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The Wife’s Orgy Urge 3.



“At least give it a chance,” Rita coaxed. Sam and Mandi were spending the afternoon at her house watching x-rated videos and, she hoped, getting so horny that they could not resist what she was offering.

“I told you at the very beginning, no men,” Sam said angrily. She was standing up, hands on her hips, her muscular naked body looking like a coiled spring.

“Just let her finish,” Mandi said from a nearby chair, keeping her eyes on the sweaty body of the man on the TV screen.

“See what you’re doing!” Sam exploded, but behind her angry voice there was a touch of fear.

It suddenly occurred to Rita that these two girls had been in her dream of the neighborhood orgy. “What would you say if I told you that I had a dream in which you both fucked my husband?”

“I’d say you were crazy,” Sam said.

“Never mind that right now. Listen, I know a man who is gentle and caring. A man who would never force you to do anything,” Rita said.

“There aren’t any men like that!” Sam snapped and perched on the arm of Mandi’s chair, putting her arm around the blonde.

“A man who gives just as much as he takes,” Rita continued.

Mandi looked beseechingly at Sam. “Let’s at least meet him. We don’t have to do it with him.”

“I thought you’d begun to trust me,” Rita said.

“We do, but …” Sam began and then looked away, shaking her head.

At that moment, Rita realized that Sam was afraid of losing Mandi to a man. Mandi was easily swayed and was the first to trust Rita enough to let her fuck her up the ass with the dildo while Chip watched. It had taken Sam longer and she would eventually give in. If not this time, then very soon.

“Where is this guy?” Sam asked suddenly.

“He lives nearby. I can call and see if he’s free,” Rita said eagerly.

Mandi squeezed Sam’s hand and nodded encouragingly. At last Sam nodded to Rita.

“It’s all set,” Rita announced happily, coming out of the bedroom. “He’s not doing anything this afternoon and said he would love some company.”

“Why can’t he come here?” Sam asked suspiciously.

“It would be better at his house. Besides, he’s got the world’s greatest collection of fuck books you’ve ever seen,” Rita said, excitement creeping into her voice.

The three of them dressed in cool shorts and t-shirts and walked the short distance to David Kelly’s house.

“Don’t push or hurry. Just relax and let things happen naturally,” she told them when they rang the doorbell.

David Kelly opened the door and maneuvered his wheelchair expertly aside as he invited them in.

“I was wondering when you were going to give me a call,” he scolded Rita, but his eyes were undressing her.

She bent and kissed him warmly, thinking that she hardly noticed his wheelchair simply because of his hungry eyes. “I’ve been busy. Wait till I tell you what’s been going on.”

“Too busy for cock?” he teased, looking down the front of her shirt at her hard nipples.

“Too busy with cock,” Rita shot back and patted his hand which rested lightly on her hip.

“Please forgive my manners,” David explained to Mandi and Sam, “Rita makes me a little bit crazy.”

“Rita makes everybody crazy,” Mandi said with a sweet smile, but Sam remained silent.

“David, this is Mandi,” Rita said, moving to stand between the two girls and putting her arms around their shoulders. “And this is Sam.”

“Very nice to meet you,” David said with sincerity, and Rita saw him taking inventory just as he had done with her.

“These are my partners in crime, you might say,” Rita said with a giggle. And then she proceeded to tell him about B&T Videos, their jobs and all the things she had been doing lately. As Rita talked, David escorted them into his living room where he offered refreshments.

“You mean the three of you made a tape together?” he questioned when they were settled.

Rita nodded happily. “No men.”

“Wow! Rita, I never figured you to swing both ways,” he said thoughtfully. “She’s very good,” Mandi said quietly. David agreed.

“I don’t consider myself bi-sexual but sexual, giving and receiving pleasure from whatever partner I happen to be with at the time,” Rita said as though just discovering this about herself.

“Well, I’m lesbian through and through,” Sam said proudly.

“And I only go for girls,” David said, then they all looked at Mandi.

“I guess I’m bi. Lately I’ve thought about trying something different,” she almost whispered and did not meet Sam’s stony gaze.

Suddenly Rita laughed. “We didn’t come here to discuss our sexual preferences. I just thought Sam and Mandi should meet a real gentleman.”

“Thank you,” David said.

“You know, David, you should make some of those tapes. The pay is great and you’re certainly built for it,” Rita said.

“Now, Rita …” David began, but she cut him off.

“I mean it. You guys should see the tube steak he keeps hidden away from all us females,” she said to Sam and Mandi.


“Show them!”

“Yes, let us see it,” Mandi said eagerly and even Sam was looking interested again.

Slower than necessary, David unzipped his pants and hauled his semi-hard monster cock out into the open.

“I told you,” Rita said. Mandi and Sam gazed at it open-mouthed and Rita reached out to touch it. It stiffened immediately and she smeared his pre-cum over the bulbous head then licked her fingers. “I’ve never known a man whose pre-cum tasted this sweet. I think he puts sugar in it.” Mandi giggled.

“Here, taste it,” Rita said, scooping up more of the pearly fluid with her fingertips and offering it to Mandi. When Mandi’s tongue flicked out to taste her fingers, David groaned as if she had licked his cock.

“It’s true, Sam. Taste it,” Mandi told her friend and Rita repeated the procedure with Sam.

“You’ve probably got something sweet on your fingers,” Sam accused.

“Then taste it straight from the faucet,” Rita challenged.

Sam strode purposefully toward David who was sitting quietly watching the three women with an amused grin on his face. Without touching his prick any other way, she leaned forward, engulfed the head in her mouth and sucked for a few seconds.

“Well?” Mandi questioned.

“She’s right,” Sam said in amazement, still on her knees between his legs.

“Here, let me taste it,” Mandi said and joined her friend on the floor. They took turns sucking and licking David’s big prick while Rita nibbled his ears and kissed his neck.

“Listen,” David hissed, his face covered with beads of sweat. “If you’ll let me get out of these clothes and get on the bed, I’m sure we can all enjoy this a lot more.”

“Okay,” Rita said reluctantly, and Mandi and Sam let him go.

A few minutes later he was lying on his big bed, naked with his cock sticking up like a baseball bat. The three naked girls stood alongside him as if waiting for instructions. “Sam, I’d sure like to taste that shaved cunt of yours and see if your inside muscles are as good as the ones outside.”

“They are,” Sam assured him and straddled his face. She sighed audibly when his tongue began working its magic on her cunt-slit and he squeezed and pinched her tits.

“It’ll never fit,” Mandi said to Rita who was coating the blonde’s pussy with strawberry-flavored lubricant.

“Sure it will. Let me show you,” Rita said reassuringly. She helped Mandi position herself just over the head of David’s cock and showed her how to lower herself onto it a little at a time. Even after Mandi’s own natural lubrication was flowing and she had begun riding up and down on the fat cock, she was unable to get it all the way in.

Sam and Mandi faced each other over David, one riding on his cock, the other on his tongue, and they took this opportunity to kiss and fondle each other’s tits. Rita tossed some pillows on the floor, sank into them and began playing with her dripping pussy. The bed squeaked, Mandi and Sam oh’d and ah’d while they sucked each other’s tits and David fucked them thoroughly from both ends.

Their sounds and movements grew more frenzied and then Sam stiffened and squealed, “I’m coming!”

