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A lesbian is drawn into an taboo afternoon with her younger brother



“Where the hell have you been?” asked Matt, in mid-bite of his breakfast, as his older sister Claire stepped through the front door, still dressed in the clothes she had worn out the night before.

“Hey, Bro,” Claire said with a weak smile, as she ran a hand through her tousled red hair, which had been pulled back in a hastily formed pony tail.

“Don’t you hey me,” Matt said, worry filling his voice.

“Are you just getting back now?” he added, looking at his watch.

“Mmhmmm,” Claire confirmed, as she walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water before all but falling into a seat across from her brother.

“So I guess it goes without saying you had a good time last night then?” Matt said, probing his sister to find out just what kind of evening she had had.

“Definitely!” Claire said, pausing to take a drink of water. ” Oh, and Lisa `n’ Jill say hi.”

“Oh! How’s Lisa and Jill?”

“Jill is good,” Claire said, a devilish smile crossing her lips as she spoke. “‘N’ Lisa, Lisa is oh-so-wonderful.”

Matt rolled his eyes at his older sister’s response, shaking his head slightly.

As Claire continued talking about her evening, Matt thought back to his freshman year of high school when he had found out, rather first hand, his sister’s sexual preference. It had happened innocently enough: he’d picked up some movies and wanted to know if either of the girls were interested in watching. But when he opened the door to his sister’s room, he realized the importance of knocking, as well as a few other things. His sister and Lisa were both naked, with Lisa facing the doorway, her body obscured by his sister’s and they were both in the middle of a passionate embrace when he stumbled in.

Of course the rest of the night had been spent in a combination of embarrassed apologies and dirty looks from both Lisa and Claire. Eventually both girls got over their embarrassment and, as time moved on, he was the only one that had any real insight into Claire’s personal life.

That had also been the day that Claire had stopped being just his older sister.

Ever since he saw her standing naked in front of him, Matt had taken every opportunity he could to see get a better look at her.

“And, oh my God, I was in heaven from that point on,” Claire said, snapping Matt out of his little daydream.

“Good for you, Sis. So what is on your agenda for today?” Matt said, attempting to change the topic of conversation.

“Oh jeezzzz! First a shower, then not much else. Might work, might Not. Haven’t decided,” Claire said, taking a healthy swig of water.

“Don’t have to work today?” Matt asked.

“Nah, Sandy `n’ me switched days for the week so I dun’ have to work at the day care.”

Matt nodded his head, ” What about the pool?”

“They’ve got that monthly CPR class all day,” Claire said, before draining the glass of water.

” How’d you get out of that a second time?” Matt asked.

Claire flashed another devilish smile.

“Oh, I just convinced Ronny to do it for me.”

“Ronny ? As in Ronny Welington? The guy that’s had a crush on you since grade school?” Matt asked.

“Ya,” Claire replied simply.

“You’re cruel, Sis,” Matt said shaking his head and smiling a little, his gaze settling on his sister’s heaving breasts briefly as she continued talking.

“Aww! Dun’ be like that, Matt,” Claire said getting up to put her glass in the sink.

“Does he even know he’s got, like, no chance in hell?” Matt called after his sister.

“Of course not!” CLaire replied, looking over her shoulder.

“If he knew that then, I’d probably be working today,” she added with a smile.

“That’s cold.”

“Gotta keep `em guessing, Brother dear. Ok! I’m off to the shower.” Claire replied as she placed her cup in the sink and disappeared from view.

“Later,” Matt replied, absent-mindedly.

Although he didn’t always approve of his sister’s methods, he did have to give it to her: she knew how to work men.

In fact, the more he thought about it, his older sister was something of a little con artist when it came to getting men to do what she wanted.

And for someone who was only into girls, she had mastered the art of the flirtatious smile, or the `cutesy’ little grins, and an wardrobe that didn’t leave a whole lot to the imagination. And her current choice of clothing was no exception.

