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Cindy Holds Court (fdom, F/F+ spank)



Cindy, a twenty nine year old property management director, is a self-confident woman who graduated with a psychology degree. At five feet eight inches tall, with full lips and a firm build, both men and women find her attractive. She has a dominant streak that attracts those who have submissive tendencies.

Cindy went through a series of boyfriends for a few years, and decided she had to stop and figure out what she really wanted. The reason that her boyfriends constantly left the scene was because of some of Cindy’s qualities that attracted them to her in the first place. Her large penetrating brown eyes, long dark brown hair, and her innocent-looking face with full, wholesome lips ensnared the men. Her firm, athletic build also helped. They could not endure her spankings. She became known as “Hard Cindy”. Whenever she had a naked man lying across her lap, she used the hairbrush long and hard. The thrill she got from that was not quenched until she had thoroughly reddened her submissive’s bottom. She could not understand why they left the relationship after she gave them what they said they wanted – a good hard spanking.

When word got around to her that her nickname was “Hard Cindy” she laughed. She liked that name, and proudly wore it in her attitude.

Two of Cindy’s friends in recent years had gone through a series of personal tragedies, caused mostly by their bad decisions and extreme lack of self-discipline. The loss of those friends had hurt her deeply, and eventually she came up with an idea.

She placed a “roommate wanted” ad in the newspaper. The ad stated a reduced share of the expenses in exchange for sharing in the upkeep of the house and grounds. She knew that she was going to get a large number of responses, and began the arduous interviewing process. She decided that she wanted three roommates. When she interviewed a prospect that she didn’t care for, she found a way to say something that the potential roommate didn’t like. That way the prospect would politely say something about getting back to Cindy, which they both knew was a way of saying no.

When she interviewed someone she liked, she made a point of being very friendly and engaging. She knew that when she detected a certain look in the eyes, this was one she wanted to have as a roommate. It was then that she reeled in her prospect.

One Wednesday evening, Hortense came to see the house. Cindy liked her (and visualized smacking Hortense’s bare bottom with the hairbrush), and warmly showed her all the rooms, and explained that she was looking for three roommates. The 24 year old Hortense was favorably impressed with Cindy and with the location, and started to talk about herself when Cindy poured coffee.

“I just love this place,” Hortense gushed, flipping her long black hair behind her. “It’s a little closer to work, too, which is good, because I have a hard time getting up in the morning.” Her bangs nicely framed her face.

Cindy simply sat there silent, and stared at Hortense, until the young woman became uncomfortable.

Cindy finally spoke. “You… have a hard time… getting up in the morning.” She said it as a statement, not a question.

“Well, um, I guess I do sometimes.” Hortense felt that the deal was in jeopardy now.

“Doesn’t that affect your job if you’re late?” Cindy inquired. Then she put on her warm, cozy, friendly look and asked, “I mean, has it been a problem before?”

Somewhat relieved, Hortense blurted, “Well, they’re not ecstatic when I’m late, but… but I don’t do it a LOT… I-I-I guess I have a hard time getting up, but I’ve managed to, to get there without a lot of heartache.”

Cindy stared silently for a moment. Then she asked, “If you lost your job because of that when living here, what would you do?”

Hortense didn’t have an immediate answer, and felt that she might have blown the interview. After an awkward silence, Cindy said, “I may be able to help you.”

Hortense perked up immediately, and blurted, “How?!”

“You really want to move here, right?” Cindy asked earnestly.

“Oh, yes!”

“This may sound off the wall, but if you agree to accept discipline when you break the house rules or act destructively to yourself, you can move in now.”

“Wh-what do you mean?!”

Cindy warmly put her hand on Hortense’s bare arm as a mentor would, and said plainly, “I mean that I take you over my knee and give you a good sound paddling!”

“I-I hadn’t thought of that before – I guess it sounded unconventional…”

“Of course it’s unconventional. But that’s the way it is in my house.”

Cindy smiled brightly and Hortense felt a thrill through her midsection as she visualized herself across Cindy’s lap. The she sported an embarrassed smile and said, “I’ll do it. I’ve been wanting to change the way I do things, and maybe this will help.”

