he had awakened her long-dormant sexual appetite, there was no use denying that. God, she had practically begged him to thrust that mammoth, lust-hardened pole of flesh into her cock-hungry cunt — and she had liked it when he did!

Suddenly, the young mother felt as though she were living in a nightmare, a strange make-believe fantasyland where every living creature was a threat, where every thing was a menacing monster who could and would devour her on sight! She had never felt so alone and so helpless and so frightened before in her life, never felt as though she was hopelessly trapped with no possible route of escape! A soft cry choked in her throat at her own helplessness.

She was, however, glad about one thing: that she was alone. She knew that, feeling as she did, she could never sit over the breakfast table making small-talk with her wretched husband and darling son. No, she hadn’t the courage just yet to look either one of them in the eye, to confront either one with their dastardly deeds, especially since she, herself, was far from the injured innocent party! She was glad, very glad, that they had gone fishing and wouldn’t be back until practically supper time. Maybe by then . . . maybe later on … after she had had ample time to think things over . . . maybe by tonight she could come to deal with her own wildly confused emotions well enough to confront them … to explain to them … to ask their forgiveness and to give her own forgiveness . . .

Her solitude was interrupted just then by the harsh ringing of the telephone. At first, she was tempted not to answer it. She wanted neither to see nor to speak to anyone. But then, fearful that something might have happened to Toby and Dan, she hesitatingly picked up the receiver with a trembling hand.

“Hello,” she said softly, her voice on the verge of cracking.

“Hi, Charline. Ted here. I thought we might go for a nice walk along the beach today,” he said, almost laughing.

“No, Ted, I’m sorry. No, not today,” she stammered, gripping the phone so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

“No? Oh, come on, beautiful. It’ll do you good to get out of the house!” he suggested cheerfully.

The tormented young wife gasped, then muttered, “No. No . . . please … I can’t see you . . . please.”

“Nothing wrong at home, I hope?” he asked, growing a little concerned.

“No. Toby and Dan have gone fishing for the day. No, it’s not that. It’s just . . . well, I can’t today. Good-bye,” she said, slamming down the receiver. For a long moment she stared, wide-eyed at the telephone, as if it held the secret menace that was threatening to destroy her tortured mind. Perhaps she should have gone . . . perhaps it would do her good . . . perhaps a good, soul-satisfying fuck would help to straighten out her confused and tangled emotions.

She sat at the dining table over a cup of black coffee for almost an hour after that disturbing phone call, staring at some vague point in space, her mind a jumbled maze of conflicting, tormenting, anguished thoughts, when suddenly her revery was interrupted rudely by the sound of the doorbell.

Reluctantly, Charline went to the door and opened it a crack. When she saw who stood there, his hands on his hips, his eyes and his lips smiling, her eyes bulged wide and she tried to close the door again immediately. But a foot there stopped the door before it closed.

It was Ted Thompson standing on her doorstep. And behind him was a handsome, sun-tanned young man whom she didn’t recognize.

“If Mohammed won’t come to the mountain, then the mountain must come to Mohammed, right?” Ted laughed, pushing his way into the house, followed by his strange companion. His smile was pleasant, disarming, and thoroughly impish, almost irresistable.”This is Dave Johnson, a good friend of mine from


“Hi,” his friend grinned.

“And this, Dave,” he said, turning to the handsome young man while one hand reached out to clasp Charline by the shoulder, “is Charline Sutter!”

Charline nodded to acknowledge the introduction, then turned and walked into the living room. They followed. What is he doing here? I told him I didn ‘t want to see him today. Who does he think he is, bursting into my house and my privacy like this? Just because yesterday we were lovers . . . doesn ‘t mean . . . or does it?

Well, the least she could do, now that they were here, was to offer them a cup of coffee. “Would you like some coffee, Ted? Dave?” she asked politely, trying to hide her discomfort and annoyance.

“Sure, love some,” they replied almost in unison, making themselves comfortable on the soft, comfortable sofa.

Abruptly, Charline turned her back to the two men and walked into the kitchen. She spooned the appropriate amount of coffee into the percolator, filled it with water from the sink, and turned to place it on the stove. She hadn’t heard Ted come into the kitchen behind her and was startled to find him standing directly behind her as she turned around. As she placed the pot on the stove, his long arms reached around her to cup the full, firm globes of her ripe young breasts, pulling her back hard against his forward-thrusting groin.

“Ted,” she screamed, startled and shocked. “Please!”

“What’s the matter,” he laughed, whispering hotly into her ear. “You said that Dan and Toby would be gone for the day!”

Oh god! Oh, no! The young black mother gasped in startled amazement, her body becoming almost rigid as every muscle tensed while she felt the insistent pressure of his strong hands familiarly caressing her voluptuously rounded tits and the growing hardness of his jerking cock pressed into the tight crevice of her buttocks beneath the thin cotton shift she wore. With a sincere fright she realized that she wore no brassiere or panties underneath her shift and hoped that Ted was not already aware of that fact.

“Please, please, let me go,” the frightened young black woman begged.

In response, Ted nuzzled his face into the back of her exposed neck, his tongue flicking over the tender, sweet-smelling skin like a lick of flame and Charline felt an involuntary shudder ripple down her back and through her nervously quivering belly. “Please . . . what?” he whispered.

“Oh, for god’s sake, let me go! Please,

Ted, please leave me alone!”

“That’s not the same tune you were singing yesterday … on the beach . . . remember?” he reminded her, still fondling the tremulous orbs of her breasts with his teasing fingers. “Yesterday, you were begging me to fuck you . . . remember? Begging me to fuck my prick into your cock-hungry cunt?”

“Please . . . please … I …” the young woman stammered, her face flushing with shame and newly aroused ardor. He thrust his rigidly growing prick now hard into the valley between her softly yielding buttocks, making sure she could feel the full hardness of his eager shaft. His thumbs rolled easily across the plumed caps of her voluptuous breasts and he felt a glowing sense of triumph as he felt the tiny brown-tipped nipples harden under his massaging.

Oh God! He’s doing it to me again! In another couple of minutes I won’t be able to stop myself!

And it was but a few moments later, in fact, that the sensually alive young woman felt the perpetual lust captured within her flesh bursting out, captivating her mind, destroying what little reluctance she could summon, thoroughly betraying her better instincts with a mind-blinding passion. Her cunt already tingled with aroused excitement, secreting its lust-incited juices down onto her trembling coffee-brown thighs. Yes, her nipples had grown granite-hard under his expert fondling and a fiery flash seemed to tear through her quaking breasts in response to his teasing fingers!

Oh dear god, what is he doing now?

“Oh, Ted, please!” she cried as his tongue traced an enticing pattern along the nape of her neck, around the edges of her ears like a flame licking at her tender, exposed flesh.

“Shhh, I’m busy,” he paused to respond, sending his tongue hotly moist into her ear.

Her mind struggled against the impending invasion of uncontrollable desire but her body had already succumbed to the fires of lust boiling in her blood. There was no use now trying to stop him, no use denying the fever raging through her lust-propelled groin as his tongue and hands worked their erotic task on her helplessly aroused young body.

“Come on, Charline. We’re going to the beach. Just like I said before,” Ted said commandingly. “Dave will drop us off.”

“You — you won’t let him watch, w — will you?” she breathed hotly, her control lost now.

“No, of course not, baby,” he whispered reassuringly back. “I’ll make him stay behind the dunes.”

Charline couldn’t recall clearly how they had gotten to the beach. She remembered vaguely riding in the man named Dave’s car, with the top down, seated on Ted’s lap, his hands busy working at her already burning breasts, his cock surging upwards like a menacing iron rod into the soft crevice between her tremulously smooth buttocks. And then, suddenly, before she realized what had happened, there they were again at the quiet, deserted end of the beach on a blanket behind a sand dune where no one would see them. Ted was whispering hotly into her ear, “Do you want me, Charline? Do you want me to … fuck you . . . good . . . like I did yesterday? Do you want my long hard prick buried deep in your clasping cunt?”

“Oh god! Yes, yes, god help me, I want you!” the abandoned young black woman cried, looking around to make certain Dave was not there. “Yes, I want you to fuck me, Ted! Yes!” Her voluptuous young body was now nothing but a seething cauldron of burning desire, a desire so hot and so raging that it threatened to consume her entire being. Her body trembled violently as Ted lay beside her on the soft summer sand, his hand moving down over her quivering breasts to the flat hardness of her belly stroking with a tantalizing motion over the sensuous mound of her womanhood. Slowly, with deliberate provocativeness, his hand dipped still lower, raising the hem of her shift higher and higher until finally his fingers moved along the sensitive inner flesh of her chocolate thighs making her shudder violently with feverish desire. Finally, the searching fingers found her lust-dampened crotch and insinuated themselves teasingly under the legband of her sodden panties to find the softly palpatating flesh of her simmering, petal-like cuntal flower. With practiced ease, his outstretched middle finger slipped up inside, probing the moist, hair-fringed little mouth like an anxious explorer, sliding delicately in and out of the steaming hole while Ted’s own breathing came harder and quicker as she rotated her hips hotly, voluntarily, around his lewdly fucking finger.

Suddenly his lips were on hers and his tongue hotly probing the warm, moist interior of her hungry mouth. Then she felt his other hand tantilizingly unzipping the front of her thin summer shift with one long sure stroke and then he slipped it out from underneath her so that her naked brown skin now lay on the soft blanket over the sand. Within moments, he had stripped off his own clothes and his mouth and hands were erotically busy once more at the soft curves, hills and valleys of Charline’s nakedly exposed, softly shining flesh. Wild with delirious passion, Charline didn’t know now or possibly even care that Dave Johnson had appeared from behind the sand dunes and stood by, open-mouthed in sheer amazement at the fervency of her outrageous passion. All she cared about was the wetly hot mouth locked onto hers and the eagerly exploring hands running along the full length of her quivering body, from the nape of her neck down along her quavering breasts and along the flat plane of her belly to the ripe protuberance of her pubic mound and at last down along the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs! Flames licked through her seething cunt and her mind reeled with dizzying, blinding passion as she became totally lost in her own delirious desire.

Suddenly, she felt her body being manipulated and turned so that Ted was beneath her and she was kneeling over his desire-driven loins. She didn’t know what was happening, but she wasn’t sure that she wanted to know when she looked at the lechery shining through his smile and in his eyes. His hands now were tightly clasping on either side of her head and he was pulling it lower . . . lower . . . lower down towards the staunchly hardened pole of masculine flesh that stood up straight to greet her!

“Ted . . . what . . . Ted?” she questioned as he pulled her head closer and closer to the menacing rigidity of his heavily throbbing cock.

“I want you to suck it, Charline. Suck it good,” he said calmly, almost whispering.

My god! I wouldn’t even do that for Dan! And now Ted wants me to . . .

“No! I … well, I just can’t!” she cried.

“Hey, little woman, fair is fair!” Ted remonstrated. “After all, I licked your cunt yesterday, didn’t I?”

“Well . . . yes . . . but,” the young black woman stammered.

“No ‘buts’ about it, baby. You’re going to suck my cock and that’s all there is to it,” he Said commandingly. “And don’t worry — believe me, you’re gonna love it! Take old Ted’s promise on that, baby!”

Charline’s eyes were open as wide as they could open as she stared down at the quivering head of his whitely convulsing penis, glistening wetly from the thin sheen of lubrication, swaying before her captivated eyes and putting her mind into an almost hypnotic trance as though it were a hypnotically swaying cobra. Tentatively, she reached out to touch the throbbing mass of flesh, one of her reluctant hands encircling its oscillating length as if to hold it steady, to study it with her passion-dimmed eyes.

She stared down long and hard at the lustfully throbbing instrument until it almost seemed to breathe with a life of its, almost seemed to take on its own erotically appealing personality. Suddenly the fire in her blood became a raging inferno again and her entire energy was concentrated on this burgeoning cock held tightly now in her trembling fingers, beckoning to her, calling to her like a wailing siren of the sea!

Slowly, her wetly glistening lips parted and her tongue slipped out to play over them hungrily ehile she moved her head downward so that it was less than an inch above the bulbous head of the pulsing male organ. Slithering out like a snakehead from the grass, her tongue slid fully out to touch the smoothrubbery head, to taste its bittersweet seminal fluid that capped its peak.

Oh, my God! This is so wonderful! Its good and it’s wonderful and I want it, want that enormous hunk of cock fucking all the way down to the back of my throat!

Charline deliriously swirled her eagerly probing tongue around the tiny slit in his blood-engorged cock-head, tasting the delicious pungency of it, while Ted groaned and cried.out in abandoned passion, holding her head firmly between his two powerful hands. It felt like a high voltage charge of electricity surging through his loins when her fiery tongue first touched the cap of his palpitating cock. And then, Charline opened her mouth wide, wider, wider still in open invitation to the eagerly throbbing ramrod, moving her tongue teasingly in circular, progressively faster strokes, holding the base of his instrument between her thumb and forefinger while she tintillated his sperm-filled testicles with her little finger.

