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For every absolutely gorgeous piece of ass in the world, there is some guy who is sick and tired of fucking her



Simone came to live was us – my wife Tabitha, my fifteen-year-old step-daughter Tina, and myself — about a month ago. She is the step-daughter of my wife’s twin sister, Tawny. That sister, a single mother, is doing a year in prison for check fraud, and we’re taking her step-daughter in with us until she gets out. Now don’t get the wrong idea – neither my wife nor I move in the world of crime at all! In fact, her incarceration took us completely by surprise, as we were unaware of my sister-in-law’s prior arrests on the same charge (she and Simone have been living across the country from us). In any case, although we have visited back and forth through the years, it was this more “permanent” arrival of my niece that has me speaking of that delightful agony: the craving for “strange” pussy.

Despite the fact that my wife is gorgeous, and the fact that I get more sex than most men my age could keep up with, the tantalizing nuisance of my niece’s delicious, “strange” body is almost unbearable.

And I could swear that the little minx is taunting me, teasing me, and flirting with me! I tell you, if she doesn’t cool it, I may find myself one of these nights sneaking into her bedroom and fucking some respect for her elders into her! Mmmm. Yummy. I’ll probably use that mental imagery tonight to spice up my *real* sex-life.

The funny thing about mankind’s drive for strange pussy, I have noticed, is that it is not always a drive for variety, really. In other words, lots of guys don’t seek strange just to get, say, a red-headed break from the blonde they’re getting regularly. Rather, the pussy seems most often to be selected for the simple expediency of not being the *exact one* they already have. In other words, the strange female is sought not for different characteristics, but for simply being a different woman.

Let me give you an example of my point. I had a buddy in college, Tom, who for the longest time dated this Korean girl, Jae Yung, who was a year behind us. She was pretty, and sexy, and at nineteen and twenty had the body and face of a twelve-year old! If it sounds strange to you that Tom was attracted to her, bear in mind that most of the guys who met her desperately wanted to fuck her themselves, me included.

Anyway, they had a routine of sleeping over at Tom’s place almost every night of the three semesters they were together. So Tom was fucking this delicious morsel every day at least once. But you know where this is going – despite this, Tom was perpetually jonesing for some strange pussy!

Every once in a while, when Tom thought he had an angle on some strange (say the girl he had coffee with after his Psych class, or what have you), he would go to extraordinary lengths to arrange an opportunity to get free of Jae Yung’s scrutiny long enough to tag it. I know because he’d often get me to help him put together an alibi in advance. I was happy to comply, not only because I completely sympathized with his drives, but also because on at least six or seven of these occasions, I took advantage of his guaranteed absence to fuck Jae Yung myself! Now that’s a different story, but I should be clear that I never shared my knowledge of Tom’s activities or his whereabouts with Jae Yung in order to convince her to let me cuckold him. That would have been an absolute betrayal of his trust, not to mention the Guy Code!

Although I can still visualize from twenty years ago how Jae Yung’s girlish bottom would bounce up and down as she repeatedly impaled herself on my thick prick in the classic “reverse cowgirl” position, like I said, that’s another story. What is germane to our present purpose is what Tom was up to.

Was he finding *strange* pussy?


Was he indulging in *variety*, distinct from the slim-hipped, almond-eyed, smooth-skinned, tiny-tittied, virtually hairless little Korean cupcake he could have everyday — perhaps taking an exotic excursion into the very disparate comforts of, say, a big-titted blonde, an Amazonian redhead, or an ebony princess, as a change of pace from Jae Yung’s “type”?

Fuck no.

I met many of Tom’s side jobs, and almost every single one of them was an Asian girl, and most of these were Koreans just like what he already had at home, right down to similar bodies, faces, and hairstyles. Tom wasn’t catting around in order to get different *kinds* of pussy – he was indulging his taste by seeking different *examples* of his *favorite* *kind* of pussy.

What does the old story of my college buddy have to do with me now? Well, in a similar manner, my discovered lust for my eighteen-year-old niece is probably perplexing to those unschooled in the topic of “strange pussy”.

