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The story of the legenday Japanese bukkake ceremony



Lipstick was invented ancient Egypt, where it was used by prostitutes who specialized in oral sex to advertise their services. Until now, the origin of the Japanese Bukkake ceremony had been shrouded in mystery.

Long, long ago, in a tiny village on the slopes of Mount Fuji in the land of the rising sun, there lived a young girl named Minako. Minako was very beautiful, but the village of Kim-Li was known for the submissive obedience of its shy, dutiful, and respectful young women, even in a land where submissive obedience was universal.

Minako was the jewel in the crown of Kim-Li. Even as a little girl, no man could pass her by without a glance of longing, both for her unequaled beauty and for the sexy manner in everything she did: Walk, smile, even breath.

But Minako was very different from the other girls of Kim-Li. She knew she could never be content with just one man. Indeed, she could not content herself with only one man at a time, and many of the village boys and men had worn themselves out trying to fulfill her for the seventh, eighth, or fifteenth time.

One day her father called her to him. He was at his wit’s end, for he truly loved his young daughter, but he knew that she could bend him to her will.

“Minako,” he said, “now that you have become a young woman of sixteen winters, it is no longer proper that you alone of the village maidens should be thought in your actions, both naughty and improper. From this day forward you will cover yourself from head to toe as befits a young lady of this, our honorable family.”

“Papa-san,” said Minako, failing to avert her eyes with proper respect, “I cannot understand the ways of men! They say I must cover myself and hide from their eyes, and yet when I fail to do this they seek me out, even spying on me from the hills or peeping into my bedroom to catch sight of my nakedness. Even you, beloved Papa-san, smile when I walk through our home in scant coverings I dare not use out of doors.”

“True or not,” said her father, “you will obey my commands and behave, from this day forward.”

Minako dropped her eyes from his and withdrew from his presence in a most suitable manner, but as the season unfolded word came to her father of most improper incidents between his daughter and the boys of the village. When he reproached her, the lilt of her laughter was her only reply.

Minako’s father resolved to return her to path of proper behavior, and so he spoke to the men of the village of his problem. Together they resolved that if the girl would not reform freely she would be shamed into submission.

And so it came to pass that Minako was brought to the village hall on the night before the full moon, attired in a light kimono.

To shame her, the men of the village made her kneel before them, and then each of them released their semen on her face, until she was thickly covered. But they were astonished to see open her mouth and catch all she could of that which they ejaculated upon her before she let it dribble down her chin.

So she was ordered to walk home through the streets of the village with the fresh cream of many men dripping from her face. Thus she would surely be shamed before her friends. But the village boys only looked upon her more lustfully than before, and Minako became more than ever the subject of their lustful cravings.

When he father beheld his rebellious daughter drenched in the villager’s sperm, he repented of his jealous ways and opened his heart to his deep love of his daughter. On that night, it is said that the lovely Minako received the sperm of all the men of the village upon her face and tits, but the only jism she swallowed was that of her father.

Knowing that he had failed to reform his daughter, her father resolved to send her from the village to live with her aunt Bunko in the great city of Kure. And so, just before her 18th year, Minako departed from her mountain village and made her way to a new life in the city.

Minako’s aunt was a famous courtesan, a Geisha of the floating world, who had many admirers among the rich and powerful men of the city. Minako was admitted to her Geisha house with honor, for her beauty was very great.

One night after a ceremony her aunt performed with many of the great men of the city, Minako discovered Bunko crying. Minako dried her tears and inquired how sorrow had intruded into the floating world. Her aunt replied that after the tea ceremony was completed, none of the men wished to stay and enjoy her famous sexual talents. She greatly feared that her advancing age of 28 winters would soon mean an end to her career.

Minako consoled her aunt, and told her of a way to captivate many men together in a new ceremony she had learned in her mountain village. In the years to come, the Geisha house of Bunko became renowned throughout all Nippon, for there was begun a delightful new ceremony wherein one pretty face takes on the glow of many men’s seminal fluid. So great was the fame of the house of Bunko that the most beautiful and submissive young maidens in all the land flocked there to seek their fortunes, and thus their faces were whitened and they became even more beautiful.

Minako’s father often visited to partake of the charms of his sister and daughter, and he was welcomed with great affection by all the Geishas who dwelt there. The house of Bunko in Kure became a watchword throughout the city, and has come down to us as the word “Bukkake”. By a happy coincidence, this is also the Japanese word for waves crashing together.

And so, even to this day, both the Geisha and all the women of Japan use makeup found nowhere else in the world. They paint their faces white in honor of Minako, and of the first whitening of her lovely young face, which was to bring such beauty to the faces of women everywhere.