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Twice the fun 2.



The next morning Terri and Tammy showed up at my door at ten o’clock; exactly when the pool opened, I might add. It was already 80 degrees outside, a typical, early August morning, and the girls were barefoot and wearing only their warm up gym suits. They said their mom wouldn’t let them put on their swimming-suits until I said we could go, so I wouldn’t feel obligated. I told them to go ahead and get ready and I’d take them when they came back, all the while trying to nonchalantly gaze at their prepubescent bodies, so smooth and soft-looking, under those outfits, wondering about that young girl skin that I longed to touch. Before they left I said, “Wait a minute. I want to see if I have you two figured out yet.” I looked at the girl on the right. “You’re Tammy, right?”

“Right!” she beamed, obviously pleased.

“And, my dear Watson,” I said, doing my Sherlock Holmes impersonation, “through the process of elimination I can deduce that your identical sibling is therefore the esteemed Terri.”

“Elementary,” said Terri, with the same British accent and an impish grin. Either they had read the books or seen the old movies with Basil Rathbone (THE Sherlock Holmes, in my opinion). These two were definitely not your average nine-year-olds. “We saw the movies,” Tammy informed me, even though I hadn’t asked. Her twin grabbed her by the arm and pulled, saying it was getting hotter every minute so let’s get moving before we all melted. I watched them head back to their place, Terri still holding her sister by the arm, obviously agitated about something. Tammy said something that sounded like, “I can’t help it! I LIKE him!” I didn’t know what the problem was; I liked them, too.

I changed into my swimming trunks and just as I was grabbing a towel from the closet the girls returned. They knocked on the door and opened it themselves this time, coming inside to wait asking impatiently if I was ready yet. I turned to look at them, waiting to see what I could see. I was hoping to see more exposed girl-skin, but they were each wearing those one-piece little girl bathing suits, the kind that covered up everything between their shoulders and their crotches. Their bodies were as identical as their faces: a light sprinkling of freckles on their narrow shoulders, their flat chests showing no signs of breasts yet, and their slightly rounded bellies with just the right amount of baby-fat, and long, gorgeously formed legs that were tanned and smooth down to their little feet. Simply beautiful. They still looked quite appealing, but I had hoped they would be wearing bikini-styled suits. My disappointment must have shown because Tammy looked down at her suit and back at me with a perplexed expression. “You don’t like our swim suits?” she asked.

How to explain to her that a girl should be unencumbered by all that cloth when swimming? That she should show off as much of her beautiful body as was legally permitted? That I wanted to SEE as much of her beautiful body as I could? “Oh, they’re OK, I guess,” I said, not wanting to hurt their feelings. “Personally though, I think those things look old-fashioned, not like the Sports Illustrated models that I’m sure you both will grow up to be, but these are okay. You’re still a little young for that kind, I guess,” I added with a sigh. They looked thoughtfully at each other, probably wondering why I made a big deal over swim-suits, no doubt, but obviously pleased at the compliment. I put a hand on each small shoulder and ran both down their backs, pushing them out the door and heading off any further questions.

There were a few other people at the pool and the twins threw their towels on a chair and tested the water with dainty feet. The antics began immediately as Terri pushed her ‘baby sister’ in. Tammy came up spluttering, shaking the water out of her eyes as she tried splashing Terri, who ran back to the fence and made a running dive into the pool. They were in the deep end, but I could tell they were both competent swimmers as they treaded water, beckoning me to join them. I threw my towel next to theirs and ran straight at them, doing a cannonball. I stayed under-water and swam for the shallow end, coming up to see them looking for me. They laughed when they saw me and swam over. I grabbed one and threw her light body into the air, watching her splash into the water with arms and legs akimbo and a gleeful scream. Of course, her twin wanted the same action and I gladly obliged. I took turns, throwing first one and then the other, my hands roaming freely over their slippery suits, delighting in the hardness of their little nipples when I casually brushed over them.

We played in the water until I was exhausted, but of course their own energy was boundless. One of them jumped on my back while I was heading for the side, intending to take a rest. “Where do think you’re going?” she demanded, playfully.

“I need a break, Tammy,” I said. As I said her name I wondered how I knew it was her, since I was unable to see her and their voices were exactly alike. I knew it was Tammy though, somehow.

“He’s tired, Tammy,” said her sister. “I think we wore him out already. He’s old, you know.”

