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First dates can have some surprises



Before I start this I better explain a few things first. I’m not gay, bi-curious, or attracted to men. However, I’m not a gay basher or against gays in any way. I’ve known some gay boys, and while they’ve never been close friends I talk with them sometimes. The reason for this disclaimer will become apparent as the story progresses.

I’ve had my driver’s license since I was fourteen, last year that is. My mom has to work long hours and shift work since my dad left and I have to drive my brother and sisters around, so they let me take driver’s-ed early. It’s called a hardship allowance. Whatever, it gave me the ability to have a date, and I was getting ready for my first one.

There is a new girl at school. Shelly. She’s in seventh grade with me. She’s shy and hasn’t made a lot of friends, but she’s cute and I thought it might be fun. We’re going to the drive-in tonight. I haven’t even checked what’s showing. It’s the only show in town and you go see what they play, or you watch TV. Having a date watching TV with my little brother and sisters in the room was not going to happen, so it had to be the drive-in.

I told Mrs. Shaney next door I’d be home by midnight and she said she’d look in on the kids during the evening and put them to bed, so I don’t have to worry about them tonight.

It gets dark early now so I left the house at 6:30 and went to Shelly’s house. She met me at the door so I didn’t meet her parents. We got to the drive-in and the show started at 7:00. The places up front were all taken and we had to park against the back fence. That was good since no one would be walking by the car on the way to or from the snack bar. I got us some hot dogs and drinks and got back to the car in time to see the start of Dracula. Good. A scary one. We had moved to the backseat for more room.

We finished the dogs by the time things were starting to get scary and Shelly snuggled against me. She hugged my arm and I could feel her breast pressed against it. I enjoyed that for a while, then put my arm around her shoulders. She moved in tight against me. I slowly let my hand drift down until I could feel the top of her breast. She didn’t notice or ignored it, so I moved it down a little further until my fingers could feel her nipple. I didn’t move it but just let it sit there. She seemed to get used to it, so finally I began to stroke it gently. I could feel it getting hard.

After a while she reached up and held my hand then deliberately pressed it more firmly against her breast. With my left hand I raised her chin and gently kissed her on the mouth. We stayed like that for a while, my heart racing, then I moved my left hand to her breast and began working on the zipper down her back. I got it to her waist and began undoing her bra. This was my first attempt to undo a bra so it took me a little while but I finally got it.

She slipped her arm out of the dress sleeve and I moved my hand into her dress. Her nipple was hard in my palm. I felt her breast as we kissed. I slipped my tongue gently into her mouth and she played with the tip of it with the tip of her tongue.

Things got hotter until I slid my hand down toward her skirt. She jerked upright and pulled her clothes together. I figured I’d blown it, but she kissed me again, and holding my hand she placed it on her bare thigh. But she held it there, not letting me move it higher.

She hung her head and said, “I’ve got a secret.”

The silence went on until I started to say something but she interrupted me. “I’m not just a girl. I’m a boy too. I’m both.” She implored me to not say anything at school, or anywhere else. I kissed her and promised. She took my hand moved it to her pussy which was wet, but clearly there was more equipment than was to be expected.

I reached into her panties and there was a hard dick and balls but I reached past them and felt her pussy. It was very wet and the lips pressed tightly together. I ran my finger up and down the groove until they parted a little and I felt for her clit, but there didn’t seem to be one, so I began running my finger gently into her vagina.

We kissed and played for a while and I asked her if she minded talking about it. She said no so I asked her if she played with it. Her dick I mean. She said yes, she’d been jacking it off for over a year. She also fingered herself until she came that way too. I gingerly felt her dick and balls. Her balls were substantial but her dick was small, less than four inches long.

I’d never played with a dick before, other than my own, and this was different. She was circumcised, which sounds weird when you say it, and she had a helmet shaped head. I played with the head then began jacking on her dick. She liked it and began to moan softly. I pulled her dress up out of the way and pulled her panties down below her balls.

I jacked on her for about ten minutes before she shot her load over my hand and her belly. I pulled a shop rag out from under the seat and cleaned her up. I’d tasted my own cum and it didn’t taste very strong, so I decided to try hers too. It was a little salty but didn’t have much taste at all.

I decided to lick her pussy so I got on the floorboard between her legs and put her feet up on the seat on either side of my head. I licked up and down her slit, tasting her juices and spreading her lips with my tongue. She seemed to like it so I explored her vagina. This went on for a little while but clearly this wasn’t going to do it for her, even though she seemed to like it.

