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Voyeur and peeking



“I don’t think there were many girls named ‘Aurora’ two hundred years ago,” Dawn said.

“This was the most beautiful girl in the whole county,” Larry said, smiling across the breakfast table at her. “Such girls are always named Aurora or something like that.”

“You’re sweet.” Dawn replied. “Not an honest bone in your body, but you’re sweet.”

“See, you don’t respect me in the morning. I knew that I shouldn’t have let you have your way with me.” She giggled at that. Larry was a considerate lover, but he stayed quite firmly in control.

She remembered his holding both her arms above her head while she squirmed under the delicious ministrations of his fingers and tongue. “Not yet,” he’d said. “This night has hardly begun.” It had been ten agonizing minutes before she had climaxed from that teasing and more than two hours before she had led him into her body. She still felt languorous after ten hours of sleep.

“Anyway,” Larry went on, enjoying his view of that giggle, “this particular beautiful Aurora was the eldest girl in a frontier family. She could remember arriving in a covered wagon; and remember other families coming later, each clearing its own farm out of the forest. Lately, however, the wagons seemed to be going past them, heading further west. The last two years her mind had been less and less on her family’s cabin, and more and more on a cabin a mile away. A lad a few years older than she lived there. He was tall, handsome, and the best hunter in the settlement.

“His catch went way down, however, on the days when Aurora was gathering berries. For Lawrence” (Dawn smiled at the name.) “met her on those days. They gathered berries for an hour and honey for as long as they dared. She thought that his kisses were sweeter than the berries, the tighter he held her the freer she felt. His hand on her breast was more intoxicating than the liquor the family drank at mealtimes. Being with him was a joy, but it came with a cost.

“Once she had been calm except for real emergencies. Now a mere mention of berries or hunting, let alone Lawrence’s name, shook her as only the worst disasters had once. The rustling of her parents bed in the night woke her to lie blushing and longing in the dark. This day…

“Say, do you want more eggs? toast?”

“Toast, if I might. Go on with the story.”

“This day Aurora escaped early with two large pails for berries. She was thinking of Lawrence, and of her feelings, when she heard a bull bellow. She dropped her pails and climbed a tree. An angry bull is no laughing matter. From the tree, however, she could see that the bull wasn’t concerned with her.

“Hidden in her perch she watched it approach a cow. The cow stood as the bull’s cock swelled toward it. With another bellow, the bull launched itself forward and landed on the back of the cow. She had seen animals mate before, but never had it excited her so. The crashing force and desire of the bull stirred her in some strange way. Her cheeks were already pink when she reached the berry patch she sought. They turned crimson when she saw Lawrence.

“‘Are you all right?’ he asked.

“‘I heard a bull in the woods, and it frightened me.’

“‘And so it should. Did it see you?’

“‘No it was….’

“He guessed what it had been doing, but couldn’t think of any way to get around her embarrassment. ‘As long as you’re safe,’ he said. And then drew her toward him. Their kiss was long and intense. Imagining the cattle mating, he hardened against her belly. Remembering that mating vividly, she was more acutely aware than ever before of his erection. His hand passed down her back to her buttocks, and he pulled her even closer. She dropped the pails to hug him, but the clatter reminded them both of their surroundings.

“‘We’d better get to picking,’ he said. They knew from experience that they wouldn’t fill the pails if they put it off. The only thing which could pull their eyes from each other was the knowledge that the faster they worked the sooner their lips could get into play. Every time she bent, her skirt framed her hips. Every time she straightened her dress draped her lovely breasts and revealed their sharp points. Aurora mostly watched Lawrence’s muscles ripple under his tight shirt. They had picked nearly enough when they heard the bellowing much closer. Lawrence had been carrying his rifle and one pail in his left hand. He shifted the rifle into his right hand, and led the way toward the woods…

“But I’m being a bad host. Is there anything else you need? More coffee?”

“This is wonderful. I have half a cup left.”

“Maybe you’d like to finish it elsewhere. There is no reason to keep sitting here.”

He was already standing. When she rose, it was into his arms. The kiss began gently, but it continued with open mouths and searching tongues. He kneaded her hips through the robe. Then he backed away and bowed her back into the bedroom.

