category: Erotica

Relentlessly, the vibrators and clit tickler pummeled at her


Eva watched her parents’ car disappear as it turned the corner. She stepped away from the window and drew the blinds, blocking out the sunlight. Her parents had just left on a weekend getaway to northern Minnesota, leaving her home alone for the next two days. It had taken some pleading because her parents were understandably reluctant about leaving their …

THE BOSS’S SLUT – Bitches In Heat


It was clear to me just how much Mr. and Mrs. Woodburn discussed things related to me the very next weekend when I was once again invited to share an intimate weekend with them at their estate.I arrived well after Mr. Woodburn, wanting to finish up some office issues so the weekend could be relaxing. Arriving by taxi, I …

Boarding Pass


Currents of people flowed around him, unhindered, unchallenged. Bumped and nudged, wanting to push the whole murmuring lot aside, Tim bitterly held his ground, stretching on his toes to peer over the bobbing heads. He’d lost Adrienne again. He grimaced and dug through his pockets as instructed. The airport was a portrait of bustle and rush, and he was stuck. …

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