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World of Mystery and of course, sex!



Felix Harris yawned and stretched as he pondered the computer screen in front of him. His Minotaur Ranger had just swung his Battleaxe of Cleaving at several nasty looking wolf creatures and now he had to wait for the monsters to decide what they were going to do. His Universe of Battle character swayed gently back and forth on the screen while the online game made up its mind what it wanted to do. The server was extremely crowded tonight so there was some major lag time, but since tomorrow was a Saturday and he had no school, he wasn’t in any particular hurry.

“Hey Stormtreader! Why are you still hanging around in that low level dungeon? You are way too high a level to gain any real experience points.” The soft and very feminine sounding voice came through his earphones just as the voice chat icon started flashing and his friends list informed him that his favorite online friend had just logged on.

Felix paused before answering because the monsters had made their attacks. As he had expected, the creatures’ claws and fangs couldn’t even begin to get through his enchanted plate mail. He directed his next slashing attack then said, “Maybe so, Mistral Mage, but I missed a bunch of treasure last time I went through here with a party so I decided to come back and mine it for all I can. I need some weapons and armor upgrades. Want to join me?”

Mistral’s tinkling laugh came back and the small tornado icon that identified her did a little dance. “Thanks, but I’m currently in the Marsh of Sefrazz and I am real close to finding the Staff of Twelve Suns. If I can get my hands on it, it will double my mana score and give me two extra spell ranks.” She paused and he could almost see her Elvin Mage casting Star Bolts at her enemies as she chuckled softly. He idly wondered if it was entirely too geeky to have the serious hots for someone that you had never met. “Okay, cleared out the last of the Ghost Wasps. Now I just need to find an entrance to the Bone Citadel.”

“Well, good luck. I think I am going to log off and try to find something to eat. See you later tonight?”

“Sure, no school tomorrow here so I am probably going to be on pretty late. See ya when you get back, Stormtreader!”

Felix logged out of the game and sat at his desk for a minute. It always struck him as particularly pathetic that the closest thing that he had ever had to a real date was flirting with a girl he had never met while they killed monsters in UOB. He got up and walked over to his mirror and studied himself. He really didn’t think that he was that unattractive. A little too plump around his waist didn’t mean that he was fat. Some acne on his face didn’t mean that he was hideous. He was smart, talented and his folks had plenty of money, but he could never find a girl who wanted to go out with him.

Just then his computer beeped to alert him that he had new mail. He walked back over to his computer and opened his email program. Sure enough, a box appeared with the message, “Congratulations, Stormtreader!” He didn’t recognize the sender, but the use of his UOB identity got his attention. To be on the safe side, he quickly used his anti-virus program to scan the entire thing for anything dangerous. When it turned up negative, he opened the letter.

“Congratulations, Stormtreader AKA Felix Harris! Because of your excellent gamesmanship on Universe of Battle, you have been chosen to beta test a brand new MMORPG. Called World of Mystery, this new game will go one step beyond the other online games by actually placing you in the game. That’s right; you create yourself as a character and then see that character come to life on your computer screen. You will start from the very beginning and learn all of the skills and abilities that you will need to succeed in this strange new world. Spaces on the beta test are limited, so sign up as quickly as you can to begin the ultimate adventure.”

A web address followed the pitch and Felix found himself very intrigued. He had been getting a little bored with UOB. He had explored most of the world and been through most of the good dungeons at least once. There were a few more he wanted to hit, but for the most part he stayed online because of his chances to see Mistral. If there was some banging new MMORPG out there and he was getting in on the ground floor, his fame among his fellow nerds and geeks would be made. Plus, if he didn’t like it, he could always return to UOB.