“So what happened with the bellowing?” she asked.

“They hung the berry pails onto tree branches and peered through some undergrowth. Across a small stream was a meadow. The bull and a different cow were standing there. When the cow took a step, they could hear the bell clang on her neck. Again, the bull bellowed. His cock was already extended as he approached the cow. Aurora blushed crimson in Lawrence’s arms, but she could not look away.

“Lawrence was blushing too. He loved and respected this gentle girl, and he wanted to protect her against all harm. But he also wanted to cover her as the bull covered the cow, to thrust into her as the bull thrust into the cow. He could barely control himself from throwing her down onto the soft leaves and stripping her right there. He couldn’t control his hands as they roved her soft breasts and firm belly.

“Aurora had never felt like this. With every thrust of the bull, the bell clanged, Lawrence’s hands tightened over some intimate part of her, and some deep emotion churned in her lower belly. She had a bright point of fire on the tip of each breast, so hard that they hurt. A greater heat was pouring upward from between her legs. She shivered in fear of the hardness that she felt pressing into her back. The pressed herself back into the safety of Lawrence’s arms as the only refuge from that fear.

“When the bull withdrew, the cow walked off downstream. The bull soon followed. Aurora and Lawrence stood there, afraid of going forwards, incapable of going back. Then laughter startled them both. A woman ran out into the meadow across from them. They stepped back although they were quite hidden where they stood. A man followed the woman out into the open. ‘I feel like that bull,’ he said. ‘Pretending to be in charge, but going where she leads.’

“The woman tossed off her bonnet. ‘Am I a cow then? I feel more like a freed bird.’

“‘Or a butterfly. Beauty flitting across the field. Is this far enough?’

“‘This is lovely. No one in the wagons could hear us if I screamed. Heavens, but I hate to do it in the shade of the wagon with the children two feet above us and a towel between my teeth.’ She started to remove her blouse.

“The man was unbuttoning his shirt. ‘Hate it? I didn’t know. You seem pleased enough at the time. You pull me to….’

“‘You know what I mean.’ Aurora and Lawrence watched as the two across from them stripped to the buff. Aurora had never seen an adult man naked, and saw her mother only rarely in the cabin by the light of the fire. The man’s erection looked less frightening than the bull’s, but it stood straight out until he bent to arrange the clothes into a sort of bed.

“All three of Lawrence’s sexual experiences had been purchased from the same woman. He had seen her naked, but not like this in the light of day. He watched the woman’s large, pendulous, breasts as he felt Aurora’s smaller, firm, ones. In the midst of all the excitement, he had time to marvel that each pair had its own intense beauty. The couple paused for a kiss before the woman lay down. Lawrence could see between her legs for a moment as she bent, then she was lying sidewise to his line of sight.

“Aurora had little notion of what she looked like down there, baby sisters being her only clue. The brief glimpse of the woman made her feel like she herself had been exposed. She blushed more deeply. Lawrence’s hands were no longer so gentle on her, and she couldn’t tell if her spiraling excitement was from her eyes or from her skin. When the woman was briefly on her hands and knees, Aurora expected the man to mount her. Instead, she rolled over on her back. The man dropped to the clothes beside her. They stroked and patted each other while they kissed. The man kissed all over the woman’s face and then all over her breasts. Aurora’s own nipples tingled as she watched the woman’s being sucked.”

As Larry mentioned Aurora’s breasts, his own hand stroked Dawn’s breast through the sheet and thin robe. Her nipple hardened to his touch. When she looked over at him, he smiled before going on with the story.

“While Lawrence watched the man kiss the woman and suck on her breasts, his own hands lifted Aurora’s breasts. He wanted to kiss the nipples that he could feel through layers of cloth. But he could not tear his attention from the drama across the stream. The man was stroking between the woman’s legs as he kissed her breast. Envious, Lawrence stroked down Aurora’s smooth belly. He knew that she would stop him in a moment, but he hoped to touch her mound.”

Larry’s deeds matched his words, stroking over Dawn’s firm abdomen. She hadn’t the least intention of stopping him, but she was tempted to tear off the robe. Instead, she lay back to enjoy the story … and the hand.