“Aaaaaaaaaagh! Ooooooh!” Ted groaned, “oh, yeeeeeeeees! Oh, Charline, baby! Oh, yes, do it to me! Suck me good, baby! Suck me good!”

The young black woman’s whole mouth now curved hotly down ar-ound the massively thick spear and she began to suck, rhythmically, up and down the entire elongated, pulsing length of it. Her tongue worked with excruciating curls around it as the rock-hard staff slowly slid into the warmly moist interior of her eagerly sucking mouth. She parted the glans eye with the tip of her tantalizing tongue, widening it further so that more of his precious semen spilled onto her erotically teasing tongue. His moaning slammed into her ears like the tortured cries of a wild animal as he watched wide-eyed the up and down rhythmic bobbing of her afro-haloed head, watching, too, her voluptuously full breasts dancing and jiggling obscenely, swaying from her panting chest as her coffee-colored mouth rode up and down on his whitely glistening cock; he could see her lips tightly ovalled aorund the invading pole of flesh and he could feel the burning pressure of his cum slowly churning around below in his cum-laden balls. God, the hot Ititle wench! Christ, it feels like she is trying to suck the life out of me! Damn, I knew she was a passionate, sensual woman, but this is incredible!

” Aaaaaaaauuuuuuooooooooowww wwww-eeeeeee!!!” Ted screamed into the air, his hips fucking furiously upward to meet every downward thrust of Charline’s busily bobbing head.

The young black woman was sucking on him voraciously now, as if her sexual appetite were finally being fed after a period of starvation. Which, indeed, was precisely the case. She was completely lost now in the lewd and delirious pleasure rocking through her straining body, reveling in the bittersweet taste of Ted’s pungently plunging cock. His hips and buttocks twisted and rolled on the soft sand beneath the blanket as the frantic intensity of her sucking increased and increased. Surprising- ly, her own loins were enclosing a steadily building pressure and it suddenly occurred to her that before long she, too, would experience a cataclysmic orgasm! She had never before dreamed of cumming as a result of merely sucking on a man’s cock . . . but now … it just might happen! And more than that — she wanted it to happen!

She began frantically sucking him faster and faster now, her own delicious frenzy still threatening to overwhelm her! Her mind and body were wild now, her saliva-filled mouth sucking voraciously, her breasts quivering and quaking and swaying beneath her body, her hips churning and rotating as if impaled by a heavily driving cock . . .

“God! Charline! Oh, suck me! Yeeeeeees, suck me off! Ooooooaaaaawwwwwweeeeeeeee-oooooo!” Ted cried loudly into the still summer air.

Her lips and nose now were pressed against the wiry bristles of his thick pubic hair on every downstroke and on each upswing she could catch the delicious aroma of his sex wafting into her straining nostrils, spurring her on to even faster, greater efforts.

Suddenly, her eyes flew open as she felt the pressure of someone else’s fingers on the nakedly upturned cheeks of her ass!

Dave! God, it was Dave! She had forgotten all’about him in her wildly delirious frenzy! She tried to pull her head up from Ted’s still pumping loins, to let his enormously turgid cock slide out of her mouth so that she would be free to protest the impending invasion from the rear, but Ted’s hands still firmly gripped her head and she couldn’t move at all. Incoherent squeals rumbled around in her throat, her eyes rolling up in her sockets so that she could see the lust-glazed face of the man whose glistening hard instrument she had been sucking with such ardent fervor.

He was smiling! Smiling, damn him! In spite of the burning pressure that she knew msut be blazing through his pendulously full balls, he was smiling! And then he spoke, almost laughing with his words.

“Jesus, Dave, I was wondering what you were waiting for!”

“Frankly,” the handsome young man replied, ‘I was enjoying the show!”

Suddenly, with a new horror, Charline realized that these two men had actually planned this whole episode! Ted must have boasted to Dave about what a hot little black fuck he had found . . . and then invited him to share the spoils of the conquest! My God, what kind of. . . whore . . . have I become? What must these wretched men think of me? Oh God, help me!

Again she felt the powerful hands behind her gripping the smooth curved flesh of her buttocks and she tried to cry out in horror, in protest, but somehow the cry caught in her throat. And then she heard Ted’s voice whisper comfortingly, “It’s okay, baby. You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you! You know you have enjoyed everything we’ve done so far! Believe me, you’re gonna love being double-fucked too!”

With a wicked, lecherous grin he winked at his cohort who was spreading the soft-fleshed orbs of her buttocks wide apart in preparation for his impending invasion. Charline could almost feel Dave’s hot, eager gaze on the helplessly exposed crevice back there between her smoothly rounded buttocks and she tried to twist away but she couldn’t. Just at that moment, Ted flexed his hips forward and thrust his still lust-bloated hardness deep up into the back of her throat just as she felt the smooth spongy head of Dave’s anxiously twitching cock contact the tiny puckered opening of her anus. It poised there for a moment and she heard him take in his breath sharply, as if to gather his strength for the lewdly coming assault on her tiny, defensively clenching rectum.

No! He can’t! He wouldn’t fuck me there! Oh my God, noooooooo!

She tried to cry out, tried to protest this infamous invasion of her virginal little anal canal, but all that came out were strangled, choked sobs as Ted once again thrust his hips forward to drive the full crashing length of his granite-hard prick deep into the back of her gasping throat.

And then it happened. Dave rammed forward with his powerful young hips so that his cock slammed viciously into her tightly virginal rectal passage with a savage, brutal force, never pausing, never stopping as it burrowed up through the membranous passage like a beleagured demon. Once again the cry, the scream of excruciating pain, choked and caught in her throat, drowned by Ted’s enormously pulsing prick lodged once again up against the back of her helplessly impaled throat.

“My God! What a fabulous, beautiful tight little asshole!” Dave cried triumphantly. “And it’s all mine — I have struck the first blow, my good man!”

“Come on, get on with it,” Ted cried impatiently. And then, turning a soft voice to the helplessly impaled young black woman, he said, “Relax, baby. Believe me, it won’t hurt if you just relax. Soon you’ll be begging for more, really you will. Old Ted wouldn’t do you wrong, baby! Because he wants you to come back for more later on!”

The young woman’s face now was contorted with agonized pain and a deep sense of betrayal — how could Ted humiliate her so? . How could he encourage his friend to fuck into her nakedly exposed rectum knowing how painful it would be at first for her? Oh, damn him! Damn them both!

She felt him again then. Dave clutched savagely at her naked hips and rammed his heavily pressuring prick deeper still up into her tightly resisting asshole. The immense pressure of his straining thighs thrust her defenselessly forward, pushing her head still lower on Ted’s lustfully heaving belly, forcing his implacably hardened cock still deeper up into her screaming throat.

From around his hotly pulsing shaft she managed to cry, “Oooooooowwwwwwwwwww-uuuuuuuwwwwwww!” with painful clarity.

“Relax . . . relax, baby,” Ted encouraged the helplessly asshole and mouth skewered female. “Suck . . . suck me . . . suck me . . . and relax, for God’s sake!”

Charline felt like she was caught between heaven and hell, between the sublime pleasure of the bittersweet cock plunging into the greedy depths of her hungry mouth and the lust-propelled prick fucking mercilessly up into the virginal depths of her wide stretched anal cavern. To take her mind off of the excruciating pressure in her rectum, the young black woman began hungrily nibbling at the smooth enormous surface of Ted’s heavily bloated cock, tasting on her tongue the pungent seminal fluid which seeped hotly out from the tiny thin slit in the ballooning head. Behind her, the man named Dave continued his tormenting assfuck with great lunging thrusts, nakedly savage groans Hying from his open mouth as his fleshy pole persisted in its agonizing penetration, pushing the rubbery, resilient flesh before it until unally, with one last painful plunge against her satiny smooth buttocks he sank every last inch of the heavily hardened spear deep up into her tightly cringing anus!

” Ooooooooww www wwwwuuuuuuuuuuu-eeeeee!” the battered young woman cried again around the whitely thrusting man-cock in her brown, warmly enveloping mouth. “Oooooooo-eeeeeoooooww wwww!”

It was all the slavishly kneeling young woman could do to obliterate the searing pressure from her mind and concentrate all her energy on her wild sucking of the tastily seeping prick in her mouth. That, she knew instinctively, was her only salvation. So her mouth worked more intensely now as his hips churned on the blanket and his fingers worked convulsively through her thick black hair while his orgasm built with a relentless pressure deep in his flame-licked balls. Meanwhile, Dave’s balls slapped loudly against her own wetly seeping vaginal opening below as he ground and fucked mercilessly into her firm, full ass-moons like an enraged demon. Then, the lust-incited young man drew his long, whitely glistening instrument out slightly, mesmerized by its glistening rigidity while the balloon-like head of it remained sunk in between the lusciously wide-spread globes of her brownly quivering ass-cheeks. Moaning with a delirious delight, he thrust his massive strong hips forward once again, working into a steady, crazily fucking rhythm as he fucked hotly in and out of her tightly clenching rectal passage.

Without her quite knowing how it happened, the excruciating pain in Charline’s belly unconsciously dissolved into a new and intense and mind-blasting pleasure — it was the same sexual frenzy, the same all-consuming fire that she had first come to know the day before . . . that she had felt again in the kitchen before they came to the beach . . . that she had discovered yet again when Ted had begun plunging his rock-hard prick in and out of her tightly ovalled lips. Without her conscious desire, she felt her hips grinding now backwards, greedily inviting an even further, deeper fucking up into it by the ass-hungry prick of Dave Johnson! Her head now flailed wildly from side to side, her eyes rolled around in her head and her cunt clasped convulsively at thin air below the rectum filling cock above.

“Ooooooohhhh!” she moaned around the plunging prick in her mouth while her mind whirled deliriously with this new blazing discovery. God . . . he was right! I LIKE IT! I want it! His cock feels so goooood in my ass! Oh, more! More! Harder! Harder! Oh fuck me, fuck my asshole hard you damned bastard! I never dreamed anything this obscene and wicked could be this . . . deliciously wonderful! Oooooooooooh!

Then, like a tidal wave, she could feel her own climaxing desire beginning to sweep through her buffetted, grinding body. Her lips swirled and grasped faster and faster, up and down, around and around, bathing the tonsil-pummeling cock with waves of hot, warm saliva. She was mewling and moaning now in totally delirious pleasure, complete and unrestrained abandon, feeling the rock-hard rigidity of Dave’s madly plundering cock invading her wetly grasping asshole while Ted’s turgidly throbbing cock slammed time and time again into her eagerly sucking, wildly hungering mouth. It wouldn’t be long now . . . any minute her lust would explode like a rocket through her ertoically thrashing loins . . .

A sudden, savage cry invaded her mind as Dave’s relentlessly fucking shaft of iron-hard cock flesh drove forward even harder, working with a demonic fury with long, belly crashing strokes into her now eagerjy clutching asshole. “Yes . . . yeeeesss . . I’m cuuuuuuuuuming!” she heard him wail like a jungle beast.

It was hardly one split-second later when she felt Ted give one last long hard lunge up into her wetly sucking mouth and then his cock exploded with its full load of scalding white cum into her desperately swallowing throat. It almost choked her as stream after stream came spewing out into her gullet from his convulsively contracting balls . . . while, at the same time, a great burning surge of lava-hot cum flooded deep up into her rectum, the scalding liquid seeming to fill her whole quivering belly as it poured like molten lead from Dave’s wildly jerking prick.

And then her own impending climax, poised on the brink of explosion for several long moments, crashed through her thrashing body, pouring out her own ecstatically flowing juices as her body reached the pinnacle of sublime ecstasy and in her mindless rapture she knew nothing but the incomparable joy of two convulsing cocks, one in her mouth and one in her ass, while her own lust-incited secretions flowed like a river from her nakedly neglected vagina . . .

Riding home in the convertible with the two men who had just fucked her half senseless, the hot summer wind lashing at her’passion-flushed face, Charline felt like a bandit who had just gotten away with the king’s treasure. She knew deep inside her trotured soul that there was no longer any use in denying the overwhelming power of her own sexuality. Yes, she was a woman abandoned to pleasure, first and foremost, to the hedonistic rapture of mind-blinding sexual fulfillment. She knew, too, that she would be available to Ted Thompson — yes, and to Dave, too — whenever they wanted to fuck her. And that, in fact, it was just as likely that she would seek them out and place herself completely at their disposal, doing whatever they wanted her to do and whenever they wanted her to do it!

And somehow, somehow, in a strange sort of new vision which crept into her mind, her new attitude didn’t seem wrong! Quite the contrary, it seemed right! Very right, indeed!

After all, what could be so very wrong about something that made her feel so very good, so ultimately fulfilled, so excruciatingly pleasure-sodden?

Suddenly, she fervently wished that her handsome black husband could deliver her to the erotic heights of rapture that she had discovered with Ted Thompson . . . and now with Dave Johnson. She loved Dan, she wanted him, she wanted to love him as blindly, as passionately as she had loved these two strangers! Oh, Dan! If only . . . if only . . . !

When Ted pulled the sleek converrtible up in front of the small summer bungalow, Charline stepped gingerly out then paused, with tier nand tenderly on led s arm as it resteu on the car. She was smiling teasingly, with a salacious eagerness in her eyes.