Seconds later Mandi slammed her body down on the last few inches of David’s cock and added her own animal sounds to Sam’s wails. Rita’s own lusty cries filled the room as she reached a peak of excitement and crammed three fingers inside her clutching cunt.

David waited patiently while the two girls caught their breath, leaning on each other for support. They were in charge and he was happy to let them call the shots.

“Do you wanna trade places?” Mandi asked, crawling off David’s cock and offering the slick prick to Sam.

Sam eyed it cautiously as if it might bite.

“Try it,” Rita whispered.

Slowly and carefully, Sam lowered herself onto David’s cock, taking all of him easily and then helped Mandi to sit on his face. The wild ride began again, and Rita watched from the floor where she was fucking herself with all four fingers of her right hand.

It took a little longer this time, but soon their cries of pleasure filled the room as their tempo increased. Mandi came first, grunting like an animal and pinching her nipples. Sam ground her crotch savagely against David’s and yelled, “Fuck me, you bastard, fuck me!”

Rita saw her thick cunt-juices flowing over his balls and onto the bed. These sights and sounds brought on her own orgasm and she shuddered through it, continuing to finger-fuck herself.

David was still very much in control of himself, and Sam and Mandi had something else in mind.

“Top drawer,” Rita heard him say, and then she saw Sam strapping on a dildo, much like the one she had used on her.

Mandi returned to the squatting position on his face, but this time leaned forward and took his throbbing, slick prick in her mouth. She held onto it with both hands and sucked and licked the head hungrily. Then she began easing it into her mouth, not really getting much inside but making sure what did get inside was treated well.

Sam got back onto the bed, spread David’s legs apart and Rita saw Mandi’s head dip very low for a few moments while she held his balls out of the way and tongued his asshole. When it was lubricated well with her saliva, Mandi sucked the dildo that Sam wore with almost as much loving care as she had used on David’s prick. When Sam stepped away, Mandi’s mouth returned to David’s cock.

Rita was too fascinated with the scene to finger herself any longer, but both hands were between her legs, squeezing her oozing cunt-mound. She sat on her knees beside the bed, her head resting near David’s leg so she could get a good view. While Sam sucked David’s prick, she held his balls aside and Sam began working the dildo in his ass.

Once it was all the way in and Sam was sure he had adjusted to the invasion, she began pumping in and out of his clutching asshole. Now, David was making all the noise, muffled moans and whimpers, while Mandi rubbed her sloppy cunt back and forth on his face and sucked even harder on his cock.

Mandi came first, moaning around his prick, and then Sam slammed her prick in his ass one last time and came in long shuddering gasps. At last, David lost control and Rita actually saw his prick pulse in Mandi’s mouth. Mandi caught the first stream of his huge load. Sam pushed her aside and caught the next stream, and Rita, who could stand it no longer, got the next stream. With grunts and growls, David continued to spurt, and after the girls had swallowed all they could, they rubbed it all over themselves and the exhausted man beneath them.

By mutual agreement, the three women snuggled next to David on the bed and slept. Rita awoke first, crept out of bed quietly and left. She had done her part, Sam and Mandi were over their initial fear, now it was up to David to show them what they’d been missing. There was no doubt in her mind that he would do just that.

Chapter Eleven

“Rita, I wonder if I could ask a favor of you?” Brad’s voice cut through the phone into her sleepy brain.

“Sure,” Rita said, sitting up in bed a little confused. During the last few weeks they had stepped up the schedule and Rita was working almost every day, but today was her day off.

“I have a friend. His name is Jud Samson. Do you know him?”

“No,” Rita answered.

“He lives across the lake in that little cottage. Anyway, his wife left him a few months ago and he’s got a little problem.”

“He’s horny?” Rita asked with a lusty laugh; after all, that was her department.

“Not exactly.” Brad paused, searching for the right words. “Hell, Rita, he can’t get it up. His wife really did a number on his brain and he thinks he’s impotent.”

“How can I help?” Rita asked, knowing full well what the answer would be.

“Just go out there and make him feel like a stud. If anyone can do it, you can,” Brad said.

Rita laughed again, more than willing to carry out Brad’s request. She couldn’t even remember the last time Eric had fucked her. Most of the time he came home after she went to sleep and left before she got up. If not for the sex she got doing her part-time job, she’d lose her mind. “I’ll do it just for you,” she said. “Just for me, my ass,” Brad answered and hung up the phone.

She showered, and dressed carefully, not wanting to appear too sexy and scare Jud, but yet not wanting to be too demure. She finally chose a feminine sundress with lots of lace and just a hint of seductiveness. Underneath she wore a pair of pristine, white panties, no slip and no stockings. Her eyes, burning fever bright were the only clue to what was going on in her head. With her hair piled high on her head and her feet enclosed in high-heeled sandals, she went out to the garage and siphoned most of the gas out of the tank of her car, climbed inside and drove around the lake. Just as she passed Jud Samson’s house, the car coughed, sputtered and died.

Feeling and looking sweet and fresh, she went to the house and knocked at the door. He did not open it right away and, thinking he had gone out, Rita started to leave. Finally the door opened to reveal a slim, bearded, barefoot man in paint-spattered jeans and a work shirt.

“Mr. Samson?” she questioned.

He nodded, tired, empty eyes looking at, but not really seeing her.

“My name is Rita Roberts. I live on the other side of the lake,” she said brightly.

There was a glimmer of recognition on his face and he nodded again.

“Mr. Samson, my car quit. I wonder if I could use your phone or perhaps you might be able to help me get it started?” she said with a pleading look.

“Uh-sure-uh-just a minute,” Jud stammered as if he found it difficult to talk, and suddenly came to life. He disappeared inside the house for a few seconds and then opened the screen door and followed Rita across the porch, down the steps and out to the road where her car was parked. She pretended to pay close attention, giving him worried but encouraging looks from time to time while he tried to start the car. Under the hood, he checked cables, wires and connections and then her returned to the driver’s seat and began to laugh. It was hearty, booming laughter. “Mrs. Roberts, you’re out of gas.”

Rita joined in his laughter, pretending to be embarrassed at such a silly mistake.

“Don’t worry. I’ll call the gas station and they’ll bring some out here in a jiffy,” he said, still chuckling softly and they walked together back to the house.

Jud made the phone call and then turned to Rita. “He says it’ll be a little while. Are you in a hurry?”

Rita shrugged and one of the thin straps holding up her dress slid off her shoulder revealing the alluring curve of her tit.

“Not really,” she said and pushed the strap back into place-slowly.

Jud turned away from her but not before Rita saw that he had noticed her intentional nakedness. “Would you like some coffee?”

As he busied himself with the coffee, Rita sat primly on the sofa looking around the cluttered room.

“Here ya go,” Jud announced, returning with a tray which he placed on the coffee table between them.

Rita leaned forward and put sugar and cream into her cup, giving Jud plenty of time to look at her pointed nipples. Then she leaned back, sipped the hot coffee and shot him a sultry glance over the cup.

“Ummmmm!” she purred, running her tongue over her lips seductively.

Jud swallowed hard and Rita saw that his eyes still looked tired but the emptiness was gone. She crossed her legs, revealing a good portion of smooth, tanned thigh and kept her eyes on the man sitting across from her, letting them do all the talking.

He shifted his position several times and tried to look away from her, but his eyes always came back to her bare legs. The bulge in his pants grew longer and more uncomfortable, but Rita continued to watch him and then she dipped a perfectly manicured finger in her cup of coffee, brought it to her mouth, and licked it dry with exaggerated motions.

