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The sexual experiments of two teen cousins



“Where’s Katie?” mom asked, as she counted heads and dinner plates.

“I don’t know, probably playing Nintendo.”

“Go and find her, your dad is about to carve the turkey.”

My cousin Katie and I didn’t see much of each other when we were little. She lived in the suburbs of Detroit, and my family moved around a lot. So we really only saw each other on the big holidays. She was only two years teener than I was, so at these family gatherings we would always seem to end up hanging around with each other. She had dark brown hair, and was always tall and thin. She was kind of a geeky tomboy, so she enjoyed playing with my GI Joes, toy trucks and, most of all, Nintendo. She was rather fond of Duck Hunt. We were both quite shy, but we were always very comfortable around each other.

This was Thanksgiving of 1993. Katie and her parents had arrived late the previous night. I was already asleep, so I first saw her when she came into my room that morning. I was sitting on my floor against the wall playing Battletoads when I heard a knock on my door. Without looking away from the television, I told whoever it was to come in. Assuming it was my mom or dad, I asked them what they wanted as I heard the door close behind them.

“Nothing, I’m just bored.” Hearing a teen girl’s voice, I quickly turned my head.

“Oh, hi. I thought you were my mom or something.” My cousin Katie just looked down at me smiling, revealing bright blue bands on her braces. She was wearing what I assumed to be one of her dad’s old white t-shirts. The worn out shirt ended just above the middle of her thighs. While I smiled back at her I couldn’t help but notice how much she had developed since seeing her last year. She turned 11 the previous April, and was sporting a nice pair of pert little preteen sized breasts. Because of the unusually warm weather, I was just able to make out her left areola as it stuck to the sweaty shirt. I caught myself staring, and quickly looked back up at her eyes.

“Do you like them?” she asked me, still smiling. Shit, she caught me staring. She must think I am some sort of perv, and she would be right in thinking that. I decided to act dumb.

“Like what?” I said with my best confused look.

“The bands on my braces, they are my favorite shade of blue.”

“Yeah…I like the color.” I let out a relived sigh and looked back at the television screen. She lay on her stomach between me and the television. She put her elbows on the floor and rested her chin in her hands and watched the television screen. Every minute or so she would kick up her feet up and rock them back and forth and place them back down. After doing this about 5 times, her shirt flipped up revealing her teen tight ass. She was wearing blue and white striped panties, the right side of which was buried between her ass cheeks. I stared at the exposed white flesh. A bead of sweat formed and slowly followed the curve of her ass, finally getting absorbed into the cloth covering her pussy. She’s my cousin, she’s my cousin. I kept repeating in my head as she reached behind her and pulled the panties from her ass crack.

“You’re not very good at this game are you?” My eyes then refocused on the tv screen just as GAME OVER flashed across it.

“Oh, right. Do you want to play?”

“Sure.” She said as she sat up and reached for the other controller. She spent much of the day sitting in my room playing Nintendo seemingly oblivious to her seduction.

It was now about 5:00pm and I had been getting boners all day, just thinking about how cute my little cousin looked early that morning. When I reached the top of the stairs, I noticed that the door to my room was closed. I figured she must be in there playing Nintendo. I decided to sneak up behind her and give her a scare. I went over to the door, and slowly started to open it. This is going to be funny, I thought as I peeked my head through the door. Strange, my T.V. was off. I peaked a little further into my room when I saw something lying on the ground.

“What the…? Are those… her panties? Why are her…?.” I peeked into my room even further, and what I saw made my knees just about buckle. She was bent over on my bed. Her face was buried in one of my dirty undershirts, and her ass stuck into the air. Her ass was slightly spread, revealing her beautiful puckering asshole and glistening wet pussy. I watch as she grabbed my NES zapper, and slowly started to insert the tip inside of her.

I initially thought it was kind of gross that she was smelling my dirty laundry, but I then thought about how much I would love to do the same thing with those panties on my floor. I stood at the door listening to her soft moans and the faint squishing her pussy made while the gun slowly went in and out again. She was so smooth. Does she shave, or hasn’t her pubic hair come in yet? Should I say something? Should I walk in there? All these questions whizzed around in my head while my cock became rock hard. Almost without thinking, I took out my cock and slowly started to stroke it while staring at the impromptu dildo entering my cousin’s tight pussy. I stood there for what must have been only about a minute when she let out a soft whisper.

“Oh Brian. You smell sooo good.” At this, I came. I shot my load all over my door, and immediately started to panic.