A white tube top, black leather mini-skirt and some knee-high leather boots seemed to have been her weapons of choice last night.

As he washed off his plate, Matt’s mind continued to wander, and almost as a side effect, when he heard the upstairs shower turn on, a mental image of his sister preparing for her shower popped into his head.

He could practically see her breasts spilling out of her top as she pulled if off of her body.

Matt let the water in the sink run for several seconds before he realized he was day dreaming.

Shutting off the water, Matt felt a twinge of guilt mixed in with his growing arousal.

“She’s my sister, for Christ sakes!” Matt thought to himself as he headed towards his room. But even that though paled against the various mental pictures that were playing out in his head.

Claire soaping up her body, Claire washing her hair, etc., etc., etc.

By the time Matt reached his room, he had a hard on the size of the Statue of Liberty, and several little fantasies rapidly developing inside his head.

Shutting and locking his bedroom door, Matt decided that he couldn’t take it any more and was going to solve this little problem himself. But, for some reason, the images just weren’t enough. He could see her in his mind but at the same time he couldn’t.

Sighing in frustration, Matt zipped up and opened up his closet. He worked his way to the very back, where a small dot of paint didn’t quite match up with the rest of paint in the closet.

Shortly after he had seen his sister naked for the first time, Matt had drilled out a small peephole that gave him an intimate view of his older sister. He hadn’t used it in years, mostly because he felt guilty of invading her privacy. However, here and now, Claire’s privacy was a distant thought in his mind as he knelt down next to the hole.

What Matt saw almost made him lose control on the spot. His sister was leaning against the far wall of the shower/tub, her entire body exposed to him, with one leg cocked up on the rim. While her left hand played with her nipples, her right hand was stimulating her pussy at a steadily increasing speed.

Matt wasn’t sure if it was the fact that she had obviously recently shaved, that the shower head acted like a waterfall plastering her red hair to her head and giving her body a well-oiled appearance, the expression on her face as she pleasured herself, or that she had no idea he was watching her, that made it possibly the most erotic thing Matt had ever seen in his life.

And at that moment Matt realized that he wanted her more than anything else in the world.

Chapter 2

Claire whimpered softly as she turned off the water to her shower. Part of her hated herself for doing it, but it was almost 10:30 in the morning and, as much as it pained her to admit it, she should couldn’t stay in the shower all day, no matter how good it felt.

Sighing loudly, Claire stepped out of the shower and reached for a nearby towel. She began to drying herself. As she did so, Claire couldn’t help but look at herself in the partially steamed-up mirror.

Her 36C breasts stood out proudly from her chest, topped with nipples that hardened like diamonds in even the slightest breeze. Secretly, she wished her boobs were bigger but no-one had complained about them yet!

Next was her flat stomach, although she was annoyed that she didn’t have a little four-pack yet. It was still something that she was rather proud of.

Further down was her recently shaved pussy, which still tingled slightly with the after-effects of the attention she had given it while in the shower. It was in no way as good as Lisa but it would do for the time being.

Turning around and looking over her shoulder, she checked out her little bubble ass and her toned legs.

Claire was especially proud of her ass. She’d put a lot of time into aerobics and running to make sure it was picture-perfect, something that Lisa appreciated very much.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind with a smile, Claire wrapped the towel around, gathered up her clothes. She opened the door to the bathroom and headed towards her room. However, she didn’t get three steps before she crashed into Matt. The force of the collision almost made her fall back flat on her ass.

“Whoa! Easy, Sis!” Matt exclaimed as he reached out and grabbed hold of her shoulders just as she was starting to topple backwards.

“Thanks,” Claire said, still somewhat surprised what had just happened.

“No problem,” Matt replied.

It took Claire several moments to realise that Matt was still holding on to her bare shoulders and was staring at her in a way she had never thought was possible from her brother. This look continued for several seconds until Claire broke the uneasy silence.

“Um! So, ya, thanks for the save,” Claire replied as she shrugged her shoulders, more of an attempt to remind her little brother that he was still holding her.