“By the time Lawrence’s hand had reached here, they were both holding their breath. He knew he should stop, but the vision of crinkly hair under his fingers drew him on. Aurora knew she should stop him, but the warm hand seemed the only answer to the shivering sensations in her groin. The scene in the meadow saved them. The man had finally left the woman’s breasts; and, pausing only to scatter a few kisses over her belly, climbed between her legs. Aurora was a little puzzled, but Lawrence thought he knew what was in store.

“Lawrence was in for a surprise, however. The man stopped when he was kneeling between the woman’s feet. He nuzzled between her legs. They couldn’t see what sort of kisses he delivered there, but they could see and hear the woman’s response. She moaned softly at the first kisses. The sound level rose. By the time she was pulling the man’s head against her and bucking on the ground, she was screaming aloud. Then she stopped. She lay there as if dead. He lay beside her and murmured too softly to carry across the stream.

“Lawrence was astonished. The whore he’d visited had taken him into her mouth briefly. He’d never thought of responding in kind, wouldn’t consider it now. Aurora, however, was clean. As he thought of kissing the center of her femininity, his hand caressed it like this.”

As Larry’s fingers played over the tops of Dawn’s labia, she spread her legs to give him access.

“Aurora’s puzzlement was deeper. The cries sounded like cries of pain, but they had stirred a quite different feeling in her. Whatever had been done to her, the woman had certainly been willing enough. Was that sex? Was human sex that different? While her brain struggled with these questions, her body was responding without its interference. She leaned back against Lawrence. The only part of her body that wasn’t pressing back into his was thrust forward toward his questing fingers.

“They stood frozen with those questions until the couple in the meadow moved again. The man resumed kissing the woman. He climbed between her legs, and returned to kissing her breasts. ‘Please Isaac’ the woman said, ‘no more.’ Aurora wondered if she had been in pain after all.

“The man’s response was muffled in her breast. ‘I *am* asking,’ she said. ‘I need my husband inside me now!’ She reached for his erect cock and guided it within her. ‘Oh yes,’ she said as he thrust home. Then she started chanting ‘Oh yes,’ with each thrust, one note higher each time. In her silences they could here the man for nearly the first time. He was grunting in a way that somehow reminded Aurora of the bull’s bellow. When he sped up, the woman was reduced to only saying ‘Oh,’ Oh,’ ‘Oh!’ Her legs rose up and waved above the couple. Then they pointed at the sky and she screamed a ‘Yesss!’

“The man seemed to be supported mostly by the woman. ‘Oh God!’ he cried once, then he collapsed across the woman.

“Lawrence held Aurora for a minute longer. When he stepped back, she almost fell. Her knees felt so weak that she wondered if she had a recurrence of the fever. The two of them stumbled through the forest until they reached the shelter of a giant tree. The branches forced them to crawl under them; but no other plants grew in this shadow, and the mulch was as soft as any bed. Here they were hidden.

“Lawrence had thought Aurora more precious than silver while he worshiped her from afar, more precious than gold while he courted her slowly. Now, feeling that he might possibly possess her body, he couldn’t express how precious she was. Kneeling there, he kissed her cheeks and brows and ears before settling on her mouth. His hands roved everywhere while that kiss went on. Then he kissed her covered breasts.

“Aurora felt eager, and frightened, and faint, and hot. In the still air under the tree, perspiration dotted her face and soaked her clothes. She began opening the top of her dress. Soon Lawrence’s kisses moved up to the uncovered area. His mouth and arms interfered with her hands. Suddenly, he straightened. ‘Love,’ he said. It was the first time either of them had said the word aloud. His eyes shone with that love and with passion. She was frightened at baring herself to that gaze, but she went on. He began removing his clothes, as well. Boots were a problem, but he got them off. She knelt there in her shift while he stripped his trousers off. He tried to arrange the clothing in a bed as the man had done.”

As Larry was telling this part, he tugged at the sash of Dawn’s robe. He stopped talking long enough to help her remove it and to shed his own. He covered them both with the sheet, but his hand was beneath it when he returned to the story.