Shit! What if someone walks up the stairs? I quickly ran into the bathroom, which was right next to my room (thank god!), and grabbed a towel. After cleaning up, I slowly closed the door and knocked.

“Katie. Are you in there?” I heard some frantic movement inside the room. “Katie. Can I come in?”

“Yes. Come in.” I opened the door to see her, now under the covers, stretching and rubbing her eyes. “I just got really tired all of the sudden. I hope you don’t mind me taking a nap on your bed.”

“No, that’s okay. My mom wanted me to tell you that we are about to eat dinner.” I pretended not to notice her bright blue and white panties in the middle of my floor.

“Okay, I’ll be right down.” She said, realizing her mistake.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I ate my turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and cranberry sauce unable to make eye contact with my cousin. Her family left the next day. As soon as their car pulled away I went into my room and tasted the juices she left on my zapper.

I didn’t see her again until the next October. Our cousin Laura was getting married, and our entire family was going. I was at the reception, bored out of my mind, when I saw Katie walk in. She looked very nice. She was wearing a pink floral patterned dress that ended just a bit above the knee. Her teen breasts were outlined by the same shade of blue as the panties that lied on my floor while I watched her pleasure herself. At the sight of her, I was immediately reminded of the scent and taste that she left for me to savor. I felt such guilt about thinking of my cousin’s pussy that I looked down at my plate, my eyes fixed on the piece of rubbery chicken.

“Hi Brian.” I looked up to see Katie standing there. I smiled back sheepishly.

“Hi, how are you?”

“Not bad. Is anyone sitting here?” She asked touching the seat next to me.

“No. I don’t think so.” At this she sat down, and pulled her chair closer to me. We talked for a little bit, mostly about school and video games. And after about 10 minutes I felt just as comfortable with her as I did before that thanksgiving. We continued to talk and eat for another hour or so.

“Do you want to go outside?” She asked, finishing a piece of cake.

“Okay, but what for?” I asked as I slid my chair out and stood up.

“Oh, I’m just not really very comfortable around a bunch of people. It’s too loud. There is a little playground just around the back.” We both walked out the front of the reception hall without anyone noticing. She sat on one of the swings while I leaned against the tetherball pole. “Aren’t you going to swing?” I just shook my head. “Well I’m going to.” She then kicked out her legs, and started to swing. We were continuing our meaningless conversation we started in the reception hall, when I noticed her dress. On the downswing, her dress was flipping up and exposing her crotch. She was wearing those same blue and white striped panties. I quickly looked away, terrified that she might notice my gawking. “Is she doing this on purpose? Does she realize how attracted I am to her? Should I say something?” She must have realized something was wrong because she quickly stopped pumping her legs.

“What’s wrong?” She said as the swing finally stopped its oscillation.

“Nothing.” I could feel the blood starting to flow into my cock. I had to sit down. I couldn’t let her see that I was getting aroused by my 12 year old cousin. I walked over to the steps leading to the top of the plastic fort. She quickly followed me and sat on a bench directly across from me. Her legs were spread. Again, I got a clear shot of her panties. “Are you teasing me?” I asked, unable to take it anymore.

“What? Teasing you? What are you talking about?” She leaned back and seemed genuinely confused.

“You keep…. You keep showing me your panties. Are you doing it on purpose?” I couldn’t look at her.

“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.” I looked up to see that her face was beet red. The fact that she was so embarrassed made me feel bad about accusing her.

“They look nice.” I instantly regretted saying that. She’s going to think I’m some sort of pervert. I’m so fucking stupid.

“Thanks.” She said, looking down at her shoes. “Um…that thanksgiving…did you see…in your room.”

“Yes I did.” Her face got even redder at my response.

“I’m sorry. You must think I am some sort of pervert, saying those things about you. It’s just that…I really think you’re cute and…”

“I think you’re cute to. I enjoyed watching you in my room. I really enjoyed it.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I really like you Brian. Do you like me?” She asked me without taking her eyes off her shoes.

“Yes, I like you to. ” She slowly lifted her head and looked me in the eye.

“Do you want to go inside the fort? We will have some more privacy.”

“Sure.” She climbed up the ladder before me, giving me another clear view of her panties. My heart started racing when I saw a slightly darker patch right over her pussy. When I reached the inside of the plastic fort Katie was sitting in the corner. Her right hand was between her legs, hidden in the shadow. I sat across from her not sure what to do. “Are you a virgin?” She asked as she started to rub herself.