Jud Samson changed positions again and knocked his cup off the table. As the dark liquid spilled across the table, he swore and jumped to clean it up.

Rita grabbed a napkin and leaned forward to help him. Their hands touched and their eyes met.

“Mr. Samson, do I upset you?” she asked innocently.

He did not answer but the heat in the room was suddenly unbearable. Rita let her eyes travel from his face down to his bulging crotch and back again.

“Why, Mr. Samson, I do believe you’ve got a hard-on,” she said in mock shock.

Jud jumped to his feet quickly, almost overturning his cup again, and turned away from her.

“It’s all your fault, lady,” he groaned and rubbed his aching cock. “My fault?”

“Yes, my wife left me a few months ago. I’ve been dating a lot and things go just fine until I take them home,” he confessed without turning to face her.

“They turn you down?”

“No, hell, no, I almost wish they would. They’re hot and ready but I haven’t been able to get it up.” His voice cracked as he whirled around and the tortured look on his face broke Rita’s heart. “Then, when I’m confronted with an innocent, married woman, it decides to come to life.”

She stood up, allowing her dress strap to fall off her shoulder again and touched his face. “I don’t think we should let it go to waste, do you.”

He took a deep breath. His eyes took in the soft curve of her tit as it rose and fell with her suddenly rapid breathing. “Lady, do you know how dangerous it is to tease a man like that?”

“I’m not teasing,” Rita said with a wink and then dropped the other strap of her dress and it fell to her waist.

Naked from the waist up, she stepped closer to him, rubbing her nipples against the rough material of his shirt and kissed him lightly.

“Lady,” he said with that same warning tone in his voice.

“Rita. My name is Rita and I’d love to see what you’re hiding in there.” She rubbed her hand up and down his zipper, pressing a little harder with each stroke.

Jud couldn’t seem to find his hands or take his eyes off her pointed nipples so Rita took the initiative and unbuckled his belt. Her skillful hands unsnapped his jeans and lowered the zipper. As she eased his pants and shorts down over his hard-muscled ass, her hands caressed the smooth skin and she dropped to her knees in front of the throbbing cock that pointed skyward. His cock wasn’t long, maybe seven inches but he was certainly meaty and Rita let out a little groan as she manipulated his uncut cock.

“Jesus,” Jud hissed, looking down at her lovely face just inches from his cock. Rita planted a light kiss on the head of his cock and flicked it teasingly with her tongue. Then she cupped his balls and drew his cock deep into her mouth, savoring the taste and feel of the hard muscle.

“Jesus,” he whispered again, but this time he closed his eyes and fought to keep from throwing her on the floor and ripping off her clothes.

Sensing his urgent need, Rita let his prick slip from her mouth slowly, dropped her dress to the floor and hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties.

“Wait,” Jud said softly. He stepped out of his pants and fell to his knees. He grasped her panties and slid them down her long, lean thighs as he licked the naked flesh. Rita groaned as his tongue dipped into her pussy, spread her legs apart and pushed her pussy farther onto his tongue.

“So sweet,” Jud said softly and stood up. “God, I gotta fuck it!”

“Like I said, let’s not let that go to waste,” Rita purred, grasping his throbbing cock and leading him to the sofa.

Even though Jud was in a hurry, he took the time to suck and nibble at Rita’s perfectly shaped tits while his hand snaked between her parted legs. Two fingers slid easily into her dripping cunt while his thumb teased her clit.

“Ahhhh!” she sighed as he slipped another finger inside and pumped them in and out a few times, forcing her to spread her legs farther. “Fuck me, Jud!”

She moaned and clung to his broad shoulders while he positioned himself between her legs.

“Help me,” he said softly.

With gentle, coaxing hands, Rita guided the head of his prick to her open cunt and watched while it slid inside.

“God, you’re so big!” she cooed and squeezed his prick with her strong cunt-muscles.

Their eyes met as he began a slow in-and-out motion. She knew he wouldn’t last long-this time.

“Yeah, that’s it big man, fuck me good,” Rita continued talking softly, urgently. “I can feel your balls against my ass.”

She grunted when he began thrusting deeper and harder.

“Hurt me! Tear my cunt wide open with that monster of yours.” She met him thrust for thrust, bit his shoulder and urged him even deeper with her hands on his ass.

Jud grunted.

Rita felt her own orgasm beginning. “Come on, baby, fuck me. Make me come. I want to feel you shoot your load inside me!”

Jud growled and pounded her into the sofa, holding onto her ass and emptying his load deep inside her womb.

Rita felt the first spurts, just as her orgasm swept over her and when she came down to earth, he was still fucking with abandon, still spurting.

“Baby! Baby! Baby!” he howled and pulled his still-hard cock from her clutching pussy and shoved it up her unprotected ass.

Rita squealed in a mixture of pain and pleasure but Jud’s fingers were on her clit immediately, bringing her to another bone-shattering orgasm. He fucked her ass for about five minutes while using his fingers to bring her off several times. Then he growled and spurted another load in her ass. She watched in amazement as he sailed off to ecstasy. Just when she thought he was finally spent, he pulled his prick out of her ass, straddled her belly and started jacking off.

“Let me,” Rita pleaded, curving her fingers around his slimy, hot prick. She had never seen anything like this. He had come in her pussy, in her ass and now she was jacking him off. She watched in fascination as he fucked her hand, sweat streaming down his face, gasping for breath, and shot another boiling load into her open mouth. At last, with a strangled whimper he eased himself off her cum-filled body and collapsed on the floor.

“Jud,” Rita said softly stroking his wet hair. “That was wonderful.”

“It’s been so long. I didn’t think I’d ever fuck again. I know better now.” Then after a few minutes he asked, “Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head and kissed him warmly. “I loved it. You’re something else.”

“If you can hang around awhile, I’ll show you something else,” Jud promised.

“I’ve got all day,” Rita said and while she cradled his head in her arms, Jud nuzzled her tits like a hungry baby. With a contented smile she closed her eyes. Knowing she had brought his confidence back was all the thanks she needed.

Chapter Twelve

As Nancy skillfully applied Rita’s make-up, Rita tried to start a conversation, but Chip’s sister was uninterested. The girl always treated her coldly and Rita had no idea why.

Even though Rita had grown accustomed to the routine of making videos for B&T, she always got excited just before taping. This tape, however, was something altogether different. They had asked her to do something she had never done before; never dreamed she would do and Rita tried doubly hard to get Nancy to talk to her to help quell the mounting nervousness that was making her giddy.

Lapsing into silence, Rita began to wonder if she should follow her instincts and cancel out at the last minute. She had made the decision against her better judgment, but then she met the man, talked with him, and found herself liking him, swayed by his easy, comfortable manners.

Nancy finished with her make-up and stepped aside while Rita continued to admire herself in the mirror. The white satin gown was cut low in front, slit up both sides and tied with soft bows on her shoulders. It was short, barely covering her ass-cheeks which were encased in a pair of panties that was a mere wisp of shiny white fluff. The outfit contrasted vividly with her tanned arms and legs and dark coloring.

She suddenly realized that Nancy was studying her reflection in the mirror just as closely but with an angry scowl on her face. Rita opened her mouth to say something but a sharp rap on the door meant it was time to go. She took a deep breath and left the room without a backward glance at Nancy.