Convinced, he tapped on the web address and waited for his browser to launch. When the website came up, he was very unimpressed. A simple black screen with the name of the game and Welcome was all he saw. A couple of seconds later, a button appeared on the screen that read, “Press here to enter World of Mystery.” Felix was tempted to log off and forget about it, but decided to keep going. After all this was a beta test site and they might not have gotten a lot of the good stuff up and running yet. He tapped on the button and the screen shifted to the character creation screen. At once, he saw where this game would be different.

Most role-playing games had some sort of system where you rolled dice and generated random scores which you then assigned to a set of statistics such as Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence. Here, he was run through a series of questions ranging from his physical appearance. (The game politely asked for complete honesty on this one and some of the questions were very intimate including his penis and scrotum size. Here he couldn’t resist lying and doubled his length and girth. He also left out the fact that he was blind as a bat without his glasses. He was as honest and accurate as he could on the other questions.) When he was done, he was surprised to find that an hour had passed since he had begun. He tapped the “Create Character button” and sat back.

He watched in amazement as line by line a fairly accurate if somewhat cartoony version of him appeared on the screen. It took nearly fifteen minutes to render, but when it was done a very well done 3-D image of him rotated on the screen. Of course, his sexual measurements weren’t even remotely accurate, but he could live with that.

Next he tapped on the “Create Destiny” button which launched him into a whole new set of questions. He was given a list of professions to choose from first and the game informed him that this would the profession that his character would be taught as he advanced in the game world. He chose the “Hunter” profession which seemed the closest to his favorite class of Ranger. A picture of a handsome man dressed in studded leather armor and a long fur cloak appeared on the screen wielding a serrated edged saber. “Way cool looking,” Felix muttered as he read the description of the profession.

“Hunters are the protectors of the forests and creatures of Theria. They possess formidable fighting skills as well as skills usually only learned by Bandits. Being one with nature, they are also able to call upon the Goddess of Nature to perform very powerful spells. One with the beasts of the forests, Hunters automatically gains the respect of wild creatures and has little to fear from them. Monsters and supernatural creatures are immune to the Hunter’s abilities.”

Felix clicked on the accept icon and waited for the system to process his actions. Finally, another screen popped up with what looked to be the standard disclaimer for use. Felix read as far as to make sure that he wasn’t going to be charged for the service then clicked “I accept.” Another screen popped up asking if he wanted to read the basic rules of the game and the information files on the world and its creatures. Felix had always preferred to jump head first into any game, only referring to the rules and information files when he got stuck on something, so he clicked on “Read later.”

The screens shifted colors and patterns for a moment or two and he assumed that it was setting up the server and preparing the game. He expected to see a download button pop up so that he could install the game on his computer. He was surprised when the computer beeped one last time and a set of well rendered wooden double doors appeared on the screen. Written in bright red cursive across them were the words, “Enter the World of Mystery, if you dare!”

He was about to click it when his IM icon popped up with Mistral’s symbol in it. He clicked on it and typed “Hey, wassup?”

“Did you get an invite to test some new MMORPG? I just got one the moment I logged off to go potty.”

“Yeah, I just finished creating my character and was just about to give it a whirl when you IMed me. I don’t expect much from it, but maybe we can team up and kick some butt.”

A laughing emoticon popped up in the chat box and she typed, “Sounds great. You go ahead and start and I will get going after I pee.”

“Right, see you in the game.” He closed the IM box and then turned back to the doors. “Well, here goes nothing.” He clicked on the doors and waited. Suddenly a sound like a massive wind filled the room and he felt the temperature drop rapidly. It felt like a wind was rushing from his room and into the screen in front of him. Colors began spiraling out of the screen and filling the room like some sort of Technicolor mist. “Okay, this cannot be happening,” he said frantically clicking on the screen trying to stop whatever was happening. Nothing he did had any effect and the winds and colors intensified. The doors on the screen started to groan loudly and open very slowly. As they opened, the winds got stronger. His shoulder length hair was literally being pulled forward towards the screen.

