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Amanda deepthroating



While I was away for several weeks (without my bf) I couldn’t help but think about the questions I’ve received about deepthroating. Here’s an example that the sender gave permission to cite if I answered it publicly:

++++ You said you enjoy swallowing your bf during long episodes of oral sex. I had a girl do that to me once and it blew my mind. My fiancee and I have talked about this, and even though she keeps trying, she says she can’t breathe once I’m all the way in her throat . . . . I’m about average, not so big that size should be a problem. What is she doing wrong? ++++

I’m not sure she’s doing anything wrong. As I’ve said before, I don’t know why many women can’t deepthroat, even when they say they want to. I do know there are women like me who find it natural and enjoyable to take a cock in their throat. The best I can do is to pay attention during oral sex and to report what I experience in the hope that I might offer some insight or encouragement to women who want to please their bf.

Yesterday (Saturday) seemed to be the day for me to pay attention. During our workout at the gym, I became intensely aroused over the idea of sucking my bf. When we got home I handed him gatorade and kissed him on lips. Having sex immediately after running or working out is often a big thrill for us. On this occassion, however, he wanted to take a shower and do some work before we left for the evening. (We already had tickets to see the early show of Bridges of Madison County with another couple.) I had to use some heated persuasion to get him out of his shorts and to sit back on the couch ;-).

He thought it was going to be a quickie. I didn’t dare tell him what my intentions were, why spoil the fun? 🙂 I was excited, yes, but nothing about the setting was romantic. Because we leave the drapes open (no one can see in this side of house which faces the Pacific Ocean), daylight flooded the living room. The breeze blowing through the windows was at times heavy with the scent of burnt meat coming from our neighbor’s barbeque. I could hear what sounded like mariachi music coming from somewhere in the neighborhood, only the melody seemed to be piped out by a calliope, over and over. Bo (my bf’s retriever) nosed around before lying down to watch. And on top of everything, I made a mental note of the time.

I got out of my gym clothes and knelt on the carpet in front of the couch between my bf’s legs. For the record my bf is decently big but not huge. I took his limp cock in my mouth, closed on him and started to work my tongue all around. I was already turned on before we started, but as soon as I had him locked inside my mouth, I felt a charge between my lips (face) and clitoris, a soft, warm tingling sensation that made me shudder. His scent was strong and pungent. I sucked gently at first, then started tugging more vigorously in an attempt to get him hard. When he remained soft I realized he was more distracted than I had thought.

Stroking him into an erection was out because he doesn’t like me to use my hands on his shaft whether he is hard or soft. Using only my mouth fits in with his fantasy of control. If I suck the top part of his cock while stroking the rest I’m cheating, according to him. So I surrender to his fantasy and keep my hands away.

Since he wasn’t responding in the way I had expected, I immediately felt as if I were doing something wrong. This is part of the craziness of how I relate to him. I wanted the sex to last, so what was the hurry to get him hard? Enjoying his soft cock fit in with what I wanted. But I wasn’t enjoying it because he was supposed to be aroused. I feared he was going to lose all interest and push me away, so I focused all my attention on getting him hard. I made love to his cock, sucked, nibbled, licked and rolled it around inside my mouth.

I was overwhelmed with joy when at last I felt him begin to swell between my lips. I clamped down on the base of his shaft, pushed my outer mouth against his pelvis and used my tongue to stimulate him further. Only twice did I feel the need to move back and forth on his cock briefly to excite him–the rest of the time my face was pressed into his pelvis. The pressure of my lips, the heat of my mouth and the caresses of my tongue eventually brought him to full erection.

I was dizzy with sensations as he expanded fully into my throat. Receiving him in an eager, docile way excited me all the more. At the same time, however, I was distracted by the pressure of his rigid cock against the walls of my throat. I’ve been deepthroating for 10 years since I was 18, and I’ve done my bf many times. But it is always the same at the beginning, when I need to adjust to the object in my throat.

Even though I was aroused, I was not totally relaxed. I was distracted by the fear that his thickness would choke me, and I was acutely aware I was skating on the brink of disaster. I wanted to give in, to offer no resistance, to let go of the fear of choking. I literally opened my mouth as wide as I could in a gesture of surrender, hoping that my throat would respond in a similar manner and allow me to breathe. I repeated this several times before I felt the threat of choking begin to ebb as my body relaxed. I pressed my lips gently around the base of his shaft and practiced taking in small quantities of air through my nose. My heart beat fast as I thrilled at being able to accommodate him so dramatically.