“Oh…ya! Like I said, no problem,” Matt said.

He everso slowly slid his hands down from his sister’s shoulders to her forearms before letting go entirely.

Once Claire was in her room with the door closed and locked, a small shiver came over her. She had seen that look a thousand times from a thousand different guys, but she never would have guessed she’d get such a look from her own little brother.

Removing her towel, Claire walked over to the mirror on top of her chest of drawers and began to towel dry her hair, tossing her clothes in an ever-growing pile next to her closet. After being satisfied with her hair, Claire took a moment to run a brush through it a few times, nothing like she would do if she was going out,

“Besides, who am I trying to impress here?” Claire asked herself absent-mindedly as she set her brush down. She grabbed a scrunchie from off her desk and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Next she moved to her closet and began the process of selecting something to lay out in. It took her a few moments before she selected a metallic silver, one-piece swimsuit with an open back. It had always been one of her favorites.

The suit had been a gift from Lisa on her 22nd birthday, but since that time Claire had done a little growing in the bust department. The suit was now really too small for her, leaving it to be worn around the house or when she wanted to do dress a little sassy for Lisa.

Claire’s favorite feature was that the back of the swimsuit was bare, it wrapped around her neck like a choker, and spread out leaving her shoulders and a good portion of her back exposed to the air before wrapping back around the small of her back to form a cute little thong that showed off her ass nicely.

Actually the thong was now closer to a g-string but since it was only Matt and her, Claire didn’t think it would be a big deal. She grabbed her towel, some tanning lotion and some shades, and headed for the door. Just before she left she gave a quick look around to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything before heading down stairs to the deck out back.

Chapter 3

Matt was downstairs in the living room flipping through the TV channels when Claire came bouncing down the stairs, he glanced up at her out of instinct but when he saw what she was wearing his jaw nearly hit the floor.

She was wearing that silver one-piece again! It had been a while since he had seen her wear it and somehow the suit looked tighter on her. Almost as if it she had painted it on with body paint.

“Gonna grab some sun,” Claire announced as she walked past Matt and opened the sliding door out onto the porch.

As she walked by Matt felt his cock twinge. He looked down at his sister’s ass, only a glimpse of the silver fabric could be seen between the two globes of flesh that made up her ass.

“OK,” Matt replied dumbly as Claire stepped through the door before closing it.

Matt took this opportunity to watch his sister as she prepared to lay out in the sun. This worked perfectly for him, because if she did look up it would look like he was watching the TV.

Matt’s twinge turned to a full fledge spasm when Claire bent over to lay down her towel. She gave Matt an unrestricted view of not only her ass but he could plainly see her pussy as the tiny strip of material that was supposed to cover her crotch just wasn’t wide enough.

“Ronny, my man, if only you could see this!” Matt breathed as he stared at his sister, no longer caring if she saw him.

It was then that a stray thought interrupted Matt’s train of thought. His sister was notorious for being one of the biggest cock teases in town, and she made no effort to cover it up, in fact she was rather proud of it.

“So what’s to say she isn’t doing the same thing to me now?” Matt thought to himself as he watched her sit down on the towel and begin to rub what he guessed to be tanning lotion onto her arms and down her calves.

Matt didn’t care anymore, he had to be next to her. He didn’t care if she thought he was weird or perverted.

Opening the sliding door, Matt stepped out onto the deck and quietly took a seat in one of the plastic lawn chairs.

“Nothing on TV?” Claire asked, lying perfectly flat on her back.

“Not a damn thing!” Matt replied, his eyes glued to Claire’s breasts and the straining fabric of her suit, her nipples clearly visible.

The next half hour was spent with the two making chit-chat, asking about work, whether or not the Cubs could pull off a winning season and what not.

And every couple of minutes, Claire would roll over onto her stomach to sun her back or flip back over. Either way, it provided Matt with an excellent view which was fuel to the fire that was quickly building in his pants.

