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The Golden Awakening by Little Miss Blair



Bonnie and Michelle met the first day of Secretarial School. They ate lunch together the first day and found they had a lot in common. Movies, boys, music, boys, books, boys..

Bonnie was telling Michelle she couldn’t find an apartment she could afford. Michelle couldn’t believe it. She had an apartment she couldn’t afford and was thinking of moving out.

“How does $200 a month each and we can live together sound,” Michelle said. Bonnie was ecstatic. Her dilemma had been distracting her and now her problem was solved.

Bonnie moved in that night. They both realized they would be giving up some privacy because Michelle’s apartment only had one bedroom and one bed. At least it was a queen size, Bonnie mused. She had never slept with a roommate before but what could it hurt.

Michelle had another slight problem she had to share with Bonnie. She should have told her before she moved in, she thought.

“Bonnie, Michelle said. I have one more thing to tell you. You may want to pack and leave after I tell you but its only fair that you know.”

“What’s that, Bonnie asked curiously. How bad can it be.”

“Well I have to set my alarm clock for 2:30 every night to get up and pee. If I don’t I almost alway wet the bed.

Bonnie laughed. “Is that all. That’s not a problem. I probably won’t even hear it that time of the night. I’m a pretty sound sleeper. They both giggled as they hauled the last of Bonnie’s clothes from her car.

It was their 7th night together as roommates. They had ordered a pizza and had a few beers.. Michelle’s alarm went off but she didn’t hear it.

Bonnie awoke with a strange odor coming from under the covers. She turned in the bed and felt the warm wetness squishing her leg. She lifted the covers and smelled the strong aroma of piss. She didn’t know why but it overwhelmed her. She saw Michelle’s firm, round ass cheeks and her panties glued to the crack of her ass from the wetness. Before Bonnie’s fingers could even reach her pussy she came.


Bonnie moaned as the orgasm swept over her. God, what came over me, she wondered. That’s never happened to me before.

Suddenly Michelle woke up. She knew immediately what she had done. She turned to Michelle in total embarrassment.

“I’m soooo sorry Bonnie, Michelle cried. I’m so ashamed of myself.”

“Hey, don’t be, Bonnie said. Don’t worry about it.”

They got up and changed the sheets. Michelle had taken the precaution long ago to put a rubber covering over her mattress so she wouldn’t ever leave any permanent odor or stains.

A couple days go by and Bonnie can’t that morning out of her mind. The aroma, the feeling of the warm urine soaking her t-shirt and legs. Not to mention the sight of Michelle’s round, little ass cheeks sucking those piss soaked cotton panties up into her crack.

That night, after Michelle fell asleep, Bonnie turned the alarm clock off. She laid in bed awake all night waiting.

Suddenly, without warning, she felt the warm piss soaking her leg. The piss was coming in a stream, splashing over Bonnie’s panties and shirt. She began to cum immediately. Her body was racked with orgasms. She was fingering her pussy vigorously, not wanting this to ever stop. When the last orgasm subsided she fell into a deep sleep.

“I don’t understand why the alarm clock was turned off, she heard Michelle mumble. I’m sure I turned it on.”

“You turned something on alright, Bonnie hissed. It was me.”

Bonnie grabbed Michelle and pulled her on top of her. “Do you have to piss right now,” Bonnie whispered.

“Yes, Michelle answered. I’m going to go to the bathroom.

“Piss now, Bonnie ordered. The sheets are already soaked. Piss now!!!”

Bonnie felt the the gush hit her pussy. She went out of her mind as an intense orgasm exploded between her legs. She never felt anything so depraved and delicious. She felt another orgasm welling up inside her. “God damnnnnnnnnn URGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” as her body shook relentlessly, cum flowing from her pussy in waves of pleasure.

Michelle, caught up in Bonnie’s depravity, began thrusting her pussy into Michelle’s cunt. She felt her swollen clit assaulting Bonnie’s pussy and an orgasm began welling up into her cunt.

“I’MMM CUUMMMMMMIIIINNNGGGGG.” she screamed. They both smelled the aroma from the mixed fluids streaming from their dripping holes.

Michelle laid on top of Bonnie for a long time without moving.

Bonnie broke the silence. “I can’t get enough of this Michelle, she whispered. I want your piss on my tits, my pussy and even in my mouth. If you think I’m horrible just tell me and I’ll move out.

She got her answer when Michelle reached over, picked up the alarm clock, and forcefully smashed it on the floor.