“That’s great, Hortense – I’m proud of you!” Cindy gave her some documents to sign, and after Hortense had finished, she said, “Now I want a firm commitment on your part. It’s definitely not going to be pleasant getting a spanking from me, so I’m giving you one more chance to back out.”

Hortense pressed her lips together and, thinking of the money she’d save by moving, stammered, “No – I’ll stay – this may be what I need most.”

Over the next week, Cindy interviewed many more prospects and selected two others – Jennifer, a 23-year-old medical technician and Kimberly, a 21-year-old graduate student, using similar tactics as with Hortense. The three women moved in during the same week, and life was hectic for several days.

When things calmed down from the move, Cindy met with the three young women, and reiterated the house rules in a sweet yet authoritative voice.

“Once a week, every Saturday at 7 PM, we’ll all meet in the living room, and I’ll hold court, so to speak. Each of you has committed to an individual course of self-improvement, and I will go over the past week’s events with you. Then, one at a time, I’ll spank your naughty bottoms in accordance with the week’s shortcomings. Each of you agreed to do this before moving in. Did I mention why I’m doing this?”

They silently shook their heads.

“I lost two very dear friends when they went on a course of self-destructive behavior – every time they had a decision to make, they made the wrong one.” She paused for a moment, then with a quavering voice, continued. “They suffered so much from their bad decisions… I was helpless to do anything. Any time I suggested a different course of action, they didn’t listen. Now they’re gone. That was so frustrating, over the years, seeing the inevitable end. I personally like each one of you, and I’m not going to let your bad decisions do that to you. As hard as I spank, it’s much more merciful than your taking the same wrong turn time after time. If it changes your choices for the better…”

She paused another moment, and then said, “Remember, Saturday at 7 PM.”

Throughout the week everyone went their own ways while Cindy receded into the background. Saturday came, and the three roommates nervously gathered around after dinner. They had tried to discuss the forthcoming spankings with one another, although no one had any concrete information about them.

“Okay, let’s get started,” Cindy assertively announced as she walked into the living room holding a hardwood hairbrush. She moved an armless straight-backed chair from its usual place against one of the walls, out to the center of the room. All three roommates reacted to the scene: Hortense’s bottom tingled; Jennifer’s stomach trembled; Kimberly’s pussy lubricated. Cindy was considerably aroused, though she managed to hide that from the others.

Cindy then lifted her skirt up as she seated herself, exposing her firm thighs. “Kimberly, please bring me a towel.”

When Kimberly returned, Cindy placed the towel across her lap. The seriousness of the situation became clearer to the soon-to-be recipients.

“I want all of you to strip completely from the waist down. Hortense, you’ll need to remove your dress.”

They hesitated, and Cindy snapped, “Come on, right now. From the waist down. Shoes too.”

Cindy’s pussy dampened as she watched the girls remove their clothing while looking at each other. Hortense first slipped off her dress, stepped out of her panties, and kicked off her shoes. Jennifer took off her sneakers and white socks, and tugged off her scrubs and panties. Kimberly removed her sandals, followed by her shorts, then her panties. All three put their nervous hands over their exposed pubic area.

“Hands to your sides!” Cindy snapped. Each girl’s heart raced as they complied. Kimberly squeezed her legs together.

“Hortense, you’ll be first. You were late to work once this week. Besides that, you got up later than you should have twice, and as a result had to rush out of here. The way you drove out of here, you’re going to cause a wreck! I suggest you get up at least 15 minutes earlier.”

Hortense cast her eyes downward.

This is going to be a good one.

“Come on now, get across my lap.”

Hortense tentatively walked over to Cindy’s side. Cindy grasped Hortense’s arm and guided her over her lap. “Keep your feet on the floor,” she instructed, knowing that the spankee would no doubt squirm and kick. Cindy knew she’d have to keep a close watch for Hortense’s arm in case she tried to protect her bottom during the spanking. She had the perfect cure for that.

“I’m going to give you fifteen swats.”

Cindy teasingly rubbed the hairbrush all around Hortense’s firm nether globes for a few moments. Then she pressed her lips together and, with her experienced eye on the young lady’s right nether cheek, she raised the hairbrush high, and brought it down with a forceful smack. Hortense jerked her head, and as she was forming an exclamation, Cindy delivered the next smack on the left cheek.

