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Arabian sex – Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves



The very next morning, Kasim confronted his younger brother about his sudden wealth. Ali Baba did not want to reveal the secret of the magical cave where the thieves stored their treasure, but Kasim threatened to turn him in to the police if he did not provide an explanation. So he reluctantly told his brother everything. Kasim did not believe him, and insisted that Ali Baba show him the location of this cave.

So it was that the two of them set out into the hills. Around noontime, they arrived at the secluded canyon. Ali Baba uttered the magical phrase: “Seismic orgasm!” As before, the earth trembled and heaved. A large crack appeared in the cliff wall, releasing a torrent of water from inside.

Ali Baba stepped forward to enter the cave, but Kasim held him back. “I will go first, since I am older than you are, and I shall lay claim to whatever treasure I desire.”

And so Kasim entered the cavern, only to be hit on the head by a brick of gold. He toppled to the ground without a word, and Ali Baba was much surprised to see a young woman emerge from the shadows, still clutching her golden weapon and glaring at him with a threatening scowl. Her hair was dark and tangled, and she wore a yellow dress that was dirty and torn in many places.

“Stand aside and let me pass, or I shall smite you as well,” she said.

Ali Baba raised his hands and moved back. “I will do as you ask, for I wish you no harm. But tell me, how did you come to be in this place?”

Her scowl lessened somewhat. “I am the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and was abducted by a gang of foul thieves. They brought me here so that I would not be able to escape while they sent a ransom demand to my father. I thought that you were one of those thieves, but I can see now that I may have been mistaken.”

“Indeed, good lady. I observed the secret of this place two days ago, and sought to relieve the bandits of their treasure. That is my brother who lies crumpled upon the ground, and he now desires the treasure for himself. I will help you in any way that I can, if you will trust me.” A faint smile appeared on her lips. “I would be grateful for your help, for we are far from any town. But what of your brother?”

Kasim was just regaining consciousness as his brother went to him and explained what had happened. “We must escort her back to town at once, for she is in need of our assistance,” said Ali Baba.

Kasim glared at the woman. “Do as you wish, but I would just as soon leave her here.” With that, he went back inside the cave to collect some of the treasure.

“I apologize for my brother’s words,” said Ali Baba. “He is not a kind man.”

“But you are, and for that I thank you.” She smiled at him, and he felt his heart twinge.

“No, no, no,” he told himself. “She is a nobleman’s daughter, and her station in life is much higher than mine ever will be. I must not fall in love with her. I must not fall in love with her.”

He kept telling that to himself as they rode back toward town. But feeling her arms around him, feeling her head resting upon his back — he found it difficult to heed his own advice.


Kasim eagerly gathered as many valuables as he could, stuffing several sacks full of coins, gems and jewelry. After a while, the cave trembled again, and the entrance closed. Kasim began to panic, but then he remembered that he could open the cave again with a simple phrase.

“Sizeable origami!”

Nothing happened.

“Sinus orifice!”

Nothing happened.

“Open Sesame!”

Nothing happened.

Dammit! What was that stupid phrase??


“I am sorry for the squalor of my home,” said Ali Baba, escorting the merchant’s daughter inside. “I am a poor man, and my luxuries are few.”

“Compared to the cave from which you rescued me, this is a palace,” she said. “But I admit that I am quite hungry.”

“Then I will prepare a meal for you, good lady.”

“Thank you, good sir.” She smiled. “My name is Morgiana.”

“And I am Ali Baba.” He bowed. “Please, make yourself at home.”

While they were eating, there was a knock on the door. Kasim’s wife, Melina, entered the cottage and glared at Ali Baba. “Where is my husband?” she asked angrily. “And who is that?”

Ali Baba explained what had happened at the cave this morning, and that Kasim had decided to stay behind and gather more treasure.

“Then you must set out at once and find him,” said Melina. “I will not be at ease until I see him.” In truth, she was more worried that he was busy driving his cock into some pretty young woman at this very moment.