“Compared to the bull and some stallions Aurora had seen, his shaft was not large. Somehow, it frightened her all the same. She looked at his face instead. They had one more kiss before he pulled at the top of her shift. She raised her arms as she head done for her mother as a little girl. They were both naked now. He spread the shift over the other clothes and helped her down onto this bed.

“He kissed her forehead as he had once kissed his little sister’s; he felt as protective now as then. But he also felt ten times as desirous as he had ever felt with the whore at the market town. Once he started kissing her breasts, he couldn’t stop. He scattered pecks over the smooth surface before setting down to sucking the pink tips. When she pulled him tighter to her, it released what restraints were left. He sucked with all his strength.

“She thrilled to his kisses and more to his sucking. She was in heaven when she pulled him tight against her breast. The sting brought her back. ‘Ow!’

“He raised his head immediately. ‘Oh, did I hurt you? Should I stop?’ Well, yes he had hurt her, but the stopping hurt even more.

“‘Softly,’ she said. Her hands were still entwined in his hair. She moved his head to her other nipple. ‘Do it softly.’ Taking both permission and direction, Lawrence sucked on that nipple softly. He was now lying with his torso half on hers. With his one free hand, he stroked whatever else of her he could reach. He wasn’t an experienced lover, aiming for the hot spots. He was a man obsessed, touching every part of his obsession. When this touch finally did pass between her legs, Aurora had an instant of worry. Moisture was running between her lower lips, and she feared that it was blood. But it was not her time of the month, and the sensations commanded too much attention to leave room for the worry. Having hurt her once, Lawrence was especially careful to be gentle. He explored her femininity with his fingers while sucking on her breast with his mouth. They remained at that stage for some time.”

Larry had been stroking between Dawn’s thighs while he told of Lawrence’s hand between Aurora’s. Now, he stopped talking and kissed all over her breasts. When he reached a nipple, he licked and sucked. He parted her labia and eased two fingers between them. He stroked her warmth in time with his licks on her nipple. When she began to tense, he slipped the fingers deep within her.

“Larry?” she said.

He abandoned the nipple to say “Yes.” He didn’t know quite what her question was, but this was a time for “yes.” He kissed the underside of her breast and down her abdomen. It was a lovely abdomen, a flautist’s abdomen taut under his lips. It tasted of salt and just slightly of Dawn. Also, one long kiss involved his resting his chin heavily just at the top of her pubic hair. The pressure on the outside helped him find her G spot. He was rubbing this very slowly as he kissed another path back up her body. The nipple on her far breast was pointing up asking for his attention long before he reached it.

Dawn had been lulled by the story of Aurora. Larry’s mild petting had been more soothing than arousing. It had maintained her lovely voluptuous mood without evoking any acute need. The early stage of kisses and caresses gradually added an edge of need to the satisfaction. Just when the need overcame the lassitude Larry’s fingers intruded.

She felt taken, dominated, possessed. But from that moment her desire increased. Her breasts ached for his attention while he was kissing her belly. When her left breast finally did get some attention, the sensation from the suction fed the desire rather than satisfying it. She pulled his head onto her breast, arched against his hand, and came in great waves. Finally, she pushed his hand away. “No more. Please.”

Larry felt her tense against him. Then she was shuddering and writhing and squeezing his fingers inside her. He continued inciting her until her hands and voice asked him to stop.

“No more,” he said. He hoped he didn’t sound as smug as he felt. He gave her a little breathing room but lay close enough to kiss her moist temple. He watched the rise and fall of her breasts. That slowed gradually. “When last we left them,” he said, “Lawrence and Aurora were learning about petting.” Dawn turned a smile toward him. “You interested?”

“Oh yes,” she said. “Tell me more.” They shared a sweet kiss; he licked her lips but didn’t intrude. He lay flat and put a pillow on his shoulder.

“Then come lie here,” he said. They adjusted until they were comfortable with her lying against him with her left arm across his chest and his left arm behind her back. “Comfy,” he asked. She nodded.

“When last we left them,” he repeated, “Lawrence and Aurora were learning about petting. Lawrence had been dreaming about her breasts. His kisses had moved rapidly to them and fixed on the nipples. Some time passed, however, before his hand found her center. Once it was there, neither of them had the slightest idea what he should do.

