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Bearded Man, Bearded Lady



Deanna Troi had a fetish for bearded men.

Ever since she had been a girl on Betazed, she had felt a warm buzz between her legs whenever she saw a man with a beard. Not that there were many men with beards on Betazed — beards seemed to be a Human thing, and even on Terra beards were out of style.

The rarity and exoticism made each encounter with a bearded man more special.

The kind of beard she preferred was a corona of whiskers — not too short and not too long — which surrounded the mouth and almost covered the mouth, so that the smooth skin of the lips only barely peeked out, pink or red or rose.

Betazoid children were encouraged to explore their sexuality and not repress it. Deanna imagined how those bearded lips would feel against her; not against her face and chin where they would tickle, but against her nipples and thighs and against her sex. The image in her mind of a bearded man sucking at her juicy labia, scraping his teeth along the outer folds and poking his tongue as far as it would go inside her, then sucking and hipping her clit while his beard dripped with her cum, was one of her favorite fantasies. She could get hot so quickly just thinking about it, and it would fuel her masturbatory pleasure for hours.

Had she been of an analytical bent, she might have considered how a the mouth of a bearded man resembled her own pussy, wiry, curly hairs surrounding wet lips and a steamy interior, the hairy, hard chin like her hairy mons. But it never occurred to her, for to hold the head of a bearded man tight between her thighs was so much better than holding the sex of a woman there. That clever tongue, pleasuring her heated folds, and those teeth. If she had known of the legend of vagina dentata, she might have understood.

But Betazoids are not interested in understanding their fantasies, only in pursuing their pleasures to the exquisite end.

Deanna was 17, on holiday in Elmekia, a resort on the Karpashian coast, when she came across the bearded man of her dreams.

He was alone. A trim man, whose mostly-bare body was lightly tanned. He wore only swim trunks and sun glasses, showing off his unostentatious fitness and hairy chest. He had a salt-and-pepper beard, trimmed to just the right length. In a flash of vision Deanna knew she wanted him, now.

He reminded her of her professors. She had sashayed over to where he lay sunbathing, and he had smiled and removed his sunglasses. They had spoken a bit and he was quite cultured. He spoke with a foreign accent, was undoubtedly human, with his narrow pupils and brilliant blue irises, and Troi felt the thrumming of her blood intensify with each carefully chosen word that escaped his lips.

Deanna was not new to the arts of seduction. She gazed at him attentively, sidling closer, eventually laying her hand on his thigh. She turned the conversation towards the natural wonders of Betazed, knowing that he was willing and growing more so by the second, but also aware that humans sometimes bolted when offered the sort of frank proposition that Betazoids preferred.

As soon as she judged that the moment was right, she stroked a hand down his side. “I find you very attractive,” she said in a throaty voice. He did not resist. “I know a place we can go,” she said. He followed her.

“Isn’t this a bit out in the open?” he said when she stopped at a natural depression, a few hundred meters from the beach.

“There is nowhere on Betazed that is truly secluded,” she told him. “Here we will not be disturbed.”

He shrugged and then grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her. She allowed it for a moment, before pushing him away, laughing.

“That’s not exactly what I had in mind,” she said. He looked dejected. She squared her shoulders. “I want you to suck pussy,” she said. His eager reaction told her that she had made the right choice.

He removed her skimpy one-piece garment quickly, dropped to his knees before her and buried his head in her crotch. He reached up with one hand and began massaging her breast while his other hand groped the globes of her perfectly rounded ass, pressing her towards him. He greedily slurped at her dripping juices, causing her to gush more. The friction of his beard against her pubic hair turned her on like nothing before. Soon she couldn’t stand anymore, so he laid her down on her back on the sand, never pausing in his lingual assault.

He had a rough and muscular tongue. He teased around her opening she was moaning with pleasure, and when he thrust his tongue into her she cried “More! More!” Then he scraped his tongue along her vulva up and down before settling his mouth around her clit and sucking hard, just like in her fantasies. When she felt his teeth graze the clitoral hood every muscle in her went rigid and she came.

Hastily he discarded his shorts and mounted her. With on hand on his dick he pushed himself into her. She was surprised by the girth and length of his hard cock. He pumped into her vigorously and she arched back in ecstacy. He cupped his hands under her ass and angled her body for his maximum pleasure, giving two long strokes before cumming like an unstopped hose, unleashing gout after gout.

Troi tweaked her erect and throbbing nipples with one hand and pulled at the skin of her mons with the other, stimulating her clit. As the last jets of come spurted into her, she came with an anguished moan and collapsed, spent, onto the sand.