“Hey, Bro. Could you do my back?” Claire asked propping herself up on her elbows as she picked up the bottle of tanning lotion.

It took Matt a few seconds to realise just what exactly she had said to him.

“Yoo-hooo! Earth to Lil’ Bro.” Claire teased, a slight trace of annoyance slipping into her voice.

“Ya, sorry!” Matt replied as he got up from his chair, the erection he was now toting had long since passed into painful.

Matt got down on his knees and took the bottle from his sister. He popped the top to the bottle and shot a small glob of the oil right between her shoulder blades.

“Go ahead `n’ use more than that.” Claire said, as she lay her head down across her arms.

Matt didn’t say a word. Instead, he squeezed the bottle and shot a small puddle of the oil on to her back. His hands were shaking as he leaned over his sister’s back and began to rub the oil into her shoulders.

“MMmmm! That feels great.” Claire commented.

Matt shuddered at Claire’s innocent moans, as what started off as rubbing in some oil quickly turned into a back rub.

As he finished with the shoulders he pulled the excess oil down her back with his hands. Feeling a sudden burst of courage, Matt swung one leg over Claire’s waist, straddling her.

“OOoof!” Claire grunted at the sudden weight on her lower back.

“Easy, you big oaf,” Claire teased as her brother resumed his massage of her back.

Matt didn’t say a thing. He was sitting on his sister’s ass rubbing oil down into her back.

“There is no way she can’t feel me pressing against her.” Matt thought to himself as he worked. “She either doesn’t care, or she’s enjoying it.”

Matt swung off of his sister’s ass and worked the oil into the small of her back. Her cute little bubble ass was just mere inches away and he wanted nothing more in the world than to touch it.

“Here goes nothing!” Matt thought, as he bit his lower lip as his hands made the transition from her lower back and onto her firm ass.

“What are you doing?” Claire giggled, barely raising her head off of her arms.

“You said to do your back,” Matt replied innocently.

Claire mumbled something unintelligible as Matt resumed his work.

He couldn’t get over how firm and taut her ass was; there was hardly any play in her skin as he worked the oil into her buttocks.

“OK, you’re good!” Claire said, after a moment breaking Matt from his thoughts.

“Alrighty,” Matt replied as he hand worked its way slowly up Claire’s back. Tracing across her spine, and back up to her shoulder blades, this was the moment that everything had been building to. Should he stand up and simply walk off, only to be left wondering, or should he go for gold??

Matt chose the latter.

Slowly and deliberately, Matt moved his hand across his sister’s shoulders sliding it between her raised arm to the bulging fabric across her chest.

“Hey!” Claire exclaimed in surprise as she felt her brother’s hand take hold of her right breast through her swimsuit.

Matt moaned loudly as he searched for her nipple through the thin fabric. He leaned down and began to kiss the back of her neck.

“Matt! What are you doing?” Claire snapped, rising up to her knees and brushing away her brother’s hand.

Matt’s look of surprise was met by a murderous one from his sister.

“What the fuck are you doing, you pervert?” Claire demanded, her eyes narrowed into slits.

“But I thought you…” Matt started to say but Claire cut him off.

“You thought I what? Matt, you’re my brother for crying out loud and even if you weren’t I don’t like guys!” Claire spat back.

For a second, Matt was stunned, but that surprise quickly turned to rage which boiled over in a flash.

Matt responded to his sister by grabbing hold of her shoulder and pushing her back onto her stomach.

“What are you..” Claire exclaimed in surprise, not expecting this from her brother.

Matt didn’t respond right away, instead he put his all of his weight onto her back with his elbow as he began to undo his belt.

“Ow! You asshole! You’re hurting me!” Claire yelled, throwing back her left elbow which caught him in the chest but did little to slow him down.

With his belt undone, Matt quickly pulled it through the loops of his pants just as Claire started to elbow him again. When she did he grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled it to the small of her back where he began to loop the belt around her wrist.