“AAAAAAH! OWWWWW!” Hortense’s shouts filled every corner of the room. Another whack. Another shout, and Hortense kicked her legs.

I love the way those cute buns jiggle when I paddle them.

When the count hit ten, Hortense could not keep from swinging her arm back to her surprised and spanked backside. Cindy was prepared, and grabbed the struggling girl’s wrist and pinned it to the small of her back. “No,” she scolded, “three extra for that!” Then she delivered the last five of the planned spanking.






Hortense had never felt such a hot sensation before, and was bewildered at the severity. Involuntary tears formed and crept from her eyes. Her naked buns felt toasted. Cindy paused for a moment. The other observers and soon-to-be recipients looked on anxiously. Kimberly squeezed her legs together harder, and stood with her toes pointed in.

“Now, my dear,” she continued, “I’m going to give you three extra for interfering.” She let go of Hortense’s wrist and the girl put her arm down. “I want you to count each one. Here goes…”





Cindy placed the third smack on the tender portion of Hortense’s right bun, a little to the side.



“Okay, you can get up. Do NOT put your hands over your bottom or I’ll have you over my lap again for a good thrashing. Understand?”

“AHHH! Yes! Wooooh…”

Hortense stood up and ran in place for several seconds while Cindy inwardly smiled at the scene.

“Jennifer, you’re next. You left the door to the house unlocked twice this week when you went to work, and you were the last one to leave. Twenty swats. Come on over my lap.”

Jennifer was clearly shaken by having to go across Cindy’s lap after seeing how hard she spanked Hortense. With fear registered on her face she slowly got into position. Her wavy dishwater-blonde hair draped across the sides of her face. Cindy observed a few days’ stubble of light colored hair on Jennifer’s legs.

“It’ll all be over in a minute, dear,” Cindy said in a soothing voice. “This will help you remember. Just keep your hands out of the way.” She prolonged the agony of anticipation by lightly touching the hairbrush all over the frightened Jennifer’s buns.

She’s got beautiful legs. I know she’s going to kick wildly.


Jennifer kicked her legs immediately. Her voice filled the room. “AAAAH!”

Cindy continued to whack the hairbrush with her characteristic strength against Jennifer’s tender buns. Jennifer indeed kicked wildly, and her mouth was open wide as she yelled with each swat. Every time the hairbrush smacked, she let out a loud “AHHHHH!”

After twelve swats, Cindy paused and told Jennifer, “You’re kicking too much, my dear. I want you to keep those feet on the floor. You have eight more to go. If you kick any more, I’m going to give you extra.”

Jennifer cried out more stridently with each subsequent smack, and jiggled her hips in a futile attempt to deal with the hot paddling. On the eighteenth smack, she could not help it and kicked wildly until the twentieth swat.

“I’m sorry my dear,” Cindy said, hoping she was convincing. “Five extra – and I want you to keep still for these.”


“Oh, but you must, or you’ll be over my lap for a long time. I want you to count them, too. Here goes!”

Cindy smacked Jennifer’s right nether cheek – hard.

A hearty yell filled the room.


Cindy paused a moment, then delivered another one.

“YAAAAAAH! … Two.”

The next three smacks had much the same reaction, and Jennifer kept passably still, mostly because Cindy paused a moment between each smack. Her entire bottom was bright red.

“No touching back there!” Cindy ordered as she let Jennifer get up. Her face displayed a contorted expression of agony and she joined the other two. She squirmed as she stood.

“Well, Kimberly,” Cindy said, “You’ve really got a good one coming today.”

Kimberly visibly trembled as she stood naked from the waist down. She pressed her legs firmly together, and her hands pressed against her thighs.

“For starters,” Cindy began, “You blew off morning classes twice this week. A little bird tells me that you’re not doing well in any of your classes. Also, you’ve been coming home far too late after work. That usually means that you’re too groggy to get up in the morning. I know you’re not using that late night time to study. I don’t know where you’ve been going but it hasn’t been doing you much good. I think a good hard paddling of twenty five swats will focus your attention on your priorities. Come on, over my lap now!”

“N-No! Not that much! Please!” Kimberly implored, her large frightened eyes staring into Cindy’s.