The doors groaned louder and slammed open. The winds became a hurricane and despite his fear, Felix was amazed to see objects from his room caught up by the winds and sucked into the screen like it was a window. He watched as his backpack which contained his laptop and most of his really valuable personal possessions float up off his bed along with his stuffed Meowclops. Fear if losing his valuables made Felix forget his own situation. He let go of the desk and lashed out as the pack flew by. He managed to grab the straps of the pack before it was sucked into the impossible vortex. His elation was short lived though because he felt himself lifted by the winds. He had barely a moment to ponder how something as large as he would fit into a 19″ monitor before the winds shoved him through. Thankfully, he blacked out just as his head hit the screen.

Chapter two

“Somehow I don’t think we are in Toto anymore, Kansas”

He woke up with a massive headache and soaked to the bone. He ached all over, mostly from what he assumed was a nasty fall, but he was pretty sure that some of the aches could be attributed to the fact that someone was poking him in the ribs. “Ouch! Cut it out, Bailey.” He wasn’t sure why his little sister was in his room to begin with, but she sure didn’t have the right to be poking him in the ribs. He paused in what promised to be one of his better tirades against his thirteen year old sister when whatever it was that kept poking him stopped and made a very loud barking noise. Several other similar noises answered the first one and Felix realized that there was more than one thing around him. He very slowly rolled over onto his back and opened his eyes.

Overhead was not the expected roof with the various models he had put together over the years. Instead, thick green foliage covered most of his range of vision. Not being a big expert on trees, he wasn’t sure what kind they were, but he was pretty sure that they didn’t belong in his room. The light filtering through the leaves seemed strange too, not the usual warm yellow he was used too. Sounds reached him that seemed both familiar and strange. There were bird and animal noises, but they didn’t sound like the ones he heard in the park or when his parents dragged him away from his computer for a weekend in the mountains. He could also hear a distant roaring sound that seemed continuous. He could also hear water running and came to the amazing conclusion that he was lying in some sort of stream.

He was distracted from all of this when he heard the barking sounds again. He turned to his left and saw the most amazing thing he had ever seen. Crouched not five feet away from him were several creatures. He counted four, but some how sensed that there were many more hiding behind the trees. They didn’t seem overly tall, but were rippling with muscles. Their bodies were covered in a thick, short hair from their heads to their toes. They wore no clothes, but some of them had what appeared to be a length of rope tied around their waists that had sharpened sticks stuck through them. The one that had been poking him, or so he assumed, carried a long wooden staff that seemed to be intricately carved and seemed to be the biggest of the lot. She was also very obviously female and mammalian since a sizable pair of breasts peeked out from under her long grey hair.

The leader made the odd barking sounds again which reminded Felix of a nature show he had watched not that long ago about monkeys in South America. The female leader leaned down and stared at him from less than a foot away, giving him a very close look at her face. She had very flat features and a sloping brow line that reminded him of pictures of early man. Two very large brown eyes stared at him from deeply recessed sockets. Her nose reminded Felix of a baboon’s since it was long, wide and very flat. Her mouth seemed much wider than a human’s and when she opened it, he could see an impressive number of sharp teeth. She seemed more curious than dangerous as she poked him again. Felix decided that he must look as strange to them as they did to him.

The female seemed to get tired of poking him and started tugging on his clothes with her long fingers. She touched the fabric, and then barked back at her people excitedly. Felix got the impression that she found his T-shirt and jeans very fascinating. She dropped her staff and started tugging on his belt, making more of the barking noises. Rather than see his only clothes ripped to shreds by the creature, Felix reached down and unbuckled both his belt and his cargo pants. With a loud hoot, the female yanked his pants and underwear down around his ankles. Only his boots stopped her from pulling them completely off. She struggled with them for a minute or two before she happened to look up. She gave a much softer bark and stopped pulling. Felix sighed in relief as she let go of his pants. The sigh turned into a gasp as he felt her hand wrap around something else instead. Her hand felt like smooth leather as she grasped his cock. He looked down in disbelief as she began to stroke it with rough movements. Half of him was amazed that he was actually getting aroused from this creature’s touch and the other half was astounded by the reaction her touch was producing.