“I will go and find him,” said Ali Baba with a resigned sigh. “Will you be all right here, Morgiana?”

She nodded and smiled. “I will. Please be careful, Ali Baba. I do not want any harm to come to you.”


Ali Baba found his brother’s body parts strewn across the canyon floor. Judging by the fresh horse tracks, he guessed that the bandits had returned while Kasim was still inside the cave. They had slaughtered him, and left his remains here for the vultures to feed upon.

After a silent prayer of mourning, Ali Baba gathered his brother’s remains and returned to town. He went to Kasim’s mansion and conveyed the unhappy news to Melina in her lavish parlor. She was most distraught, and Ali Baba noticed that several of the slave girls were also greatly disturbed by the news of their master’s death.

“What am I to do now?” cried Melina. “My husband is dead, and I am alone in the world. What shall become of me?”

Ali Baba took pity upon the grieving widow, and sought to comfort her. “Fear not, my lady. By law, my brother’s wealth will now become mine, and I promise that you shall continue to live in comfort.”

“You are most kind,” she said, wiping away her false tears. “A noble man, just like your brother. Will you not stay and dine with me?”

“Alas, I cannot. I must return to Morgiana.”

A scowl flickered across Melina’s face, but she quickly banished it. “There is no need for that. I shall send a servant to bring her here.”

Ali Baba nodded. “Then I shall be happy to stay with you, and give you comfort during this bitter hour.”

Melina smiled. If things went according to plan, Ali Baba would be giving her much more than comfort tonight.


Ali Baba was not used to dining in luxury – and were it not for the death of his brother, he would have been very much pleased with his good fortune. Indeed, he occasionally found himself looking at the elegant dining hall and wondering if he might be dreaming.

For what dream could have contained such lovely women? Morgiana looked radiant in the dress that Melina had given her. Gone was the bedraggled prisoner from the cave. Now she looked like a princess, and Ali Baba felt as though he had been transformed into a prince.

And Melina… No painter in the kingdom could have done justice to her beauty. Her hair was a golden bouquet of curls, laced with silver sparkles. Her blue eyes dazzled him, and her smiles were enticing and mysterious – as if she knew some sort of secret that gave her great pleasure.

Morgiana eventually excused herself from the table, for she was weary from the day’s events and longed to sleep. That left Ali Baba all alone with Melina – which was exactly the way she wanted it.

“You will soon become used to wealth,” she said. “After a while, you may even find yourself taking it for granted.”

Ali Baba laughed. “You may be right, but I cannot imagine such a thing.”

“I assure you, it is true. This necklace, for instance…” Melina looked down at the ruby-studded heart that dangled below her neck. “A priceless jewel, one that Kasim gave to me when we were married. I have worn it for years, but I seldom remember that it is there.”

For some reason, Ali Baba found it difficult to understand what Melina was telling him. Perhaps it was the wine, or the surreal setting in which he found himself – but he felt as though his thoughts were growing foggy. He tried to focus on the ruby heart, but caught himself staring at her chest instead.

“No,” he told himself. “Do not look there. She is your brother’s wife.” He smiled and nodded politely, trying to look her in the eye as she explained the dangers of wealth. But while she talked, his gaze kept slipping downward. “It looks like she has nice, full breasts,” he mused. “It would be nice to see them, to place my hands upon them. No, no, no…that is not right. I must not think such thoughts. It is very wrong of me.”

“Is something wrong?” asked Melina, who knew very well what was happening to Ali Baba.

“I…no, nothing is wrong,” he said. “I was just…admiring…no, I must not say such things. Please…forgive me.”

She smiled happily. “There is nothing to forgive.” She stood up from her seat, noticing how his eyes followed her. “Come with me,” she said. “I want to show you something.”