“My decision is not subject to appeal. Get over my lap here right now or I’ll make it thirty swats!” Cindy pointed to her athletic thighs. The blonde graduate student slowly walked over to Cindy’s side. Cindy grasped her arm and guided her over. She got an electric kind of sensation inside when Kimberly’s naked hips made contact. “That’s it, Kimmy. This won’t take a couple minutes – unless, of course, you force my hand. Now, if you think you shouldn’t be in your classes, you might consider withdrawing until you know what you want to do. You might be over committed, in which case you won’t be able to do anything well that you’ve committed to. You need to examine your situation and decide what to offload. You know?”

Kimberly’s long straight blonde hair bobbed up and down when she nodded.

“Here goes…”

SMACK! Kimberly silently jerked her head.


God, that hurts, Kimberly thought to herself as she pressed her lips together and twisted her midsection.

SMACK! Oh please Cindy, she thought as she ground her hips into her spanker’s lap.

SMACK! Kimberly could not hold back, and let out a hearty yell. “AAAAH!”

She twisted from side to side and pushed her hips into Cindy’s thighs as the aroused Cindy kept on spanking.




Kimberly kicked her legs hard, and Cindy paused. “You’ve only taken half your swats and you’re already kicking! Three extra. Are you going to hold still?”


“You’d better learn to keep those legs from kicking, and you’d better learn fast!”


She resumed spanking. Kimberly, predictably, resumed her plaintive exclamations, and frantically kicked her legs twice more during the last half of her paddling, earning a total of nine extra swats.

“Kimberly, I mean what I say. You’re getting nine extra now, for kicking your legs.” Then Cindy moved her right leg out from under Kimberly and placed it over the back of the girl’s knees to hold her in place. She felt another thrill of arousal when the bare skin of her leg came in contact with Kimberly’s.

Then, with an even cadence, she gave Kimberly her nine swats, striking the girl’s bottom on alternate cheeks with considerable force, ignoring her outcries and her struggling. She let Kimberly up and told everyone they could go. The three roommates quickly grabbed their clothes and dashed to their rooms.

Cindy went to her room, undressed, and got in bed. She had not expected the level of arousal that she got from administering the spankings, particularly to Kimberly. She enjoyed the way that Kimmy ground her pelvis into her lap, and seeing those firm legs kick. She turned off her light, and her trembling hand crept to her aroused and damp womanhood.

After a while, Jennifer got up and went to Kimberly’s bedroom door, and knocked gently. No response. She rapped on the door again, and a moment later Kimberly opened the door. She was wearing her panties, and her face registered surprise at seeing her.

“Kimmy,” Jennifer whispered, “can I come in? I want to talk to you…”

“Okay,” she answered and stepped back. Jennifer entered the room and closed the door.

“She really spanked you hard,” she began. “I want to make sure you’re okay – maybe put some ointment there.” Then Jennifer seated herself on Kimberly’s bed and said, “Let me see.”

Kimberly turned around, and Jennifer placed her fingers inside Kimberly’s waistband and pulled her panties down to her knees. She saw the effects of the severe hairbrushing, and gently placed her hands upon Kimberly’s nether cheeks for a moment.

“Come over to my room and I’ll make it better,” she cryptically said, and stood up. Kimberly pulled her panties up, and Jennifer grasped her hand to lead her. Kimberly’s stomach fluttered as she walked barefoot through the house, clad only in panties.

Jennifer led the young woman into her room, closed the door, and said, “Here, Kimberly, let’s take these off,” and carefully removed her housemate’s panties. “Okay, lie down here on the bed, on your tummy, and I’ll be right back.”

Jennifer retrieved a jar of soothing lotion and sat on the bed beside the face-down Kimberly. She placed a generous amount of lotion in the palms of her hands. Kimberly flinched when her housemate’s hands made gentle contact with her paddled buns.

“Eeeeeasy now,” Jennifer cooed soothingly, “Let’s get this nice cool lotion on you, and gently work it in… Yes, like this.”

Kimberly gave a pleasured sigh. Jennifer gradually worked her way to the bottom of Kimberly’s nether cheeks.

“Spread your legs, Kim, so I can get in here more.”

Jennifer’s gaze locked in between Kimberly’s legs as she spread them apart. She noticed translucent strings of sticky natural feminine lubricant nestled among the blonde hairs of Kimberly’s womanhood. She placed freshly lotioned hands on Kimberly’s nether globes and worked her thumbs closer and closer to her vagina.