You see, Simone is not all that “different” from the pussy I’m already plugging. This isn’t much of a surprise, since as I think I mentioned that her mother and my wife are not only sisters, but identical twins. Both Tabitha and her sister Tawny are leggy, blonde, beautiful, and amply but not excessively endowed with tits near the high-end of the C-cup range. Both still have tight asses and flat bellies.

Now I don’t know what Simone’s father looked like, as he left Tawny shortly after Simone was born, but perhaps he looked something like me. The reason I say this is that Simone looks like a younger sister to my step-daughter, Tina. In fact, whoever he was, he seems to have had, like me, a relatively recessive genome, since both Tina and Simone look a lot like their mothers, and a lot like each other.

So, let’s review the *dramatis personae*. Aside from me, who you don’t really care to hear described, I’m sure, we have thirty-eight year old identical twin sisters, one of whom lies out of reach in jail, and the other of whom I have been fucking for about seventeen years. They are both in great shape, tight-assed blondes with larger C-cup tits.

Then we have their step-daughters, my step-daughter and my niece, who look very similar both to each other and to their mothers, with slightly darker hair and, of course, more youthful, teen-aged shapes. The fifteen-year old is my step-daughter, Tina, Daddy’s Princess, which leaves the eighteen-year-old, Simone, to be the object of my hunger for sexual strange.

What about her tits? I keep coming back to the tits in describing these women. Sweet, conical, large breasts seem to run strong in my wife’s family. My step-daughter Tina has a nice pair, I must admit, and at age fifteen she is already pushing into what I would guess is the low end of the C-cup range.

Simone is only eighteen, of course, and has some growing to do. However, her breasts are already a cute, up-thrust pair growing right through the upper reaches of the B-cup spectrum and heading for bigger things.

So, perhaps the sincerest demonstration of the point that I am trying to make about the appeal of strange is that despite the presence of larger breasts to enjoy, after she moved in I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Simone’s adorable growing B-cup muffins.

It was in staring at Simone’s schoolgirl-tits that I first came to suspect that she might be flirting with me. At the dinner table every night, she sat right across the table from me. More than once I looked up from my entranced stare at her tight top, to find her staring right back at me. She wouldn’t look away right off, and when she did, under the pretence of continuing her meal, I could usually detect the slightest smirk.

Of course, this alone was not enough to lead me on. Perhaps she didn’t really notice, or perhaps she thought me a creep, and did her best to stifle a guffaw upon busting me. Maybe she was just uncomfortable about the whole matter, and the “smirk” I thought I was seeing was really more of an embarrassed grimace.

I figured the only way to find out was to continue to make no bones of my appreciation for her form, to ensure that she was aware of it. Now, while doing this, I still had to keep my attraction just between the two of us. It would do no good at all for my wife – or heaven forbid, *my step-daughter* – to realize I was leching over my niece.

Bearing in mind this need for discretion, I nonetheless decided to be more obvious to Simone, while at the same time getting a better view for myself.

We have a game room in our finished basement, complete with a 9-foot pool table. In furtherance of my cause, I asked the family one night at dinner who wanted to play pool. My wife declined, as I expected, and at first, so did Tina, but when Simone said “Sure!”, Tina quickly followed with an “All right.”

Tina was a decent player, but Simone had hardly ever held a cue before.

I announced that Tina would play against Simone, and I would coach and guide Simone so that she could learn the game.

So, by now you must be wondering what this game of pool has to do with strange pussy or even enjoying the visual charms of my niece. Well, in order to “coach” Simone on her shots, I would go to the far side of the table to indicate exactly where her cue stick should be aiming. As an almost irrelevant aside, this process was actually quite helpful to her game, as she began to understand the angle-of-incidence geometry of the process. The more important purpose of this was voyeuristic.

Simone’s top was tight, as I already mentioned, but it had a scooped neckline. As she would bend over to take a shot (with me saying things like “lean over more, get closer to the cue ball”), I would find myself looking straight down her cleavage. As she looked up at me to determine whether her cue was lined up with my raised finger at the table edge, she could and did unmistakably catch me staring into her exquisite decolletage. I know she was completely aware of my purpose, because the first few shots left her face ablaze with a blush. The smirk was gone – perhaps with the cleavage in view, her sense of holding all the power slipped away.