Of course I couldn’t let her get away with that, so with Tammy still on my back I whirled around and grabbed Terri, which was what she had intended by her jibe. I poked and dug my fingers in her sides, chest and belly, tickling her until she begged for mercy. I released her and she jumped on me in the shallow water, grabbing me around the neck and wrapping her legs around me and the legs of Tammy, still on my back. “Now we’ve got you,” she said, stating the obvious. Tammy giggled in my ear.

I put my hands on her sides, running them over her water slick skin, my face inches from her. “OK, you’ve got me,” I said, playing along. “What’re you going to do?”

“Let’s dunk him!” said Tammy, and immediately they began pushing down on my shoulders, trying to get me to go under. I was standing in four or five feet of water, but I slid beneath the surface to make them happy. I had dunked them repeatedly, and it was only fair to let them do the same. When I came back up the girls climbed on me again, front and back, only now Tammy was in front.

“I know how to get you girls off,” I teased. Not that I really wanted to; I could go several weeks at least before getting tired of being in the middle of a twin-sandwich, but their mother might want them back, eventually.

“Bet you can’t!” said Tammy, smiling and hugging me tighter. I took a deep breath and sank to the bottom, taking them with me, and simply sat there, waiting. Tammy was the first to run out of air and break for the surface, followed a few seconds later by Terri. I stayed under for a while longer, watching them stand on their toes to keep their heads above water, admiring their suits tightening in their crotches, the cloth slipping into the creases of their young pussies. “No fair,” they yelled, “your lungs are bigger!” I just smiled at them as I headed for the steps leading out of the pool. Tammy came at me again, intending to stop me.

“No Tammy,” said her sister, looking serious, “let him take a break. He really IS tired.” I was, but I didn’t think I looked it. I saw Tammy give her a surprised look, and Terri’s expression looked exactly like Tammy’s had yesterday, when Tammy had said she already knew my name. I wondered about it, as I went to the chair and grabbed my towel, sitting down as they resumed their play. They seemed to be especially adept at reading other people’s expressions. It didn’t seem to be anything to be embarrassed about, although it could be unsettling at times. One of the neighborhood girls, Maryann, a very cute twelve year-old that I met here at the pool a year ago, came through the gate. She saw me and waved, smiling, and came over to say ‘hi’. She had on a tight bikini, showing most of her smooth body and legs. She was one of the reasons I came to the pool so often. “Hi Tom!” she said. “You’ll never finish your book if you keep coming here every day.” She wagged her finger at me, scolding with mock seriousness.

“I know, I know, but I promised my new neighbors I’d take them swimming while their mom finished unpacking.” I pointed at Terri and Tammy, frolicking in the water. Maryann studied them, sizing up the younger girls. “Twins?” she asked.

“You’re quick,” I said teasing her. She swatted my shoulder in return. “The one doing the dunking is Tammy, and the one getting dunked is Terri,” I informed her. “How can you tell them apart?” she asked, obviously unable to do so herself.

I realized again that I was sure of which one was which, even though they were at the other end of the pool, and I didn’t really know how I was doing it. I was absolutely positive though. “I guess it’s because I’ve gotten to know them,”

I said lamely, not really believing it. They looked exactly alike from this distance, but I seemed to be able to tell them apart anyway. Maryann accepted my explanation though, and tossed her towel on the ground before jumping in the pool. She was a friendly girl, and swam over to the twins to introduce herself. Soon enough, they were all playing together, splashing and having races, which Maryann won since she was older. The twins made her work for it though, being excellent swimmers themselves, and she climbed out of the pool to catch her breath, sitting on the edge with her feet in the water.

I found my eyes drifting over to her, admiring her golden tan and pubescent tits, which were just beginning to show the promise of things to come. But every time I looked at Maryann, Tammy would yell, “Hey Tom! Watch this!” and do a handstand or some other childish stunt. It was almost as if Tammy didn’t want me looking at Maryann, but that sounded ridiculous.

I was almost dry when Susan came over to get the girls for lunch, telling them to get out of the water and asking if I wanted to join them. I thanked her but said I wanted to stay by the pool a little longer, and after she called two more times to the twins they finally came out, sensing her growing irritation. “Thanks for watching them,” said Susan, as Terri and Tammy grabbed towels and dried themselves off, the water sparkling on their four-foot frames.

“No problem at all,” I told her sincerely. “I had as much fun as they did.” The twins flashed their sunny smiles at me, and that was all the thanks I really needed.