“What are you doing? OW! Stop it!” Claire shouted, as she began to try bucking her brother off.

Matt responded by grabbing hold of her other wrist and forcing it too into the small of her back before entwining the belt around it as well.

Satisfied that her arms were secure, Matt grabbed Claire by the shoulder and rolled her onto her back.

Claire was about to say something when Matt rolled her onto her back, but what she saw froze stopped her in mid-sentence.

Claire watched in confusion as Matt began to unbutton his jeans and jerk down his fly.

“Matt? What are you doing?” Claire asked, not quite believing this was happening to her.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson!” Matt answered back for the first time since this ordeal had begun.

“Matt, let me go right now or I swear to God that I’ll tell Dad that you..”

“Go ahead, tell Dad, and then I’ll tell him that his little girl’s a box-eating dyke!” Matt replied as he pulled down his pants, leaving him only in his boxers and a black t-shirt.

“Oh my God! You aren’t..?” Claire started as the reality of what was about to happen hit her.

“Hell, you’re lucky he’s not here otherwise he’d hold you down for me,” Matt said as he stepped out of his boxers, revealing a massive hard-on.

Claire couldn’t talk, not even if she wanted to. All she could do was stare at her brother’s huge erection as he moved towards her.

Matt took one step and reached down with his right arm and grabbed hold of Claire’s hair pulling her onto her knees while, he jerked his rock-hard cock with the other.

“I’m gonna teach you what happens to cock-teasers,” Matt snarled, as he began to rub his cock across his sister’s face.

“Please Matt..” Claire whimpered, her voice starting to crack.

“Have you even sucked a cock before?” Matt jeered

Claire answered by closing her eyes and tried to turn her head away from her brother’s massive cock.

“Have you?!” Matt yelled, pulling sharply on her hair.

Claire cried out sharply, a sob wracking her body as she looked at her brother, tears were starting to form in her eyes.

“No,” Claire said weakly, as she began to flex her arms against the belt that held her arms behind her.

“Well, today is a day of firsts, isn’t it?” Matt said as he rubbed his cock across his sister’s cheek, and then to her lips.

“No! Don’t!” Claire pleaded through gritted teeth.

“You’d better open your fucking mouth!” Matt replied tugging on her hair again.

Claire couldn’t answer; she couldn’t do anything. All she could do was stare at the massive cock in front of her face, or into her brother’s face. She kept switching between the two for several seconds.

Matt pulled roughly on Claire’s hair causing her to cry out. When she did, Matt moved forward, shoving his cock between his sister’s open lips.

“Oh my God, Sis!” Matt moaned as moved his now free hand to the side of Claire’s head and began to pull her onto him.

Claire screamed loudly against the cock in her mouth, her mind was racing she wanted to bite down but it was too massive. It had her jaw stretched until she thought it might pop out of socket, and his grip was too strong, which meant she couldn’t pull away.

All she could do was stare with widened, tear-filled eyes, as Matt pumped his cock in and out of her mouth.

“You sure you never done this before?” Matt groaned in ecstasy. He moved one hand away from her head and traced it down the side of her neck and resumed his assault on her breasts, squeezing them, pulling on the nipples whenever he found one, and earning high-pitched squeals whenever he did.

Tears rolled freely down Claire’s face, her eyes wide in terror and shock as Matt increased his pace. She struggled wildly against her bonds, and yelped every time her brother found her sensitive nipples.

The assault on her mouth lasted several minutes before she felt his cock start to pulse in her mouth. Before she knew it, the massive cock, that had stretched her jaw until it was burning, was gone.

Claire took a massive breath, gasping for air before she felt something wet slap against her face as Matt let a long beastial groan escape from deep inside his throat.

“Oh my Gooooodd!” Matt yelled as his cock erupted in several massive bursts of cum. The first one hit Claire right above her right eye, the second and biggest, slapped wetly against her chin, while the third sprayed across her heaving breasts.