“Yes. Are you?”

“Yes.” There was a pause. “Do you want me to give you a blowjob?” I was taken aback by the bluntness of her question.

“O…okay.” She then sat up and slowly started crawling towards me. She reached out and started rubbing my cock through my pants. It was already as hard as it was going to get when she started to undo my belt.

“So, you’ve never had a blowjob.” She asked me as I helped her pull down my pants.

“No.” I pulled down my boxer shorts, and saw her eyes bulge slightly as my cock was freed. She knelt down in front of me, and started to lick the head of my cock like it was an ice cream cone. “That feels great. Have you ever given a blowjob before?”

“No, but I’ve seen it in movies, so I know what to do.” I was looking down at her when she looked up at me and said, “If I do a good job will you lick my pussy. It’s getting really wet.”

“Yes. I’d love to.”

“Great.” She started licking my cock from the bottom of the shaft to the head. She then took the head into her mouth and slowly started bobbing her head up and down. I reach over a brushed some hair out of her face and she looked up at me smiling. She had orange and black bands on her braces for Halloween. I was about to ask her if she still went trick-or-treating when she abruptly stopped sucking. A frightened look came across her face. “I think someone is coming.” I listened. I heard the sound of little kids coming toward the playground. “Hurry, pull your pants up.” I quickly pulled up my boxers and pants up and tightened my belt. “Just say we were talking.”

“Okay.” She climbed out of the fort first, and I followed right behind her.

“What were you two doing up there?” One of our cousins asked us. “Were you smoking?”

“No. We were just talking. It’s too loud in the hall.” She said coolly as we headed back inside. I walked behind her and watched as she picked a pubic hair out of her braces.

Things seemed to be winding down inside. The cake had been cut, the bouquet had been thrown, and I knew that we would soon be leaving. “Are you coming over again for Thanksgiving?” I asked Katie hoping we would be able to continue what we started.

“No, I think I am going to see some of my mom’s family this year.” She looked down at the floor with obvious disappointment. I looked up and saw my mom walking towards me.

“We’re getting ready to leave. We’ve got a long drive tonight. Bye Katie. See you Thanksgiving?”

“No. I’m going to see some of my mom’s family.”

“That’s too bad.” My mom said as she flung her purse over her shoulder. “You and Brian get along so well.”

It was three weeks later that I learned that my family was going to have to move again. This time it was to Washington. My first thought when my dad told me wasn’t that I would miss my friends, or how hard it would be starting at a new high school. It was that I probably wouldn’t see Katie again for years. She would never be able to finish that blowjob.

Two years past and it was my junior year of high school. I was still a virgin. I wasn’t a bad looking kid, I was just a shy nerd who didn’t have the confidence to approach and talk to girls. Katie and I wrote some letters back and forth and talked on the phone a few times, but hadn’t seen each other since that day. I kept a picture of her in my wallet and masturbate to it. Occasionally a friend would ask who she was. I never told any of them about what happened between us, and it’s not likely they would believe me anyway. I really wanted to see her again. I hoped she felt the same about me. It was a cool day in October 1996 when everything changed. I was walking home from school, when I noticed that both my mom and dad were home from work. That’s strange. They never got home before 5:00. When I opened the door I heard my mom crying in the back room. My dad was sitting on the couch staring at the fire place. “What’s going on?” I asked, afraid of what he was going to say.

“There was an accident. Aunt Linda and Uncle Joe are… Aunt Linda and Uncle Joe were killed.”

“Where…when did this happen.” I asked not knowing what I should say.

“This morning, they had just dropped Katie off at school. Some drunken shit ran a red light. Not a fucking scratch on him either.” I sat down in the chair across from my dad and just stared at my shoes. We sat in silence for a few minutes before my dad said anything else. “Your mom and I are Katie’s Godparents, so she’s probably going to being moving in with us. Shit, that poor girl must be devastated.”

Three weeks later I was waiting for my cousin at the airport. I took the day off school, and was planning on keeping her company that afternoon. The next day she would be starting at a new high school, so I wanted to make her as comfortable as possible. I stood at the gate waiting for her to exit the plane. When she finally did, I was reminded of that day on the playground. I was immediately ashamed of myself. Her parents just died, she hadn’t been there 10 seconds, and my first thoughts when I saw my 14 year old cousin are sexual.