“Perhaps you two would like to come in … for a little . . . drink,” she murmured. “Toby and Dan won’t be back for several hours, you know!”

Chapter Six

Dan Sutter, darkly handsome and awesomely virile, stood by the bar pouring himself a double shot of Scotch. Looking across the room, he saw his beautiful young wife absently flipping through a magazine as she sat on the couch, her short summer dress revealing the full voluptuousness of her smoothly curved thighs, its plunging neckline displaying to full advantage the roundly full outlines of her ripely round breasts. Yes, she was a fine, good-looking woman … so why couldn’t he turn on for her the way he had constantly, in the past week, turned on for that brazen little white wench, Alice Laver? Why could a fifteen year old girl do something to him that his own attractively desirable wife couldn’t do?

His mind wandering back owr the past week, Dan sipped his drink as he stood leaning against the bar. Across the room Alice and Toby sat at the round dining table, their young hands locked tenderly together as they watched some cowboy movie on T.V. God, she was some seductive hunk of female flesh! The young father could feel his cock give an involuntary jerk in his pants as he remembered, vividly, the naked contours of the hills and valleys of her sensuous naked young tits and cunt . . .

Was it only yesterday? Toby had gone into his room for a nap and Dan had been talking on the phone to Mr. Morgan about the designs he had delivered the day before. Suddenly, he sensed someone behind him and abruptly he had felt two arms wrap around his muscular torso and then two hands searched greedily around his crotch for his awakening penis. Stammering into the phone, Dan turned quickly to see the smiling, upturned, tanned young face of the provocative young girl. For a moment, Dan was angry. This was an important client and he couldn’t afford to alienate him — and here this young seductress was squeezing at his prick and balls while he was trying to talk business!

But then, after he had slammed the phone down, she had provocatively reached down to unzip his bermuda shorts while her other hand roamed over his naked chest, pinching and squeezing at his small male nipples.

“Well, lover?” she asked salaciously. All Dan could do in response was to lock his eager lips to hers, sending his tongue deep into the warm, moist recesses of her soft young mouth. He clung to her, drawing her body closer to his, reaching around to unfasten the bikini bathing suit bra which stood defiantly between his greedy hands and her nakedly quivering young breasts.

Drawing her mouth away from his, she sighed, “Let me take off your shorts, big Daddy! Let little Alice make you completely naked!”

He stood still, his lust-aroused young cock twitching convulsively in front of his groin as she slowly, tantalizingly, slid first his bermuda shorts and then his undershorts down over his dark chocolate, muscular legs and then he gingerly stepped out of them.

“And now me,” she whispered huskily. “Now you strip me naked! I want us to be naked, together. Don’t you want us to be naked together, big Daddy and rub our cock and cunt together?”

“Oh God, do I,” Dan exclaimed, once again helplessly aroused by this sweet-smelling, delectable young teenage girl. His gaze roamed over her well-tanned but still whitely shimmering body as he eagerly removed first her bikini bra and then the brief pants.

Alice reveled in his lust-glazed gaze, then she dropped to the floor and lewdly splayed her legs wide out to either side, running her delicate little hands in tintillating abandon over the crest of her pubic mound and down along the tender flesh of her voluptuous inner thighs. Her breasts quivered as she began to breath in hard, panting spurts and suddenly Dan was on the floor beside her, running his hands up an down the entire length of her lust-blooming body. His lips sucked at her neck, then traveled down her chest and clamped around the roundly protruding orbs of her nakedly trembling breasts, tasting their sweet fullness as his tongue lashed out to trace passionate circles around the erotically rising nipple buds.

He felt her body quake and shiver with lust-aroused delight as his tongue swirled madly around and around the pinkly glistening caps of her alabaster breast and he felt her hands now clutching greedily at his head, her mouth reaching down to kiss his naked shoulders. His mouth moved from one tremulous mound to the other, sparks of sublime arousal surging through his loins as he felt each tiny berry-like bud grow harder and harder under his passionate tongue-fondling. And finally his mouth left the twinly quivering young orbs and traveled down the flat plain of her naked young belly, pausing to let his tongue tease in and out of her tiny little navel.

“Oh, lover-Daddy! You sure know how to make a girl feel good,” the fifteen year old moaned as his wetly glistening lips finally reached the soft, silky tendrils of her pubic mound. His tongue flicked out and lost itself among the soft strands of lightly curling pussy hair as her hips began to instinctively grind up to meet his caresses. His hands reached down now to explore the sweet, smooth flesh between her seductively spreading thighs and he moaned with the intense, burning desire that went surging through his rapidly expanding cock.

“Damn you, damn you,” he moaned as he rolled over to lie flat on his back on the floor, the blood afire as it raced through his body and along the length of his hotly throbbing prick. “Damn you,” he repeated as the young white teenage girl now raised herself on all fours and kneeled between the older black man’s spreading thighs, her head lowered until it was only inches away from his pulsing, blood-filled cock. Her wetly glistening lips parted and her little pink tongue slithered out to lick roughishly around them.

“Shall I suck it, big Daddy? Shall I suck your big, beautiful cock?” she teased, letting her tongue still roam deliciously across her tantalizing lips.

“Yes, yes! Hurry, suck it, baby! Suck it!” he cried.

Fifteen year old Alive Laver lowered her head and Dan felt the enticing softness of her moistly passionate lips close over the sensitive head of his heavily quivering cock, felt her maddening tongue lick circles of liquid fire around the enormous shaft, then at last flick teasingly at the glans head and suck away the tiny droplets of seminal fluid that oozed there. His hands reached down to grab her head, to lose themselves in her flaming, flowing hair as he watched her white face, her lust-contorted features, while she licked and sucked feverishly at his blackly glimmering cock with her whitely nibbling lips. He could feel the pressure already building to excruciating agony in his burning balls and he knew it wouldn’t be long before it came gushing out of his cock with all its torrential fury.

The teenage young girl now began to suck rhythmically at the mammoth, lust-swollen penis, her sexually convoluted lips slaving over its fully elongated length, her softly ovalled lips puckering outward and then back again as she worked her mouth erotically up and down the enlarged thrusting flesh. Dan jerked his hips upward, hard, into her bobbing face so that only a small portion of his enormous instrument showed black and glistening with saliva between her ovalled, luscious lips. The burning pressure in his balls grew more and more excruciating as she continued to suck hungrily, greedily, while her firmly rounded young breasts danced wildly below her rhythmically bobbing head, adding more incentive to the lust-inciting picture that Dan was witnessing.

It was only a second later that the dam . burst. The black father felt the explosive eruption of his own white hot fire leaping from the base of hs pendulously-full balls through the entire heated length of his pounding prick. With one last convulsive heave of his strong young hips, he fucked his cock deep up into the back of the fifteen year old girl’s throat sending a torrent of white scalding cum into her madly sucking mouth. His river of cum bloated her cheeks outward with each ball-breaking spurt until she ws forced to swallow wildly to keep from choking, yet still she continued to mewl and moan and sigh happily and tickle his deflating balls until the very last drops of his steaming semen had been emptied deep in the back of her thirstily drinking throat.

Dan’s cock now grew limp in her still-sucking mouth while she still nibbled and teased at the now-useless rod. At last she let the lethargic cock slide from between her glistening lips with a contented sigh and at last she raised herself up and kissed him full and hard on the lips, his own still warm cum giving her passion a bittersweet taste.

“How was that?” the young teenage girl asked mockingly.

“Christ, you know how good it was,” Dan replied. “My God, girl, you sure do know how to suck cock!”

“Ummmm,” she crooned, “and that’s not all I know!”

“I’ll bet it isn’t,” the older man replied, laughing.

“But before we get to the other things I know …” she said huskily, lying back and arching her cunt invitingly, “maybe you ought to return the favor. Oh yes, do, big Daddy! Lick my cunt! Oh, lick it good, lick it nice until I cum! Oh how I want you to suck my cunt, lover-Daddy!”

Charline Sutter sat on the couch of her own living room absently thumbing through a popular fashion magazine. But fashion was the furthest thing from her mind. Every time she turned a page, every time she saw another male figure in full living color displayed there, her mind jumped automatically to Ted Thompson and Dave Johnson, the two men who had made her life for the past week at once magnificant and miserable. She had seen one or both of them nearly every day — sometimes all day! — and she simply couldn’t get enough of their enormously plunging cocks in her every bodily orifice to satisfy her now rampant sexual desires.

A twinge of guilt still plagued her conscience . . . yes, she loved Dan more deeply than she could ever love Ted or Dave, no question about that . . . but she simply couldn’t go on living the frustrated, unhappy sex-life she had been enduring up to last week, No, she decided at last, she could still love Dan and find her sexual satisfaction elsewhere with a relatively clear conscience. Maybe one day . . . one day in the future . . . perhaps she could tell Dan about her love affair and perhaps even make him understand . . .

Besides, if Dan could find his satisfaction with a teenage nymphomaniac, she could certainly find hers with two pleasant, cheerful, erotically stimulating young white men who were closer to her own age than that Alice Laver was to Dan’s!

Her mind delved back to the previous evening while her fingers still absently turned the pages of the thick magazine. Yes, it hadn’t taken much courage to meet Ted and Dave during the day . . . but when they called and asked her to come over last evening, she had at first been somewhat apprehensive. Finally, gathering up all her courage, she told Dan (without blinking an eyelash!) that she was going out for the evening, to play bridge with Mary and Elaine and Edna. Poor Dan! He didn’t seem in the least surprised and murmured something like “Have a good time” as she walked out the door after dinner!

First Ted and Dave had massaged her entire body with a lovely sweet-smelling body oil, and then she had massaged them, running her hands with erotic tenderness along and around their muscular young chests, down along the flat plains of their rugged bellies and finally reaching their protruding, pulsing hard cocks! Her hands had worked hungrily, greedily over their muscular young thighs and then worked around to their powerfully built buttocks, drawing teasing circles with her fingertips that nearly drove them wild!

She recalled now how her deliciously incited cunt had tingled as their hands had romaed like oiled firebrands all over her, rubbing and caressing her quivering, ripely rounded breasts until the dark chocolate nipples surged into vivid, vibrant hardness and blazed as if they were on fire! And then, the erotic, lust-incited juices flowed from her seething, steaming cunt as four hands massaged around her darkly forested pubic mound, along the smooth-walled surface of her sensitive inner thighs, and finally reached the palpitating soft glistening flesh of her openly spread pussy lips!

Oh, it had been so devine! So wonderfully ecstatic to feel those two cocks together, one in her wildly sucking mouth, her tongue swirling in luscious circles around the semen-lubricated cock-head, her ovalled lips maddeningly sucking at the full turgid length of the mammothly bloated prick, while the other fucked in and out of her smoudlering cunt with rhythmic, lunging strokes! Four hands then played at the mature voluptuousness of her heaving, oscillating breasts ringing them with fiery passion that surged through every fiber of her ecstatically aroused being!

It had all been more devine than she had * ever imagined possible. How many times had she cum? Four? Five? What did it matter! What did anything matter except the heatedly aroused tongue licking at the soft furrowed folds of her scorchng cunt, the wickedly lashing lips on her voluptuously quivering breasts, the fiery, passion-propelled prick steadily stroking in and out of her tightly clenching anal canal!

Now, at last, she could understand Dan’s fascination with the seductive Alive Laver, could almost understand why Alice had, in fact, wanted to stimulate and seduce an older man … for now she too, Charline Sutter, loved different cocks, all cocks, any cock at all! No, she couldn’t blame the shameless teen for first seducing Toby and then Dan because now she understood, at last, the compulsive drive of sexual excitement, the lust-thrill of different cock fucking in and out of every orifice of her sexually volatile body! Yes, all she wanted now was cock, cock and more cock every minute of the day, every day of the year! Of course, Alice was still different and not a terribly . . . well, not exactly the right person for her precious Toby. But, if he wanted to gain some valuble sexual experience while he was still young, Alice must be a well-experienced young girl . . .

As she sat now on the couch of her own living room, she glanced up from the magazine to gaze at her healthy, sun-tanned twelve year old son. She wrapped her hand around the Vodka-and-tonic that Dan had made for her short while before and sipped at its cool refreshing juiciness. Suddenly, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of the boy. God, he is handsome! Look at those already well-developed muscles just bursting out of his chest and arms! Ah, and his slim, tapered waist . . . and his faintly bulging young boy-cock! He is so much more handsome and masculine than Ted … or Dave … so much better proportioned!

Her mind wandered back to the night she had seen him fucking his wildly excited young cock into Alice Laver’s straining seething vagina, those long, hard strokes into the heated depths of her belly. Yes, I was aroused myself that night. . . that’s when it all started. . . when I saw my own little boy’s cock working so industriously . . . how it glistened in the light. . . how I wanted to wrap my hands and my mouth around its full, heated, pusling length . . .

Stop it, Charline! That’s your son! Your own little boy! How can you think of him LIKE THAT?

