category: Erotica

The Spanking Agency part


Thirty-two Winchester Road sat just off the main bypass heading into the West End of London where small businesses and retailers of all shapes and sizes went about their trade. Today was the 20th of November and a steady drizzle fell from leaden skies as the huddled masses of the grand old city went about their daily routines.Inside number …

Sex A’ La Potato


It was in the early 70’s when I first met my wife. I saw her running down the beach that ran in front of my recently remodeled home. She was lean and supple in her string bikini. That first night, after she accepted my offer to have dinner, we made passionate love. She was a sexual maniac.She stood in …

A Warm Summer Day


I was strolling near the water in the park on a warm, breezy summer day. My mind wandered as I looked at the beautiful setting that surrounded me. Most folks were stuck at work, so there weren’t very many people out. I wanted to enjoy my free day.In the distance she immediately caught my eye. Her colorful sundress sparkled …

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