Then, without warning, the gag reflex kicked in and I choked. I panicked and immediately backed off to catch my breath. Moments later, after several deep gulps of air, the crisis over, I felt the icky coolness of guilt weighing me down. I felt that I had failed by taking back what I had willingly offered. I had overreacted out of concern for my own well being. I imagined that my bf was glaring at me with disapproval, although I was too ashamed to look up.

I carefully took him in all the way and paused a moment to compose myself. Even though I desperately wanted to suck his cock and knew from experience I could breathe with him in my throat, I realized with sharp clarity that willingness and experience weren’t enough. I had to establish once again I could breathe without interruption. But even that wasn’t the answer, for I had just panicked out of fear while breathing quite nicely. I knew that the only answer was to surrender *completely.*

So with my lips pressing around the base of his shaft and my chest rising and falling with each tentative intake of air, I gave myself to my bf. I offered my lips, tongue and throat for his pleasure. He became my entire focus. I noticed that his scent became damper and sweeter. When I squeezed more tightly around him he seemed to radiate a delightful heat that spread throughout my body. Although his balls and the skin around the base of his cock is shaved, I could feel the soft stubble when I pushed my lips against his pelvis. I consciously gave myself to him by starting to suck a little harder and rubbing my tongue agaisnt him more briskly. I strained to detect an intake of air or a sigh, but he remained quiet, not even shifting his hips, even though I knew he liked what I was doing.

As I continued to surrender to him, caressing him slowly, paying attention to his responses, my throat became less sensative to contact with his cock. My breathing became deeper (although never really deep) and more regular. Since I didn’t want him to come for a while, I moved very little on him, just enough to keep him hard. Sometimes I would slide back along his shaft to suck and lick under the head. Sometimes I would move back and forth along the stem with snug lips to maintain his erection if I sensed he was losing it. Yes, sometimes I gagged, especially when I was moving on him deep, but by this time I was fully into my surrender and didn’t panic. I simply stopped moving and gave myself to him. The spasm abruptly passed while he remained thrust in to the hilt.

As I continued to devote myself to his pleasure, my awareness suddenly expanded beyond him to include myself and my surroundings. I could smell the barbeque mixed in with his aroma. I heard Bo shift on the floor by the fireplace. I became aware of my arms folded along the couch and my breasts pressing against the seat. I raised off slightly and let one hand brush across my nipples which were already hard. I ran my hand lightly across his stomach, hip and thigh (he doesn’t want me to do this much during deepthroat) before lowering it to my pussy. I shook as a bolt of pleasure shot up my spine and spread into my chest.

I started working the base of his cock with short, tight strokes until I heard him gasp. Then I stopped, still closed around him, flicking with my tongue. I was so aroused that when I became aware of sensation that I normally associate with pain in my lips, shoulders and neck, I simply gave in to it. The feeling of discomfort transformed first into numbness then into pleasure. I no longer gagged much, but when I did, letting go of the spasm produced an intense ecstatic sensation that made his presence in my throat all the more delicious.

The only break in the action occurred when he moved off the couch to stretch out on the carpet. Usually he likes to prop his head on a pillow so he can watch, but he just lay back and closed his eyes. I settled on my knees and elbows between his legs, a more demanding position for me, and engulfed him in one stroke. Whenever I sensed that his arousal might be building toward eventual orgasm I stayed on him but stopped all motion. When he started thrusting his hips upward in excitement, I opened my mouth wide, lifting my lips off him, to remove the friction he eagerly sought. That cooled his ardor. When he settled down I returned to slow, deep sucking.

Finally he propped himself on one elbow and said, “I’ve got stuff to do.” I looked at my watch and noted that 45 minutes had passed. “OK,” I said. “I want you to come.”

I worked the full length of his shaft, up and down, with strong, deliberate strokes. It didn’t take long. When he started lifting his hips rhythmically, I took him all the way in and sucked hard on the base. I felt him swell and harden just before he groaned loudly. He made no more sudden moves, but the pulsations in his cock were rather sharp. He exploded into my throat as I continued squeeze my lips hard, creating as much beautiful friction as I could along the base of his cock, all the while allowing his cum to cascade deep inside me. When he was done I lifted off him and swallowed what was left in my mouth, traces of lovely, sweet cum.

“What was that all about?” he asked. I told him. He shook his head and gave me a kiss. “You’re really something,” he said, then padded off to the shower.

I must admit that my body was sore afterward. But I didn’t mind because I love my bf and enjoy giving him pleasure. I could still taste him during the movie, even though we had eaten something. And I loved the movie! 😉