She gasped suddenly, ashamed of her own erotic thoughts directed at her handsome son who sat, naked to the waist, at the round dining table with Alice Laver.

He turned towards his mother at the sound of her gasp and asked “Mom? Something wrong?”

“N — no, nothing. I just . . . thought I heard a wasp . . . flying around, that’s all,” his mother stammered.

“You sure?”

“Y — yes, quite sure. It’s okay, really. I just — ”

But the young black mother never finished her though for at that moment the doorbell rang and Toby jumped up to answer it’s summons. Slowly, the door drew back, Toby moved back a couple of steps to admit the visitor . . and Charline Sutter’s mouth flew open, along with her eyes, and every muscle in her body tensed as she realized who their visitor was.

“Ted!” she cried in a choked whisper, her face flushing, her fingers beginning to tremble around her tightly clasped glass.

He waved and smiled, greeting each one them by name. “Hi! How are you, Charline? Dan? Hiya, Toby boy,” he concluded, slapping the boy hard on the shoulder.

My God! What did he come here for? Is he crazy? Doesn’t he realize that he mustn’t ever come here — not to my house, for God’s sake!

“Hi, Ted!” Dan called cheerfully, walking across the room to shake hands. “I didn’t realize you were here at the Cape! Nice to see you — come on in and sit down!”

Oh no! No, he can’t stay here! He can ‘tjust come in and sit down as if nothing . . .

“Sure,” Ted replied in his usual boyishly charming style, “I’ve been here for over a week now. Thought it was about time I looked you folks up!”

“Well, we’re glad you did. Aren’t we, Charline?” Dan asked innocently … or was it so innocent?

“Y — yes,” Charline managed to eek out in a small, worried voice.

“What I really came over for,” Ted continued cheerfully, “was to invite you to a little party I’m throwing Saturday night.”

“Me, too, Mr. Thompson?” Toby chirped eagerly.

“You, too, young man. And that lovely little girl friend of yours,” Ted replied, laughing. “It’s just going to be a simple little party. I’ll throw some hot dogs and hamburgers on the barbecue — you know, that sort of thing,” he said, turning towards Dan.

What in hell is he up to? Come to a party . . . at his house . . . with my husband and son? I know it can’t be all as innocent as it sounds. . . what kind of horrible scheme has he got in mind? I wonder . . .

The young black mother licked her lips, which were suddenly hot and parched and dry. Her hands continued to tremble and she didn’t trust herself to speak . . . not yet …

“Well, Dan? Will you and Charline come, too?” Ted asked pleasantly, looking first at one and then the other.

Charline looked blankly at her handsome husband, who looked questioningly back at her. Sure, she thought! He’ll go anywhere as long as that hot little bitch Alice Laver is there too! Well, it’s alright withme as long as Ted is there!

“Sure, Ted, sure we’ll come,” Dan replied with some hesitation, not sure whether his wife, from her bland reaction, really wanted to go.

Well, the hell with her! If she didn’t want to go she should have said so! Besides, it’ll be nice to get out and have a good time for a change!

“Good,” Ted said, loking now directly at Charline. “Good, I’m glad. I think you’ll like the other people I’ve invited.” Charline’s heart skipped a beat as she nervously sipped from her drink. “There is a friend of mine from Boston — Dave Johnson — real nice fellow, and his date. And, of course, my date, Maggie Miller — perhaps you know her? No? Well, at any rate, I think we’ll all have a good time.”

Yes, I’m sure we will, Ted thought. Yes, indeed, we’ll all have a very nice time. Especially me! I’ve been looking forward to getting it on with that Alice kid ever since I saw her on the beach last week with Toby. Chrsit, my balls are aching to unload their cum up inside her twitching little cunt! Yes, and if she can do it with Dan like Charline told me … well, I’ll match my cock against his any day!

Ted continued to banter small-talk with Charline and Dan about their mutual friends in Boston and at Cape Cod, but his mind was on the lust-fringed images of the party on Saturday night. God, poor Charline! She nearly fell off the couch when she saw me at the door! Well, by Saturday night she’ll be singing another tune! Wait till she sees those pictures in that magazine I bought today! Ted’s penis jumped excitedly inside his pants at the thought of the orgy on Saturday night, as his eyes visually undressed both Alice and Charline and ran over their sweeping, voluptuous curves! Yes, whether they suspected it or not right now, these fine people were in for quite a treat, quite a treat indeed!

“Say, Ted,” Dan’s voice suddenly invaded into his erotic revery, “would you like to stay for dinner tonight? We’ve got some steaks ready to go out on the grill!”

“Why, sure, I’d love to. Perhaps I could have a drink as well?” Charline’s lover replied cheerfully. “It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, hasn’t it?” he grinned, looking towards the darkly beautiful young mother whose hands were once again nervously flipping through the magazine.

Everyone drank a lot at dinner that night, and Dan passed out around ten o’clock. Toby and Alice went out to a late movie afterwards while Ted made Charline lean over the breakfast table in the kitchen with her panties pulled down to her knees, her dress bunched up over her hips and fucked her half senseless right there with her husband asleep upstairs . . .

Chapter Seven

Charline Sutter stared at her darkly naked form in the full-length bathroom mirror – yes, it was a h ighly sensual, voluptuously formed young body, one made to both give and recieve the most erotic pleasure imaginable! And she was glad now, yes, glad, that they were all going to Ted Thompson’s party tonight. She didn’t know how yet . . . but somehow . . . somehow . . . she would manage to sneak off with Ted or Dave, or preferably both, and they would make madly passionate love! Yes, somehow she manage to get away from Dan and Toby for just a little while . . .

The voluptuous young black mother adjusted the water nozzles and then stepped happily into the shower. She liked the warm feeling of the needlepoint water cascading down over her softly smooth skin and stood there, mouth open, eyes closed, just basking in the soothingness of it for some time. Standing under the continuing spray, she soaped her abdomen, washing her hands along the flowing flatness of it with firm, easy strokes, then worked her soapy, slippery hands up over the fully ripe and rounded mounds of her enomously firm breasts, feeling her nipples sprout into the vivid hardness under her gentle caressing strokes. She could feel the moisture of desire already sliding down her wetly glistening thighs as her hands moved down, slipping with soap, to the lovely crest of her pubic mound and then down along the smooth inner flesh of her sensitive thighs where she washed away the moisture of her own imagination-induced heat. She could feel a delicious shiver tingle through her cunt in lust-filled anticipation of the fucking it would receive later on that night, at Ted’s party . . .

Stepping out of the shower, the happy young mother toweled herself dry and then, wrapping the towel around her still damp body, she stepped out of the warmth of the bathroom into the cool early evening air of the bedroom. Dan had already dressed and was waiting patiently in the living room and through the partially open doorway she could see her darkly handsome young husband lounging on the couch with a sparkling drink in his hand.

Well, he’s getting started early, isn’t he?

Dropping the towel so that she could feel the cool, invigorating air embracing every inch of her warm smooth skin, the young wife opened her closet door to study her scanty summer wardrobe. She wanted to wear something especially nice tonight, something especially provocative and conservative. Maybe … yes, she would go bra-less! Charline chose a cool, cotton summer dress with an exceptionally short skirt that would reveal the full tapering voluptuousness of her firm fleshy thighs and a low plunging neckline that would display to full advantage the darkly mysterious cleavage between her mammoth, quivering breasts. Slipping the light material of the dress over her head, then reaching round to zip it up in the back, the young mother felt especially provocative and seductive! Smoothing her hands over her full-blown hips and studying her appearance in the mirror, she finally sighed with deep satisfaction and stepped out into the living room.

“Ready whenever you are, darling!” she chirped and smiled with pleasure when she heard Dan’s sharp intake of breath as he turned his eyes towards her scantily clad figure.

“My God!” he exclaimed, the drink nearly falling from his hand. “You look . . . tremendous tonight! Wow, I haven’t seen you look so gorgeous in a long time,” her smiling husband concluded, feeling his cock give a distinct jerk inside his pants.

God, I’d love to make her bend over the couch and fuck her right now, before we go to the party! Rip that dress off of her and fuck her for all I’m worth! I wonder . . .

And the young husband paused in mid-thought, surprised and delighted that he felt such aggressively erotic feelings towards his own wife, the woman who had been unable to arouse his lust-driven instincts for so many months now . . .

Charline, Dan, Toby and Alice were the last guests to arrive at Ted’s party and, as they first walked in, Charline suddenly felt as though all her resolve was lost, all her previous visions of some lusty, invigorating sex were merely pipe dreams. Every one seemed so cheerful, happily laughing and talking over drinks and munching on hamburgers and hot dogs, dipping hungrily into the potato salad and cole slaw . . .

After a short time, Charline fell into an easy, light conversation with Maggie Miller, a well-curved young woman of about twenty-five who was Ted Johnson’s date for the evening. She, too, wore an exceptionally low-cut dress that only enhanced the fully rounded curves of. her voluptuous young breasts which looked as though they yearned to be free from the constraint of her brassiere. A short time later, the two women were joined by Gloria Simpson, Dave’s date for the evening, a young woman with long blonde hair, and hazel eyes who was wearing a tight-fitting pair of black pants and a short blouse tied into an enticing knot just beneath her mammothly heavy breasts. The three steadily drinking young women talked^, about clothes and food and Cape Cod and all the other unimportant topics that strangers talk together about and it wasn’t long before Charline was feeling a certain feminine comraderie with them.

The young mother took yet another generous swallow from her refreshing Vodka tonic and suddenly realized someone had made it very strong indeed! Well, who cared, anyway? The night was made for pleasure and enjoyment and she was having too good a time already to care how much she was drinking! Anyway, the euphoric effect of it was already beginning to work on her and it felt warmly pleasureable, giving her mind a nice easy glow which she didn’t want to surrender for anything just yet.

She paused to look around her. Toby and Alice were involved in an animated conversation with Ted over by the radio; Alice standing with her arm tightly wrapped around Toby’s slender young waist, her fingers teasing playfully along the inside of his pants. Dan was sitting with Dave Johnson, also involved in some sort of cheerful discussion for both of them were laughing and taking long slugs of their drinks.

Well, maybe Ted planned an innocent little party after all! Maybe he doesn’t have some wild scheme in mind! Just now everyone looks so relaxed, so happy . . . who would ever think that the man over there is my lover – and that one talking to my husband is my lover, too! And who would ever dream that Alice Laver, a mere fifteen year-old, had seduced the pants off both my son and my husband! God, everyone LOOKS so innocent. . . and its so pleasant now . . . the radio playing soft music . . . the early evening light pouring in through the windows . . . yes, so pleasant, so relaxing . . . surely nothing terribly erotic can happen.

Dan sat on a large, comfortable chair by the sofa, sipping his fourth – or was it fifth? or sixth? drink and enjoying the friendly, pleasant atmosphere of the all-white party. He had to say one thing for Ted – he sure had nice taste in women! God, that Maggie Miller looked like a million bucks, he thought as he watched her cross the room with a drink in either hand, her voluptuously pendulous breasts swaying and swinging with the rhythm of her steps while her sensuously rounded buttocks jiggled erotically with the same rhythm!

The young husband was glad that his wife appeared to be having a good time. She was standing just then, one hand provocatively resting on one hip, talking to Dave Johnson near the bar, her lovely full lips smiling, revealing her perfectly aligned, ivory white teeth, her large brown eyes glowing happily. Then the young husband turned his glance towards fifteen year-old Alice Laver, who sat on the floor indian style, the inviting plane of her cuntal crevice outlined seductively by the short, tight pants she wore. Mentally Dan looked beneath her sheer summer blouse to see the tantalizing orbs of her tender young breasts and suddenly he longed to fondle them, to kiss them, to wrap his lips around her cherry-crested nipples and suck them into fiery, erectly throbbing life!

Hey! I’d better play it cool here! Damn it, how did I ever let myself get so trapped by that playful little bitch? I wish I’d never set eyes on her, never, laid my hands on her, never sunk my cock into that hungry little cunt of hers . . . no . . . no, I don’t. Damn it, I’m glad! Glad I showed that teenage siren what a real fuck is like! Still, I’d better play it cool now . . . of course, maybe.later . . .

Dan stood up, shaking his head back and forth like a dog wagging its tail. Better give up on thoughts like that – no use thinking about it when I can’t do anything about it! He reached for the pack of cigarettes he had brought and just put one in his mouth when a lighted match appeared before his startled face. Looking up, his eyes saw first a mammoth pair of satiny smooth young breasts, their nipples barely covered, which seemed about to tumble out of the low-cut blouse that confined them. Raising his eyes to the face of the kneeling figure he recognized Dave Johnson’s date, Gloria Simpson.

He jumped to his feet immediately, but the voluptuous young white woman pushed him down again and sank down onto the arm of the chair so that her roundly ripe buttocks hovered just over his now twitching cock! He blinked at her, somewhat startled by her sudden appearance. “Nice party,” he said hesitatingly for lack of anything else to say.

“Urn, nice,” she crooned, locking her eyes on the growing bulge beneath his pants. “Very nice indeed.” Her small pink tongue darted out to play mischievously along her glistening, parted lips. “I’ll bet that tastes good, honey!”