Matt shuddered from the force of his orgasm. He looked down at his sister. She was gasping for breath, a thin line of cum connected her parted lips to his trembling cock. The cum he had shot onto her face was running down around her eye and across her jaw and nose, while the goo was dangling off her chin and was slowly splattering onto her still covered breasts. Her eyes were wide, with tears streaming down her face. She looked up at him, her eyes holding a mixture of betrayal while at the same time begging for her ordeal to be over. The sight was truly one of the most erotic Matt had ever had the pleasure of seeing.

“There is no way that was your first cock.” Matt said as he wiped his cock across his sister’s lips. Claire groaned in frustration and struggled harder against the belt that held her arms. Matt responded by dropping down to his knees, his semi-erect cock pressing against his sister’s stomach as he took hold of both of her breasts and began to roughly knead them in his hands, stopping occasionally to roll her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

“Stop it!” Claire sobbed as she hung her head, straining to get away from her brother’s mauling hands.

“Can’t do that, Sis,” Matt replied as he grabbed hold of her nipples and pulled her closer to him. As he did so he stuck out his tongue and ran it up the length of the left side of her face.

“You taste so sweet,” he added, almost as an afterthought.

“You fucking pervert!” Claire screamed in disgust.

“Oh, I’ll show you pervert!” Matt replied taking hold of the fabric of her swimsuit at the neck line. With one solid tug, he ripped the silver fabric in half.

The sound of ripping fabric forced Claire’s eyes open. She could only watch in terror as her breasts came spilling out of the torn fabric, jiggling several time before coming to rest.

“Damn, Sis you’ve got some big old titties!” Matt exclaimed as he took her bare flesh in his hands and began to suck on her nipples, nipping at one with his teeth until it was hard and swollen, before moving to the next.

Claire whimpered at the pain in her breasts and screamed out in frustration as her brother continued his molestation. She screamed and thrashed against her bonds, yelling, flexing, and turning every which way she could in an effort to escape from him.

“I bet Lisa loves these.” Matt commented as he pinched her nipples painfully

“I HATE YOU!!” Claire screamed.

“You didn’t hate me when I was rubbing your back.” Matt replied, as he pushed Claire on to her back while reaching for the discared bottle of oil. “You didn’t have any fucking problem teasing me.”

“What? You’re my fucking brother!” Claire sobbed back. “I don’t even like guys, why would I tease you?”

“Yeah, right! I bet your loving this,” Matt sneered as he flicked open the top and sprayed a generous amount of oil on to his sister.

“What’s the matter, Sis? None of those dykes you brought home ever satisfy you?” Mat said, as he finished and discarded the bottle before pulling her back onto her knees.

He moved behind her and began to rub the oil into her breasts, while he began to kiss her the back of her neck.

“I fucking hate you! I HATE YOU!!!” Claire screamed at the top of her lungs.

Matt just replied by moaning loudly into her ear as her sobs wracked her body. Once he had finished rubbing the oil into her breasts he snaked his hand down to her bald pussy, moving his hand slowly and deliberately, earning a sharp and high pitched ” NO!” from his sister. He responded by shoving two fingers into her pussy causing her to sob even louder as she attempted to move away from him.

Matt continued for several seconds before he pulled his fingers out of her now well-lubricated pussy and back to her shoulders to hold her in place as he rose up on his knees.

“Time for the main event,” Matt lerred as he pressed his erection against the crack of his sister’s ass.

“Oh God, Matt! Don’t!!!!” Claire shrieked, whipping her head around to look at him. The expression on her face only made him harder.

Matt responded by pushing his sister face down onto the deck, leaving her ass high in the air.

“Tell you what, Sis. I’ll let you decide,” Matt said, his voice low.

“Wh…what do u mean?” Claire stammered, not fully understanding.

“Well I can fuck you here,” Matt said taking his cock and beginning to smear it across her pouting pussy lips.

Claire gasped loudly at his touch.