Ali Baba could not help staring at her body as she led him upstairs. No matter how hard he tried, his eyes were irresistibly drawn to her swaying hips, and the appealing curves of her bottom, which her dress did little to conceal. He felt a wild, terrible urge to reach forward and touch her. It was madness, of course…how could he even think such a thing? But there was his hand, reaching out toward her, reaching for the secret lair of her womanhood. He longed to touch her there, to rub the place between her legs and coax the sexual juice from within her. To make her hot enough so that she would want to mate with him…that was what he wanted.

At the last minute, he forced his hand away from her dress. “Have I lost my mind? I cannot do this! She is my brother’s wife!” He had told that to himself before, but somehow it was not helping. His brother’s wife was terribly attractive, and his cock was swelling with desire.

At the top of the stairs, Melina turned and led him down a hall. There was a door at the end of it, which opened to reveal a lavish bedroom of crimson and gold. “This was your brother’s room,” she said, walking toward the large canopied bed. “I thought you might like to have it.” She raised her hands above her head, grabbing hold of the bedpost behind her. “In fact, I thought you might like to have me, as well.” She smiled seductively.

Ali Baba’s penis surged within his pants. “Melina…what…what are you saying?”

“I want you to be my new husband,” she said. “I want you to do all of the things that a husband does to a wife.”

He took a step closer toward her, then stopped. “But…Morgiana…”

“Forget about her. She is just a girl, whereas I am a woman. I know how to give you great pleasure – and once you taste that pleasure, no other woman will satisfy you.”

Ali Baba believed her, and he yearned to give in to the lust that was growing in his loins. But something felt wrong about all of this, and he closed his eyes to avoid looking at her. “It does not seem right to me. My brother…your husband…died just this morning.”

Melina frowned. This was proving to be more difficult than she had expected. The drug that she had slipped into his wine ought to have turned him into a lust-crazed animal by now, just as the narcotic she had given to Morgiana had forced the young girl to an early repose. But Ali Baba was still resisting her, obstinately clinging to his feelings for Morgiana and his respect for Kasim. Melina intended to crumple those sentiments once and for all, and the only way to do that was to incite his lust. Her frown turned into a wicked smile. She was going to enjoy corrupting him.

“You are right,” she said, walking toward him. “Kasim is gone, and now I have no one to share my life with.” She moved right in front of him and put her hands around his waist. “No one to share my bed with.” She pressed her body against his, smothering her firm breasts against his chest. “I need someone in my life…and in my bed.” Her cheek rubbed against his, while her hands moved up and down his back. “I need a cock,” she whispered, blowing hot breath into his ear. “I need something hot and hard, to fill up my pussy.” She licked his ear, making him shudder with pleasure. “Do you have something hot and hard that I could use for a while?”

It was too much for poor Ali Baba to bear. He grabbed hold of the neckline of her gown – and with a sudden, savage yank, he tore it straight down her middle. Melina gasped with delighted surprise as he savagely ripped the tattered fabric from her body. Her breasts came into view, and he immediately lowered his mouth to her rosy nipple and began to suck.

“Just like your brother,” she said, smiling as he noisily slurped away. She held his head to her breast and closed her eyes, savoring the sensation of having her tits suckled. “Yesssss…that’s it…suck me…suckle your new wife…”

It was not long before Melina was lying on the bed, watching with excited anticipation as Ali Baba tore away the rest of her dress and the panties that lay beneath. She helpfully spread her legs, allowing his face to get between her thighs. She grinned in triumph as he began to lick her groin, his tongue massaging the fleshy folds of her labia. “Kasim would have wanted you to take care of me,” she said. “So far, you are doing a very good job.”

As the minutes licked by, her soft sighs of pleasure gradually evolved into plaintive whimpers and desperate moans. His tongue was doing all sorts of wonderful things to her pussy – lapping, digging, swirling, poking. He was eating her like a hungry animal whose thirst could only be slaked by the creamy juices oozing from her excited twat. She was panting now, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she bucked her hips against his face with urgent desire. Sensing that her orgasm was near, his mouth suddenly latched onto her clitoris. She groaned deliriously as he began to suck the most sensitive spot on her body, his tongue wagging vigorously against her sweaty sex flesh.