“What?” Dan asked, not really believing the implication of her stimulating words, feeling his cock nevertheless surge and throb beneath his pants.

“I said, I’ll bet that tastes good, lover-man! I’ll bet your cock is the sweetest one in town. Can I have a bite?” she whispered hoarsely with a husky seductiveness in her voice. She leaned down towards him now as she whispered, her breasts heatedly touching his chest as her hot breath scalded his ear. His instinct was to reach out and grab those two huge tantalizing melons . . . but he held himself back, a sudden flush coming into his cheeks and a new surging throb to his groin.

Was it really possible? Was this girl . . . just an older version of Alice? Did she really want to suck him off, for Christ’s sake? Not right here in the living room! Surely, not right here … in front of everyone else . . .

“Don’t you want me to suck you until you cum?” she hissed appealingly.

“Sure! Sure I do.” Dan declared enthusiastically, not wanting her to think him less tham a fully hot-blooded man. “Sure I do … but

“But you’d like a little privacy, is that it?”

“Yeah,” he said with some relief as he felt her hand reaching around his neck to trace mad little designs along his spine and into the base of his balls. “Yeah, that’s it, alright,” he managed to say although his breath wasn’t coming too easily now. “Maybe there’s someplace we could go, huh?”

Dan could feel the fire surging through his loins as he followed the voluptuous young stranger along a short corridor and into a wood paneled bedroom in the center of which stood a king sized double bed all ready and waiting for them! His young heart was hammering furiously as he grasped her within his strong dark arms and felt her melt into the fold of his torso, pressing her curvaceous young body close to his, and then felt her reaching down to stroke his now bulging prick with excited, hungry strokes over his pants. Her tongue flicked hotly into his anxious mouth and then, suddenly, she stepped back, smiling wickedly at him.

Her eyes never left his as she watched with delight the growing erotic desire and passionate lust building in those dark dusky brown pools. First she reached around to unfasten her pants, sliding the zipper down very slowly and grinding her hips seductively as she slid the tight-fitting material over her sensuously flaring hips and down along the tapering columns of her lovely white legs. Still watching his lust-glazed eyes, she unbuttoned her blouse then slid it provocatively off over her shoulders and finally, with a wide, sweeping movement, she unleashed her enormous, nipple-tipped breasts from the white lacy brassiere. She stood before him proudly nude, perfectly formed and perfectly unashamed, her soft hair-fringed cunt thrust wantonly out at him in a salacious pose of lewd invitation. Her hand snaked out once again to stroke his pulsing cock, encased still in the binding restriction of his trousers, which surged up to greet her expert touch.

“How can I suck it when I can’t even touch it?” she said coyly, smiling seductively up at Dan’s handsome face, now gleaming with lust and desire.

But she didn’t wait for him to remove his clothes. Instead, the dark haired young woman took his zipper in her trembling fingers and slowly lowered it, then slid his pants and undershorts down over the muscular length of his legs. Meanwhile, Dan was ripping at the buttons of his shirt and by the time he stepped out of his pants, his chest was bare and heaving with his excitement as his rigidly throbbing pole shot forward, free at last from the painful strictures of his trousers.

“Ummmm,” Gloria whispered huskily. “Ummmmm, lover-man, it’s beautiful black cock. A big beautiful black cock and I’m going to suck it like it’s never been sucked before.”

The young woman kneeled down on the floor before the standing man, who leaned back against the wood walls, and took his pulsing pole in her soft, delicate hands and began to softly stroke up and down its fire-filled length, easing back the foreskin as she stroked. Dan looked down at this lurid scene as the burning lust raced from the base of his hairy balls to the ballooning tip of his red-hot penis while the young stranger’s tongue slithered out from between her parted lips and grazed against the tiny glans head to taste the moist droplets of seminal fluid that had gathered there.

“Aaaaaaaaaaauuuuuugh!” he groaned at the sparks of inflamed desire that were searing through his whole body.

“You like, lover-man?” she laughed, sending her deliciously teasing tongue out once again towards his blood-engorged cock-head . .

The twelve year-old, Toby, and the fifteen year-old, Toby, and the fifteen year-old, Alice, sat together on the soft, comfortable sofa in Ted’s living room, her tender young hand resting on Toby’s strong young thigh, occasionally tracing erotic little designs on his flesh so that sensual thrills of lust-filled delight raced up and down his back and through his young boy-cock. His arm was wrapped around her soft shoulder and once in a while his eager young fingers would slip down to gently caress the voluptuously smooth flesh of her rounded breast over her short, sheer blouse. She smiled up at him with obvious desires and he was just about to suggest that they find a more secluded corner when Ted Thompson approached and sat down next to them, his strong hands clutching several magazines.

He leaned over towards them and whispered on his breath, “I’ve got some wild pictures here that I thought you two might like to see.”

“Oh?” Alice replied, suspecting already just what those pictures might be like.

“Yeah – want to see them now?” he asked, his eyes glazed with liquor and the distinct lust he felt for the curvaceous young teenage girl.

“Sure,” Toby replied enthusiastically, reaching over to take one of the magazines which Ted offered. He placed the magazine on his lap and flipped open the first page, then gasped in lurid surprise at the naked figures entwined there. “Wow!” he sighed. “Just look at that!”

“I am looking,” Alice replied, her little pink tongue sliding out of her glistening lips to lick them hotly.

On the page before them, in full and glorious color, was a dark haired young man whose muscles seemed almost ready to burst through his skin. He was lying on a white fur rug which set off brilliantly the deep tan of his glistening flesh. He was lying face-down, and around his waist were straddled the beautifully tapering legs of a buxom blonde, whose moistly shining cunt was spread wide beneath the man. On her face was a salaciously lewd smile, her teeth whitely gleaming while her tongue played impishly along her ruby-red lips and her hands were clasped tightly around the man’s head, her long fingers buried in his dark, curly hair. The man’s mouth was deliciously wrapped around one of her full-blown alabaster breasts whiFe the other jutted triumphantly upwards, its berry-like nipple standing proudly in rigid erection.

“God, this is … better than Playboy!” Toby stammered, his hand now clutching tightly to Alice’s shoulder. “Wow, I’ve never seen anything like this before!”

“Me, either,” echoed Alice, her fingers digging now tightly into the twelve year old’s thigh with hungry arousal.

Ted stared at the couple with undisguised delight. “I’m glad you like them, kids.” he said.

Suddenly, Toby glanced up from the almost living room and his eyes darted quickly around the room.

“Don’t worry,” Ted assured him, “nobody is going to disturb us, least of all your parents!”

Toby looked startled, wondering how this man could have read his thoughts. And what did he mean by that? What are my parents doing? Well, who cares! All I want to see are more of these pictures!

With eager young enthusiasm, the boy turned the page.

Charline Sutter sat by the swimming pool, her bare feet luxuriously dangling in the cool blue water. She had needed some fresh air all of a sudden, feeling a tight numbness coming into her stomach and a dizzy, giddy, light-headed-ness creeping through her mind. Yes, a breath of fresh, cool night air was just what she needed and the cool water of the pool sent an invigorating tingle through her body. She leaned back, supporting her torso on her arms, and closed her lovely brown eyes, throwing her head back and enjoying the chilling ocean breeze that played across her beautiful brown face.

Suddenly, she felt a hot wet mouth at her throat and two eager hands at her voluptuously curved breasts. Her whole body tensed as the startled young black mother opened her eyes and saw Dave Johnson hovering over her.

“Don’t be frightened. It’s only me,” he laughed.

Charline felt her breath quicken as she looked guiltily about her. But no one else was outside and the dim light in the living room showed no signs of animated life. Then, she lowered her eyes shyly, trying to stifle the giggle of impending delight that gurgled in her throat. Her hand reached up and began to roam through his hair and then, losing her support, she fell backwards until she fell flat on the cool soft grass, her hand still reaching up invitingly towards Dave Johnson.

Memories of their sexual encounters during the past week surged into her mind and swirled around with the alcohol there to form a hazy, lust-clouded picture of pleasure. And she wanted him to fuck her again, wanted him now, wanted him’to fuck her tonight! But not out here, not where anyone could stumble onto them!

“Charline . . . you want me, I can tell. And I want you, too. I want to fuck you and fuck you and fuck you until you can’t move much less to walk!”

“Oh, Dave,” the young mother crooned, feeling her little nipples harden at the lewd desire surging through her aroused body, feeling her pussy tingle and throb and moisten with desire and her heart began to beat faster and faster. She knew she was beyond control now, way beyond the point-of-no-return, as wave after wave of burning desire inundated her loins and invaded her mind, and her curvaceously sloping breasts were already hot and quivering with raging desire as his hands roamed freely over them.

No! Not here! I can’t. . . Not out here in the open where Dan or Toby might see us! Oh, God, if only my body didn’t roar with lust every time this man or Ted touches me! Oh, God, I can’t let him fuck me right here!

Yet she reached up and drew Dave down to her, locking her lust-moistened lips onto his, sending her hot scorching tongue into his mouth and battling there with his darting, probing tongue. Her hips began to undulate as his hand snaked down towards the lusciously tempting “vee” between her spreading thighs and she knew she was lost, hopelessly mired in the bog of her own lust-crazed desire. She knew that sooner or later – probably sooner – she would be nakedly writhing in his arms, feeling his heatedly throbbing, lust driven cock fucking up into her seethingly yearning cunt walls . . .

Tearing her mouth away from his she exclaimed with panting breath, “Dave . . . don’t fuck me here! We have to … find . . . someplace more . . . private. Please!”

“Ok, baby, ok. Take it easy. Just take it easy,” Dave whispered comfortingly.

In the darkened living room, the only sounds were the heavy breathing of the three people on the couch, a light shining down from above onto the full color magazines spread out on their laps. Suddenly they were surprised by the presence of another person sitting down on the couch beside Toby, who sat at one end of the Ted sat at the other, with Alice sandwiched delectably between them.

“Oh, hi Maggie,” Ted said cheerfully. “We were just looking at some pictures here. Care to join us?”

“Indeed I would,” the voluptuous young blonde said, reaching over Toby’s lap to take one of the magazines. She spread it open between her lap and his and he hardly noticed when her arm slid up and around his virile young shoulders.

He didn’t notice because he was staring wide-eyed at the picture she had opened to. There was a young girl, perhaps sixteen or seventeen, apparently writhing on a studio couch. She was, of course, completely naked and her firmly rounded young breasts were white in stark contrast to the bronzed tan of her satiny-smooth skin. Her silky blond pubic hair matched the long straight blonde hair flowing like a golden halo from her head back onto the pillow. Her right hand and arm were extended down over the taut flatness of her beautiful belly and her fingers nestled between her wide-splayed thighs, their tips tantalizingly buried in the glistening wetness of her petal-like, hair-fringed cuntal lips!

“Wow,” the twelve year-old exclaimed, a whistle in his breath. He was so enraptured by the salacious image on the page that he hardly noticed Alice sliding slowly away from him on the couch and over towards the lithe, broad figure of Ted Thompson! He didn’t hear, either, that Ted’s breath began to sound suddenly heavy and that his hand was slowly exploring the soft territory of Alice’s lush, fleshy thigh as the two gaped in lust-filled excitement at the image of the magazine that was spread open between their two laps, as much as Ted hoped to spread open the heavenly young legs of fifteen year-old Alice Laver!

Ted was growing more and more excited, not so much by the images on the pages as he had seen those many times before, but instead by the provocative youthfulness and voluptuous beauty of the young teenage girl beside him on the couch. He could almost feel her leg against his, and in the dim light watched the quick rise and fall of her pulsing young breasts as she leaned forward to get a closer view of the salacious images on the pages of the magazine. She was obviously becoming more and more excited and Ted licked his lips in lust-filled anticipation of the feel of his rigidly aching cock slithering up into her moist teenage cunt!

Maggie, of course, would take care of Toby. Good care! She especially liked young boys once in a while and had been quite delighted when Ted had told her that the twelve year-old Toby would be all hers for the taking! Yes, and Toby wouldn’t be able to resist her even if he wanted to . . . although he’d be a fool to want to! Maggie was an acknowledged expert when it came to matters of sexual adventure -Ted could vouch for that!

Meanwhile, the delectable little teenager next to him made no move to get away from his anxious hand resting on the tender flesh of her thigh. She was staring in mesmerized fascination at the nude male figure on the page, at the blond, sun-burned body that posed provocative- ly in the sand of a spacious beach, one leg propped up and spread wide from the other to give an unhindered view of his enlarged, protruding penis and his tantalizing sperm-sacs hanging behind. His torso was propped up on one arm and the other dangled demurely over his groin, his fingers slipping in beneath his massively erect organ, the thumb stretched up, grazing the slightly lubricated glans tip provocatively.

“Wow!” she exclaimed, her voice husky with her rapidly growing desire. Ted boldly let his hand slide up the creamy smooth flesh of her thigh, over the tight short-shorts and into the inviting “vee” between her legs. It was already damp with her uncontrollable vaginal secretions there and Ted smiled lecherously, knowing that it wouldn’t be much longer before she was begging for his cock. She moved her legs wider apart to accept and encourage his wandering hand, sliding ever closer to him, pressing her swelling, throbbing young breasts against his sleeveless arm.

