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My husband being fucked by the boyfriend of the woman



My name is Kay. I’m 32 and I live in London. I’ve always thought of myself as fairly average, in pretty well every department: good but not brilliant job, decent looks but not a catwalk model, nice house. You get the idea. Sexually as well I’d say I’m average: I have a husband with whom I’m faithful, and predictable fantasies, which I occasionally indulge by trawling the net for appropriate stuff. But I don’t obsess about it – just the odd time when I’m in the mood. Basically I’m a normal middle class thirties woman.

My name is Bee. I’m 18, and I’d say I’m fairly average. I live in London, where I work for a legal firm, dealing with their IT. It’s not an important job in the firm (you have to be a lawyer to count) but as I only left school last year it’s a pretty good job for me. I’ve a sort-of boyfriend, Paul: we’re basically mates who occasionally fuck, but we know that we’re not compatible for a long-term thing – for one thing he likes fucking men way too much. I’ve no moral objection to that, just that when I want to settle down it’s got to be with someone who is going to be faithful, and Paul just couldn’t do that. Paul and I will all end in tears sometime soon, but at present we’re both pretty content with where we are.

[K] I’d been working really hard all summer, and my holiday had been put off time and again. Eventually we got away, and I wanted something quiet and simple. My husband had a client he needed to see in Marseille, so we thought we’d just put our tent in the car and drive to the South of France. We’d camp if we felt like it, book into a hotel if we didn’t, and just sit on the beach and do nothing. I booked an initial few nights at a camp site I got off the web, but we’d then take it from there.

[B] Summer had been long. I’d begun to obsess about someone at work, but while they hung out with their lawyer colleagues, I mixed with the other IT people, and never did I get a chance to try and pull. We had a few simple friendly chats while I was working on a printer that kept going wrong (OK, I kept messing up the print queue as an excuse to be round there), but it went no further. When I discovered she would be holidaying in France, I snooped on her web logs, and discovered her holiday booking.

[K] Actually, I didn’t get the campsite off the net, but I did book it that way. In fact the campsite – Serignan Plage – was recommended by a friend as it opens right on to a great beach. The beach is a normal family beach, but about twenty yards down from a nude beach – which I’d never done but fancied trying. (I didn’t tell my husband that bit.)

[B] The campsite booked by Kay was called Serignan Plage, and as far as I could see it was slap next to a naturist campsite and beach. I’d never been to a nude beach, but I knew Paul had and loved it. So that’s the one I booked. [K] The campsite was great. If you think of a campsite as a muddy field with a caravan, then you’re on completely the wrong track. It has several nice swimming pools, good restaurants, hairdresser, tennis courts, and supermarket. And, of course, the beach. Before I tell you about the beach, I’ve got to tell you about my swimsuits. I have a variety of suits and bikinis, of varying decency. But a couple of days before I left a package came from a company called Wicked Weasel, with the tiniest things you’ve ever seen. Inside was a note, saying “wear these in France, and pretend you bought them yourself. TAKE NO OTHER SWIMWEAR — love, Mark” They really were very small, and to be honest I was unsure I could wear them – but if that’s what he wants, I’ll indulge him. I put the (slightly) more modest one on, but then put a pair of shorts over as well.

[B] The campsite was OK. We weren’t actually camping – we’d hired a chalet, there were shops a nice pool and the normal sort of stuff. We got there about 3, and pretty well went straight off to the beach. Knowing it would be a nudie beach I’d had a few sessions in a tanning salon to get rid of my bikini lines. Frankly, I looked hot, but in the end it all seemed a bit pointless: a nude beach wasn’t anything like I’d expected. It was nice, but, well, just not sexy. There were some good looking people, and a lot of old very shriveled people, but there seemed to be little flirting, posing or generally putting your stuff about. Hm. Paul was a bit put out as well, complaining that this was a family beach. He’d been to some mainly gay nude beaches in Oz, and this was nothing like them.

[k] I loved this place. As soon as we got to the beach I could see that the nude area was to the right, clothed to the left. I saw Mark saw this as well, but before he could comment I steered him to the clothed area. We found a spot, and I peeled off my shorts, revealing my almost not there bikini bottom. Mark’s jaw dropped – “What the fuck are you wearing? I love it!” “I got them from the net – do you approve?” Well obviously he approved, having bought them, but I played along. His cock quite clearly showed what he thought – both while we were on the beach and in bed as soon as we got back.