After picking her up, I took to a local diner where we ate some burgers and fries, and had a nice long talk. That day at the playground was at the front of my mind, but I didn’t dare bring it up. She would have to do it, and it would only be a matter of time.

It was that same day at about 11pm. I was in my room, just about to go to bed when I heard a knock at my door. I opened the door and saw my cousin standing in the hallway, sipping a can of Pepsi through a straw. “What’s up?” I asked as I opened the door all the way.

“Can I come in? I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Sure. Come in.” I went over to the edge of my bed and sat down. She leaned against my desk and placed her can of Pepsi down. She was wearing a tight t-shirt of a band I’d never heard of, and a pair of Adidas gym shorts.

“I just wanted to thank you for everything you and your mom and dad are doing for me. I’m really…”

“You don’t need to thank us, we’re family.”

“I’m really glad I get to live with you Brian.” She then walked over to me, knelt down, and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. “Good night.” She then turned, and walked out of my room. I sat and looked at the can of Pepsi as a single drop fell from the straw landing on my desk.

Katie hung out with me and my friends every day for the next few weeks. She would sit with us at lunch, and hung out with us at the comic book shop after school. My friends and I were the nerds at the school, so we were all very happy to have a cute girl around.

“Have you ever played any tabletop role-playing games?” My friend Kenny asked her one day at Lunch.

“Like Dungeons and Dragons? I’ve never played, but they look like a lot of fun.”

“We created our own RPG.” I told her. “The game takes place in an old western town. I am the sheriff, Kenny is the innkeeper, Brandon runs the shop, Chris is the town doctor, and Ron is our version of a dungeon master. We call it Manifest Destiny. It’s really fun.”

“Do you guys want to play this Friday?” Ron asked. Everyone said that they did, and Katie looked very excited.

“This is going to be fun.” Katie said smiling, revealing her now perfectly straight teeth. That Friday, Katie and I hurried home after school so I could help her develop a Character. I explained the rules to her, and she decided that she was going to take on the role of the town’s barmaid. My Parents were going out of town that weekend, so we all met up at my house to play. After about 3 hours of play, Ron announced that the town alarm started going off. This meant that the lookout spotted a group of Indians coming over the ridge. Chris was healing Kenny after a knife fight with the town drunk, so they were unable to help. It was going have to be me, Brandon and Katie that defended the town.

“But I don’t have a weapon.” Katie said looking at her notes.

“You can buy one from me.” Brandon said, as he listed all the weapons he had.

“I can’t afford any of them. I only started out with 10 gold.” Katie looked down at her character sheet, and a sly grin came across her face. “Brandon, are you alone in the shop right now?”

“Yes.” He said.

“Good.” Katie sat up in her seat. “I walk into the shop and close the door behind me. I turn the lock and walk over to you seductively. `Oh please kind sir, I need a revolver to defend my family. You can use me however you want.” She looked at Brandon and licked her lips. `Will a blowjob make up the difference?'” Brandon just sat there staring for a few seconds, then spoke.

“‘Y…yes ma’am.'” His voice cracked. “‘Yes ma’am, that will suffice.”

“I run my fingers down your chest and feel your bulging cock through your pants. I unbuckle your belt and your pants fall to the floor. `My sir what a large member you have. I hope it will all fit.’ I open my mouth and take your cock in. I massage your balls while I deep throat your huge cock. `I want to swallow for jism sir. I want to swallow it all.’ I pump my head faster and you explode in my mouth. I swallow it all, wipe my chin and stand up. Can I have that revolver now?”

“Yes ma’am.”

With the revolver in her inventory, Katie was able to defend against the Indian attack. She killed three of the ten invaders, and leveled up once. She used her sexual charms many more times that night. For some free healing, she let Chris the doctor stick it in her “rear-end” as she called it. For some free drinks, she let Kenny the innkeeper “wear her little cunt out.”

It was now about 3:00 in the morning and everyone was pretty beat. Katie and I went to our rooms, while the rest of the guys spread out on the floor. I lay in my bed and made a half hearted attempt to masturbate, but I was too tired and feel asleep with my cock in my hand. I awoke from a dreamless sleep needed to take a piss. I looked at my clock and saw that it was just before 7:00. I walked out of my room and down the hall rubbing my eyes. I pushed open the bathroom door.

“Hey!” The voice caught me by surprise. I looked and saw Katie sitting on the toilet, with a pair of white and green polka dotted panties around her ankles.