They said their goodbyes, and my eyes returned to watching Maryann, who was now swimming back and forth, doing laps. I felt someone looking at me and turned to see Tammy watching me over her shoulder as she walked away. Her eyes darted to Maryann before returning to me, and her expression showed she was frustrated, before she turned around again. Could she really be jealous? Don’t flatter yourself, I thought, she’s just upset because she couldn’t stay here and swim. When Maryann left –making me promise to let her read my book if I ever finished it– I went home and fixed lunch, not bothering to change out of my swim-suit, and ate a sandwich in front of my computer while playing a game. It was one of those role-playing games, where you take on the attributes of a certain character and have to find things, uncover clues, battle monsters, and save the world and some unfortunate princess from certain doom. I always chose to be a sorcerer in these games. Something about magic and casting spells attracted the boy in me, I guess.

I was battling a rather troublesome beast, trying to find the right spell to kill it before getting killed myself (again), when the twins knocked and came in, asking belatedly if they could do so. I was glad they felt at home here, opening the door without waiting for me to get up and answer it. I waved them over to me, noticing that they had changed back into their loose fitting gym suits, t- shirts and shorts, but they still looked sexy to me. Both girls’ t-shirts were halter-type and really too small for them, and when they came over to see what I was doing I put a hand on Terri’s bare back beneath the shirt, loving the feel of her warm skin beneath my fingers. Tammy asked if they could play too, and I said sure, as long as I could be the sorcerer. They agreed to my terms, and I started the game over, punching in three players. I showed them the options, and Terri chose to be a warrior, while Tammy decided on the sorcerer’s apprentice, which also had some magical abilities. Terri went and got a chair, but Tammy decided to sit on my knee, which was fine with me. I showed them how to control the figures and actions in the game, but since only one person actually controlled everything they had to tell me what they wanted their character to do, such as fight, talk, or cast a spell. We took turns at the keyboard however, to keep it interesting, and had arguments over what certain clues meant or where we should go exploring.

“Maybe I should write down some of these clues before we forget ’em,” said Terri, while Tammy threw spells at a monster.

“Good idea, Ms. Watson,” I said, making her grin. “There’s paper and a pen right in front of you.” We went over the clues we had already come across and Terri dutifully wrote each one down before taking her turn at the computer. I noticed they didn’t argue about whose turn it was, unlike most sisters or little girls in general, but simply switched without saying anything. They certainly got along well with each other, I thought. Tammy leaned back a little, still sitting on my knee, and I placed my hand on her shoulder, letting it rest there a few seconds before running it lightly over the soft, warm skin of her back. She turned her head and smiled at me, letting me know that she liked it. Even though we had only met yesterday it was like the three of us were old friends already, I thought, amazed.

As if to confirm this, Tammy moved back on my leg, leaning her back against my chest and sitting in my lap. I folded my hands across her belly as we leaned back in the chair, holding her against me in a loose hug. She put her hands on top of mine, making herself comfortable, and the feeling of holding this warm, soft young girl against me filled me with pleasure. I was glad she didn’t think she was too old for such cuddling. I moved a thumb in small circles over her smooth tummy, and felt the beginnings of an erection in my swim-suit. I hoped Tammy wouldn’t be able to feel it under her butt, and I tried to relax and stop myself from getting turned on. Her naked skin against my own made that hard to do though. Terri, sitting at the computer, reached down between her legs and began absentmindedly fondling herself through her shorts, almost as if she were searching for something down there, but I couldn’t tell from this angle. Tammy giggled when she saw her sister had let her attention wander and had gotten our characters into a bad situation.

“Better let Tom take his turn if you’re going to play with yourself instead of the game,” she told Terri tauntingly. Terri turned and gave me a reproachful look, as if it was MY fault her mind had wandered into some other area, then got out of the chair, pulling her shorts up tight into her crotch. “Can I get something to drink?” she asked, ignoring her sister’s remarks.

“Sure Terri,” I said, my voice shaking. “Help yourself. You know where everything is.” She turned and went to the kitchen, and Tammy yelled for Terri to get a Coke for her, too. I was about to add that she get me a beer while she was at it when she returned, holding two cans of Coke in one hand and a beer in the other. “I thought you might want something, too,” she explained, and handed me one of the Cokes, her eyes dancing with mischief as she tried not to smile.

“Thank you,” I answered, “but I think I’ll have the beer. We don’t want your mother to beat me silly when we’ve only just met.”