The bedroom set had been replaced by a living room which at first glance looked like it was full of snow drifts. It was dominated by a huge, white velvet sofa sitting on thick white carpet.

The walls were white and there were mountains of white satin pillows everywhere. Her lover was crouched beside a fake fireplace which resembled white brick. Rita felt strange when she stepped inside the circle of blazing lights as if she had entered another world.

“Looks real, doesn’t it?” Mike said, rising to his feet with the easy grace of an athlete. He was dressed in a pale-blue satin shirt and white slacks and looked even more handsome than when they had first met.

Rita nodded and suddenly felt very naked as his eyes caressed her.

“What do you think?” she asked nervously.

“I say you look just like a vanilla ice-cream cone, so sweet and good to eat,” he commented and licked his lips.

Rita laughed and felt her nervousness beginning to slip away.

“Okay, we better get started,” Tammy said. “I know how you like to take your time, Mike, but I only rented this furniture for one day.”

Both of them nodded in her direction, barely able to see her because of the lights. While Rita arranged herself in a seductive position on the sofa with a pillow between her legs, Mike unbuttoned his shirt and let it hang open. He went to her side, winked slyly so the camera wouldn’t see and then put his arm around her shoulder. His hand touched the upper part of her tit and Rita felt her nipple come to life.

“Stop it!” she snapped and pushed his hand away.

“Come on, baby, I’ve known you since we were kids, and I’ve wanted you since I was old enough to know what it meant,” he argued.

Rita relented slightly. “But you’re my brother’s best friend.”

“That makes it even better,” he said, and this time he skipped the pretense of putting his arm around her. His hand went straight to her jutting tits, cupping and kneading the tit-globe gently through the thin fabric.

“Bill would kill you if he knew what you were trying to do,” Rita said, although her voice had weakened.

“He told me to go for it. Said he’d go after you himself if you weren’t his baby sister,” Mike said quietly and then his free hand found her other tit.

This was it. Now she was supposed to give up the struggle and give in to this man. It would not be difficult, he was handsome, charming and his hands were doing wonderful things to excite her, but Rita had never slept with a Mexican before. She had heard all her life about Mexicans and how they were fantastic in bed. Well, now she was going to find out for sure and the knowledge excited and frightened her at the same time.

As Mike continued to knead her swollen tits, bringing small whimpers of desire from her, Rita looked up from the pillows into deep brown eyes and then she took in the hard-muscled body that was crouched over her like a panther. The shoulders were broad, straining the material of the shirt stretched across them, the biceps so big her hands looked like a child’s as they clutched at them spasmodically. Her eyes drifted lower to take in the flat, rippled belly and even lower to gaze at the crotch of his slacks, wondering, wondering. Yet, she couldn’t seem to keep from looking into those fathomless, hypnotizing brown eyes.

The camera whirred softly and the lights blazed silently around them. As usual, Tammy and anyone else who happened to be in the room while they were taping were quiet. In fact, Tammy rarely said much after she set up the opening scene. She and Brad selected their people because they loved sex and behaved accordingly. No directing was needed once they got started.

Rita quivered with excitement. She always felt this way when they were taping, but today was different; this man was different. He hadn’t even kissed her yet and she was loose and moist between her legs.

Up until now he had been caressing her through the fabric of her nightie, but he pushed it aside, exposing her creamy tits to his gaze. Rita looked down to see the brown hand touching her skin. She looked pale in comparison and the sight almost took her breath away. His touch was gentle, coaxing as he pinched and manipulated her nipples, exciting her beyond reason. She suddenly wanted him to be rough and put her hands over his, creating an even more startling vision of contrast.

She looked up at him again, into those brown eyes, and he was smiling. Reaching for him, she pulled his mouth to hers and his kiss sent bolts of electricity down her spine. Their tongues touched, danced together and then she sucked him deep into her mouth while her hands twisted in the hair at the back of his neck. Without seeming to move, he eased her onto her back on the sofa. Her hands fluttered here and there over his body as if they had never touched a man before, and Mike began to undress her. In seconds, his task was complete and she lay before him, naked, longing for his hands to return to her body.

The brown eyes that entranced Rita took in her beautiful body and the man shook his head, anticipating the time when she would become his; if only for a short time.

Unable to stand the suspense any longer, Rita began fondling her own tits and belly and she saw her reflection in Mike’s eyes as they snaked their way down to her itchy cunt-mound.

“Can’t wait?” he asked softly.

Rita shook her head and parted her legs slightly to allow her fingers to move deeper.

As Mike leaned forward to kiss her, he chuckled. Then he grabbed her hands and, clasping both of them in one of his over her head, he kissed the jiggling, bouncing tits of the struggling woman beneath him. The more he sucked and licked at the nipples the more she struggled, and it excited him, this pleasurable torture. His free hand that had been resting on her belly began making slow circular motions, dipping lower each time, until finally one finger parted the puffy lips of her pussy and disappeared in her black cunt-bush.

“Dear God!” Rita wailed as the finger entered her steamy cunt, only bringing her one step closer to her peak while Mike began to bite gently on her nipples.

He removed his finger from her pussy, rubbed her warm liquid onto her clit and then put it back into her clutching cunt. It was joined by another finger, and Mike began a gentle fucking motion, making sure to touch her clit with each inward stroke.

“Make me come, please!” Rita begged and hunched against his fingers.

With her arms still held above her head, her face contorted in desire, her body struggling for release, Mike thought he had never seen a more beautiful sight. He lowered his mouth to her tit again, brought his thumb into full contact with her clit and pumped his fingers in and out of her to meet her thrusting pelvis.

“Oh, God!” Rita panted. “Oh, God! Oh, God!”

And then her words became an unintelligible wail, her body stiffened and warm liquid coated Mike’s hand.

He continued to work his fingers in and out of her for a few more minutes and then, when her face relaxed, became peaceful again, he released her hands. Standing up, facing the camera, Mike unbuttoned his pants and let them slide down his strong thick-muscled legs. His prick slapped his belly as it was freed, and Rita gasped.

Sticking out of his thatch of black pubic hair was one of the longest pricks she had ever seen. Though not as thick as David’s, it was longer and it was hard and throbbing. Without a thought, she slid off the sofa to her knees at his feet and began kissing and licking the pearly drops of pre-cum that coated the velvet cock-head.

“Yeah, baby, lick it! Get it good and wet for Daddy,” Mike breathed as he watched her red lips and pink tongue work on his cock.

Then he stepped back and sank onto the sofa while she continued to lick his prick on all fours. Her upturned ass gave the camera a good view of her dripping cunt and then it zoomed in on her sucking mouth. She had engulfed the head of Mike’s spit-slick cock and was inching his prick slowly into her mouth. His guttural growls and moans covered any other sound that might be in the room, and the taste of his cock and the sound of his pleasure made Rita long for a full pussy again.

Holding his cock up out of the way, she pushed her face between his thighs and tongued his balls, first one and then the other, and then she stuffed them both in her mouth. Then, desire leading the way, Rita’s tongue found his puckered asshole and Mike’s moans grew louder. With one hand gently stroking his cock, the other kneading his balls and her tongue probing into his hot asshole, Rita listened to the man squeal with delight.

