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I love my car – Juices dripped down my shifter onto the boot



The idea of doing this bizarre and kinky act had never crossed my mind until I met Bob just a month ago. His delightfully perverted, prodigious mind provoked and aroused me in ways I never knew existed. He intrigued me and compelled me to step beyond even my broad, abnormal limits and to expand my thinking to compromise even more surreal activities. He is committed to helping me become a perfect slut.

My car has always represented my new freedom. It was the first thing I purchased following an unsavory divorce and I staunchly made the payments…keeping it and maintaining it for the past 10 years. My present husband looks out for the mechanicals, but I lovingly wash it, clean it and, despite his protests, pay for any and all maintenance. My little red 1996 Pontiac Sunfire represents my identity….my own oasis in a world where things are shared….a place where I’m surrounded by what is entirely my own. A place where I can be me.

I’m not sure how Bob first broached the subject but I remember him sending me a video. I was immediately captivated by the beautiful girl and her devilish act. I saved the video and have viewed it many, many times. At some point early on I remember saying to myself, “I can do that!” while thinking I WANT and NEED to do that. And so, with Bob’s help, my planning began.

It took a little doing as winter had just grabbed hold in New England. One day, though, in spite of the new fallen snow, I took a meaningful first step. After Ken, my husband, left for work, I poured myself a generous cup of hot black Dominican coffee and checked my outfit. I smiled as I reviewed my TOTALLY NUDE 5’3″ frame. My prominent nipples pointed straight and hard, which always happens when I`m sexually aroused. Bob had noticed that and had pointed it out after looking at pictures of me. My clit began to pulse at the contemplation of what I was about to do. Inside, I began to ache at the thought of the cold air on my nude body and the wet icy snow prickling my tender feet. I deliberated only briefly before padding down to my Pontiac wearing NOTHING, not even shoes. I shivered with the cold and anticipation, gulping my coffee quickly to try to stay warm as the engine began to heat up.

Soon I was driving around the back roads of a new development marveling at winter’s beauty, the cold no longer a factor as the sun streamed through the windshield and the heater working its magic. Before long I came to a cul-de-sac where a few new houses were being erected. The sites were deserted today due to the weather, but now I could stop the car and enjoy the serenity of being naked in a foreign place and behold nature’s beauty. I sat there for a long time before I began testing Bob’s idea.

My Pontiac is a stick shift model. I examined the gearshift knob….its shape, size and position. I felt its black hardness and slight movement of the shifter. I caressed the rubber saddle that concealed the long, thin lever. Each movement made me tingle and I knew that I would do it. But not today, as Bob`s idea needed one more key element to be successful.

Today I was only accessing my desire and ability. I spread my legs across the console and moved to my right gently, resting my asscheeks on the gray plastic that separated the two seats. I tweaked my already hardened nipples and took one last glance around to be sure I was alone before sliding forward. My clit made contact with the hard knob and the shock shook my loins. Quickly I moved forward and began to rotate, slide and move over the now slick shift knob. I rubbed it against, over and around my labia sliding down to grind my clit against it in perfect agony. It took all of my will power to stop from enveloping its sweet hardness, instead grinding and writhing over it again and again. It took seemingly only seconds before I erupted in sweet orgasmic bliss. It was incredible! My clit exploded with pure pleasure.

The quick ride home was punctuated by the slick feel of the shifter in my hand. Pleased with myself, I told Bob what I had done and he was thrilled. I had driven around naked in public with no clothes available to me and it excited me beyond words. Bob was extremely proud of me, so we quickly formulated the next phase of my training. The day was to be Friday, just 3 days from now. I had selected the parking garage at the train station as the perfect environment for my first real test. However, it wasn’t meant to be. The weather was brutally cold on Friday….too cold to be in a sheltered concrete garage. On top of that, my work schedule changed when some salesmen’s laptops needing updating. Regrettably my education was put on hold.

Then Fate interceded. Monday proved unseasonably warm and my dentist called, saying they had a cancellation and could I come in that afternoon for my routine cleaning. I leapt at the chance, picturing the train station just a few blocks away. I had already chosen my outfit, a short green “A” line dress. I would wear nothing underneath as Bob requested. A bigger surprise awaited me when I arrived at the dentist’s office.

His office is located at the crossroads of two very busy main two-lane roads in a small city in northeast Massachusetts. To say it’s in a strip mall is to be generous. His office occupies a corner of a small group of eight stores in the complex. The front of the buildings parallel the intersection and the small parking lot comprises the middle section between the stores and the highways, thus the store fronts and entire parking area is visible from the roads. To my delight, the two largest stores — a former real estate office and a political campaign office — were abandoned. Instantly my head began to spin as I took the short walk across the lot to my dentist’s office from the upper corner where I parked facing the now defunct real estate office.