Kimberly stirred slightly and moaned. Jennifer kept up the massage and ventured still closer. Kimberly thrust her bottom upward ever so slightly. Jennifer applied more lotion to her hands and then massaged Kimberly’s legs, starting at the ankles and working up. Her own arousal increased with each minute she was in contact with the prone woman’s skin. By the time she got to Kimberly’s thighs she was feverish with desire. Kimberly’s sighs and quiet moans spurred her on. She paused a moment to quietly slip off her own nightshirt, leaving her naked.

When her hands met between Kimberly’s legs, Jennifer stroked the prone woman’s labia. Kimberly was obviously secreting more lubricant, and her moans were no longer whispered.

“Ahhhhhhh… Mmmmmmmm…” She thrust her pelvis upward.

Jennifer’s hands trembled. She could not resist. She gently stroked Kimberly’s sticky pussy lips.

Kimberly forgot about her paddled bottom and surrendered to an intense, stress-relieving climax. A few minutes later Jennifer was on her back, legs spread, thrashing about as Kimberly’s mouth sucked her profuse juices of arousal.

Cindy, in the next room, stroked her pussy to orgasm. She knew what was happening in Jennifer’s bed.

After a busy week, Cindy’s three housemates gathered after dinner on Saturday.

Cindy, with the dreaded hairbrush in one hand, moved her chair to the center of the room and ordered, “Clothes off. Everything!” The three nervous girls complied. Jennifer put her hands in front of her pussy. “No hiding,” Cindy directed. “Hands to your sides, or behind your back.”

She silently looked at the naked girls before her for a moment.

“Kimmy, you dropped one class. That’s good. You should use that time to better advantage. You’re still staying out too late past your work hours. Fifteen swats. Over my lap, now!”

Kimberly pressed her lips together to muster up the courage to do as instructed. “Remember, interfering and excessive kicking will get extra,” Cindy said as the blonde housemate anxiously draped herself over her lap and steeled herself for what was to come.

Cindy spanked hard, and Kimberly carried on from the first swat. She frantically kicked her legs after the twelfth stroke, and had to take three more hard swats before Cindy let her up.

The other girls were frightened, since they knew that each succeeding spanking would be more severe.

Jennifer went over Cindy’s lap for twenty swats. She squirmed and shouted with each one, and ground her pelvis into her spanker’s thighs several times. She earned six extra, and carried on loudly.

Hortense fidgeted when Cindy, hairbrush in hand, looked at her.

“Hortense, I expected more improvement than I saw this past week. You’re still going to work late. Maybe thirty swats will get through to you. Come over here now.”

Hortense knelt before Cindy. Her voice quavered. “Please! Not that many! I’ll get up earlier. Please Cindy!”

Cindy’s stern and silent expression, and the way she simply pointed to her lap, convinced Hortense that there was simply no way out of her punishment. She slowly stood up, and with a full sigh, got across Cindy’s lap.

“Point your toes and spread your legs,” Cindy ordered.

An audible whimper from Hortense attested to her humiliation. Not only did she earn the most severe paddling that night, she also had to lie naked, face down, across her spanker’s thighs with her legs spread apart.

Cindy’s gaze frequently zeroed in on her charge’s dark-haired pussy as she teased her bottom for some time with the hairbrush. As she lightly rubbed the instrument of correction all around Hortense’s nether cheeks and upper thighs, she thought she detected glistening drops of lubricant between the girl’s pussy lips.

Without warning, she smacked the hairbrush hard against Hortense’s right bottom cheek.


A few seconds later, another one. Hortense jerked her head and yelled. And so it went, on and on, amid the spanked girl’s increasingly strident shouts and begging. Four times she kicked wildly before Cindy gave her thirty swats.

“There, young lady. You kicked both legs four times. Come to my room in thirty minutes and we’ll take care of your extra discipline then. Kimmy and Jennifer, you two can get dressed. I’ll take Hortense’s clothes to my room. Thirty minutes.”

All three housemates disappeared quickly to their rooms. Hortense was further humiliated at having to remain completely undressed. Jennifer and Kimberly were naturally curious why Cindy didn’t give Hortense her extra discipline right away. Perhaps it was to let her recover her composure first, they reasoned. They quietly agreed to go to Jennifer’s room and try to listen in when Hortense was getting her due.