“Aurora trusted him completely, not because she suspected even the minimal experience which he had, but because trust was part of her love for Lawrence.

“Lawrence wanted to conquer this woman, cover and pierce her as the bull had the cow, as the wagonman had his wife; he wanted to cherish and protect this girl, hold her and shield her as he had held no one else in his life; but he also wanted to explore her. When he began exploring, Aurora spread her legs to permit it. Encouraged, he held all the furry softness in his hand. Then he stroked and petted the outer lips.

“By the time he parted these, Aurora could hardly hold still.

“Lightly as he could, Lawrence stroked up the slick groove. When he passed over a bump at the top, Aurora gasped. He stopped immediately and abandoned her breast to look at her. ‘Did I hurt you,’ he asked. ‘Should I stop, may I please go on if I’m gentle?’

“‘No. yes.’ Aurora didn’t know what question she was answering. He was watching her face with evident concern. Finally, she pulled herself together. ‘Please go on. I’m yours.’

“Lawrence had never had a sweeter request. He watched her eyes as he stroked her moisture upward again. When he passed over that bump she pulled him down for a kiss. Mouths open, breathing into each other, they played tag with their tongues. After a moment, his fingers returned to their stroking.

“Aurora parted her legs further and raised her pelvis to meet his hand. She no longer tried to restrain her body as it wiggled in response to Lawrence’s tickling strokes. Soon, her whole lower body was undulating under Lawrence’s hand.

“He was as ignorant of what was happening as she was, but he could tell that this was a response of pleasure.

“Aurora had never felt anything like this. First she was conscious of every sensation from his tongue against hers and is fingers against her center. Then she could attend only to the warmth which spread through her body and her own motions in response to it. Then a flame swept out from her loins to her head and her toes. The flame flickered before her eyes, and she cried out. Then she floated in nothingness.

“Lawrence was enjoying her warm mouth and her warmer valley. The hands holding him to her mouth and the movement of her groin told him that he was as desired as he was desirous. Then she stiffened under him. He didn’t know what was wrong, but she spread her legs even wider. Guessing that this signaled a continuing acceptance of him, he kept on stroking in the hopes that she would return to her soft wave-like motions. Instead, she pressed up against his hand. She shuddered as if she had the ague and groaned into his mouth. Then she dropped limp.

“He had never seen a real female orgasm, and the imitation that he had seen was nothing like this. He stared at her face in panic until she came around. ‘What’s wrong?’ she asked him.

“”What happened to you? Are you all right?’

“‘I’m wonderful. I don’t know. Oh hold me.’ That was a request that he was more than willing to fulfill. He held her gently and then, when she tightened her arms around him in response, hugged her fiercely. His erection had softened during his panic, but the combination of relief and holding the naked girl in his arms stiffened him again.

“When she struggled to breathe, he eased his hold on her. ‘Are you truly all right?’ he asked.

“‘I have never felt better. I just need you to hold me like this for a few minutes. I liked the hug, but I couldn’t breathe.’ He held her. He dared a kiss to her forehead, and then looked to see how she had taken it. She looked pleased, so he kissed everything he could reach except her mouth. Soon she pulled him down for a real kiss until she was out of breath again.

“He eased her down again so he could extend his kisses over more of her body. That went something like this…”

Larry freed his arm from under Dawn’s head. Then he began kissing her face. He did not speak again until he had reached her breasts. “Lawrence spent a long time on Aurora’s breasts,” he said. “He wasn’t certain that he should go lower.” Then, however, Larry went lower himself. When he had kissed the trimmed hair on Dawn’s mound, he fell back beside her. His hand returned between her legs.

He stroked there as he continued the story. “When he finally tore himself away from those small, firm, breasts, however, he found her belly a wonderful place to play. She shivered as he kissed the side and shivered more as he plunged his tongue into her navel. As he went lower still, he sniffed a new odor. His mind didn’t know what it was, but his phallus throbbed with recognition. He stopped on her well-furred mound.

“‘Are you going to kiss me like the man from the wagon did?’ asked Aurora. Lawrence hadn’t quite decided yet, but the tone of her voice sounded frightened.

“‘Do you want me to?’ If she didn’t, then his doubts were resolved.