I noticed my inflamed nipples poking out, begging for release as I lay back in the chair. I kept my legs separated as Bob requested, my thighs clearly visible beneath the short hem with the loose skirt falling demurely between my ivory legs. Underneath the hem, my pussy practically percolated at the thought of what was to come! I was literally light headed in anticipation as I hurried from the office. The sun had warmed the car perfectly as I had hoped but I started it to warm it further as I re-surveyed the area.

I had parked the car facing the office, the width of two cars and the sidewalk from the main road. Behind the car were the two lanes for the entrance and exit from the lot, then one other row for parking and finally, another sidewalk leading to the other crossroad. A car was parked to my left but it had been there when I came in so I surmised it was someone that worked in the few remaining businesses. As I tore off my shoes, turned and threw them in the backseat, I had a clear view across the parking lot, and the intersections. Traffic was picking up in the late afternoon but I figured most drivers would be concentrating on the stop lights and the other cars; not on some broad in a little car.

Still, I had to work up the courage. My hand found its way under my dress and soon I was rubbing my clitoris and fingering my pussy. I stopped briefly to adjust the seats so they were both equal front to back. I checked the shifter again. “Yes,” I confirmed. “Fourth gear was correct.” Reverse pushed it too far to the passenger side and second too far to the driver side. I released the emergency brake as that would be in the way. That made me nervous but I confirmed that the movement of the lever was sufficient and that the car would stay in gear.

My heart beat loudly as I twisted around in the seat, putting my left knee on the passenger seat and my right knee on the driver’s side, now facing rearward with my back to the stores. I lifted my dress only slightly while I got in position. I stopped when I felt the hard plastic knob contact my sensitive skin. I was panting hard and forced myself to control my breathing as I took one last survey of the grounds. “Yes, I can do this,” I told myself.

The hem of my dress silently rose over my smoothly shaved pussy, then higher…revealing my abdomen. Then still higher, until my belly button was uncovered. Using my right arm, just as the girl had done in the movie, I held up my dress and began to move my damp slit onto the gear shift knob. In no time, I felt my juices gush negating the need for lubricant that was in the console as a precaution. As the knob began to part my lips and spread my vagina open, my excitement increased dramatically. It was agonizingly slow and I pushed down hard and felt my vaginal walls subside and the thick bulge exploded into my cunt causing me to shout out in amazing delight and surprise. I couldn’t remember being this turned on!

Catching my breath, I looked around. Nothing had changed. I then began to lower myself on the prominent rigid handle. The feeling was explosive. The knob did not give but instead pushed its way up my vaginal walls, causing them to contract in waves at the intrusion. The knob remained, large round and solid, a ball of dense plastic invading my cunt. The incredible feeling was heightened by the sights and sounds of cars stopping and driving around the intersection. A glance to my left revealed a line of cars stopped at the red light just 30 feet from me. I began to ride on my haunches faster and faster, feeling the head go deeper until my cuntlips felt the coarse leather cover. This further incensed me and I now began to steadily FUCK MY CAR!!! I felt my lips distend as I rose up and curl back as I sank. Time and time again I rode my car up and down, the whole time my cunt exposed to unsuspecting vehicles and passers-by.

“YESSSS!!!” I was screaming silently. “I’M FUCKING MY CAR!! I’M FUCKING MY CAR AND I LOVE IT!!!”

I twisted a bit, feeling the shift lever move slightly under my weight. I guided the lever up and down, in and out, around and around. I was in slut heaven!! Finally, I could take no more. When my left hand found my clit, I came in thick heavy waves. I fell back, forcing the intruder even deeper into me, causing me to cum even harder. I almost passed out from the force of my orgasm. Bob was right….he had told me I would have the most mind-blowing orgasms ever if I would follow his instructions. My mouth was dry and my mind was spinning from the powerful fuck I just experienced.

My dress fell from my hand. I stayed impaled on my beloved car for a long time as I began to wind down and wonder if anyone had any idea what I had done. I rocked back and forth, keeping the knob deep inside my cunt, loving the nasty act I had just performed.

Finally I climbed off. I could tell my cunt was gaping open and a little sore. Juices dripped down my shifter onto the boot. I remembered what Bob had said and I twisted down to lap a little of the sweet cunt nectar from the boot and the lever into my mouth. I smiled wickedly as I swallowed it.

For the remainder of the ride home, my dress was hiked above my belly button, tucked neatly behind my seat belt. My shoes stayed in the back seat. As I drove, I dreamed of doing this again and again and again. I vowed that soon I would do it completely naked. I touched myself quietly, thinking of this as my sticky hand shifted gears.

Now when I say, “I love my car,” it takes on an entirely different meaning.