“Or I can fuck you here,” Matt said, stressing the word here, as he rubbed gently pressed the head of his cock against her asshole. “Either way, one of these holes is getting stuffed!”

“No! Oh my God! No, not my ass! Anything but that!!” Claire shrieked, her voice nearly hysterical.

“Alright then,” Matt replied, and Claire exhaled in relief.

Matt moved quickly, grabbing Claire by the shoulder and rolled her onto her back. He wanted to see the look in her eyes, the look on her face when he penetrated her.

“Where am I gonna fuck you, Claire?” Matt teased as he crawled between his sister’s legs.

Claire stared at him dumbfounded for several seconds.

“My pussy,” Claire breathed.

“Where?” Matt yelled, while pulling on her nipples painfully

“MY PUSSY!” Claire screamed, her voice a mixture of terror and humiliation.

Matt responded by grabbing hold of his sister’s hips and lifted them slightly off the deck before he thrust the entire length of his cock into his sister’s pussy.

“OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! STOP!” Claire screamed hysterically, as her brother savagely raped her.

“Jesus, Sis. You’re so goddamn tight!” Matt grunted in reply as he thrust his hips forward, while at the same time pulling using her hips to pull her back onto him

“You ever have something this big in you before, Sis?” Matt yelled as he continued to jack-hammer his sister’s body.

“NOooo! Oh gawd, Matt! Please! Please stop it. You’re hurting meee!” Claire wailed.

“Take it! Take it, you fucking lesbo bitch! How’s it fucking feel to get fucked by a real man!” Matt yelled, as he switched his grip to Claire’s shoulders, the sound and intensity of their flesh slapping together doubling as he did so.

Matt was mesmerized by both the sight and feel of his sister. Her tits were jiggling wildly from the force of his fucking. Her eyes were huge, almost like a cartoon, as was her mouth, a mixture of shock and horror on her face. She never once looked at him. She still could not grasp the fact that a man’s cock was pounding in and out of her. She was thrashing beneath him, her hair whipping about her head like a fiery comet as she screamed, pleaded and begged for mercy. But every time she begged, every time she screamed, it just fuelled his passion more and more.

After what felt like an eternity, Matt felt his balls begin to tighten, Claire must have felt it as well because she began to thrash even harder beneath him.

“Don’t do it, Matt! Please for the love of God, don’t cum in me!”

At first, Matt wanted nothing more than to shoot his load inside the cock-teasing dyke that was his sister, but he also knew that it could prove difficult to explain if she got pregnant.

After a few slow, and deliberately harsh thrusts, he pulled his cock out of her and fired a massive load of hot cum across Claire’s heaving chest.

“Ooh God, you sick fuck!” Claire cried in sheer disgust and humiliation.

Matt just stood there looking down at his cum soaked sister and smiled. There she was, lying on her back, spreadeagled on the deck. Her swimsuit lay shredded about her, a few tatters still clung to her body, which only heightened his arousal. This combined with his cum soaking into her, while the afternoon sun glinted off of her well-oiled skin. And torrents of tears were running down her face while her lower lip quivered oh-so-beautifully.

It was then that he wished he could save this moment forever, and a realisation hit him. Moving quickly, he stepped over his sister and disappeared back inside the house for a moment or two.

A soft electronic beep, forced Claire to open her eyes, and what she saw chilled her to the bone. Hovering above her was her brother, who not only had just raped her but was now taking pictures of her as well.

“Gimme a good pose, Sis. I know quite a few guys who’d love to see you like this,” Matt smirked as he clicked away. Claire attempted to cover herself, or at the very least hide her face from the camera.

Matt laughed at Claire’s attempts to cover herself as continued to take pictures, all the while shouting things like ” Work it you u, little slut!” and “Yea, wiggle that ass for me, baby”, while she struggled.

It was during this that Claire managed to roll herself onto her stomach, and when she did so she gave Matt a perfect view of her tight little ass and his cock began to stir again.