Once I knew that she knew, I teased her further. On each shot, the coaching process required me to tell her when she was ready to actually take the shot. First, I’d wait until she was all lined up with my target mark. Then, I’d wait until she looked up into my eyes and ask “now?”

I would then almost theatrically sweep my eyes away from hers to flagrantly stare down her shirt. The smooth, creamy rounded tops of her freshman titties heaved with each deep, embarrassed breath; their color flushing to a brightening pink. Sometimes I would let the tip of my tongue pop out between my lips to lightly wet them; other times I would return my gaze up to meet hers until she would widen her eyes and almost imperceptibly cock her head toward my step-daughter in a wordless exasperation that conveyed, “C’mon, say `now’, please, before Tina notices!”

Then I’d finally say “now,” she’d take the shot, and quickly recover to a more modest pose.

I’m surprised my step-daughter didn’t catch on – after all, I was taking outrageous chances. I can only assume that she was glad to be catching up with and overtaking her cousin. Simone had been leading with the aid of my coaching, but now that I was teasing her so completely, her shots were beginning to go more poorly.

After a couple of games in this fashion, we called it a night. I went upstairs to my bedroom and fucked my wife Tabitha silly.

It was on the following night that the desire for strange became almost unbearable.

As we sat again at the dinner table, I again couldn’t keep my eyes off of my teenaged niece. Today, however, she wore a rather loose fitting top. It had a wide yoke-like neckline that carried right over onto the edge of her shoulders, and as she ate, one or the other of its shoulders would slip down and expose one of her delicious upper arms. Her bra strap would remain in place, however, reminding me of the treasure undisclosed. Each time this would happen, she would distractedly pull the sleeve up to cover her bra strap, only to have it or its opposite fall again within a few seconds. Needless to say, I was mesmerized by this “dance,” and of course after the activities of the night before, there was no way that Simone didn’t realize this. Perhaps this teasing was intended to pay me back for the lingering visual fun I had sampled the night before.

Perhaps she was actually angry with me?

As it turns out, I guess not. As dinner drew to a close, I could hardly believe what I was hearing from Simone’s bow-shaped mouth: “Can we play pool again tonight?”

Right after dinner, as my step-daughter and I made for the basement, Simone announced that she’d be right down, and headed for her bedroom. “Drat!” I thought, she’d going to put on a sweatshirt or something to take my fun away.”

However, nothing could have been further from the truth. When Simone joined us in the basement, I about choked. Yes, she had changed her outfit. No, there was no sweatshirt. No, she hadn’t changed tops – she still wore the loose-fitting, low-necked number that I had been enjoying at dinner, and which had had so much trouble staying in place. But she had changed *something*. She had removed her bra.

As I’m sure you can imagine, this was a most enjoyable and singular game of pool. Every time Simone bent over, her top drooped down, displaying her growing B-cups fully to my gaze as they hung from her slender frame. From my “coaching” stance on the opposite side of the table, I could – and did – enjoy every inch of her young breasts, from their rounding swells to their distended and seemingly erect nipples.

Tonight, when she looked up to ask, “Now?” there was no look of embarrassment, no exasperation. Instead, the little minx would arch her eyebrow at me, almost as if in challenge!

I was as hard as a rock. After the first game, which somehow, despite her teasing and my distraction, I was able to coach her into winning, we played a second. About halfway through, my step-daughter Tina told us to go ahead and take the next shot, but she had to use the bathroom.

As it so happened, the next shot was a tough one, for the cue ball was almost out of reach for the right shot. Simone reached for the bridge. Swallowing my prudence, I asked: “Would you like to learn how to shoot that without a granny stick?”

Simone was leaning on the table, stretching herself out as far as she could. Only one foot – and that on tip-toe – was in contact with the ground, as the rules require. Her ass elevated deliciously, doubled over the edge of the large, full-sized pool table. And this time, Simone’s helpful uncle wasn’t clear across the green, indicating her aim point. No sir. This time, he was reaching over and around her, his left hand guiding hers in supporting the cue, his right hand nudging the butt of the cue up and down, left and right, trying to get the aim just right.