“‘I think so,’ she said.

“He moved back and knelt between her calves. He hadn’t kissed her thighs yet, so he began there. The closer he got to the top, the greater the enticement of the delicious odor. Kissing the juncture was becoming a more attractive idea all the time. Aurora was writhing under those kisses. They tickled, but they also aroused. She raised her knees and spread her legs to give him room.

“This gave Lawrence a view of her which he had never dreamed of having. Below the gentle mound with its light-brown floss, lay twin rolls of delicate pale flesh with a sprinkling of hair on them. There was a suggestion of something darker between them which he felt he must see more clearly. He parted her flesh to reveal a rose-colored line. He opened this beauty to find more beauty. The only time he had seen color like that was on the inside of a shell he picked up at a lake, but these were warm and soft to his touch, thin petals of flesh. There was a tiny opening about two-thirds of the way down the groove between these; and there was a complex bundle, as if all this beauty had been tied together, at the top.

“He placed a soft kiss first on the mound and then on the petals themselves. If the sight of her hidden center evoked awe at its beauty, the scent evoked maddening lust. The second kiss brought a faint savor of her essence, and he knew he must taste more. Tentatively, he touched those petals with his tongue. Thrilled by the taste, he rested there a moment before lapping up more.

“Aurora hadn’t really absorbed the experience of her first orgasm. She been excited by the later kisses, but she was content to lie there when they stopped. Then he kissed her again, where she had never been kissed, never been touched, hardly ever even touched herself. She was pleased by the sensations, then thrilled by them, and finally aroused to need more of them. ‘Lawrence?’ she said.

“Instantly, he was torn by guilt. He had been so taken by her taste that he had ignored her needs. He raised his head to see her looking down her torso at him. ‘Do you want me to stop?’ he asked. He knew that he would make any sacrifice for her, even that one. She shook her head no. As she relaxed back down, her hands came to press him back where he had been. Gratefully, he resumed licking and sucking from her nectar.

“She dropped her head to the clothes-covered ground and reached down to guide his head where she needed it. His tongue satisfied that need for a minute, then it intensified it. The warmth spreading through her body was no longer so strange, but this time it brought with it a tinge of fear. She knew it led to the fire, and that sensation held threat as well as promise. But she desperately needed the relief his kisses brought, and the fire held promise as well as threat. Her distraction slowed the spread of the warmth only briefly. Then she was filled by it. She strained as she had never strained before. She moaned her frustration. And then the fire swept through her, not once but over and over. Lawrence’s head was the only thing anchoring her to the ground, and she pulled it to her fiercely. Then she wasn’t on the ground at all but floating. Then she wasn’t anywhere.

“The higher Lawrence licked in this tasty valley, the tighter Aurora held him to her. Her moans distracted him for an instant, but her hands held him in place. Then she shook under his mouth. He withdrew his tongue, and simply sucked her in a hungry kiss until she stilled. Her collapse worried him enough to leave his paradise with only one last kiss. He moved upward until he could look in her face. She seemed dazed but not ill. As she slowly came around, he became increasingly conscious of her nipples an inch below his chest and her belly just brushing his cock when she inhaled.

“The first thing Aurora noticed as she began to recover was Lawrence staring in to her face from inches away. Wonderful Lawrence, she had loved and admired him for years but had never known that he could bring her such pleasure. They simply stared at each other until she felt that she must kiss him. Merely moving her lips in a kissing gesture brought him down on top of her to kiss her deeply. After reveling in his kiss for a while and chasing his tongue, she became more conscious of his warm scratchiness against her nipples and a hot stiffness pressed into her belly. The image of the bull came back, and then the image of the wagonman kneeling above his wife. Lawrence was almost in that position. Were he and she going to do that, she wondered. She searched for the words to ask.

“Lawrence’s worry slowly ebbed as she showed signs of recovery, but neither his love nor his lust ebbed at all. He desperately wanted to kiss her, he wanted to enter her, he wanted to protect her and shelter her. Her lips moved as if she wanted the kisses as well. That overcame his worry about her breathlessness. He pressed against her to reach her mouth. The kiss began as an expression of his loving care, it soon turned to desperate desire. Her nipples pressed into his chest, her belly rubbed against his cock. He wanted her, he wanted her permission as well. He moved back from her mouth. ‘Are we going to do what the wagon people did?’ she asked.

