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Discworld Dorm Drama with pussy shaft



Two weeks before Soul Music:

Susan, Duchess of Sto Helit, lay in her bed at the Quirm College For Young Ladies. She couldn’t sleep. Part of the reason for this was a strange noise. It sounded a lot like a grindstone.

A grindstone. Now why did that generate such strange images in her mind? Of a figure in a black robe, sharpening… a scythe?

The image faded and she quietly squinted in the faint moonlight, to see where the grindstone noise was coming from. In the bed next to her was Princess Jade, the school’s only troll. She stared. The noise was coming from the huge length of sandstone the rocklike girl was slamming between her large, grey thighs. Her huge boulders bounced in rhythm, looking remarkably mallable for a silicaceous being. A faint trickle of quicksand came from one of the nipples[1].

As Susan watched, she became aware that the bed beyond Jade’s, that of Gloria Thogsdaugher, was empty. Looking up to Jades head for the first time, she saw the dwarfish lass sitting on Jade’s face, dressed only in a gold chainmail vest, her beard, usually neatly bowed, in disarray and her face flushed beneath it.

Susan couldn’t believe it! She was certainly aware such things happened- the world has few secrets from a teenage girl who can blend totally into the foreground. And she knew Gloria’s family were very liberal by dwarf standards, as evidenced by her presence here in the first place, not to mention her name, but even still[2]… As Gloria began moaning, Susan felt herself getting hot. She reached beneath her sensible black nightgown…

Just then there was a faint sound from Lady Sara Grateful, one of the most annoying and snobby girls in the school. Evidently the noise of Jade and Gloria’s lovemaking was beginning to penetrate (Susan’s birthmark flared at the unintended pun) her sleep. Susan hoped as hard as she could that the girl would not wake up. Although, based on current evidence, she wasn’t sure if she’d be surprised if Sara had joined in! The thought of joining in directed her attention back to her pussy. Lady Sara seemed to have gone back to sleep.

In fact, although she would never realise it, Susan had used the powers inherited from her grandfather to freeze time for everyone except herself and the lesbian[3] duo. If she had looked at the other girls she might have noticed how still they were. But she wasn’t.

She was, however, a bit surprised that no-one noticed the noise Gloira made when she climaxed. Her dwarfish war-cry echoed around the room, as she threw back her head and thrust her chest out. Susan was fascinated at how big the girl’s breasts, proportianate to her size. Up till now she had only seen Gloria in the multiple layers all dwarfs wear, topped off with the deliberately unflattering school uniform. She also noticed that the dwarf’s body seemed very smooth; she’d somehow assumed that a girl with a foot long beard would be hairy all over, but no. There was just a thick blonde thatch over her pussy, which, when she leant forward to tease Jade’s huge magma glands, almost disappeared into the beard.

“You liked that, didn’t you?” rumbled Jade. “Do me now?”

“Actually,” grinned Gloria, “I think we might have another volunteer.”

That was when Susan realised she’d been noticed. It hadn’t even occured to her to do her disappearing trick. Jade noticed her lover’s speculative look, and gave Susan a slow sultry smile, her diamond teeth flashing in the moonlight.

“What do you say?” asked the dwarf girl, her eyes sparkling. “Fancy getting your tongue round a carbonate clitoris?” Susan nodded. Her stupid birthmark glowed in embarrassement again. “Yes, sure, why not?” she said, as steadily as she could.

Jade’s huge hands gently pulled Susan’s head between her legs. The geothermal heat escaping from the mossy fissure was intense. Nonetheless she placed her untested tongue as far down as it would go.

The inside of the trollopy troll tasted like the smell of damp caves. As she worked her way deeper she noticed a slight coppery tang.

“That’s it!” shouted Jade. “Yes! Ohh, Chondrodite[5], yeah!”

Meanwhile Gloria, watching her two best friends going at it, had been pleasuring herself with her axe handle. Now, as Susan got further into the recesses of Jade’s geology, she noticed the human girl’s ass wriggling in the air. Deftly she lifted Susan’s nightgown, revealing a fine young bottom and a tight pussy, lightly dusted in pure white hair, with a single streak of black. “Mmm!” she murmured.

Susan suddenly felt something tickling her pussy. Straining to see without stopping what she was doing, she realised it was Gloria’s beard, just as the young dwarf began using the axe shaft. “Oh, mmy!” gasped Susan.

“Don’t stop!” yelled Jade, with one hand making her gniessic cleavage bounce like continental drift gone mad, while the other reached for Gloria. The dwarf could almost sit in the troll’s hand, and was quite happy to try it. “Oh, oh, yeah!” she moaned, never letting the rhythm of the axe-shaft break as it, well, shafted Susan.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” screamed Jade, and Gloria was just fast enough to get Susan out of the way of the torrent of molten lava that gushed from the troll’s pussy. Getting her in a flying tackle, they kissed passionately, as they collapsed on the floor, triggering their own climaxes.

“Two to us, but only one to her.” Gloria murmered to Jade, getting back into her own bed.

Susan smiled. “Let’s see if we can even the score tomorrow night.”