Ted wasn’t surprised when he felt her hand grope down towards his thigh and began to stroke it faster and faster in time to her rapidly increasing breathing. Her eyes gaped open still as her other hand anxiously reached to flip the page, to go onto the next erotic tableau! Damn, she certainly is a hot little teenager! God, I knew it wouldn’t take much, but this is incredible! Damn! Just feel that hot little cunt already soaked down there, too! Jesus, she doesn ‘t even care that Toby is still here on the couch! Well, for that matter, I don’t either! Well, the little bitch is hot for cock and she’s going to get it — and soon!

Ted looked around now for Toby, only to discover that he and Maggie had slid off of the couch and onto the floor. They were already lying down, the magazine widespread in front of them, each turned half on his side as they flipped the pages over one after another. Maggie had, without preamble and without warning, automatically reached for Toby’s young groin and his prick, already throbbing from the sight of the masturbating girl, surged and leapt wildly and a distinct gasp escaped from his throat. Then he felt her hot, wet tongue tracing erotic circles around his ear and then suddenly it lashed inward like a burning firebrand. Toby was too shocked to react, even when she grasped his young hand and placed it on her hotly seeping cunt while she unzipped his fly!

God! What’s going on here! This older woman . . . what is she doing? What does she want? Damn, she’s getting me so hot and bothered that I’m liable to cum right in her hand!

Then his mind reeled and trembled as he felt her hot hand reach inside his trousers to extract his expanding, firm young cock and that was when he lost all self-control. He didn’t care about anything anymore except the satisfaction of his viriley aroused young cock, the release of the burning pressure building like a roaring forest fire in his balls. She was stroking him now, stroking his pulsing, passion-hardening prick with slow, tantalizing motions and he moaned with hot-blooded, spiraling, swirling desire, oblivious to everything in the world except the lust-heated burning in his balls . . .

Ted, meanwhile, was letting his hungry hands roam freely over Alice’s soft, melon-shaped young breasts down inside her blouse, his thumb rolling sublimely over their hard, erectly distended nipples. God, she was a hot little devil, even if she is only fifteen years old! Her own young hand was now furiously stroking and massaging his rigidly expanding cock beneath his trousers and she was breathing in ragged, uneven pants with her wide-open eyes still locked on the full-color pages with their naked male figures entwined in various positions of love with other naked female figures. The nakedly exposed scenes almost seemed alive to the young girl, almost animated as though the figures were actually living and breathing and moving right there on the page.

Ted put his lips close to her ear and let his tongue lash hotly into it before he whispered hotly into it, “Well, Alice, do you like the pictures? Do they excite you? Do they make you feel . . . good? Do they make you . . . want to … fuck?” he whispered with husky desire undisguised in his baritone voice.

The fifteen year old nodded eagerly, her hand squeezing the girth of his prick even harder and her breasts squirming and shivering beneath the erotic ministrations of his hands. At last she turned to face him, her eyes glazed and tearing with anxiously excited lust, her lips moistened by her roving tongue, her face flushed with hot red passion. “Oh, yes,” she half-whispered, half-hissed. “Yes, I want to fuck!”

“Well, then, little girl, I’m gonna fuck you! I’m going to fuck you good, with my long hot hard cock in your cock-hungry cunt. Would you like that, Alice? Would you like to feel my cock fucking up inside your naked pussy?”

“Oh, yes, Mr. Thompson! Yes! Oh, come on and fuck me, fuck me, please!”

“Call me Ted,” he implored, gazing down into her sex-glazed young eyes. “Call me Ted now that we’re going to be such . . . intimate . . . friends!”

Ted was too concerned with his own conquest to keep track of Maggie’s. But at that very moment Maggie was just lowering her blonde head towards Toby’s now rigidly erect and madly throbbing cock while she heard him groan with the intense pleasure he knew was about to descend on his hotly pulsing organ. She let her tongue flick out and around the blood-bloated head, lapping up its seminal secretions hungrily like a sex-starved animal. It wasn’t long before Maggie took the entire swollen head of his boy-cock into the warm, moist confines of her mouth and began sucking on it like the expert she was with tantalizing eagerness. She used her hotly excited tongue and dazzlingly white teeth and her tightly ovalling lips, blowing him with such magnificent ardor that the young twelve year old almost cried out loud like a caged animal suddenly set free. Instead he merely moaned with the excruciating pleasure shuttering through his loins while his eyes closed and opened and closed and opened again. He continued to moan while his buttocks moved in erotic rhythm responding to the expertly sucking mouth ovalled around his rigidly quaking boy-cock and he knew that no other pleasure in all of his young life compared even remotely to this new seething passion churning hotly in the base of his balls!

Ted heard the boy moaning and knew that Maggie must be doing her work well. He, too, was rapidly advancing in his conquest of Alice Laver. He had bared her tremulous young breasts completely now and was nibbling and sucking and suckling at them with lust-crazed delight, his tongue and lips working together with erotic rapture on the silky smooth flesh. Alice had by then reached into his crotch to massage the fully palpitating length of his lust-hardened man-cock with a slow, tantalizing rhythm while the middle finger of her other hand was busily flicking in and out of his exposed asshole. His pants had come off long ago and now he eagerly reached around for the zipper of her tight shorts, fumbling with blind rage as his fingers slipped again and again in their unsuccessful effort to undress her. Finally, with a great sigh of triumph, he succeeded and before long his fingers were anxiously seeking her eagerly waiting young cunt as he continued to suck and lick and orally caress her beautifully firm young breasts.

“Yes, fuck’me,” she whispered hotly into his ear. “Fuck me with your big man-sized cock! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, damn you!”

“Oh, yes, I will and don’t you worry,” Ted assured her. “But before I do, how would you like me to lick you juicy little cunt?”

“Oh yes, lick me! Lick me and fuck me, too! Oh, please!”

Toby heard Alice’s cry as if through a dense fog but he heard Maggie’s voice distinctly enough.

“Ummmmm, you have a very tasty cock, young man,” she whispered. “Very tasty indeed. I’m going to suck it and suck it and suck it until the cum shoots right out of your balls — what do you think of that?”

Suddenly, the thought of being discovered by his parents invaded the youth’s lust-paralyzed mind. His eyes, glazed with lust and liquor though they were, quickly darted around the dimly lit room in apprehensive investigation.

“Hey, Toby, don’t worry about your parents. Believe me, you don’t have to worry about them. They are being well taken care of, I can assure you. All you have to worry about is me, lover-boy, and giving me my own satisfaction after I give you yours!”

“But … but … Alice?” he questioned tentatively.

“Alice is right now happy in the arms of Ted Thompson. So don’t worry about her, okay?” the older blonde crooned, bending down once more to take the full turgid length of his twelve year old cock into the moistly heated depths of her eagerly sucking mouth.

Toby obeyed. And groaned with ecstatic, erotic desire.

Chapter Eight

Gloria Simpson purred contentedly, the tremors of her orgasm still quaking through her body as she lay still, sighing, happily fulfilled and satiated. Dan’s now deflating cock still nestled in the warm softness of her cum-filled vagina as they lay on the enormous double bed in Ted Thompson’s bedroom. How many cums had she had? Two? Three? One when Dan had so deliciously licked her excruciatingly steaming cunt . . . one when she had sucked his cock until it gushed like Niagara “Falls into her mouth . . . one when at last his firebrand ramrod was securely sheathed in the softly yielding walls of her hungrily clenching vagina . . . had there been others? She could hardly remember now . . . her mind was already on the next one!

Dan lay back, exhausted from his latest sexual escapade with a woman other than his wife. His dark brown skin glistened with sweat and small shudderings of residual passion shook through his muscular young body and he moaned with complete and thorough satisfaction. He never thought he’d come across another female who could be as wild and insatiable as Alice had been . . . but Gloria Simpson was like an electrified sexual magnet and she knew all the tricks in the book!

Gloria sat up to rub her white sensual hands over Dan’s chest, her fingers working in teasingly erotic circles around his dark nipples. Her lips smiled and her eyes were still tearing with joy as she spoke softly to him.

“My God, you sure know how to give a girl a good fuck! God, I can’t tell you how wonderful you were!”

“Thanks,” Dan replied modestly. “You weren’t so bad yourself, you know.”

“After all the experience I’ve had, honey, I should be good!” she exclaimed proudly.

Her words jolted him. He hadn’t thought of her as any innocent young virgin, but her boastful attitude was something he had never encountered before. His eyebrows arched and his face took on a puzzled air.

“What do you mean by that?” he asked.

“Oh come on, lover boy, you know exactly what I mean,” she laughed. “I mean there isn’t a man in this house tonight that I haven’t fucked — except your son, of course, and I plan to get to him later on!” Her eyes were laughing now as she roared out loud, the perplexed, shocked look on his face striking her as uproariously funny.

“Don’t look so grim, lover,” she continued

“It happens all the time! Besides, I thought you knew about it. I thought that’s why Ted invited you and your wife tonight!”

My wife! God, Charline! If what this woman is saying is true . . . what is happening to Charline right now? Oh God! Dan wasn’t in the least worried about Alice — she could take care of herself. Besides, she’d probably love the idea of group sex, of one cock, slamming into her cock-hungry cunt while another slipped in and out of her ruby-red young lips! And Toby . . . well, he was a little young … but then, you’re never too young to learn about sex! If he didn’t know already, being with Alice Laver!

But Charline!

“Look, I … well, no I didn’t know,” Dan said, feeling suddenly very helpless and uneasy. “And I don’t think I like the idea very much.”

“Oh? Well, you liked fucking me, didn’t you?” the voluptuous young blonde asked.

“Yes! Of course I did! But that’s different. It’s . . . well . . . it’s my wife I’m concerned about, you see.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t be too concerned about her if I were you,” Gloria laughed, running her hands lower down along his flat stomach and letting one finger slip tantalizingly in and out of the small indentation of his navel. “I’m sure that Ted or Dave — or both! — can take good care of her!”

“Now wait a minute,” the outraged young husband protested. “You don’t understand. My wife isn’t like that!”

Pursing her moistly glistening lips, the seductive young blonde asked demurely, “Oh? And what is she like?”

“Well, she’s . . . she’s …” the confused young husband asked, feeling the flames of desire once again licking at his eager young loins as Gloria’s hand reached the hair-covered area of his manhood.

“I’ll tell you what she is,” Gloria declared triumphantly, “and I’ve only just met her tonight: she’s a woman. A hot-blooded, sexually alive young woman! With a beautiful and sensual nature. And, believe it or not, her body is rto/your exclusive possession, like your car or your house or your pipe! No, her body was built for pleasure and she deserves as much pleasure as she can find whether it is in your bed or someone else’s — or in everyone else’s! It can’t hurt your pleasure one bit if hers comes from somewhere else as well as long as she can satisfy you and you can satisfy her!”

Dan lay dazed. Slowly, as this brazen young woman was speaking so urgently, so wholeheartedly, he began to realize that what she was saying might, just might be true. He shook his head, confused, dazed by the creeping realizations were beginning to crawl into his mind. He had been, up to now, almost completely impotent with Charline . . . and yet with Alice and Gloria he had no problem whatsoever in achieving the full delirium of ecstatic orgasm. Perhaps . . . perhaps he was demanding too much of his wife when he demanded her exclusive love, when he secretly demanded that she love her son less and him more. Furthermore, he had discovered, both with Alice and with Gloria, the sex without love could be just as spine-tingling, just as ultimately fulfilling as sex with love had been in Charline’s arms, up until a few months ago . . .

Maybe . . . just maybe . . . “Come on,” he said, gripped by a sudden determination. “Let’s get back to the party. I want to find my wife.”

Dave Johnson had assured Charline that they would be free from prying eyes in Ted’s spacious living room.

“Besides,” he grinned, “if there is anyone else in there, I can assure you that they’ll be much too busy to notice us!”

“But . . . who? I don’t understand,” the young black mother began. But she didn’t have the energy to protest too strongly for the scorching waves of unabashed desire were nearly tearing her apart. She had to get this man’s cock inside her seething, steaming cunt. And the sooner the better. That was all that mattered now _ his lust-hardened cock battering into her yearning, wildly desirous cunt!

As soon as they stepped into the living room she heard the clearly sexual noises of the other people. But how many were there? Two? Three? Five? She couldn’t tell. All the moans and sighs and gasping breaths mingled together in her mind . . . the slight sucking noises of their mouths . . . the slapping sounds of their bodies . . . Ted and Maggie? Ted and Gloria? Dan? DAN? No, not Dan . . . someone else . . .

Dave pulled her right down to the floor and his lips came moistly down on hers, his lashing fiery tongue probing exquisitely into her warmly waiting mouth. She sucked his tongue gently, letting her body melt into his there in the dimly lit room while the sounds of the other lovers dissolved into the sounds of her own rapturous moans. She could feel her breasts and cunt begin to tremble and quiver with unrestrained delight and desire and as she held the kiss long and hard she could sense his own growing passion, feel his anxious cock straining against his confining trousers. Yes, it was getting harder and harder and the scorching heat of desire was flicking at her cunt and teasing her throbbing brown breasts.