[B] Although this wasn’t quite as either Paul or I were expecting, I don’t want to give the impression that it wasn’t good. We spent a happy couple of hour’s nude on a nice beach, and then had a wonderful – though clothed – meal in the restaurant. I also briefed Paul on his role tomorrow, when I was confident that Kay would venture up to “our” beach.

[K] Mark was clearly intrigued by the nude beach, while I expressed complete surprise as to its existence. And so the next morning after a leisurely shag and breakfast we wandered up there, stripped off and relaxed. It was wonderful. Peace, quiet, no lecherous old men or yobs with ghetto blasters. Just relaxed and sexy in an almost unsexy way.

[B] Kay and her husband were at the beach before we got there, and I pitched down about thirty yards away.

[K] After a while, I looked up and suddenly saw someone I knew from work. Shit! This is SO embarrassing, I thought. I whispered my predicament to Mark, who languidly pointed out that as my colleague was also on a nude beach she was hardly going to be taking the piss out of me for it. Good point. Anyway, she was someone I liked, even if I didn’t know her well. She was always fixing my printer whenever it broke, and we shared friendly jokes. She was nice, but young and some how always seemed very nervous of me. She wasn’t trouble.

[B] Kay looked up at me and waved. Score! I pretended to look puzzled, and then let a big smile spread across my face.. I decided to interpret Kay’s wave as an invitation over, and picked up my towel and joined her. We did the “fancy meeting you here” stuff, and then settled down to chat. Kay’s husband seemed nice, and had the exactly right combination of ogling me yet pretending not to.

[K] Damn, she’s coming over. Ah what the hell, she’s nice. We sat and chatted for a while. Actually, she IS nice – I like her. Mark was beginning to get a stiffy at one point, so rolled over and lay face down. I caught her eye and she smiled in an understanding, not offended, way. She seemed so innocent – my husband was checking her out and getting hard as a result, and she reacted so, well, sweetly. Time passed and I needed to get into the shade and get a drink. I asked Bee if she and her boyfriend wanted to come and get a drink from the bar

[B] Kay suggested that we go get a drink. I said that would be good but we’d have to take it at the naturist side, as Paul and I had no shorts or swimming stuff – we had the clothes we arrived in and clothes for if the evenings turned cool, but nothing else. Kay seemed slightly phased by this but it was soon agreed, and in the end we went back to our chalet, as we had a couple of nice bottles cooling in the fridge.

[K] Bee introduced us to her boyfriend Paul while we walked back. Paul and Mark soon discovered several common interests and were happily chatting inconsequential man talk of some kind.

[B] I’ve got to confess something else here, or things won’t make any sense. One of my tasks at work was anti-virus policy, and I persuaded management to a policy that required employees to run corporate AV software on their home PCs, to try and prevent them importing malicious programs when they worked at home. We gave them a (licensed!) copy of an anti-virus suite which periodically contacted our corporate server for updates. They were happy, we were happy. I was particularly happy as I took the chance for installing some extra software on Kay’s PC (and, as an added bonus, her husband’s) to snoop on what they were interested in. I had primed Paul to indulge Mark’s interest in the American Civil War, French wine and cognac. Having a huge dildo inserted up your arse was an interest I kept from him just for the moment.

[K] In the end we had lunch with them, and stayed lounging in and around their chalet all afternoon.

[B] I’d so wanted to fuck Kay this afternoon. I’m sure I could have had her, but I resisted trying till I was sure she was ready, and that just didn’t happen. Paul was pretty keen on having either or both of them. But we stuck to my script: innocent, a trifle naďf and definitely not up for anything like that at all.

[K] Mark and I had booked a table out for dinner, so we parted late afternoon, but agreed to meet on the beach the next day. We talked about them over dinner, and we’d come to the same conclusion: they were nice, and sexy without being overt or pushy. That night Mark was completely insatiable, but gave no hints as to what he was thinking about. If it was me, it wasn’t me alone. (I snoop on his internet sessions – he has some pretty kinky fantasies …)

[B] The next day started much the same: beach then lunch at ours. I was contemplating how to turn the subject to sex when Kay did it for me. We’d mentioned that we usually went to nudist beaches, because they were so relaxed and you didn’t feel you were being eyed up all the time. (I didn’t mention Paul’s gay beach visit). Bee sort of agreed on this but then asked how that could be. For example, she said, she’d been passed by three well hung guys this morning, and had day dreamed sucking them off. How did habitual naturists resist? Did she slip off to give Paul a blow job when no-one was looking?

