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The Subway Ride (M+f, reluct, public, almost flash)



Jacquie was, as usual reading as she rode the crowded subway. Holding onto the support that dangled from the roof of the car with her left hand, and with her book in her right hand Jacquie was concentrating on not noticing the crowed of humanity around her. When the hand touched her, she didn’t give it too much thought, she moved away as an automatic response. As she moved away from the offending hand, Jacquie bumped into another person who leaned toward her, forcing her back to where she had been when she felt the hand. All of this happened without Jacquie taking her eyes from the paperback book in her hand. The second time the hand touched, and distinctly caressed, her fanny Jacquie looked up from her reading prepared to say something to the pervert who was groping her and move to another part of the car.

“Shhh,” a man said as Jacquie looked up into his face. Jacquie found it very uncomfortable to find a strange man standing so close to her. As she lowered her book the man took a step closer. Jacquie’s breasts were almost touching the man’s chest.

“Don’t say a word,” he said softly as he reached up and placed his hand over hers on the overhead handhold.


“Shhh,” the man said again, Jacquie felt a sharp point pressing against her belly, “be quite and you won’t be hurt.” Jacquie looked down and saw the point of a switchblade pushing against her stomach. She gasped involuntarily when she felt the back of her skirt raised, and the man standing behind her slip both of his hands inside the top of her panties. She swallowed several times as his hands massaged her butt cheeks.

“No, oh god no,” Jacquie whispered as the men on each side of her slipped a hand under her blouse and, working in unison, pulled her bra up off her breasts. They then began to pinch and twist her nipples.

“Shhh,” the man standing in front of Jacquie reminded her. She could no longer feel the knifepoint against her skin, but was sure it was close by. Still holding her hand to the handhold over her head, the man facing Jacquie lifted the front of her skirt and, with the help of the man behind her, slipped her panties halfway down her trembling thighs. Although tears rolled down Jacquie’s cheeks, and her face burned with humiliation and impotent rage, her body spasmed, and she felt a bolt of pleasure, like white heat, course through her when, as he searched for the opening to her pussy, the man’s finger moved over her clitoris. As his fingers began to push into her cunt, Jacquie looked around, searching for someone to help her. Only then did Jacquie realize how thoroughly trapped she was by these men. In addition to the four men, one on each side fondling her breasts, one in front forcing a finger into her, and the one behind her caressing her fanny, there was another group of men encircling the five of them. This outer ring blocked the view of onlookers and kept anyone else from interfering with Jacquie’s public ravishing.

“Shhh,” the man warned once again as his finger sank deep into Jacquie. Maybe all they’ll do is finger me, Jacquie thought as she felt her panties being cut away. Oh god they couldn’t do more than that on the subway, they couldn’t. Releasing her abused nipples, the man on each side of Jacquie slipped an arm around her waist to support her. Then, slipping their other hands between her legs, they pulled Jacquie’s legs up and apart.

Jacquie felt, more than heard the trousers of the man in front of her being unzipped. With the man behind her supporting her butt, Jacquie felt the head of the man she was facing’s hard cock press against her pussy lips.

“No,” she whispered, not daring to speak loud enough to be heard above the general roar of steel wheels on the steel tracks, electric motors and the conversations of her fellow subway passengers, “oh god please don’t.”

“Shhh,” he said again, as he brushed hair out of Jacquie’s eyes with a gesture that would be interpreted by anyone viewing it to be an act of gentle concern from a loving friend. As the train jerked, preparing to stop at a station, the man slipped his hard cock completely into Jacquie. Jacquie moaned, almost too loudly as an unexpected wave of orgasmic pleasure accompanied the penetration. The men held Jacquie impaled motionless on the invading cock while passengers came and went around them. Jacquie’s body began to tremble with expectation as she enjoyed that particular feeling of fullness and completeness that only a hard cock inside a wet cunt can provide. It was a feeling that Jacquie had not experienced in the months since she had broken up with her boyfriend. It was a feeling that neither fingers, nor vibrators could counterfeit, and only now, after this rapist had forced himself inside her, did Jacquie realize how much she missed it.

As the train moved out of the station the cock inside her began to move in time with the swaying and jerking of the car. Jacquie pulled her hand down from the handhold and cupped it over her mouth. No longer afraid of the knife, Jacquie did not want to attract the attention of the other people in the car with what threatened to be very loud screams of orgasmic fulfillment.