“You’re no fun,” she accused, pouting and giving me the beer.

“I’m old, remember? You said so yourself.”

“I was just kidding,” she said seriously. “Are you gonna take your turn or not?”

“No, I’ll pass this time. Tammy, you can go ahead if you want.” I tickled her sides, making her giggle and squirm in my lap, causing my dick to get even harder.

“OK,” she said, getting up suddenly and taking Terri’s chair. Terri immediately replaced her sister on my lap. Apparently I was being shared, I thought to myself. Tammy giggled. “What’s so funny?” I asked her, as Terri leaned back against me.

“Oh, nothing,” she said cryptically, as she took control of the game. Before I opened my beer I rolled the cold can over Terri’s bare belly, making her yelp in surprise as I held it against her. We opened our cans and took a drink, and then we all belched in unison, making us laugh until we were out of breath. “Can I have a sip?” asked Terri, eyeing my beer hopefully.

“Okay, but just a swallow,” I said, figuring it wouldn’t hurt her. She took two giant gulps before I pulled the can away, and then performed a long, deep belch. “I suppose you want some, too,” I said to Tammy.

“No thanks, I don’t like beer,” she declared, making a sour face. “It gives me a headache.” She took another sip from her Coke before turning back to the game.

I put my can of beer on the desk and Terri sank deeper into my lap, hanging her right leg over the padded armrest of the chair and giving me a blood-stirring view of her crotch as the hem of her shorts rose upwards. Yielding to my instinctual desires I put my hand on her bare thigh, while my other hand rested on her stomach. Unable to resist her enticing flesh, and receiving no complaint from Terri, I started slowly moving my hand in small circles over the satiny, dreamy softness of her leg, boldly inching farther up towards the young girl’s groin until I was stroking from her knee almost to her crotch. She must have been able to feel my hard-on pressing into her back but she said nothing, and I noticed Tammy glancing over at her occasionally and smiling briefly. Daringly, I ran my hand to the edge of the fabric and stopped, my fingers tracing along the border. Terri responded by lifting her leg farther up on the armrest, spreading herself and letting me know I could continue. My fingers explored just under her shorts, expecting to make contact with her underpants and failing to find any as I touched the incredibly tender junction of leg and tender preteen vagina.

“Sorry,” I apologized as I felt the girl’s leg twitch reflexively. I moved my hand a safe distance from her crotch, hoping she would think it had been an accident. I couldn’t believe I had been so daring, touching her so intimately when we had only known each other for one day! I had been unable to pass up the opportunity, however.

“That’s OK,” she said calmly. “It just tickled.” Tammy looked over her shoulder at us and smiled again, an uncomfortably knowing smile. Did they realize what I was thinking? That I thought they were the most incredibly beautiful girls I had ever seen? As much as I wanted to touch Terri there again I didn’t dare; even though she hadn’t complained I wasn’t ready to start openly fondling her. I couldn’t move that fast even if SHE wanted me to. Seeming to sense my hesitation, Terri sighed and lowered her leg so she could lean forward and grab her pop. Tammy cocked her head as if she were listening to something and said, “Mom’s looking for us.”

“How do you know that?” I asked.

“Um…I heard her call. Didn’t you?” She looked quickly at her sister, as if seeking confirmation.

Terri nodded. I hadn’t heard anything, but then my ears were filled with a pounding heartbeat from touching her. “You better go see what she wants then,” I told them, but just then someone knocked on the door.

“Come on in, Mom!” Tammy yelled, looking at me with a shrug. Susan walked in and I didn’t have time to ask how she knew it was her, or how she knew they were here. My erection quickly wilted as I tried not to appear guilty of what I had just done.

“Are these two bothering you?” she asked, giving the girls a stern look. The fact that Terri was sitting calmly in the lap of someone they had just met didn’t seem to bother her.

“No, not at all. We were just playing a game on the computer.”

She laughed and said, “You realize you’ll never get rid of them now, don’t you? They’ve been badgering me to get one for quite a while now but they don’t seem to understand how expensive it is. They have to settle for Nintendo.” “Sometimes I think I use it more for playing games than I do for writing books,” I grinned. “It’s nice to have someone to play with for a change,” I added, tickling Terri.

“Well, I need to get some groceries now that the unpacking is finished.” She looked at the girls. “Come on you two. Leave Tom alone for awhile. I’m sure he has better things to do.” Actually, I didn’t. How better to spend one’s time than with these girls?