“Thrilled that she wanted him, he shifted a little more. He spread her delicate petals so that his cock could find the way. It took two trips up and down her vale for him to find the opening. ‘I love you,’ he gasped. Then he drove into her warmth.

“Aurora waited for an answer to her question, but Lawrence moved instead. She felt him stroking her most delicate parts in an new way. Then she felt a stab of pain. She cried out. How could he do this to her?

“Aurora’s yelp of pain stopped all of Lawrence’s motion. Belatedly, he remembered that a woman’s first time was invariably painful. ‘Oh, my love,’ he said, ‘I’m sorry. Does it hurt awfully?’

“Actually, it didn’t. Aurora, too, remembered her mother’s caution about the agony that was the price of being a woman. She had been too busy with new experiences to remember that old advice. This had hurt, but it was not the worst pain that she had felt that week. ‘Just don’t move,’ she said. She adjusted herself so that the pressure was less. ‘I can stand it.’ Indeed, holding some part of Lawrence within herself felt like a proper expression of her love.

“‘Do you want me to go on?’ he asked. He felt that he would die if he didn’t; he felt that he would die if he hurt her again.

“She took a long time answering. Lawrence was looking at her with love and concern in his face. She didn’t want to have him go on, she did want to have him lying over her like this. She wanted him forever. Suddenly, she nodded. He began moving again.

“He took the time to kiss the one tear running down her temple. Then he raised himself up. His strokes through the tight clasp of the woman he loved were infinitely more sensual than those past ones through the looser grip of a woman he had despised. He had been highly charged by the entire morning’s experience. After only a few strokes he felt the forces gathering behind him. His body sped up without any conscious decision. Then he drove forward and pulsed his seed into her.

“Aurora felt stirrings within her like those his tongue had produced, but each time a twinge of pain would cancel them. She concentrated on his face above hers and his movements against her body. He looked loving and concerned, then he looked hungry. And then he sped up and his face looked agonized. After driving inward, causing another twinge, he looked blissful. She had never seen anyone look so satisfied.

“‘It means that to him?’ she thought. She wondered if she had looked so content after he had tongued her to glory. Being that important to another human being, to the man she loved more than any other person, was worth the pain.

“Still lying on top of her, Lawrence kissed her in silent thanks and apology. When they finally started to put themselves together, they discovered that his cock, her thighs, and the shift were all covered with his seed mixed with a little blood.”

All through the latter parts of the story, Larry had been stroking Dawn. Now he kissed her deeply. When she broke the kiss, he began kissing down towards her breasts. She held his head against her as his fingers parted her labia. He was astonished at the moisture he found. When he first stroked over her clitoris, she stiffened. He rapidly climbed between her legs. “This one won’t hurt,” he said. He stroked himself along her groove several times before easing himself within her.

The story, the petting, and the attentions of the morning had all whetted Dawn’s desire. When Larry’s approach turned serious, she responded with eagerness. She didn’t even notice the reference to the story in her concentration on the lovely cock moving just outside its rightful place. Then she was entered, possessed, filled. “Yessss,” she said.

The clasping warmth and her slow “yes” both excited Larry. He kissed her forehead once before beginning his long strokes. She was soon matching him. Then her legs came up and tightened around his waist. Her heels drummed on his hips. When his excitement began to peak, he reached around one clasping thigh to touch her clitoris. Soon, she was squeezing his member as she had squeezed his fingers. He came in great gushes.

Dawn was arching up in an attempt to reach the peak while Larry moved within her. Then her center was stroked. Almost immediately, the climax swept through her. She was ecstatic, then she was lost. When she noticed Larry again, he was balanced above her and just oozing out of her. She tightened around him, but that merely pushed him out. She recalled the comment about “This one won’t hurt.” It certainly hadn’t.

“Poor Aurora,” she said.

“Happy Aurora. For she had decided that Lawrence was worth the pain, and there was joy rather than pain the next time.”

“When are you going to tell me that story?”

“Tonight, perhaps.”