“God, Charline, I’ve got to fuck you! Got to, right now,” he whispered urgently.

The sound of his pleading voice made her all the more frantic and she reached down to boldly stroke the instrument of her desire as it lunged out against his trousers, feeling more wicked and delighted than she had in a long time. The tingling shiver of her cunt as their tongues continued to intertwine and caress one another.

“Come on, let’s get out of these clothes,” he urged and his hands trembled as he reached around to unzip her short, skimpy dress. She lifted the dress urgently over her head and dropped it softly to the floor, and Dave smiled lecherously when he discovered that all she wore beneath it was a pair of filmy white lace panties that contrasted seductively with the darkness qf her skin. These she removed too, slowly, teasingly, sliding them down the long tapering length of her curvaceous legs while Dave struggled to free himself of his clothing.

Dave reached out to pull her down, to run his eager hot hands over her naked earth-brown flesh. She lay still for the first several moments, savoring the deliciously wicked sensations that were burning through her loins and throughout her entire naked body. She groaned with sublime satisfaction as his hands found the’ tremulous mounds of her breasts and as he then kissed each throbbing nipple into vibrant, rigid erection.

Dave pressed his wetly eager mouth around the full voluptuous curves of her twin, naked mounds, first one then the other, and through the longing haze of her own rampant lust the soft wet sucking sounds of the others in the room seeped into her mind. The sound of someone else’s passion only served to arouse her own still further as the hungrily excited young black mother reached down to grasp Dave’s head as his mouth continued its erotically stimulating work on the quivering mounds of her breasts.

Then his mouth began a moist nibbling down along the flatness of her copper-skinned belly, pausing to lash his tongue provocatively into her navel. She quivered uncontrollably from the unexpected feeling of his wet tongue hotly lashing there, and now she dropped her hands between them to search for his rigidly quavering cock which she finally found. Uttering a cry of ecstasy, she grasped its pulsing hotness in her hands and began eagerly to stroke its hard flesh, letting her fingertips pause tantalizingly at the already slightly lubricated, blood-swollen cock-head.

“Oh, Dave,” she sighed, completely carried away now by the unquenchable thirst of her own desire.

“Baby, I’m gonna fuck you tonight like you’ve never been fucked before,” he promised, his breath coming hot and heavy onto her naked neck, his tongue sliding along its length to tease at her earr. “God, how I am going to fuck you, woman!”

Charline smiled to herself at the thought of his long, fleshy ramrod plundering deep around up inside her wildly clasping cunt, plunging in and out again and again with long, steady, even, cunt-battering strokes! And then, once again,

Dave’s hotly hungry lips closed down onto her nakedly quivering nipples and began to suck voracioiusly at the erectly throbbing little sprouts. His hands meanwhile explored the plain of her flat belly and the sensitive surface of her inner thighs, while his mouth continued to play wetly around her throbbing nipples, moving wetly from one to the other until finally she could stand it no longer.

“Oh God, Dave! Fuck me! Please! Fuck me soon . . . now . . . yes, fuck me nooooo wwwww!”

Toby was sucking and suckling delirously at the soft fleshy folds of Maggie’s sweet-smelling cunt, enraptured by the sheer delight ripping through his own cock as she sucked hungrily at its hotly heated length. He slaved on and on in the lush tropical regions of her anxiously clasping cunt, tasting the fragrant moisture there until he was sure she was about to explode with orgasmic ecstasy under his wickedly flicking tongue.

Her mouth was voraciously sucking still onhis yung, boyishly rigid hardness, and the churning burning in the base of his cum-laden balls felt like it would explode and race through his eager, mouth-fucking cock any second now. God, he had never known pleasure this intense, this sublime, not even with Alice! This was something even more incredible than his most vivid fantasies! Her velvety soft mouth felt like heaven as-it sucked on his hotly throbbing young penile flesh, as her tongue teasingly swirled over the excitedly throbbing head licking away the droplets of his fresh youthful seminal fluid as if it was sweet honey!

Through the dizzying daze of his own rapture, the twelve year old suddenly heard other noises in the room. His first impulse was to raise his head, to see what was going on, but the pressure of her bobbing head on his loins and her cunt poised over his greedily working mouth prevented that. Ah well . . . it’s probably just Ted and Alice anyway, the youth assured himself and so he closed his eyes and continued the thrusting of his hotly licking tongue into Maggie’s seething, smouldering cunt. He could still hear them, though . . . they sounded like they were on the floor . . . somewhere . . . maybe over by the door …

Suddenly, Maggie removed her sucking mouth from his heavy hard penis and whispered erotically into his ear, “Crawl up between my legs and fuck me, lover-boy! Fuck me good and fuck me now!”

Toby, of course, obeyed without the slightest thought of dissent. The cool air rushing against his heated young cock shaft had made him shiver and he knew that the girl beside him was nothing more than a quivering mass of blazing desire while he felt his own male organ trembling violently with frantic desire. Without hesitation he slid between her voluptuously spread thighs and fucked his eagerly throbbing pole of flesh into the warm, wet folds of her willing and waiting cunt. He felt the juices of her desire lubricating his path as she spread her legs wide out on either side of him in open invitation to his invading cock. Her cuntal lips splayed wide before his plunging prick and she helped by reaching down between them with her fingers and spreading the soft, hair-lined lips even farther apart to insure an unencumbered entrance for her cuntal conquerer.

Toby grinned down at the writhing mass of female flesh beneath him. A triumphant little grin crossed his face as he felt the supreme satisfaction of enjoying the lust-filled cunt of an older woman! Christ, she must be practically thirty, for God’s sake! She must be almost as old as my mom! It was a breathtaking experience for the twelve year old as his eagerly hardened prick slipped easily up into her liquid-soft cuntal passage.

The boy began to fuck up into the churning, steaming cuntal cavity with a lust-driven vigor and it was only when he heard the harshly whispered words coming from the other man in the room that he froze, his eyes blinking rapidly, a look of unqualified horror on his fresh young face. That wasn’t Ted over there . . . Ted must be somewhere else in the room. That was his friend Dave Johnson — and the voice that replied was … oh no!

The words the boy heard were these: “God, how I want to fuck you, woman! Fuck your ass off!

And the woman’s, heavy with lust, replied, “Oh yes, yes, fuck me, Dave! Yeeeeeeessss! Please, fuck me hard!”

Charline had hardly been able to control her own impetuous, reckless desire to be fucked by Dave Johnson, and the sooner the better. She had watched with ecstatic fascination as his enormously swollen prick poised like a red-hot iron rod above her hotly trembling pussy lips, and she shivered with delight at her impending fate. She blotted out the cries and squeals of the other couple in the room as she saw Dave take his hotly bloated prick in his hands and hold it tantalzingly, teasingly, over the wetly seeping, dark curl-fringed slit up between her widespread thighs.

“God, how I want to fuck you, woman! Fuck your ass off!” he groaned with heavy, hot breath.

“Oh yes, fuck me, Dave! Yeeeeeesssss! Please, fuck me hard!”

Like a giant stab, like a long, sharply pointed dagger sliding into her flesh like butter, like a thick steel sword going straight to her broken heart, she heard a voice crack the air with anguish.

“Mom! Oh my God, Mom!”

Horrified, the young black mother snapped her head around, but she could see nothing. She could hear, before, the nakedly writhing figures, but still she couldn’t see them. Of course, she didn’t have to, really. She recognized Toby’s shocked voice at once.

Suddenly, he was there. “Mom . . . what? I … I don’t … I don’t understand! Mom?” he cried, his voice choked with disbelief.

The mortified young mother’s voice caught in her paralyzed throat as she searched her fevered, tortured brain for an answer to her son’s pleading question. Now she could see him clearly, and she could see too the nakedly sprawled figure of Maggie Miller behind him, her legs spread obscenely wide, her chest heaving and her naked breasts shimmering in the dim light.

It was Dave who spoke first. “Damn if it isn’t Toby! Well, isn’t this a sweet family reunion! Now all we need is Dan!”

“No! Stop it! Stop it! Shut up, you bastard,” the quaking young mother screamed, � thrashing to free herself from beneath Dave’s powerful young naked body. All thought of her impending lust-driven sexual encounter with Dave Johnson vanished, of course, from the young mother’s tormented mind. All thoughts of erotically ecstatic orgasm disappeared and dissolved into panicked gloom at the sight of her nakedly questioning son.

“Mom . . . you were . . . you were about to … fuck . . . with this guy! With Dave! But … where’s Dad? What about Dad?” he asked, a disbelieving urgency amplifying his voice, the innocence of his youth blazing in his twelve year old eyes.

Tears now filled Charline’s eyes as well and rushed down her cheeks in a steady torrent. She rolled to her knees and looked up at her son, still speechless, still without the words to explain to him about why she was here with Dave Johnson. She never thought about asking him what he was doing in that room but only longed for his forgiveness, his sympathy and perhaps even his understanding.

“Oh Toby! Oh my precious Toby! I … I … oh, pleave forgive me, please!” the anguished young black mother cired, throwing herself into his strong young arms.

Toby was confused, dazed, shocked by what he had discovered; yet at the same time he was filled with compassion and sympathy for his grieving mother, stroking her naked back and whispering comforting words in her ear. Neither he nor his wailing mother cared now for their discarded love partners, nor for the two enraptured people still madly making love with passionate sighs and groans in some other darkened corner of the room, oblivious to the traumatic scene being enacted by mother and son. “Please, please fogive me,” Charline murmured over and over again, not caring at all for anything in the world except the dear love of her precious, handsome twelve year old son.

“Mom, it’s okay . . . Mom, don’t cry . . . Mom …” the boy began, but faltered.

His attempt to comfort her suddenly had a mellowing effect on Charline Sutter and she began to feel as though everything would be all right after all. She couldn’t explain it to herself or anyone else but along with the anguished guilt and shocking horror which festered in her naked young body, now there was some vague aura of protective love and filial forgiveness, too, as he held her tightly in his arms, running his hands down along her back and neck. She returned his naked embrace as tightly as she could, wanting somehow to dissolve into him, to melt into his kind and loving forgiveness.

Toby, too, sensed this overwhelming closeness between himself and his mother and his mind, too, was torn between guilt and shame on the one hand and sympathetic compassion on the other. The youngster didn’t know what else to do besides whispering words of loving comfort, so he merely held her tighter in his ‘ strong young arms, feeling the enormous mounds of her quivering breasts and her marble-hard nipples digging into his hairless young chest, feeling her tears dripping from her flushed face onto his shoulders. “Mom . . . it’s okay . . . Mom, please don’t cry . . . Mom, come on now . . . don’t cry . . .it’s all right,” he whispered softly in her ear.

Dave Johnson had by now crawled over to where Maggie sat on the floor, her knees folded up to her ample, rounded breasts and her arms wrapped around them, hugging her kness to her chest. Her eyes were wide, her mouth half-open in surprise and awe and suddenly words came tumbling out of her mind through her half-open mouth. “Well, I’ll be damned . . . look at those two, will you? Son of a bitch . . . I’ll be damned …” Dave merely shook his head back and forth and looked at Maggie, as though she might be able to offer him some valid explanation. The sudden shock had, of course, caught him as unawares as it had caught Charline, but his own excited sexual desire did not disappear quite as quickly as hers! His cock still jutted out from his hairy loins and demanded satisfaction.

Looking at Maggie, nakedly fascinated by this incredible spectacle of mother and son, an idea suddenly snapped into his mind. “Look, Maggie,” he said, smiling with deviltry, “maybe we ought to leave them alone. Maybe . . . well, maybe you and I could . . . finish what we started with them!”

“Not a bad idea, lover. I’m game if you are,” she replied, licking her moist lips provocatively. Dave smiled broadly, put his strong young arms around her and, pulling her towards his nakedness, kissed her long and full on her glistening lips. Maggie snaked out her hand then to grasp his hardened length of hot male flesh and gently began to stroke it with lewd little seductive motions. They each smiled inwardly as their lips met and their tongues darted out in search of one another.

Toby still sat with his mother enfolded in his twelve year old arms and slowly they sank back to the floor and she lay beside him, content to be embraced so warmly by her divinely forgiving son. She nestled happily in the warmth and security of his arms and then she felt a new tingling sensation shiver down her spine as Toby began to kiss away the hot tears on her flushed cheeks. His kisses were light and affectionate but then she began to return his kisses, leaving a trail of wetness along his neck and shoulders where her tears had fallen and soon, as he soothed and comforted her, holding her tighter and tighter, her kisses began to become longer, harder, more obviously passionate. She hardly heard him whimper in confusion as her lips pressed harder and harder against his naked neck, against his strong young shoulders, against his smooth, hairless young chest, around his pink, little-boy nipples . . .