“Sorry.” I quickly closed the door. After a few seconds I heard the sound of her piss hitting the toilet water. She flushed and washed her hands. She was drying them on her shirt when she opened the door. With a red face, I apologized again.

“That’s okay.” She said as I walked into the bathroom. I pissed, washed my hands, and headed back to my room. When I entered, I saw Katie sitting on the end of my bed.

“Is something wrong?” I asked when I saw a serious look on her face.

“Last night, while we were playing, why didn’t you request any favors?” She looked up at me with a sad and confused look on her face.

“I don’t know. I just thought with you being my cousin and all, it would just be kind of…you know.”

“Weird.” She said turning her head to look at the floor. “Do you think it’s weird? Is what we did at Laura’s wedding weird?” She was getting upset.

“No.” I said as I stepped toward her. “That was great. It’s just…It’s just that we’re cousins, and my friends were here and I didn’t know how you would have felt about it. I didn’t want to embarrass you.”

“So you do still like me, you do still want me?” She didn’t move her head.


“Well, why didn’t you say something? I’ve been living here for a couple months now, and you never said anything. I thought I would never be able to make you cum.”

“I wasn’t sure how to bring it up. After what happened with your parents, I thought you should be the one to make the first move. ”

“Well consider this the first move.” She stood up, and walked over to me with a seductive smile and licked her fingers. She stopped in front of me and looked up. I tilted my head down and we kissed. She reached into my shorts and started rubbing the head of my cock with her fingers. They were moistened with her warm saliva. When my cock was completely erect, she led me over to my bed and practically pushed me down onto it. She went to her knees and pulled my shorts and underwear off. She took her right hand and started massaging my balls. “Do you like it when I massage your big balls?” She looked up at me with exaggeratedly pouty lips. I couldn’t help but laugh. She chuckled. “Too much?”

“Yeah, a little.” She then started to lick my cock from the base of the shaft to the head, just like she had done before. “This feels great.” I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. She continued licking my cock for a couple of minutes before she took my head into her mouth.

“You taste great, kind of salty.” She said taking my cock out of her mouth. She continued sucking slowly then sped up her movements. After only a couple minutes I started to feel like I was about to cum.

“I’m about to cum.” I told her brushing her hair back.

“No, not yet.” She said standing up. “Remember what you promised me? That if I gave you a good blowjob, you would lick my pussy. I’ve given you two good half blowjobs, so you owe me.” She looked down at me with a half serious stern face.

“Okay, get on my bed.” She sat on the edge of the bed and I kissed her and took off her shirt revealing her firm 14 year old breasts.

“Do you like them?” She asked as I started to lightly squeeze one of them.

“Yes. They are very nice.” And they were nice. They were about a B-cup, and her nipples were hard. She then lay down on her back while I started sucking on her left breast. She let out a soft whimper as I licked around her nipple, and finally gave it a soft bite. This continued for a minute, when she started to speak.

“My pussy, I want you to lick my pussy.” I kissed her all the way down her chest and stomach until I reached her shorts. They were the same pair she was wearing when she came into my room that first night she was here. I pulled them off and admired the wetness of her panties. She was really into this. I knelt down in front of her and put my head between her legs. I kissed her up and down her thighs while rubbing her through her panties. I put my face right over her crotch and slowly took a long breathe, savoring her scent. I slowly pulled down her panties, exposing her bald and soaking wet pussy.

“You smell really good Katie.”

“Thank you.” She said as I took a long lick of her pussy.

“You taste great too.” She had kind of a salty, milky taste to her. After licking inside her pussy I started licking around her clit. I traced circles around it with the tip of my tongue, trying hard not to touch it. This teasing must have been driving her crazy, because after a couple minutes she shoved her hand down there and started vigorously rubbing her clit. “No, let me.” I pushed her hand away and started tonguing her clit. I did it slowly at first, but quickly progressed to a more frenzied motion. She started to shake signaling her coming orgasm. After ten more seconds of this she let out a visceral moan, and squeezed my bed sheets. I continued while she twitched with pleasure tensing up every muscle in her body, squeezing my head between her legs. After about five seconds she went limp.

“That was…great.” She said laughing with delight. I climbed on the bed and kissed her, letting her taste her own juices. She reached down and gave my throbbing cock a few strokes. “Do you want to put it inside me?”

“Yes.” I climbed on top of her and slowly started to put my cock inside of her. “Are you still a virgin?” She shook her head yes and bit her lip. “I’ll go slowly.” Her breath caught slightly as I slid the head of my cock inside of her. I went a little deeper. She moaned, and I stopped.