I could feel her balls on my nose, so after giving it some thought, I decided her dick was going to be the real way to give her pleasure. Her breath quickened as I licked up the length of her dick and took the head in my mouth. I had never done anything like this before so it was totally new ground for me. I’d never even had my own dick sucked though I’d heard about it at school. It really wasn’t like I was doing it to a guy, I was sucking a girl to give her pleasure.

I sucked gently on the head, exploring it with my tongue. I pressed the tip against the hole on the end which made her shudder. I took more into my mouth until I was stroking up and down the whole length. She held my head as I sucked, stroking my hair. Finally she erupted and cum shot into my mouth, shot after shot, until finally it dribbled to an end. I swallowed it and sucked her dick clean.

After I got back in the seat next to her she began to play with my crotch. I undid my belt and zipper and slipped my jeans down. She pulled my dick and balls out of my shorts and played with them, then slid down so she could return the favor. I felt her mouth take my dick in and she sucked it gently. I was so horny by now that I didn’t last long at all and unloaded the full charge into her mouth and throat.

We kissed for a while and I sucked and stroked her breasts which were nice and puffy. Then she said, “Would you like to do more?” I had a pretty good idea what more was, and nodded. She lay down on the seat and while lying there pulled her dress off and put it on the floor. Her panties followed. I got between her legs and felt around with my dick until I finally found the right spot.

She was tight but my dick slid in. We rested there enjoying the sensation. She said, “I can’t get pregnant. My ovaries didn’t develop.” I kissed her with a sigh of relief and began fucking in and out of her pussy. Her dick was caught between us and it was getting quite a lot of stimulation there. I lasted longer this time but finally I felt it coming on and came as I thrust hard into her. She came too, though by now she didn’t have a lot of cum left.

When we sat back up she stayed low so anyone passing the car wouldn’t see that she was naked. She got dressed and we both sorted our clothes out, and decided that we’d seen all of Dracula we wanted to, so I hung the speaker back on its rack and we left. As we pulled out of the theater she asked if I’d like to go down by the lake, so we pulled around to the far side which was more private. In short order our clothes were off again and we were kissing and playing. The full moon rose across the lake. It always looks so huge when it first rises.

Then she said shyly, “There’s something else we can do if you want to.” She got onto her knees with her backside toward me. I wasn’t sure what she meant but she took my hand and put it right on the crack of her ass. I played with the crack, and began toying with her anus. She sighed and folded up more, exposing her bottom to me. I licked my finger and began pressing it into her hole.

She pushed back against my hand until my finger was fully lodged in her butt. I pulled it nearly out and pressed it back in again. She sighed. Clearly she enjoyed this. I’d never tried it myself. Just hadn’t thought of it, but I guess I wouldn’t mind. “You can fuck me there if you want to,” she said. I got in position behind her and pressed my dick against her butt.

I realized we were going to need some lubrication so I spit in my hand and rubbed it on my dick. I pressed in again and her anus began to open a little. I pressed harder and with a pop the head of my dick was inside. She pulled away a little so I eased up until she leaned back against me to let me know I could go on. My dick slowly slid into her butt. It felt really different than the pussy did. It was very tight right at the opening, but not so tight just a little further in. It still felt great, so I began fucking her slowly. She was digging it. So was I. We kept this up for a while until I came with a groan. My dick got soft and plopped out of her. I cleaned us up with the shop rag.

We sat there recuperating. The whole time I’d been fucking her I’d been thinking about what it must feel like to be fucked in the ass. I wasn’t sure I’d like it but I said, “Would you like to try that with me?” She nodded so I got up on my knees. I had to fold up some to get my butt low enough for her to be at the right level, and then I could feel her trying to find the opening. She had lubricated the end of her dick and I could feel its cool wetness pressing against my asshole. Slowly it opened a little, and then she popped inside. Wow!

I pulled away, feeling my butt cramp. After a few seconds the cramp went away and I leaned back toward her. She began pressing her dick in and soon she was pumping away.

With every thrust I could feel her bump something inside. It hurt a little but felt good at the same time. Without warning I came very hard, spurting long shots across the vinyl seat. She fucked me a little while longer then came too. I could feel her dick get thicker just before she shot. As she softened she pulled her dick out of me. We cleaned up again and I tucked the shop rag back under the seat. I really needed to remember to get it into the wash…

As we got dressed again she mentioned she had a sister that was two years younger than her and was just like she was. Would I like to do it with her too? As I nodded enthusiastically I had a mental image of me being stuck in Shelly’s butt while her sister fucked me from behind. My dick started twitching immediately.

Next weekend sounded like it was going to be a lot of fun.