Before she knew what had happened, before Toby had a chance to fully comprehend what was going on, their lips had met in a long, hard, passion-fired kiss — a kiss of lovers! In response, Toby’s boy-cock began to swell and harden and grow from its formerly limp state. Every muscle in his body tensed as he realized what his enlarging penis was doing almost beyond his wishes and he gasped, watching his amplifying instrument crawl along his mother’s soft brown belly, throbbing passionately into hardness against her velvety smooth skin.

“Mom’. . . I . . . gee. I didn’t mean …” the youth stammered.

“Shhh,” his mother whispered, feeling his growing cock against her nakedness that was suddenly inciting a growing lust in her. The feel of it reminded her of her own unfulfilled sexual desires that had been so rudely interrupted and her cunt, left so unsatiated before, now yearned for a hot young cock, and the growing desire of her son now triggered new erotic sensations in her belly. It dawned on her slowly that her son must be feeling the same perverted desire that her naked body had totally aroused his! Well, he was still a boy in her mind . . . still only a twelve year old boy . . . but then, he had sent that young virile penis already smashing into Alice Laver’s greeay young cunt … so perhaps he was becoming a man more rapidly than his own mother realized! She realized now with a sudden clarity that she wanted him, wanted the erect boy-cock of her own son fucking into her now wretchedly frustrated cunt, to fill it with his hot young semen! It couldn’t be wrong! She knew in her heart it was incest, but she couldn’t help herself.

“Oh Toby,” she whispered passionately, trying to hold back the force of her own rampaging lust. She squeezed her already moistened pussy together with her fleshy young thighs, moaning from deep within her throat as the desire overwhelmed her body. She wasn’t quite sure what had happened or why; all she knew was this wicked and unquenchable desire for her naked young son whose pulsing prick was lodged against her soft smooth belly. She knew her desire was wrong, evil, perverted . . . that no sin was worse than the wildfire of desire she now felt for her own precious son . . . and that she couldn’t help herself, that she would ultimately have to satisfy the scorching desire burning in her neglected cunt.

Slowly, tenderly, she moved her trembling fingers along his naked, hairless chest and down to his belly. Her mind was a swirling mass of dazed confusion, her conscience telling her to stop this degrading, repulsive action while her female instincts told her to satisfy her simmering desires no matter what the cost. God, how can I be doing this! With my own precious son! For God’s sake, he’s only twelve years old! Why is it that I cannot stop myself from touching my own son’s penis? God, what is it that I want?

Then, with a sudden, ringing clarity born of frustration, Charline Sutter knew what she wanted, what she had to have, what she could not deny to herself any longer:

/ want to be fucked by my own son! Damn me, yes, I do! I want his hot young cock buried up to the hilt in my yearning cunt! I want Toby to fuck me! Oh God!

Her trembling fingers now moved downwards along his chest and hovered just milimeters away from his rock-hard young cock. Suddenly, she had the boyishly ballooning shaft in her hands, stroking it with gentle, loving fingers. Toby gasped and nearly choked on his own breath. But he made no move to resist, no move to withdraw from the incestuous tableau. Instead, he crushed his naked young body against his mother’s, meeting her lips once again in a lovingly passionate, hot, hard kiss, his tongue expertly darting into the soft warm recesses of her mouth.

Charline now knew that this desire for her son had always been in the back of her mind, living in the base of her cunt, but she would never acknowledge its existence before. Always she had fought against the sinful urge to desire the rampaging cock of her own son. But now, now at last she had succumbed to perhaps the most important desire of her life! Now at last she felt free, unfettered, as if she had been unchained after long years of imprisonment! Now, she saw clearly, too, why she and Dan had developed so many problems together: in denying her passion-crazed desire for Toby, she had tried to replace the sexual love she felt with motherly love. All of her sexual energy, directed at Toby, had been repressed and so she had little sexual energy left for Dan. At least, not sexual energy with love, only the simple, naked animal lust which obviously couldn’t satisfy him. No, a husband should have sex based on mutual love and respect and she had denied her husband that . . . yes, the problems they had been having were her fault, not Dan’s! His obvious sexual ability with little Alice Laver proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt! Oh but now, now Charline Sutter was free, a new woman, one capable of loving both her husband and son in a meaningful, satisfying way!

The young black mother was snapped back to the moment by the feel of Toby’s hotly eager young hands kneading now at the softly resilient flesh of her buttocks and thighs. His whispered breath came hotly into her ear. “Mom, this is … sensational! I always thought it was wrong . . . but not now! I’ve never felt anything . . . quite like this before!”

“Oh, Toby!” his mother cried, the warmth of his lust-hard cock burning through her loins and up like wildfire to her desire-swollen breasts. Toby’s hand on her breast felt like a hotly licking flame while the middle finger of his , other hand began to slide like a red-hot ramrod in and out of her wetly seeping pussy.

“Oh, Mom! God, how I want to fuck you! Yes, I want to fuck you, my own mother,” the twelve year old hissed, growing more and more impassioned with each wetly .fingering stroke into her churning cunt. “I want to fuck you and fuck you until we both cum together,” Joby ranted. “I’ve never wanted anything so badly.”

“Oh, and I want you to fuck me! Yes, I want you to fuck me, my precious son!” Charline wailed. “Get up between my legs and fuck me, son, fuck me now!”

He rolled quickly over on top of her, the tip of his quivering young penis now hovered just above her seething cunt and soon he plunged his hips downwards towards the softly furrowed valley between her wide-splayed thighs, grinding his desire-hardened young cock deep into his mother’s steaming, creamy cunt.

“Ooooh God,” she groaned as she felt him fucking deeply up into the tightly clasping channel so that now the young black mother’s openly pulsating pussy was totally filled by her own precious twelve year old’s cock, just as she had been longing for, yearning for, craving for so long!

“Oh, Toby!” Charline moaned as, wanting him still deeper up inside her, she suddenly rolled them both over, still skewered by his hard young boy-cock, so that she was now straddling his young nakedness from above. She dropped her head to his chest so that it nestled in the curve of his shoulder as she now assumed a kneeling position above him. “Yes, my son, yes my boy-lover, fuck up into me good!. Oh fuck me so hard I won’t be able to walk! God, Toby, fuck me good!”

Those were the first words that Dan Sutter heard when he entered the room. His eyes flew open in horrified disbelief when he saw Toby, his bronze, naked body pumping beneath the kneeling naked figure of Charline. The boys’ hands kneaded and played tenderly along the satiny-smooth flesh of her buttocks and one outstretched finger teased along the tiny crevice of her tiny puckered anus and his other hand fondled the softly folding furrows of her hair-fringed pussy lips while his spearing granite-hard young cock thrust into her greedily clutching vaginal corridor, again and again, in and out like a hotly working piston.

Neither of them heard Dan gasp, especially when his eyes discerned the nakedly fucking figures of Dave and Maggie nearby, nor when he heard the unmistakable sounds of Ted and Alice off in the darkness of a secluded corner. What in the hell is going on here? Gloria was right! The mystified, shocked young husband could do nothing for several long moments but stare at the incestuous picture before his eyes and at first he wanted to scream. He realized almost intuitively that this was not his wife’s first encounter with another man . . . not by a long shot!

But the more he watched, the more he saw of his own beautiful brown wife being fucked by the hotly plundering prick of her own son … the more aware he became of how right

Gloria had been before. Yes, he liked sex and wanted it — so why shouldn’t his wife? He had proven to himself that sex without love was not only possible but could be highly pleasurable and rewarding — so why shouldn’t his wife have discovered the same fundamental truth? And the more he watched . . . the more he watched his son’s glistening young prick reaming in and out of Charline’s lust-lubricated, petal-like cunt . . . the more he watched Dave Johnson fucking like a demon into Maggie Miller’s eagerly receptive passion . . . the more he heard the ecstatic sighs and groans of Ted and Alice . . . the more he wanted to fuck someone himself! Yes, his cock was growing hard, hard, harder with excited lust … he wanted more than anything else in the world at that moment to fuck madly into his own precious little wife . . .

He had hurriedly thrown on his pants in the bedroom before coming and now he removed them with equal haste. Running across the floor to his wife and son, he peered down at them, then knelt beside them, his cock straight and hard and driven by a fevered lust. “Charline!” he whispered. “I want to fuck you! I want to fuck you right now!”

The young black mother’s eyes flew open and she gazed up at her handsome dark-skinned husband with longing and love. “Yes, darling, fuck me! Yes, I want you inside me, too . . . both of you, fucking into me at once!

Yes, please, Dan, I love you and want you!”

Dan did not delay. With happy determination he lunged his long hot hardness directly between her nakedly upturned buttocks and she felt a sudden jab of pain when his lust-bloated cock head pressed hotly into her tightly puckered anus. He caught hold of her shoulders and rammed into her as hard as he could, slamming his entire long hot hardness into the elastic ring of her rectal mouth until his cum-laden balls slapped down between her wide-splayed thighs below. Soon her momentary pain dissolved into sublime rapture as both father and son fucked into her in rhythmic, ecstatic unison, fucking their lust-hardened cocks deep up into her rectal and cuntal canals, with only the thin tissue of membrane between separating their salaciously impaling instruments.

Dan fucked mercilessly into her rectal passage as he felt the final culmination of her erotic efforts convulse through her thrashing, struggling, naked brown body just as his own heated passion-fire exploded into a wildfire climax, shooting his scalding white cum into the dark regions of her rectal cavern. Her body nakedly squirmed as the spasm of sublime release shuddered through it and it was only seconds later that he heard his son wailing like a lust-driven naimal, “I’m cummmmmmmming! Aaaauuuugh!”

The young black mother heaved and bucked against the twin force of the two spewing, wildly jerking cocks and the blinding impact of her own passion-pounding cum nearly made her faint dead away! Never, never before in all her life had she felt such sublime and mind-blinding pleasure from sex! Never before had she achieved such a mesmerizing height of erotic, ecstatic carnal rapture!

Finally, the young mother fell forward, completely exhausted and thoroughly satisfied. Both Dan and Toby stayed deep up inside her cum-filled belly for a while, their now deflating cocks locked tightly up inside her satiated orifices, their sperm still oozing out of her body in thin white trickles. At last, they both withdrew and all three sighed contentedly, nearly in unison. Toby’s bright young eyes smiled at his naked, happy mother and Dan’s tender hands stroked her naked back and squeezed the nape of her neck as his eyes wandered over the sexual marvel that was her glistening brown flesh.

Dan looked up then, suddenly aware of another presence hovering over their bodies. His eyes finally focused on Ted Thompson’s smiling face above them, his whitely glistening cock dangling near Dan’s face, hungrily climbing towards a new erection. “Well,” he said cheerfully, “how about sharing the wealth, old man? Dave and I are getting restless!”

Chapter Nine

Charline Sutter happily worked in her kitchen on a warm summer morning about a week later, preparing a hearty breakfast for the two most important men in her life, her husband Dan and her son Toby. The coffee was already perking on the stove as she set plates on the table along with three large glasses or orange juice, toast and an enormous plate of scrambled eggs and bacon which she had just prepared. A light-hearted smile played on her lips and shined in her eyes as she called out, “Come on! Hurry up before the eggs get cold!”

We three need a nice big breakfast after last night! I’ve never experienced anything so wonderfully satisfying as having both my husband and my son in the same bed with me all night long, fucking, fucking and then fucking some more! My God, why didn’t we discover this exciting kind of love a long time ago?

Twelve year old Toby wandered into the kitchen first, his eyes still swollen with sleep but happy; he was dressed only in a tight pair of cut-off blue jeans, his hairless young virile chest with its smooth skin an enticing sight for his young mother as her eyes followed him across the room. Then Dan came in, zipping up his trousers, and sat down at the table, hungrily gulping down the entire glass of orange juice in one long gulp. Charline then took her appointed place at the table and began to serve out the eggs and bacon.

“You know,” she said almost dreamily, her voluptuous young breasts heaving and dancing through the sheer, see-through material of her robe, her hardening nipples straining against the thin material, “I’ve been thinking.”

“Oh?” her husband replied, catching the seductivenesss of her voice, feeling his cock jerking already beneath his trousers. “And just what have you been thinking about, darling?”

“I’ve been thinking . . . that after we’ve had such wonderful times at Ted Thompson’s parties . . . perhaps we ought to have a nice little party of our own.”

“Oh yes!” Toby agreed enthusiastically, feeling his young cock begin to dance at the thought of yet another exciting sexual orgy. “Yes, I think that’s a great idea!”

“Urn,” his mother crooned, looking fondly at her handsome young son, feeling the waves of desire already sweeping through her passion-flaring cunt, “yes, I thought you would. And I think we can make it an even more exciting party if we do something . . . well, a little bit different.”

“What did you have in mind?” her husband asked, a lecherous grin slowly forming on his face.

“Well, I thought that perhaps we could rent a movie projector . . . and then some films . . . I’ve never seen one of those films myself . . . but I think it might add just the right touch to our party! What do you think, Dan?”

“I think,” he replied proudly, “that I’ve discovered a whole new woman in my beautiful wife. And I think she’s a pretty sensational woman!” he concluded, laughing so uproariously that Charline and Toby began laughing too. “And I also think I know exactly where I can get some films …”