Finally, her mouth returned to his prick and she began sucking him again. Mike smiled down at her, content just to watch her mouth stretch around his cock. He thought he could probably last for hours this way, but he knew that Tammy didn’t have the time or patience for that. Grasping his prick in his hand, Mike pulled it out of her mouth and rubbed it on her cheeks and lips over and over again. Rita felt as if she could spend the rest of her life sucking his cock, and enjoyed the feel of it on her face. Raising up on her knees, she cupped her tits and offered them to him. The touch of his hot prick on her sensitive nipples made her groan and squeeze the doughy flesh around his cock. He fucked the tight spot gently for a few minutes and then pulled her to her feet. Still seated on the sofa, his head resting on the back, Rita stood with a leg on either side of him and squatted.

His face disappeared in her pussy and his tongue felt as long as his prick. Rita tossed her head back, whimpered, and rode his face with her dripping cunt. Mike’s hands cupped her ass, pulled the yielding flesh apart, revealing Rita’s pink, puckered asshole to the camera and then one of his fingers invaded the hole and Rita grunted.

Again, Mike wanted to do this for hours, but he knew that Tammy wanted action. Literally lifting Rita off his face, he stood up. Holding her by her narrow waist he, again, lifted her. Her eyes grew big and round as she saw what he was doing, but she held onto his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his ass. Her cunt was tight around his prick as he slid it inside her farther and farther, actually impaling her on his cock while he was standing up.

She was light, but fucking in this standing-up position was a little awkward and not really good for the camera shots. After a few moments, he placed her on her back on the sofa and held her legs apart by the ankles so the camera could see his prick pistoning in and out of her slimy wet cunt.

Rita was hunching against him, meeting his thrusts with strong ones of her own while her clasping cunt stroked and squeezed his cock, making him want to empty his balls.

“Fuck me, you bastard!” Rita shouted. “Gimme all that cock!”

Her words made him grin because he knew she wasn’t acting. She really meant what she was saying, and then he felt the first convulsing of her pussy. He wanted to come inside her, fill that tight little cunt with his load, but he knew the rules.

This time, Rita came back to reality more slowly, and she saw Tammy motioning for them to wind it up. Reluctantly, she returned her gaze to those brown hypnotic eyes and silently apologized to Mike for what she had to do. Pulling the slimy cock from her pussy, Rita began jacking him off with firm, measured strokes and in seconds, the shiny brown cock was spitting stream after stream of white cum onto Rita’s tits. Their moans died down and then they collapsed in each other’s arms.

“Quite a show. Wonderful job,” Tammy complimented them, but Rita and Mike barely heard her.

They were looking at each other, feeling good, both of them realizing that that was no show; their feelings and reactions had been real. Even if she never got to make another tape with Mike, Rita knew this would be the one she had enjoyed most.

“There’s something I’d like to ask you?” Rita began as they were dressing.


“Have you ever posed for photographs, you know, for a magazine?”

“Yep,” Mike answered, buttoning his shirt. “What kind?”

“What else?” he asked with a wicked grin and cupped his balls.

Rita laughed, remembering the front cover of one of David Kelly’s porn magazines.

“I thought I’d seen you someplace before,” Rita said with a little smile.

Chapter Thirteen

“I absolutely refuse!” Nancy announced and jumped up from the table turning over a glass of water.

“Nancy, it’s all perfectly natural,” Tammy tried to explain and caught her daughter’s hands.

“What’s with her?” Chip asked, coming into the dining room where Brad and Rita were still sitting at the table watching Tammy soothe Nancy’s sobs.

“No, no, no!” Nancy blubbered, her face red and swollen.

“We’ve got a special request for a tape concerning a mother and her two children-a son and a daughter,” Brad explained patiently.

“You’re the mom?” he questioned Rita, and she nodded, keeping her eyes on Nancy.

“And you’re the son,” Brad told Chip.

“All right!”

“We’re trying to get Nancy to play the daughter,” he added.

“Why?” Chip asked, dropping into a chair beside Rita and running his hand up her thigh.

She shivered at his touch. “She needs to learn, to be taught by a caring adult, not some clumsy oaf in the back seat of a car.”

“Is she afraid?” Chip asked.

“You’re all terrible!” Nancy shouted at her mother. “Terrible, nasty people and I hate you. Especially that tramp!”

Nancy pointed a shaking finger at Rita.

“Young lady …” Brad was on his feet but Nancy waved the apology aside.

“She’s got some wrong ideas,” Rita said. “Perhaps I unintentionally caused that. It worries me and I won’t rest until I know we have this straightened out.”

Before Brad and Tammy could respond, Chip put his arms around Rita.

“She’s just confused and maybe a little jealous. You’re a tough act to follow and she’s afraid of you. Let me talk to her,” he said, kissing Rita’s cheek and sounding much older than his years.

“Why don’t you and Rita go downstairs and relax for a while. Let your sister cool down and you can talk to her later,” Brad said after he got over the initial shock of realizing that his son was becoming a man-not only in the bedroom.

Following Brad’s advice, Chip and Rita went downstairs to the rec room. The taping set had been replaced by the bar and Chip poured sodas for the two of them.

“How about a game of pool?” he suggested, seeing that Rita was still worried.

“Okay,” she agreed.

They shot a few games of eight ball, with Rita winning each time and soon Chip had her laughing.

“What are you going to say to your sister?” she asked while Chip racked up the balls one more time.

Chip shrugged his broad shoulders. “I’m just going to tell her how great you are; tell her what she’s missing.”

“Do you think it’ll work?”

Again Chip shrugged. “It’s worth a try.”

“What’s worth a try?” Nancy said coming down the stairs.

“Hi, Sis,” Chip said, ignoring her question.

“Hi, Nancy,” Rita said, forcing herself to smile at the hard, cold look Nancy shot at her.

“Oh, you’re here. I’m sorry to interrupt,” Nancy said bitterly and turned to go.

“Wait, Sis. Stay and play a game of pool with us,” Chip urged and caught his sister’s hand.

“Well . . .” Nancy said, undecided.

“Please,” Rita said, wishing there was something she could do or say to change the girl’s mind.

At last Nancy relented and as the three played, the tension seemed to decrease. They even laughed at some of Chip’s antics and when Rita bent over the red felt table to make a shot, he probed between her legs with the butt of the pool cue.

“Chip,” Rita said, moving away from him. She didn’t really want him to stop but this was not the way to entice Nancy to participate in making a tape. “You’re going to make me miss a shot.”

“I’d like to take a shot at that pussy of yours,” he said lewdly.

Nancy kept her eyes on the table, her mouth a thin straight line.

Rita gave him a warning look and Chip winked. “C’mon, Rita, I really need it.”

Turning to face him, Rita wondered if he had some kind of plan in mind.

“I don’t really feel like it right now,” she said.

“Suck my cock,” Chip suggested.

“How disgusting!” Nancy snapped and threw down her stick.

Ignoring Rita’s remark, Chip freed his semi-hard cock and forced Rita to squat on the floor. Her skin-tight shorts slid into the crack of her ass and outlined her cunt vividly. She thought Nancy had stalked out of the room, but as Chip forced his cock in her face, she glanced in the young girl’s direction. Nancy was still there, looking at the floor silently.

“That’s it, lick it real good!” Chip urged as he held Rita’s head, and her experienced mouth went to work on his cock.

She sucked and licked while he made more noise than usual and his cock grew longer and fatter. One of his hands reached into Rita’s blouse and revealed a brown-nippled tit which he kneaded and cupped, causing Rita to moan around his prick.