[k] Bee looked staggered when I asked about giving Paul a blow job in the dunes. She hesitated, and then confessed: “I’ve never given anyone a blow job, especially not on the beach.” Why not? Paul’s the only man she’d been with (she’s only 18), and while she might do it, she wouldn’t unless he’d lick her, which he wouldn’t. I thought back: the first guy I went with wouldn’t go down on me, but I lived with it. Good for Bee to stick up for herself, but she didn’t know what she was missing. So I turned my fire on Paul, and told him he didn’t know what he was missing. I meant he didn’t appreciate the pleasure of having his cock sucked, but he clearly thought I meant that licking pussy was good.

[B] Paul was a trooper, positively daring Kay to go down on me while at the same time sounding entirely innocent – after all, on the face of it HAD been Kay’s suggestion.

[K] I don’t suppose my husband’s perversions are much different from most men’s: top (or near) of his list was seeing two women together. And here were two naked women, both slightly drunk, being encouraged to do – well, something. Was he going to talk me into or out of it? What do you think?

[B] Kay’s husband said something encouraging – something about it would be a public service to show Paul what to do. Before Kay could back out I looked at Paul and said – well I’d prefer it was you, but pay close attention as I’m sure she knows what a woman needs. Then I opened my legs and looked expectantly at Kay. She’d offered, hadn’t she?

[K] It was like a conspiracy: Bee, her boyfriend and my husband all assuming I was some kind of lesbian! Was it this kind of pressure, or just a well suppressed desire? Or just the alcohol?

[B] She hesitated, but not for long. And she was good. I wonder if men give other men better blow jobs, because Kay knew what to do with a clitty. And she kept stopping to show Paul what to do, but she did this at each point I was about to come, so delaying the moment again and again. But I did come, and like I never had before. Fuck, it was good.

[K] OK, it was good. I enjoyed doing it. Both physically, but also the sheer wanton exhibitionism of it was a real rush.

[B] After I calmed down I looked around and saw the two guys had both come as well, and were feeling somewhat embarrassed. So I whispered to Kay that that had been mind-blowing, and asked if she’d join me at the beach for a swim while the guys cleaned themselves up. In other words, I wanted her to myself before she and Mark established some “kinky one off but never again” nonsense.

[K] Bee basically told the boys to fuck off while she and I went for a swim. We talked about not very much, but after we’d swum she said that she had never done anything like that before, but – and there seemed a hint of desperation in her voice – that she really hoped we could again. I felt almost like a guy who’d picked her up for a one night stand. We were standing thigh deep in the sea and I just gave her a slow kiss on the lips, and told her that this was all new to me but I certainly wasn’t running off in a panic.

[B] She kissed me! The sex had been great, but that slow, delicate kiss was what I’d really wanted. Her nipples brushed against mine, she fiddled with my hair, and she held me close and looked into my eyes. I didn’t want her to move away, ever again.

[K] MY husband may get off on seeing a couple of dykes at it, but I suspected that lingering kisses on our own may just get him pissed off: it was time for Bee and me to show some favours to our men folk. They had appeared on the beach, so we headed back and after a while I asked Paul whether my demonstration had given him an idea on what he was expected to do. He said he’d got the idea, thanks, but then Bee butted in and asked when Mark was going to demonstrate how to give a blow job. Mark looked gob-smacked.

[B] I owed Paul one, so I suggested Mark give him a blow job. I didn’t for one minute think he’d take it up, but I wanted to sow the idea: perhaps it would turn Kay on and she’d talk him into it.

[K] I liked the way this was going all of a sudden. He does have a really nice looking cock, I added, and I really would like you to know how it feels to have someone spurt in your mouth. If you won’t do it for Paul and Bee’s benefit, will you do it for me?

[B] I didn’t want to turn Mark into an outsider in this, and he wasn’t going to be persuaded there and then. So I said that I’d see what Paul and I could manage on our own tonight, and we’d report back on where we’d got to tomorrow. Kay made excuses for her and Mark, and we went our separate ways for the evening.

[K] We’d left some clothes on the beach, so dressed and went back to our tent. I was very unsure how to take what had happened – I knew what I thought of it, and I knew that Mark had encouraged me, and so had no reasonable grounds for complaint. But what did he actually think? Pissed off or turned on?

[B] Remember, Paul fucks me , but he really is very bi. He’d done me such a huge favour helping me get Kay, I wanted to know what reward he wanted. He looked slightly puzzled and asked if I really hadn’t seeing what was going on while Kay had been doing me? Turns out they weren’t, as I had assumed, playing with themselves, but that Paul had leaned over and wanked Mark off. Mark had not responded, but neither had he resisted in any way whatsoever. Well fuck me.