At the ripe age of 16, Felix had long ago accepted the fact that his cock was not going to get any longer or bigger. Although a decent five and a half inches long and two inches in girth, (He had measured it once just out of curiosity.) it was nowhere near the stupendous shaft that he had dreamed of since puberty had hit. Now he saw the kind of penis that most guys only dream about rising up from his groin. It was at least ten inches long and very thick indeed. Despite the weirdness of it all, he groaned loudly when the female reached down and wrapped her other hand around it too. It only took a couple of seconds to get him fully erect and then she simply released his cock and straddled him. Felix groaned again much louder and the female gave an answering bark as his cock slid inside of her.

“Okay, this is obviously some sort of weird dream,” he muttered quietly as even more of his cock slid inside of her. The heat from her pussy was incredible, much hotter than he had ever imagined a normal girl would feel like. The oily secretions that the female was producing seemed to coat his cock allowing him to slide into her much easier. This was good, because she was very tight and even with her on top pushing as hard as she could, it was still slow going. “Mom is right; I have been playing way too many computer games and not spending more time in the real world. I mean, when the best that my sex struck brain can come up for a partner is some strange monkey woman, and then I need to get out more.” Still, he had to admit that if it was a dream then it was a hot one.

Completely oblivious to the fact that he was still lying in cold water and that the other members of her pack were watching, Felix reached up with both hands and grasped the female’s very hairy but still impressive hips in his hands and pulled down as she pushed. This allowed her to slide all the way down until all of him was inside of her. The rest of the creatures let out loud barks that sounder like cheers and she grinned at them, baring her canines. Never in his wildest dreams had Felix ever thought that he would be having sex with someone while others cheered them on. The female began slowly sliding back up his shaft, making little whimpering sounds as she went. When she reached the very tip, she paused for a brief second then simply let herself plunge back onto him. Felix groaned and reached up to grasp her breasts which made her hoot loudly in surprise. He was about to let go when she began grinding her hips harder against his which let him know that she enjoyed it. So he kept holding onto them and rubbing his palms over her very large and long nipples.

Felix had read somewhere that most virgins didn’t last very long on their first fuck. A couple of minutes was usually all it took to spew their first load. So he was very surprised when he seemed to last a very long time. He was positive that he felt the female shudder several times in what he assumed were climaxes before he felt his balls tighten up. The female also seemed to sense this because she began fucking him harder and faster. One of her hands reached behind her and grasped his balls very gently and began squeezing them. This was all it took to set him off. He grabbed her hips again and shoved his cock as deep as it would go. The female shuddered again much harder as he began to cum. He could feel what felt like years of stored up sperm rushing out of his cock and into her. He moaned loudly and the female howled like a wolf as he came.

After what felt like hours, Felix relaxed his grip on her hips and slumped back down into the water. He was sure that he had an idiotic grin on his face, but he really didn’t care. The female slowly slid off of his partially deflated cock and crouched beside him. Although her mouth was not designed for smiling, he got the impression that she was. She reached down and gently began stroking his cock again. He was shocked to see it start to rise again. From the look on the female’s face, she was just as surprised. She stroked faster until he was fully erect then barked several times over her shoulder. Felix was starting to realize that these creatures’ barks and hoots had a much wider variety than he had first guessed. No expert on languages, he was fairly sure that these creatures possessed a pretty sophisticated language.

In answer to the female’s barks, a much smaller creature stepped out from the others. It had light brown hair that appeared to be much softer than the females. It wasn’t until it got closer that Felix realized that this was another female. This one was probably much younger than the first since its breasts were barely starting to bulge and its hips weren’t nearly as wide as the first one’s. He also noticed that her hair wasn’t as thick. She seemed nervous and made quiet little yipping sounds. The older female barked several times, almost angrily. This made the younger female crouch down beside the two of them. The female reached out with one of her hands and took the younger female’s hand. She carefully moved her other hand out of the way and wrapped the younger female’s hand around his shaft.