“I knew that once I got you started, you’d feel like it.” He pulled Rita to her feet and they kissed, pressing their bodies against each other while their tongues danced. While Chip kissed her neck, he unbuttoned her blouse, unhooked her bra and began sucking her swollen nipples.

“Chip, that feels so good,” Rita whimpered, and through her partially closed eyes, she could see that Nancy was no longer staring at the floor-she was watching them.

Rita’s fingers curled around Chip’s cock and she stroked it gently making sure Nancy saw the drops of pre-cum leaking out of the slit. Then she sank to her knees, again licking and sucking the fat knob while Chip leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

“Can I . . .can I do that?” Nancy’s question startled Rita who was involved in sucking Chip’s cock, but the boy was smiling at his sister.

“Sure, Sis. Let her show you how,” Chip said quickly.

Nancy came timidly toward them and joined Rita on the floor.

“Just be careful of your teeth,” Rita cautioned and turned Chip’s prick over to his sister.

The young girl looked totally innocent as she stroked Chip’s throbbing cock and then tentatively touched her tongue to the velvety head. He moaned and thrust his hips and Rita sat back to watch.

Nancy made a face but continued to lick her brother’s prick until it was wet. “Put it in your mouth,” Chip suggested. Nancy hesitated only slightly before sucking the first few inches of Chip’s cock into her mouth and then pulling it out.

“That’s great, Sis!” Chip whispered. “Do it some more!”

Nancy complied and soon worked up to a steady rhythm, taking a few more inches in her mouth with each stroke.

Rita could control herself no longer. She moved quietly toward the girl and began stroking her neck and ears. When Nancy did not resist, Rita’s hands moved to her well-developed tits and she kissed the girl’s neck gently at first and then more passionately.

“Ah, so good,” Chip sighed as he used a hand to touch each of them.

Nancy was moaning softly and pushing against Rita’s exploring hands while she continued to suck Chip’s cock. Suddenly he stiffened, grunted, and just as his jism began streaming out of his cock, Nancy jerked away. Rita was so engrossed in what she was doing to Nancy, she missed most of it and Chip just stood there, quivering, pounding his own prick and shooting all over the floor.

“I’m sorry,” Nancy said.

“Don’t be sorry. You didn’t know what to expect,” Rita soothed.

“You’ve got a good mouth, Sis,” Chip complimented when he caught his breath.

“And I think you should return the favor. Your sister is probably pretty hot by now,” Rita said with authority.

Nancy looked at her in surprise. “I didn’t think you’d let him…” “Dear, there’s more than enough to go around. I’m not selfish,” Rita said and they move toward the pool table. “Let’s get comfortable.”

Rita began undressing and when Chip finished, he helped his sister, kissing her big, pointed nipples and squeezing her asscheeks.

“Oh, it does feel good,” Nancy moaned and did not push Chip’s hands away.

He pinched her nipples then rubbed her belly and then let his hand drop to her bushy light brown cunt-patch. A finger probed between her legs and when he drew it out, it was wet. He licked it and grinned. “You taste good, too.”

Rita felt a gush of warmth between her own thighs and wanted to lick Nancy’s virgin slit, but she was content to let the children set the pace.

“Let me suck it,” Chip suggested and lifted his sister onto the pool table.

“Chip,” Nancy said softly.

“It’s all right, Sis,” he murmured and kissed her while his hands covered her tits.

Nancy moaned softly and relaxed.

When he kissed his way down her flat belly, she eased back onto the table. Nancy readily opened her legs for him. As he began licking, sucking, gently biting the sweet, slick cuntlips, Nancy worked her wet pussy over Chip’s face, squealing in ecstasy. With Rita working on her tits and Chip sucking on her clit, Nancy jerked, shuddered and came in short order, hunching, saying, “Oh, God! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!”

Chip obeyed, licking up the sweet drippings from the child, and in a few minutes, his busy tongue had Nancy creaming again in his hungry mouth.

“I should be ashamed of myself,” Nancy whispered when she finally got control again.

“Why?” Chip wanted to know, his face covered with cunt-juice and curly hairs.

Nancy shrugged her shoulders and her tits jiggled.

“Don’t be ashamed of needing and wanting sex. It’s natural like breathing or sleeping,” Rita said.

“But he’s my brother,” Nancy argued.

“When you’re with someone you care about, there’s nothing wrong with showing your feelings,” she explained.

“Even with another woman?”

Rita smiled. “Sometimes it’s even better with another woman.”

“I’d like to taste you,” Nancy said suddenly.

Rita smiled, glad to hear that because her pussy was aching for some attention. She exchanged places with Nancy on the table and spread her legs wide. At first Nancy’s licks were so gentle Rita hardly felt them, then as Nancy grew accustomed to the taste, she lapped at Rita’s juices eagerly.

“That’s it,” Chip said as he joined his sister between her legs. “Stick two fingers inside her.”

“Yes, oh, yes!” Rita groaned and fought to control the urge to grind her pussy in Nancy’s face. The sensations blasting through her were unbelievable and when the young girl’s tongue wrapped around her clit, Rita lost all control. She grabbed Nancy’s head and held her while she bucked and shuddered and squirmed on the table.

“Did you like it?” Chip asked.

Nancy nodded, Rita’s cunt-juice covering her face, and inserted a finger in her own pussy.

“Chip, let me show you how much I love you.” Nancy moved closer to Chip and kissed him, rubbing her body against his. Stepping back, she cupped her aching tits and offered them to him and then spread her pussy-lips for him to see.

Rita swallowed hard.

Chip was hard again, the huge, purple head of his cock already glistening with pre-cum moisture and Rita’s mouth was watering. Nancy’s eyes were burning with desire and she continued to play with her swollen pussy.

Rita moved off the table and watched as the two children moved to a nearby sofa. The kids were following their instincts and needed very little help so she settled beside them to watch.

Nancy was on her back with her legs spread wide apart and Chip knelt between them. He began kneading her tits gently and she moaned. When he sucked her erect nipples, she arched her back to him and Rita saw one of his hands move down her belly. He finger-fucked her for a while, gradually adding fingers until he had three inside her up to the first knuckle and then, when she was practically begging, he began easing his cock into her wet pussy.

“Is it gonna hurt?” Nancy asked as she looked at Rita. There was real fear in her eyes.

Rita shook her head. “Relax.”

A few more inches of Chip’s prick slid into Nancy’s tight, virgin cunt and then with a grunt, he lunged into her and their furry crotches became one.

“Wait just a minute till she adjusts, Chip,” Rita said, longing to fondle his balls, knowing that it was difficult for him to remain in control.

Taking a virgin was no easy task, nor one to be taken lightly. Beads of sweat formed on his upper lip as he fought to keep from coming. After a few seconds they began moving together in an easy rhythm and then she saw Chip grow tense and his asscheeks clenched tightly.

“Damn, I’m coming!” he grunted.

Nancy looked worried as he spurted into her velvet cunt again and again. “What did I do wrong?”

“Nothing.” “But I didn’t come.” “I’ll take care of that,” Rita offered as Chip rolled off her, gasping for breath. His cum was oozing out of her tight little pussy and sliding down to her ass. Rita scooped it up with her tongue loving the taste of their mixed juices.

“Suck me, please,” Nancy begged, hunching her pussy against Rita’s face. “I gotta come!”

On her knees, Rita sucked all of Chip’s come from her sweet pussy and then went to work on her clit. Her legs held Rita like a vise as she squealed and came, flooding Rita’s mouth with her copious flow.