With dry mouth and trembling hands, Hortense knocked timidly on Cindy’s bedroom door at her instructed time.

Cindy, barefoot and clad only in her nightshirt, smiled warmly at Hortense and invited her in, as if they were old friends getting together. After telling her to sit on the bed, she sat next to Hortense, close enough so that their legs almost touched.

“I know this is hard for you,” she began, “but you’ve got to make some changes. I’ve got to get through to you.” She put one arm around the naked girl’s shoulders. “I always give extra for getting out of position or interfering,” she continued in a sincere sounding voice.

Jennifer and Kimberley, in the next room, were almost holding their breath, trying to listen. They knew that Cindy was talking, but could not tell what she was saying.

Cindy, with a strap in her hand, had just instructed Hortense to lie face down on the bed with two pillows under her hips. “It could be worse, dear – I could start over from one every time you kick. We’d still be there, wouldn’t we? Now spread your legs. More! Come on, spread them!”

Cindy almost tingled inside when she spread Hortense’s nether cheeks and saw pearls of feminine cream. “What’s this?!” she asked, and brusquely poked her finger inside the slippery pussy.

“Uhh! Cindy!” Hortense twisted her hips as Cindy continued to probe her pussy. “Aaaaagh!”

Jennifer and Kimmy heard Hortense’s exclamations, and then the unmistakable sound of a leather strap hitting naked skin. A loud muffled shout, followed a few seconds later by another kiss of leather. And another. And another. Hortense’s shouts were lengthy and strident. Jennifer’s hand went to her pussy.

In the next room, Cindy, having taken off her nightshirt, administered a leisurely strapping, frequently admonishing Hortense to keep still. After every few strokes of the leather, she probed and stroked her charge’s aroused pussy.

Kimmy and Jennifer were on their backs, furiously jilling themselves as Hortense’s strapping went on and on. Their hands covered their mouths when they climaxed. It was a picture of sensual beauty – two young women on a bed, bucking their hips in pleasure.

After twenty five stokes of the strap, Cindy stopped. Hortense was hot in more ways than one – from the strapping and from Cindy’s attention to her lubricating womanhood. She told Hortense to stay as she was, and carefully applied lotion to her well disciplined bottom. Afterward, she spread the prone girl’s nether cheeks and slowly teased her pussy with her fingers. A few moments hence, when Hortense squirmed and moaned, she told her to get up.

Cindy removed the pillows from the bed and lay back with her legs open. She smiled at Hortense. “I think you should show your appreciation for my taking the trouble to discipline you.”

Hortense had not seen Cindy totally naked before. In her current hot state, she admitted to herself that Cindy was beautiful. She crawled between Cindy’s open legs and lightly kissed her spanker’s pussy lips. She detected the scent of intense feminine arousal. Another tentative swipe of her tongue.

Cindy closed her eyes. “Yes. Keep going!”

Hortense, who had only experimented once with another woman, pressed in. She liked Cindy’s honey-cinnamon taste.

Cindy powerfully bucked her hips through her climax. When Hortense pulled away, she ordered, “No, keep going. More.” Not until she had experienced three orgasms from the girl’s mouth did she let her up.

Cindy had Hortense lie back, and she lightly stimulated her pussy with her fingers. Over an extended time, she slowly brought her short of climax and then backed down. The girls in the next room tried to figure out what was happening. The sounds coming from there were not distinct enough to conclude anything — until Cindy brought Hortense to her long-awaited orgasm. The unmistakable orgasmic gasps and screams left no doubt. Kimberly and Jennifer furiously jilled themselves once more.

Cindy got into bed and held the covers open in an inviting gesture. Hortense crawled into bed and Cindy pulled her on top of her. Their lips pressed together in passion, they enjoyed the feel of each other’s bodies until they both fell asleep.

From then on, Cindy always had the girl who was most severely punished to her room 30 minutes afterward. First, if there was any extra punishment, she administered it as she had first done with Hortense – liesurely, with teasing stimulation to her charge’s pussy, then some oral servitude, followed by Cindy’s attention to the girl’s aroused pussy. As often as not, the girl accepted Cindy’s invitation to share her bed for the night.