[K] Mark just didn’t seem to want to talk about it, but fucked me thoroughly. He went down on me repeatedly, each time trying to mimic what he’d seen me do. I lay back and thought of …, well a whole series of things I was half-planning for tomorrow.

[B] It rained. It fucking rained in the South of fucking France in August, all fucking day. We got dressed, wandered round to pick up Kay and Mark, and did touristy things. And I didn’t get screwed once, all day by anyone.

[K] Rain wasn’t what I’d planned, but we had a really nice day anyway. We went out as a foursome, saw some Roman remains, bought tourist tat, had an excellent lunch and dinner, and went to a club and danced. Bee was so frustrated, but that just made her sexier in my view. Am I going to make a fool of myself and fall in love? Mark and Paul I can’t suss out – there’s some tension, presumably over the “was-it-a-joke-or-not blow-job”.

[B] Back to sun – perfect. Actually, yesterday was quite a good day, just not what I’d planned. Kay was – well Kay: gorgeous, sexy, funny, smart generally adorable: out of my league unless I can get my act together and stop getting stroppy about a drop of rain.

[K] Bee and I had plotted over a really smoochy dance last night, and had refined our plans during a morning swim. We were both determined to see some action between our men.

[B] The beach in the morning was not relaxed – we all knew that the afternoon would be hot and sticky, but not which bits would be stuck to which other. Lunch was full of tension, until Kay asked whether Paul and I had “managed without their help” I had my reply ready, primed by Kay and my knowledge of Mark’s web browsing: that we had now mastered oral sex, thank you, but were looking for guidance on anal. Specifically, how to train Paul to be gentle enough with his thrusting.

[K] As we had rehearsed this question, my answer was clear (and, of course, true): that before I’d let Mark bugger me he’d had a month of being taken by me with a strap-on. He soon appreciated when thrusts should be gentle and when more vigorous.

[B] Kay hadn’t told me what answer she was going to give, just the question to ask, so I was genuinely rather surprised. I couldn’t help but say that that’s such a fucking sexy idea, can we watch it now? (Presumably, after setting me up to ask, Kay had come prepared with one?)

[K] I explained that I didn’t normally go out to lunch with an emergency strap-on in my hand-bag, and that for a demo Paul would have to fuck Mark or be fucked by him, whichever way Bee thought the lesson would work best.

[B] Mark and Paul both started to answer but I shut them up. Mark clearly didn’t know whether he wanted it or not, so was easy to out shout, while Paul could see advantage in piping down. I said that if Mark was used to taking it that way he could give experienced advice to Paul on when to thrust and when to relax.

[K] I looked questioningly at Mark. I may have changed in several ways over the past 48 hours, but I love my husband and while I genuinely thought he’d want this I wasn’t going to brow-beat him into it. His voice said “anything for a quiet-life”; his body language said he wanted it up him as soon as possible.

[B] We had Olive Oil on the table for lunch, and Mark was, like all of us, already naked. KY would have been better, I’m sure, but I stood him up and gently lubed his back-side with what we had to hand. Kay told him she loved him, as she prepared him with one, then two and finally three fingers up his arse. Paul was slowly wanking himself in anticipation.

[K] It didn’t last long, but it was the most erotic thing I’ve seen: my husband being fucked by the boyfriend of the woman I was definitely falling in love with.

[B] Kay and I stood and held hands while they fucked. We didn’t frig ourselves or each other: we just stood transfixed at the scene. Man on man sex – between these two, at least – is raw: not gentle and loving. It’s just pure fucking.

[K] And that’s about all there is to say, really. Paul and Mark certainly never fell in love like Bee and I have, but frankly I’d be appalled if they did. Of a Saturday they often have a couple of raw animal fucks and then do something macho like watching a football match, while Bee and I spend a whole half day in bed and then wander round town shopping.

[B] I’ve never told Kay I sent her those swimsuits pretending to be Mark. Later in the week at Serignan we got bored of nudity – it just isn’t sexy – so she lent me one and we went posing down the clothed beach, regularly stopping for the sloppiest kisses we could get away with in public. Go look at Wicked Weasel suits, and imagine the two of us wearing them and snogging. Think how hot you would feel watching that scene in real life unfolding in front of you. That’s how she makes me feel whenever I see her, even bleary eyed, hung-over and with no makeup. I love her.