“No, it’s okay. It feels good.” I went in a little deeper. She moaned again and threw her head back. “Go deeper.” I couldn’t tell if the look on her face was one of pleasure or pain. I slowly went deeper until I felt the base of my shaft against her body. She was still biting her lip, and now had her eyes closed.

“Are you okay?” She shook her head yes and I slowly started pulling out, I stopped and looked at how her pussy wrapped around the base of my head. I slowly entered her again and again and again. Her moans intensified as my pace quickened, her cupcake sized breasts bouncing in unison with my thrusts.

“Don’t cum in me. I don’t want to get pregnant.” She said as a look of clarity came to her face. I was about to blow, so I quickly pulled out. I was going to jerk myself off onto her stomach, when she stopped me. “No. I want you to cum in me, just not in my pussy. Do you want to cum in my butt?” She looked at me seemingly afraid I might be revolted by her request. Of course I wanted to cum in her ass.

“Are you sure?” I asked her as she sat up and got on all fours on the bed.

“Yeah. I want you to put it in my rear-end Doctor.” She said in a mock Western accent, referencing last night’s gaming session. She looked back at me over her shoulder. I just stood there staring at her asshole. It was so small and tight. I didn’t think I would be able to fit my thumb in there, much less my cock. It looked very inviting. I moved my face toward her ass, and grabbed a cheek with each hand. I started to gently knead her ass while I kissed her taint. I then started to eat her ass. I licked circles around her asshole, and inserted my right middle finger inside of her pussy. She was wetter now then she had been before. I then shoved my tongue into my little cousin’s asshole. She shivered with delight. “Stick a finger in.”

“Okay.” I took my right middle finger, which was now moist with her cunt juice, and inserted it into her ass. I stopped at the second knuckle, shocked at the tightness of her anus. “You’re really tight. Your butt will need to stretch out a bit. I’m going to use two fingers.”

“Okay.” She grabbed one of my pillows and placed her face on my bed lifting her ass a little higher. I rubbed my index and middle finger along her pussy and gently inserted them into her ass. When I felt her sphincter squeezing just above the third knuckle I started rotating my hand back and forth. During this time, Katie let out a few soft whimpers. After a few minutes I felt her asshole was ready.

“I need something for lubrication.”

“Just use some spit.” Not seeing an alternative, I spit onto the outer edges of her asshole. I rubbed some of it in, and knelt behind her. I grabbed the base of my cock with my left hand will spreading her cheeks with my right. I pressed the head of my cock against her tightly closed hole and slowly, but firmly, shoved it inside her. “Ow, ow, ow.” She cried leaning forward a bit.

“I’m sorry…I’ll…”

“Don’t stop.” She closed her eyes tight and gritted her teeth. “Keep going.” She reached between her legs and started to rub her clit. At her request, I kept going deeper. As her cries of pain intensified, she rubbed herself even harder. I now had my entire cock in my cousin’s virgin asshole. I kept my cock still while I leaned over her and grabbed her right breast. “I want…I want you…to cum.” She was crying. I looked down at her face, which was now red and sweaty. Tears were flowing from her eyes. “Please cum in me Brian.” I slowly started to pump her ass. She let out a groan after each thrust. By the time I reached full speed, she was weeping and rubbing her clit as fast as she could. I saw the muscles in her back and shoulder tense up as she reached her orgasm. She screamed and I shot my load deep into her ass. After five huge spurts of cum, we both collapsed onto the bed. I was drained. I watched as Katie lay on her stomach whimpering and catching her breath. “I…want…to…taste.” She took a deep breath. “I want to taste your cum.” I reached behind her and stuck my index finger up her ass. I then put that same finger to Katie’s lips. She took it into her mouth. “More.” She said as she finished licking my finger clean. I repeated the process a few times until she had eaten all of my cum from her ass. “You taste great.” She put her head on my chest, and I fell asleep stroking her hair.

When I awoke, I was alone. I put my pajamas back on and looked at the clock. It was just after noon. I left my room and peaked into Katie’s room. She wasn’t there. I went downstairs to find her sitting on the couch eating cold pizza and watching TV with my friends. “How about another go.” She said with a mouthful of pizza. I just looked at her.

“Yeah.” Chris interjected. “How about another round of Manifest Destiny?”

“Oh, yeah, sure.” We spent the entire day, and many future weekends role-playing.