The twins immediately protested. “Oh, Mom,” said one. “Can’t we stay home?” said the other. “No,” she said firmly. “I’m not leaving you two alone. You’re not THAT old, yet.”

I was debating whether to volunteer to babysit when Tammy looked at me hopefully, obviously thinking the same thing. “I wouldn’t mind watching them,” I told her. “That’s basically what I was doing before you got here.” Tammy gave me a big smile, then watched her mother for the verdict.

She looked at Tammy, and something unspoken seemed to pass between them. She nodded, and said to me, “If you’re sure you don’t mind, I guess it’s ok. I won’t be gone long.” She looked at Tammy again and then turned to leave, closing the door behind her.

“Thanks, Tom,” said the twins in unison. “We promise we’ll be very good,” Terri added with a mischievous smile, her eyes twinkling. What was THAT supposed to mean, I worried? We continued the game, talking about school, their friends, and generally just getting to know each other better. They were both very articulate; I was quite impressed with their vocabulary, and felt a small amount of pride that my books had helped. Tammy asked what my new one was about, and we paused the game so I could bring it up on the screen and show her. I let them read the beginning so they could get an idea. It was about a young girl who writes a computer program to do all her homework, and while that may sound like a good idea the girl wasn’t learning anything that way. “But if she could write a program like that wouldn’t she already be pretty smart?” asked Tammy.

“Yes, she’s smart when it comes to computers but if the computer answers all her homework for her she doesn’t learn about anything else.”

They both pondered the pros and cons of this, which is what most of my books intend for them to do. In the end Terri decided the computer sounded like a good idea, but Tammy thought the girl in the story was only cheating herself. Before we knew it Susan was back with her groceries and the girls went off to help her. She thanked me for watching them and I told her with honest sincerity, “Anytime!”

Apparently Susan took me seriously, because the next morning she came over with a proposition. “I have to go back to work tomorrow,” she began, “and I’m looking for someone to watch the girls. They seem to be quite taken with you; you’re all they talk about lately. Would you be interested?” she asked hopefully.

Before I could answer she added, “I wouldn’t be able to pay you very much, and my hours change a lot, but the girls are fairly well-behaved and I’m sure they wouldn’t be too much trouble. In fact, they’re the ones who talked me into asking you.”

I couldn’t believe this! Here was a woman I had only met two days ago and she was willing to practically give me her daughters! I hesitated, not wanting to appear overly anxious. “Well…Sure, I guess that would be alright. I’m home all day anyway, so it wouldn’t be any trouble or anything.”

She looked at me as if she saw right through me, just like Tammy did, but she looked relieved as well. “That would really be great, Tom. My mother was going to commute every day from the north-side, but she’s not really comfortable with the twins.” She hesitated. “They have a way of knowing…How to put this?” she frowned. “They’re very good at sensing other people’s feelings, and it makes some people uncomfortable.” She looked at me as if this revelation might change my mind. It also seemed as if she wasn’t telling me everything.

“As a matter of fact, I’d noticed that myself,” I told her. “It doesn’t really bother me. As far as paying me goes, you can forget that right now. Like I said, I’m at home all day anyways. Besides,” I added slyly, “they might give me inspiration for another book.”

“Well then we’ll have to talk royalties,” she joked, laughingly. “Seriously Tom, I really appreciate this. You have no idea how much this helps.” Shortly after she left, as I was sitting there in a kind of dumbfounded haze, the twins burst in with huge grins on their impish faces. “I TOLD her you’d say ‘yes’,” Tammy informed me triumphantly, jumping next to me on the couch.

“Oh?” I looked at her skeptically. “What made you so sure?”

“I just knew,” she said simply. “Wanna go swimming?” she asked hopefully. They were conveniently wearing their swim suits, I noticed.

“Well, since you seem to know everything,” I teased, “what do YOU think I want to do?” Tammy looked at me, her brown eyes penetrating.

“What you REALLY want to do is–”

“Tammy!” Terri yelled at her in warning, looking alarmed. Tammy’s eyes twinkled.

“–go swimming.” She looked at her sister innocently, and Terri scowled at her. Did the girl really know what I would have liked to do? Namely, love her intimately? These two had me completely off balance. I was used to the black-on-white girls printed in my books, not to flesh-and-blood vamps who seemed to see right through me. I never knew where I stood with these two. I shrugged it off and went to my bedroom to put on my swim-suit, glad that they appeared to like me as much as I liked them.