Then Rita felt Chip behind her, spreading her asscheeks apart. “Can I?” he asked.

Rita’s pussy was wet and more than ready for his big prick. She nodded and lowered her face to Nancy’s pussy again. The head of Chip’s prick spreading her slick, hot pussy felt terrific and she pushed back against him. When he buried it to the hilt, she sucked Nancy’s clit hard to keep from screaming.

While Chip pounded his prick into Rita’s pussy, his fingers found her clit. He teased her unmercifully, rubbing her swollen nub just long enough to bring her to the edge of coming and then he would move them away.

After Nancy came again, she was unable to stand it any longer. She pulled her slick face away from the girl’s cunt, momentarily halted Chip’s furious pounding, and rolled onto her back.

“Come here, baby,” she said, pinching her erect nipples, “fuck me this way.”

Chip mounted Rita eagerly as Nancy watched with lust-glazed eyes. His prick filled her up and he began fucking like a wild animal. Rita met his thrusts, forgetting about everything except the energetic prick filling her cunt.

“Oh . . .oh . . .oh!” Nancy moaned and crouched on the sofa fingering herself to yet another thundering climax.

Chip roared and Rita felt her own shuddering begin. The three of them were momentarily out of control and then they collapsed, winded but happy. It was a long afternoon but by the time it was over, Nancy was becoming an accomplished lover and she had a willing brother on whom to practice her skills.

Chapter Fourteen

“We got the whole thing on tape and it was beautiful,” Tammy told Rita the next day. “Everything was perfect and you taught my daughter a good lesson.”

Rita was glad, but then she had an announcement to make. “I’m not making any more tapes. That was my last one.”

“Why?” Brad demanded, a worried look on his face. “Is something wrong?”

Rita nodded. “Something is wrong with my marriage and I’ve got to fix it.”

They had argued with her, but her mind was made up.

“Honey, I have to work tonight,” Eric’s voice cut through Rita’s thoughts at the breakfast table a few days after she told Brad and Tammy that she was quitting.

“Again?” Rita asked, finding it impossible to hide her disappointment. Brad had almost ordered her to attend a party at their house that night, but she had decided not to go, to stay home and have it out with Eric. Now, Eric was saying he had to work late again.

“This is the last night, honey, I promise,” he said, squeezing her hand.

Rita jerked her hand away.

“It had better be, Eric Roberts!” she shouted, jumping up from the table to keep him from seeing her tears.

“Rita,” he said softly and went after her.

She whirled to face him, not caring if he saw her tears. “It had better be because if the next time you plan on working late, just don’t bother coming home.”

Eric was looking at her seriously now as if trying to decide whether she really meant what she said.

“It’s been weeks since you fucked me and I hate being alone!” Rita was sobbing openly now, spitting out the words as if they tasted bitter. “It makes me feel like a dried-up old hag.”

“I did it for you,” Eric said.

“Bullshit!” Rita flung at him. “I love you, Eric, but I’m not a goddamn nun! Our marriage is in bad shape and unless things get back to normal, I’m leaving.”

Eric left her without another word, without touching her and Rita knew she had lost him forever. What had happened to the wonderful life they had shared for the past five years? She felt drained of all emotion and strangely alone. It was time to start her life all over.

Chip came over later in the morning, found her still in tears and begged her to come to the party. “Mom and Dad have some news that I think you should hear. It might be just what you need right now. Perhaps a way to get started again.”

Rita kissed his young face, thankful for his ability to think straight for her.

“You’re right,” she said, letting her hand drop into his lap. “And I’ll go to the party if you’ll be my date.”

His prick jerked under her hand.

“Sorry, I’ve already got a date, but I’ll be there.” He grinned and for a while neither of them thought about the party.

It was still light, although the shadows were long and cool when Rita walked up the Westgate’s front walk, her red, high-heeled sandals making little clicking sounds. She was dressed in a red halter dress open to the waist with nothing on underneath but a red garter belt and sheer stockings. The afternoon with Chip had revived her spirits and she vowed to put Eric and her future out of her mind for tonight and just enjoy the party.

Loud music penetrated the evening air and a few outside lights illuminated several couples toward the back of the house. Nancy, dressed in a low-cut gown that showed off her ample tits, answered the door and gave Rita a hug.

“I’ve missed you,” she said.

“I’ve missed you, too,” Rita said, glad that the tenseness between them was gone.

“Rita, we probably won’t have another chance to talk so I want to tell you something,” Nancy said once they were inside.

“What is it? You look so serious.”

“I just wanted to thank you for helping me, for teaching me how good sex can be between two people who love each other,” Nancy told the other woman.

“You don’t have to thank me,” Rita said, putting her arm on the girl’s shoulder.

“I wanted Chip for so long and I was so jealous of you. Then we did it and it was wonderful. We do it all the time now.” She giggled.

“Well, I’m glad.” She hugged Nancy and then saw Brad coming toward them. He was dressed casually in slacks and a shirt open at the neck.

“Ravishing Rita!” he boomed and scooped her up in his arms in a big bear hug.

Rita was glowing when her feet touched the floor again.

“Am I late?” she asked. “It sounds like things are well underway.”

“Just getting started,” he assured her and with an arm around her bare shoulders, steered her toward a bar in one corner of the living room.

They ordered drinks and he turned to her while they were waiting.

“We’ve really missed you around here,” he said, his gaze moving momentarily to the front of her dress.

“I’ve missed you, too,” she answered.

“And you won’t consider …”

Rita held up her hand. “Please, Brad, I’m not making any more tapes. In fact, in a few days I might not be living around here. Eric and I are about to split up, I’m afraid.”


Before they could say anything more, Tammy arrived, dressed in blue silk lounging pajamas, her hair a tousled flame. “Rita, you made it. I’ve got some people who are just dying to meet you.”

As Tammy drew her away from Brad, he put his hand on Rita’s shoulder. “I’ve got some information that I think you should hear before you make any decisions.”

Rita wanted to hear more, but a crowd of people came between them and Tammy was leading her downstairs by the hand. As they went through a rec room, Rita noticed that the wall where the set was hidden was open and the bedroom was there done in rich black velvet. She was about to ask Tammy about it, but they were heading toward a patio crowded with men and women.

It had grown somewhat darker since Rita arrived, but lights were on giving everything a soft, yellow glow. Tammy took Rita from one cluster of people to another, introducing her to them. Rita recognized some of the names as belonging to senators and congressmen and most of the rest were doctors and lawyers. The whole group reeked of money and power and Rita wondered what they were doing at this party. Yet, she felt comfortable and even though their hungry eyes were taking in nearly naked tits, tight ass, and shapely legs, they were interested in what she was saying.

Rita glanced at her watch and was surprised to find that she had been there over two hours. Tammy had disappeared and Rita made her way through the rec room where couples were dancing slowly in the semi-darkness. Chip and Nancy were dancing, his hands cupping her tight ass, massaging it gently.

Mike was seated on a sofa with a drink in one hand, a smile on his face and a blonde head in his lap, slurping her way up and down on his hard cock.

“Hello,” he said in a deep, husky voice.

Not really sure of what she should do, she smiled in return and waved. Then she looked closer and realized that everyone around her was involved in or about to be involved in some sexual activity.

Jud was nearby with a long-legged redhead sitting on his lap. He stood up when he saw her, telling the woman to wait.

“Rita, baby!” He came toward her with outstretched arms.

