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Wife love showing off husband’s body



My name is Bill, and I have some amazing stories, about the things that turn my wife on. We have been married for 6 years. I am 32 and my wife is 24. She is very sexy, but has always bragged to her friends on the size of my cock (even when we started dating in high school).

Her friends’ brother would tell me that she told their sisters how big I was and how good I was, at foreplay and fucking. Sometimes, when we would be drinking, she would start describing how big I was to all her friends. I was flattered, usually, but sometimes I was embarrassed, too.

One day, she was telling her sister how big I was and I walked in. Her sister said “Prove it!” My wife stood up and rubbed my cock, and like always, it started to grow. Her sister just stared as all 15″ pushed at my pants, trying to get free. My wife unzipped my pants and let it out. Her sister gasped and stared.

My wife, then said she could touch it, if she wanted to. She grabbed it and just purred. I pushed it toward her mouth and my wife guided it there and said “taste my husbands giant cock.”

She did and sucked me dry. Ever since then, I know whenever my wife starts bragging to people about the size of my cock, that she wants me to show off, so I do.

Some of her male friends are interested, too, she says.. I guess I’ll show off to them, also. She has, also bragged to her mother how big I am and every time we’re there, she stares at my cock, which causes it to harden. Some day, maybe? .