He – that is, me – was in heaven. My crotch was pressed firmly into my sweet niece’s firm little ass, making no secret of the uncle-meat grinding into her butt crease. She didn’t complain, but she did squirm, in a manner clearly intended to please me. Mmmmm.

We heard the bathroom fan turn off, which meant that my step-daughter was returning. We quickly took the shot (we missed) and separated, just as her Tina re-entered the game room.

“Whose turn is it?”

I think both Simone and her coach were a little flustered from the “special mentoring” we’d attempted in Tina’s absence, because my step-daughter quickly won the second game. She then made an unexpected proposal.

“Let’s play one more game to break the tie. Only this time, Daddy, you have to help *both* of us line up our shots, okay?”

The third game was a strange experience as I played my role, because on alternating shots, first my niece’s, and then my step-daughter’s breasts were displayed for my view. Hard to keep things straight, really.

Tina did not have a low-hanging neckline, so that was one clear difference that kept my gawking straight. And as I’ve said, Tina’s breasts are definitely larger than Simone’s. But although I certainly appreciated the aesthetic charm of my step-daughter’s form, its effect on me was nothing in comparison to that of my teasing – and apparently inviting – young niece.

We finished the game (Tina won), and busied ourselves with putting up the cues and balls, and spreading a dust-cover over the pool table.

As we tidied up, an adolescent schoolgirl made a very unchaste move. While her cousin was looking away, I felt a petite teenage hand reach around from behind me and stroke along the length of my still-turgid prick. In a sultry and nearly-silent whisper, the sexy jailbait instructed, “Come see me later.”

The girls headed upstairs to their respective bedrooms, and I made a quick visit to the bathroom in the basement. After pissing (which wasn’t easy, I assure you – it takes a lot of torque to aim a stiff prick down into the toilet bowl), I was turning to go when I spotted something odd on the linen shelf.

Behind the spare towels, given away by only one stray strap, was a bra.

Then I understood what my step-daughter had been doing in the bathroom. She had removed her bra before coming out and asking that I “coach” her as well as her cousin.

The implications were dramatic. I lowered the toilet lid and sat down to collect my thoughts.

First, my step-daughter must have been aware that I had been scoping down my niece’s top. It wouldn’t surprise me if in fact she suspected I wanted to actually *fuck* her young cousin. And Tina knowing about *that* wouldn’t do at all. No sir.

Was it possible she might have thought she was imagining it? Yeah, that was possible – right up to the moment she took off her own bra, probably in an attempt to distract me from my intended quarry. Obviously, she had noticed that Simone had removed her bra. Further, she had noticed me noticing.

Although the prospect of having two teenaged girls competing for your voyeuristic attention is, in a vacuum, a very appealing idea, this situation was troubling. One thing I knew for sure: if Tina caught me trying to fuck her cousin, she would explode. Not only would she hate me, but an angry teenaged girl is not the most discrete customer. Surely it wouldn’t take long for her mother, my wife, to hear something of it and from there perhaps Simone’s mother. Imagine Simone’s incarcerated mother, Tawny, using the molestation of her teenaged step-daughter in an effort to expedite parole for “parental reasons”? Where there was an incentive like that, a small matter could readily become quite large.

I could lose my wife, my step-daughter, my freedom *and* the strange pussy all in one fell swoop if I tried to knock a piece out of my niece with my step-daughter monitoring the situation.

No, the discovery that my step-daughter had removed her bra in order to compete with her younger cousin for my attention was not a good development at all. Whereas only minutes ago I had convinced myself that this was a simple case of uncle-debauches-niece-pussy-for-innocent-change-of-pace, it now looked more like it would be uncle-gets-caught-fucking-niece-family-goes-apeshit-uncle-finds-self-in-jail sort of prospect, which I can assure you is much less fun to contemplate.

With a cold sweat on my brow, I turned off the game room lights and headed up to bed, where I found my wife already fast asleep.

Getting to sleep myself was a more difficult undertaking. As I lay in the dark, the initial shock my step-daughter’s apparent interference with my plans to seduce her cousin faded a bit. After all, she hadn’t really caught me at anything – it was just my fear that she would *eventually* catch me – *if* something ever actually happened between us in the first place, that is.