She became a fountain of cum, howling madly as her body trembled and convulsed. Throughout the ecstatic chaos, Ali Baba kept right on licking her pussy, driving her wild with his persistent tongue. When it was over, she lay back on the bed with a dazed and contented smile.

But it was not over yet. She still needed to get Ali Baba inside her. She could not keep him doped up forever, and when the drug wore off, he might decide to marry Morgiana or some other woman. Melina needed a way to secure him as a husband – and what better way than to carry his child? She would get him to mate with her tonight, which happened to be her most fertile time of the month. Unlike Kasim, who had been impotent, Ali Baba would fill her womb with his impregnating cream, unwittingly binding himself to her for the rest of his life. She knew that Ali Baba was an honorable man, and that his morals would compel him to marry her.

With these thoughts in mind, Melina watched as Ali Baba removed his clothing. His penis seemed even larger than Kasim’s had been, though perhaps her opinion was skewed by desire. She smiled at him as he climbed on top of her, and she spread her legs again, inviting him to enter her sex.

His cock DID feel bigger, and she whimpered softly as he pushed it into her wet vagina. She continued to whimper as he began to slide in and out of her, settling into a slow mating rhythm. He rubbed his hands up and down her thighs as he screwed her with deep, slow strokes that made her moan.

“We should not…be doing this…” said Ali Baba, sinking his swollen dick into her juicy groin.

“Why not?” asked Melina, grunting as his rigid flesh wormed deep inside her, deliciously rubbing her inner walls.

“I might…get you…pregnant…” He groaned after that last word, momentarily distracted by the erotic sensation of yet another cock plunge.

“That would be…terrible…” She licked her lips as his sex snake slithered into her moist sex hole.

“Melina…we must not…allow that…to happen…” His cock left her pussy, only to delve right back in again.

“Then maybe…you should stop…fucking me.” She smiled lasciviously. “But you are not…going to stop…are you?” She moaned as his firm dick plunged deep inside her. “No…apparently not…” She rubbed her nipples with her fingertips as Ali Baba pumped her pussy. “You are going…to fuck me…until you come…” She stared up at him, watching his tormented expression with delight. “And then…you will be…a father…”

Her words should have filled Ali Baba with horror. He should have pulled his penis out of her groin and ended this obscene union. But he didn’t. Instead, he grabbed her slender waist and began to fuck her even harder. He could not help himself. He felt as though he had not masturbated in more than a week, and his cock had an insatiable itch to keep rubbing itself in and out of her hot, slippery vagina. Every thrust brought him closer and closer toward the inevitable climax that would send his semen into her womb. He knew that it was wrong…but he had to do it!

And Melina was not helping at all. With her breathless encouragements, she stoked the fire of his lust until it melted his reason. “Yessss…fuck me…oh, that feels sooooo good…go on, make me a mommy…” Every word made him want to drill her pussy harder, faster – and soon, the bed was shaking with the force of his urgent cock thrusts. Melina soon lost the power of speech, and all she could do was moan and gasp as he pounded her sopping pussy with his massive penis. The noises she made were every bit as erotic to Ali Baba as her words had been. She was a beautiful female, lost in the pleasure of having her sex repeatedly invaded by his swollen male organ. He just kept filling her up with his hard cock meat, savoring every whimper of agonized ecstasy that escaped her wide open mouth.

Then it was time for him to squirt his cream. It was the crucial moment, when he should have removed himself from her body – not sink his cock all the way inside her, as he was doing now. But it was too late. He could feel his dick erupting inside her, spewing wads of thick semen into her buttery vagina. Melina moaned happily as he pumped her full of cum, sending armies of sperm in search of her waiting egg. When he was done filling her up, he collapsed beside her with a satisfied groan.

In the quiet afterglow that followed, the lovers fondled each other and placed soft kisses here and there. Melina was fairly certain that his sperm had been successful, and that there would soon be new life growing within her belly. But just to make sure…

“Have some more wine,” she said, reaching for a nearby bottle.