Felix groaned loudly, making the younger female jump. The female hooted loudly and the rest of the group echoed her. The younger female seemed to conquer her fears and began imitating the female by stroking up and down. Felix moaned again because her hand was much softer and smoother than the older one’s. He could feel himself already building towards a massive orgasm. A few seconds later, the female barked softly to the younger female and grabbed her shoulders. The younger female struggled for a second, then relaxed as the female lifted her up and made her straddle him. Felix had to grit his teeth to keep from cumming as he felt the female’s hand place his cock directly on the younger female’s pussy. A split second later, she pushed down as hard as she could on the younger female’s shoulder. The younger female howled and Felix groaned as she was forced all the way down his cock in one move. When he was fully inside of her, she collapsed on his chest panting loudly.

If the older female had been hot, this one was a blast furnace that was so tight it was almost painful. He could feel her internal muscles convulsing around his cock as her pussy tried to accommodate his intrusion. In an instinctive move to try and comfort her, he reached out and wrapped his arms around her body. The younger female growled softly and nuzzled his chest. His actions seemed to work because he could feel her insides relaxing a little. She even started to move her hips a little and the pants became little gasps. Felix hugged her tighter and began moving his hips in time with hers. The more they moved, the slicker she became until she was moving very easily up and down.

Suddenly, the younger female sat straight up and started working her hips as fast as she could. Felix realized that she was about to cum and reached up to play with her breasts. Although they were much smaller than the other’s, they were obviously just as sensitive since she howled loudly and ground against him even harder. He took her nipples between his fingers and began twisting them roughly. This was all it took for her to reach her peak. She began barking loudly as faster as she could and pounding down on him so hard that he was half convinced that she was going to drive him into the rocks in the stream. This did nothing to deter his own orgasm and just as he felt her insides convulse around him, he felt a load of sperm that seemed even larger than the first one erupt from his cock. The next few eons were a haze of pure pleasure as the two of them came.

The younger female finally stopped cumming and collapsed onto his chest again. He held her for several minutes before he was convinced that he was done and so was she. Apparently this was too long for the older female because she reached out and dragged the younger female off of him. The younger female howled loudly as he slid out of her, but he wasn’t sure if it was from anger from pain or from anger. He struggled to sit up in the water and was surprised to see that his groin was covered in blood. Since he was certain that he wasn’t injured, he guessed that the younger female had been a virgin.

Just then, the older female crouched down beside him again and shoved her face into his crotch. He was shocked to see her sniff at the blood/sperm mixture. He was even more surprised when she opened her mouth and began licking it off. Although tired and a little pained, his cock responded to the long licks of her thick tongue and began to rise again. She took several licks before stopping and backing up. He started to feel disappointed until the younger female leaned down and did the same thing. After she had licked a couple of times, another female whose hair was a deep caramel color crouched down and after looking at the first female expectantly for a second started licking.

Felix lost count of how many members of the group participated in what was obviously some sort of ritual. By the time the fifth one had finished, he was on the verge of yet another orgasm and was doing his best not to come. The incredible feelings these creatures were producing were something that he wanted to last forever. He wasn’t even aware of when the females all finished and the males started licking him. All he knew was that when he finally erupted, he spewed his load all over the face of one of the younger males. The male seemed completely unsurprised by these and happily licked up his load as it sprayed. He even licked Felix clean once he was done cumming. Afterwards, several of the males gathered around the younger one and licked his face and chest clean.

Completely exhausted now, Felix collapsed back into the cool waters. Several of the larger members of the group reached down and almost gently pulled him out of the stream. As they started carrying him away, he wondered exactly what would happen to him next.