My mind drifted away from danger and returned to its lusts. I relived the memory of Simone’s intentional eighteen-year old breast displays. My prick began to comeback to life.

My semi-hard penis remembered the delicious sensation of grinding into her adolescent ass, and stiffened further.

I wasn’t going to be able to sleep now, not like this. I was hard as anything and obsessing over teenaged pussy. But I had to resist. I couldn’t try to fuck Simone with Tina on the look-out.

But then I relived a memory that forced me to take action. I mentally and physically remembered the feeling of a schoolgirl hand stroking my prick through my jeans and an underaged voice “commanding” me with a “come see me later.” I arose quietly and padded through the now darkened and quiet house.

Both girls had bedrooms on the first floor. I’d have to tread quietly – Simone’s door was right across the hallway from Tina’s.

After listening carefully for a few moments, and satisfying myself that both rooms lay in silence, I gently pushed open the bedroom door to the left and closed it behind me.

The girl waited for the door to click shut before turning on her bedside lamp.

“I wondered if you would come.”


“Are you here to fuck me?”

“What else would I be here for?”


“How about taking your clothes off and letting me take a good look at you.”

“My clothes are off,” she said with a snicker, throwing off her covers to reveal a nubile young form.

Her dark blond hair cascaded over her shoulders to lay across the tops of her beautiful schoolgirl titties, displayed in their naked glory.


She kicked off the remaining cover, to reveal a slender waist, adolescent hips, and a cute little peach of a puss, lightly decorated with downy hair.

“Spread your legs, sweetheart.”

Her fat outer lips parted with her thighs, revealing just a hint of delicate inner labia. Ymmm.

“Get on all fours. I’m taking you from behind.”

“Mmmm. I like that.”

“And hush, your cousin might hear.”

“Oh yeah. Sorry.”

She got up on elbows and knees, her perfect ass skyward and her flexible young spine arched wonderfully. I wasted no time.

Advancing on her, I gently pressed a hand against each cheek, and leaned in to swipe my tongue up through the groove of her juvenile snatch. She tasted like teenager.

The urgency in my cock took over. I drew down my shorts and lined my leaking cockhead up with the young girl’s breeding channel. I paused for a moment, thinking about how wonderful it would be to finally mate with the “strange” pussy brought into my home by my wife’s sweet niece. But it was not to be.

“Sweet Jesus,” I thought to myself, as my thick, urgent shaft slid deep into the oily sheath of Tina’s fifteen-year old pussy for what seemed like the umpteen-hundredth time, “I am so sick and tired of fucking my step-daughter.”

I had been screwing Tina for several months now, knocking it out several times a week. When it had all started, Tina herself had been the tantalizing “strange pussy” I needed so desperately. But by now she had joined my wife in the psychically unsatisfying “regular pussy” category.

I looked down at the schoolgirl ass sliding back and forth along the pinion of my imbedded prick and imagined that it belonged to my sweet, unsampled, and unattainable eighteen-year-old niece Simone.

My step-daughter’s pubescent cunt rippled along my shaft, as it always did. Since my step-daughter Tina and my niece Simone looked so much alike, especially from behind, I was able, in part, to fantasize that I was in fact fucking Simone’s strange and succulent cuntlet.

But the real thing would probably never be mine, now.

Unfortunately, women don’t like their men getting strange. And as long as Tina believed my prick belonged to her (although she conceded shared possession with her unwitting mother), she wasn’t about to let me sample her cousin across the hall. She had made that quite clear tonight – removing her bra in response to Simone’s little show, running her hand over my cock as we put the cues away, and telling me that tonight would be a good time for me to act out another episode of our ongoing incest. How differently might this have all worked out had it been Simone, rather than Tina, who had copped that feel.

Disappointment aside, I couldn’t help but glory in the wondrous penile sensations within my step-daughter’s athletic young vagina, and as I contemplated the fact that my beautiful fifteen-year-old step-daughter was in many ways physically indistinguishable from her eighteen-year old cousin for whose strange pussy I so desperately pined. As I felt my impending ejaculation build, I couldn’t help but chuckle in ironic recognition of one of mankind’s enduring truths:

* “For every absolutely gorgeous piece of ass in the world, there is some guy who is sick and tired of fucking her.”*