Matt set the camera down on the nearby lawn chair he had occupied. He grabbed the remote control before moving in behind his sister, who was trying to raise herself up on her knees.

“Not so fast, Sis!” Matt growled as he shoved her back down to the deck,and held her there with one hand, while the other jerked his hardening cock.

“Please just leave me alone!” Claire whimpered.

” Not just yet,” Matt replied.

Claire was about to speak when she felt something press against her asshole.

“Matt, no! You promised!” Claire screamed, whipping her head around to look at him, while at the same time trying to scurry away.

“Oh, I promised alright!” Matt sneered as he snaked an arm around Claire’s waist, preventing her from escaping.

“I promised I was gonna teach my cock-teasing, lesbo sister not to tease anymore,” Matt added, as he began to run his now hard cock up down the crack of his sister’s ass.

“Oh no…..oh God. Please don’t!” Claire begged.

“Mmmmm. That’s right, Sis. I’m gonna fuck you up that stuck up little ass of yours,” Matt teased.

“P..Please not that! NOOOO! Please! OH God, oh God! PLEASE NO!” Claire shrieked, her voice breaking as she began to cry hysterically.

Matt responded by putting his elbow in the back of her neck before slamming his cock into her tight little hole.

“Oooohhhhh my G-GOD! It hurts….p-please STOP…take it o-out of m-me….take it OUT OF MEEEEEeeee” Claire screamed wildly in sheer pain.

“Any of those Dykes ever fuck you like this, Sis? Bet you love it when you got a hunk of plastic up your ass!” Matt screamed at her, thrusting harder and harder into his sister’s thrashing body.

“Oh My God! Oh my God! Y-your splitting me in two!” Claire screamed in terror, as she threw her body forward in an attempt to end the searing pain.

“Oh my God, Sis!” Matt bellowed as he grabbed onto her shoulders and began to pull her back onto his cock while he slammed her harder and harder. ” You look so fucking hot with my cock in your ass, Claire!”

Claire couldn’t answer anymore. All she could do was scream, and thrash as her brother raped her, again and again and again.

“You love it don’t you, Claire!!! Tell me you fucking love it!” Matt screamed as he yanked painfully on her pony tail, each time he thrust into her. Claire wailed, begging her brother to stop. Claire heard the clicking of the camera again, capturing her in a screaming frenzied state while her brother sodomized her without mercy.

After what seemed like an eternity, Matt yanked his sister’s head back, screaming at her, “I’m gonna cum! I”m gonna cum in your ass, u lesbo bitch!”

Claire’s scream was so shrill and so long when she began to feel her brother’s white hot semen shoot into her that she thought she’d never be able to speak again. The liquid fire poured into her for what seemed like an eternity. The fire finally subsided and Matt collapsed on top of her sobbing form for several seconds before, he slowly and painfully withdrew his cock from his sister’s ass.

Without Matt to hold her, Claire crashed into the deck face first, cum running down her thighs as she lay there half gasping and half sobbing.

“How’s it feel to be fucked by a real man, Dyke?” Matt asked as he leaned down and untied his sister’s arms.

Claire didn’t answer. She just lay there on the deck, cum leaking out of her abused body.

Matt looked at her for a second before reaching down and grabbed what had been the crotch to his sister’s swim suit and wiped his cock clean before discarding the scrap of clothing.

Claire wasn’t sure how long she had been laying on the deck, maybe an hour, maybe two, before she found the strength to move. Several minutes after that she summoned the strength to stand up and begin walking.

The trip to her room was a slow painful one. As she entered her room, Claire saw herself in the mirror.

She looked for several seconds before a weak smile crossed her lips.

Tearing herself away from the mirror Claire opened her closet and pulled out her diary, normally she’d sit at her desk and write but her ass was just too sore. Instead, she opened it to the first blank page and put today’s date at the top.

“Dear diary……” Claire started to write, the smile on her face getting bigger by the second.