A blind woman would have known what was on Jud’s mind when their bodies touched. His cock was a steel rod pressing between them.

“Quite a party,” he said, still holding her hands after the embrace had ended.

Rita nodded, noticing that the redhead had pulled her dress up and was playing with her cunt while she waited for Jud to return.

“Listen, I never got the chance to thank you,” he said suddenly serious.

“Thank me?” Rita asked, warming to the turn of events. This could turn out to be a fun evening after all.

“For giving me back my confidence. You proved to me that my ex-wife was wrong. I’m not impotent.” He winked slyly and guided her hand down the front of his pants.

“It was my pleasure,” Rita said, giving his cock a playful squeeze.

“Hurry, Jud!” the redhead whined.

“She just can’t seem to get enough,” he said with a shrug and another wink.

Rita took a drink from a nearby tray and sipped it while she watched people pairing off in groups of two or more and shedding clothes quickly. Several people were from the neighborhood and, once the clothes were removed, they blended right in with the politicians and doctors and lawyers.

“Rita!” said a male voice close by, and she turned to see David. He was wearing a powder-blue shirt and dark slacks.

She leaned forward to kiss him, knowing that he could see down the front of her dress. Their lips met and she let her tongue dart into his mouth for a moment. His long-fingered hands moved up under her dark hair to fondle her ears and the back of her neck. When she stood up again, she noticed the growing bulge in his pants.

“You want me to take care of that?” she asked, reaching for it hesitantly.

“If you don’t grin, unzipped his pants and freed his prick.

A sense of dejavu swept over Rita as she knelt between his legs, her mouth watering at the sight of his hard prick. She licked pre-cum off the head, hearing his groan above the others in the room. Then as her tongue worked its magic, his prick grew even bigger, and she got him slippery wet, she remembered her dream of a few weeks earlier. In her dream, she had been to a party much like this, she had been sucking David like this.

His hands tangled in her hair as he urged her to take him deeper and Rita complied, but her mind was elsewhere. Eric had been in her dream, too, with two other women-Sam and Mandi. Her mind whirled as she sucked David’s cock furiously, hoping the taste of his jism would block out her memories. Finally, he growled, held her head and filled her mouth with streams of hot, tangy, sticky sauce.

“Feel like sharing after a while?” he asked. “Sam and Mandi are here with me.”

Rita smiled and caught a stray dribble of cum with her tongue. “Do you see them a lot?”

He nodded. “We’re making great progress. I’ve introduced Mandi to some of my friends and she’s let them fuck her.”

“And Sam?” Rita asked, standing up and straightening her dress.

“She’s a tough case, but she’s coming along. “Rita, David, Dad’s ready to make his announcement,” Chip told them and pointed to the center of the room where Brad was standing with Tammy.

“What kind of announcement?” David asked.

Chip shrugged. He and Nancy were holding hands, standing close together.

“And who are all these important people?” Rita asked, suddenly realizing that everyone had temporarily stopped their sexual activity, but the naked bodies were everywhere.

“These are all clients of B&T Videos,” David answered, keeping his eyes on Brad.

“You mean they . . . they’ve seen me they watched …”

Chip nodded. “Everyone here either makes or buys B&T Videos. These people have gone ape-shit over you, Rita.”

Rita was still trying to grasp this idea when she saw, or thought she saw, Eric. He was naked, his big cock sticking straight out while Sam and Mandi took turns stroking it. She stared at him just as he stared back at her. No, Rita thought, it couldn’t be! But when she shook her head, closed her eyes and opened them again, there he was.

Brad was saying something, she knew was important, but she was so surprised at seeing her husband, she had trouble thinking.

“Eric?” she said, moving toward him, as if in a dream. “I thought you were working!

Before either of them could say another word, Brad was asking for attention in a loud voice. The room became quiet, Rita and Eric stood facing each other but not touching.

“I have a short announcement to make, and then we’ll continued with the-uh-festivities,” Brad began. “B&T Videos has been purchased by a film company in California. Since everyone here is either an employee or a client or friends or both, we thought you’d like to know that Tammy and I will be moving out there. We’ll still be in control of the actual taping so you’ll still get quality, realistic films. In fact, our work should be even better because we’ll be working with a much larger budget. Your special requests can be fulfilled quickly.”

There was a scattering of applause and then a male voice from somewhere in the crowd asked, “Is Rita going with you?”

Several people laughed.

Brad ignored the question. “Now, as most of you know, every year we give a five-thousand-dollar bonus to the most-requested actor and actress in our little group. This year is no different. After I make the announcement, I am going to request that they perform for us.”

This time everyone applauded and the electricity in the room was almost tangible.

“This year’s winners are Eric Roberts and his wife, Rita Roberts!” Brad announced, searching for them in the crowd.

Rita and Eric still stood facing each other.

“You’ve been working for Brad?” Eric asked, staring in amazement.

“You’ve been making x-rated videos?” Rita was just as shocked.

“I was trying to earn enough money to buy you a new car, honey,” Eric began to explain.

“And I was trying to earn some extra money so you wouldn’t have to put in so much overtime at the office,” Rita said, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

“Oh, Rita, you’re a peach!” Eric laughed and reached for his wife. He was still naked and hard, and at his touch, Rita felt her whole body come alive.

“Both of them have decided not to make any more videos for us, so I think they really owe us this one last performance,” Brad was saying, and the crowd of people were urging them toward the black velvet bedroom.

Standing beside the bed, Eric kissed his wife deeply. It had been so long since he’d kissed her like that, Rita thought he felt almost like a stranger, exciting, unknown. Her hands roamed his naked body and he was the only thing that existed for her. Easing her naked tits out of the front of her dress, he lowered his head and sucked the turgid nipples.

Rita groaned and closed her eyes.

Pushing her back onto the bed, he pulled up the skirt of her dress and buried his face in her curly, black cunt.

The crowd cheered as Rita hunched against his face. She squealed and held his head. Eric’s tongue brought her to a quick orgasm and then he flipped her over and mounted her from behind, spreading her ass-cheeks so everyone could see. While he fucked her tight cunt, Rita flew to a higher level of excitement than she had ever thought possible. She had her husband back and he loved her. As his driving prick plunged deeper with each stroke, she forgot about the crowd, forgot about everything but the pleasure she was receiving from Eric and slipped over the edge of reality again.

Eric was still hard when she came back to earth and she slid to the floor beside the bed, and leaned her head back. He straddled her face, shoved his slimy fuck-rod in her mouth and she sucked him with abandon. As he fucked her face, she spread her legs wide, giving the audience a good view of her sloppy wet pussy, and fingered herself to one orgasm after another.

“I’m coming!” Eric growled and after the first stream of spunk shot down her throat, Rita pulled him free and let him come on her face.

The horny crowd went wild and, as Eric knelt beside her on the floor, Rita saw them quickly pairing off again to resume their sucking and fucking.

“I love you, Rita.” Eric stirred beside her and spoke softly.

“And I love you,” she answered, kissing his fingers.

“They look like they’re enjoying themselves,” he said, motioning to the busy crowd.

Rita nodded. “Shall we join them?”

“Why not?” Eric responded and holding hands they stood up.

Not too much later, Rita was riding up and down on Mike’s big cock while Eric finger-fucked Sam and Mandi and they, in turn, sucked his cock.

It was almost dawn when Rita and Eric walked home, much much richer in more ways than one.